Astral Projection: The Devil's Playground

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(1) There are Satanic counterfeits of all spiritually transformative gifts of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of these counterfeits is to discourage Christians from heeding Paul's command, "strive for the greater [spiritual] gifts."

(2) There is spiritual danger in a superficial conflation of terms like "astral projection," "OBEs," and "visions." Ezekiel, for example, experiences glorious OBEs during which "the Spirit lifted me up (3:12)." Similarly, John's journeys into spiritual realms with the phrase, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day (Rev. 1:10)." Paul thinks it possible that he was transported to "Paradise" via an OBE (2 Cor. 12:1-4). Christian "visions" are a sign of "the latter days (Acts 2:17)." Many consider such experiences forms of astral travel. Atheists have become radiant Christians through their NDEs.

(3) There are 3 key issues for discernment:
(a) Are you exploring spiritual dimensions by an act of will using meditative techniques or are you involuntarily being taken out of body to benefit from such experiences?
(b) Are you seeking help from a spirit guide other than Jesus or an angel sent by Jesus?
(c) Is your OBE spiritually edifying in a way compatible with biblical revelation or are you being introduced to occult experiences like past life memories?

For many years the great Swedish scientist used a meditative technique to explore the Heavens and Hells and the realms in between. He experienced the presence of "the Lord" everywhere he went. The Stanford Research Institute rates him 1 of the 3 greatest intellects of all time! But even he reported the frequent presence of deceptive evil spirits during his journeyes and, for that reason, advised against other Christians engaging in similar exploration.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
For many years the great Swedish scientist used a meditative technique to explore the Heavens and Hells and the realms in between. He experienced the presence of "the Lord" everywhere he went. The Stanford Research Institute rates him 1 of the 3 greatest intellects of all time! But even he reported the frequent presence of deceptive evil spirits during his journeyes and, for that reason, advised against other Christians engaging in similar exploration.
The presence of evil is telltale that his practice was not Holy Spirit-led.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
For many years the great Swedish scientist used a meditative technique to explore the Heavens and Hells and the realms in between. He experienced the presence of "the Lord" everywhere he went. The Stanford Research Institute rates him 1 of the 3 greatest intellects of all time! But even he reported the frequent presence of deceptive evil spirits during his journeyes and, for that reason, advised against other Christians engaging in similar exploration.

Thanks for the post, Berserk. Which scientist are you referring to here?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
So Edward is changing the goalposts again concerning astral projection; so it's going to be "visions" - well, one thing should be obvious -- Edward's descriptions of various things have many people here concerned, and well they should be.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I too would like to know what scientist was referred to - Carl Jung came to mind but I don't know if he was Swedish


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
Hidden - I am very glad you are on a "witch-hunt" and I think it is needed.

Edward's teachings have saturated the board, if we continue to talk about them in a Christian side of the board where he can't come - well - so be it.

I think it could be said that what Edward has put forth has caused several Christian members to want this stuff fully investigated.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
The scientist was of course Emmanuel Swedenborg whose discoveries and inventions led to his Stanford rating as 1 of the 3 best minds of all time.
His classic "Heaven and Hell" is totally based on his many years exploring these realms, not on theological reflection about them and his key revelations are compatible with Scripture. He also has the best verifications proving that he actually visited souls in these realms. Still, I don't recommend Christians read his theological works because his biblical interpretations are too allegorical.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
You are truly bizarre. I've never once told anyone to go astral traveling. And you seem fixated on rape and sodomy. Your avatar is strange for a Christian site, and you have a delusional mindset. Like I said, I wonder about you. I wonder about your mental health. But this is your thread, and I probably shouldn't even be out of my non-Christian cage on this forum so, hasta luego.
You just joined the forums recently and you see already insulting members and facing obvious opposition to your views on all fronts - just like in your first introductory thread. It would be wise at this point to stop and reflect, examine yourself - we can't all be wrong!
I remember reading your introductory thread in the General section where you introduced yourself as person who wasn't sure he could call himself a Christian (under the traditional definition) , and believed only in the words of Christ in the Four Gospels, Revelation, The Book of Thomas, etc.
JESUS is the Author of our Faith and the entire Bible, since He is God, so you need to trust that ALL SCRIPTURE IS GOD BREATHED. He inspired every word of it, supernaturally speaking through the forty writers who wrote it.
But were many red flags that went up when I read your posts in a recent thread of yours.
The Following words in red posted by Edward Gordon:
" On the other hand, we study Veridican astrology, dream interpretation, astral projection, prophecy, and miracle-working. Classic Christians often have a problem with that. But our spiritual practices come from our belief that we are spiritual descendants of the Magi who were astrologers and the first to find Christ born into the world, to hail Him as a king and to protect him from Herod."

"Veridicans follow ONLY Jesus Christ, so we reject most of the Holy Bible, except for the Gospels and Revelation. We prepare for the end times, which have been happening since Jesus left, but now, like birth pains, are getting exponentially closer. We practice spiritual gifts like prophecy and astral projection. We believe that we become what Christ was--we become Christ. And this is accomplished through our ritual of the Eucharist. We are astrologers, and we examine the stars and planets to determine the forces God has placed upon the earth. In other words, we look for His signs in the stars, just like the Magi did.

We are the elect. We are the chosen. We are the one sheep the shepherd leaves the rest of the flock to find. Veridicans follow ONLY Jesus Christ, so we reject most of the Holy Bible, except for the Gospels and Revelation. We prepare for the end times, which have been happening since Jesus left, but now, like birth pains, are getting exponentially closer. We practice spiritual gifts like prophecy and astral projection. We believe that we become what Christ was--we become Christ. And this is accomplished through our ritual of the Eucharist. We are astrologers, and we examine the stars and planets to determine the forces God has placed upon the earth. In other words, we look for His signs in the stars, just like the Magi did.

We are the elect. We are the chosen. We are the one sheep the shepherd leaves the rest of the flock to find. We are the 144,000. We are one with Christ, and as such, we are one with God. He is our Father, and we are His Son.

This church, while dormant for a long time, began in 1993 as a response to the Waco tragedy. It has come alive in response to the vaccine tyrany today. The bottom line is, we are facing the end times. Civilization has less than 100 years, and we are the bride of Christ preparing ourselves for the coming Kingdom of God on Earth.. We are one with Christ, and as such, we are one with God. He is our Father, and we are His Son.".[Edward Gordon]

So you admitted the practice of astral projection, identified it as such and now since this practice is being demonized, you want to refer to it as something else and change the name. You also claimed to teach in your own seminary, this self concocted religious fragment of Christianity mixed with astrology and occult practices to your flock of how many ... six students? So you apparently just lied about never once telling anyone to go astral travel, yet isn't this what you teach?

I would strongly detour you from trying to influence anyone to follow your ways in this Christian Forum. I have no authority to stop you but I can understand why you have been banned from previous forums. The practice of Astrology is not something Jesus taught. They did that in Babylon among other occult practices, false religions, and so God confused their language and scattered them. Babylon is where all this mystical and dark spiritual evil came from and spread throughout the world. You apparently think it is harmless?
I am aware that a true Christian cannot be possesed by a demon or destroyed, but we are not to flurt with danger, unfamiliar territory. Unless you can willfully astral project to heaven and commumicate with Jesus, what would be the purpose of leaving your body until it is time for you to actually die and go to heaven?
What you could actually be doing here is recruiting more students ... I'm not sure. You are certainly off on your theology.
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New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
@Mayflower I need to clarify and elaborate on this. With SRA/MK, they know that trauma itself will cause such a severe breaking that the child is able to be outside the body pieces. I can't explain it any other way. Being outside the body to survive trauma (rapes, tortures, etc) is not the same as leaving the body for spiritual purposes such as astral ritual or astral sex.

Some of my earliest memories are from outside my body. I was 2 yrs old and I had already been shattered and severed enough that I spent most of my time outside the body. I was outside the body, in our kitchen. And I could see my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle sitting at the table playing cards. At some point, my dad and uncle left the table and entered my sister and I's bedroom. I stayed outside the body ....and after a bit, I saw another "me" (part of me that was shattered/broken off by a trauma) come flying through the bedroom door. (The door was closed.) I flew up to meet/join with her and we flew out the front door ....over the trees, and into the stars far as we could go escape that trauma. In situations like that, someone (a part of the person) stays in the body ....and others leave the body. There was absolutely no demonic help in being outside the body. The trauma itself severed that tie to the body.

BUT .....MK programmers know how to use trauma to send children out of the body. From there, they will introduce other aspects, such as spiritual help to accomplish other tasks.
Have you had counseling for SRA /DID? there are a lot of materials that may help you...
Get a notepad and write down what HOLY SPIRIT alerts you to. Make notes and as you come across things stop and write them down - repent, renounce, cancel, seal them off and plead the BLOOD of JESUS. ( if you order the demonic to go, order them directly to the footstool of JESUS and that they MAY NOT enter another human being.)

Healing for Victims of Trauma and Abuse with Dissociative Identity Disorder Series – 8 parts​

have a look at Mary Lou Lake she did a couple of videos that you can look at and things that you can pray immediately and then, of course, there is Doug Riggs who died last year
SRA/DID Resources.
there is a lot of info and videos that you can watch and things to read. Unfortunately, his congregation doesn't do counseling anyore

Then Russ Dizdar also died last year but he also has a lot of material

Russ Dizdar Freedom Encounters Session 8 sessions I think.​

Shatter the darkness is the website and there is also a lot of material - all the material can be daunting but start with the videos first and then renounce as you come across things and work your way through.

Perhaps there is someone who might be able to help you
there is a lot of information, I don't know how much you know at this stage so have a look at their sites...
there are millions of us around the globe in every country and city -
I found prayer to be effective to stop nightly visits and entities
Prayer - just an example, modify it to your circumstance.
Ask FATHER GOD to remove all and everything (including fallen angels - depends on your programming but rather include it) that does not worship, love, obey, etc HIM as the CREATOR GOD of all that was, is, and to come the Alpha and the Omega and then replace those spaces that might have been occupied by HIS angels. Pray that as you enter dream and sleep cycles/states during the night or whenever you sleep doesn't matter how long or often that you will be protected as you move in and out of them. Also that no incubus or succubus, human spirits, or dead human spirits can enter, also no sleep paralysis may occur, and no astral travel from your side or the kingdom of darkness side. Also that you will have no dreams of any kind of second heaven but only dreams from FATHER as HE wants to reveal things to you and then of course normal dreams. That all portals, gates, wormholes, entrances and exits in the spirit dimension over your home will be blocked off and closed and apply the blood of JESUS. Also if you have any pets ask that nothing from the kingdom of darkness can attach or piggyback on them into your house. I bring all my sins (known and unknown sins) before YOU FATHER GOD and ask for forgiveness and I choose (it must be your will to forgive, you have to engage your will) to forgive those who have sinned against me
If you are married you pray this for them and the rest of your family as well and ask that as you sleep you will be restored etc
If memory is leaking during the night make a note of it, get a diary, and make notes, the first words, just report what you saw don't add things don't try to tell a story, bullet points of what you observed.
I ask that my /our will, will come in alignment with YOUR will for my/our lives and that YOU will reveal YOUR will to us.
I always end this way,
I ask this in the Name of JESUS my Saviour YOUR SON, FATHER GOD, Amen, Amen
Please cover the rest of your family under this prayer too even if they might not be saved or any other person that FATHER GOD places on your heart.

I pray this helps.
English is a second language so please pardon the grammar.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
I have always been fascinated with hearing about other peoples' NDE's, hallucinations, and so on, but I don't think it's wise to dabble in things we don't understand. It's a shame, because I would love the idea of being a psychonaut and journeying into the center of the mind and/or other planes of reality... if I didn't think there would be a good risk of becoming insane or posessed.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
By the way, if anyone experiences anything supernatural, I think that the best way to put an immediate end to it is prayer and extreme repentence. I don't get why people try to burn herbs - you're getting haunted because you're not putting faith in God, your spice rack isn't going to save you from beings that are millenia older than you.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
I have always been fascinated with hearing about other peoples' NDE's, hallucinations, and so on, but I don't think it's wise to dabble in things we don't understand..

Right, for example what if somebody who's having an out-of-body experience can't get back into their body and are trapped on the astral plane?
I read an article some years ago by a young woman who said she was in bed when her "soul" began floating away from her body higher and higher and the earth was receding away from her like a ball in space, but she was attached to the planet by a silver cord from her forehead. (I can't remember if it happened spontaneously or whether she deliberately willed it to happen as an experiment)
But as the earth sailed further away, she felt a sharp pain in her forehead as if the cord was about to break, and she was terrified and the next thing she knew she was safely back in bed.
It could of course have just been a dream.
The "silver cord" has been reported in other out-of-body experiences too; i found this pic on the net-

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2022
west coast
United States
When I was a teen my friends video taped a homeless guy who claimed he could astral travel, thinking it was funny.

Later a skateboarding video we saw on TV, showed another homeless man in another state claiming he could astral project.

Eventually, I realized astral travel and astral projection were things users of hallucinogenic drugs and LSD commonly believed they could do.

There is so much said about astral travel its virtually impossible to separate truth from fiction, although I think it can be proven in many cases that it is a drug related thing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
When I was a teen my friends video taped a homeless guy who claimed he could astral travel, thinking it was funny.

Later a skateboarding video we saw on TV, showed another homeless man in another state claiming he could astral project.

Eventually, I realized astral travel and astral projection were things users of hallucinogenic drugs and LSD commonly believed they could do.

There is so much said about astral travel its virtually impossible to separate truth from fiction, although I think it can be proven in many cases that its is a drug related thing.
On the other hand, the Bible did say that those who are called least on Earth will be called greatest in Heaven. Jesus also said that spiritual power is gained by fasting and prayer, and homeless people are basically always fasting whether they want to or not. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and wild honey, and Jesus called him the greatest man who ever lived. Maybe one day, a few of those homeless people you thought were on drugs will have become angels that rule over the lives of millions. The Bible says to use your temporary lifetime of wealth to make friends (parable of the unjust steward). It also says to gather in summer so you will be ready for winter. We, living in summer now, should make friends with people like these because one of them might one day intercede on your behalf on the day of judgement.


New Member
Feb 8, 2023
port elizabeth
South Africa
There is so much said about astral travel it's virtually impossible to separate truth from fiction, although I think it can be proven in many cases that it is a drug-related thing.

When I was a teen my friends video taped a homeless guy who claimed he could astral travel, thinking it was funny.

Later a skateboarding video we saw on TV, showed another homeless man in another state claiming he could astral project.

Eventually, I realized astral travel and astral projection were things users of hallucinogenic drugs and LSD commonly believed they could do.

There is so much said about astral travel its virtually impossible to separate truth from fiction, although I think it can be proven in many cases that it is a drug related thing.
You have a point regarding the drug issue. It is a gateway of escape. If you are not in control of your mind by being spaced out by hallucinogenics or drugs that you take, the demonic access you and thereby can pull you out of your body for astral travel - you need a demonic entity to "open" the door for you to "travel". Once you repent and renounce the demonic entity and close the doors you are not able to. Just keep in mind that Paul talks about a man in the spirit...
2 Cor 12:2 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of it I do not know, but God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or out of it I do not know, but God knows

Here, FATHER GOD made it possible for the man many say it was Paul himself, to travel to the 3rd heaven but GOD placed or returned him to his body, again.
Just remember the kingdom of darkness is a copycat in everything.
If you stay in the FATHER playground you have HIS walls of protection around you, but if you ventured into the kingdom of darkness and do not repent there are gaps and you won't be protected... you cannot arm a house alarm if there are doors or windows open. Keep a short tab, repent, and renounce as soon as you have sinned. We are all human and we make mistakes, and GOD is faithful and just to forgive us our sins when we sincerely repent and remember FATHER GOD will only forgive us our sins as much as we forgive those who trespass against us.