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  1. Hidden In Him

    Should Trump Step Down?

    If the following were true: I am going to present what I believe actually has taken place in the 2020 Election, but this is not intended as a debate over whether it has or not. The debate is over what you think a President should do IF this is what happened; i.e. what should ANY sitting...
  2. Hidden In Him

    The Pennsylvania Prophecies

    The Pennsylvania Legislature has just granted a hearing on the validity of the Presidential election held in their State, which may well be the start of the prophecies concerning Philadelphia being fulfilled. Some of the testimonies provided (there were apparently numerous witnesses who...
  3. Rapture and End Times

    Breaking: America Under Attack Again

    America’s way of life is under attack by massive election fraud. This is as serious as the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11. If this stands, it will end of our centuries-old system of government. The battle for the future of America—and with it, the rest of the world—is now coming to a head...
  4. Rapture and End Times

    Breaking: America Under Attack Again

    America’s way of life is under attack by massive election fraud. This is as serious as the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11. If this stands, it will end of our centuries-old system of government. The battle for the future of America—and with it, the rest of the world—is now coming to a head...
  5. Behold

    Election Fail

    Ok. The USA now has a problem. You'll recall that the Biden fan club has been taking over cities, burning parts of them, and trying to blame it all on the Police. Remember that continuing fiasco. ??? Remember Nancy Pelosi encouraging them to do it? That really happened. Well, with the USA...
  6. Hidden In Him

    God's Heart For Trump

    Just watched this, and it confirms some things the Lord has spoken to me before: 1. Trump is in spiritual danger. I have not published certain things because they insinuate he could be overcome by very powerful witchcraft and an evil spirit take him over. The message in this video states...
  7. Josho

    Trump no longer a Presbyterian, now Non-denominational

    Trump, once Presbyterian, now says he’s a ‘nondenominational Christian’ Washington • In an exclusive interview with Religion News Service, President Donald Trump said in a written statement that he no longer identifies as a Presbyterian and now sees himself as a nondenominational Christian...
  8. Behold

    Biden has to pay to play.

    The dividing line is... What is morality, and does it exist? This is very much like someone who once said to Jesus The Christ..>"what is truth". Same mindset. Same carnal secular godless point of view. What is the mindset? Well.... The rule is, if everybody is doing it, then it must be ok. The...
  9. Illuminator

    End Time Morality

    Americans can't get in to Canada so they can kill their own unborn children, Canadians can't get into the U.S. to deliver cheaper prescription drugs to their family and loved ones. TheWall is well established, erected by both sides. Thought provoking resources: "Science can purify religion...
  10. Hidden In Him

    Trump And Positive Thinking

    Watched something I found very revealing about Trump a week ago. The interview itself is a little brutal in its criticism of him, coming from his niece Mary. But her mention of the father being an adherent of Normal Vincent Peale explains boatloads about how he addresses virtually every issue...
  11. D

    "Do not Look Upon HIS neck chain"

    I am Unsure where to Post this, but since it has prophetic implications I will post it here. The Words of this title were audibly spoken to me By The LORD, They were spoken in the language of my ancestry, (I am a first generation American) and were Spoke twice, so that I understood them. The...
  12. Rapture and End Times

    Another Trump Triumph: In Landslide Victory President Donald Trump Re-Elected!

    Christian prophets have foreseen a Trump re-election victory. President Trump goes from one major accomplishment to another. Why is there such a concerted effort to destroy the Trump administration? Another Trump Triumph: In Landslide Victory President Donald Trump Re-Elected!
  13. Hidden In Him

    The Voter Fraud Is Coming

    Just received this a half hour ago, and if it's true then we can rest assured voter fraud is coming, and on a massive scale. The following dream was sent to me, and suggests that the online advertisements, at least much of it anyway, that have been going out asking Christians who they will vote...
  14. Hidden In Him

    Christian Women's Poll: Please Vote

    I'm curious how our female Christian membership here would vote if they knew their vote was confidential. I have my reasons for looking into this question, but keep in mind that your votes will be anonymous, and cannot be viewed by anyone. You can vote without posting on this thread, in order...
  15. Behold

    Focus Help

    - I wanted to talk to you about the Devil, he operates. Now, ive just written a Thread about the Mary Cult, that is his prized religious work...this religious deception. But in this Thread, lets talk about what He tries to do to the born again, everyday. Lets talk about...
  16. Hidden In Him

    A Warning About The 2020 Election

    The reasons will become apparent. The following dream was presented to me in full within the last few days, and if true, it suggests a lot of things now hang in the balance if we do not pray for our duly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump. The Dream: I was in a very nice...
  17. Hidden In Him

    Warning: Pray For President Trump

    Note to the reader: This has been retitled under the following thread. Please post there instead: A Warning About The 2020 Election The reasons will become apparent. The following was presented to me in full within the last few days, and I believe a lot now hangs in the balance if we do not...
  18. APAK

    A Sane Rant: So what gives with this so-called invisible Virus war?

    So what do we know and don’t know about this invisible war we are waging, against unknown persons or groups that now have introduced microscopic elements or products as their new form of terror and destruction upon all earth-dwellers? I have already discounted that these are just natural...
  19. Hidden In Him

    Buttigieg: A Frightening Presidential Candidate

    As many are probably aware, the Democrats have a host of very poor candidates lined up for the 2020 Presidential election in the United States; old, tired insiders who will excite no one, and who will likely be soundly defeated by Trump in his quest for a second term. But they have one...
  20. Hidden In Him

    A Witch Hunt Exposed?

    22 months of investigation, dozens of witnesses subpoenaed, several given prison terms, 24 hour round-the-clock reporting on the obvious criminality of the President, and after all that bluster Mueller has now just admitted he found no evidence of Trump's collision with Russia... Not wanting...