2 Months and 1/2 Are Left Until the Two Witnesses of Revelation Appear

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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Arrogance is the hallmark of the Pre-tribbers, as they try to encourage others to save their lives instead of being the true witness of Christ. Christ did warn us that those who try to save their lives will lose their life because He will tell them that He never knew them, even though they may be doing signs and wonders in His Name.
That would be YOU GUYS, the only people I know in the whole world who seem define their whole Christian Testimony around everyone being wrong but them. You are wrong, but whenever I see it I igniore it and tell the people the facts, When you guys sees us tell the facts you have to butt in and tell us how wrong and arrogant we are, EVERY TIME, LOL. Psstt, I will not trust anything about Eschatology from a person who can't even get the simple Pre Trib Rapture correct.

So, whilst I am explaining Dan. 11 in full and the Book of Revelation in full, you are stuck on the Pre Trib Rapture being wrong, when it can not possibly be wrong. Then you have the gall to call anyone who disagrees with you Arrogant, lol.......TOO FUNNY.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
That would be YOU GUYS, the only people I know in the whole world who seem define their whole Christian Testimony around everyone being wrong but them. You are wrong, but whenever I see it I igniore it and tell the people the facts, When you guys sees us tell the facts you have to butt in and tell us how wrong and arrogant we are, EVERY TIME, LOL. Psstt, I will not trust anything about Eschatology from a person who can't even get the simple Pre Trib Rapture correct.

So, whilst I am explaining Dan. 11 in full and the Book of Revelation in full, you are stuck on the Pre Trib Rapture being wrong, when it can not possibly be wrong. Then you have the gall to call anyone who disagrees with you Arrogant, lol.......TOO FUNNY.

I noticed that you only copied one small section of my previous post. You condemned my previous post on just one paragraph from my post.

It seems that your complaint against me is that I am the one being arrogant in that I believe that I am right but your post suggests that is what you also believe that you are the only one who is right w.r.t. to the P/T theology.

Oh well, you have hung your theological understanding on a few verses while the rest of the scriptures do not support what you claim.

Oh well, Have a Good Day now.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Our witness-wanna-be has gone silent.

The two witnesses of Revelation have not appeared yet to the world, although by now they must have been anointed. When Yeshua was first anointed, he did a 40 day fast, therefore he also did not become known to the general public immediately. It took some time, and then gradually he became known to the general public. So in likewise it is with the two witnesses. It will take some time for them to become known to the world in the coming weeks and days and weeks and months and years. This should not come as a surprise. We are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua. In the meantime I am finishing my house and making my final preparations, before the world begins to decline severely starting this year. And already there are warning signs throughout the world, indicating we are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years. The decline of the world will happen very quickly.

What totally surprised him, he now writes -"should not come as a surprise."

He now gives himself a few extra days, weeks, and months. I mean..... of course he does. But we have here a witness that sees nothing and has nothing to report.


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Our witness-wanna-be has gone silent.

The two witnesses of Revelation have not appeared yet to the world, although by now they must have been anointed. When Yeshua was first anointed, he did a 40 day fast, therefore he also did not become known to the general public immediately. It took some time, and then gradually he became known to the general public. So in likewise it is with the two witnesses. It will take some time for them to become known to the world in the coming weeks and days and weeks and months and years. This should not come as a surprise. We are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years before the return of Yeshua. In the meantime I am finishing my house and making my final preparations, before the world begins to decline severely starting this year. And already there are warning signs throughout the world, indicating we are now in the final 3 and 1/2 years. The decline of the world will happen very quickly.

What totally surprised him, he now writes -"should not come as a surprise."

He now gives himself a few extra days, weeks, and months. I mean..... of course he does. But we have here a witness that sees nothing and has nothing to report.

Still mocking this guy? What does a gay black man's testimony of an accident have anything to do with the topic?

It is obvious Gaviria is trying to wiggle his way out of his initial claim. He confessed he was wrong and thought maybe ... what the heck, give them some time to do their thing.
But my question to Gaviria would be: Why would Elijah or Moses _ coming from heaven _ need to fast? They know their mission, which is to prophecy for 1260 days.
It rained for 40 days during the Flood of Noah and Christ fasted for 40 days ... so?
"As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." Maybe the day begins on the very day that the Flood began, which would be May 8 this year?
May 28th is Pentacost, maybe something happens then ... ???
War is brewing in the Middle East for certain ... maybe once WWIII starts, that will trigger their return? We'll see.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Still mocking this guy? What does a gay black man's testimony of an accident have anything to do with the topic?
Did the man say he’s gay? Would being gay be some kind of disqualifier? Because @gaviria.christian is the only one I recall saying he was.

No- the role of a witness despite what anyone else thinks, is to say what they saw. This black man does that so well. It’s not to prophesy and predict what is going to happen, but to report what you see. See something, say something.
It is obvious Gaviria is trying to wiggle his way out of his initial claim. He confessed he was wrong and thought maybe ... what the heck, give them some time to do their thing.
But my question to Gaviria would be: Why would Elijah or Moses _ coming from heaven _ need to fast? They know their mission, which is to prophecy for 1260 days.


But your expectations, like his are in error. I get the impression you might think that Moses and Elijah are going to be beamed down like Kirk and Spock from the starship Enterprise. Do you?

In what manner is it you think that someone comes from heaven? Physically?

It rained for 40 days during the Flood of Noah and Christ fasted for 40 days ... so?
"As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." Maybe the day begins on the very day that the Flood began, which would be May 8 this year?
May 28th is Pentacost, maybe something happens then ... ???

What happens after Pentecost on May 28th? The same thing that happened After Nisan 15… we wait for the goalposts to get moved again.
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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
I noticed that you only copied one small section of my previous post. You condemned my previous post on just one paragraph from my post.

It seems that your complaint against me is that I am the one being arrogant in that I believe that I am right but your post suggests that is what you also believe that you are the only one who is right w.r.t. to the P/T theology.

Oh well, you have hung your theological understanding on a few verses while the rest of the scriptures do not support what you claim.

Oh well, Have a Good Day now.
There is one huge difference, anytime a there's a about ANYTHING, no matter what, if someone barley mention's the Pre Trib rapture, you guys who are wrong, bring that ONE SPECIFIC POINT up, even if I just posted about every chapter in the book of Revelation, and showed the order of Revelation, all I get is YOU ARE WRONG ON THE PRE TRIB.

Now the difference, if a thread is about the timing of the Rapture, GRET, we can them debate it in that thread, but if a thread is about the 70th week, or the AoD, or about the 144,000 in general, and if you post in passing about a mid or post trib rapture, yes I would touch on it a smidge, but for the most part I also answer every other point in the reply, or else I do not reply. But you guys are one track minds and that is the only thing you ever mention, as if you think you are correct, when you aren't, but that's not the point tbh, its all you know, you actually think you are correct, and tbh, I doesn't bother me at all, because that is a huge clue for me, if you can't get the timing of the Rapture right I have no reason to buy into anything you say about Eschatology in general.

My problem is that is all you ever want to debate , and its wrong to boot. We are talking about great Mamas.... You guys........THEY WONT GO IN THE PRE TRIB I CAN TELL YOU THAT. We are talking about Dogs.... you guys.....We won't leave our dogs behind in a Pre Trib Rapture I can tell you that !! We are talking about some of the best preachers on Youtube, you guys........I can tell you who the bad ones are, they preach the Pre Trib Rapture, I can tell that much.......That is NO EXAGERATION, examine yourselves on this. Its like all you seem to know. What makes it amusing is you are wrong. I had a sis who died from lung cancer, smoking after she had one lung collapse, she was never right about anything but would argue with a wall, we all just laughed behind her back, not to her face, but one night playing spades she started dealing backwards, we got 30 minutes of how we were all stupid, cards are always dealt to the right, lol. We just played on and laughed at each other. (and we dealt to the right to shut her up, and we all started singing I come from a Land Down Under, she didn't get why we were singing that, lol) She was hardheaded, and started back smoking after having lung cancer in one ling which collapsed. Sometimes it is what it is. When you get to heaven you will understand you were wrong, you will understand it on the way up. God Bless.

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
We are now in Shevat 1 in the year 5,996 from creation. 2 months and 1/2 are now left until the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. For so many years I have longed to arrive to these times, yet with tremendous fear. And now we are here, at the door. As I write these words I have tears in my eyes, and anxiety in my stomach. No one around me understands what is about to happen in the world. I am alone. The world is in a state of severe evil. People stealing and killing each other. And many atheists and haters of God. And men surgically changing their bodies to become like women. And sexual immorality and homosexuality are rampant. And the nations of the world have trampled upon the set-apart union of marriage by allowing men to marry men and women to marry women. Oh my God, please spare me from the wrath that you are about to unleash upon the world because of what they have done. I too have partaken in the sins of the world, but I have acknowledged my guilt and have upheld the Torah of Moses as the perfect law from God that all humanity must obey, and I am now entering into perfect obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. If perhaps God might spare me from the destruction that is decreed upon the world. 4 years ago in 2019 I stood at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, waiting for the year 5,993 from creation to start, in Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur. I knew then that 7 years were left until the year 6,000 in 2026. A few months later God began to strike the world with a severe plague, the covid pandemic. The world began to decline. And almost everyone in the world got sick and many died. And still today many people are getting sick over and over again. The governments of the world began to enforce quarantines, so the global supply chain was interrupted, and food and product shortages began to happen. Inflation also began to increase all over the world. Abnormal droughts were also reported all over the world, and photos surfaced of rivers and lakes drying up all over the world. And the nations began entering into economic recessions. Yet these are all just warning signs of what is about to come against the world, as we now approach the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. They will bring a global drought. All rain will cease in the world. There will be severe food and drinking water shortages in the world. The rivers and the lakes of the world of the world will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. Then Vatican City will be destroyed 3 years after they begin prophesying, which will cause the collapse of the global financial system. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. No one will be able to buy and sell, because money will lose its value. People will throw their worthless money on the streets, as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied. Markets will be empty. There will be looting and riots and chaos in the world. The world will be in misery and hunger. Which all precedes the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. As such, during these years as the world was being struck with the covid pandemic, I began to make preparations. God greatly blessed my path, and increased my business, so that I can purchase a house without debt, and stock up on food and necessities, in preparation for what is about to happen in the world. I also purchased solar panels and electric vehicles, to not need to rely on electricity from the city nor gasoline. I am self sufficient. God has also blessed me with knowledge and understanding, permitting me to understand the current year we are in since creation, and revealing to me that fiat currency is the true fulfillment of the mark of the beast prophecy in the book of Revelation. Gold and silver are the money of God, but fiat currency is a false weight. God has revealed to me that to truly enter into perfect obedience we must renounce and get rid of all fiat currency, along with obeying all the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. And then after reaching perfect obedience to the commands of God, we must then participate in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, drinking the wine that represents his blood and eating the bread that represents his body. And then, God will grant his anointing to me. I was not ready to receive the anointing 4 years ago in 2019. But now I am almost ready to receive the anointing. Last year in 2022 I stood in the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, in the morning of Nisan 15, knowing that exactly 1 year was left until the appearance of the two witnesses in Nisan 15 of 2023. The picture I have included with this text was taken in the morning of Nisan 15 in the year 5,995 from creation in 2022 AD. The Dome of the Rock can be seen in the picture. Very soon it will be destroyed by the two witnesses when they appear, to pave the way for the construction of the third temple on Mount Moriah. Who will they be? We do not know yet. Perhaps one of them is writing these words in Shevat 1.

I guess it didn’t happen when you thought it would date setting never works out
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Did the man say he’s gay? Would being gay be some kind of disqualifier?
It doesn't disqualify his witness to the incident. For all we know he may be auditioning for Tootsie II, Dustin Hoffman is too old to play the part.
I get the impression you might think that Moses and Elijah are going to be beamed down like Kirk and Spock from the starship Enterprise. Do you?
Moses and Elijah beamed down once before at the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus' glory was revealed and then beamed back up again! (Matt. 17:1-4).
Maybe instead of M & E, it will be two familiar faces, Billy Graham & Elvis, I mean we all know who they are? Billy can recite scripture, bring famine and fire from the sky and Elvis could sing us some hymns.
In what manner is it you think that someone comes from heaven? Physically?
The same way they came before in Matthew
17:1-4. They appeared in physical form as angels can.
What happens after Pentecost on May 28th? The same thing that happened After Nisan 15… we wait for the goalposts to get moved again
May 29, a morning shower, a walk with the dog, breakfast and coffee ...
I don't know when these two will show, just giving our friend a little latitude.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
There is one huge difference, anytime a there's a about ANYTHING, no matter what, if someone barley mention's the Pre Trib rapture, you guys who are wrong, bring that ONE SPECIFIC POINT up, even if I just posted about every chapter in the book of Revelation, and showed the order of Revelation, all I get is YOU ARE WRONG ON THE PRE TRIB.

Now the difference, if a thread is about the timing of the Rapture, GRET, we can them debate it in that thread, but if a thread is about the 70th week, or the AoD, or about the 144,000 in general, and if you post in passing about a mid or post trib rapture, yes I would touch on it a smidge, but for the most part I also answer every other point in the reply, or else I do not reply. But you guys are one track minds and that is the only thing you ever mention, as if you think you are correct, when you aren't, but that's not the point tbh, its all you know, you actually think you are correct, and tbh, I doesn't bother me at all, because that is a huge clue for me, if you can't get the timing of the Rapture right I have no reason to buy into anything you say about Eschatology in general.

My problem is that is all you ever want to debate , and its wrong to boot. We are talking about great Mamas.... You guys........THEY WONT GO IN THE PRE TRIB I CAN TELL YOU THAT. We are talking about Dogs.... you guys.....We won't leave our dogs behind in a Pre Trib Rapture I can tell you that !! We are talking about some of the best preachers on Youtube, you guys........I can tell you who the bad ones are, they preach the Pre Trib Rapture, I can tell that much.......That is NO EXAGERATION, examine yourselves on this. Its like all you seem to know. What makes it amusing is you are wrong. I had a sis who died from lung cancer, smoking after she had one lung collapse, she was never right about anything but would argue with a wall, we all just laughed behind her back, not to her face, but one night playing spades she started dealing backwards, we got 30 minutes of how we were all stupid, cards are always dealt to the right, lol. We just played on and laughed at each other. (and we dealt to the right to shut her up, and we all started singing I come from a Land Down Under, she didn't get why we were singing that, lol) She was hardheaded, and started back smoking after having lung cancer in one ling which collapsed. Sometimes it is what it is. When you get to heaven you will understand you were wrong, you will understand it on the way up. God Bless.

Perhaps if you had actually read my previous posts, then you would have realised that I was saying that the Pre-Tribbers have it all wrong.

You verbal assault against me is misdirected in that I am not a PT as you are claiming that i am. I certainly am not a PT.

By attacking what I have post demonstrates that your arguments are very much misguided and erroneous.

Have a good day now, you hear me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
We are now in Shevat 1 in the year 5,996 from creation. 2 months and 1/2 are now left until the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. For so many years I have longed to arrive to these times, yet with tremendous fear. And now we are here, at the door. As I write these words I have tears in my eyes, and anxiety in my stomach. No one around me understands what is about to happen in the world. I am alone. The world is in a state of severe evil. People stealing and killing each other. And many atheists and haters of God. And men surgically changing their bodies to become like women. And sexual immorality and homosexuality are rampant. And the nations of the world have trampled upon the set-apart union of marriage by allowing men to marry men and women to marry women. Oh my God, please spare me from the wrath that you are about to unleash upon the world because of what they have done. I too have partaken in the sins of the world, but I have acknowledged my guilt and have upheld the Torah of Moses as the perfect law from God that all humanity must obey, and I am now entering into perfect obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. If perhaps God might spare me from the destruction that is decreed upon the world. 4 years ago in 2019 I stood at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, waiting for the year 5,993 from creation to start, in Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur. I knew then that 7 years were left until the year 6,000 in 2026. A few months later God began to strike the world with a severe plague, the covid pandemic. The world began to decline. And almost everyone in the world got sick and many died. And still today many people are getting sick over and over again. The governments of the world began to enforce quarantines, so the global supply chain was interrupted, and food and product shortages began to happen. Inflation also began to increase all over the world. Abnormal droughts were also reported all over the world, and photos surfaced of rivers and lakes drying up all over the world. And the nations began entering into economic recessions. Yet these are all just warning signs of what is about to come against the world, as we now approach the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. They will bring a global drought. All rain will cease in the world. There will be severe food and drinking water shortages in the world. The rivers and the lakes of the world of the world will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. Then Vatican City will be destroyed 3 years after they begin prophesying, which will cause the collapse of the global financial system. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. No one will be able to buy and sell, because money will lose its value. People will throw their worthless money on the streets, as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied. Markets will be empty. There will be looting and riots and chaos in the world. The world will be in misery and hunger. Which all precedes the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. As such, during these years as the world was being struck with the covid pandemic, I began to make preparations. God greatly blessed my path, and increased my business, so that I can purchase a house without debt, and stock up on food and necessities, in preparation for what is about to happen in the world. I also purchased solar panels and electric vehicles, to not need to rely on electricity from the city nor gasoline. I am self sufficient. God has also blessed me with knowledge and understanding, permitting me to understand the current year we are in since creation, and revealing to me that fiat currency is the true fulfillment of the mark of the beast prophecy in the book of Revelation. Gold and silver are the money of God, but fiat currency is a false weight. God has revealed to me that to truly enter into perfect obedience we must renounce and get rid of all fiat currency, along with obeying all the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. And then after reaching perfect obedience to the commands of God, we must then participate in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, drinking the wine that represents his blood and eating the bread that represents his body. And then, God will grant his anointing to me. I was not ready to receive the anointing 4 years ago in 2019. But now I am almost ready to receive the anointing. Last year in 2022 I stood in the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, in the morning of Nisan 15, knowing that exactly 1 year was left until the appearance of the two witnesses in Nisan 15 of 2023. The picture I have included with this text was taken in the morning of Nisan 15 in the year 5,995 from creation in 2022 AD. The Dome of the Rock can be seen in the picture. Very soon it will be destroyed by the two witnesses when they appear, to pave the way for the construction of the third temple on Mount Moriah. Who will they be? We do not know yet. Perhaps one of them is writing these words in Shevat 1.

Another False Prediction Bites The Dust, A Claim Of 2 1/2 Months Has Come And Gone

Your Prediction Started Jan 23, 2023, Today's Date Is April 20, 2023, Your Prediction Is One Week Past Due "Sad"!

Jesus Is The Lord

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
An update---

I have been quietly observing the news of the world from my home in Colombia. The world is obviously declining, although most people are carrying on with their usual lives as if nothing is happening around them. The covid pandemic has not ended and people are getting sick over and over again. The war of Russia against Ukraine continues.

I see droughts being reported all over the world. And I see high inflation and economic decline all over the world. But I do not yet see the two witnesses of Revelation. Although we are now in the time of the two witnesses, because there are now only 3 and 1/2 years are now left until the year 6,000 from creation in the autumn of 2026, they will more than likely not become known to the world until later in time. The construction of my house is nearly complete though. All my preparations are complete. Now we must wait for God. Remain in obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. Continue doing good works to the poor. Remain outside the global financial system of fiat currency.

A global drought is going to begin soon, and in also all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation.


No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
There will always be false prophets, false predictions till Christ comes. Sadly, they give the Christian title a bad name when their prophecies fail to come true. Secondly, their testimony is ruined and all that believed them. Lastly, it’s much harder to win people to Christ when the view of Christians is: crazy, does the same thing I do, unrepentant or one who points the finger of shame at everyone else’s sins but themselves.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
We are now in Shevat 1 in the year 5,996 from creation. 2 months and 1/2 are now left until the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. For so many years I have longed to arrive to these times, yet with tremendous fear. And now we are here, at the door. As I write these words I have tears in my eyes, and anxiety in my stomach. No one around me understands what is about to happen in the world. I am alone. The world is in a state of severe evil. People stealing and killing each other. And many atheists and haters of God. And men surgically changing their bodies to become like women. And sexual immorality and homosexuality are rampant. And the nations of the world have trampled upon the set-apart union of marriage by allowing men to marry men and women to marry women. Oh my God, please spare me from the wrath that you are about to unleash upon the world because of what they have done. I too have partaken in the sins of the world, but I have acknowledged my guilt and have upheld the Torah of Moses as the perfect law from God that all humanity must obey, and I am now entering into perfect obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. If perhaps God might spare me from the destruction that is decreed upon the world. 4 years ago in 2019 I stood at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, waiting for the year 5,993 from creation to start, in Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur. I knew then that 7 years were left until the year 6,000 in 2026. A few months later God began to strike the world with a severe plague, the covid pandemic. The world began to decline. And almost everyone in the world got sick and many died. And still today many people are getting sick over and over again. The governments of the world began to enforce quarantines, so the global supply chain was interrupted, and food and product shortages began to happen. Inflation also began to increase all over the world. Abnormal droughts were also reported all over the world, and photos surfaced of rivers and lakes drying up all over the world. And the nations began entering into economic recessions. Yet these are all just warning signs of what is about to come against the world, as we now approach the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. They will bring a global drought. All rain will cease in the world. There will be severe food and drinking water shortages in the world. The rivers and the lakes of the world of the world will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. Then Vatican City will be destroyed 3 years after they begin prophesying, which will cause the collapse of the global financial system. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. No one will be able to buy and sell, because money will lose its value. People will throw their worthless money on the streets, as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied. Markets will be empty. There will be looting and riots and chaos in the world. The world will be in misery and hunger. Which all precedes the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. As such, during these years as the world was being struck with the covid pandemic, I began to make preparations. God greatly blessed my path, and increased my business, so that I can purchase a house without debt, and stock up on food and necessities, in preparation for what is about to happen in the world. I also purchased solar panels and electric vehicles, to not need to rely on electricity from the city nor gasoline. I am self sufficient. God has also blessed me with knowledge and understanding, permitting me to understand the current year we are in since creation, and revealing to me that fiat currency is the true fulfillment of the mark of the beast prophecy in the book of Revelation. Gold and silver are the money of God, but fiat currency is a false weight. God has revealed to me that to truly enter into perfect obedience we must renounce and get rid of all fiat currency, along with obeying all the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. And then after reaching perfect obedience to the commands of God, we must then participate in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, drinking the wine that represents his blood and eating the bread that represents his body. And then, God will grant his anointing to me. I was not ready to receive the anointing 4 years ago in 2019. But now I am almost ready to receive the anointing. Last year in 2022 I stood in the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, in the morning of Nisan 15, knowing that exactly 1 year was left until the appearance of the two witnesses in Nisan 15 of 2023. The picture I have included with this text was taken in the morning of Nisan 15 in the year 5,995 from creation in 2022 AD. The Dome of the Rock can be seen in the picture. Very soon it will be destroyed by the two witnesses when they appear, to pave the way for the construction of the third temple on Mount Moriah. Who will they be? We do not know yet. Perhaps one of them is writing these words in Shevat 1.

Time was up over a month ago! where and who are they? Or are you ready to admit you got some bad teaching from somewhere. It happens to us all you know.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
We are now in Shevat 1 in the year 5,996 from creation. 2 months and 1/2 are now left until the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. For so many years I have longed to arrive to these times, yet with tremendous fear. And now we are here, at the door. As I write these words I have tears in my eyes, and anxiety in my stomach. No one around me understands what is about to happen in the world. I am alone. The world is in a state of severe evil. People stealing and killing each other. And many atheists and haters of God. And men surgically changing their bodies to become like women. And sexual immorality and homosexuality are rampant. And the nations of the world have trampled upon the set-apart union of marriage by allowing men to marry men and women to marry women. Oh my God, please spare me from the wrath that you are about to unleash upon the world because of what they have done. I too have partaken in the sins of the world, but I have acknowledged my guilt and have upheld the Torah of Moses as the perfect law from God that all humanity must obey, and I am now entering into perfect obedience to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. If perhaps God might spare me from the destruction that is decreed upon the world. 4 years ago in 2019 I stood at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, waiting for the year 5,993 from creation to start, in Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur. I knew then that 7 years were left until the year 6,000 in 2026. A few months later God began to strike the world with a severe plague, the covid pandemic. The world began to decline. And almost everyone in the world got sick and many died. And still today many people are getting sick over and over again. The governments of the world began to enforce quarantines, so the global supply chain was interrupted, and food and product shortages began to happen. Inflation also began to increase all over the world. Abnormal droughts were also reported all over the world, and photos surfaced of rivers and lakes drying up all over the world. And the nations began entering into economic recessions. Yet these are all just warning signs of what is about to come against the world, as we now approach the time of the two witnesses of Revelation. They will bring a global drought. All rain will cease in the world. There will be severe food and drinking water shortages in the world. The rivers and the lakes of the world of the world will dry up. Hydroelectric plants will fail. Then Vatican City will be destroyed 3 years after they begin prophesying, which will cause the collapse of the global financial system. All fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation. No one will be able to buy and sell, because money will lose its value. People will throw their worthless money on the streets, as the prophet Ezekiel prophesied. Markets will be empty. There will be looting and riots and chaos in the world. The world will be in misery and hunger. Which all precedes the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026. As such, during these years as the world was being struck with the covid pandemic, I began to make preparations. God greatly blessed my path, and increased my business, so that I can purchase a house without debt, and stock up on food and necessities, in preparation for what is about to happen in the world. I also purchased solar panels and electric vehicles, to not need to rely on electricity from the city nor gasoline. I am self sufficient. God has also blessed me with knowledge and understanding, permitting me to understand the current year we are in since creation, and revealing to me that fiat currency is the true fulfillment of the mark of the beast prophecy in the book of Revelation. Gold and silver are the money of God, but fiat currency is a false weight. God has revealed to me that to truly enter into perfect obedience we must renounce and get rid of all fiat currency, along with obeying all the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. And then after reaching perfect obedience to the commands of God, we must then participate in the set-apart supper of Yeshua, drinking the wine that represents his blood and eating the bread that represents his body. And then, God will grant his anointing to me. I was not ready to receive the anointing 4 years ago in 2019. But now I am almost ready to receive the anointing. Last year in 2022 I stood in the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, in the morning of Nisan 15, knowing that exactly 1 year was left until the appearance of the two witnesses in Nisan 15 of 2023. The picture I have included with this text was taken in the morning of Nisan 15 in the year 5,995 from creation in 2022 AD. The Dome of the Rock can be seen in the picture. Very soon it will be destroyed by the two witnesses when they appear, to pave the way for the construction of the third temple on Mount Moriah. Who will they be? We do not know yet. Perhaps one of them is writing these words in Shevat 1.

Just wondering, are you humble enough to admit your mistake? We forgive you brother, but do not hide like Adam and wallow in your error!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Just wondering, are you humble enough to admit your mistake? We forgive you brother, but do not hide like Adam and wallow in your error!
The same would be said about Ron

Jesus Is The Lord


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Guys, and gals, we do not know yet if I have miscalculated the year 6,000. We have to wait and see if the two witnesses emerge in the coming days and weeks. Today I found another very old Bible with commentary that says 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation, which my own timeline also shows that 1820 AD was the year 5,794 (attached screenshot), which would imply that 2023 AD is indeed the year 5,997 from creation, which is when the two witnesses must appear. It is an old Bible from 1820 that I found by accident on YouTube, that I've never read before, that agrees with my timeline. We have to wait and see what happens in the next few days and weeks. It is possible that although they are now anointed, that they simply haven't reached national or international news yet. We have to all keep watch. I will also remind you that my timeline is derived by many years of research, also analyzing very ancient books to derive my timeline, so its unlikely but not impossible for me to be an error. And if indeed I am in error, it would be by a very small margin. Even the prophet Hosea tells us that Yeshua returns after 2,000 years. The 2,000 years are almost up.



2 Months and 1/2 Are Left Until the Two Witnesses of Revelation Appear​

g.c, your OP was put up Jan 23, 2023.....today is May 16, 2023. Have I missed something?

Whenever folk attempt date calculations and insist they are correct, they set themselves up for loosing any credibility they might have had.
....and why do people do this again and again? ....because they have a faulty paradigm, a paradigm which interprets without understanding the central purpose prophecy was given in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Well that done passed. Did they show up?

Two witnesses Jesus and the gospel message?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Well that done passed. Did they show up?

Two witnesses Jesus and the gospel message?
Thought history there have always been at least two witnesses. Witnesses to what? Witnesses to God's character. It is God's character which is being maligned from before the creation of the world. It is God's character which is being vindicated.

Here are examples of two witnesses; Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Old and New Testament.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States

2 Months and 1/2 Are Left Until the Two Witnesses of Revelation Appear​

g.c, your OP was put up Jan 23, 2023.....today is May 16, 2023. Have I missed something?

Whenever folk attempt date calculations and insist they are correct, they set themselves up for loosing any credibility they might have had.
....and why do people do this again and again? ....because they have a faulty paradigm, a paradigm which interprets without understanding the central purpose prophecy was given in the first place.
You forgot this is leap year, we are removing a year from the calculation
  • Haha
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