CALVINISM: The height of Spiritual depravity

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Feb 6, 2018
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Yes, I know that. I am CONSTANTLY telling people that "Saying it doesn't make it so."

I am 100% capable and willing to defend what I say with actual arguments. Are you? If so, we can continue. Otherwise, what are you talking about?

No one has suggested otherwise.

This is a lie. I've accused no one of anything that I'm not willing to back up.

I have never been able to figure out what that idiotic term "gaslighting" even means.
I respond directly to YOUR OWN WORDS, which I quote verbatim.

Gaslighting is one speaking for another AND then disagreeing with what they have said for the other. It is deceptive psychology intended to project.

“TAG” names a person uses to reveal an organization THEY are associated with is THEIR right to SAY or NOT…
Not an other’s place to DECIDE and CLAIM for someone else.

WHAT a person believes ABOUT ANYTHING, is their right to Decide, Claim or Not…
Not an other’s place to DECIDE and CLAIM for someone else.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
Well let me add this to it, for you to read.
As you certainly seem to like being here, if "time spent" proves it.
"election" is based on becoming "IN CHRIST" which is the part that all lying Calvinists leave out .
If by this you mean that election refers to a "corporate election", for want of a better term, then I agree. Predestination throughout the bible has to do with groups of people and with things that God Himself will do.

See, the Foreknowledge of God, is not pre-destined....its only KNOWN as Revelation by God's Foreknowledge.
This is the typical thing that Arminians and others that believe similar things say all the time but it simply does not work. More importantly, it isn't biblical. It stems from the very same error that Calvinism is based on. Biblically speaking the common understanding of omniscience is an overstatement of the truth. God knows what is knowable that He wants to know. Anything beyond that is extrabiblical and the notion of exhaustive, infallible foreknowledge is logically incompatible with anyone's ability to choose. A proposition that I am prepared to prove, if you are interested.

God knows before we are born, not only when we will die but IF we will Give GOD our Faith in Christ.
If so, then we have no free will, we cannot do other than what God knows we will do. If we cannot do otherwise, then we do not choose. If we do not choose, we are not moral culpable. If we are not morally culpable for our actions, then any reward or punishment of those actions is unjust. God is not unjust, therefore we are morally culpable for our actions, therefore we can choose to do or to do otherwise, therefore God does not infallibly know our actions in advance.

He KNOWS this about us all but He does not cause it.
No one has suggested that His knowledge is the cause, only that it would logically preclude the ability to choose. If there is no choice, then the action is not moral in nature.

Its only KNOWN By God, regarding us that is God's FORE-Knowledge, or "knowing everything that is going to happen BEFORE.... it happens".
As I said, an overstatement of what the bible teaches.

This is just like the Bible showing you what is coming next.
Which it does not do with specificity outside of those things that God Himself will do.

The Bible shows you the end from the beginning .. but that is not the bible causing it....That is the Bible REVEALING IT.
The bible states that God knows the end from the beginning but that does not require God knowing every detail of every action that every person has, is or will ever do. God is perfectly well competent enough to work through, with, around and in spite of those people involved to bring certain events to pass. More importantly, the statement is not a blanket statement, it is a generality. This is evidenced by the fact that there are several episodes in the bible where God did not get what He wanted or expected and others where God makes prophecies that do not come to pass.

So, everyone who Gives their Faith in Christ in God, is elected by This Faith, to become "born again"., as "In Christ".

Faith Elects and this is to become God's elect.
As stated, I see no problem here. Faith is the cause of election, not the other way around.

God ACCEPTS.... your faith....... to bring the BELIEVER into Salvation, through Christ,... and that has an end result that occurs after you die or as you are Raptured.
The end result, = :"conformed into the image of Christ"....= THIS happens after you die, or happens as you are RAPTURED, = and that end result is to be : "conformed into the image of Christ".
I see this conforming to the image of Christ as being an ongoing process that begins during this life and is culminated when we find ourselves present with the Lord but what you've said here is not incorrect.

See that CONFORMING? That is what is "pre-destined" to happen......>Not Salvation... As Salvation is based on our Faith, and that is based on our Choice to Believe in Christ or not....... which is our Free Will.
I agree completely! The only problem for you is that if God has exhaustive, infallible foreknowledge, you have no free will.

So, God accepts what we choose, and He does not choose for us as LYING CALVINISM teaches as a "doctrine of Devils".
I think you might be shocked to learn just how much Arminianism has in common with Calvinism. Their theology proper (their doctrines concerning God's attributes) are more the same than different. In fact, as one's theology proper is the foundation of the rest of any doctrinal system, it is Calvinism that is the more logically consistent of the two systems. I say they are both wrong because they both believe in attributes of God that are not found in scripture but that were imported into the church by Augustine from Aristotle and Plato.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
I apologize for that accusation to you only regarding your ignore list.
It's an easy enough error to make.

If you'll take the time to reread our exchange, I think you'll find that I've been nothing but directly responsive to what you yourself have said and have posted nothing but actual arguments and/or made claims that I am prepared to support both biblically and rationally.

I, for one, am perfectly happy to continue where we left off and forget about the last several hours.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
Gaslighting is one speaking for another AND then disagreeing with what they have said for the other. It is deceptive psychology intended to project.
To my knowledge, I have never done such a thing.

It's a horrible figure of speech. Where does it come from? It gives you no clue at all what it could mean!

“TAG” names a person uses to reveal an organization THEY are associated with is THEIR right to SAY or NOT…
Not an other’s place to DECIDE and CLAIM for someone else.
This did not make sense to me.

It feels like an argument against labels. If so, like I told you before, you cannot successfully avoid the use of labels. It isn't possible. All you will accomplish by avoiding their use is creating confusion. If that's the path you choose, then don't get all offended when someone reacts to things you say as though you're something your not. In other words, when you go quack quack quack and waddle when you walk, don't get mad when someone treats you like a duck. It isn't unreasonable, it isn't any sort of nefarious tactic and it certainly isn't any form of lying.

WHAT a person believes ABOUT ANYTHING, is their right to Decide, Claim or Not…
Not an other’s place to DECIDE and CLAIM for someone else.
I agree with that but if you quack and waddle, I am going to presume you're a duck until there is reasonable evidence to the contrary. You don't get to decide what words of the English language are valid for me to use. If you put forward Arminian doctrine then it is not unreasonable for me to assume that you're an Arminian (or Calvinist or Catholic or Baptist or Lutheran or whatever). Labels are just regular English words and like every other word, they have a range of meaning. Not everyone who calls themselves a Baptist believe the identical set of doctrines. Same goes for every other theological label you care to name. But unless you think you've invented a totally brand new theological system that only you hold to then there is going to be a label that more suits you than not and there isn't any good reason for me (or anyone else, including you) not to use it.


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To my knowledge, I have never done such a thing.

It's a horrible figure of speech. Where does it come from? It gives you no clue at all what it could mean!

This did not make sense to me.

I can not understand for you.

It feels like an argument against labels. If so, like I told you before, you cannot successfully avoid the use of labels.

There certainly all kinds of labels…
I specifically said “ORGANIZATION” labels.
I certainly CAN join or reject ANY organization I choose.
I certainly CAN reveal or keep silent on any organization I choose.
Not an argument, just simply NOT your place to decide any Organization label…FOR ME!

… don't get all offended when someone reacts to things you say as though you're something your not.

i said…people have freewill to choose.
I said …people become aware of options of what they can choose.
i said…people know their choice, once they decide.what their choice is.
I said…God knows what a person will choose, before the person chooses.
I said…God created and prepared a place for every person, according to what they did or will choose.
I said … a persons choice determines their destiny…which God Pre-knew their destiny, Pre-created, Pre-pared, each persons eternal place.

In other words,

Are not necessary. I speak for myself. I decide what organization I will or will not be joined with…

I agree with that but ….

You want to determine FOR ME, what “organization” name, I should join….


Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
To my knowledge, I have never done such a thing.

It's a horrible figure of speech. Where does it come from? It gives you no clue at all what it could mean!
The very best example of this is in the classic Movie of "Gaslight" which if you have never seen it is worthy to be looked into.

It is a dangerous practice but you do owe it to yourself to watch it

Trailer for this strange story of a criminals love for a great beauty
Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.

A couple of


  • Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.
  • After the death of her famous opera-singing aunt, Paula Alquist (Ingrid Bergman) is sent to study in Italy to become a great opera singer as well. While there, she falls in love with the charming Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer). The two return to London, and Paula begins to notice strange goings-on: missing pictures, strange footsteps in the night, and gaslights that dim without being touched. As she fights to retain her sanity, her new husband's intentions come into question.—Jwelch5742

You can find it online if you have no other access.....
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
I can not understand for you.
You can clarify, can you not?

There certainly all kinds of labels…
I specifically said “ORGANIZATION” labels.
I certainly CAN join or reject ANY organization I choose.
I certainly CAN reveal or keep silent on any organization I choose.
Not an argument, just simply NOT your place to decide any Organization label…FOR ME!
Is it my place to look at the sky and determine what color I see?
Is it my place to look at the birds swimming on a pond and decide which of them are ducks and which are geese?
Can I not tell the difference between a horse, a cow, a deer or a beer?

When I talk to someone who is honest and I identify them as this or that, they are free to correct me if my observation is incorrect and I will follow suit based on whether what they claim is in keeping with their actions, stated beliefs, etc. It's called having a two way conversation.

i said…people have freewill to choose.
I said …people become aware of options of what they can choose.
i said…people know their choice, once they decide.what their choice is.
I said…God knows what a person will choose, before the person chooses.
I said…God created and prepared a place for every person, according to what they did or will choose.
I said … a persons choice determines their destiny…which God Pre-knew their destiny, Pre-created, Pre-pared, each persons eternal place.
And I demonstrated how that collection of beliefs are contradictory. If God has infallible foreknowledge you cannot choose to do otherwise. If you cannot do otherwise, then you do not choose, you simply do. It's called the principle of alternative possibilities. If there is no possible alternative, then no choice exists. No choice = no freedom.

Are not necessary. I speak for myself. I decide what organization I will or will not be joined with…
No one has suggested otherwise.

You want to determine FOR ME, what “organization” name, I should join….

Nope is right! I don't know you and I DO NOT CARE what you do or don't call yourself. What I care about is meaningful discussion and I will not permit you to remove perfectly good English words from my use for fear of calling a rose a tulip. If I presume that you're a tulip and you're a rose, then correct me but I will not be told what words I'm allowed to use in your presence.

Aside from one hastily written post where I incorrectly referred to you as a Calvinist, I have been entirely accurate about what labels I've used in your case. You are, effectively, an Arminian, which I explained in a previous post carries quite of lot of the same luggage around that the Calvinists carry and that it turns out to actually be the Calvinists who are the more logically consistent given the false premises that both systems are predicated upon. Some ignorant ding-bat on this site tried to tell me that Calvinism and Arminianism are the only two options! Well, I'm here to tell you that they are both false and for reasons that they both share in common, namely their theology proper.

Continued in next post.....


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
....continued from previous post....

Both systems are predicated upon the page Greek notion that God cannot change in any way whatsoever. The term they use is "immutable". The bible not only uses this word but in three different places says that God does not change but it is speaking in relation to God's righteous character and holy personality. However, the Reformers along with the Augustinian Catholics from which they came, believed and taught much more than that God's character was immutable but that God was utterly unchangeable in any way. This is where the ideas of God's simplicity and impassibility come from. If God has parts then He is dynamic and that would break God because God is immutable. If God experiences emotions, that too would imply that He is dynamic and again He would break. This massive overstatement of God's immutability is also why they insist that God knows everything in advance for if He were to learn something, He would break.

Here is the exact logic that they use to support the notion of absolute immutability.....

Premise 1: God is the ultimate perfection, possessing all perfections to the highest degree.​
Premise 2: Any change in God would imply either a progression towards perfection (implying God was imperfect before) or a regression from perfection (implying current imperfection).​
Conclusion: Therefore, God cannot change in any way whatsoever.​

Do you know where that argument comes from? I've seen or heard that argument made by BOTH Arminians and Calvinists (mostly Calvinists), some of them more educated than others but for the most part they are completely unaware of the fact that this argument is plucked not from the pages of scripture but right off the lips of a pagan, homosexual Greek philosopher known as Socrates!

Here is where that argument comes from.....

The following is a dialogue between Socrates and a guy named Adeimantus...

Socrates: And what do you think of a second principle? Shall I ask you whether God is a magician, and of a nature to appear insidiously now in one shape, and now in another--sometimes himself changing and passing into many forms, sometimes deceiving us with the semblance of such transformations; or is he one and the same immutably fixed in his own proper image?​
Adeimantus: I cannot answer you, he said, without more thought.​
Socrates: Well, I said; but if we suppose a change in anything, that change must be effected either by the thing itself, or by some other thing?​
Adeimantus: Most certainly.​
Socrates: And things which are at their best are also least liable to be altered or discomposed; for example, when healthiest and strongest, the human frame is least liable to be affected by meats and drinks, and the plant which is in the fullest vigour also suffers least from winds or the heat of the sun or any similar causes.​
Adeimantus: Of course.​
Socrates: And will not the bravest and wisest soul be least confused or deranged by any external influence?​
Adeimantus: True.​
Socrates: And the same principle, as I should suppose, applies to all composite things--furniture, houses, garments; when good and well made, they are least altered by time and circumstances.​
Adeimantus: Very true.​
Socrates: Then everything which is good, whether made by art or nature, or both, is least liable to suffer change from without?​
Adeimantus: True.​
Socrates: But surely God and the things of God are in every way perfect?​
Adeimantus: Of course they are.​
Socrates: Then he can hardly be compelled by external influence to take many shapes?​
Adeimantus: He cannot.​
Socrates: But may he not change and transform himself?​
Adeimantus: Clearly, he said, that must be the case if he is changed at all.​
Socrates: And will he then change himself for the better and fairer, or for the worse and more unsightly?​
Adeimantus: If he change at all he can only change for the worse, for we cannot suppose him to be deficient either in virtue or beauty.​
Socrates: Very true, Adeimantus; but then, would any one, whether God or man, desire to make himself worse?​
Adeimantus: Impossible.​
Socrates: Then it is impossible that God should ever be willing to change; being, as is supposed, the fairest and best that is conceivable, every god remains absolutely and for ever in his own form.​
Now, you must understand what I am saying here. That passage is from Plato's Republic (Book II) and it is THE SOURCE of this line of reasoning. If you've ever read that or a similar line of reasoning in any Christian book (or other publication) or heard it recited in a sermon or on television or radio, it is because of this passage from Plato's Republic.

More important that the line of reason's source is whether it is right or wrong? It's clearly wrong! The second premise presumes a false dichotomy. It completely ignores changes that occur that are neither for the better nor the worse as in systems wherein change is endemic to their nature. Such dynamic systems would be broken if they didn't change because change is part of what they are. Things like clocks or any other mechanical system as well as living systems are dynamic by nature and by definition. A clock that doesn't change is broken and a living being that does not change is dead. Which is more liable to change, a band new engine that is powering a car down the road or an engine that is damaged has been abandoned in a dump as useless? Which of those two engines is the more perfect? Thus, premise two is false, therefore the conclusion does not follow.

How did this erronious pagan reasoning end up in Christian doctrine? Well, it's a pretty start forward historical line....

Augustine of Hippo basically worshiped Socrates, Aristotle and Plato and refused to become a Christian specifically because the bible taught that God can change. It wasn't until his mother's bishop, Bishop Ambrose of Milan, explained to him the the bible could be interpreted in the light of Aristotle that he agreed to be converted. He then proceeded to write prolifically and formulated an entire theological system based on the single premise the God is utterly immutable in the Aristotelian sense of the word. Luther, an Augustinian monk, kicked off the Reformation but definitely kept his Augustinian doctrines fully intact and the rest of the reformers followed suit giving us both the Calvinist and Arminian theological systems.

God is alive! Therefore Calvinism and Arminianism are both false.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
The very best example of this is in the classic Movie of "Gaslight" which if you have never seen it is worthy to be looked into.

It is a dangerous practice but you do owe it to yourself to watch it

Trailer for this strange story of a criminals love for a great beauty

Gaslight (1944) - Videos - IMDb
Gaslight (1944)
Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.

A couple of


  • Ten years after her aunt was murdered in their London home, a woman returns from Italy in the 1880s to resume residence with her new husband. His obsessive interest in the home rises from a secret that may require driving his wife insane.
  • After the death of her famous opera-singing aunt, Paula Alquist (Ingrid Bergman) is sent to study in Italy to become a great opera singer as well. While there, she falls in love with the charming Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer). The two return to London, and Paula begins to notice strange goings-on: missing pictures, strange footsteps in the night, and gaslights that dim without being touched. As she fights to retain her sanity, her new husband's intentions come into question.—Jwelch5742

You can find it online if you have no other access.....
Is the title of that movie what people are tacitly referring to when they accuse people of "gaslighting"?


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
That is your right to think so, but to declare that would be my right to choose to do or not.
So what's the problem then? I've never suggested that it was my right to forever hereafter bind you to some label I happen to use in reference to the doctrines you claim for yourself. On the contrary, I've said more than once that if I say something that is inaccurate then correct me. That's how two way conversations work! Heaven forbid that you figure out which label most accurately describes what you believe and just tell people what that label is whenever they've made an incorrect assessment for themselves! But, then again, avoiding confusion and these kinds of tedious exchanges by doing so, certainly couldn't possible justify the acceptance of a label that was even .1% off from being perfectly accurate, right?

The bottom line is, I don't care at all about whatever it is you want to call yourself. As of right now, you have put forward a more or more Arminian set of doctrines and, when addressing the doctrinal system generally then that's what I'll be referencing. To whatever degree it doesn't apply to you is for you to decide and if you want to inject some aspect of your doctrine that my arguments don't touch then I'm happy to address those ancillary issues as they come up.

That is the way any rational person discusses things in the first place and so why I'm having to articulate that explicitly is inexplicable and tedious and boring but it is what it is. I won't explain it again and I will not apologize for using normal English terms that I have good reason to believe are accurate to use.

Now, if you'd like to discuss actual doctrinal issues, I suggest we focus on the one you allude to in the sentence quoted above...

You have put forward doctrine that would preclude your ability "to choose to do or not". If God has infallible foreknowledge, as you've stated repeatedly that you believe, then you have no choice at all but to do what He foreknows.

I presented a formal argument that establishes that claim. Would you care to respond to that argument?


Active Member
Jan 4, 2024
Tomball, TX
United States
Usually yes.

It is a form of deception to make one believe what it not.
That's very interesting. I'll have to watch the movie now.

Language just fascinates me. I actually like hearing someone speak in a language I don't know. It's complete gibberish to me but is as meaningful as can be to someone else. It feels almost like magic to me.

As for me "gaslighting" people, to my knowledge, I have never been guilty of doing it. I have, on several occasions spoken against a particular doctrine in terms that are consistent with a response to a whole system of doctrine. For example, I've often referred to the doctrine of predestination as "Calvinism" and responded to it as such. But I do not do that because I'm trying to mislead anyone. On the contrary, I do it for the opposite reason. The vast majority of people who believe that God has predestined everything are Calvinists and bring that whole package with them when they introduce predestination into a discussion. There are exceptions, of course, but those can easily be dealt with as they happen. Being occasionally incorrect about such an assumption doesn't seem to fit the definition of "gaslighting".


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Feb 6, 2018
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So what's the problem then? I've never suggested that it was my right to forever hereafter bind you to some label I happen to use in reference to the doctrines you claim for yourself. On the contrary, I've said more than once that if I say something that is inaccurate then correct me. That's how two way conversations work! Heaven forbid that you figure out which label most accurately describes what you believe and just tell people what that label is whenever they've made an incorrect assessment for themselves! But, then again, avoiding confusion and these kinds of tedious exchanges by doing so, certainly couldn't possible justify the acceptance of a label that was even .1% off from being perfectly accurate, right?

The bottom line is, I don't care at all about whatever it is you want to call yourself. As of right now, you have put forward a more or more Arminian set of doctrines

Who CARES? I don’t.

I have on numerous occasions, given what DOCTRINE I subscribe to and WHAT specifically such PERSONS are Scripturally identified as…

My standing IS with and in;
Christ the Lord Jesus’ Doctrine…
Converted Christian.

What this group and that group, and this commentator and that commentator, and this person wrote and that person wrote, and what this Cleric says and that Cleric says, and this person thinks or says and that person thinks or says….IRRELEVANT.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
That's very interesting. I'll have to watch the movie now.

Language just fascinates me. I actually like hearing someone speak in a language I don't know. It's complete gibberish to me but is as meaningful as can be to someone else. It feels almost like magic to me.

As for me "gaslighting" people, to my knowledge, I have never been guilty of doing it. I have, on several occasions spoken against a particular doctrine in terms that are consistent with a response to a whole system of doctrine. For example, I've often referred to the doctrine of predestination as "Calvinism" and responded to it as such. But I do not do that because I'm trying to mislead anyone. On the contrary, I do it for the opposite reason. The vast majority of people who believe that God has predestined everything are Calvinists and bring that whole package with them when they introduce predestination into a discussion. There are exceptions, of course, but those can easily be dealt with as they happen. Being occasionally incorrect about such an assumption doesn't seem to fit the definition of "gaslighting".
Not knowing your preferences for movies if you are a fan of the Alfred Hitchcock style
you will like this one.

Hitchcock did not make this one... but many, over the years gave credit to him... it is truly that good
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Mar 7, 2017
United States

It’s ONLY up to you TO CHOOSE the Lord God or TO NOT CHOOSE the Lord God.

God is all-knowing.
God knows Your choice BEFORE YOU Do.
God prepared your destiny Before you KNEW what you would choose and thus Obviously, your Destiny is Predetermined…
And Prepared For you.

Ofcourse YOU have a Choice To Choose the Lord God or Not.

What does God KNOWING your choice Before you Make your choice have to do with you wondering IF you can make a choice?

Did your parents KNOW before YOU that YOU would be born?
Did you parents prepare A place For you for When you would be Born?

My My Did your parents pre-Determine your Destiny…
To live at their home?
To choose for you? Food, Clothes, Room, Bed?
To choose for you? Catholic Church?
To choose for you your education?

Did you grow, mature, make your own choice to leave your parents, home, food, clothes, room, bed?

Did you choose to keep the pre-determined Choice your parents Made “For you” or leave the Catholic Church?

You chose your parents pre-determined Catholic Church…Correct? Why?
Because you got a pretty new dress unlike you have ever had before and got to drink And eat in the sanctuary and you were on display for everyone in the sanctuary to see you in you new dress drinking and eating in the sanctuary…and received a gift ? A new Bible? A Rosary? Did YOU feel special?
If so Why?
How old were you when You chose to Choose what your parents predetermined what your destiny would be?
If our destiny is pre-determined then we don’t have a choice…..


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Feb 6, 2018
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If our destiny is pre-determined then we don’t have a choice…..

Individuals DO have choices.
Individuals CAN elect to Believe in the Lord God or Not.

What is STOPPING you? Nothing.

Does it BOTHER you that God is ALL-KNOWING?

Does it BOTHER you that God KNOWS before you KNOW, what you WILL Choose?

Does it BOTHER you that God HAS PRE-pared an eternal PLACE for you?

How DOES God Knowing and Preparing your eternal DESTINY….affect “YOUR” choice?