2020 election prophesies

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
What would y'all say if a prophet makes a statement like this?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
What would y'all say if a prophet makes a statement like this?

It is written, "let the prophets speak, and let the others judge". And to "judge", we must have sufficient evidence to make a judgement, but sometimes that takes time for events to transpire. We must judge with righteousness, not being hasty and pre-judging.

Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
To All,

If anyone seeks to determine whether I am either a Prophet or a Teacher, please step forward. -- Many have done so and then run from the conversation, but I believe I can hold my own in addressing prophetic events, roles, and even timing.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
It is written, "let the prophets speak, and let the others judge". And to "judge", we must have sufficient evidence to make a judgement, but sometimes that takes time for events to transpire. We must judge with righteousness, not being hasty and pre-judging.

Bobby Jo
Wrong. If someone is speaking a prophetic word saying "thus says the Lord" and gives a date ....that event better happen ON THAT DATE. The statement in the screenshot is blasphemous to say that God would give a prophetic word and a date and then when it doesn't happen, "Oh, it's on God because He couldn't get the date right."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
To All,

If anyone seeks to determine whether I am either a Prophet or a Teacher, please step forward. -- Many have done so and then run from the conversation, but I believe I can hold my own in addressing prophetic events, roles, and even timing.

Bobby Jo
If you claim the statement in the OP is true, then I have very serious concerns.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Wrong. If someone is speaking a prophetic word saying "this says the Lord" and gives a date ....that event better happen ON THAT DATE. ...

You mistake O.T. for N.T. Please perform to the N.T., hear what the Prophets say, and judge accordingly as we all see through a glass darkly.

If you claim the statement in the OP is true, then I have very serious concerns.

Your "concerns" exceed your understanding, otherwise you'd "step forward". But instead you simply cast stones.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Your "concerns" exceed your understanding, otherwise you'd "step forward". But instead you simply cast stones.
Nice excuse for blaming your inaccuracies on God. You're going back on ignore. I'm tired of so-called Christians who misinterpret scripture to suit themselves and think it's okay to pin the name of God on their own false prophecies.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
To All,

If anyone seeks to determine whether I am either a Prophet or a Teacher, please step forward. -- Many have done so and then run from the conversation, but I believe I can hold my own in addressing prophetic events, roles, and even timing.

Bobby Jo
Are you a prophet? Dude I am just remembering you going off about the two witnesses. You weren’t very humble about that at the time.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Are you a prophet? Dude I am just remembering you going off about the two witnesses. You weren’t very humble about that at the time.

Try me. I've opened a Conversation so as to not disrupt this Topic. See you there?

Bobby Jo

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
What would be the purpose for the prophecies to be given in 2019, when they appeared to have been false? If their fulfillment is supposed to be in 2024 then their timing was misleading.
Appear to have been false is a perception. The could also appear to have been misunderstood if Trump wins in 2024. To all those saying a word by a prophet can never be wrong, that's just not factual, Jonah told Nineveh they were going to be judged and perish, but God turned from His wrath when they repented. Hezekiah was told he was not going to recover from his sickness and that he would die, he turned his face to the wall and cried out to God, who then gave him 15 more years to live. As I stated, we do not have men of God who can go into the desert and be separated for months on end, our jobs now is different, we have to REACH SOULS (much more important) DAILY. Thus we have to remain around the distractions.

My first thought was also, well, if God placed Trump in office, surly He wants him to win again, but the guy in the video above who said the Church was going to need to brace themselves, and he told how Biden and Harris was going to lead this country down a dark path made me think just before the Election, if its time for the Anti-Christ now (and it is) and Trump has completed his mission then Trump would probably win, but they would use COVID 19 to steal the election. So, I had to think, has Trump accomplished anything God wanted done, enough to place him in office? And then I got it, the Abraham Accords were a MUST NEEDS BE for the end times.

Gog and Magog can not come to pass until all of the nations with a common border with Israel have made a defacto peace with Israel, because not one of those nations with a common border can be seen in the Gog and Magog war. They are all seen in the Psalm 83 war however, which I see as the 1948-2010ish skirmishes. But Iran and her nuclear ambitions has pushed Israel and all of her border nations like Jordan and Egypt into an alliance, and Trump brought that to pass. The UAE had a Royal Airline in Israel last month for the first time in history. THE MANY in Dan. 8:25, 9:27 and Dan. 11:40-43 is the MANY NATIONS in the Mediterranean Sea Region the Anti-Christ conquers besides Israel.

I see Trump as the President at the Last Trump (which is simply Jesus ending the Harvest, just like the Feast of Trumps always ended the Summer Harvest or Feast of Weeks). But of course God can choose straight up judgment on the USA. Nineveh proves God is not beholden to no certain position. Those who do not get that are just not very aware of past events. I think God takes our economy down, we will have chaos, then repentance, and the scum who stole the elections will be branded as the Marxist commies they are and the USA will go into repentance/revival then the Rapture happens. That is me reading these things in the scriptures, the Anti-Christ in the E.U. has to become strong so the USA will have to become weak. Europe will never defend themselves with a Standing Army, unless the USA quits being their sugar daddy. They play us for fools. So, either we go broke or we get in a President no one can trust (Biden) and they have to arm themselves.

God and His future appointed times are not always set in stone. So, if people during and after Ezekiel's time asked why Israel had not died the death he prophesied 300 years after he died would they have been calling him a false prophet? Some times a Prophet (see Daniel) gives a prophesy even he doesn't understand (go your way Daniel, this will not be understood until the very end times when people run to and fro and knowledge is increased).

So, these guys/preachers who were given a word of knowledge, may not have interpreted it correctly. Maybe it is going to take God 4 years to VINDICATE Trump, we see that with how Sussman LIED to get an Investigation started, when we all know the FBI/CIA was all in on trying to get Hillary elected in truth. We now know the ALFA Bank allegations were a lie. I see more corruption being exposed, then I see Trump winning in 2024, and God uses that as a SIGN that the Rapture (Last Trump) is about to happen. But that's me reading Scriptures and understanding the times, its not a word of knowledge per se. Just because these guys gave a word of knowledge doesn't mean they were wrong, they just may have misunderstood it. We see darkly. I look at peoples overall record on what they say and how that lines up with the holy spirit. God has proven that he sometimes repents from His own Wrath. He also proved with Arron, Moses and Joshua that our own fate is sometimes CONTINGENT upon our own actions also.