Breaking: Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
well, well, well.

where are all the Roman catholic who follow the Pope? who is called the vigor of Christ himself on earth. is no one coming to the pope defence, now that he is called a "FalseProphet" as this topic suggest?

my question is this, if the Roman catholic church who was aganist such as the homosexuals, now endorse civil union of homosexuals? was the Roman catholic church in ERROR before? if so, what else she was in ERROR about...... Hmmmmmmmmm.

but not only the Roman catholic church, but what about these other denominations, and churches who follow the teaching of "MEN". what if they was in ERROR also? NO ONE IS IMMUNE from false teaching.

Not to put any Roman catholic in any hot seat, nor any put down, but maybe this is a WAKE UP CALL for all christian, no just Roman catholic, but all christians who blindly follow after ...... "MEN" and their doctrines.

put your trust and hopes in the only ONE who is Faithful and TRUE, the Lord JESUS.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
well, well, well.

where are all the Roman catholic who follow the Pope? who is called the vigor of Christ himself on earth. is no one coming to the pope defence, now that he is called a "FalseProphet" as this topic suggest?

my question is this, if the Roman catholic church who was aganist such as the homosexuals, now endorse civil union of homosexuals? was the Roman catholic church in ERROR before? if so, what else she was in ERROR about...... Hmmmmmmmmm.

but not only the Roman catholic church, but what about these other denominations, and churches who follow the teaching of "MEN". what if they was in ERROR also? NO ONE IS IMMUNE from false teaching.

Not to put any Roman catholic in any hot seat, nor any put down, but maybe this is a WAKE UP CALL for all christian, no just Roman catholic, but all christians who blindly follow after ...... "MEN" and their doctrines.

put your trust and hopes in the only ONE who is Faithful and TRUE, the Lord JESUS.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"
But but what about the trends that Satan leads the world with, first one could point out that from the 1960's the Church was ok with sweeping sodomites under the carpet, and I say all Churches were in fact and now we can all become Sodomites as to the Popes claims and be blessed by taking part in Gay pride now and ridicule anyone who is out of likes with our new Idle Political Correctness, not to mention use malice as well force such people out of their job for good and the list goes on no end.
The sodomites have won!
Pope Francis is the peoples Pope, that's what the media say in fact. The Peoples Pope ! :rolleyes: how stupid, what an insult to God !
What is truly meant by the people ? Slaves ! dupes ! or atheist or is it Satanist.
The Satanist Pope.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
But but what about the trends that Satan leads the world with
thanks for the reply, second, that, as a christian should not concern you....... :eek:
first one could point out that from the 1960's the Church was ok with sweeping sodomites under the carpet, and I say all Churches were in fact and now we can all become Sodomites as to the Popes claims and be blessed by taking part in Gay pride now and ridicule anyone who is out of likes with our new Idle Political Correctness, not to mention use malice as well force such people out of their job for good and the list goes on no end.
is that your opinion?
Pope Francis is the peoples Pope, that's what the media say in fact. The Peoples Pope ! :rolleyes: how stupid, what an insult to God !
again is that your opinion?
What is truly meant by the people ? Slaves ! dupes ! or atheist or is it Satanist.
The Satanist Pope.
again, is that your opinion?

so you think all people are Slaves ! dupes ! or atheist or is it Satanist? what about you, you believe in three person, when the Lord Jesus clearly states that God is a "he". so do you include yourself in the list you gave?

we all have been decieved at least once, and before we can tell our brother or sister to get the mote out of their eyes, we need to get the beam, the WHOLE beam out of our eyes first.

now before calling the pope Satanis, look in that mirror of righteousness and see if any horns are on your head first.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
This is a rather ugly thread in how Pope Francis is referred to.

He might be a bad pope but he isn't not the pope or some kind of prophet.

Peter's chair is not empty.

The Catholic Church is in crisis...and these Christians could stand with you in your hour of need if you weren't so antagonistic with them...
They aren't going to come to the aide of snakes and wolves who only wish to devour and destroy.

Sure they are going to go through a pruning period. But I think that the conservatives will win the day.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
This is a rather ugly thread in how Pope Francis is referred to.

He might be a bad pope but he isn't not the pope or some kind of prophet.

Peter's chair is not empty.

The Catholic Church is in crisis...and these Christians could stand with you in your hour of need if you weren't so antagonistic with them...
They aren't going to come to the aide of snakes and wolves who only wish to devour and destroy.

Sure they are going to go through a pruning period. But I think that the conservatives will win the day.
This is why I don't go to a church or become a member with a certain group.
Because somehow you end up having to agree by default.
If you don't think like us, you aint one of us.
You know what they are calling that today? Racist. yup, If you don't agree with the way I think, then your a raaaacist.

So you have to be careful who you follow.
It's like politics. You grow up with, my parents always done it this way or that way, so I should too.
Because they couldn't be wrong, their my parents..
Well, My mom was Catholic, she married a Protestant, the Church disowned her and it bothered her for life.
She sent me to sunday school, I made my first communion in that pretty little white dress and veil, and then she took me to the zoo.
My dad introduced me once or twice to another church, don't remember what denomination, but it was for like christmas plays.
Thats all I remember.
I was baptized in the Baptist church when I was around 18.
Since then I been walking through damnation and hellfire for not going to church.
Ah well, my traveling days are over.
So you know what my Good Lord did?
He opened up a window and let me climb through into this little church here.
And Boy am I happy.
I'm feeling the LUV!!



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
This is why I don't go to a church or become a member with a certain group.
Because somehow you end up having to agree by default.
If you don't think like us, you aint one of us.
You know what they are calling that today? Racist. yup, If you don't agree with the way I think, then your a raaaacist.

So you have to be careful who you follow.
It's like politics. You grow up with, my parents always done it this way or that way, so I should too.
Because they couldn't be wrong, their my parents..
Well, My mom was Catholic, she married a Protestant, the Church disowned her and it bothered her for life.
She sent me to sunday school, I made my first communion in that pretty little white dress and veil, and then she took me to the zoo.
My dad introduced me once or twice to another church, don't remember what denomination, but it was for like christmas plays.
Thats all I remember.
I was baptized in the Baptist church when I was around 18.
Since then I been walking through damnation and hellfire for not going to church.
Ah well, my traveling days are over.
So you know what my Good Lord did?
He opened up a window and let me climb through into this little church here.
And Boy am I happy.
I'm feeling the LUV!!


By the manner of all of your posts and the way you talk...

You don't seem to have what many of the rest of us have.

You don't have an Owner. You aren't a slave.
You have head knowledge but no personal experience. You know of the various groups but have no affinity for those people.
And don't even know what the scriptures say about that. So your knowledge isn't complete.

Might want to fix something...and it isn't your knowledge.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Pope Francis has spoken up in defense of homosexual families and called for civil union laws for same-sex couples — a major shift from both his own and the Vatican’s position on the matter. What does the Holy Bible say about gay unions?

Breaking: False Prophet Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples

While I don't believe in civil unions, I can say that the law should govern relationships, even friendships of peoples living together for long periods similar to marriage laws. Not that I agree with how marriage law is conducted though either.

Had the Pope said that I would have listened, but to support civil unions as if they were marriage is not in my Christian views.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
By the manner of all of your posts and the way you talk...

You don't seem to have what many of the rest of us have.

You don't have an Owner. You aren't a slave.
You have head knowledge but no personal experience. You know of the various groups but have no affinity for those people.
And don't even know what the scriptures say about that. So your knowledge isn't complete.

Might want to fix something...and it isn't your knowledge.

Something about the "many" caught my attention...

My Owner is the One I obey and he aint here on this earth in a church somewhere preaching about how we should just mingle with the world and get to know it and be familiar with it. Nope, not that one.
I'm 55. I lived a pretty good life. I'm no country bumpkin and the city life aint all it's cracked up to be.
I don't need to join a group to know what their agenda is.

Scripture says about what?

My car need fixin..


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Pope Francis has spoken up in defense of homosexual families and called for civil union laws for same-sex couples — a major shift from both his own and the Vatican’s position on the matter. What does the Holy Bible say about gay unions?

Breaking: False Prophet Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples

It is his opinion not official teaching from the Vatican. Seriously you people need to think and use your intellect, if any exist. It's easy to find that Catholic Teaching has remained the same and the Pope can have an opinion as dumb as it is
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
The Catholic Church is in crisis...and these Christians could stand with you in your hour of need if you weren't so antagonistic with them...
They aren't going to come to the aide of snakes and wolves who only wish to devour and destroy.

Exactly. I wish people here will stop being so blasted hostile like the OP and realize whether they like it are not the Catholics are Christians. The way some here have such hate and vitriol one wonders if those haters are really whom they say they are. I wonder how people such as the OP would like it if we put vitriol articles about his/her pet religious theory.

Sorry if I sound cranky it all gets to me at times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Hello Ziggy,

Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ

You too! Are welcome to come to the wedding feast of the Lamb of God!

Peace be with you!
Hello Philip James,
I think subordination and subjecation.. maybe thats not even a word.. I know what I mean..
being subjected under someone else's authority are different.
I could be wrong though. I haven't googled it yet.
Sometimes defying authority can get you thrown in Jail, like Peter when He told some dude that He listens to God and not man.
Here in the US, we call that peaceful protest.. or used to.. now we say rioting is a sign of protest.
Back then they throw you in jail. Today you become a celebrity on CNN.

My point is, there is NO authority here on earth, that even comes close to the AUTHORITY I subject myself to.
And He isn't "Physically" here on earth yet. Again, I could be wrong.
Do you think every person in the world knew who Jesus was when he walked the earth?
That's why he created... messengers, Apostles to make disciples, to spread the good news.
I don't see any church today, maybe a few tiny missionaries here and there spreading JESUS's word
around the world.
You know Angels are messengers, the word is Malak. Just thought I'd put that here to remind myself later.
You got this guy who is supposed to be representing OUR KING... and he's talking about things that people talk around the tv set, like UFO's.
He sits on this seat that looks like it was carved from hell itself, which is in a room that looks like the throat of a snake.
He has a bad wrap history. I know I've done some research. Enough to know...
You can have him.

Now when it comes to family and friends and neighbors and strangers, I allow them their chance to speak, I hear them out, I don't shut them off, I try to reason. Because your feet are just as dirty as mine, and I don't have a problem getting on my knees and helping you cut your
toe nails. I have a witness my ex-mother in law.
Ex.. I'm not doing it for browny points to make myself look good in front her son. Because he isn't even in the picture.
I do it because I LOVE HER. And I want to take CARE of her.
And I would do it for anyone here that needed it.
That my friend is what subordination means to me.
And I say I obey the One sitting on the throne in heaven, not the one man made on earth.

And I can't hear the tone of your post, so I don't know if you was agreeing or disagreeing.
And for that I'm sorry if I misunderstood the post you wrote.
But it sure did provide me with a fantastic breakfast.
I haven't even had my first cup of coffee and I feel so full.
Thank You Brother

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Pope Francis has spoken up in defense of homosexual families and called for civil union laws for same-sex couples — a major shift from both his own and the Vatican’s position on the matter. What does the Holy Bible say about gay unions?

Breaking: False Prophet Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples

Actually I AGREE with the Pope, or perhaps he AGREES with me, as I have said Eons Ago...
I do NOT agree there's is such a thing AS SAME SEX "marriage".

If two people of the Same Gender choose to be Yoked Together in a BINDING Legal Agreement...WHO Cares? I don't.

However I do care they "Hijack the Word Marriage", and ignorant people go along with That!

Are people Really that Stupid, they can Not come up with a Word To describe A Legal Binding Agreement between TWO People of the Same Gender?
DID the Word "Partner" Elude their Brain Cells?

What THEY "Wanted" was Lawful Government Benefits, afforded a "Government recognized Lawful Married couple" ...

Really? THEY did NOT understand HOW TO Address the Government To BE "Lawfully Recognized as a Lawful Partnership"? AND Petition the Government FOR Benefits Afforded to Lawfully Married Couples?

Really? All the Nonsense and Forcing Godly Clerics who ARE duly Authorized to Conduct a Wedding Ceremony Marriage Between A Man and A Woman in the House of God?
They Demanded their Union commence IN Gods House? Disgusting!

Not once Does God Promote or Condone or Offer His Blessing OF two persons of The Same Gender Willingness to Engage In a Sexual Relationship between those Two persons.

It is Not uncommon for Laws to be governmentally established For the Righteous and Unrighteousness.

Recognized Lawful Civil unions partnerships for SAME genders persons...Yes!

Recognized Lawful Marriages for OPPOSITE Gender Persons...Yes!

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Actually I AGREE with the Pope, or perhaps he AGREES with me, as I have said Eons Ago...
I do NOT agree there's is such a thing AS SAME SEX "marriage".

If two people of the Same Gender choose to be Yoked Together in a BINDING Legal Agreement...WHO Cares? I don't.

However I do care they "Hijack the Word Marriage", and ignorant people go along with That!

Are people Really that Stupid, they can Not come up with a Word To describe A Legal Binding Agreement between TWO People of the Same Gender?
DID the Word "Partner" Elude their Brain Cells?

What THEY "Wanted" was Lawful Government Benefits, afforded a "Government recognized Lawful Married couple" ...

Really? THEY did NOT understand HOW TO Address the Government To BE "Lawfully Recognized as a Lawful Partnership"? AND Petition the Government FOR Benefits Afforded to Lawfully Married Couples?

Really? All the Nonsense and Forcing Godly Clerics who ARE duly Authorized to Conduct a Wedding Ceremony Marriage Between A Man and A Woman in the House of God?
They Demanded their Union commence IN Gods House? Disgusting!

Not once Does God Promote or Condone or Offer His Blessing OF two persons of The Same Gender Willingness to Engage In a Sexual Relationship between those Two persons.

It is Not uncommon for Laws to be governmentally established For the Righteous and Unrighteousness.

Recognized Lawful Civil unions partnerships for SAME genders persons...Yes!

Recognized Lawful Marriages for OPPOSITE Gender Persons...Yes!

Glory to God,
Although I agree with you on the physical plain of existance...
Is there anything in the bible concerning the knitting of the spirits of those two individuals together?
I think of David and Johnathan. Jesus and John..
What's with the John's, that's driving me crazy.

And then you think about all the people male and female all joined and knitted together as one body called a church.
From an earthy point of view.. thats on crazy orgy if you ask me
but I don't believe "marriage" is meant to be solely physical.
That's just the flesh doing it's flesh thing.

I will never condemn people for loving each other regardless what gender they are.
But I am unwilling to condone (is that the right word ? ) 2 people of the same gender having sex.
If 2 people love eachother then the love (fruit) is multiplied and generates throughout the earth.
I know and you know and almost ( I say almost) the entire human race know
that 2 males or 2 females can't have the other kind of (fruit) children.

I think of the fruit in umm hold on:
good thing I looked I thought it was Corinthians but it's Galations:
This is what I believe a "marriage" that produces "fruit" is supposed to multiply and cover the earth:
Gal 5: 22-26
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

It's that "affections and lusts", that have us trapped in this earthy realm.
I don't believe "gay" marriage is all about "sex" .
I think a lot of those other fruits are what they are trying to multiply.
But the world won't let them.

I say... live and let live.
That's just me.

Thank you Taken


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Although I agree with you on the physical plain of existance...
Is there anything in the bible concerning the knitting of the spirits of those two individuals together?
I think of David and Johnathan. Jesus and John..
What's with the John's, that's driving me crazy.

And then you think about all the people male and female all joined and knitted together as one body called a church.
From an earthy point of view.. thats on crazy orgy if you ask me
but I don't believe "marriage" is meant to be solely physical.
That's just the flesh doing it's flesh thing.

I will never condemn people for loving each other regardless what gender they are.
But I am unwilling to condone (is that the right word ? ) 2 people of the same gender having sex.
If 2 people love eachother then the love (fruit) is multiplied and generates throughout the earth.
I know and you know and almost ( I say almost) the entire human race know
that 2 males or 2 females can't have the other kind of (fruit) children.

I think of the fruit in umm hold on:
good thing I looked I thought it was Corinthians but it's Galations:
This is what I believe a "marriage" that produces "fruit" is supposed to multiply and cover the earth:
Gal 5: 22-26
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

It's that "affections and lusts", that have us trapped in this earthy realm.
I don't believe "gay" marriage is all about "sex" .
I think a lot of those other fruits are what they are trying to multiply.
But the world won't let them.

I say... live and let live.
That's just me.

Thank you Taken

The fruit of the Spirit is Love- agree.
Yes I love both Genders- They are all mankind of things, Terrestrials.
But No, I do not Lust for A sexual encounter, with the Same Gender or outside of my marriage.

Marriage is Practice, steadfastness, In One sworn relationship even when you don't always understand the it is One Sworn Relationship with God, Forever...even if you don't always understand God.

Homosexuals are people...Hetrosexuals are People...each individuals that are living their lifestyles as they please...Some are Lust feigns, Some engage in no sex at all....
Some want and have children, some don't.
Some simply enjoy the companionship.
Some are happy (apparently only applies to homosexuals), since Hetrosexuals are never "gay"...LOL...guess herosexuals are just the "merry" ones...

Orgy- lol. No. It is about love / not lust.
There is no marriage or reproduction in Heaven.

Salvation and Quickening (Born Again) is about one person having a committed Relationship with God. Period.

What Men think, say, do which does Not Glorify Burned, regardless if that person is Converted or Not.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
If there is no marriage in heaven...
Then why we invited to attend the wedding ceremony?
You know the one.
The City and the Lamb.

Think of that..
no really, think of that..
I am..ssh

The city is the "My kingdom is not from here"... that he is going to marry.. Sit on his own throne.
We get to sit on his throne too.. like the ones that sit around God's throne. tossing crowns and giving praise.
When the Lamb gets his Kingdom..
It's gonna be..
A whole new world..
I can't help myself... lol
Why would Jesus ever fall for empty promises from Satan, when He knew He had the perfect Kingdom waiting for him.
like a bride :)



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Actually I AGREE with the Pope, or perhaps he AGREES with me, as I have said Eons Ago...
I do NOT agree there's is such a thing AS SAME SEX "marriage".

If two people of the Same Gender choose to be Yoked Together in a BINDING Legal Agreement...WHO Cares? I don't.

However I do care they "Hijack the Word Marriage", and ignorant people go along with That!

Are people Really that Stupid, they can Not come up with a Word To describe A Legal Binding Agreement between TWO People of the Same Gender?
DID the Word "Partner" Elude their Brain Cells?

What THEY "Wanted" was Lawful Government Benefits, afforded a "Government recognized Lawful Married couple" ...

Really? THEY did NOT understand HOW TO Address the Government To BE "Lawfully Recognized as a Lawful Partnership"? AND Petition the Government FOR Benefits Afforded to Lawfully Married Couples?

Really? All the Nonsense and Forcing Godly Clerics who ARE duly Authorized to Conduct a Wedding Ceremony Marriage Between A Man and A Woman in the House of God?
They Demanded their Union commence IN Gods House? Disgusting!

Not once Does God Promote or Condone or Offer His Blessing OF two persons of The Same Gender Willingness to Engage In a Sexual Relationship between those Two persons.

It is Not uncommon for Laws to be governmentally established For the Righteous and Unrighteousness.

Recognized Lawful Civil unions partnerships for SAME genders persons...Yes!

Recognized Lawful Marriages for OPPOSITE Gender Persons...Yes!

Glory to God,
Your statement supports the slow degradation of a God fearing, religious, Christian world.....Satan is winning.....:(
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Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm definitely thankful that I'm not denied human rights or civil rights and equality based upon my sins against God. I know plenty of sinful heterosexual people (adultery, fornication, other sins) whom I'm sure are thankful for that too. I certainly value my freedom and liberties as an American. Personally speaking, I don't think I'm in a moral position or have a legal right to determine which American citizens (or which other human beings) should be given civil rights and equality and which ones shouldn't based upon their sins against God.

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm definitely thankful that I'm not denied human rights or civil rights and equality based upon my sins against God. I know plenty of sinful heterosexual people (adultery, fornication, other sins) whom I'm sure are thankful for that too. I certainly value my freedom and liberties as an American. Personally speaking, I don't think I'm in a moral position or have a legal right to determine which American citizens (or which other human beings) should be given civil rights and equality and which ones shouldn't based upon their sins against God.

I know Romans 2:17-24 was written to address some hypocritical Jews, but I believe these verses can be applied to some Christians too, who don't seem to realize that condemnation from Christians won't convince the lost to turn to Jesus for forgiveness and redemption. The truth is, Christians can either draw unbelievers closer to God by their words and behavior or Christians can push unbelievers further away from God by their words and behavior. Christians can either be a blessing or Christians can be a stumbling block and hinder the message of the Gospel.

17 Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and boast in God; 18 if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; 19 if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, 20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of little children, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth— 21 you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? 22 You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? 23 You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? 24 As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” - Romans 2:17-24 (New Kings James Version)