An example of how NOT to post. :)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Please read this article and tell me if you agree.

November 5, 2022
The Longest Article Ever Written
The topic, of course, is the longest article ever written. It’s a big topic and one that I’m excited to dive into. In order to do that, though, we’re going to need a lot of space. So let’s get started!

One: Two: Three: Four: Five: Six: Seven: Eight: Nine. Ten! Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…

Eleven? Twelve? Thirteen? Fourteen?! Fifteen!!! Here comes the twenty-sixth month of this article’s life cycle! The long-awaited moment when we can take a step back and reflect on all we’ve learned in our time together.

Two is a pretty good number. It’s the number of fingers on your hands, eyes in your face, legs on your body, and ears you’ve got going on. It’s also the number of eyes in a pair of glasses and ears in a pair of earrings (and yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But how many arms are there?” And my answer is this—you can only see two at once).

Two is also an important number for mathematics because it’s half of everything else: 1+1 = 2; 0+0=0; -1+(-1)=0 etcetera etcetera (I hope you don’t mind me using those Latin words!). Two is just so central!

Well, it’s finally time to wrap this up. I know you’ve been waiting for the end of this article for what seems like an eternity, and I hope that everything you read above was helpful and provided new insights into writing long-form articles. If there is anything else you’d like to learn about writing articles with no length limits, feel free to ask your question in the comments section below!

I hope that wasn’t too much information for one person to handle at once, but if it was then try reading this article again later on when you have more time on your hands. See? It really is possible!

Let’s talk about the length of this article.

Haha, just kidding—this is a long article! But if you’re reading it, chances are that you already knew that. If not, well now you do!

Here is the fifth section of this article, which you should read. Here is the seventh section of this article, which I personally think is very good. Here is an eighth section that could go either here or there; it’s up to you.

You may be wondering why I chose to write about six. Six is a good number. It’s the sixth word of this sentence, which means it’s the sixth sentence in this article.

In fact, if you were to add up all the words in those two sentences (including “and”), you would get a sum of 12 words—a nice round number! And what do we know about 12? It’s one more than 11 and two less than 13… but also six times three! You see how everything fits together? It’s all connected somehow.

Six also sounds like sex which is another great number because it sounds like “six” and also means “sex.”

This is the longest section.

This is another long section.

This section will be long, but it’s not as long as the first one.


This is the eighth section of this article, and we’ve already covered a lot of ground. To be honest, it seems like there could be more content in this text—it would be nice if there were more areas for me to fill with words about how long this article has been going on for! And yet, I’m at a loss for what else could possibly be said or written here. If I write any longer, then it will just start repeating itself and get boring again; if I write less than this amount of text by your standards (and mine), then it won’t qualify as an article at all! In fact, as soon as you finish reading this sentence you’ll probably forget everything that was just said in these few paragraphs—even though they contained some pretty important information that should probably stick around your brain forever more…


It is a well-known fact that the longer an article is, the less likely it will be read by other people. This has been proven time and again through research and experience, but that never stopped me from writing this long article. After all, if I don’t write it then who will? A few years ago I wrote a short article about how to write good content and now everyone thinks I’m an expert on writing long articles! How did this happen!? Well maybe because I have written so many articles in my day that not even Google would know exactly how many there are (who knows). But even if Google did know how many there were, they wouldn’t want anyone else reading them either so they’d try their best at keeping us away from each other too!

10 is a good number. It’s even, it’s divisible by 3 and 5, and it’s the atomic number of carbon (which I guess is what makes me happy). However, here are some other things that are also ten:

The number of fingers on your hands (or toes if you have extremely weird feet)
The number of legs on a spider (or duck)
The length in feet or meters of an average human being
It’s the most important number, so let’s talk about it. The word “eleven” comes from the Old English word “endleofan,” meaning “one left over.” In other words, eleven is a single digit that cannot be divided by two without remainder. It can only be divided by one or itself (which just means zero).

Eleven is also the only prime number that has a 4-digit repeating pattern in its decimal expansion: 0.110111…

There are 11 dimensions to space-time in Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

There are 11 letters in the name of my favorite rock band—The Beatles!

You’re an adult now. You probably realize this, or you may be having a hard time accepting it, but you’ve been an adult for some time now. I’m not saying that as an insult; on the contrary, I think adulthood is a wonderful thing! There are few things more satisfying in life than getting your first apartment after college and making it look like something out of your Pinterest dreams, or putting down roots and starting a family with someone special.

However, being an adult also means that there are responsibilities we need to take seriously: paying taxes in order to fund public services; voting responsibly (or at all) when given the chance; making sure our environment is healthy enough for generations to come. Being an adult means recognizing these obligations and taking them seriously—and hopefully engaging others who can help us do so effectively.

This article has taught me many things about being an adult myself—as well as things about managing my own responsibilities towards other adults around me—but one thing especially stands out: The best way forward is through education and understanding what makes each person unique from their fellow humans around him/herself So if you want


Thirteen is a perfect number. Thirteen is a day of the week, a month of the year, and also happens to be my favorite number. In fact, I would argue that thirteen is the best number in the world! And when I say best I mean not just most awesome but also least bad (which is why it came first). Like twelve and fourteen (not being real numbers), thirteen exists only as an imaginary concept so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be amazing all on its own. It’s got everything going for it: three ones in a row with nothing else around them at all—they’re free to do their own thing; four twos clustered together—that’s twice as much fun than one pair alone; five threes next door but still far enough away from any other numbers so they can hang out together without getting too crowded or feeling left out; six fours hiding behind all those other figures nearby! You get the idea: this makes 13 awesome by default because there are lots of ways we could order these figures differently without making things worse than they already are (e.g., if you switched up 1-2-3-4-5-6 then these guys wouldn’t fit anywhere anymore). Thirteen has been around forever and will probably stick around forever because nothing better has come along since then either!

So let’s celebrate by looking at some interesting facts about our dear friend 13:


If you’re still reading this, you’ve had an amazing journey. You should feel proud that you were able to make it this far. Let’s talk about how we got here:


Fifteen is a fun number that can be used in many different ways. It’s a prime number, and as such, it has no factors besides 1 and itself. If you were to multiply 15 by 2, 3, 4 or 5 (or any other whole number), the result would always be another multiple of 15—the same goes for dividing them. This means that if you divide any number by 15 and then add 1 to it, your answer will always be divisible by 15 (and so will the original number). So if you want to know whether a large number—say, your age—is divisible by 15 without using a calculator (and who doesn’t?), just divide it by 15 and then add 1!

This should be long enough.
This should be long enough.
This is a bit more than the longest article ever written.
You might think this is too long, but it’s not that long.
Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below! I’ll be happy to answer them.

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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Please read this article and tell me if you agree.

November 5, 2022
The Longest Article Ever Written
The topic, of course, is the longest article ever written. It’s a big topic and one that I’m excited to dive into. In order to do that, though, we’re going to need a lot of space. So let’s get started!

One: Two: Three: Four: Five: Six: Seven: Eight: Nine. Ten! Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…

Eleven? Twelve? Thirteen? Fourteen?! Fifteen!!! Here comes the twenty-sixth month of this article’s life cycle! The long-awaited moment when we can take a step back and reflect on all we’ve learned in our time together.

Two is a pretty good number. It’s the number of fingers on your hands, eyes in your face, legs on your body, and ears you’ve got going on. It’s also the number of eyes in a pair of glasses and ears in a pair of earrings (and yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But how many arms are there?” And my answer is this—you can only see two at once).

Two is also an important number for mathematics because it’s half of everything else: 1+1 = 2; 0+0=0; -1+(-1)=0 etcetera etcetera (I hope you don’t mind me using those Latin words!). Two is just so central!

Well, it’s finally time to wrap this up. I know you’ve been waiting for the end of this article for what seems like an eternity, and I hope that everything you read above was helpful and provided new insights into writing long-form articles. If there is anything else you’d like to learn about writing articles with no length limits, feel free to ask your question in the comments section below!

I hope that wasn’t too much information for one person to handle at once, but if it was then try reading this article again later on when you have more time on your hands. See? It really is possible!

Let’s talk about the length of this article.

Haha, just kidding—this is a long article! But if you’re reading it, chances are that you already knew that. If not, well now you do!

Here is the fifth section of this article, which you should read. Here is the seventh section of this article, which I personally think is very good. Here is an eighth section that could go either here or there; it’s up to you.

You may be wondering why I chose to write about six. Six is a good number. It’s the sixth word of this sentence, which means it’s the sixth sentence in this article.

In fact, if you were to add up all the words in those two sentences (including “and”), you would get a sum of 12 words—a nice round number! And what do we know about 12? It’s one more than 11 and two less than 13… but also six times three! You see how everything fits together? It’s all connected somehow.

Six also sounds like sex which is another great number because it sounds like “six” and also means “sex.”

This is the longest section.

This is another long section.

This section will be long, but it’s not as long as the first one.


This is the eighth section of this article, and we’ve already covered a lot of ground. To be honest, it seems like there could be more content in this text—it would be nice if there were more areas for me to fill with words about how long this article has been going on for! And yet, I’m at a loss for what else could possibly be said or written here. If I write any longer, then it will just start repeating itself and get boring again; if I write less than this amount of text by your standards (and mine), then it won’t qualify as an article at all! In fact, as soon as you finish reading this sentence you’ll probably forget everything that was just said in these few paragraphs—even though they contained some pretty important information that should probably stick around your brain forever more…


It is a well-known fact that the longer an article is, the less likely it will be read by other people. This has been proven time and again through research and experience, but that never stopped me from writing this long article. After all, if I don’t write it then who will? A few years ago I wrote a short article about how to write good content and now everyone thinks I’m an expert on writing long articles! How did this happen!? Well maybe because I have written so many articles in my day that not even Google would know exactly how many there are (who knows). But even if Google did know how many there were, they wouldn’t want anyone else reading them either so they’d try their best at keeping us away from each other too!

10 is a good number. It’s even, it’s divisible by 3 and 5, and it’s the atomic number of carbon (which I guess is what makes me happy). However, here are some other things that are also ten:

The number of fingers on your hands (or toes if you have extremely weird feet)
The number of legs on a spider (or duck)
The length in feet or meters of an average human being
It’s the most important number, so let’s talk about it. The word “eleven” comes from the Old English word “endleofan,” meaning “one left over.” In other words, eleven is a single digit that cannot be divided by two without remainder. It can only be divided by one or itself (which just means zero).

Eleven is also the only prime number that has a 4-digit repeating pattern in its decimal expansion: 0.110111…

There are 11 dimensions to space-time in Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

There are 11 letters in the name of my favorite rock band—The Beatles!

You’re an adult now. You probably realize this, or you may be having a hard time accepting it, but you’ve been an adult for some time now. I’m not saying that as an insult; on the contrary, I think adulthood is a wonderful thing! There are few things more satisfying in life than getting your first apartment after college and making it look like something out of your Pinterest dreams, or putting down roots and starting a family with someone special.

However, being an adult also means that there are responsibilities we need to take seriously: paying taxes in order to fund public services; voting responsibly (or at all) when given the chance; making sure our environment is healthy enough for generations to come. Being an adult means recognizing these obligations and taking them seriously—and hopefully engaging others who can help us do so effectively.

This article has taught me many things about being an adult myself—as well as things about managing my own responsibilities towards other adults around me—but one thing especially stands out: The best way forward is through education and understanding what makes each person unique from their fellow humans around him/herself So if you want


Thirteen is a perfect number. Thirteen is a day of the week, a month of the year, and also happens to be my favorite number. In fact, I would argue that thirteen is the best number in the world! And when I say best I mean not just most awesome but also least bad (which is why it came first). Like twelve and fourteen (not being real numbers), thirteen exists only as an imaginary concept so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be amazing all on its own. It’s got everything going for it: three ones in a row with nothing else around them at all—they’re free to do their own thing; four twos clustered together—that’s twice as much fun than one pair alone; five threes next door but still far enough away from any other numbers so they can hang out together without getting too crowded or feeling left out; six fours hiding behind all those other figures nearby! You get the idea: this makes 13 awesome by default because there are lots of ways we could order these figures differently without making things worse than they already are (e.g., if you switched up 1-2-3-4-5-6 then these guys wouldn’t fit anywhere anymore). Thirteen has been around forever and will probably stick around forever because nothing better has come along since then either!

So let’s celebrate by looking at some interesting facts about our dear friend 13:


If you’re still reading this, you’ve had an amazing journey. You should feel proud that you were able to make it this far. Let’s talk about how we got here:


Fifteen is a fun number that can be used in many different ways. It’s a prime number, and as such, it has no factors besides 1 and itself. If you were to multiply 15 by 2, 3, 4 or 5 (or any other whole number), the result would always be another multiple of 15—the same goes for dividing them. This means that if you divide any number by 15 and then add 1 to it, your answer will always be divisible by 15 (and so will the original number). So if you want to know whether a large number—say, your age—is divisible by 15 without using a calculator (and who doesn’t?), just divide it by 15 and then add 1!

This should be long enough.
This should be long enough.
This is a bit more than the longest article ever written.
You might think this is too long, but it’s not that long.
Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below! I’ll be happy to answer them.

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Do you specialize in waffle?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I switched off after a few lines …….mind you in my defence i have Just come home from an 8hour shift on the the dementia floor !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I was hoping that other posters would see themselves in that some of their OP's are just too damn long! :)
Yes really long posts have never been popular, but some shorter posts can be a turn off if they start in a certain way.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Yes really long posts have never been popular, but some shorter posts can be a turn off if they start in a certain way.
Nobody wants to start off by reading a dissertation. Ideally, an OP should be short in order to encourage it to be read while also being sweet in that it stimulates thought, which generates discussion.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
An overly long OP does not get read all the way through, by me, although it needs to be just long enough to explain the thread title. NO! I did not read all of this OP!

An overly long reply is the same.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Oh well Patrick, you should shorten the bible down to an acceptable length then without loosing the context that is contained in it.

Let us see how that goes.