Can't remember the original title

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Order from chaos.
This "reality" we're experiencing now is really quite a ride.
But we haven't turned the corner yet.
I have mixed emotions whether I want to stay and see the ending or move on to the next experience.
It's going to get BAD. We're only seeing the tip of the propaganda diluge.
But the new beginning is going to be biblical. But first the old needs to be torn down and reborn.
Noah, Lot, Job, The destruction of the temple in AD 70.
Sometimes you just get by with the skin of your teeth. But what's waiting on the other side....
Imagine the absolute wickedness there must have been for God to want to wash it all away or burn it up or knock it down.

I think of myself as a spectator watching the world turn and time passing by.
I have hope and faith that God is in control and everything has a purpose.
I can see a light at the end of the tunnel because I believe.

So many do not believe. They have no hope, no faith, no light to lead them.
I believe they are jealous that we have something they don't. But what it is we have they don't want.
I can imagine that with no hope and no faith that the idea of dying would be dreadul. This right now is all they have.
Either your mind is open to the possibilty or it's not.
What have you got to lose?



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Death is a change not an end.


Hence the psychological scaremongering frequently used to cajole vulnerable people into religious indoctrination is bunkum.
If you think you can change death, you are already dead.

If the people of faith did not warn you that death was coming, would you forgive them, in the afterlife?


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Order from chaos.
This "reality" we're experiencing now is really quite a ride.
But we haven't turned the corner yet.
I have mixed emotions whether I want to stay and see the ending or move on to the next experience.
It's going to get BAD. We're only seeing the tip of the propaganda diluge.
But the new beginning is going to be biblical. But first the old needs to be torn down and reborn.
Noah, Lot, Job, The destruction of the temple in AD 70.
Sometimes you just get by with the skin of your teeth. But what's waiting on the other side....
Imagine the absolute wickedness there must have been for God to want to wash it all away or burn it up or knock it down.

An integral part of the infrastructure that must be torn down will be the church and the false teachings and it's immense hold on the hearts and minds of so many people it has wilfully enslaved and imprisoned. In truth you have no idea what is coming but I tell you the truth, the rafts made of religious fundamental hypocrisy will come unlashed and the fools who believed in it will fall into the sea and be swallowed by the maelstrom. The human mind was designed to be free not shackled. Those wordsmiths and soothsayers who have abused the powers of the world to bamboozle and enslave others will be struck down and destroyed along with everything else. Gonna be a lot of shocked and angry people.

So many do not believe. They have no hope, no faith, no light to lead them.
I believe they are jealous that we have something they don't. But what it is we have they don't want.
You're wrong. They have the source of life within them which is indestructible. They are free and unshackled by religious indoctrination and thus free to explore this existence in all its different aspects and avenues, not leashed and bound with minds artificially filled with fear and guilt from psychological abuse. We are not jealous of you at all. We are sad in the extreme that you have allowed yourself to become so shackled and shrivelled in your thinking and are wasting precious years in that state.

I can imagine that with no hope and no faith that the idea of dying would be dreadul. This right now is all they have.
Nope. Dying is change not an end. It is the shedding of the gross matter that encompasses the true universal life force within us that is imperishable, immortal. You've simply forgotten.

"In the beginning you knew
Then you pretended to forget
Then you pretended to forget you forgot
Then you forgot you pretended


Either your mind is open to the possibilty or it's not.
What have you got to lose?

The mind should be free not shackled by religious dogma. What have we got to lose? Everything. Our whole existence in this life, the ability to experience it all freely without fear and guilt and threat of damnation. You will live a life in a box which has a window through which you can see the world and everyone else happily playing and laughing but you will be unable to join them because you have been shackled to the box. You have been told that to leave the box is to die. That the world you see through the window is false and evil and that you must shun it and spend your life submitting to your master so that when you die you will live for ever serving that same master.

It takes courage to open the door to that box. Courage to contemplate you've been lied to. It takes humility to see that you may have been duped, your ego will constantly vie for power wanting to rule you and convincing you that your world view is right and no other exists. It won't allow you to accept you have been lead down a false path and indeed will whisper in your ear that such notions are just temptations designed to fool you into opening your box and stepping outside and that you are somehow strong for resisting those temptations. Meanwhile the rest of the world lives in relative freedom, free to act, free to think objectively and critically, free to experience all that this existence has to offer before we move on to the next stage.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
If you think you can change death, you are already dead.
I will say it again. There is no death. There is only change. You cannot run from that. You are what you are. The universal life force is within you and can not die. You've been had. You've been taught that "death" is final. It's the greatest lie ever told. A lie to imprison your mind and control you.

If the people of faith did not warn you that death was coming, would you forgive them, in the afterlife?
There is no afterlife because there is no death. There is only life and different experiences of existence, different realms.
The "people of faith" you refer to are weak people that have allowed themselves and their minds to be entranced and imprisoned psychologically which is far worse than being shackled physically. Those at the top of that food chain are laughing at you. They seek to keep you from vital knowledge and exploit you for their own ends in this existence.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
The Grave is not the end.
Its just a door.

Be ready for what comes next.

2 Corinthians 6:2

And were you ready for this life before you entered into it?

How much of your previous life do you remember? I guess none of it whatsoever. Yet here you are, born into a new world, starting over . . . again.

Doubtless someone said in your previous existence that you'd end up in some fiery hell if you didn't do X, Y, Z. If they did they obviously lied.

We are living alchemy. Going around and around being gradually purified of all our grossness, living, leaving our body, entering a new body, living again, leaving that body, entering yet another body, ad-infinitum until we are ready.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
How much of your previous life do you remember?

There is no previous life, there is no reincarnation.

History advertises that the Druids or some type of Pre-Socratics cult created the idea of reincarnation.
Its very popular with the Karma crowd, Buddhists, and people who like to take LSD and eat "trippy" Mushrooms.

What i can tell you is that all of those people, who came up with all that imaginational theology, are dead, buried, and you can find their bones.
That is the Buddha, Confucius..... The Druids.......and all Pagan "Pan" hugging Tree worshiping practitioners who are still thriving in Europe.

Here is what they never found out that i can promise you is true, Lapidem
= The bones of Jesus Christ have never been found., and will never be found.
Because Jesus rose from the Dead, and is alive right now.
Jesus is alive.

So, here is the reality.. Everyone is appointed to die, by being born.
We are born to die. Yet, its only the body that dies. As you are not your body, you are just living in it, as you are a Spirit being.
Your body is nothing more then an Earth Suit. And its dying and they will put it in the ground or burn it in an oven.... sooner than you think.
However, the real you, that is the Spirit Being, will leave that body and face God who is on the other side of your body's death.
Denying this truth, changes it not for you, Lapidem.

What is the best way to prepare for that meeting between you and God?
You need to be ready.

Realize that God loves you and sent His Son to offer God's love to you.
The Cross of Christ, is God's Love for you. And you should take that love and then when you do, you'll die in peace a little later on, knowing that you and God are family.

Ive worked in Health Care.
I'll tell you a truth.
Atheists do not die well......


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
There is no previous life, there is no reincarnation.

History advertises that the Druids or some type of Pre-Socratics cult created the idea of reincarnation.
Its very popular with the Karma crowd, Buddhists, and people who like to take LSD and eat "trippy" Mushrooms.

What i can tell you is that all of those people, who came up with all that imaginational theology, are dead, buried, and you can find their bones.
That is the Buddha, Confucius..... The Druids.......and all Pagan "Pan" hugging Tree worshiping practitioners who are still thriving in Europe.

Subjective opinion and anecdotal put downs.

Here is what they never found out that i can promise you is true, Lapidem
= The bones of Jesus Christ have never been found., and will never be found.
Because Jesus rose from the Dead, and is alive right now.
Jesus is alive.

Jesus is spirit is he not? Ascended into Heaven? In which case bones have no meaning. You don't take your bones with you to Heaven. What a ridiculous concept. Jesus was a man and the life force was within him as it is in all of us. His bones lie somewhere turning to dust unless he didn't ascend and go to Heaven and chose instead to remain immortal in his human body by using the Stone he wielded.

So, here is the reality.. Everyone is appointed to die, by being born.
Birth is a change from one state to another. So is what you call death.
We are all appointed to change again having already been through a past change to get where we are today. This process will go on and on.

Yet, its only the body that dies. As you are not your body, you are just living in it, as you are a Spirit being.

Your body is nothing more then an Earth Suit.

However, the real you, that is the Spirit Being, will leave that body and face God who is on the other side of your body's death.
Subjective opinion and fundy scaremongering

I am already a part of "god" and it is me. I will be introduced to myself, the rest of me, the rest of "god"

Denying this truth, changes it not for you, Lapidem.
Believing this nonsense changes nothing either

What is the best way to prepare for that meeting between you and God?
You need to be ready.
Your fearmongering has no effect on me wizard. Save your efforts.

Ive worked in Health Care.
I'll tell you a truth.
Atheists do not die well......
Christians and atheists all die in various different ways. Many Christians died horribly throughout history. Millions of them died horribly these past 3 years at the hands of a laboratory generated bioweapon. Countless more are still dying now at the hands of another weapon being marketed as a "vaccine". Excess Deaths (non-Covid) are spiralling to appalling levels. All over the world. These people are dying because they allowed themselves to be hoodwinked. They put their faith in false authorities and didn't think for themselves, didn't think critically, didn't look at the facts. Now they have killed themselves. Some of them are now ticking timebombs that will go off this year and next year and the year after. Their misplaced faith did not save them from a terrible agonising death. It did not save them from the bitter anguish and heartbreaking pain of having to die alone in a hospital that barred their loved ones from being there when they died.

I tell you a truth.
If you choose to believe in an entity that would stand idly by and allow such heinous suffering to happen to its "children" or subjects then you have left the path of wisdom and manifested for yourself something truly wicked. You will reap the consequence of giving yourself over to such an entity. Those you hoodwinked to join you on that journey will likely not be best pleased with you either.

Spiritual growth and evolution occur through the acquisition of knowledge and information and understanding not from standing in stagnant water. The concept you choose to believe in does not want mankind to have knowledge. It forbade you to have knowledge lest you know what he knows and live forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
esus is spirit is he not? Ascended into Heaven? In which case bones have no meaning.

Rose from the dead, Bodily.

Has Bones and is the Holy Spirit

Birth is a change from one state to another. So is what you call death.

Death is what they call putting your body in a box or in a really hot oven.
Why is your body in there?
I'll let you figure that out.

Subjective opinion and fundy scaremongering

In your mind its "opinion".
thats true.

I am already a part of "god" and it is me. I will be introduced to myself, the rest of me, the rest of "god"

You're not yet a part of the Creator.
You are a part of your concept of God, which is your imagination.

Believing this nonsense changes nothing either

Then why do you believe in it, Lapidem?

Your fearmongering has no effect on me wizard. Save your efforts.

If there is No God then there is no Hell.
If that is true, then you have all the answers.
But just be sure you can prove that The God of Jesus The Christ is not God., before you decide the final answer.

Christians and atheists all die in various different ways.

Im not talking about the means of your end........
Im talking about the suffering the Atheist will face, as they know that God is going to meet them.
They all face this as they are dying., and that is horrific.

I tell you a truth.
If you choose to believe in an entity that would stand idly by and allow such heinous suffering to happen to its "children"

If you ever have Children, then you'll be able to watch them go through Life.
If they turn out to be drug addicts, thieves, liars, or worse, is that your fault?
If it is, then blame God for your choices also.
If not, then you see the problem with your lack of understanding.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
If you ever have Children, then you'll be able to watch them go through Life.
If they turn out to be drug addicts, thieves, liars, or worse, is that your fault?
If it is, then blame God for your choices also.
If not, then you see the problem with your lack of understanding.
Wrong analogy. Deflection.

If a person has children and their child wanders out into a busy road full of fast moving cars they will either take quick and decisive action to retrieve their child and remove them from that danger, or they will stand there malevolently and watch their child be killed by a passing car.

In one of those scenarios the parent is loving and kind and worthy of having the love and reverence of the child. In the other scenario the parent is cruel and indifferent to the child and thus not worthy of any love or reverence.

Substitute the road scenario with any appalling situation you like. Sexual abuse, rape, brutal assault, starvation etc.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Wrong analogy. Deflection.

If a person has children and their ch

What you don't yet realize is all the times that God has already had mercy on you, even tho you abuse Him by your purposed unbelief.

How many times has God kept you and your family.... from harm....from death........ you'd be surprised to know it.

God, the one you reject, the Father of allowing you to exist... He's literally being good to you right now, and that is why you are able to do and think, and say.... what you want.

Being able to do and say and think what you want , is God's gift to, use that carefully, thoughtfully, and thankfully.... and never forget its God's gift to you, Lapidem.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
How many times has God kept you and your family.... from harm....from death........ you'd be surprised to know it.
Even if that were true, what of the millions of others he has allowed to be terribly harmed, scarred for life, brutally killed, sexually abused, sold into a life of forced drug addiction and forced sex trade. Is it a case of "you're all right Jack so no-one else matters?" Is that what you've gleaned from the Bible? Wasn't Jesus a more collectively caring person? Wanting everyone to be freed?

It's always puzzled me how so-called Christians are totally content with the idea that they're all right jack and billions of others get sent to eternal torture. It's a ridiculous lie of course but nevertheless millions of so-called Christians think that situation is just fine. Some relish the thought of being in the club and watching the unbelievers burn to a crisp. Zealots one and all who haven't the least concept of love and who would be crying "Lord lord" in the last hours only to be told "I never knew you".

God, the one you reject, the Father of allowing you to exist... He's literally being good to you right now, and that is why you are able to do and think, and say.... what you want.

If you had the power to create a life would you want it to dance on a string like a puppet, bow down before you, revere you as its maker? I wouldn't. To create life for such a purpose is vanity indeed and super ego. I would create it and let it go free but endowed with all the knowledge of the world so it would not be ignorant. The Christian proposition simply does not stack up. Things are definitely NOT as you or rather the church professes them to be. I know it with every fibre of my being. Information is being held from us, important information. I want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The church has nothing to offer in this respect. It seeks to control humans through fear. It's a trap which I escaped from thankfully. On a different road now.

Being able to do and say and think what you want , is God's gift to you
Really. So you don't support the notion of real freedom, real free will. And can we really do what we want? Can I manifest something with the power of will alone? Can I leave this planet? Can I telepath with humans and animals? Can I transport myself in an instant to another part of the universe?

We are born into bondage in a world long since fashioned and controlled by very powerful beings through some fault and failing of the universe in general, some fault of creation. The Gnostics refer to those beings as the Demiurge and Archons. They have established psychological systems of control to enslave humans, systems to deprive humans of wealth and prosperity and likely have genetically neutered human DNA so we only live a handful of years when we should be living 1000s.

Jesus was sent in part to try and fix this colossal car crash. Yet it remains. And even if a door is now open for people to leave their human bodies and exist as spirit beings, the tap has not been turned off to Earth to cease the never ending supply of new unfortunate victims coming into it. It's a mess. A mess not of our creating.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Even if that were true, what of the millions of others he has allowed to be terribly harmed, scarred for life, brutally killed, sexually abused, sold into a life of forced drug addiction and forced sex trade.
Jesus was sent in part to try and fix this colossal car crash.

You are confusing the free will of man, with "God allows".

A lot of people blame God for what man does.
Its a cop out.
Its selective reasoning, and false blame.

Christians understand that God didn't create Robots.
Humans are not created as "cosmic meat puppets"
God, created FREE WILL beings who have a right to choose what they do, and what they allow.

All those Crimes you mentioned, are Man's free will as deeds.
Everyone of them was a choice someone made to abuse someone else, and these choices are often blamed on God .

Recently a shooter killed some kids.
What is that?
That is free will being abused.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Did the castle "die"?

I'd say no it didn't because it was just a form.
Of course the castle ‘died!’ The form IS the castle. Just because its constituent parts remain in tact does not a castle make.

The fine structure constant, alpha, 1/137, used to be larger. It is a miracle that it exists at all and is stable. It should already have trended to zero making life impossible, as well as atoms to fly apart.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
WTF? (Fudge)
These words of Lapidem are quite Satanic. Beliefs that have you looking inward for answers feed one's selfishness. Man was created to serve, and that is where we can find the most fulfillment.

When we decrease and the Lord increases within us, death will be of no effect. Because if we no longer live for ourselves it is no skin off our back should we die.
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
You are confusing the free will of man, with "God allows".
Not really.

In your belief system your God allows people to sexually abuse others
In your belief system your God allows people to murder others
In your belief system your God allows viruses and bacteria to kill people
In your belief system your God allows nature to cause calamities that kill millions
Your notion of "free will" is somewhat puerile

Did the people in Turkey recently have free will when the earthquake struck and killed them?
God - "Here you go man, I grant you free will, you can do what you want"
Man - "great let's go"
Bam, God causes/permits an earthquake and the man is instantly killed

Some free will

God is the only entity with free will and he guards it jealously to the extent that he forbade man to acquire the knowledge he has so that man can not do the things God can do nor live forever. Free? No I don't think so.

We are born into a cage, surrounded by predators who have been given free rein to own and control this world and ruthlessly exploit every human born into it. Any notion of free will is pretty absurd.

A lot of people blame God for what man does.
Its a cop out.
Its selective reasoning, and false blame.
No they highlight that your God, your concept of God is one that doesn't take action to prevent atrocities. In brief terms he puts us into a gladiators arena with no weapons or training surrounded, by seasoned gladiators and says you're Daffy Ducked mate no question, you're gonna die but if you worship me I'll fix you up after you're dead. What a proposition?! What a sick mind to create that scenario in the first place. Why create people at all if they have to die? That in itself is rather sick.

I think rather the reality is that it's all a big mistake, your god is apparently unable to fix it, can't even stop new spirits from being trapped in it, and instead offers a kind of mop up fix after you die but even that is surrounded by caveats and contractual obligations.
No in all honesty the defacto Christian ideology is a complete nonsense. Things simply cannot be like this. Doesn't hang together.

Christians understand that God didn't create Robots.
Actually we are pretty much biological robots. Highly programmable, extremely limited, extremely vulnerable, not longlasting . . .
That refers to our earthy shells of course. That which is truly us is already immortal.

God, created FREE WILL beings who have a right to choose what they do, and what they allow.
Already covered. We don't really have free will at all. We have very limited levels of freedom to do a few things in a highly restrictive body and highly restrictive environment. We are denied key knowledge so that we can't be like those above us. It's a rigged game.

All those Crimes you mentioned, are Man's free will as deeds.
And the earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados, killer viruses, diseases . . . .

Everyone of them was a choice someone made to abuse someone else, and these choices are often blamed on God .
Again no. Surely everyone recognises that some people do wicked things. What they blame your god for is standing idly by and watching whilst his creations are abused, murdered and slaughtered, sold into slavery, forcibly addicted to drugs, forced into the sex trade, left to starve and so on. If he was weak and impotent then he wouldn't get blamed, but the church professes your god to be all-powerful and all-loving to boot. Kinda just doesn't stack up.

Recently a shooter killed some kids.
What is that?
That is free will being abused.
That's a parent not protecting his children. Plus did the children have any free will to not be shot? Hmmmm

Again, all this just doesn't add up does it?! We are right to be concerned about this world and it's creator. It's a colossal train wreck.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Not really.

In your belief system your God allows people to sexually abuse others

Its like this...

For free will to exit, which is a Gift that God has allowed humans to use, they have to be allowed to us it, Lapidem.
Otherwise, its not free will.

So, if humanity chooses evil as their purpose, then the world is going to be the same.

Every evil you can name is a human committing that is free will CHOICE, in free will.

Just realize that for God to "end all evil" he'd have to kill all people, or, end free will.
He's not going to do that, He's going to allow humans to choose what they do, and how they behave.