Are our Institutions Crumbling?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There has been a worrying development in New Zealand recently with regards freedom of religion. The NZ Ministry of Education is requesting Bethlehem College of Tauranga to remove any reference to its belief in Christian monogamous female/male only marriage from its list of beliefs.

How far the government ministry will go with this will be interesting. Meanwhile, a little way up the road...

Long Bay College in Auckland is teaching their students that there are 112 genders and over 200 sexualities.

The present tensions between left and right, liberal and conservative, is a phenomenon we have observed in America to a startling and extreme degree, but it appears the inevitable, after sojourning here in Australia for a time, has now reached the shores of paradise, and is set to create more division and unsettle society as it has elsewhere. I am of the firm belief that these tensions and conflicting opinions and the resulting overreach of government over conscience in order to accommodate what is euphemistically called by those in power, 'the common good', is a deliberately induced conflict in order to bring about what we Adventists understand as the final tyranny over conscience with regards the Sunday/Sabbath issue. Okay, so call me a conspiracy theorist.

But we have seen some remarkable swings from one extreme to the other in politics over the years, and those extremes are getting broader at every turn. One day soon, western society, under the weight of its own incapacity to deal with the tensions and the strife of conflict and passions, will turn to the man in white, and present him as the only morally acceptable leader with the mandate to lead the world into a period of peace and safety.

We read of these divisive and amoral and immoral mandates being touted as 'tolerant', 'responsible', 'inclusive', and a host of other buzz words along with the popular ad hominens aimed at those who choose to think differently from the prevailing culture. And make no mistake, for those of us over 30, who remember a time when LGBTQDXOPF+ folk were a decided minority, it is a shock at how quickly the general populace has embraced the new morality, placing Christians, at least those who believe the Bible is the ultimate standard in faith and practise, the new minority. However, I think that is a false reality, because I think that many who profess to accept that new morality, have capitulated to the pressures of what really is a demonic onslaught on society because of fear. Fear of losing business. Fear of losing jobs. Fear of losing family members. Fear of being called out for being homophobic, racist, and the many other nonsense incendiary insults designed to embarrass, harass, and denigrate those who choose to

“stand in the ways and choose the old paths”. Jer. 6:16

If given the opportunity, many would reverse their support for most of the changes being imposed on our society, so long as there was an even playing field. That however is not the case, and will never again be the case. Religious liberty is under attack everywhere, and it is only going to get worse.

Time is short. Jesus is truly coming soon, but the seeming delay in His coming (we Adventists have been expecting Him for over 140 years) is not because He wasn't ready and wanting to free us from this mess, but because we haven't been ready. He is waiting for us, not the other way around. But the limits of His patience I would imagine are wearing thin. The pressures being laid upon good God-fearing folk all over the world is mounting, the pressures upon our institutions, the schools, the hospitals, and even our churches, is such that soon the limits of God's forbearance will be reached, Christ will come, and those not ready will have to go through the tribulation without any protection.

The time is now to prepare. It is time to pray. It is time to study the word, and plead for the holy Spirit to fill us and empower us to share God's love while we can. The gospel must go out. It cannot be done in our own strength. We need Jesus. Today. Tomorrow may be too late. Every day people are dying without knowing Jesus. The latest catastrophe taking our loved ones away from us is called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Look it up.

Look up^^^. Our redemption draws near.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There was a question posed by the pastor at church yesterday... Where does the greatest pressures come from as far as faith and practise?
Persecution on Christians as individuals in the western world is not as dire as in for example, Saudi Arabia or Iran. But Satan is using other means to undermine faith and integrity... Government pressure on Christians institutions to conform to the new woke socialist agendas, and for those Christians who work for Christian schools, hospitals, and even secular corporations, the pressure to conform and compromise can be very vexing on the conscience. Freedom of conscience is a very real issue taxing the wisdom of those administering or schools and institutions. It is imperative we have a combined denominational front to oppose the overreach of government mandates and agendas that afflict the consciences of our people.
We need to be praying earnestly for those leaders, teachers, principals, and administrators that God grant them wisdom and discernment, patience and strength as they grapple with these issues.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If given the opportunity, many would reverse their support for most of the changes being imposed on our society, so long as there was an even playing field. That however is not the case, and will never again be the case. Religious liberty is under attack everywhere, and it is only going to get worse.
This is quite true. Things will only get worse since it seems that Revelation 12 has been partially fulfilled.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
for those of us over 30, who remember a time when LGBTQDXOPF+ folk were a decided minority, it is a shock at how quickly the general populace has embraced the new morality, placing Christians, at least those who believe the Bible is the ultimate standard in faith and practise, the new minority.

Not by accident. They are indoctrinating kids in the US in sexual deviancy from as early as kindergarten now, so it will be no surprise what the socially-accepted norms will be by the time their generation reaches adulthood.

The biggest concern, however, is the increasing decline in Christian standards. I'm not sure how many will still be standing for the truth when an increasing price will have to be paid to do so.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..Long Bay College in Auckland is teaching their students that there are 112 genders and over 200 sexualities...

Haha the lefty cauldron of sickening ideas are like the foul witches cauldron in Macbeth where all sorts of vile things are stewing..:)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There is a greater concern... The church cleaving to the idea that politics is the solution to the church's problems. Even America's problems. The continuing evangelical hope that Trump is going to ride in on his white horse and save Christianity, and America, from imminent defeat at the hands of the "lefty woke socialists".
Left v right... Democrat v Republican... Black v white... Liberal v conservative... Thesis v antithesis... All contrived conflicting ideologies but with one purpose... To bring the populations of the world to their knees in despair. "Can't we find some middle ground... Can't we compromise" they plead from both ends of the pendulum.
Then the "beast will speak as the dragon", demand the only solution is for everyone to surrender to Rome (as Trump, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Bush, Clinton and numerous others before them declare as the only solution) and introduce a lovely compromising synthesis that does away with the extremes of belief like "fundamentalism... Believing in the bible" and promise peace and safety. All will heave a hearty sigh of relief.
The continuing enigma for now for the non-committed is working out if Trump is the supporter of truth and liberty he claims to be, aka the Evangelical Messiah... Or a Trojan horse inside of which reside all manner of secret agendas and treaties with the globalists. He does some good things... But that swamp... There's still many a dark creature lurking in it's depths. And Trump was educated by those very same dark creatures.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
There is a greater concern... The continuing evangelical hope that Trump is going to ride in on his white horse and save Christianity from imminent
Really? That fantasy of yours is a "greater concern"?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Okay, so call me a conspiracy theorist

Ok. You are a conspiracy theorist... Hahaha
That is an endearing compliment in my book ;)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts it was a good read.

How long until they try to ban the Bible for being homophobic? Where will they do it first? Won't surprise me if Victoria does that first

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

That deserves a thread on its own. What a total load of rubbish. Is the msm peddling that on your TV?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
That deserves a thread on its own. What a total load of rubbish. Is the msm peddling that on your TV?
You are welcome to start a thread. But I hadn't heard of it until I read the following just lasy week, yet apparently it has been the big discussion point for w hile, and if you take a llok at the Google search enegine, the fact check folk are working overtime trying to diffuse the apparent logical conclusions....

So, Now It’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome · Caldron Pool
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Really? That fantasy of yours is a "greater concern"?
It isn't a fantasy to see the obvious makings of a union of church and state in the United States. And when I read prophecy in Revelation 13, the answer is yes, it absolutely is a greater concern. What is even more concerning is that the people of God are too fast asleep to recognise what's going on.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
You are welcome to start a thread. But I hadn't heard of it until I read the following just lasy week, yet apparently it has been the big discussion point for w hile, and if you take a llok at the Google search enegine, the fact check folk are working overtime trying to diffuse the apparent logical conclusions....

So, Now It’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome · Caldron Pool

Ye its been a topic for a few weeks now but im not sure if the msm are covering it in Australia.
I certainly haven't heard it at work on the Tassie radio.
The fact checkers are funded by them so its no surprise they're trying to debunk the correlation.
That was an excellent article. I might start a thread on SADS and use that article
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
We read of these divisive and amoral and immoral mandates being touted as 'tolerant', 'responsible', 'inclusive', and a host of other buzz words along with the popular ad hominens aimed at those who choose to think differently from the prevailing culture. And make no mistake, for those of us over 30, who remember a time when LGBTQDXOPF+ folk were a decided minority, it is a shock at how quickly the general populace has embraced the new morality, placing Christians, at least those who believe the Bible is the ultimate standard in faith and practise, the new minority. However, I think that is a false reality, because I think that many who profess to accept that new morality, have capitulated to the pressures of what really is a demonic onslaught on society because of fear. Fear of losing business. Fear of losing jobs. Fear of losing family members. Fear of being called out for being homophobic, racist, and the many other nonsense incendiary insults designed to embarrass, harass, and denigrate those who choose to

“stand in the ways and choose the old paths”. Jer. 6:16

If given the opportunity, many would reverse their support for most of the changes being imposed on our society, so long as there was an even playing field. That however is not the case, and will never again be the case. Religious liberty is under attack everywhere, and it is only going to get worse.

The pressures being laid upon good God-fearing folk all over the world is mounting, the pressures upon our institutions, the schools, the hospitals, and even our churches, is such that soon the limits of God's forbearance will be reached, Christ will come, and those not ready will have to go through the tribulation without any protection.

The time is now to prepare. It is time to pray. It is time to study the word, and plead for the holy Spirit to fill us and empower us to share God's love while we can. The gospel must go out. It cannot be done in our own strength. We need Jesus. Today. Tomorrow may be too late. Every day people are dying without knowing Jesus. The latest catastrophe taking our loved ones away from us is called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Look it up.

View attachment 23583

Absolutely. the LGBTQIOHFWPJ is a demonic influence which has become widespread throughout the world due to the deception of Satan and the evil spirits in league with him upon those who do not love the truth of God's word. I personally had come under the influence of this propaganda when I became a transgender and lived as a man for 3 years. Just 20 years ago, this identification was a minority of people worldwide and those who did not think it the right way to live were not persecuted for their beliefs. In current times, Satan has found a way--by appearing as an "Angel of Light", using those words you speak of ''tolerant", "inclusive" "having an open-mind"--to turn the appearance of those who stand by God's word into a hated populace with cruel and bigoted spirits and minds.

You are correct in saying that many who do not stand against this propaganda do so out of a fear of backlash and being labeled as intolerant and unkind and all the epitaphs that come with taking a stand upon the truth of God's word. Many of us very well may be called to take a stand which may involve the loss of our jobs and many comforts we currently enjoy in this life. As you warned, the liberty of holding to our beliefs is under attack and this will only grow worse and worse. We must daily arm ourselves with prayer and abiding in his word and edifying each other in communion with our brothers and sisters in Jesus.

I feel that those who hold to God's word need to understand that their position in this life is very precarious. It is vital to not take comfort in the temporal benefits which we currently have. Those who love God's word need to realize that they may be called, and it may come very soon, to make a concrete choice between our love for the truth of his word or our love for what we have in this world. Only the strength and grace of God can make us stand upon God's word and love Jesus above all other things.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
It isn't a fantasy to see the obvious makings of a union of church and state in the United States. And when I read prophecy in Revelation 13, the answer is yes, it absolutely is a greater concern. What is even more concerning is that the people of God are too fast asleep to recognise what's going on.
Exactly--it is the religion of Satan and the propaganda against God's word that he has put forth under the guise of the LGBTQ movement. Just about no one understands that it is a religious belief espoused by the government. Those who are unbelievers do not realize they are espousing a religious belief, and yes many people of God do not see it for what it is either. It is incredible, reading the book of Revelation, how clear what is proclaimed by God is being acted out in the world.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
How long until they try to ban the Bible for being homophobic? Where will they do it first? Won't surprise me if Victoria does that first

It will be very soon here in the States where churches will be forced to record their sermons and have it inspected by governmental authorities for not including "hate speech"; from my understanding, that is what is going on in areas of Canada and what goes on there soon comes over here.

People of God here in the United States: be prepared to face jail time and loss of your jobs for standing by the word of God. It will come to pass here. Do not fail to be prepared to choose what you love most in this life.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
Really? That fantasy of yours is a "greater concern"?
Oh, my understanding is that he thought that it was a foolish belief that Trump will save Christianity from attack and that was his concern that people are looking for Trump to save them instead of Jesus. Please correct me, Brakelite if I am mistaken. (And I saw the union of church and state as the union of the government with the LGBTQ movement; that is my understanding of what it is going on here by my explanation in the prior post. And I normally go and combine all my posts in to one, but I'm under a time constraint now to leave for work!).
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
People of God here in the United States: be prepared to face jail time and loss of your jobs for standing by the word of God. It will come to pass here. Do not fail to be prepared to choose what you love most in this life.

True. I would add not only people of the USA but everyone in the western world


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
Not by accident. They are indoctrinating kids in the US in sexual deviancy from as early as kindergarten now, so it will be no surprise what the socially-accepted norms will be by the time their generation reaches adulthood.

The biggest concern, however, is the increasing decline in Christian standards. I'm not sure how many will still be standing for the truth when an increasing price will have to be paid to do so.

Yes, many will fall because they love what they have in the world over the truth of God's word. It will be a very difficult choice that I don't feel many are prepared to face. I certainly am not sure if I am. It will only be by the grace and strength of God that anyone will be able to stand when the slaughter begins. And I am certainly one of those who need it most. The loss of my husband has cut loose many ties which I had to the earth, but I have known comfort all my life. I can only cling to Jesus and trust him to uphold me while the storm rages and keep my eyes looking to my heavenly eternal home.

The socially accepted norms are already those espoused by the LGBTQ movement. In not even 10 years it has gone from questionable to the religious beliefs of the government and these beliefs are going to be pressured more and more upon the population until they are forced to accept them as their own personal beliefs.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Absolutely. the LGBTQIOHFWPJ is a demonic influence which has become widespread throughout the world due to the deception of Satan and the evil spirits in league with him upon those who do not love the truth of God's word. I personally had come under the influence of this propaganda when I became a transgender and lived as a man for 3 years. Just 20 years ago, this identification was a minority of people worldwide and those who did not think it the right way to live were not persecuted for their beliefs. In current times, Satan has found a way--by appearing as an "Angel of Light", using those words you speak of ''tolerant", "inclusive" "having an open-mind"--to turn the appearance of those who stand by God's word into a hated populace with cruel and bigoted spirits and minds.

You are correct in saying that many who do not stand against this propaganda do so out of a fear of backlash and being labeled as intolerant and unkind and all the epitaphs that come with taking a stand upon the truth of God's word. Many of us very well may be called to take a stand which may involve the loss of our jobs and many comforts we currently enjoy in this life. As you warned, the liberty of holding to our beliefs is under attack and this will only grow worse and worse. We must daily arm ourselves with prayer and abiding in his word and edifying each other in communion with our brothers and sisters in Jesus.

I feel that those who hold to God's word need to understand that their position in this life is very precarious. It is vital to not take comfort in the temporal benefits which we currently have. Those who love God's word need to realize that they may be called, and it may come very soon, to make a concrete choice between our love for the truth of his word or our love for what we have in this world. Only the strength and grace of God can make us stand upon God's word and love Jesus above all other things.
Pause God for your freedom, welcome back to the real world.
There is coming a time very soon when the institutions we once trusted I on will be removed from our lives. They will no longer serve our interests, we will be without benefits, pensions, housing, jobs, income. The warning of Revelation 13:16,17 is closer than any of us think, and it will not be as most here believe. Remember, Satan is about deception. Nothing is as it appears.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Yes, many will fall because they love what they have in the world over the truth of God's word. It will be a very difficult choice that I don't feel many are prepared to face. I certainly am not sure if I am. It will only be by the grace and strength of God that anyone will be able to stand when the slaughter begins. And I am certainly one of those who need it most. The loss of my husband has cut loose many ties which I had to the earth, but I have known comfort all my life. I can only cling to Jesus and trust him to uphold me while the storm rages and keep my eyes looking to my heavenly eternal home.

I see you live in the United States, sister, and if so you likely need not worry about threats to your life anytime soon. What will likely simply happen is the increased ostracizing of those who hold to the Biblical view. So what you want to steal yourself for now is how to handle increasing ridicule from others, whether they be family, co-workers, or simply members of society. But the Lord protects His own, and these things should not be a surprise for the truly devout Christian, for as the scripture says, "All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Ridicule and slander is the least we should be able to endure; it's relatively mild compared to martyrdom, so I think it's something we ought to be able to embrace without backing down. :)

Just pray for the Lord to strengthen you, Ma'am. Much of it involves simply being prepared in advance for what is coming.

God bless you,
- H
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I see you live in the United States, sister, and if so you likely need not worry about threats to your life anytime soon. What will likely simply happen is the increased ostracizing of those who hold to the Biblical view. So what you want to steal yourself for now is how to handle increasing ridicule from others, whether they be family, co-workers, or simply members of society. But the Lord protects His own, and these things should not be a surprise for the truly devout Christian, for as the scripture says, "All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Ridicule and slander is the least we should be able to endure; it's relatively mild compared to martyrdom, so I think it's something we ought to be able to embrace without backing down. :)

Just pray for the Lord to strengthen you, Ma'am. Much of it involves simply being prepared in advance for what is coming.

God bless you,
- H
While I agree with you, Satan knows that threats to your life causes Christianity to flourish. But threats to the ego... To pride... To reputation... To vanity and self... There is power in that.
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