Anger running rampant when im in church

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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
since i had my last birthday, which i promised to god i would only reach in case i was given a woman worth keeping around, things have been going downhill,
I think giving god ultimatums is not a good thing to do. God doesn't work like that so no wonder you have seen things go downhill. You are young and have plenty of years in which to meet the right woman for you. Don't be in too much of a hurry to marry, so much better to wait and find the perfect partner for you.
she is very beautiful, top to bottom- but i decided to give her my last chance at relationship because of her personality.
Beauty on the inside is far better than outward beauty alone. Far better to be stuck with less of a beauty who really loves you than to be stuck in a relationship with a woman who doesn't respect you and is all for herself.

I so wish my son could have heeded this advice and saved himself from over ten years of misery.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
yes, but they may also highlight importance as they stem from somewhere. our emotions are always valid

since i had my last birthday, which i promised to god i would only reach in case i was given a woman worth keeping around, things have been going downhill, almost as if she had a best-before date, which was exactly before that birthday. we moved a lot closer on that exact day, and she had absolutely no time for me on my birthday, naturally an argument ensued. she is very beautiful, top to bottom- but i decided to give her my last chance at relationship because of her personality. i bombarded her with serious questions and she seemed to share a brilliant traditional mindset. she was a victim of narcissistic abuse, and it seems whatever bit her stuck around. she has 2 personalities and when the second one comes out im hurt for days afterwards and shes apologetic. but what is an apology if it bears no fruit? there have been many times where i would have broken up if it had been any other relationship, but this time i decided it will be my last relationship, and we have settled many disagreements because of my dedication.
therapy is a good idea, but i think rather she needs an exorcism, she has dabbled in spirituality and practiced lots of yoga. shes an extremely kind person, a true people pleaser- but it seems that she prefers to please third parties over her own fiancé. shes too anxious to have boundaries with other people. but what is loyalty if she can neglect her own man for someone she isnt related to even?
im trying to remain faithful but this world is just so very absurd and evil at times. i pray. i meditate. i question every move i make to make sure its not an offense to the lord.

she claims shes doing her best, thats her words but she wont even involve me in how she plots her days, even if it means she will be completely cut off from me the whole day. i stopped trusting her promises some time ago but it still disappoints me when she has an excuse. i thought at one point she had another man, but she really dont. i let it pass, because i dont wanna break this one thing out of suspicion. i hate this guessing game of intention, i know that shes a good person deep down but im also aware she has sadistic tendencies.
I think one of the most important parts of forming a relation is communcation and time. People can put on airs for a while and hide who they really are. But only for a time. Eventually, the real person they are comes out. I would watch carefully how she treats her family and friends. How does she argue? What's her reaction?

Any dabling in the occult (yoga included) is dangerous spiritually. It opens a door to the diabolic. Most people who need exorcisms got involved in some way with the occult. Not everyone. There are other behaviors that can open that door. She needs to get rid of all that stuff immediately.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
hey, so im engaged and we have our ups and downs, but just today for the entire time i was attending church, basically from the moment i entered the church my brain just exploded with anger towards my fiancé
we have some issues going such as her not respecting me and her failing to follow through on what shes saying she will do and virtually never having time to spend with me - seemingly all by choice, and i get its justified for me to be angry about this especially after having talked about it so many times and seeing no improvement - but, the real question im asking here is... isnt the church a holy place where no demons can enter and affect our thinking? it just felt so unnatural like there was an outside influence making my thoughts get so much more extreme
is it demons or angels siding with me? can an angel ever make you feel angry - is anger ever justified? maybe it was because she was supposed to go to church today but couldnt be bothered to drive 20 minutes to nearby town to attend (we live apart) and i was sitting in the church at the same time she was supposed to go to church herself
i kept asking god and jesus to take the burden out of my mind but nothing was happening, like a river flowing and drowning out anything but just anger. i do have anger in general but this was just a rare level, and this all going down while i was sitting in church just seems so weird to me.
I'd wait on that marriage thing were I you.

You just described what you can't tolerate in her. There shall be more.

Remember she has feelings too. And could have some criticism of you.

Since it's you writing this,ask yourself if you can tolerate what makes you angry now,for the rest of your life.

We are who we are.
Before we meet others we have to meld that to.

Made in the image and likeness of God. The good,bad,and the ugly.

Love yourself first. And never settle for what you cannot actually stand in someone else.
We all deserve better than that .


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
I think one of the most important parts of forming a relation is communcation and time. People can put on airs for a while and hide who they really are. But only for a time. Eventually, the real person they are comes out. I would watch carefully how she treats her family and friends. How does she argue? What's her reaction?

Any dabling in the occult (yoga included) is dangerous spiritually. It opens a door to the diabolic. Most people who need exorcisms got involved in some way with the occult. Not everyone. There are other behaviors that can open that door. She needs to get rid of all that stuff immediately.
yes i read into it and it appears that mostly people who practice it for hours will stay in positions that may actually summon demons, mantras and similar to be included in it naturally. ive been more concerned with her addiction to caffeine also because we want to have kids, any addiction will cause some degree of possession. i do think the whole deal with yoga is strange, because its not about stretching- they feel better after being in some strange poses for a short while? sounds very questionable no doubt. she currently isnt convinced that demons are real, as in able to affect the physical world, and i guess many people just dont- but this lack of understanding is a bit worrying in light of her erratic moods, or should i say shadow. she very much enjoys going to church however, and thats not something a possessed person would normally


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
I'd wait on that marriage thing were I you.

You just described what you can't tolerate in her. There shall be more.

Remember she has feelings too. And could have some criticism of you.

Since it's you writing this,ask yourself if you can tolerate what makes you angry now,for the rest of your life.

We are who we are.
Before we meet others we have to meld that to.

Made in the image and likeness of God. The good,bad,and the ugly.

Love yourself first. And never settle for what you cannot actually stand in someone else.
We all deserve better than that .
well she does have a bit underdeveloped frontal lobes, so her maturation will come in a bit later. i have seen her working on herself while some behaviours seems to be deeply ingrained in her and especially when shes under a lot of pressure
whenever we talk the future, its always very clear that we are not perfect (BOTH OF US, i have tried many times to find someone for longterm and failed many times) and that we must promise just as much to never leave each other, as we promise to grow ourselves and be the best person for the other we can.


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
I think giving god ultimatums is not a good thing to do. God doesn't work like that so no wonder you have seen things go downhill. You are young and have plenty of years in which to meet the right woman for you. Don't be in too much of a hurry to marry, so much better to wait and find the perfect partner for you.

Beauty on the inside is far better than outward beauty alone. Far better to be stuck with less of a beauty who really loves you than to be stuck in a relationship with a woman who doesn't respect you and is all for herself.

I so wish my son could have heeded this advice and saved himself from over ten years of misery.
ive tried dating far below my looks, ironically those relationships were the worst of them all- i would no doubt settle with an average looking woman if her personality was simply a match and i chose this women due to her personality- so far my first impressions about her are still true, but that bite the devil gave her is still itching her at times. initially she caught my interest when i found out that she was in an awful relationship before- naturally, this would mean shes the victim, and not the perpetrator- that still reigns true. but she came from a strict childhood and i can clearly see where shes coming from. unfortunately looks arent so straightforward when judging someones personality, i know a couple guys who fell for that too, assuming someone with less looks would value them more- unattractive people have poor selfesteem and may see good done to them as an assault


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
hey, so im engaged and we have our ups and downs, but just today for the entire time i was attending church, basically from the moment i entered the church my brain just exploded with anger towards my fiancé
At least you are aware of it and can admit to it.
we have some issues going such as her not respecting me and her failing to follow through on what shes saying she will do and virtually never having time to spend with me - seemingly all by choice, and i get its justified for me to be angry about this especially after having talked about it so many times and seeing no improvement - but, the real question im asking here is... isnt the church a holy place where no demons can enter and affect our thinking? it just felt so unnatural like there was an outside influence making my thoughts get so much more extreme.

Not sure about demons, you were just showing anger, which is an emotion....I showed my anger some time last year to my Son, we didn’t get physical , but boy did we get heated with each other, I don’t believe I was demon possessed, just down right angry....
is it demons or angels siding with me? can an angel ever make you feel angry - is anger ever justified? maybe it was because she was supposed to go to church today but couldnt be bothered to drive 20 minutes to nearby town to attend (we live apart) and i was sitting in the church at the same time she was supposed to go to church herself
i kept asking god and jesus to take the burden out of my mind but nothing was happening, like a river flowing and drowning out anything but just anger. i do have anger in general but this was just a rare level, and this all going down while i was sitting in church just seems so weird to me.
Best thing you can do is not to beat yourself up over it, pour your heart out to God, that’s what I did and asked him to help me get to the root cause of this anger that keeps rising up in me, He did, I never get that angry with my Son anymore or anyone else.....xx
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
ive tried dating far below my looks, ironically those relationships were the worst of them all- i would no doubt settle with an average looking woman if her personality was simply a match and i chose this women due to her personality- so far my first impressions about her are still true, but that bite the devil gave her is still itching her at times. initially she caught my interest when i found out that she was in an awful relationship before- naturally, this would mean shes the victim, and not the perpetrator- that still reigns true. but she came from a strict childhood and i can clearly see where shes coming from. unfortunately looks arent so straightforward when judging someones personality, i know a couple guys who fell for that too, assuming someone with less looks would value them more- unattractive people have poor selfesteem and may see good done to them as an assault
You definitely should not choose a wife by looks alone. You need somebody of equal intellect you can have proper conversations with. You need somebody who will respect you and love you just the way you are - warts and all - and not try to change you. You need a person who will support you, make you laugh and give you 'permission' to be yourself.

Love comes before looks, because looks aren't everything. My son's ex is a lovely looking woman but with not a kind or loving bone in her body. Stop looking for a wife and just enjoy your life as it is; with Jesus at the centre you will be fulfilled and content.
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New Member
May 13, 2024
United Kingdom
hey, so im engaged and we have our ups and downs, but just today for the entire time i was attending church, basically from the moment i entered the church my brain just exploded with anger towards my fiancé
we have some issues going such as her not respecting me and her failing to follow through on what shes saying she will do and virtually never having time to spend with me - seemingly all by choice, and i get its justified for me to be angry about this especially after having talked about it so many times and seeing no improvement - but, the real question im asking here is... isnt the church a holy place where no demons can enter and affect our thinking? it just felt so unnatural like there was an outside influence making my thoughts get so much more extreme
is it demons or angels siding with me? can an angel ever make you feel angry - is anger ever justified? maybe it was because she was supposed to go to church today but couldnt be bothered to drive 20 minutes to nearby town to attend (we live apart) and i was sitting in the church at the same time she was supposed to go to church herself
i kept asking god and jesus to take the burden out of my mind but nothing was happening, like a river flowing and drowning out anything but just anger. i do have anger in general but this was just a rare level, and this all going down while i was sitting in church just seems so weird to me.
Churches aren't perfect. Think of the many bad things priests do, and how many times sanctuary in churches has been violated. I believe that Following Jesus Christ and resisting anger is something that you have to pray for and feel deep within you. I'm not sure about your marridge but maybe you guys need a break from each other. Talk to your wife, and also tell her about how you felt being in the Chruch. Hey, maybe she felt the same way! I think churches are good for finding other Christians, but living according to God and having a relationship is something that YOU want to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
ive tried dating far below my looks, ironically those relationships were the worst of them all- i would no doubt settle with an average looking woman if her personality was simply a match and i chose this women due to her personality- so far my first impressions about her are still true, but that bite the devil gave her is still itching her at times. initially she caught my interest when i found out that she was in an awful relationship before- naturally, this would mean shes the victim, and not the perpetrator- that still reigns true. but she came from a strict childhood and i can clearly see where shes coming from. unfortunately looks arent so straightforward when judging someones personality, i know a couple guys who fell for that too, assuming someone with less looks would value them more- unattractive people have poor selfesteem and may see good done to them as an assault
Wow. I don't see your lady friend as all of the problem. You might have a few things to work on as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
she very much enjoys going to church however, and thats not something a possessed person would normally
You might be surprised. There are "religious demons" who love the performance of religious ceremonies. The NT is full of warnings against wolves in sheep's clothing. Revelation 2 speaks against the Nicolaitans, literally "conquerors of the people". This doesn't meant that because someone identifies as "clergy" they are demonically motivated, but many cult leaders are.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2023
You definitely should choose a wife by looks alone. You need somebody of equal intellect you can have proper conversations with. You need somebody who will respect you and love you just the way you are - warts and all - and not try to change you. You need a person who will support you, make you laugh and give you 'permission' to be yourself.

Love comes before looks, because looks aren't everything. My son's ex is a lovely looking woman but with not a kind or loving bone in her body. Stop looking for a wife and just enjoy your life as it is; with Jesus at the centre you will be fulfilled and content.
equal intelligence? well, without ever having been attracted to men before i did wonder if i was destined to be gay long ago- im cursed with intelligence and theyre very scarce in the opposite gender, i did have some that were up there but theyre all total feminists. i agree we shouldnt "change" ourselves, we should grow ourselves. our wounds arent who we truly are. i believe we are all capable of being narcissists when our moods are bad- and i think even narcissists are good people once their anger is gone
i understand most people can just drift along and enjoy life, but i was born different and most of my life ive had roughly 3 different emotions, and it was just in my latest relationship that ive experienced jealousy, my need for stimulation have been quite spectacular, downright haunting to most others than me- but i always kept morals and kept other people out of my needs

one woman my- woman, is connected to is maliciously egocentric, she can easily spend 2 hours talking in pure jealousy about her ex-husbands new wife, she will flat out ignore obvious signs that youre tired and wanna go to bed. shes a catholic "christian" - she never goes to church, but once she went there once her personality was much better for a bit. still clouded by bad spirits, having a strong relationship with god is just really important


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
Wow. I don't see your lady friend as all of the problem. You might have a few things to work on as well.
because im judgemental? its a whole science of what makes a person attractive or not, even babies are well aware of facial attractiveness. i have helped a fair amount of young guys to pinpoint their issues, but since i became christian i always advised them to find a traditional woman who dont see looks as the first and the primary thing, its materialism and satanic, its rooted in ego


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
You might be surprised. There are "religious demons" who love the performance of religious ceremonies. The NT is full of warnings against wolves in sheep's clothing. Revelation 2 speaks against the Nicolaitans, literally "conquerors of the people". This doesn't meant that because someone identifies as "clergy" they are demonically motivated, but many cult leaders are.
with dishonest people you simply watch their hands, not their mouth. we may not be able to see through everyone but god can see everything and god can judge how righteous someone is


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
equal intelligence? well, without ever having been attracted to men before i did wonder if i was destined to be gay long ago- im cursed with intelligence and theyre very scarce in the opposite gender, i did have some that were up there but theyre all total feminists. i agree we shouldnt "change" ourselves, we should grow ourselves. our wounds arent who we truly are. i believe we are all capable of being narcissists when our moods are bad- and i think even narcissists are good people once their anger is gone
i understand most people can just drift along and enjoy life, but i was born different and most of my life ive had roughly 3 different emotions, and it was just in my latest relationship that ive experienced jealousy, my need for stimulation have been quite spectacular, downright haunting to most others than me- but i always kept morals and kept other people out of my needs

one woman my- woman, is connected to is maliciously egocentric, she can easily spend 2 hours talking in pure jealousy about her ex-husbands new wife, she will flat out ignore obvious signs that youre tired and wanna go to bed. shes a catholic "christian" - she never goes to church, but once she went there once her personality was much better for a bit. still clouded by bad spirits, having a strong relationship with god is just really important
You definitely should not choose a wife by looks alone.
Sorry for the typo, I just corrected it. But if that is you attitude towards women, that we are less intelligent than men then your fiancée would be better off without you so she might meet a man who would respect her.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2023
Sorry for the typo, I just corrected it. But if that is you attitude towards women, that we are less intelligent than men then your fiancée would be better off without you so she might meet a man who would respect her.
hmm no, theres more stupid men than theres stupid women, but theres also more smart men than theres smart women. the bell curve for women are much sharper and closer to average. already at about 130 i remember it to be about 1:2. ive known a couple people who were at 160 IQ, while the smartest woman ive met was through friends, she was an iranian university professor just above 140 IQ- i have met a fair amount of women just under 130 IQ although, and my fiance is in the 120s. god did not create everyone equal, we have our strenghts and weaknesses.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
hmm no, theres more stupid men than theres stupid women, but theres also more smart men than theres smart women. the bell curve for women are much sharper and closer to average. already at about 130 i remember it to be about 1:2. ive known a couple people who were at 160 IQ, while the smartest woman ive met was through friends, she was an iranian university professor just above 140 IQ- i have met a fair amount of women just under 130 IQ although, and my fiance is in the 120s. god did not create everyone equal, we have our strenghts and weaknesses.
I said nothing about having a high IQ just equal intellect. Somebody who can converse on a similar level, somebody who you won't ever get fed up of talking to. A true equal partnership that will last for over 50 years. Somebody who will still love you when you're old and frail.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
isnt the church a holy place where no demons can enter and affect our thinking?

There's nothing that I'm aware of that says it can't happen. It's concievable to me that a spirit jumped off someone else at church and onto you. You don't need to ask God to take that burden away, just rebuke it in Jesus name.

is anger ever justified?

There is such a thing as righetous anger, like when Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers. I can't say if this was righteous anger or not, but it does sound demonic.

You and your fiancé obviously have some issues to work out. My advice is, don't rush marriage until you do.


May 20, 2024
Balsall Heath
United Kingdom
i kept asking god and jesus to take the burden out of my mind but nothing was happening, like a river flowing and drowning out anything but just anger. i do have anger in general but this was just a rare level, and this all going down while i was sitting in church just seems so weird to me.
A lot of women are angry at church. Especially when they cannot find a partner in church. Or prayers are not answered. Most people who go to church are taught to just pray and believe and be patient and it will happen. This is not true. Patience is good but perseverance is coupled with actions. Atheists struggle to get what they want because their actions have boundaries. Christians are a higher rate of getting something and more visual expectation. But they do not act and persistent in acting. That causes all the anger towards God in this world, from believers and unbelievers alike.
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