Almighty God and Planet Earth

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Almighty God and Planet Earth

We now have available to us quite sophisticated video games, such as ‘Minecraft’, where we can control identities and develop outcomes to the advantage of the player.

When we consider the incredible construct of our environment and the information as given to us in the Book provided by our Maker, it does seem that we are actually part of a carefully set up great cosmic plan1. The Creator God has fashioned a whole universe, and He has fixed the heavenly bodies in space, but Planet Earth is specially established as a place for human existence2. He constantly watches3 our progress or lack of, as the case may be and does occasionally intervene with miraculous things4 and a little tweak of the weather5. He can also control our minds6, although we are free to choose our beliefs and that has a bearing on our actions7.

Although Satan is an angelic being that has rebelled against God,8 he is allowed to try to deceive humankind,9 in order to provide us with a choice – follow good or evil.10

God sent Jesus into the world to reiterate how we should live and to provide a way of atonement for all who choose to believe in Him and obey His Commands.11

Only once so far, He has carried out a reset of civilization, when the situation got out of hand, as in the days of Noah12. Then later, He selected Abraham to father a nation who would become His chosen people, to be His witnesses and to show the right way of living to the rest of the nations.13 The ancient Israelites failed at this task and they were exiled out of the holy Land and city that God had chosen for His own.14

Now a small part of the Israelite peoples have returned to a part of the holy Land, but they face constant threats of annihilation from all the surrounding peoples.15 The Prophetic Word says that the Lord is restraining Himself from intervening,16 but when the enemy commences his attack, then He will act.17

Scripture tells us that He is the Potter, we are the clay and He can remould or smash at will.18 Some are actually made for destruction.19 The forthcoming great Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a terrible judgement/punishment by fire from the sky,20 will once again reset the world’s civilization.21

The survivors of the nations will establish a One World Government, initially ruled by 10 Presidents,22 but all the faithful Christian people will gather and go to live in all of the original Promised Land.23 They will fulfil their destiny, being a light to the nations and proclaiming the coming Kingdom of Jesus.24

1/ Almighty God is the Creator of all there is.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth….

Jeremiah 10:12 God made the earth by His power

Psalm 33:11 The Lord’s purpose stands forever….

2/ The Earth is made for mankind.

Genesis 1:26-28…God created humans in His own image, they have dominion over the earth.

Isaiah 45:18 The Creator says: I made the earth as a place to be lived in.

3/ The Lord watches all mankind.

2 Chron. 16:9 The eyes of the Lord range through the whole world

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord survey everyone, good or evil.

Psalm 11:4 God is on His throne in heaven, His searching gaze tests mankind.

4/ God can and does perform miracles.

Exodus 14:21-28 …the Israelites went over the Red sea on dry land

John 11:43 Jesus said: Lazarus, come forth.

5/ God controls the weather.

Genesis 41:25-32…there will be seven good years and then seven years of famine.

1 Kings 18:41-45…Elijah prayed for rain to break the drought.

Psalm 135:3-5 The Lord is great, He brings up clouds and makes the rain.

6/ He can control our minds.

Deut. 29:4 To this day, the Lord has not given you a mind to understand.

Isaiah 29:9-11 If you believe false teachings, then the Lord will pour upon you a spirit of deep stupor and the prophetic vision will become as a sealed book.

Isaiah 56:10-11 All Israel’s watchmen are blind, perceiving nothing

Matthew 11:25 Father, You have hidden the truth from the wise and revealed it to the simple.

7/ We can choose the path we travel through life.

Genesis 2:15-17…you are free to eat of any tree, but if you eat from the tree of the knowledge you will then know of the difference between good and evil.

Proverbs 16:16 Choose wisdom rather than gold, discernment before silver.

8/ Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, that great Dragon.

Ezekiel 28:11-15 You were full of wisdom and beauty…until iniquity came into you.

Luke 4:6 All the earth has been put into my hands….

Rev. 12:3-17…that great Dragon lost his place in heaven… he pursued the ‘woman’, but she was taken to a place of safety, so he went to wage war on the other faithful Christians.

9/ Satan is a cunning deceiver.

Genesis 4:6-7 The Lord said to Cain: Why are you angry? You must keep upright, for sin is a demon crouching at the door, it will take you over

1 Peter 5:8 Look out! The Devil is like a roaring lion, looking for prey.

10/ It’s our choice – follow good or evil.

Joshua 24:15 …choose now whom you will serve, the God of our fathers or of the Amorites.

Isaiah 56:4-5…those who choose to do My will, will receive an everlasting blessing.

11/ The Way of the Lord is the right Way.

Isaiah 48:17 The Lord says: I teach you for your own wellbeing

Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you mortals what is good, act justly, be loyal and humble.

John 14:6 Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Light

12/ The days of Noah.

Genesis 6:5-13 When God saw how great was the wickedness of humans on earth, He wiped them out with a great flood, only Noah and his family survived.

Matthew 24:27 As it was in the days of Noah, again it will be when the Son of Man comes.

13/ A chosen people, the Lord’s witnesses.

Deut.10:15 God loved the forefathers and He chose their descendants after them.

Psalm 65:4-5 Happy are those whom You chose, God our Deliverer

John 15:1-26 I am the Vine, you are the branches…you are to bear fruit in plenty and so be My disciples…You did not choose Me, I chose you…to be My witnesses throughout the world.

14/ The Exile punishment of the Israelites.

Deut. 4:25-27 If you anger the Lord by sinning against Him, then He will scatter you among the nations and leave you few in number in the places where He will lead you.

2 Kings 17:20-23 When God separated Israel from the House of David, they persisted in sinning. So the Lord rejected the descendants of Israel and flung them out of His presence. They were taken to Assyria and remain in exile to this day.

Jeremiah 16:10-13 Tell Judah how they have forsaken Me and do not keep My Law, they follow their wicked and stubborn hearts. So I shall fling them headlong out of this Land, into unknown countries, there to serve other gods.

15/ The Jewish State of Israel is now facing serious threats of attack.

Psalm 83:1-8 …our enemies raise an uproar, they devise a cunning plot against Israel. They say: Let us wipe them out as a nation, let the name of Israel be remembered no more.

Micah 4:11-12 Now; many nations are massed against you, they say: Let Israel suffer disaster, but they do not know God’s thoughts or understand His purposes – they are like sheaves gathered for threshing.

16/ God is refraining from intervening until the last moment.

Isaiah 42:14 Long have I restrained Myself, I keep silence and hold Myself in check. But now I am like a woman in labour, soon I will lay waste to the countryside and dry it up.

Habakkuk 3:12-14 In anger, You traverse the earth, You trample down the nations. You will shatter the wicked, sweeping them away as they commence their secret attack.

Psalm 7:12-16 The enemy makes ready his weapons, but his nefarious actions will recoil upon himself, his violent attack will fall onto his own head.

Joel 3:4 What are you Philistines doing? If you try to take vengeance on Me, I shall make your weapons recoil swiftly onto your own heads.

17/ The Lord will take action against the godless nations.

Isaiah 34:1-8 Listen everybody: the Lord’s anger is against all the nations and His wrath is against their military forces. For My sword will appear in the sky, the atmosphere will roll away as it descends in judgement. There will be a great slaughter in Edom, [non Israelite nations] and a sacrifice in Bozrah. [Places where the exiled Israelites live.]

Isaiah 28:21 But the Lord will arise, as He did in ancient times, He will storm with rage to do what He must do, to perform His task, an unusual act.

18/ He is the Potter, we are the clay.

Jeremiah 18:1-9… My people, I can deal with you just like a potter does with the clay….I can at any moment uproot a nation or plant and build up another nation or kingdom. But if it does evil in My sight, then I will reconsider the good that I had in mind for them.

Romans 9:20-21 Who do you think you are, to answer your Creator back?...Surely the Potter can do what He likes with the clay. Is he not free to make two vessels out of one lump, one to be treasured, the other for common use?



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
19/ Some are made for destruction.

Romans 9:22-23 But if it is indeed God’s purpose to display His retribution and make His power known, can it be that He has with great patience tolerated vessels made to be objects of His wrath and destined for destruction?

Jeremiah 9: 25-26, 21-22 The time is coming when I shall punish all the circumcised, the dwellers in the Middle East, for all alike including My people, Israel, are uncircumcised in their hearts. Death will come into the houses and those outside will fall. Corpses will lie like dung in the fields, like swaths behind the Reaper, with no one to bury them.

Proverbs 16:4 The Lord has made each thing for its own end, so He has made the wicked for a Day of calamity.

Hebrews 10:27…there remains only a terrifying fire that will consume God’s enemies.

20/ The great and terrible Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath.

Isaiah 30:25-28…on the Day of massacre, when all military power is destroyed….the sun will shine with seven times its normal strength…[A Coronal Mass Ejection] The Lord’s anger blazes and His doom is heavy upon the nations that He has decreed for destruction.

Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great Day of the Lord is near and approaches fast. That Day is a Day of devastation and dire distress to all peoples who have sinned against the Lord, their blood will be poured out and their entrails like dung. Their wealth and strength will not save them from the fire of His wrath. The entire holy Land will be consumed, for He will make a sudden and terrible end to all who live there.

Malachi 4:1-3 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, all the godless evildoers will become stubble, set ablaze and as ashes under your feet, on the Day that I take action.

Revelation 6:12-17 As the Lamb broke the Sixth Seal, there was a violent earthquake, the sun was darkened, [by the approaching CME mass] and the moon blood red. [by the hit from this CME] The sky rolled up, [the atmosphere pushed aside] and there was a meteor shower. Everyone could see what was coming and they tried to hide, terrified by their impending doom: for the great Day of wrath of God Almighty and the Lamb has come and who can stand?

21/ The Second ‘Reset of Civilization’.

Deuteronomy 32:22, 34-35, 43 God has in reserve, sealed in His storehouse, waiting for the Day of punishment and vengeance: a fire to be set ablaze by His wrath. It will devour the earth and its harvest, reaching to the very roots of the mountains. When those who hate Him make a mistake, He will avenge the blood of His people and cleanse His Land.

Jeremiah 25:30-33 The Lord thunders from His dwelling place, He roars loudly against all the inhabitants of the holy Land. Everyone on earth hears the great sound, for He brings His charge against the nations and arraigns all mankind. He has handed the wicked over to destruction. Ruin spreads from nation to nation, [as the earth rotates] and those whom the Lord has killed on that Day, will lie scattered from one end of the earth to the other.

2 Peter 3:7 By God’s Word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for burning, kept until the Day of judgement, when the godless will be destroyed.

22/ The long planned One World Government, soon to be ruled by a dictator.

Daniel 7:23-24…a fourth kingdom will appear on earth…it will take over the whole earth, controlling all aspects of life with great power. Ten Presidents will initially rule the ten regions, but another powerful leader will arise and take dictatorial control over all.

Revelation 17:12-13 & 13:11-18 The ten horns you saw represent ten kings, who will confer their authority onto the beast. The beast whose mortal wound had been healed makes everyone worship his image and to take his mark, otherwise they cannot buy or sell.

23/ The Lord’s righteous people, be they true descendants of Jacob or grafted in, Romans 11:13-21, will gather and go to live in all of the holy Land.

Isaiah 51:5-6 In an instant, I will bring victory and deliver My people. Look: although the sky is dispersed like smoke and people die like flies, My saving power to you is everlasting.

Isaiah 66:18-20 I am coming to gather people of every tongue, they will come to see My glory. From all the world, in every type of conveyance they will come, as an offering to God.

Isaiah 62:1-5 For Zion’s sake, I shall not keep silent, her victory and deliverance is like a blazing torch. The Land will be called Beulah and I will delight in My people who live there.

Jeremiah 23:3 I Myself, will gather the remnant of My sheep from all the lands to which I have dispersed them. I shall bring them back to their rightful homes and they will be fruitful and increase.

Zechariah 8:7-8 This is the Word of the Lord: I am about to rescue My people from the countries in the East and the West and bring them back to live in the holy Land. They will be My people and I will be their God.

24/ The Lord’s people, the new nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, living in all of the holy Land:

Isaiah 49:8 These are the Words of the Lord: In the time of My favour, I answered you, on the Day of deliverance I came to your aid. I have prepared you and destined you to be a ‘light to the nations’, and to restore the desolated Land.

Ezekiel 39:25-29 When I bring My people back from the nations, when they live once more in their homeland undisturbed and free from terror, then they will forget their shame and unfaithfulness to Me – for I shall pour out My Spirit upon them and they will display My holiness for many nations to see.

Isaiah 42:6 I the Lord, have called you for a righteous purpose and taken you by the hand. I have formed you and destined you to be a light for the peoples, a lamp for the nations.

Revelation 7:1-10 After that, [The Sixth Seal judgement/punishment of the nations.] there will be no further disasters until the Seal of God is placed upon the foreheads of His servants. 144,000 were marked and with them was a vast throng of people [in Jerusalem], from every race, tribe, nation and language. They shouted: Victory to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!

Reference; Revised English Bible. Some verses abridged and paraphrased.

Revelation 14:1-6 proves all this takes place in Jerusalem and the Lord is ‘revealed to His own’, 2 Thess. 1:10 and ‘to the elders of His people’, Isaiah 24:23.

The leader they elect, Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11, ‘will approach Him’, as Moses did.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
I have made known My purpose:

Jeremiah 17:15-18 People say: Where is the fulfilment of God’s Word? Let it come, if it can! It isn’t just the prospect of the coming disaster that makes me follow the Lord. I do not wish for Your judgement, You know all my thoughts and desires. On that evil day, be my refuge, may my persecutors be confounded, may they, not I be terrified. Bring onto Your enemies Your Day of vengeance and destroy them utterly.

Psalms 2:1-4 He who sits enthroned in Heaven, laughs at the wicked who conspire against Him and His people. Angrily, He rebukes them with His wrath.

Jeremiah 25:30-38 The Lord roars from on high, He thunders from His dwelling place, against His Land and those who dwell in it. This great noise reaches to the ends of the earth, for The Lord brings judgement to all the nations and indeed to all mankind. The godless and evil will be fuel for the fire. Ruin spreads around the world from this mighty tempest and those killed on that Day will lie scattered as dung upon the earth. Cry out, you leaders and shepherds of My people for this is your time to go to the slaughter, you cannot flee from the Lord’s fierce anger.

Jeremiah 4:23-28 I looked at the earth, it was in chaos, reeling to and fro, in darkness. Nobody could be seen and the land was a desolate wilderness, the towns ruined and deserted, because of the fierce anger of the Lord. The whole world will be affected but not completely destroyed. The earth will be in mourning for this. I have made known My purpose, I will not relent or change it.

Jeremiah 10:17-18 My people, gather up your goods and flee the country, for you are living under siege. The Lord says: This time, I shall throw out the whole population of the Land. I shall press them and squeeze them dry. Jeremiah 12:14

Isaiah 26:20-21 Go, My people enter your rooms and shut the door after you, withdraw for a little while, until the Lord’s wrath has passed. The Lord is coming from His dwelling place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins, it will hide its transgressions no more.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 I alone, know My purpose for you, it is wellbeing and not misfortune, for you and your descendants. If you call Me and pray to Me, I shall listen to you. When you seek Me, you shall find Me, if you search wholeheartedly, I will let you find Me, says the Lord. I shall restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places to which I have banished you and then I will restore you to the place from where you went into exile. Ref: REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses abridged.

The Lord has ‘made known His purpose’, that is to bring disaster onto the godless and the enemies of His people. This coming terrible Day of judgement will ‘affect the whole world’ and millions will die from the effects of the huge CME sunstrike that he will use. The Middle East will be cleared and cleansed and His Christian people who listened to His warnings and kept safe under shelter, will repopulate the Holy Land. As so clearly stated in Ezekiel 34:11-16, all the faithful Christians, the Israelites of God will gather and live in all the Land promised to Abraham. They live in peace and prosperity, in the new country of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, sending out 144,000 missionaries to proclaim the forthcoming Kingdom of Jesus. Isaiah 66:19, Revelation 14:1-7


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I am a messenger for the Prophets, I promote what they said.
As what my name means. Strongs H3785

If what the Bible Prophets said, is not in accordance with what you believe, Then.....?
The KJV translates Strong's H3785 in the following manner: witchcraft (4x), sorcery (2x).

Matthew 10:26
Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The KJV translates Strong's H3785 in the following manner: witchcraft (4x), sorcery (2x).
Firstly, if you rely on the KJV for the truths of scripture, you are deceived and will be confused.

Hebrew words have multiple meanings and the way to translate them is by using the context.
Strongs does say the H3785 means; a proclaimer, a herald; generally a Biblical message.

You, on the other hand: are an accuser of the brethren.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Firstly, if you rely on the KJV for the truths of scripture, you are deceived and will be confused.

Hebrew words have multiple meanings and the way to translate them is by using the context.
Strongs does say the H3785 means; a proclaimer, a herald; generally a Biblical message.

You, on the other hand: are an accuser of the brethren.
You gave the Strongs word, I just quoted and posted it. If you had some different translation other than what is most common under the providence of God, you should have at least posted it. Then you would not have shown yourself to be the accuser you accuse me of being.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
One assumes that for you to be posting here, you have already received the Gospel of Salvation.

What I promote is what God has planned for our future.
If what is Prophesied doesn't meet with your approval, then who is wrong?

what is prophesied fully meets with my approval- for God spoke through the prophets.

Who appointed you a messenger of the prophets? Teh prophets were the messengers! Why should the messengers need a messenger?????

And seeing we are living in the church age and God acts through the church- Who has appointed you and ordained you to this lofty position????

the way you have set yor writing- you have exalted yourself high .

You have self declared yourself a messenger of the prophets. so to disagree with your "opinions" is to disagree with the prophets which is to disagree with God. so you imply your words are infallible! Sorry I am not Catholic so I don't do popes!

That is just a different way of being a cult leader wannabe! As for me I am just a lowly ambassador of Almighty God, like all other saints who seek to serve Him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
One assumes that for you to be posting here, you have already received the Gospel of Salvation.

What I promote is what God has planned for our future.
If what is Prophesied doesn't meet with your approval, then who is wrong?
You have done well, but the water you carry is from below and not from above. There were also to be false teachers, the believing of many lies, delusions, and great apostacy, which you have not factored in and which have you in great error in many things. These things were also to be until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled.

Yet being lead unto all truth was also foretold. Historically, when truth came to Israel (our predecessor) most did not receive it. The priests and leaders and the jeering masses--the chosen people, all believed they were on the right path, and therefore many only saw truth in death. History repeats itself, but you need not go the same way.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
I don't need to respond to people who challenge what I do. I am answerable to God alone.
Posters who dispute the prophetic truths as I present them, by making personal attacks instead of refuting it with Bible exegesis and logic, obviously have had their false beliefs challenged.
Point 6 of the OP applies.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I don't need to respond to people who challenge what I do. I am answerable to God alone.
Posters who dispute the prophetic truths as I present them, by making personal attacks instead of refuting it with Bible exegesis and logic, obviously have had their false beliefs challenged.
Point 6 of the OP applies.

Once again it is not the prophetic truths you post from SCripture, it is your "spin" of them that is completely bothersome and you know that is the problem I address.

The fact that you refuse to submit to biblical authority also shows you are trapped in spiritual pride. Even Paul submitted to the Jerusalem council and He was appointed by God!

Yes you are free to respond or not respond to anyone you wish, but when you twist the scriptures with your "spin", expect lots of blowback!

And once again Mister messenger of the Prophets ( funny you are not a messenger sent by God.) I didn't know that Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel are in heaven appointing humans to act as their messengers.

YOur arrogance knows no bounds. YOu dare to declare in a not so subtle way that to dare disagree with you is to disagree with God and thus the one disagreeing cannot be saved.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God sent Jesus into the world to reiterate how we should live and to provide a way of atonement for all who choose to believe in Him and obey His Commands.11

The Atonement, is the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, delivered to the World, as "The Gift of Salvation".... 2000 Yrs ago.

When you teach that keeping commandments are a part of the Cross of Christ you deny the New Testament and teach a hybrid Salvation that is the Devil's Lie, and you are found here. Galatians 1:8
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Truths of Prophecy:

The controversial theory of a rapture to heaven of the Church, shows just how difficult it is for people to change their beliefs from what they have been taught. The fact that there is no consensus among scholars of when this removal will take place, pre, mid, post and now; pre-wrath, is an indictment against that belief.

God is NOT satisfied with the world, as it is now. We are, just as Jesus said we would be: once again as in the days of Noah. But this time, there are many more faithful to God and who have accepted the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, so the fire that God will use to correct His Creation this time won't be so destructive and many people will survive, Godly and ungodly.

But there will be a virtual depopulation of all the holy Land area. Zephaniah 1:14-18

Like Paul, I do not like to boast, but I know that the Lord has given me a task and has inspired me to do what I have, in writing over 750 articles on the Prophetic Word.

I have the tool of the internet to promote the truths of what God has planned for our future, which will unfold just as the Prophetic Word tells us.
That I mostly get rejection, scorn and ignored, is not my concern; I present the truths and people choose their own course. As Ezekiel was told, I must tell all I can, or God will hold me to account. Ezekiel 33:1-9

Who are the people of God and who will occupy all the holy Land after God clears and cleanses that entire area? Deuteronomy 32:34-43

It is plain and logical: they will be every faithful Christian believer. Isaiah 35:8-10 says that no one unclean will go there and of old, ethnic Israel, Ezekiel 20:34-38 says; those who hate Me will die in the desert.

Friends; we look forward to an amazing time, where we who stand firm in our faith, will receive the promised blessings and favour of the Lord, as we live in peace and prosperity in the holy Land. Ezekiel 34:11-31, Romans 9:24-26 WE will be the people God always wanted in His Land, but has never had as yet.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Truths of Prophecy:

The controversial theory of a rapture to heaven of the Church, shows just how difficult it is for people to change their beliefs from what they have been taught. The fact that there is no consensus among scholars of when this removal will take place, pre, mid, post and now; pre-wrath, is an indictment against that belief.

God is NOT satisfied with the world, as it is now. We are, just as Jesus said we would be: once again as in the days of Noah. But this time, there are many more faithful to God and who have accepted the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, so the fire that God will use to correct His Creation this time won't be so destructive and many people will survive, Godly and ungodly.

But there will be a virtual depopulation of all the holy Land area. Zephaniah 1:14-18

Like Paul, I do not like to boast, but I know that the Lord has given me a task and has inspired me to do what I have, in writing over 750 articles on the Prophetic Word.

I have the tool of the internet to promote the truths of what God has planned for our future, which will unfold just as the Prophetic Word tells us.
That I mostly get rejection, scorn and ignored, is not my concern; I present the truths and people choose their own course. As Ezekiel was told, I must tell all I can, or God will hold me to account. Ezekiel 33:1-9

Who are the people of God and who will occupy all the holy Land after God clears and cleanses that entire area? Deuteronomy 32:34-43

It is plain and logical: they will be every faithful Christian believer. Isaiah 35:8-10 says that no one unclean will go there and of old, ethnic Israel, Ezekiel 20:34-38 says; those who hate Me will die in the desert.

Friends; we look forward to an amazing time, where we who stand firm in our faith, will receive the promised blessings and favour of the Lord, as we live in peace and prosperity in the holy Land. Ezekiel 34:11-31, Romans 9:24-26 WE will be the people God always wanted in His Land, but has never had as yet.

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

The fact you deny a future for national and natural Israel tells it all that you have been misled.

Calling Beulah a new nation is wrong

Denying the rapture is wrong.

I could go on and on. the fact you dodge saying whether you have submitted this "alleged" calling from god to a Pastor teacher says lots- and none of it good.

God has no lone rangers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
God has no lone rangers.
What would you call Jesus in His first Advent, then?
ALL the Prophets were alone in their ministries. They were disbelieved and persecuted, even killed. I would have to think that my promotion of the Prophetic Word was errant if most people agreed with it.

Your opinions on what I prove to be correct from Bible Prophesies, are wrong and made to support your false beliefs.
However, provided you stand firm in your faith, despite not knowing the truths of Gods Plans for you and all Christians, you will be saved, even by passing thru fire. 1 Corinthians 3:15
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I don't need to respond to people who challenge what I do. I am answerable to God alone.
Posters who dispute the prophetic truths as I present them, by making personal attacks instead of refuting it with Bible exegesis and logic, obviously have had their false beliefs challenged.
Point 6 of the OP applies.
No, you don't need to respond, just as you don't need to hear or see. But yes, we all will answer to God.

But the question remains: Why have you left out and not considered what was also foretold of false teachers, the believing of many lies, delusions, and great apostacy, as if your interpretations were exempt of them?

The problem is...your understanding of the prophecies you teach, are not greatly different from those that have been subject to the things warned of that are now fulfilled just as they too were foretold to also occur.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Of this, they are willfully ignorant of…. 2 Peter 3:5.

This is in regard to the forthcoming worldwide judgement by fire, but it applies to all people who want to be free of any hindrance to their own will, to do the things they want to do regardless of what is found in the Word of God. This willingness to be ignorant of the things of God is a willful choice based on a selfish desire rather than a desire to please God.

It is not that they cannot grasp the truth; or that they cannot understand it. The fact is that they do not want the truth because the truth of God's word would mean changing their cozy lifestyle. This also applies to those who have chosen to believe false teachings, so as to think they can avoid the testing times to come.

Look at Acts 7:51-60….Then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears. Why? They did not want to know the truth about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

This is true in our day as well. There are multitudes of people who do not want to know the things of God because they do not want to be beholden to God. They are willfully ignorant. Paul said something similar to that in 1 Corinthians 14:38.
But if any man be ignorant, let him remain ignorant. Isaiah 29:9-12

Until a person is willing to receive the truth with an open mind and thereby become mentally renewed , he or she will remain in the dark about salvation and for Christians about the great future God has planned for us.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
What would you call Jesus in His first Advent, then?
ALL the Prophets were alone in their ministries. They were disbelieved and persecuted, even killed. I would have to think that my promotion of the Prophetic Word was errant if most people agreed with it.

Your opinions on what I prove to be correct from Bible Prophesies, are wrong and made to support your false beliefs.
However, provided you stand firm in your faith, despite not knowing the truths of Gods Plans for you and all Christians, you will be saved, even by passing thru fire. 1 Corinthians 3:15

Jesus is god and even He was approved by both the Father and the Spirit after His baptism.

and this is not the old Testament! But the new And god gave some apostles, some prophets, evangelists. pastors and teachers, and none of them just pop up out of the woodwork.

Even Paul and Barnabbas were anointec by the Church to do their mission work.

do you think yourself bewtter than the Apostle Paul and can ignore the church and its authority?

Did you go into teh desert and learn theology ?
did you study at the hands of a great teacher?
Have you submitteted your give to the local assembly you are supposed to be part of?

If not go find Silver and tonto!