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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25).

Two Streams of Christianity

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18). Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.

The Apostolic Church

One stream is the apostolic church, founded by the Lord Jesus who is the Master Builder. It includes only the few who have entered through the narrow gate (Mat. 7:13). They have been sanctified by the truth and born of the Spirit. This Spirit of Promise seals and indwells each member, thus guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14). This church will be persecuted, hated and despised, but will continue holding to apostolic faith until Jesus returns to take it to heaven as His bride. The gates of hell shall not prevail against this church (Mat. 16:18).

The Apostate Church

The other stream is an apostate church made up of those who profess Christ but are spiritually dead. They believe a distorted Gospel, follow another spirit and reject the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1). This church is being built by men who ignore the Master Builder's blueprint and instead follow their own methods and movements. Maligning the way of truth, they seduce many with their sensuality (2 Pet. 2:2). Apostates will increase in number and grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, until the Day of our Lord (2 Tim. 3:3). These "professing" Christians will not endure sound doctrine. Instead they will turn away from the truth and turn to teachers who tickle their ears with messages of self esteem (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Paul called these teachers "grievous wolves" who enter the church speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). It is important to note that all apostates are unbelievers but not all un- believers are apostates.

The Primary Cause of Apostasy

The major cause of apostasy can be traced to various spiritual influences that include demonic deceptions and divine judgments. The "father of lies" has been seducing the visible church into an ecumenical spirituality in an attempt to unite the religions of the world. Driven by his desire to be worshipped as god, he will continue to attack God's Word with an unrestrained determination. Post- modern philosophy is currently his most effective tool. Church leaders who are caught up in this movement are saying we cannot know absolute truth. And since we cannot know absolute truth, we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine or moral standards. They say dogmatic preaching must give way to dialogue between people of all faiths in order to seek unity for common goals.

Divine judgment is also a cause for apostasy. Those who refuse to love and believe the truth for salvation will be sent a deluding influence so they might believe what is false and be judged (2 Thes. 2:9-12 ). A divine judgment in the form of moral apostasy is also given to those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. By refusing to acknowledge God any longer, He gives them over to depraved minds and degrading passions for people of the same sex (Rom. 1:18-32).

The Step-by-Step Drift into Apostasy

Step One: God's word is rejected as the supreme authority for faith and practice. This creates uncertainty over whether to follow Jesus and His Word or the traditions and movements of men. Double mindedness causes confusion and divided loyalties. The power of the Gospel is diluted by compromise. Biblical evangelism is replaced by "easy believism" or sacramental salvation. Scripture is cited only for selfish ambition, result- ing in little or no discernment. People are given what they want instead of what they need. Their spurious faith is exposed when trials and temptations arise. Biblical warnings about false teachers are ignored.

Step Two: Scripture is twisted and distorted for power, control and riches. Truth is deter- mined by subjective personal experiences rather than the objective Word of God. Biblical ignorance provides fertile ground for false teachers. "Infallible" men claim to be successors of the apostles. Doctrinal error and sin are tolerated. Worldliness and ungodly influences are present. Hearts are unresponsive to the Holy Spirit. God is honored with lips but hearts are far from Him. Love for God grows cold. Those who contend for the faith are asked to leave. Satan sows his tares in the church with little or no resistance.

Step Three: Bible teaching is replaced by stories and myths. Doctrinal error is em- braced. Programs and entertainment have forced Jesus out of the church. A form of godliness exists but it is void of power. Deception abounds because there is a failure to love the truth. A stubborn refusal to accept correction is present. Hearts have be- come hardened. The devil is no longer resisted. Blatantly immoral lifestyles are present and accepted.

Step Four: Jesus Christ and His Gospel are totally rejected. Those who embrace truth are an anathema and asked to leave. Grace is turned into a license to sin. The holy things of God are mocked. Deception is full-blown. Lying signs and wonders are promoted as messages from God. Doctrines of demons are followed. Idolatry and prayers to the dead are encouraged. The church's lamp stand has been removed and a certain terrifying judgement is now unavoidable.

Past and Future Apostasy

Biblical history confirms there have always been apostate churches like the one at Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) as well as individual apostates (Heb.10:26-31). However, "the apostasy" will reach its prophetic peak just prior to the Day of our Lord (2 Thes. 2:3). Paul's use of the definite article suggests that the downward spiral into apostasy will be culminated by one identifiable act. It will occur when the "man of lawlessness is revealed." This "son of destruction, who op- poses and exalts himself above every so- called god or object of worship...takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thes. 3:3-4). This apostasy will be a blasphemous act of unprecedented magnitude by a demonically influenced world leader. This "second Judas" will desecrate the temple by declaring himself to be God thus committing the abomination of desolation. The "first Judas" desecrated the temple with the money he received by betraying the Son of God (Mat. 27:5).

The Lord Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by great deception, such that the world has never known (Mat. 24). The spiritual deception which covers the earth will be so prevalent that Jesus asked the question: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). This fatal deception will cause more churches, denominations, seminaries and individuals to drift into apostasy unless biblical warnings are heeded. Each professing Christian's faith will be constantly tested as more seducing spirits invade the church.

What Are Believers To Do?

1) Pray that we will be strong in the Lord as we put on the full armor of God. Recognize we are in an intense battle for truth against the schemes of the devil and the wicked forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-12).

Two Streams of Christianity

Born Again Christians

♦ Contend for the God-given faith of the apostles (Jude 3)

♦ Exalt Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22)

♦ Possessors of Christ, made alive by the Spirit (Rom. 8:10-11)

♦ Are devoted to apostolic teaching and sound doctrine (Acts 2:42)

♦ Proclaim salvation by grace alone through what God has done in Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; 11:6)

♦ Receive grace and turn from ungodliness and worldly desires (Titus 2:11-12)

♦ Children of God called out of the world and enrolled in heaven (2Tim.3:12; Heb.12:23)

♦ Know God and do good works prepared by Him (Eph. 2:9)


♦ Have deliberately departed from the apostles' faith (1 John 2:19)

♦ Deny Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Jude 4)

♦ Professors of Christ, twice dead (Mat. 7:22; Jude 12)

♦ Introduce destructive heresies and do not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1)

♦ Deceive people with a “salvation" by grace plus what man must do for God (Gal. 1:6-9)

♦ Turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (Jude 4)

♦ Godless people blinded by the prince of the world and condemned (2 Cor.4:4; Jude4)

♦ Profess to know God, but deny Him by their deeds (Titus1:16)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25).

Two Streams of Christianity

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18). Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.

The Apostolic Church

One stream is the apostolic church, founded by the Lord Jesus who is the Master Builder. It includes only the few who have entered through the narrow gate (Mat. 7:13). They have been sanctified by the truth and born of the Spirit. This Spirit of Promise seals and indwells each member, thus guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14). This church will be persecuted, hated and despised, but will continue holding to apostolic faith until Jesus returns to take it to heaven as His bride. The gates of hell shall not prevail against this church (Mat. 16:18).

The Apostate Church

The other stream is an apostate church made up of those who profess Christ but are spiritually dead. They believe a distorted Gospel, follow another spirit and reject the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1). This church is being built by men who ignore the Master Builder's blueprint and instead follow their own methods and movements. Maligning the way of truth, they seduce many with their sensuality (2 Pet. 2:2). Apostates will increase in number and grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, until the Day of our Lord (2 Tim. 3:3). These "professing" Christians will not endure sound doctrine. Instead they will turn away from the truth and turn to teachers who tickle their ears with messages of self esteem (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Paul called these teachers "grievous wolves" who enter the church speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). It is important to note that all apostates are unbelievers but not all un- believers are apostates.

The Primary Cause of Apostasy

The major cause of apostasy can be traced to various spiritual influences that include demonic deceptions and divine judgments. The "father of lies" has been seducing the visible church into an ecumenical spirituality in an attempt to unite the religions of the world. Driven by his desire to be worshipped as god, he will continue to attack God's Word with an unrestrained determination. Post- modern philosophy is currently his most effective tool. Church leaders who are caught up in this movement are saying we cannot know absolute truth. And since we cannot know absolute truth, we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine or moral standards. They say dogmatic preaching must give way to dialogue between people of all faiths in order to seek unity for common goals.

Divine judgment is also a cause for apostasy. Those who refuse to love and believe the truth for salvation will be sent a deluding influence so they might believe what is false and be judged (2 Thes. 2:9-12 ). A divine judgment in the form of moral apostasy is also given to those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. By refusing to acknowledge God any longer, He gives them over to depraved minds and degrading passions for people of the same sex (Rom. 1:18-32).

The Step-by-Step Drift into Apostasy

Step One: God's word is rejected as the supreme authority for faith and practice. This creates uncertainty over whether to follow Jesus and His Word or the traditions and movements of men. Double mindedness causes confusion and divided loyalties. The power of the Gospel is diluted by compromise. Biblical evangelism is replaced by "easy believism" or sacramental salvation. Scripture is cited only for selfish ambition, result- ing in little or no discernment. People are given what they want instead of what they need. Their spurious faith is exposed when trials and temptations arise. Biblical warnings about false teachers are ignored.

Step Two: Scripture is twisted and distorted for power, control and riches. Truth is deter- mined by subjective personal experiences rather than the objective Word of God. Biblical ignorance provides fertile ground for false teachers. "Infallible" men claim to be successors of the apostles. Doctrinal error and sin are tolerated. Worldliness and ungodly influences are present. Hearts are unresponsive to the Holy Spirit. God is honored with lips but hearts are far from Him. Love for God grows cold. Those who contend for the faith are asked to leave. Satan sows his tares in the church with little or no resistance.

Step Three: Bible teaching is replaced by stories and myths. Doctrinal error is em- braced. Programs and entertainment have forced Jesus out of the church. A form of godliness exists but it is void of power. Deception abounds because there is a failure to love the truth. A stubborn refusal to accept correction is present. Hearts have be- come hardened. The devil is no longer resisted. Blatantly immoral lifestyles are present and accepted.

Step Four: Jesus Christ and His Gospel are totally rejected. Those who embrace truth are an anathema and asked to leave. Grace is turned into a license to sin. The holy things of God are mocked. Deception is full-blown. Lying signs and wonders are promoted as messages from God. Doctrines of demons are followed. Idolatry and prayers to the dead are encouraged. The church's lamp stand has been removed and a certain terrifying judgement is now unavoidable.

Past and Future Apostasy

Biblical history confirms there have always been apostate churches like the one at Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) as well as individual apostates (Heb.10:26-31). However, "the apostasy" will reach its prophetic peak just prior to the Day of our Lord (2 Thes. 2:3). Paul's use of the definite article suggests that the downward spiral into apostasy will be culminated by one identifiable act. It will occur when the "man of lawlessness is revealed." This "son of destruction, who op- poses and exalts himself above every so- called god or object of worship...takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thes. 3:3-4). This apostasy will be a blasphemous act of unprecedented magnitude by a demonically influenced world leader. This "second Judas" will desecrate the temple by declaring himself to be God thus committing the abomination of desolation. The "first Judas" desecrated the temple with the money he received by betraying the Son of God (Mat. 27:5).

The Lord Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by great deception, such that the world has never known (Mat. 24). The spiritual deception which covers the earth will be so prevalent that Jesus asked the question: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). This fatal deception will cause more churches, denominations, seminaries and individuals to drift into apostasy unless biblical warnings are heeded. Each professing Christian's faith will be constantly tested as more seducing spirits invade the church.

What Are Believers To Do?

1) Pray that we will be strong in the Lord as we put on the full armor of God. Recognize we are in an intense battle for truth against the schemes of the devil and the wicked forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-12).

Two Streams of Christianity

Born Again Christians

♦ Contend for the God-given faith of the apostles (Jude 3)

♦ Exalt Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22)

♦ Possessors of Christ, made alive by the Spirit (Rom. 8:10-11)

♦ Are devoted to apostolic teaching and sound doctrine (Acts 2:42)

♦ Proclaim salvation by grace alone through what God has done in Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; 11:6)

♦ Receive grace and turn from ungodliness and worldly desires (Titus 2:11-12)

♦ Children of God called out of the world and enrolled in heaven (2Tim.3:12; Heb.12:23)

♦ Know God and do good works prepared by Him (Eph. 2:9)


♦ Have deliberately departed from the apostles' faith (1 John 2:19)

♦ Deny Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Jude 4)

♦ Professors of Christ, twice dead (Mat. 7:22; Jude 12)

♦ Introduce destructive heresies and do not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1)

♦ Deceive people with a “salvation" by grace plus what man must do for God (Gal. 1:6-9)

♦ Turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (Jude 4)

♦ Godless people blinded by the prince of the world and condemned (2 Cor.4:4; Jude4)

♦ Profess to know God, but deny Him by their deeds (Titus1:16)
I believe Judas is likely a pattern for the son of perdition spoken of in 2 Thessalonians. As Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. Judas was in charge of the donations that were given to Jesus, and he protested when Mary anointed Jesus with her expensive perfume instead of selling it to "give to the ministry." And even now many antichrists have come - going by this criteria we have seen so many of them with big name ministries on television, and the number one thing they preach about and exhort people on is giving to their ministry and sowing seeds of money. They've been leading so many souls astray.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I believe Judas is likely a pattern for the son of perdition spoken of in 2 Thessalonians. As Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. Judas was in charge of the donations that were given to Jesus, and he protested when Mary anointed Jesus with her expensive perfume instead of selling it to "give to the ministry." And even now many antichrists have come - going by this criteria we have seen so many of them with big name ministries on television, and the number one thing they preach about and exhort people on is giving to their ministry and sowing seeds of money. They've been leading so many souls astray.
It is not all about money.

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18).

Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.


Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25).

All of the disciples abandoned hope when Jesus was crucified. 12 out of 12.

Young John-Mark tells it like this, describing the arrest...

Then all the disciples left him and fled. A young man was following him, wearing only a linen cloth. They tried to arrest him, but he ran off naked, leaving his linen cloth behind.

The difference is that apart from Judas, they all encountered the risen Christ. People today leave the church for one of two reasons:

Either they have never encountered the risen Christ, so they walk away.
Or they do encounter the risen Christ, so they run away.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.
Amen....and that makes it so deceptive. What we are seeing a lot of with the current falling away of protestant evangelical Christianity is that they are becoming friendly with Catholicism and no longer "protesting" it. So to me it almost looks as though Catholicism is a kind of default position of Christianity without the Holy Spirit. Mystery Babylon - the fleshly counterfeit of genuine faith. It happened with Israel of old and is also a pattern of what can and did happen within new covenant Christianity.

Notice how Mystery Babylon has merchants....and also where the apostle wrote about those who "make merchandise of you". I agree there is more to it than money, but it does seem that love of money is a major characteristic and intertwined with it. I think that is often the hook and temptation that causes them to compromise the faith. Catholic church upper crust live in luxury. As do many Protestant ministers. Wealth just seems to go hand in hand and is a feature of it. As ancient Babylon itself was signified by gold.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Amen....and that makes it so deceptive. What we are seeing a lot of with the current falling away of protestant evangelical Christianity is that they are becoming friendly with Catholicism and no longer "protesting" it. So to me it almost looks as though Catholicism is a kind of default position of Christianity without the Holy Spirit. Mystery Babylon - the fleshly counterfeit of genuine faith. It happened with Israel of old and is also a pattern of what can and did happen within new covenant Christianity.

Notice how Mystery Babylon has merchants....and also where the apostle wrote about those who "make merchandise of you". I agree there is more to it than money, but it does seem that love of money is a major characteristic and intertwined with it. I think that is often the hook and temptation that causes them to compromise the faith. Catholic church upper crust live in luxury. As do many Protestant ministers. Wealth just seems to go hand in hand and is a feature of it. As ancient Babylon itself was signified by gold.
Catholicism fatal gospel is a rejection of the Sola Fide-
Salvation is by salvation plus sacraments (1129)

The Mass (1405)

Purgatory (1030)

Indulgences (1498)

baptismal "regeneration and justification" (1256)

Law keeping (2068)

Do good works (2016)

Do this sound like "saved by grace?"

See you later @Lizbeth
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Amen....and that makes it so deceptive. What we are seeing a lot of with the current falling away of protestant evangelical Christianity is that they are becoming friendly with Catholicism and no longer "protesting" it. So to me it almost looks as though Catholicism is a kind of default position of Christianity without the Holy Spirit. Mystery Babylon - the fleshly counterfeit of genuine faith. It happened with Israel of old and is also a pattern of what can and did happen within new covenant Christianity.

Notice how Mystery Babylon has merchants....and also where the apostle wrote about those who "make merchandise of you". I agree there is more to it than money, but it does seem that love of money is a major characteristic and intertwined with it. I think that is often the hook and temptation that causes them to compromise the faith. Catholic church upper crust live in luxury. As do many Protestant ministers. Wealth just seems to go hand in hand and is a feature of it. As ancient Babylon itself was signified by gold.

lol.... and by your estimation, evangelical Protestantism has no merchants?






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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Catholicism fatal gospel is a rejection of the Sola Fide-
Salvation is by salvation plus sacraments (1129)

The Mass (1405)

Purgatory (1030)

Indulgences (1498)

baptismal "regeneration and justification" (1256)

Law keeping (2068)

Do good works (2016)

Do this sound like "saved by grace?"

See you later @Lizbeth
Amen brother. Hope this isn't too far off topic, but I see a lot of parallels between Catholicism and Judaism. The people know about God but do not know Him personally and so are seeking to establish their own righteousness. Similarities even in Catholic rituals with temple worship......incense, priests, robes, altar, bells, and even the colours of the two priestly classes. I find it very interesting, and wonder if the Roman church will be somehow involved with the new temple in Jerusalem.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Amen brother. Hope this isn't too far off topic, but I see a lot of parallels between Catholicism and Judaism. The people know about God but do not know Him personally and so are seeking to establish their own righteousness. Similarities even in Catholic rituals with temple worship......incense, priests, robes, altar, bells, and even the colours of the two priestly classes. I find it very interesting, and wonder if the Roman church will be somehow involved with the new temple in Jerusalem.
You are absolutely correct Sister-A lot of similarities between Islam, Roman Catholic and Modern Day Orthodox Judaism.

Do you want me to give you a link and see for yourself?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You are absolutely correct Sister-A lot of similarities between Islam, Roman Catholic and Modern Day Orthodox Judaism.

Do you want me to give you a link and see for yourself?

Yes, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25).

Two Streams of Christianity

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18). Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.

The Apostolic Church

One stream is the apostolic church, founded by the Lord Jesus who is the Master Builder. It includes only the few who have entered through the narrow gate (Mat. 7:13). They have been sanctified by the truth and born of the Spirit. This Spirit of Promise seals and indwells each member, thus guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14). This church will be persecuted, hated and despised, but will continue holding to apostolic faith until Jesus returns to take it to heaven as His bride. The gates of hell shall not prevail against this church (Mat. 16:18).

The Apostate Church

The other stream is an apostate church made up of those who profess Christ but are spiritually dead. They believe a distorted Gospel, follow another spirit and reject the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1). This church is being built by men who ignore the Master Builder's blueprint and instead follow their own methods and movements. Maligning the way of truth, they seduce many with their sensuality (2 Pet. 2:2). Apostates will increase in number and grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, until the Day of our Lord (2 Tim. 3:3). These "professing" Christians will not endure sound doctrine. Instead they will turn away from the truth and turn to teachers who tickle their ears with messages of self esteem (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Paul called these teachers "grievous wolves" who enter the church speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). It is important to note that all apostates are unbelievers but not all un- believers are apostates.

The Primary Cause of Apostasy

The major cause of apostasy can be traced to various spiritual influences that include demonic deceptions and divine judgments. The "father of lies" has been seducing the visible church into an ecumenical spirituality in an attempt to unite the religions of the world. Driven by his desire to be worshipped as god, he will continue to attack God's Word with an unrestrained determination. Post- modern philosophy is currently his most effective tool. Church leaders who are caught up in this movement are saying we cannot know absolute truth. And since we cannot know absolute truth, we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine or moral standards. They say dogmatic preaching must give way to dialogue between people of all faiths in order to seek unity for common goals.

Divine judgment is also a cause for apostasy. Those who refuse to love and believe the truth for salvation will be sent a deluding influence so they might believe what is false and be judged (2 Thes. 2:9-12 ). A divine judgment in the form of moral apostasy is also given to those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. By refusing to acknowledge God any longer, He gives them over to depraved minds and degrading passions for people of the same sex (Rom. 1:18-32).

The Step-by-Step Drift into Apostasy

Step One: God's word is rejected as the supreme authority for faith and practice. This creates uncertainty over whether to follow Jesus and His Word or the traditions and movements of men. Double mindedness causes confusion and divided loyalties. The power of the Gospel is diluted by compromise. Biblical evangelism is replaced by "easy believism" or sacramental salvation. Scripture is cited only for selfish ambition, result- ing in little or no discernment. People are given what they want instead of what they need. Their spurious faith is exposed when trials and temptations arise. Biblical warnings about false teachers are ignored.

Step Two: Scripture is twisted and distorted for power, control and riches. Truth is deter- mined by subjective personal experiences rather than the objective Word of God. Biblical ignorance provides fertile ground for false teachers. "Infallible" men claim to be successors of the apostles. Doctrinal error and sin are tolerated. Worldliness and ungodly influences are present. Hearts are unresponsive to the Holy Spirit. God is honored with lips but hearts are far from Him. Love for God grows cold. Those who contend for the faith are asked to leave. Satan sows his tares in the church with little or no resistance.

Step Three: Bible teaching is replaced by stories and myths. Doctrinal error is em- braced. Programs and entertainment have forced Jesus out of the church. A form of godliness exists but it is void of power. Deception abounds because there is a failure to love the truth. A stubborn refusal to accept correction is present. Hearts have be- come hardened. The devil is no longer resisted. Blatantly immoral lifestyles are present and accepted.

Step Four: Jesus Christ and His Gospel are totally rejected. Those who embrace truth are an anathema and asked to leave. Grace is turned into a license to sin. The holy things of God are mocked. Deception is full-blown. Lying signs and wonders are promoted as messages from God. Doctrines of demons are followed. Idolatry and prayers to the dead are encouraged. The church's lamp stand has been removed and a certain terrifying judgement is now unavoidable.

Past and Future Apostasy

Biblical history confirms there have always been apostate churches like the one at Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) as well as individual apostates (Heb.10:26-31). However, "the apostasy" will reach its prophetic peak just prior to the Day of our Lord (2 Thes. 2:3). Paul's use of the definite article suggests that the downward spiral into apostasy will be culminated by one identifiable act. It will occur when the "man of lawlessness is revealed." This "son of destruction, who op- poses and exalts himself above every so- called god or object of worship...takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thes. 3:3-4). This apostasy will be a blasphemous act of unprecedented magnitude by a demonically influenced world leader. This "second Judas" will desecrate the temple by declaring himself to be God thus committing the abomination of desolation. The "first Judas" desecrated the temple with the money he received by betraying the Son of God (Mat. 27:5).

The Lord Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by great deception, such that the world has never known (Mat. 24). The spiritual deception which covers the earth will be so prevalent that Jesus asked the question: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). This fatal deception will cause more churches, denominations, seminaries and individuals to drift into apostasy unless biblical warnings are heeded. Each professing Christian's faith will be constantly tested as more seducing spirits invade the church.

What Are Believers To Do?

1) Pray that we will be strong in the Lord as we put on the full armor of God. Recognize we are in an intense battle for truth against the schemes of the devil and the wicked forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-12).

Two Streams of Christianity

Born Again Christians

♦ Contend for the God-given faith of the apostles (Jude 3)

♦ Exalt Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22)

♦ Possessors of Christ, made alive by the Spirit (Rom. 8:10-11)

♦ Are devoted to apostolic teaching and sound doctrine (Acts 2:42)

♦ Proclaim salvation by grace alone through what God has done in Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; 11:6)

♦ Receive grace and turn from ungodliness and worldly desires (Titus 2:11-12)

♦ Children of God called out of the world and enrolled in heaven (2Tim.3:12; Heb.12:23)

♦ Know God and do good works prepared by Him (Eph. 2:9)


♦ Have deliberately departed from the apostles' faith (1 John 2:19)

♦ Deny Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Jude 4)

♦ Professors of Christ, twice dead (Mat. 7:22; Jude 12)

♦ Introduce destructive heresies and do not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1)

♦ Deceive people with a “salvation" by grace plus what man must do for God (Gal. 1:6-9)

♦ Turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (Jude 4)

♦ Godless people blinded by the prince of the world and condemned (2 Cor.4:4; Jude4)

♦ Profess to know God, but deny Him by their deeds (Titus1:16)

You said that beautifully. Thank you!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25)
There is a difference between betrayal and denial, which Peter experienced. Judas, like all the disciples anticipated the Kingdom of Israel to be reinstated, which is why he aligned himself with finance. He thought it was a great opportunity for the gathering of wealth to himself, however when it was clear this wasn't to take place, the thought of betrayal took root in his heart. We have his spirit alive in Hillsong here in Australia and prosperity gospel preachers and the like. The merchandising of Christ is well and truly entrenched in the world.


Two Streams of Christianity

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18). Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.
This falling away has become mainstream Christianity something all the Apostles warned would happen.
The Apostolic Church

One stream is the apostolic church, founded by the Lord Jesus who is the Master Builder. It includes only the few who have entered through the narrow gate (Mat. 7:13). They have been sanctified by the truth and born of the Spirit. This Spirit of Promise seals and indwells each member, thus guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14). This church will be persecuted, hated and despised, but will continue holding to apostolic faith until Jesus returns to take it to heaven as His bride. The gates of hell shall not prevail against this church (Mat. 16:18).
History has shown us both the persecutor and the persecuted. The calling to come out from among them and be separate is a calling to those who are in the Mother Harlot and her many daughters.
The Apostate Church

The other stream is an apostate church made up of those who profess Christ but are spiritually dead. They believe a distorted Gospel, follow another spirit and reject the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1). This church is being built by men who ignore the Master Builder's blueprint and instead follow their own methods and movements. Maligning the way of truth, they seduce many with their sensuality (2 Pet. 2:2). Apostates will increase in number and grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, until the Day of our Lord (2 Tim. 3:3). These "professing" Christians will not endure sound doctrine. Instead they will turn away from the truth and turn to teachers who tickle their ears with messages of self esteem (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Paul called these teachers "grievous wolves" who enter the church speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). It is important to note that all apostates are unbelievers but not all un- believers are apostates.
At the time of Paul it was Judaistic in origin; also the strong influence of Gnosticism. Later it became the Early Church Fathers who were infected with Platonic teaching...today there is not a Christian alive who doesn't hold to Platonic doctrine.

The Primary Cause of Apostasy

The major cause of apostasy can be traced to various spiritual influences that include demonic deceptions and divine judgments. The "father of lies" has been seducing the visible church into an ecumenical spirituality in an attempt to unite the religions of the world. Driven by his desire to be worshipped as god, he will continue to attack God's Word with an unrestrained determination. Post- modern philosophy is currently his most effective tool. Church leaders who are caught up in this movement are saying we cannot know absolute truth. And since we cannot know absolute truth, we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine or moral standards. They say dogmatic preaching must give way to dialogue between people of all faiths in order to seek unity for common goals.

Divine judgment is also a cause for apostasy. Those who refuse to love and believe the truth for salvation will be sent a deluding influence so they might believe what is false and be judged (2 Thes. 2:9-12 ). A divine judgment in the form of moral apostasy is also given to those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. By refusing to acknowledge God any longer, He gives them over to depraved minds and degrading passions for people of the same sex (Rom. 1:18-32).
Don't blame a make believe being - place the responsibility with man and his deception - lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life all contribute to the apostasy.
Two Streams of Christianity

Born Again Christians

♦ Contend for the God-given faith of the apostles (Jude 3)
True, the pre council Apostolic Creeds hold truth - everything post AD325 is apostate in origin!
♦ Exalt Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22)
♦ Possessors of Christ, made alive by the Spirit (Rom. 8:10-11)
The Spirit gave him life and the same power raised him from being fully dead.
♦ Are devoted to apostolic teaching and sound doctrine (Acts 2:42)
♦ Proclaim salvation by grace alone through what God has done in Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; 11:6)
♦ Receive grace and turn from ungodliness and worldly desires (Titus 2:11-12)

♦ Children of God called out of the world and enrolled in heaven (2Tim.3:12; Heb.12:23)

♦ Know God and do good works prepared by Him (Eph. 2:9)
All true.

♦ Have deliberately departed from the apostles' faith (1 John 2:19)
Began with Judaism then moved into the Gentile Nations where the Early Church Fathers turned to their own philosophical influences.
♦ Introduce destructive heresies and do not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1)
This occurred in all the councils of men - perfected by the RCC with its innumerable catechisms.
♦ Deceive people with a “salvation" by grace plus what man must do for God (Gal. 1:6-9)

♦ Turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (Jude 4)

♦ Godless people blinded by the prince of the world and condemned (2 Cor.4:4; Jude4)

♦ Profess to know God, but deny Him by their deeds (Titus1:16)
Only warning here is to confuse the works of faith as works of men - faith without works is dead!



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Isnt apostasy when someone proclaims leaving faith @Johann ?
Yes-but it is more than the brother.
How did you fare with the links I gave you?

One of the greatest mysteries in life is how anyone could come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and then depart from Him. Judas is the classic example of an apostate - one who abandons the faith he once held. Judas walked and lived with the Son of God for over three years, a royal privilege granted to only 11 other men. Yet after witnessing the Messiah's sinless life, seeing His miracles, experiencing His divine power and hearing His profound wisdom, Judas betrayed Him. It was during the celebration of the Passover meal that Judas deliberately defected from the faith of the apostles and sealed his eternal destiny in the lake of fire (Mat. 26:24-25).

Two Streams of Christianity

Many others have departed from the faith since that fateful night. The apostle John wrote about apostates who "went out from us" because "they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us" (1 John 2:18). Most apostates never reject the Christian faith completely, they fall away to a counterfeit form of Christianity. It is for this reason we have seen two streams of Christianity operating side-by-side for 2000 years.

The Apostolic Church

One stream is the apostolic church, founded by the Lord Jesus who is the Master Builder. It includes only the few who have entered through the narrow gate (Mat. 7:13). They have been sanctified by the truth and born of the Spirit. This Spirit of Promise seals and indwells each member, thus guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14). This church will be persecuted, hated and despised, but will continue holding to apostolic faith until Jesus returns to take it to heaven as His bride. The gates of hell shall not prevail against this church (Mat. 16:18).

The Apostate Church

The other stream is an apostate church made up of those who profess Christ but are spiritually dead. They believe a distorted Gospel, follow another spirit and reject the faith of the apostles (1 Tim. 4:1). This church is being built by men who ignore the Master Builder's blueprint and instead follow their own methods and movements. Maligning the way of truth, they seduce many with their sensuality (2 Pet. 2:2). Apostates will increase in number and grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, until the Day of our Lord (2 Tim. 3:3). These "professing" Christians will not endure sound doctrine. Instead they will turn away from the truth and turn to teachers who tickle their ears with messages of self esteem (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Paul called these teachers "grievous wolves" who enter the church speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20:29-30). It is important to note that all apostates are unbelievers but not all un- believers are apostates.

The Primary Cause of Apostasy

The major cause of apostasy can be traced to various spiritual influences that include demonic deceptions and divine judgments. The "father of lies" has been seducing the visible church into an ecumenical spirituality in an attempt to unite the religions of the world. Driven by his desire to be worshipped as god, he will continue to attack God's Word with an unrestrained determination. Post- modern philosophy is currently his most effective tool. Church leaders who are caught up in this movement are saying we cannot know absolute truth. And since we cannot know absolute truth, we cannot be dogmatic about doctrine or moral standards. They say dogmatic preaching must give way to dialogue between people of all faiths in order to seek unity for common goals.

Divine judgment is also a cause for apostasy. Those who refuse to love and believe the truth for salvation will be sent a deluding influence so they might believe what is false and be judged (2 Thes. 2:9-12 ). A divine judgment in the form of moral apostasy is also given to those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. By refusing to acknowledge God any longer, He gives them over to depraved minds and degrading passions for people of the same sex (Rom. 1:18-32).

The Step-by-Step Drift into Apostasy

Step One: God's word is rejected as the supreme authority for faith and practice. This creates uncertainty over whether to follow Jesus and His Word or the traditions and movements of men. Double mindedness causes confusion and divided loyalties. The power of the Gospel is diluted by compromise. Biblical evangelism is replaced by "easy believism" or sacramental salvation. Scripture is cited only for selfish ambition, result- ing in little or no discernment. People are given what they want instead of what they need. Their spurious faith is exposed when trials and temptations arise. Biblical warnings about false teachers are ignored.

Step Two: Scripture is twisted and distorted for power, control and riches. Truth is deter- mined by subjective personal experiences rather than the objective Word of God. Biblical ignorance provides fertile ground for false teachers. "Infallible" men claim to be successors of the apostles. Doctrinal error and sin are tolerated. Worldliness and ungodly influences are present. Hearts are unresponsive to the Holy Spirit. God is honored with lips but hearts are far from Him. Love for God grows cold. Those who contend for the faith are asked to leave. Satan sows his tares in the church with little or no resistance.

Step Three: Bible teaching is replaced by stories and myths. Doctrinal error is em- braced. Programs and entertainment have forced Jesus out of the church. A form of godliness exists but it is void of power. Deception abounds because there is a failure to love the truth. A stubborn refusal to accept correction is present. Hearts have be- come hardened. The devil is no longer resisted. Blatantly immoral lifestyles are present and accepted.

Step Four: Jesus Christ and His Gospel are totally rejected. Those who embrace truth are an anathema and asked to leave. Grace is turned into a license to sin. The holy things of God are mocked. Deception is full-blown. Lying signs and wonders are promoted as messages from God. Doctrines of demons are followed. Idolatry and prayers to the dead are encouraged. The church's lamp stand has been removed and a certain terrifying judgement is now unavoidable.

Past and Future Apostasy

Biblical history confirms there have always been apostate churches like the one at Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) as well as individual apostates (Heb.10:26-31). However, "the apostasy" will reach its prophetic peak just prior to the Day of our Lord (2 Thes. 2:3). Paul's use of the definite article suggests that the downward spiral into apostasy will be culminated by one identifiable act. It will occur when the "man of lawlessness is revealed." This "son of destruction, who op- poses and exalts himself above every so- called god or object of worship...takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thes. 3:3-4). This apostasy will be a blasphemous act of unprecedented magnitude by a demonically influenced world leader. This "second Judas" will desecrate the temple by declaring himself to be God thus committing the abomination of desolation. The "first Judas" desecrated the temple with the money he received by betraying the Son of God (Mat. 27:5).

The Lord Jesus warned us the end times would be marked by great deception, such that the world has never known (Mat. 24). The spiritual deception which covers the earth will be so prevalent that Jesus asked the question: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). This fatal deception will cause more churches, denominations, seminaries and individuals to drift into apostasy unless biblical warnings are heeded. Each professing Christian's faith will be constantly tested as more seducing spirits invade the church.

What Are Believers To Do?

1) Pray that we will be strong in the Lord as we put on the full armor of God. Recognize we are in an intense battle for truth against the schemes of the devil and the wicked forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-12).

Two Streams of Christianity

Born Again Christians

♦ Contend for the God-given faith of the apostles (Jude 3)

♦ Exalt Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22)

♦ Possessors of Christ, made alive by the Spirit (Rom. 8:10-11)

♦ Are devoted to apostolic teaching and sound doctrine (Acts 2:42)

♦ Proclaim salvation by grace alone through what God has done in Christ (Rom. 3:24-26; 11:6)

♦ Receive grace and turn from ungodliness and worldly desires (Titus 2:11-12)

♦ Children of God called out of the world and enrolled in heaven (2Tim.3:12; Heb.12:23)

♦ Know God and do good works prepared by Him (Eph. 2:9)


♦ Have deliberately departed from the apostles' faith (1 John 2:19)

♦ Deny Jesus Christ as the only Master, Lord and Head of the Church (Jude 4)

♦ Professors of Christ, twice dead (Mat. 7:22; Jude 12)

♦ Introduce destructive heresies and do not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1)

♦ Deceive people with a “salvation" by grace plus what man must do for God (Gal. 1:6-9)

♦ Turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (Jude 4)

♦ Godless people blinded by the prince of the world and condemned (2 Cor.4:4; Jude4)

♦ Profess to know God, but deny Him by their deeds (Titus1:16)