Biden gives another $10 billion to Iran.

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New Member
Aug 7, 2021
United States
As if the $6 billion he gave them before the massacre by Hamas (funded by Iran) in Israel wasn't controversial enough, he has now given them $10 billion more after the massacre, and after more than 50 attacks on American service members by Iranian-backed militia groups in the middle east.

Do we have any military veterans here? How do you feel about this? Does giving billions of dollars to a country that has funded, and continues funding terrorism and attacks against service members of your own country, and even calls for the death of your country, qualify as treason?
Small wonder that military recruitment is down so low. How can a person feel obliged to put their life on the line in defense of the United States when their commander-in-chief is giving billions of their tax dollars to the very country that is using that money to attack those who serve to protect the United States?

Imagine Israel giving $10 billion to Hamas or Iran right now. How would that go over with the Israeli people, and especially the Israeli Defense Forces? I imagine it wouldn't go over very well at all.
Same goes for if Ukraine were to start sending billions of dollars to Russia. It just wouldn't make a bit of sense at all.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
As if the $6 billion he gave them before the massacre by Hamas (funded by Iran) in Israel wasn't controversial enough, he has now given them $10 billion more after the massacre, and after more than 50 attacks on American service members by Iranian-backed militia groups in the middle east.

Do we have any military veterans here? How do you feel about this? Does giving billions of dollars to a country that has funded, and continues funding terrorism and attacks against service members of your own country, and even calls for the death of your country, qualify as treason?
Small wonder that military recruitment is down so low. How can a person feel obliged to put their life on the line in defense of the United States when their commander-in-chief is giving billions of their tax dollars to the very country that is using that money to attack those who serve to protect the United States?

Imagine Israel giving $10 billion to Hamas or Iran right now. How would that go over with the Israeli people, and especially the Israeli Defense Forces? I imagine it wouldn't go over very well at all.
Same goes for if Ukraine were to start sending billions of dollars to Russia. It just wouldn't make a bit of sense at all.
Joe Biden is a Traitor to the USA, it's the Satanic Democrat Socialist Party, that is paving the way to the New World Order in fact and along with the Satanist RINO's. For they are leading the Nation down the drain in fact and if they are not Satanist they fear to much to stand up to the Satanist who are dominating over everyone, in how one must think ! and if you do not follow along with what's been peddled, then you become what they call The Deplorable's ? That means you are regarded as an enemy of the State ! That's how Hitler seen the Jews ? such comes from the same frame workings in fact !
Some moron claiming that half the Nation are Deplorable's and the Media does not expose such a moron who says such, as just another moronic Socialist Hitler Stalin type mongrel Mutt ! She should of been exposed as the enemy of the People in fact and kicked out of the USA for having that spastic construct of intent ! That was a true picture of Malice inspired in fact ! and if one had a real Media, they could of exposed that display for being strait out of the Nazi and Communist inspired books in fact !

Joe Biden is funding Terrorism in fact ! It all point back to Him and his Party in fact, for driving such intent ! just look at the snail trail, it's all his dirty work in propping up Terror ! no one could be so stupid not to see it ! leaving all such weapons etc in Afghanistan for a start should of had Biden kicked out of Office directly in fact ! and giving weapons to Ukraine as has been handled is a criminal intent, Ukraine's Government is as corrupt as Hell, it's a Dictatorship in fact ! Not to mention we have no right to be involved in a War on Russia's Border like that anyway in fact, especially when one understands the issue from the Russian people point of view ! Russians do not have to put up with such trash people at all on their doorstep ! Would the USA tolerate the same intent on their Border Never ! and Give up on their major Military Port, hell No ! It will never happen ! no one could be so stupid ! Nuclear War will start before they let such as that happen and they have pointed this out from the 1960's in fact, not to try it ! or else ! They are not kidding ! But our MSM do not inform the people of that History, it's as tho such does not exist. The MSM and Government are not informing the people of the subject at all, but just spinning a stupid childish ignorant position ! Because if the people of the USA and the West truly knew what was involved in all this being openly informed, Biden would be kicked out of Office in a heart beat !

This War in Israel is all BS as well ! It's all been inspired by the Socialist ! For they clearly let it happen in fact ! No one could be so stupid not to know that the Islamic Mob regardless who they are have built up such stock piles and Israel as the best intelligence system in the world by far, they clearly knew everything that was going on with such weapons coming in from Afghanistan and Ukraine so as to attack Israel ! even i knew that right from the beginning that that would be the case. It's simple deduction ! and it had Joe Biden written all over it !
The Socialist Jews let this happen to the State, it was and is all formulated to work against the sitting Israel PM in fact, to make him look bad !
So now we have a MSM who is supporting Terrorist openly ! But hey they kicked off ! and then the MSM peddle such dribble ? but hey they brought it on ! did they not know what they chewed on would come back to bite them back ! and here is the MSM and the UN claiming all this BS ! Hey they wanted War ! and they got and are getting what they deserved back in fact.
It's like a brat in the school yard, who takes on someone and then copes a hiding ? Oh well one would hope one would learn from such a mistake. but i feel no sympathy for such an idiot or idiots. Will they learn ? sadly i do not think so. why, because such as they are morons and i have seen such idiots that are about.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
As if the $6 billion he gave them before the massacre by Hamas (funded by Iran) in Israel wasn't controversial enough, he has now given them $10 billion more after the massacre, and after more than 50 attacks on American service members by Iranian-backed militia groups in the middle east.

Do we have any military veterans here? How do you feel about this? Does giving billions of dollars to a country that has funded, and continues funding terrorism and attacks against service members of your own country, and even calls for the death of your country, qualify as treason?
Small wonder that military recruitment is down so low. How can a person feel obliged to put their life on the line in defense of the United States when their commander-in-chief is giving billions of their tax dollars to the very country that is using that money to attack those who serve to protect the United States?

Imagine Israel giving $10 billion to Hamas or Iran right now. How would that go over with the Israeli people, and especially the Israeli Defense Forces? I imagine it wouldn't go over very well at all.
Same goes for if Ukraine were to start sending billions of dollars to Russia. It just wouldn't make a bit of sense at all.
Hard to believe, I smell Obama in the background on this one

Iran, the world's terroist enemy #1, supplying Hamas in Gaza who is holding Americans hostage?

Sounds like treason in aiding and abetting the enemy to me?

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
As if the $6 billion he gave them before the massacre by Hamas (funded by Iran) in Israel wasn't controversial enough, he has now given them $10 billion more after the massacre, and after more than 50 attacks on American service members by Iranian-backed militia groups in the middle east.

Do we have any military veterans here? How do you feel about this? Does giving billions of dollars to a country that has funded, and continues funding terrorism and attacks against service members of your own country, and even calls for the death of your country, qualify as treason?
Small wonder that military recruitment is down so low. How can a person feel obliged to put their life on the line in defense of the United States when their commander-in-chief is giving billions of their tax dollars to the very country that is using that money to attack those who serve to protect the United States?

Imagine Israel giving $10 billion to Hamas or Iran right now. How would that go over with the Israeli people, and especially the Israeli Defense Forces? I imagine it wouldn't go over very well at all.
Same goes for if Ukraine were to start sending billions of dollars to Russia. It just wouldn't make a bit of sense at all.
Are we missing a factor in this 10 billion?
I thought it would be Congress that is responsible for giving Iran that money.

Also,how does this occur? When Iran is an enemy of America? Should those monies be construed as giving Iran and by extension Hamas aid and comfort?


New Member
Aug 7, 2021
United States
Are we missing a factor in this 10 billion?
I thought it would be Congress that is responsible for giving Iran that money.

Also,how does this occur? When Iran is an enemy of America? Should those monies be construed as giving Iran and by extension Hamas aid and comfort?
That's how it would look to the citizens of any other country that was being attacked if they saw their leaders handing their money over to those who were attacking them. But since America is an equal-opportunity funder of pretty much everything and everyone, it just kind of gets lost in the shuffle that we handed $6 billion to Iran just before those they fund attacked Israel, and then another $10 billion afterwards. Sort of like a bonus payment.

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
That's how it would look to the citizens of any other country that was being attacked if they saw their leaders handing their money over to those who were attacking them. But since America is an equal-opportunity funder of pretty much everything and everyone, it just kind of gets lost in the shuffle that we handed $6 billion to Iran just before those they fund attacked Israel, and then another $10 billion afterwards. Sort of like a bonus payment.
I would concur.
Certainly Israel has to know about this. And they're suppose to be allies of America.

Now,it seems like the scales drop on the side of a so called conspiracy theory, given all those billions to Iran.
It's the idea,conspiracy theory, that Hamas was created by Israel.
As was ISIS. ISIS being an acronym for , I hope I get this right, Israeli Secret Intelligence Service=ISIS.

If that's all true my question is, Why? Qui bono, "who benefits"?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
At the end of the day it's all to do with people who are trying to cause trouble.

War in such places is typical, be it the Arabs who are always looking for War 24/7.

Then we look to the Slavic Nations, and Ukraine but why am i not surprised at all ?

When i look at our governments be it the West, i find such trying to import all of the dregs and nut cases that they can into our Nations in fact ! not to mention the Governments are trying to undermine our Nations morally as well, that no one could be so stupid ! Not to mention build up massive debt that will and is destroying as it's undermining our Nations in fact.
There is a plan that is at hand and the majority are falling for it all, hook line and sinker.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
It's coming!

Zechariah 14:1-4
1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, And your spoil will be divided in your midst.
2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; ...
3 Then the LORD will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle.
4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I suspect Tlaib and Omar are celebrating!
Omar is actually an illegal immigrant.
But there she is in our Congress.
Hence the warning:Con-gress.

Do you love hot mic's?
I do. ;)

Does this explains BHO/Bidens attitude toward Israel?
Just after the SOTU.



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Pro-Paledstine protestors occupy the campus. And officials there are negotiating with the trespassers? What!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
You wanna bet George Sorros is behind this too?

He's a Jew. But he's persona nongrata in both Israel and his homeland Hungary, where he and his father assisted the Nazis in rounding up other Jews.

Nazis invading Hungary was the greatest day of his life,he's said.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You wanna bet George Sorros is behind this too?

He's a Jew. But he's persona nongrata in both Israel and his homeland Hungary, where he and his father assisted the Nazis in rounding up other Jews.

Nazis invading Hungary was the greatest day of his life,he's said.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Does not matter who gets elected, Biden or Trump.
Both are bad news for the United State's future .
The US has already been flooded with illegals who are being supported by hard working Americans. Not to mention the terrorists. Thank you Dems!
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