Am I Wrong For Not Attending Church?

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New Member
May 29, 2009
I am debating if i should go back to church but as a child i had a very corrupt vile church that tought false doctrine. I am bitter with that and thats one of the main reasons i dont go to church. Is there any method to help me find a better church home? i havnt been in over five years regularly but i still read my bible and meditate daily. I hope it doesnt split me apart from other christians and i apologize if it has but i just need advise on how to find a good church home. Thanks guys and god bless


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
I am debating if i should go back to church but as a child i had a very corrupt vile church that tought false doctrine. I am bitter with that and thats one of the main reasons i dont go to church. Is there any method to help me find a better church home? i havnt been in over five years regularly but i still read my bible and meditate daily. I hope it doesnt split me apart from other christians and i apologize if it has but i just need advise on how to find a good church home. Thanks guys and god bless
Hi there Gumby.There is no scriptures in the bible at all saying "Thou shalt go to church"... Not going to church is not a sin. A church is just an assembly... CB is a church in a way, because aren't we all assemble together on the internet. A home can be a church... A website can be a church.Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


When good men do nothing, evil will triumph.Take a
Nov 17, 2008
You said it right, my friend, Jordan! Nice job! I have not been to a "Church Building" in many years. I went to many trying to find one that taught truth and not just pass the plate and found none. Christ told the Disciples NOT to take their purse with them to the town to preach. God does not send out beggars! He doesn't need to beg!!! So many fakes as Christ told us that many would come in His name.............very sad that it's so true today.


New Member
May 29, 2009
I really do appriciate the scriptures that you posted jordon but i mean should i be around large groups of christians in worship and discussion. After all i am trying to meet new people and it would be nice. Dont get me wrong though this site has been a blessing but should i attempt to go to diffrent churches in person on a weekly basis?


When good men do nothing, evil will triumph.Take a
Nov 17, 2008
I really do appriciate the scriptures that you posted jordon but i mean should i be around large groups of christians in worship and discussion. After all i am trying to meet new people and it would be nice. Dont get me wrong though this site has been a blessing but should i attempt to go to diffrent churches in person on a weekly basis?
gumby, Doesn't that depend upon what your purpose is? What are you looking for? Also, "on a weekly basis" is made up by man. Your relationship with God is purely YOUR business. If you want to make friends to speak with in person and run around with, then yes, try a Church. Just check out their Doctrine first. If they don't have leery. Scripture is very clear what to believe. Personally, I would choose a non-denominationsl one. Otherwise, you get stuck in someone's idea of what God wants and will be required to "join their club" Church. That is after you pay to go to their classes and get Baptised into THEIR Church. It's all about making people feel they belong and thereby, more willing to financially support the Church out of obligation. Only support where you are fed the truth and be armed with enough knowledge to recognize where that is. There are other places to meet people such as local groups in your city that aren't necessarilly religious based. Often they are more accepting and more fun. Sometimes Churches have "dinner groups" that meet once a month. Or take a class at your local Community Center. Just stay away from the bars/grills as the only people you will meet there are those who drink! LOL You don't need anyone with baggage. Start going to the same grocery store at the same time everyday and see who's there. They will begin to notice you over time and a trust will build up and perhaps a friendship.If you're talking about feeling as though you are being "called" by Father to attend a Church, really be sure that it is Him and not you. I am not able to get out as much as I used to and so this is my main communication source to the outside. It fits me as I appreciate my privacy yet am able to talk whenever I can and want to. My family knows that this is my JOB! To discuss the Bible and share what I know and learn what others know. It is a full time effort for me and I put my heart into it. So, I feel that Father is content with me and my relationship with Him is stengthened as time goes by. Do not allow guilt to lead you. Don't feel that your salvation is dependent upon going to Church, it's not.


New Member
May 29, 2009
Im non denominational but the churches in my area arnt non denominational. I was raised baptist but i dont know what denomination to persue.


When good men do nothing, evil will triumph.Take a
Nov 17, 2008
Im non denominational but the churches in my area arnt non denominational. I was raised baptist but i dont know what denomination to persue.
Call a Church and ask them about their Doctrine and stay away from becoming a "member". We are members of Christ's family and not in a clique. So, check out all of their requirements and pick one that is the least demanding. Talk to the Pastors on the phone. Tell them you are non-denominationsl and see if they tell you that the Church really is too. Some Churches just need to belong to a "group" of Churches for funding and so have to have a "Title" to settle on. It's very political. So go to one that suits YOUR needs and not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
I really do appriciate the scriptures that you posted jordon but i mean should i be around large groups of christians in worship and discussion. After all i am trying to meet new people and it would be nice. Dont get me wrong though this site has been a blessing but should i attempt to go to diffrent churches in person on a weekly basis?
Hi again Gumby........If you are a true believer, then you are the church, along with other believers....The way the Lord explained it to me, was that if I was going to compare it to a 'church' building, then I am a brick in His church , as is every other believer.It's unfortunate the German word "kirshe' ( not 100% on spelling ) was applied to the Lord's church, as what He called it, was " The called out ones ".How the translators came up with a word for a building, when the Lord was referring to a people is anyone's guess.So people shouldn't be so concerned about going to 'church' but rather BEING The Church...... It can be wonderful getting together with like minded Christians, but it can also be devastating because most people only go by their own understandings, and their own interpretations of the writings in the bible, and once they treat the writings the same as the Hebrews treated their law, they become 'set in stone' so to speak, and they become completely unyielding, so when The Lord actually tells the Truth about a matter, no one will listen, because they say :" But the bible says !" In my opinion The Lord ought to know eh?........If you want christian fellowship, that's wonderful....But be very careful what you let into your ears about what they say.....Particularly if they follow after the ways of the scribes and Pharisees...They too interpreted the Words of The Lord incorrectly, and when He tried to tell them and show them, they were completely unyielding also.What you should do, is to seek the Lord's face, call on Him for understanding and He will give it to you, but you may have to be patient, because sometimes He has to help us un-learn , before He can show us the Truth....Listen for His voice, once He speaks to you, it will settle some of the confusions, and then keep doing that, daily.And YES, He really does speak to people. Sometimes with an actual voice, sometimes through the 'voice' of The Holy Spirit and other times it just comes as understanding ( but that;s the one, we have to be a little careful of, because it can seem like light, and be darkness ).Anyhow I'll stop now, I don't like it when I end up making it too long.....Have a great day.In His Love Pia


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
I am debating if i should go back to church but as a child i had a very corrupt vile church that tought false doctrine. I am bitter with that and thats one of the main reasons i dont go to church. Is there any method to help me find a better church home? i havnt been in over five years regularly but i still read my bible and meditate daily. I hope it doesnt split me apart from other christians and i apologize if it has but i just need advise on how to find a good church home. Thanks guys and god bless
Acts 17:24-26 ( God no longer dwells in buildings made by men, he doesn't need them.) I Cor 3:16 (we have become the temple of the living God, the # 1 reason why God doesn't dwell in physical buildings.) AS Jordan pointed out where two or more are gathered there Christ will be. Talking on the phone to another person, forums, neighbors. I John 2:27 (says the anointing we all have received we need NOT A MAN to teach us anything, the HOly Spirit will teach us all things.) Remember that who ever you go to for listening and learning about the words of God, all you can ever get from that person is only how theyperceive God, teacher, mom, family, minister, evangelist, and that for me was pretty frightening, for I know that I don't want to be held down to only know what another teaches, but I want to know as much as I can learn, so I go straight to the Lord as he promised us by shedding his blood.I Peter 3:1 (says something to the effect that we have all been like sheep going to the slaughter, but now we can return to the Shepherd, and Overseer of our Souls, who is Christ, we no longer need a minister for any teaching or learning. Knowing you can't learn more than the person knows or gain greater understanding than the person teaching you, one puts a block in front of themselves by looking to a man for their learning.)


New Member
May 29, 2009
You do bring up a good point vickie, we have to listen to god rather than the person preaching the word and we have to understand things and gain knowlege through the holy spirit rather than a man. Maybe im not the churchgoing type but it seems to create a conflict of interest because my brother practically lives in the church and hes asked me several times to go. I just think its causing alot of drama beteween the contrasting styles, i dont intend to go to church either but how can i bridge the gap between the two styles and make peace without going nuts? thanks and god bless


When good men do nothing, evil will triumph.Take a
Nov 17, 2008
gumby,I'm a little confused. Your original post was asking for help regarding needing to find a Church to go to in order to meet people. Several posts were given with information of which you really didn't comment too much on. Now, your last post states that you had no intention of attending Church and you really just want to know how to make peace with your brother over it. Which is it? What is your real directive here?I am debating if i should go back to churchIs there any method to help me find a better church home?i just need advise on how to find a good church home.should i be around large groups of christians in worship and discussion.Dont get me wrong though this site has been a blessing but should i attempt to go to diffrent churches in person on a weekly basis? I was raised baptist but i dont know what denomination to persue.i dont intend to go to church either but how can i bridge the gap between the two styles and make peace without going nuts?


New Member
May 29, 2009
My directive here is that my brother wants me to go to the church that taught false teaching at as a child. My question is how can i find a church home that doesnt teach false teaching? I want to find a church home but i want to find a one that teaches direct word for word truth not traditions of men.


New Member
Feb 26, 2009
Maybe im not the churchgoing type but it seems to create a conflict of interest because my brother practically lives in the church and hes asked me several times to go. I just think its causing alot of drama beteween the contrasting styles, i dont intend to go to church either but how can i bridge the gap between the two styles and make peace without going nuts? thanks and god bless
Sometimes when a family member attends a church regularly, they take on the mindset of that church. No church will teach that attendance is not necessary, but teach it is commanded. This in itself is not found in the new testament, but rather gather with others in various ways. Most church going members can not accept this in the bible, the verses, Acts 17:24-26 and I Cor 3:16. If I were in your place, I would show those verses to your brother and explain that Jesus is the overseer of your soul, and is your only shepherd, which I Peter 2:25 makes a clear statement of us all being like sheep going astray until Christ became the Shepherd and overseer, no longer needing a man to teach us anything. I John 2:27. Men long ago, not understanding God's words and corrupting the words of God with their own desires have put bondage on many people. Though it is not always bad, but it still has put bondage that was not meant to be. True freedom comes from knowing the words of God yourself, not be corrupted into doctrines that hinders the words of the living God. In my life I too have come against many brethren who are very much indoctrinated with the teachings of man, and get offended when I speak these verses to them as to why I won't be a member of any certain church, but will attend different ones from time to time. As we are in the Last Days now leading up to great tribulations, the majority of the churches are spiritually DEAD. Making it an abomination to go into them. Hope I haven't poured too much into your cup with these things I write to you about, but hope that you will be encouraged to stay the course seeking our Lord and trusting him in all things, Our King will direct you and lead you. Teaching you through the things you experience. Hope you'll be encouraged by this and love your brother deeply, and gentle let the scriptures be told to him you have been given. God will help you if you'll pray first then speak with him. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with in the verses. In Christ's name Vickie


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Hello GumbyThis may helpBy Nick GogginHow To Find The "Right" Church As you may have noticed on WBSG Website, along with solid Scripturally based Bible teaching we also point out the many apostasies and 'traditions of man' that have slipped into the churches of today. We do this not to undermine Christianity - God forbid! - But rather to exalt the good Bible teaching Churches that are often overshadowed and obscured by the super-denominations of today. For what does it avail anyone to learn a lie and remain ignorant to the truth? And how does one know a lie is a lie unless someone show them? For often times it is easier to believe the lie than the truth. It is in many of these highly organized and vastly funded mega-churches where we see the most corruption of God's Word. From the beginning of history man has never handled power well, it corrupts everything it touches, even those who are sworn to teach God's Word in the multi-billion dollar World Church Federations and religious systems. The average person seemingly only sees or has access to the churches with the biggest buildings, the most members, or the slickest Ad campaigns. However, on many of the side streets and back roads of America one may find good Bible-based Ministries that teach the Word of God as it is written, and do not concern themselves with all the 'traditions of man' that are undermining the true Word of God. These smaller Bible-based Ministries are few in parishioners, short on funds, and they lack the magnificent buildings; but they are great in the dedication to teaching God's Word as He had it to be written in His Holy Written Word - The Bible. If you have been lucky enough to have found one of them, thank God and support them in any way can, for sadly, in this age of ecumenism, multifaith-ism, and man-pleasing from the Pulpits; these Bible based Churches are a dying breed. And when they are finally gone - God help us all! For then we are truly at the mercy of the money changers in the House of God, are we not almost there now? We purpose that good Bible teaching is not a creative art, not some new 'doctrine,' not some new method of 'enlightenment,' nor certainly not some new 'path;' but rather, the true telling of an old story that never changes, and how it relates to each individual. It's the story of one man's family, from Adam to Jesus Christ and the lives and times of those who come in contact with them. It's the story hope and salvation, the plan of God for mankind - His beloved but oftimes disobedient children. It is in that spirit that we chose to let the words of the now long deceased and almost forgotten Scholar of all Biblical scholars, E.W. Bullinger, best light the way to finding a true Church of God in these tumultuous times. From the Biography of E. W. Bullinger we submit:"You ask, Where you are to worship? We reply wherever God is glorified, Christ is exalted, God's Word is honored, the Holy Spirit's power is evidenced and man abased. Never go anywhere where you do not know more of God's Word than when you entered. Never be in any Body where you may be "turned out"; or have your name down where it may be scratched out. Be content with the membership which God has given you in the spiritual unity of the Body of Christ, from which no power in Earth or Hell can cut you off and be content that your name was written in the Lamb's "book of life" before the foundation of the world, and from which no power in Earth or Hell can ever take it out. Do nothing to imply that you do not hold these priceless privileges to be of infinite value; or that they can be added to in the slightest degree by any of man's corporate unities." -- E.W. Bullinger (late 1890's)


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
I haven't been to church for many years because I haven't yet found one I like. Anyway a church is people, not bricks and mortar so in that sense this forum is an 'internet church' and here we all are in 'church'..;) "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."- Matthew 18:20 "Heaven is my throne,earth is my footstool,how can you build a house for me?"- Isaiah 66:1


Post Tenebras Lux
Aug 9, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
United States
MickinEngland;71189]Anyway a church is [B][I]people[/I][/B] said:
While the Church is not "bricks and mortar," neither is it devoid of structure. The pattern we find throughout the New Testament is clear. First, we find that believers met together in person. We even have an explicit admonition not to neglect meeting together. Heb 10:24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, Heb 10:25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Not only does the "structure" of the Church involve meeting together, it also entails submission to the elders of a local congregation. If you're not a member of a local congregation, how can you obey the following commandment? And lest there be any mistake about it, the Greek of the following passage clearly communicates a command. "Obey" and "submit" are in the imperative mood. Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. Fellowship, sacraments, preaching and teaching and the exercise of God given spiritual gifts are part and parcel of the Church. More could be said regarding the "structure" of the New Testament Church and more Scripture presented, but I'm going to stop here. Suffice it to say, leaderless informal gatherings and internet forums simply will not do.


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
[quote name='Nomad;71194]..We even have an explicit admonition not to neglect meeting together...[/QUOTE] Yes and when I find a good church I'll be delighted to attend' date=' but so far the churches I've seen fall short of my high standards, so in the meantime i'll follow this admonition and avoid them- [I']"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm"- Proverbs 13:20[/I]


New Member
Dec 15, 2006
Nomad;71194 said:
..leaderless informal gatherings and internet forums simply will not do.
Jesus is our leader whether we're in a church or anywhere else, and he's to be found in any easy-to-read slimline pocket gospel, or are you saying he's not enough?


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
Just my Humble & Prayerful Opinion here... You must have fellowship and edification through your local church. If you take a single lump of coal from the hot pile it quickly becomes cold. The same is true with Christians. We are meant to be a social group, God intended it to be so. How do you work in Ministry if you are not connected to one? The "internet" is a great place to chat and discover and even minister in some cases, but it is NOT a church. The internet is about as impersonal as you can get. Church is fellowship and personal connections, friendships and mentors. You can look people in the eye and say "God loves you and I love you." Folks can lay their hands on you and pray for you in a way that cannot be matched otherwise. "It's illogical to say that you are merely part of the worldwide, universal church, yet refuse to gather with the segment of that universal church that exists in your geographical area. It would be like claiming you have a car, when the right fender is in Phoenix, the engine is in Tucson, and the wheels are in Paradise Valley! You don't have a car; you have the beginning of the inventory for a junkyard. It just won't function until the pieces are put together. The church must be together to carry out many of its purposes.Here are some irreplaceable pieces of the Christian that cannot happen when you live in isolation from the church:1. USE OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS - I Corinthians 12 makes it clear that God has given spiritual gifts to every Christian. And verse 7 states unmistakably that these abilities are not provided to make you feel good; they are abilities to minister that should be used for the common good! I Peter 4:10 commands us to use spiritual gifts to help each other.The same passage makes it clear that we meet with other Christians so they can use their gifts to strengthen us. God's gift of a preacher or teacher is wasted if no one comes to hear them speak.2. MUTUAL MINISTRY - The church is pictured as a body in I Corinthians 12, and Paul explains that each part of the body exists to meet the needs of other body parts. In the same way, God intends each of us to meet the needs of other believers, using our strengths to help in their areas of weakness. I Corinthians 12:21 expresses it this way: "The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you." Neither can a Christian claim to be self-sufficient today.The New Testament is full of “one another” commands. We are to comfort one another (I Thessalonians 4:18), build up one another (I Thessalonians 5:11), confess our sins to one another (James 5:16), pray for one another (James 5:16), and many more. How can we obey these directives if we stay away from the gathering of believers?3. ACCOUNTABILITY - God designed the church as a place where spiritual leaders could watch out for our welfare, as a shepherd guards the sheep (I Peter 5:1-4; Hebrews 13:17). A Christian who answers only to himself can easily rationalize sinful attitudes or actions; regular contact with other Christians can keep us sharp.A single verse should actually be sufficient answer for this question: Hebrews 10:25 warns its readers against “forsaking the assembly of yourselves together, as the manner of some is.” " (from


Post Tenebras Lux
Aug 9, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
United States
MickinEngland;71197]Jesus is our leader whether we said:
you[/I] for exalting your own wisdom above His in these matters. I'm sure you'll see all of this as uncharitable, but I believe it needs to be said.