A Christmas Campfire Story (finished)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
A Christmas Campfire Story

A Christmas Campfire Story

By Mayflower1 and PeterJames0510

Pg. 1

It was the night before Christmas, and candlelight glowed warmly on the snow from a wooden cabin in Colorado. An evergreen pine tree stood tall and proud nearby in the forest. It glistened with a glitter of white snow and frost. The hunter looked at the tree with his axe and decided against cutting it down.

"No one will want one so tall anyway." He mumbled. He was about 50 miles from the nearest town and hadn't been there in a month. Pretty soon, he would have to take the trip into town to sell his trees and get food and supplies. He dreaded the idea, but Christmas was the biggest time of the year.

Looking at his pickup truck, he decided he probably had enough materials. He had long ago allowed loneliness to be his friend, he had long ago realized that if he wanted to maintain both a livelihood and distance, he would need to sell his wares in town. He of course didn't really do the selling, he would just go to the local vendors and be their suppliers. So very many things; trees; fur; hunting gear or bullets he had made; food items. Of course, he still needed groceries and supplies.

Speaking of supplies, he'd better go to town now so the food items would not spoil and become unsellable. Ice only lasted for so long.

The trouble with Peter was that he had a longing hole in his heart that he allowed to be buried in the ground long ago. After the accident, he swore he would never go out on a boat again or watch anyone else go out on a boat. No, he wouldn't think about it.

Christmas eve. Rats, he thought to himself. There'd be holiday parties and people trying to get him to wear those funny red hats. As he put on his coat (the weather wasn't horribly cold), he also realized that maybe there would be vendors that were closed. It was no matter, though. There were always people doing last minute shopping. Town was only a few miles away and most of the vendors would close by noon. He could get his shopping done, hopefully with minimal interference.

Peter drove the truck forward, leaving behind his log cabin and started down the road to town. He hardly had any neighbors, though he had to always look at that ugly big cross someone put up on the side of the road. I mean, whatever happened to separation of church and state?

Coming up to a light, he stopped the truck. He looked to his left and to his right; not that anyone was coming. He quickly took out his wallet and thumbed through the pictures. One of his wife, one of his sister. He didn't have any kids ... well he would have but ...

But nothing. The light turned green and Peter decided this morning wasn't the time to lecture God on how He ruined his life. He just wanted to drop off his wares, get a few supplies, and be on his way. No one cared about him anyways; as it should be.

Peter put on the breaks; someone was walking alongside the road. Wearing darker colors. Didn't that person know any better? Could get themselves killed out here without reflectors while it was still dawn. Maybe he'd give this stranger a piece of his mind ...

Lorena sighed in relief as she saw a truck coming down the road. She knew traveling would be risky, but it was something that had to be done. The small town of Canteberry Commons was the only place her old "drug" friends didn't know about. She wanted to get away, start over with a new life. Her black coat was warm enough, and walking helped. It had been years since she had been to Canteberry Commons. What was it...10 years back? She couldn't remember how far it was. If she had any money left, she could have got gas at the last station. Even though she did not have any money left, she thought she could make it. If only she could get to town, her aunt and uncle would surely help her...she hoped they would, if they still lived there...town had to be close...

"Thank goodness." She said. "My car ran out of gas a little ways back..." She looked at the man and instantly knew who he was. A flash of his sister came to her mind. It was her best friend back then...they had never officially met though.

"Um...do you have any gas for my car? I am trying to get into town...or just a ride?"

Do you have a death wish or something?" Peter said, slowing the car but never really bringing it to a complete halt. "There's no sidewalk; only fools would walk this road. And next time, wear something a bit brighter. I almost didn't see you there."

Waiting for a moment, he slowed the car down to a complete stop and then said, "No passengers in this car for many years. My dog ain't even allowed in here. Besides, the passenger seat has food that can spoil. Maybe someone else will come by."

He felt like he should know this person; it didn't matter. She was just another traveler; he'd driven by dozens of them in the past year ... well, the ones who were brave enough to walk this road. They usually find their way ... he's not needed.


"Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Sam commented. He often talked to himself, his dog wouldn't listen to him. Guess it was difficult, he was hard of hearing. He immediately called someone he knew in Canteberry Commons ... to tell them the bad news. Unexpectedly, they were going to be hit with a snowstorm even though the previous forecast was to be clear skies. Gotta love doplar radar.

Lorena looked at the food in the passenger seat. She couldn't remember the last time she ate, and it looked really good.

"It is my only coat." Lorena said. I can't help my car running out of gas... "And you have been the only one that has come down this road...can't I ride in the trailer or something?"

For some reason Peter started looking into the distance; he got lost in thoughts, thoughts of very many people who have needs. Thoughts of his own neediness. Thoughts of his former family. Thoughts of ... no ...

He snapped himself out of it, he couldn't waste his time on the past. He looked back at the girl. He nodded his head. "I was left on the side of the road when I was much younger. Made me a better person; this is a character builder. Town is only 5 miles down the road. I'd think you'd make it by the afternoon." Plus, he wouldn't have to rearrange his inventory, especially since he really didn't have that much room.

And with that, he drove away.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
"Oh COME ON!!! REALLY!!!" Lorena rolled her eyes as he drove off, leaving her on the side of the road.

She stood there a moment, then started heading again towards town.

An eagle soared through the air above Peter's truck as snow started to fall softly to the ground. A glitter of hope shined in his eyes as he swooped down to give a hello.

In an instant, a pine tree fell in the middle of the road, blocking Peter's way.

Peter just rolled his eyes and looked up. "What are you doing? Didn't I say I don't want to talk to you today? The woman back there is fine" he said to God, not really certain if he wasn't just talking to the ceiling.

He climbed out of the truck and felt the weight of the tree. It was heavy, nothing he could drag or move out of the way on his own.

He did have a chain in the truck; he supposed he could hook the chain to the truck and at least move the tree sideways and out of the way. He looked down to the ground and shook his head ... why wasn't anything being easy this morning.

"This carrion is gooood." The eagle said aloud, eating out of one of the open crates in the front seat of Peter's truck. His eagle eye locked on Peter with intent. "I am not so much fond of the cooked stuff myself, but that girl looked like she might have wanted some."

Peter was speechless; he supposed he was going crazy. He walked backward, carefully keeping his eye on the eagle. He slowly moved to the driver's side of the truck, opening the door, being careful not to alarm the eagle. He grabbed his shot gun in the back and pointed directly at the bird. He cautiously, yet skillfully pulled the trigger.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He opened up the chamber; empty. Completely empty. He always kept bullets in there; this surprised him.

"Did you say something, birdbrain?"

"Hey isn't it illegal to shoot the national bird?" The eagle said. "And of course I talked. I wanted a ride into town." He said.

"Okay. But you see, I don't have wings and you do. So, why do you need a ride?" dumbfounded Peter said while he was looking for more bullets in his bag. "You're an unwanted guest, stop eating my stuff - bird! Wow, that Tylenol I took this morning is really doing a number on me!"

He started trying to shoo the bird away with the butt end of his rifle, trying to get it to leave the truck.

Well, if you want to fly, then fine." The eagle said. "Thank you for the snack!" The eagle flew out and grew a greater size, stretching it's great wings in the sunlight.

"Hang on!!!!" The eagle said, grabbing Peter with his talons.

Through the air the eagle flew swooping in the air. Canteberry Commons could be seen in the distance, Christmas lights mirroring off the snow warmly.

"Hope you are comfortable." The eagle said. "And by the way, I would rather be called "Spirit of Christmas past." With that the eagle swooped near the ground, and dropped Peter in the soft snow at the beginning of town, landing beside him. Human size, his head was as big as the man's, and in front of them, kids were making forts and throwing snowballs in the road.

You stupid bird brain! Where are you taking me?" Peter was incredulous. And he had never tried drugs before; so he wasn't certain what was happening to him. The bird was hanging on to him with his talons. He looked down and everything got incredibly smaller; the truck, the highway. He thought maybe he saw the cross and the woman who try to invade his truck down there too.

Peter landed softly nonetheless; it did not appear the bird meant to do him any harm. But he was in some ... familiar surroundings. "Spirit of Christmas past? What do you know about my past, bird-beak ... "

And then he heard it. The sound of his sister's voice, Lorelei. He turned around and saw her. "Peter, Peter! You have to see this snowman I'm making, I'm making it just for YOU!"

Tears started streaming down his cheeks. The voice of his sister melted his heart; it was like a memory. Maybe he was sleeping, maybe he could enjoy the memory and just "will" this evil spirit or bad pizza mushroom eagle out of his memory.

"Lorelei! Lorelei!" he shouted out loud; he ran over to her. She had her arms outstretched ... so did Peter. But, a more medium figure of a boy beat him to her and the boy said, "You've been out here doing this for me? Why are you so nice to me?" Lorelei placed some snow on top of her brother's nose and said "Cuz, you're my brother, silly? Do you like it?"

The adult Peter stood there watching, reliving the memory. This was Christmas, right before her 12th birthday and his 15th birthday. Right there ... by the corner market at Canteberry Commons, back in the day when it really was about the only country store in sight.

"Oh Lorelei! Can I tell you the things that are happening now with me? Can you hear me? I don't care if this is just a dream; I have so much to tell you!"

"She cannot hear you, Peter. This is just a memory." The eagle said. "This is the time before you turned callous and unfeeling towards everybody around you and still had Christmas in your heart. Do you remember?"

A young Lorena in an angel outfit came running over to Lorelai. A big grin was on her 5 year old face, and she looked up at Lorelai with admiration.

"Lorelai, the Nativity play is tonight!!!!! I hope to be Mary one day too, like you." She smiled brightly and gave her a hug. Bye Lorelai!!!! See you tonight!!!!" She ran off to her mom as she ushered her home for Christmas festivities.

"I don't totally remember her; but I feel like I should" he told the eagle. Then he realized the absurdity of talking to a bird. Watching the scene unfold before him, he didn't realize how much she looked up to him, yet was also independent and was her own person. Lorelai wasn't one to be messed with on her opinions. whatever they were.

At the spirit's words, Peter scrunched his forehead. "Please, don't patronize me. I wasn't the one who took her away from me. You don't know me, spirit. You don't get to tell me how callous I am when ... when ..." He looked up in the sky.

"Just shut up and let me enjoy this moment for once in my pathetic life."

"God is always the first one blamed when someone dies." The eagle said softly. "When in fact He sent His Son to die for man."

For a while they watched them play. It was a time of innocence and happiness between the two of them. Time seemed to stand still, and felt like a bowl of chicken soup for a cold soul to watch.

"Your sister sure did have a special spirit about her." The spirit said after a time. "The Father delights in her presence even more so then you and I."

A few scenes also passed in front of him; scenes of his sister taking care of him when he was sick, fishing out on the boat, opening presents at Christmas.

But one particular scene seemed to stick out.

"I'm just stupid I guess" Lorelai said.

"No you're not; that college is stupid for not accepting you. There's plenty of colleges out there that will take you."

"Maybe this is a sign from God that I should have applied to the Christian university?" Lorelai guessed.

"Well, wherever you are supposed to go - you are honest, smart, and sweet. A perfect young lady!"

"Don't put me up on a pedestal, Peter." He was taken aback by this comment. He said "But you're my best friend, sister." But for the first time, she seemed to confront him with his apparent idolatry of heart. And while that scene wasn't necessarily so heartwarming, it reminded him again and again how she always inspired him and aspired to go deeper in her walk with the Lord.

Suddenly, the scene changed. It was his wedding day to a young gal named Spring who would be best friends with Lorelai. But then again, who wasn't a best friend to Lorelai ... she would make friends with anyone, no matter who they were. Spring was a feisty redhead, yet sweet in all her ways. Unfortunately, when Spring and Lorelai were together - they would plot and plan on getting him to go deeper with God when he just was happy that he walked an aisle when he was 17. Still, this day was one of the happiest to him. He wasn't quite sure why Lorelai seemed to push him in Spring's direction; maybe she was tired of his clinginess!

He turned to the eagle. "Curse you; you're not the spirit of Christmas past. You're the spirit of Christmas torture. Take me away from this place, I don't want to live here anymore."

"Your bitterness over your sister's death has left you in pain for far too long. Whether you continue to live in that is going to be up to you, but know your actions affect others as well."

Like wind, the wedding blew away, and the next scene showed a sherrif at Peter and Spring's door carrying the grave news of Lorelai's death.

"I'm sorry, Peter. You know, you can stay with us while you sort all of this out."

"No, no. No. You're wrong. Spring and Lorelai are coming here tonight. We're doing fireworks and a cookout. You've come with bad news to the wrong house. How dare you. How dare you come here and lie to me."

The Sheriff shook his head. "No, we know who they are. They could swim, but they didn't have a chance. They were too far out. Someone saw, but we didn't get out there in time. I'm sorry."

"And the baby?" The Sheriff shook his head knowing the dread awful truth.

"Who's going to be here for Christmas, then?"

"I'm sorry. I'll ask my wife to come over, maybe she can help."

"No. No. No! I want Lorelai and Spring right here, right now, alive. Talking to me. That's what I want, Sheriff!"

"I can't ..."


Peter was a ball of grief on the floor, the eagle simply present with him. "Why? Why? I couldn't say goodbye; I couldn't give them anything else. Both of them. What did I do so wrong that God was mad at me? Huh? Huh, Spirit of Christmas past? He gives me a lonely Christmas that year, and I'm supposed to dress up like Santa Claus for the rest of my life?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Pg. 2

"Not quite. But I am sure Lorelai tried to tell you about some of her friends she tried to mentor. Like the girl you left on the side of the road..."

The next scene switched to Lorena hearing the news of Lorelei's death.

"She was 16, her first year to play Mary in the Nativity play. Lorelei had encouraged her to try out. She made the part. Though Lorelai was an official adult, Lorelei had mentored her. Lorena's only friend. That night she froze, forgot her part. Though her mom meant well, she was very critical and she ran away that night having no one.

The scene switched to her getting in a van with a group of teenagers doing drugs.

"Perhaps if someone else had been in her life after Lorelai and Spring died, life would have been different for her."

The spirit looked up to see dark clouds coming in the sky as the snow got harder.

"But my time is coming to an end." The eagle picked Peter up with his talons once again and they flew back to his truck dropping him in the snow. "You have two more spirits to see tonight. May you choose to remember the joy of your past and not live in the pain pasts tend to hold also. You can help God's kingdom so much more then being the carrion turkey you have been acting like."

"Drugs? Lorelai wouldn't like that, Lorena. But what can I do to help you? The townspeople can help you more than I can. I'm just a hermit now" he said to the Lorena he saw in his memory. He didn't even think he even ever officially met her; she was just one of his sister's friends.

The eagle dropped him back on the snow and parted with words about past pain and the joys of the past; he supposed the eagle was right. Both are necessary corollaries in life; something he seemed to remember hearing in a song once. "He gives and takes away ..."

Looking around, he saw his predicament hadn't changed much. Tree down in the middle of the road, truck door open, rifle on the floor. Pretty much the way he left it. Putting the rifle back in the car, he questioned to himself whether or not he had some minor head trauma and the events of the past seeming hours were nothing more than him being passed out. He felt his head, it didn't appear as if something were wrong with him.

Back to the original plan; get a chain, put it on the truck, and drag the tree out of the way. As he was looking for the chain, he stopped for a moment and looked behind him - at the road. Snow was starting to accumulate. There was a nagging sense in him that perhaps if he thought about it just for a moment ... that maybe, by leaving Lorena on the side of the road and abandoning her, he was leaving a piece of Lorelai out there. He pondered it for a moment.

Lorelei came out of the forest near the tree that fell in the road. She had on a white gown and a crown of flowers on her head.

"Peter, Peter! You have to see this snowman I'm making, I'm making it just for YOU!" Lorelei said, her eyes full of life and hope.

She motioned for Peter to follow him, as she started running into the forest.

His heart skipped a beat; could it really be her? Was God allowing him one more moment to be with her? He chased her into the forest to see the beautiful snowman she was making. This time, however, the snowman was a little startling. It wasn't just any snowman; the head looked like Lorena.

"Lorelei; how is it ... I identified your body ... I'm ..." Elation and sorrow filled him; he wanted to scoop her up in his arms in a bear hug. But he knew if he did that, she might chide him for loving her more than God, and he didn't want that. But he wanted her to stay with him for Christmas.

"I'm sorry, I should have been out on that boat with you. I could have saved you and Spring if I were out there with you. I was too busy getting ready for the cookout; I could have done all that when we got back."

Suddenly, Peter smiled brightly. "You know what, I have a great idea! We can go get Lorena now, she's walking on the road. And all three of us can go back to my place and we can have Christmas Eve dinner. This is great ..." But then he stopped again and stared at the snowman. Strange that there was a slight resemblance to Lorena on the face of the snowman.

"I can't come back, Peter." Lorelai said. "I live with God now." She laid one hand on the snowman and looked back at Peter with a smile. "But God allowed this to give you one more chance, so that you, me, and Spring can live together forever in Heaven one day." She went over and wrapped his arms around him. "I miss you so much. I am just sad to be the spirit of what your current Christmas present will be if you do not change your ways now. You have to let me go, Peter. Choose to live again."

I can't let you go; I have so many unfinished conversations with you. I guess I'm generally selfish" Peter said while wiping away tears from his brown eyes. "You are to accompany me as the Spirit of Christmas present? How bad could it be if you are with me? How ... how is Spring? Is she okay? Why is she not with you? You two were my best friends on earth."

Then, Peter decided he was going to try ... just try ... even if it resulted in nothing.

"No. I'm not going anywhere or seeing anything else unless you and Spring come home with me now. For all I know this is just a very bad dream and if it is - I want to turn it into a good dream. If this isn't a dream, I want God to know what I want. Consider me an unwilling participant."

He had hoped this negotiation with God might yield some fruit.

"I am sorry, Peter." She said, tears welling in her brown eyes. "That is impossible. We only have this time now for me to show you how your Christmas will be tomorrow if you do not change it tonight." She pointed to the pine tree in front of Peter's cabin, like they were in front of the cabin all along.

"Remember planting this pinetree together as kids? Mom told us the parable of the mustard seed in the Message version of the Bible.

“God’s kingdom is like a pine nut that a farmer plants. It is quite small as seeds go, but in the course of years it grows into a huge pine tree, and eagles build nests in it.”

Matthew 13:31‭-‬32

If you cannot have faith in God, have faith in me. I did this for you. This is your last chance, Peter." Lorelai dried her eyes, crying softly.

"There was a reason you didn't cut this tree down, Peter." She said.

"I don't understand, Lorelai. But, I'm open to hearing from you and will savor the small time you're allowed to be with me. But there is something that sort of bothers me. Do you think I'm not saved? I walked down the aisle when I was 17, you were there weren't you?"

Peter's face changed to sober, knowing that the more he objected - the more time he wasted and he didn't want to waste anymore time. "Spirit of Christmas Present, do your worst to me. But I'm not sure it could get any worse than it is right now."

"I think you walked down the aisle for me. You never truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. You never did like receiving any gifts."

"Come, let us look through your cabin window." Lorelai said, trying to look hopeful. But her eyes looked sadly on.

The town sheriff had just pulled up to the cabin door, and he got out, walking towards the door.

"Oh, Lorelai. I must be such a disappointment to you" Peter said, his eyes downcast.

He put his head in through the cabin door and watched the sheriff approach the cabin house. While his thoughts were silent, his face showed a mixture of horror, regret, and caution. The sheriff had one hand on his gun and with the other he knocked on the door. "Peter? Peter, open up. I know you're in there. I need to talk to you ..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
"This is you tomorrow, brother." Lorelai said.

Present Peter grumbled. "What is it now?" He said. "I got home late and I am tired. I was in that motel room most of today."

"As you know, there was a blizzard last night. Roads weren't cleared for you to get home till half the day. Did you see anyone on the way to town?"

Peter looked at himself; it was like he was watching a movie of himself.

"Umm, no one out of the ordinary. Maybe there was some traveler on the road in the morning; not anyone out of the ordinary, there's always travelers on that road. Can you leave me alone now?"

"Peter..." he took off his hat in one hand and exhaled deeply. "There was a woman who was walking to town in the blizzard last night. A tree fell on her and she was buried alive. Froze to death." He paused. "We need your help to move the tree off her body. We found your rope around the same area, so we know you have the means to."

The real Peter looked at Lorelei; and back at the scene ... and Lorelei again. Her demeanor was strong, yet sad by the events unfolding before them. He suddenly realized now and he suddenly realized at the scene he was watching that ... he had left a piece of Lorelei out there in the snow.

"No, I didn't mean to" was echoed through the house. Real Peter pieced it together; he must be seeing what happened when he used his rope and truck to pull the first tree out of the way and proceed on. And another tree must have fallen on top of Lorena. He could see the resemblance now between old and young Lorena, something he hadn't wanted to admit earlier.

He only gathered bits and pieces from the conversation as something was stirring inside of him. "I mean, you're not in trouble Peter, Good Samaritan laws and all that. But really? This town is about helping folks in need, whether a law is going to protect you or not. Really Peter? You've not been yourself since Lorelei and Spring left; and you've not been at church in years."

"Shut up; my life and my affairs are not your business, Sheriff. I live out here, I don't hurt no one ..."

"But you don't help anyone either ... that mission house in town could have really used your food today. Instead, there's a house full of starving kids and parents. And this girl you left on the side of the road ... she was one of us. ONE OF US."

Obscenities flew from future Peter's mouth. His heart got even harder. He stomped out to his truck to follow the sheriff back to the scene. The snow was still falling though not as heavy this time. Future Peter and the Sheriff left, and the house and surrounding scene became eerily quiet.

Present Peter's heart was slowly beginning to crumble. This ... this is exactly what he didn't want to happen. He didn't want the townspeople to be all up in his business; but it wouldn't be long for word to get out about all of this. To some extent he was still worried about his reputation rather than what about God would think about it all.

"Lorelei; I'm sorry. Lorena ... I didn't know. I ... if you send me back, I'll pick her up, I'll bring her to a gas station. For you. I promise. I just ... I don't want to see anymore, dear sister."

There is still time to fix this." Lorelei said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. "There is a little more..." Lorelei said, as she looked at the clouds thickening in the sky.

The scene changed before them, and they were at the local shelter. There were men, women, and children with little to cover with. Many friends of not only Lorelei and Spring, but who had helped Peter over the years also.

"The snow will get very thick in some areas of the county. Families are going to be forced to evacuate to town until they can get back into their houses. They will be okay...but...they will be happier with help.

A vision of Peter drove into town with the tree and girl in a wooden coffin.

"Peter..." A few ran out to the truck.

Some of the town folk whispered to each other and a few from the shelter came out to watch as the sheriff carried the coffin off to the coroner.

Lorena's aunt had not yet heard the news of her death. She walked out to the fake Peter.

"We could use some blankets and more food at the shelter, Peter. We hate to ask, but the blizzard put a lot of us in a bind."

"My supplies are back at my cabin and I have to get home. I haven't been asleep yet." Peter grumbled.

"Come on, Peter. We are hungry, and the kids won't even be able to do the nativity play this year, because we are having to pool together to dig people back in their houses with no supplies. You have a clear way and plenty in your cabin to share. I know it is a bit of an inconvenience..."

"Yes it is." Peter shouted. "Now if you don't mind, are we done Sheriff?"

The Sheriff gave a disgusted look as well as the other towns' people.

"Yes. We are." He said.

Lorelei sighed heavily. "My friends, brother. "I am so happy and blessed where I live...but I am sad to see what tomorrow may be..."

"I never liked to leave you depressed....may I show you a glimpse of where I live, before...I have to say goodbye again?"

Present Peter was also given glimpses of what happened in the shelter and mission home. Some children thought it was fun, but as the time kept going on - they became antsy. Parents had worried looks on their faces. And none of their Christmas eve dinners ever happened. One young boy asked his mother, "What's wrong with Peter? He doesn't come around any more, betcha he could help us!" The mother looked sad and said back, "Just pray for Peter; I don't know what's wrong with him, but some people just can't overcome grief and loss. Except he has a whole town that would love him if he just gave them a chance."

Real Peter turned to Lorelai. "Yes, please. I would love to see where you live. It would be better than this place, this hell I created. And another thing ... please. I want to stay with you. Please."

Lorelei was silent, but waved her hand. Before them stood a golden city with a golden mansion before them. The flowers and rocks were literally singing praise to God and a beautiful waterfall of milk and honey flowed.

"Daddy!!!!!!" A little boy ran out of the mansion along with Spring, who had an even brighter smile then on earth.

"Hello Peter." Spring said softly.

"This is Spring's house. Mine is over there." She grinned, pointing to a similar looking gold mansion as if it was normal. In Heaven it was.

"I love you so much daddy. Please come live with us one day. It won't be long!"

"We love you forever Peter....Don't let goodbye be forever. Believe and repent. God will forgive you." The three embraced him in a hug, then at once all backed away as Heaven disappeared and dark clouds started with thick snow. Then Peter was falling, falling to a graveyard. A black hooded figure stood before Peter and everything was eerily quiet and cold.

Peter tried to give them each a kiss on the cheek, but the vision seemed to fade before him. He watched them all and they waved at him. Sadness crept in as he was falling. For a moment, he thought he was in hell. The images of his son he never met, Spring, and Lorelei were the only things that kept him going.

He stayed still for a moment; he recognized the graveyard and he recognized the dark ominous snow.

He then stood to his feet to meet the creature whom he assumed must have been named death. He looked deep into it's hood, but there were no features there that stuck out to him.

"You? You are the Spirit of Christmas Future? I think I already know that what you have to show me is bad, Spirit of Terrible News. I have lost my way; and now I find myself here. Do we ... must we ... do you have to show me what all my sins have done? Do you think we could just skip it if I promise to get saved?"

"I am not here for you, I am here for her." The spirit said. She put down her hood and it was an ice faced woman with black hair and stone cold brown eyes.

"This vision may have made a difference for you, but now you must make a difference for others. One may live tomorrow, but they may not live eternally. Tell them. If not, many will perish. Do you know what I mean?"

The graveyard transformed into a stable where people stood. A young man and woman in their teens sat in amazement as a bright star shined down onto a manger before them. What looked like kings bowed before this lowly manger, and shepherds with their flocks by night.

The Spirit pointed, stretching her arm towards the manger. "Look and see." The spirit said.

The Spirit and the Bride say come and let him that hears say come. This scripture popped into Peter's head, almost as if the manger were an invitation, a beckoning to come. He turned and looked at the Spirit of Christmas future ... ominous as she was, she showed him the Good News.

Peter silently walked forward amongst the few people of the crowd. They seemed not to notice him. Mary held who he knew was the Christ child; and Joseph seemed to welcome those who were worshipping Him.

Yet a small baby, a small child. He was silent and there was no crying. Just like the Christmas carol said. On Him was pinned all the hopes of the world.

Peter had heard many preachers say "Accept Jesus as your Savior." But for Peter, there was really only one question that mattered. "Would Jesus accept me?" Kneeling before the manger, he bowed his head to pray to the Newborn King. He wasn't sure what he would pray, but he was ready to pray it whatever it was.


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Jul 14, 2018
United States

"My Son." The Spirit said. "I was such a young mom and gave birth to the Son of God. He knelt down next to Peter, her appearance changing before him. "Today I stand not as a spirit yet to come, but to tell of One who has come already. He lays before man life and death. Choose life and speak life! See what God's Son has done for mankind. And scenes flashed before him.

Being thrown down to the foot of the cross, a beguiling serpent whispered into Peter's ear. "Lorelai ... Spring ... marriage ... love ... beauty ... life ... all snatched from you. You have every right to be mad at God ... if there is a God. You have every right to watch bad movies. You have every right to protect yourself. You have every right to close yourself from others because He would just take them away from you too. You are on the right course, Peter."

Suddenly, a single drop of liquid on his forehead; he looked up and saw the Son of God dying for him.

The serpent suddenly became afraid and fled. Peter's heart melted in a sea of contrition and tears could not express the mixture of remorse and rejoicing flooding his heart and his life. Looking back up to the Son of God, Jesus - Peter said outloud, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief; help me to let go of the past. Help me not to make idols in my heart who just drain me. Help me to love Jesus; I accept Him now as my only Savior. I want a new life and a new heart."

Heaven opened for Peter to see Lorelai and Spring with Peter's child rejoicing and waving down at him. "We will see each other again, my love." Spring said.

Then it is like time was rewinding. The spirits moved backwards and disappeared. The truck drove backwards, Lorena walked backwards, and John's trailer was ready to go. The pine tree that Lorelai and him planted as kids stood tall outside his cabin in the woods. Only this time he could see an Eagle building a nest at the very top.

All was once again at the beginning of a quiet Christmas Eve, and Peter had his axe in hand once again. Snow fell gently down from Heaven, and it seemed still and quiet, but not in a way that seemed lonely.

Everything seemed fresh and new to Peter. His heart was overflowing with thanksgiving; he did not forget any of the past visits with the spirits. Lorelei was a new person in his mind; a believer, a saint. Yes, his sister on earth; but he bet something even more extraordinary not only to him but to all who would love her in heaven. He would see her again one day and he could hold onto the good memories of her and Spring and his newly beloved child who's name only she knew.

He also knew what this day would probably bring; a gift of God to have insight into how horrible a person he had behaved and acted. And yet, God wanted to bring healing today. Peter was not the healer, of course. If he said no, God would just move on to someone else. But the fact that God apparently wanted him to be a blessing today to others was more than he deserved.

With an overflowing heart, he bowed his head and began praying. Except it was not in English or, in fact, in any language he had ever heard before. Yet, every syllable was full of praise and thanksgiving. This is not something for him to boast in, but rejoicing privately that the Lord had truly saved him.

He opened up the back of his truck to rearrange a few things; he needed more space for blankets and pillows. He threw in some more ropes and chains in case trees would fall in the way. He also went into the storage freezer in the breezeway of his house and took out more food. If he had more coats to bring, he would. But he was a little short of those; all he could do would be to rely on God for those needs should it arise. He also did what he could to clear the front seat, but was afraid the new passenger would need to hold a few things. That part of his memory was fuzzy. He seemed to remember everything except ... why he would need to keep the passenger seat clear. He knew a storm was coming in spite of last night's clear weather report, he knew his town would need him today, he knew he had lived a pretty bad life up until now.

And he knew that God gloriously saved him. He also knew, for lack of better understanding, that he only needed one drop of God's love in him and there were about a million drops! Peter needed to give Jesus to others, that's why His heart was so overflowing. "My cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ... "

With that, he climbed into his truck and headed out again with a new lease on life. He couldn't promise, though, he wouldn't be a little mischievous to people who thought he hated them. After all, didn't the real Scrooge act like that in the end, every once and a while?

The air seemed a bit different this time round. Lorena couldn't have known that walking down the road. She just knew someone was watching out for her, and somehow, she was going to make it...

She saw a truck coming down the road, and sighed in relief as it came to a stop.

"Thank goodness." She said. "My car ran out of gas a little ways back..." She looked at the man and instantly knew who he was. A flash of his sister came to her mind. It was her best friend back then...they had never officially met though.

"Um...do you have any gas for my car? I am trying to get into town...or just a ride?"


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
Peter pulled up and quickly rolled down the window. He recognized the young lady. It wasn't Lorelei, but it still started with an L. His memories hadn't completely fused yet. As she was speaking, he could feel the air getting colder as it went through the truck. He also saw the snow starting to come down.

"Your car is stuck somewhere? I don't know if we have time to go get gas right now, I don't have any. Do you think I should hook up this truck to your car and tow it into town?"

Peter got out of the car and opened up the passenger door side. He tried to rearrange the things on the seat, but had a hard time finding someplace to put everything. "Maybe if you hold a few things." He looked into her eyes and studied her for a few seconds. He realized he didn't want to creep her out, so he said, "Have you eaten? I feel like you haven't eaten yet."

He said, "I'm sorry. I'm Peter and if you need a ride somewhere, I can take you" he said offering her the front seat ... though she might have to hold a few pumpkin pies.

"Um...well, yeh, actually I am starving." She said with a nervous laugh.

"And I wouldn't want you to go too far out of the way. It is probably about a mile back... pt cruiser. Any tow trucks in town?"

She saw the trailer of goodies. "I guess your business got pretty successful, huh? I uh... I remember you first starting it with Lorelai."

Getting back in the car, he started rummaging through the inventory in the back. He said "Turkey, or ham?" and handed her a sandwich. Not a wimpy one either.

"Yes, I have a good business. Except on New Year's. On New Year's I've decided to start a tradition. I'm going to use everything here for others and not worry about selling it. Lorelai? You knew Lorelai?"

He wanted to tell her they could be best friends now because he would be best friends with anyone who was a personal friend of Lorelai's.

"Lorena? Lorena, is that you?"

Lorena looked at that sandwich and let out a happy laugh. "Either one. I think I could eat your truck tire right now." She said, taking a huge bite in delight.

Lorena nodded. "Yeh...I didn't think you knew me or would remember me. I was just a teenager last time I was in town..." her eyes sort of dimmed thinking back. "Wish I would have stayed. If your sister was alive...I don't know."

She realized it may have been a hard topic and thought she better change the topic. Regret didn't effect her appetite as she finished the sandwich in a gulp, licking her fingers. "Anyhow...I am back now." She said with a smile. Hopefully my aunt and uncle still live in town. Is Uncle Jim still sheriff?" She pointed to the passenger seat if she could get in.

"Of course, of course climb in. I'm your chauffeur!"

Peter pointed to the seatbelt since it had started snowing.

"You were Lorelei's best friend? Of course you were, anyone that knew her knew she would give her everything to anybody. It's okay to talk about her; she would want us to have good memories of her." He engaged the clutch of the truck and started to pull forward.

"Lorelei loved you very much. In a way, she was the one who told me to expect you here today. Welcome home. Lorena - may I ask you a question?"

"Sure!" Lorena said, glad to be able to get warm. She took off her gloves. "Sweet. Heated seats. Didn't expect that in this clunk..." she stopped with a guilty smile. "Never mind." She said comfortably. She was extremely grateful. Brutal honesty just got her in trouble more then once.

Peter grinned widely. "This clunker is about to be a blessing; but I love your honesty, Lorena. Yes, Jim is still the sheriff. And he is as tough as ever ... yet loving and kind."

He drove down the road, but had to be careful. The visibility of the way ahead of him lessened, and it was harder to see the lines in the road. He also felt like he was being gifted with a very small time with Lorelei's best friend and he wanted to be there for her if she needed it.

"What's your opinion of hangin' with me and Jesus today; I mean, I'll drop you off to Uncle Jimmy's and wherever you need to go. But Jesus and I need to be available at the mission house and I could sure use the help afterwards."

"Id be willing to help if they trust me enough." Lorena said. "What happened in Canteberry Commons? Why is the shelter open? All that food probably will go to waste by the time an emergency happens in this small town."

Peter hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should witness to her right then and there. Or would that scare her away? Lorelei certainly witnessed to her a lot, so it wouldn't be new. But would it be nagging?

"We're in for a storm, Lorena. I don't think the shelter is open right now. Another good reason for me to visit your uncle." He looked in the rearview mirror; the snow was starting to accumulate on the ground and he was afraid her car would get buried. Depending on where she broke down and considering the harsh winters in this neck of the woods, Peter began formulating a plan in his mind.

"I think we need to tow your car to town now. Jim will know what to do."

Then he addressed the big elephant in the room - how would he know an impending disaster was about to hit. "You see ... I've had some things happen to me. I don't know if you'd believe it if I told you. I just know, a big storm is coming and all this food and clothing is going to be needed now."

Peter then mischievously smiled. "Most of the townsfolk hate me; I've not been right since Spring and your best friend went to be with God. Not until this morning. I don't know if they'll accept me or not; but it'd be good to have at least one friend who can punch me when I need it."

But the weather called for clear skies. We haven't had a snow storm in years here." Lorena said. She paused. "Lorelai used to say things that would end up happening though." She said. "I don't know why, but I trust you."

She saw her car on the side of the road and pointed to it. A storm would bury it for sure.

"I am not even sure if Jesus would be my friend right now." Lorena said. "I know you said you made mistakes, but I made some big time. Started with stealing in town, then running off. Just made some bad choices. Lorelai was always so nice to me. And now you. I...thank you. Didn't think anyone else cared except Lorelai. I got something for you."

She opened her car door and dug in her glove compartment. "Here it is." She said. She handed Peter a picture of Lorelai in the Nativity play. Lorena was an angel that year, she remembered clearly. "Spring was an angel also. And there is the donkey. You made a good one that year." She laughed.

He hadn't heard laughter in a long time related to anything about Peter or his family. It was a welcome addition. "Wow, everyone looks beautiful in this picture. And yes, I did do a good donkey that year if I don't say so myself!" They laughed with one another for a moment. "I guess I didn't really stop being one until this morning ... when I got saved."

"You know ... people didn't like Jesus because he always hung around the bad people. If Jesus found a home in my heart, He'll find a home in anyone's heart, including yours ... I need you to put the car in neutral after I hook the chain up to my truck" Peter instructed Lorena.

"Next stop, Uncle Jimmy. Need another sandwich?"

"Heck yeh." Lorena said. She was happy he offered, because she didn't want to sound like a glutton. This was turning out to be a much better day then she expected. "I would have probably ended up dead somewhere if a storm is coming. Thanks for stopping. I know I have already said it. And you really think Jesus still would want me?"

She heard a sound and looked up to see an eagle flying over them before disappearing from view.

Peter tried to hold back the tears from the picture; he then said "You sure you want to give away this prized photo? I know who to come back to if I want to see it again."

There was a sign to the right of the road that said "Welcome to Canteberry Commons".

"If I didn't pick you up, it would be like leaving Jesus on the side of the road. I mean, I know you're not Jesus. But yes, He loves you very much and doesn't care what you have done as long as you're willing to love and follow Him. Oh Lorena ... I didn't want you to be on the side of the road. I'm very happy God had you meet me this morning."

The town was full of houses, but not enough to be considered a city and they weren't extremely close to each other. He took a right on Danbury drive and came to a medium sized house; a couple of cars, including a police cruiser, was in the parking lot. Peter knew he would have to unhitch the car here and bring back gas another time; he tried to pick an inconspicuous place to unhinge the vehicle. He liked having Lorena around, it was very nice company. But he remembered something that Lorelei said to him once. Take a wonderful butterfly and capture it and keep it in your hand. It stops being wonderful especially if it can't get food or is not allowed to fly around at will. So, he would not be clingy. He would learn to be thankful for what God gave him.

"Hey, maybe you should see your uncle first. He might not want to see me immediately; I've not been very good in town either."

Lorena flashed him a look like she was afraid to go in alone. "I just hope he gives me as warm a welcome as you..." she said. "Not sure if him or aunt murtle will even know me now. Mom and them didn't have the best relationship." She handed the picture back to Peter. "You keep it. I have others...she would have wanted you to have it." She said. "Thanks for everything." She said closing the door and walking nervously to the front door alone.


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
Pg. 4

Peter jumped out of the truck to unhinge her car; it was useful to have a big truck that could perform multiple functions. He looked up in the sky and saw the eagle flying around. He decided to wait a few moments; he did have to ask Jimmy to open up the Mission House. He knew they were going to need the shelter today; they were going to need God's mercy. He wasn't a preacher; they would probably need a Pastor too.

So many things to think about ... Peter decided he should just take it one step at a time …

Lorena shook knocking on the door. "What if...what if he doesn't take me in?"

Aunt Murtle opened the door and hesitated a moment before remembering who she was.

"Lorena? Is that you? Oh Lorena! It is! The Lord brought you home to us. Praise God. Thank you God." She said, embracing her in a hug. "But how? How did you get here? Why are you here?" Lorena was at a loss for words, tears of relief and joy in her eyes. She pointed over at Peter unhinging her car.

"Is that, Peter? He helped you? This is getting to be a pretty exciting Christmas Eve for sure. Come in, come in!"

"I think not, Murtle." A voice came racing downstairs. It was Jim, and he wore a firm look on his face. "She has been into drugs the last, what, Lorena, 8 years? 10?

"I...I have been clean a month now. I was looking to come home...start over...h-hi Uncle Jim."

"You can stay at the shelter until you can prove us that." He said. Lorena nodded in tears.

"Come here." He said, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. He may have showed tough love, but he really was a caring man. "I am glad you came home." He said. "You said Peter is here?"

Lorena nodded. "Murtle, please open the shelter and get her settled in there. Check to make sure she is clean."

Lorena's feelings were hurt, but knew it was to be expected . She was determined to gain back some trust. She walked feeling a little bit relieved and small, walking to Murtle's car.

"You have to be tough on the girl?" Murtle said. "She just came home. It is Christmas Eve. We should invite her in here for Christmas instead of going to town. Sam has been trying to get through too, but the phone lines are down. He has been sending one of those telegraphs."

"Ill check it in a little bit. I need to see what Peter wants." Jim said. "As far as Lorena goes, she needs to be drug tested and observed before I would even think of her coming into this house."

"Well it is a miracle, even if you are playing tough cop." Jim gave a half grin back.

She gave a bright smile and waved at Peter, before meeting Lorena at the car.

"Love you, Murtle." He said, kissing her on the cheek before walking off towards Peter.

Jim sighed heavily and walked out to Peter.

"Thanks for stopping to help Lorena." He said, pulling out his wallet. "How much do I owe you for towing her car? Know Sam plans to come home for Christmas tomorrow, so I might have to pay you some later."

Peter put a grimace on his face. "How much? How much? Do you know how much time it took to go out of my way to bring her here, to get this car here?"

He paused, letting the awkward silence settle in first. Then he said:

"Nothing! It cost me absolutely nothing! The Lord told me to do it ... and when the Lord shows mercy on you and then expects you to show mercy on other people ... well ... you do what you're told" Peter said while fumbling with his truck.

"And Jim; you're not going to believe this. The Lord told me not to sell my stuff in town today; instead He was very clear to me. The town needs this stuff; it needs to be placed at the mission. There's a storm coming." He opened the bed of the truck and showed it off to Jim like Vanna White showing off a letter.

Jim's mouth dropped wide open in disbelief. "Well, um, Peter. Have you been drinking?" He looked closely in his eyes for redness and looked at him sideways to check his balance. He then started laughing merrily, his eyebrows raised.

"Well, Peter, I don't know what to say. This is a big surprise! I mean, the shelter can always use blankets and things for emergencies...there isn't a storm coming though. We are expecting clear weather."

He put his wallet away. He wasn't going to argue with not having to pay him. "I don't get it. Why the sudden change in heart? You stopped caring for Canteberry Commons after Lorelai passed."

"But the Lord never stopped caring for me" Peter responded. "And that's where the difference lies."

Peter debated in himself on whether or not to tell Jim about his morning events. All he could do was try; he closed the bed of his truck and locked the side latchet.

"You won't believe me when I say this morning, this is my 2nd chance. I don't know how else to say this; but somehow I initially drove by Lorena. A whole bunch of things happened to me, Sheriff. I'm not sure I can explain it all. All I know is, God's Spirit basically told my spirit to get with the program and that I can't drive by Lorena because of this storm that is coming. I also feel very strongly that Lorena needs healing; so, if she wants to - I think her helping at the mission would be very helpful."

He looked straight into Jimmy's eyes to show him he was serious. "I know the weather said clear; I'm positive we're getting a snow storm like we've not seen before. We need the mission house open and we need a Spirit filled Preacher."

Jim shined a light in Lorena's back seat and floor boards, checking for drugs or weapons. He opened the truck and glove compartments, but all he could see was an empty tank of gas and one tattered bag of clothes.

"Well, Lorena is staying at the mission until I can make sure she is legitimately different. If you want to unload the half with her I think will spoil before we need it, and stay there with her while it is open, I trust you. Ill help unload the stuff I know we will eventually use, but I am going home unless a storm hits. It is Christmas Eve." He said with a laugh. "You have lost your mind Peter James, but I like this you a lot better. I appreciate your contribution and I want to make sure and let this town know what a changed man you are." He smiled big, unlocking his police car. "But I am still not helping you unload items just to spoil." He said, putting his burly arm around his shoulder and giving him an Indian burn. "And you will have to be the spirit filled preacher. Pastor Scott is on vacation and we are having the nativity play."

On one hand Peter was flattered with his sentiments, though he knew he would not be able to preach any messages. On the other hand, he was concerned because he knew the storm was coming and Jim didn't think so. Still, he was not angry or upset. The mission house would be open minimally and he could begin unloading things. But he was sure not all of it would be refrigerated because most of it was going to be cooked today, maybe as early as this afternoon. Peter looked up and saw an eagle; it was very majestic this time, picking off what little berries there might be left on some of the barren trees. He concluded he was right; people needed the food, a storm was brewing.

The light snow continued and the temperatures were beginning to plummet. Peter smiled at the indian burn and gave Jimmy a friendly punch in the arm. “I’ve got to get going; I’ve got some vendors to meet before I get to the mission house” Peter said. What he meant was he had a vendor to meet that owed him money from last month’s wares. Except he knew she didn't have a lot of money to begin with.

The love of God was bubbling inside of him; he was going to stop being a taker, and start being a giver … even if it put him in the poorhouse. He was going to let last month's money go for her and give her some materials for a while. God didn’t give him all these things so he could live a comfortable life. God gave him these things so he could be an answer to prayer for others; and while he didn’t have any particular family, wife or child, right at the moment – he would consider his towns people his family, even if they didn’t like him because of how rude he was to them in the past. He would show them … he would show them all right. Kill them with kindness!

As he drove away, he rolled down the window and said to Jim, “Merry Christmas; see you in a few hours!”

Merry Christmas, Peter." Jim said warmly.


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
"Oh Lorena, it is beautiful!" Murtle walked into the room where cots are usually placed.

"I hope you don't mind." Lorena said. I found the tree when I was looking in the closet for some clothes. Grateful to find something to fit in."

The tree was small, but glowed warmly on the desk next to the cot she took out to sleep on later. Beside it were a few Christmas ornaments including a Nativity Scene.

Jim walked in with a box in hand. "Lorena, go bring some stuff from the trailer in. Peter will be here a little later."

Lorena nodded and walked out to the car. "Thanks for this Uncle Jim...I just want to make right some wrongs and live a new life."

"I would say you and Peter had something in your coco, but if so, give me some of it." He said with a big grin. He gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she went out.

"Peter has all this food. I wonder if the Montgomeries would let us use some space in his deep freezer. According to Peter, God told him there is a big storm tonight."

Murtle looked out the window with wise discernment.

"Did you get to the station yet? Check Sam's message? The phones aren't working."

Jim paused. "Everywhere? I thought it was just ours." He got a confused look on his face. "Ill go next door and check." He said.

Lorena came in with a couple boxes. "This is going to take awhile. But maybe when Peter gets here I will set the tables with red cloths and napkins and things...so when the people come in, they will feel a little better."

"There is no storm." Jim said. "No crowd. But who am I to complain? The shelter hasn't been used in awhile, and is low in supplies if we do have a real emergency... this is a God send. Peter is alright."

"Check Sam's message, dear." Murtle said. "I have a feeling and am not usually wrong." Jim knew she was right on that.

"Okay. Be right back." He said giving Murtle a weird look.

"Let me help you get things in before the snow gets bad, dear." Murtle said. "Bless Peter's heart."

Peter prayed for Lorena on the way to the general grocery store. He hoped she was doing well. He turned on the radio for a moment, but got a lot of static. Once he reached the general store, he put together a box of goodies. "I'll just put some toys and some food items in this box." But then he felt bad, he felt there might be a need for some fur. So he put fur in another box and then felt bad some more. People might need some gloves and handwarmers, especially today. Before he knew it, he had three big boxes which he piled on top of each other and headed into the store.

He knew the owner; he was usually very rough with the owner over the past few years, insisting that he pay his bills on time. On the few occasions that the owner couldn't keep up, he would charge interest to delay to the next month. But Peter decided that was the old Peter; the new Peter sees that the owner is just trying to take care of their family and be a good parent.

Still, he wanted to surprise them.

"I'm here ..." he said, this time with a scowl on his face. "I've brought these three boxes of goodies for you ... but, did you get the money from last month's sales? You're outstanding by a month" he said, pretending and tapping his foot while putting the heavy boxes on the counter.

The fact is, they were beautiful people who never seemed to be able to catch up ... at least for him, he planned on catching them up today no matter what they said.

"Hey...Peter." George said, looking confused at the boxes. "Yeh, I got your money for last month. But half for this month is all I can do. Just not enough business in town. But if we cant stay open, like I told you before, the nearest store is farther then where you live."

He looked in the boxes. "You know we can't afford all this, Peter." He said. "Just the normal supplies are okay."

Peter gave another scowl and looked directly at him. "Well ... good! I'm glad you have my money, it will save me having to just give it back to you. Keep it! And these supplies, I'm giving to you for this month, free. No payment necessary; I think you are going to need to have some on hand. Now don't argue with me, if you can't use them - then just give them away."

Peter looked like he was about to walk out, but turned and said, "I do expect, however, next month a new batch of home made chocolate chip cookies by the Mrs. because hers are my favorite. Merry Christmas, George."

"Come on, Peter, the town needs...wait, what?"George put his hand on the back of his head in humble surprise.

"You are just giving this to us...I can't believe this...you have no idea what this is going to do for this town." He said astonished.

Mrs. Orwell came in also, turtle doves in hand for the Christmas tree.

"Margie, we need to go make cookies." Lots and lots of cookies!" Then strangely, George leaped out behind the desk, gave her a big kiss, and started piling toys in his own basket for their kids.

Margie smiled in confusion at Peter, not hearing the news until later. "Okay then." She said, "

"My husband has had a bit too much egg nog." She laughed. "Merry Christmas, Peter. I know you usually say no, but you are always welcome to the nativity play tonight. The boys miss you."

"I think there's going to be a huge turnout for tonight's nativity" Peter said. "The Lord be with you two!" Walking out the door, he couldn't quite figure out why the date, 1984, popped into his mind. No matter.

But as he walked back to his truck, he noticed an older gentleman just sitting by a town flagpole. He looked cold and hungry. He didn't recognize him; there were occasional homeless that lived in town. But really in a place like this, he would basically be mobbed by townsfolk. He went into his truck and pulled out a couple of sandwiches and apple pies and a bottle of water. He brought them over to the gentleman and said "Here's a meal for you, sir. Merry Christmas."

"Why thank you sir." He said, Canteberry is an alright town. "I was headed to the shelter actually. Just needed to rest a bit. Big storm up North. Just jumped off the cargo train."

Peter thought he would take this opportunity to offer him a ride to the Mission since that is where he was going to be headed next. The gentleman took a walk with him back to the truck. "Of course, helping me unload some of this at the mission would be mighty helpful. My name's Peter."

Thomas." He said. "Oh man, heated seats, he said, as he got in the car.


"The tables are beautiful. The candles are a nice touch. Hopefully we won't have to light them though. If it gets cold tonight dear, I think Peter usually brings firewood." Murtle said.

"This is a nice shelter. Too bad it isn't used more." Lorena said. "Like an activity center...would be nice during the year..."

Jimmy walked in with a shocked look on his face. "Sam csn't be here. There is a snow storm coming. Megaton got 12 feet of snow in the past 3 hours. It is moving this way. Is Peter here yet?" He said.

"Not yet, but we loaded the half in that you brought." Jim shook his head in disbelief. The storm will be here in about half an hour. We need to notify the neighbors. Lorena, I filled your tank. Can you go notify Peter's area of the woods? That would be the Hills, Hucabees, and Johnsons." He said. Lorena nodded, running off that way.

"Murtle, you take the Northern side of town. I'll go around this area, so I can help Peter when he comes back and start grilling. I think it would be safe if the whole town brought what they can and stayed here tonight. We won't be able to get the roads cleared until late tomorrow probably, and it could take a few days to uncover the houses by the way it sounds."


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
The radio squawked an alarm, but the static made it hard to hear. "Be notified storm amounts will begin at 12 - 16 inches and will in at least 3 feet. Counties to be hit hardest would be ..." But he could hardly hear the counties, but he knew it was coming. He increased speed on his truck to head back to the mission.

"Well Thomas; I hope you're not doubting that we are really going to need your help at the Mission tonight." The truck pulled into the driveway of the mission and Peter turned to Thomas. Peter noticed hardly a car here, he wasn't sure where everyone was.

"Okay, this is the mission. Empty your pockets now, I have to know you're clean ..."

Peter wasn't sure what made him say that, he just knew this was part of protocol.

Thomas turned out his pockets. He had a locket in one...and bits of the sandwich Peter gave him wrapped up in the other. "Yeh Ive been sober for a month now. But no drugs ever."

Jim ran up. "Peter, I don't know how you knew, but you are right. Storm is coming. I sent Lorena and Murtle out to tell the neighbors. I have the grills ready. Looks like we are having a little Christmas Eve get together at the shelter. You saved our skins." Jimmy said. This would be a very dark Christmas without these supplies..."

"More are headed from town, let's get this stuff in. Let's save introductions for later." Jim said, urgency in his voice.

Peter patted Jim on his back in affirmation. Opening the back of his truck, there were supplies all in the bed of the truck. "Thomas and I will help, just lead us where to put everything Jim" Peter stated.

There were all kinds of wares; blankets; pillows; food items. There was some dry ice holding the colder perishables. There were crates holding bread items and pastries. There were toys of various kinds for Christmas, some big, some small, a bunch from Mennonites as no matter what mood Peter was in, he always found he likes simple toys from the country side!

"Welcome to your new family" was suddenly a flash of words that came upon Peter's heart. It was as if the Holy Spirit was working on his heart and brought these words up to the forefront of his mind. He continued working.

Lorena stopped at the places Jim had asked her to go to. It was definitely clear a storm was coming now. At her urgency though, the families packed up their gifts and other supplies and decided to come to town as well. As she helped the last family out, she got in the car and headed back towards town.

She knew the graveyard was close where her mother was buried. She knew she had to get back to town though and would need to come back later. She cleared the fog off her window when she saw it. A tree fell down in front of her and she swerved into the snow on the side of the road.

She got out quickly, looking at the tree.

"Well...I know You are there, because You watched over me so far today." Lorena whispered out loud. She trekked through the snow towards the graveyard, covering with some extra blankets she had brought in case the families decided to stay for a snow in.

The graveyard held only a few graves...(a lot less then in Peter's vision).

"Hi mom." She whispered, a lump in her throat. "I am sorry I wasn't there when you passed..."

She sat down by her grave and covered up, finding it best not to try and walk in the storm at this point.


"Doesn't even feel like coming to a shelter." Thomas said out loud, watching as children ran around the building with delight. Venison and other goodies were cooking on the grill as families started coming in, and a huge lit up tree was set up in the middle of the day area. Everyone was helping decorate it as families put their gifts under the tree. It wasn't the easiest situation, but somehow families realized it could have been a lot worse. That in a way it was a Christmas miracle.The whole town seemed to come together as one big happy family.

Jim flipped a burger on the grill. "The Lord works in mysterious ways." He said. "The Man upstairs saved us. This storm is getting bad out. But it looks like the entire town decided to come out and not take a chance. That is good." He said to Peter.


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
One of the children came up to Peter and Jim and said, "We almost got snowed in. Mommy and Daddy said you guys helped us and there was this one girl; she seemed sad. But she was the one who told us to come here. Do you know who that girl was, I'd like to sit on her lap now and try to cheer her up." Peter looked at Jim and then looked outside of the shelter. "Lorena?" The winds were starting to pick up and the snow was no longer a trickle.


"Oh Lorena ... you have kept this guilt on you for so long. God has sent different people to help you now. Come here for a moment so I can take a good look at you." The mysterious figured beckoned for Lorena to come closer, a white light emanating from around her form.

"I didn't think God would let me talk to you, even for just a second. Forgive yourself, Lorena. And serve the Lord with the rest of your life. Jesus showed me again last night the wounds on His hands and side and He told me He did it for you ..." The image reached out to give Lorena a hug ...

When the two demons that were about to pounce on Lorena heard about the wounds on the Eternal King, they fled in terror ...

Lorena breathed out frosty breath as time seemed to stand still. Huge clumps of snow froze in midair as she walked slowly towards the mysterious figure. "I'm not dead yet am I?" She said, looking around the empty graveyard. She saw the dark figures running off, and hoped she hadn't run out of time when she was just getting back to where she wanted to be.

"As much as I want you to be with us now, Lorena ... the Lord has a different path for you. He loves you immensely. But be careful; the darkness does not like to be defeated. You can be a warrior for Christ ... accept Him as your Savior."

The scenery changed for a moment as the image grew brighter in a flash and then disappeared but not before the figure said again "I am proud of you; clean for one month. What God has made clean inside, do not corrupt again. I love you. Your new friend Peter has seen three Spirits - Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Future. You are Christmas present ... there are many people who need your light. But first, you must light that candle in your heart and allow Jesus to shine."

Lorena fell in the snow. "Please don't leave me alone." She said, tears staining her face. "Momma?" There was silence around her and she cried out on her knees.

"Why do you love me God? I don't deserve it....I should have been on that boat. It should have been me that died... Not my friends. . Ive done nothing but mess up. I am no good to anyone." She breathed deeply. The woods around the cemetary seemed to provide some shelter from the blowing winds, but the air was sharp in her lungs.

She really did want Jesus gift though. She believed what He did...

"Why should I forgive myself when I should have been on that boat too..."

Thinking about the spirit, she realized it had to be her mom. She had never heard those words from her mom before. And hearing them, gave her some strength to fight. She went to the edge of the woods and got as much firewood as she could. Her fingers were so numb, but she happened to have matches in her pocket and she tried until she got it to work. As quickly as she could, she started a fire, and tried to surround the trees in a makeshift shelter as best as she could with the blankets she brought.

"Jesus...please forgive me for my sins...I do believe you. I do want to accept your love and help others...I want to live. I don't deserve such grace, but I don't want to waste it either. It can't end this way." She got as close to the fire as she could and covered up. She wasn't sure why God loved her and everyone else so much. But the spirit made her realize it is all she ever really wanted...to love and to be loved. Lorelie and Spring did. And despite her critical demeanor, like her tough love uncle, her mom did too. And now...well Uncle Jim and Aunt Murtle really do care, she thought. Then there was Peter. If there was anyone she felt would come looking, it was him. If they realized she was gone...she smiled a bit thinking about how even with all her mess ups, there was still hope. She didn't want to let the fire go out. But she was really tired. It had been a long day. Many long years. She threw a couple more sticks on the fire and sat leaning up on a tree closing her eyes. Somehow she knew it was going to be okay...

Peter was a little confused; he drove his truck to his neighbors, where Sheriff Jim said he sent Lorena. But no sign of that slightly beat up car. He went back to his house too, wondering where she could have been. But there was no sign of her. He had double checked with the Johnsons who said they were the last place she visited. He had to find her very quickly, or the snow would soon be too much for the truck as well.

He hadn't realized that his truck had actually pulled very close to the road where the down tree was lying; within ear shot of her. The problem was, he was facing the wrong direction. He got out to look again on the road. He cried out loud, "Lord, help me find Lorena. I should have taken better care of her, I'm sorry." He felt like the Lord had a mission for her and he was a stop gap for now. Peter began to cry, overcome with emotions of caring and guilt. "Oh God, I'm sorry I drove past her the first time. By your grace, you gave me a second chance. Please, I don't want something bad to happen to her. What am I missing?"

He thought of all the things he wanted her to experience with the rest of the community. Parades. Picnics. Revival meetings. Camps. College if she wanted it. Cookouts and barbeques ... young adults putting on their own fashion sho ...

Wait ... cookouts and barbeques.

Peter smelled the air and realized why he had thought of a cookout; he could smell smoke. It was faint, almost as if it were dying. Grabbing a flashlight from the bed of his car, he turned it on and looked around from to determine where the fire was coming from. A tree ... down. A car right behind it. Running back to the truck, he grabbed a blanket and went searching for Lorena. "Lorena. Lorena? Are you here, close by?" He didn't hear anything, but could still smell the burning. "Where are you my sist ..." When he realized what he was saying, he stopped himself. "Lorena?" He would raise his voice if he had to ... he knew she was close by ... he just knew it.

Almost faintly like a dream, Lorena heard Peter's voice. She was having a hard time moving. She picked up some sticks tossing him on the fire to get it going again. She looked up...was it a vulture? An eagle circling overhead? She wasn't sure. It didn't seem very cold anymore. It seemed like a beautiful blanket of white around her and she wasn't afraid. "Peter?" She whispered hoarsely? "Follow the eagle."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
"Lorena? Lorena, you okay" Peter said as he neared the campfire. He saw the embers were kept alive by new sticks. Placing the blanket around Lorena, he was afraid she might be too cold or hallucinating.

"Eagle? You mean, like the one we saw earlier in the day? We need to get you in my truck to get you warmed up" Peter said. "I'm so glad you're here; I'll take you back to the mission."

"D-did you bring the h-heated seats." She said with a hoarse laugh. She closed her eyes a moment smiling.

"Mom...said she was proud of me...Jesus saved me from the demons. Kept me alive..."

Lorena realized she may have sounded a bit insane, and maybe she was a bit hypothermic, but she knew Jesus saved her life this day. Her very soul.

"I knew y-you would come." She said, letting him help her to her feet...

"Aww, I saw Lorelai today too. Same thing for both of us; we were allowed to see someone we love and the Lord saved us afterwards" Peter reassured her, gently helping her into the much coveted heated seats of 'Ze Clunker.

Peter told Lorena to be comfortable, he would move the tree and tow the truck back to the mission. When he finally had gotten the car hooked up to the back end of his truck, he started slowly to go to the Mission house. He didn't want to alarm Lorena, but he did gently raise the temperature of the truck to as high as 75 degrees hoping it would warm her up.

"Are you okay, Lorena? Are you ... are you a sister in Christ now? Because if so, you have a whole new family."

Lorena nodded. "I-I might need a new car after all this." Lorena laughed, still shivering, but feeling much better. "I was afraid t-to accept God's gift to us, because I d-don't deserve it." She said. "I was supposed to be on the boat that day Spring and Lorelai died..." she tried to hide her tears, leaning weakly against the door. "I-I didn't go and they died. I am sorry."

Peter was not taken aback by the confession, other than she had been so honest as to bring it out to the light. The heart sometimes comes up with many ways to blame oneself for a tragedy. He knew the importance of grieving.

“Oh Lorena” Peter said, pulling the car to the side of the road and putting on the emergency brakes. Turning to her, he commented, “I was so into myself that day; I was tired and didn’t want to do anything. So I chose to stay home and I’m going to be honest. I did some stupid things that day I’m not proud of. So, if you’re to blame, I’m equally to blame. I let them go out on the boat by themselves; they wanted to and I figured it was no big deal. When your uncle came by that day … I was devastated. Instead of being so inside of myself, I could have been out there and helped them when the boat capsized. Lorena – were you allowed to grieve Lorelai’s loss? I didn’t really allow myself to grieve the loss of Lorelai or Spring or my child. I stopped me and got mad at God. Did ‘you’ stop ‘you’? ‘Cuz right now, I’m happy to cry with you” Peter said, putting his head down and sobbing a little to assure Lorena it would be okay.

Lorena wasnt accustomed to seeing a man cry. With her mom and uncle Jim being cops, then the street gang she got into, tears were seen as weakness. But now she allowed herself to cry. It seemed she had been doing that today. Just not in front of anyone like now.

"I was on the side of the lake practicing my verse for the play...when the boat capsized...I didn't know what to do...I couldn't swim. Never learned...and went to tell Uncle Jim, but it was too late..." She exhaled deeply, her voice quavering. "Lorelai was my only friend. I never made them easy...and then Spring came along too...and I couldn't save them. "

She let the grief and guilt flow now, tears streaming down her cheeks. Even though she still was a little numb and frost bit from the cold, it felt as if her heart was allowed to feel again. It hurt, but at the same time, she knew the healing she had put off was finally happening.

"And then I messed up my verse in that stupid play that night. My mind went blank. Not that many showed up. Mom was angry I hadn't come home afterwards. I think she was grieving too...but I just ran...I had nobody else."

She slammed the car door with her fist. "I knew I shouldn't have gone with Ronald. Mom and Lorelai warned me about him. I knew he was no good. But I did, and that is where life went and would have ended...." she paused. "If not for God...and you."

Lorena realized Uncle Jim's police car lights were in the distance along with the town medic. They were going to make it back okay.

She looked at Peter, and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "Don't tell anyone I cried." She said laughing. "Or Ill blow up the picture of you as the donkey's butt for all to see." She laughed genuinely and hugged Peter.

The clouds seemed to open up and a vision of Lorelai and Spring were there waving in front of them.. Was she seeing things again? Then as quickly as it came, they were gone.

"You saw them again, didn't you" Peter said, smiling and crying simultaneously after they exchanged hugs. He seemed to be able to tell something different about the eyes when it sees heaven opened up, even if just for a glimpse.

"You know" Peter said. "We need to sit down one day and compare notes about our memories of Lorelai and Spring. That would be nice." He dried his tears, took his glasses off, and let the wind irritate the eyes a little more; this way, when Jim came by - he could say the wind was hurting his eyes.

"Lorena!" Jim said when he arrived on scene. He gave her a big bear hug, put her at a distance, and said, "Wow, there's something different about you. A glow of some sort ..."

"Yeh... they are SO happy." Lorena said to Peter, laughing. "And we will be there one day too."

She realized nothing else had to be said. The past was the past, and the present and future were a lot brighter now. What was done was done. And it was about what her mom had said about the scars on Jesus' hands and feet. He paid the price for them.
Every bit of it.

She opened the door and embraced Uncle Jim back. Hugs were the other deemed weakness. But Uncle Jim seemed to have changed a lot over the years along with Lorena in the past hour.

"Wow, there's something different about you. A glow of some sort ..." Uncle Jim said.

"If I didn't just come to Jesus and survive outside for an hour, in these winds, I-I would blame it on this ugly/blingy Christmas sweater I put on before I left."

Uncle Jim laughed and had her sit in the back of the medic car to get checked out and treat the frostbite.

"We can talk more in town. I am proud of you. And your mom was too."

"I know..." she whispered, smiling great big. "And thank you, Uncle Jim."

He gave her another reassuring pat on her shoulder closing the door, and waved at Peter, motioning him to follow him to escort back to the shelter.

It was almost like a parade coming into town with all the police lights. The wind was howling and blowing hard with huge snow drifts. And it was very cold, but couldn't feel any warmer.

People started clapping and cheering as Peter and Lorena entered into the shelter. Lights were since put up, and the laughter of children echoed through the building . The children were dressed in Nativity clothes, playing in a live nativity set up near the tables.

"Attention everyone, now that everyone is back and safe, I would like to make a toast to a changed man, Peter James, for making all of this possible. Without the good Lord using him, we would be surviving on spam and Mrs. Hamilton's fruit cake."

Mrs. Hamilton scrunched up her face in a warning glare, then softened to a smile laughing good naturedly with the others.

"Would you like to say a few words, Peter?" Jim asked.

Peter hadn’t spoken much in front of other people since the accident; but he knew the people there were grateful to him for everything that was done. He looked out over everyone; some seated in chairs. Some standing. Some eating. Some kids playing, many dressed for a nativity show. For the first time, he knew what it meant to have God’s love in His heart and how he could truly say he loved every single person he saw.

Peter realized he was somewhat unprepared. He did not have his pocket Bible with him, but he remembered one verse. So he gave it.

“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12.

“This morning was the first time I ever truly had the Son. The greatness in Lorelai and Spring and others that have gone on to glory already is not their friendship, though I thought it was the only thing that kept me going. The greatness was that they knew I tended to worship them and make them idols; they were very gentle and friendly and loving. But they were always quick to tell me to worship and thank God. And now, my friendship with them, even though they are not here right now, is stronger than ever because I know they are worshiping God in heaven and enjoying the presence of Jesus. Everything that happened today was God’s mercy; I intended to sell my wares as usual. And instead, the Lord told me I was carrying His mercy and that I should not spare in giving it out to others.”

Peter began to tear up. Taking his index finger and thumb and creasing them over his eyes, under his glasses, to stop the crying – he finished:

“I couldn’t have done it without Jim, Lorena, and others believing in the Lord’s message to us this morning. But most importantly – I hope you will accept Jesus as your Savior; I don’t mind if you never want to hear from me again if you know Jesus! Also, please be gracious to Thomas who I met just this afternoon.” Peter smiled softly and then said, “And if you’re making me talk, then Lorena should give a few words too.”

The he smiled like Cheshire Cat at her.


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Jul 14, 2018
United States
Lorena was taking in a much deserved mug of hot cocoa and hit Peter on the shoulder.

"Two words. Donkey's bottom." She said. Everyone laughed. She looked over at the stable, her eyes moist.

"Not to steal the kids' spotlight, but I know the play is a bit different this year. So I guess I remember how it goes." She held the Bible in her hand and quoted by memory.

Luke 2:8-21 ESV

And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us." And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.


Lorena watched the kids getting into place with big smiles. The improv was much appreciated with the circumstances. Everyone started lighting candles as the lights were turned down softly.

"Today....I treasure baby Jesus in my heart in a way I haven't for many years. Without this virgin birth...pure spotless lamb coming into our world to die for us, we would have no hope or reason to live..."

Everyone was choking up and Lorena tried to play it tough continuing.

"Dont take for granted your life...your family, friends, and blessings...life will throw many challenges, BUT GOD.

We can be like Mary and Joseph by doing what God wants us to do.

We can be like the shepherds and Wise Men by following Jesus Christ.

We can be like the angels by telling others the real story of Christmas.

And we can be like Jesus by following His example!

It doesnt matter who you are or what you have done in your life. God loves you."


First it was Thomas. He fell down on his knees with a repentant longing heart. Then little Tim fell down too. And pretty soon a small group of people were on their knees, giving their lives to Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
The Holy Spirit moved in His own unique way that Christmas eve. Peter was amazed at the changes in his heart and his life as well as as the changes in Lorena and the others. He had been to many services where altar calls could sometimes, but not always be, emotionally manipulated. But tonight, people were answering the call without being told to.

There was crying and laughing. Peter could hear in the Spirit both crying and laughing, a mixture of remorseful repentance and joyful exuberance at the prospect of Jesus Christ becoming the love of their life.

He also overheard many "please forgive me for having so much anger for you" or "please forgive me for hurting you" conversations. There was so much of God's love in the entire place, there were many pure tokens of affection exchanged, and there were many deep wounds and hurts that were healing. And even Thomas finally found some place to belong.

There was so much love and Christian fellowship and salvations and rededications taking place that only Lorena and Peter saw the window of the mission house and saw the eagle looking on with great interest before flying away back to heaven. And Peter and Lorena's lives were never the same again.

The End
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Feb 7, 2010
United States
Time for me to watch Hans Gruber fall from Nakatomi Towers.
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