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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
It's been short while since thread titles have been used as a springboard for anti-Catholic bigotry. I think it will get worse before it gets better. There seems to be no rules for appropriate thread titles. It's open season on Catholics.

The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice is a book written by Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History and Religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, dealing with contemporary anti-Catholic bigotry, particularly in the United States.

Jenkins, a former Catholic who converted to the Episcopal Church in 1980,[1] argues that bigotry and hatred toward Catholics is not a thing of the past, but rather is still thriving in the U.S.[2] In Jenkins's view it is a form of bigotry that is ignored or even accepted or encouraged in quarters (mainly politically and culturally liberal ones) that would not tolerate most other forms of bigotry.[2]

A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions.
The New Anti-Catholicism - Wikipedia

Anti-Catholicism has a long history in America. And as Philip Jenkins argues in The New Anti-Catholicism, this virulent strain of hatred--once thought dead--is alive and well in our nation, but few people seem to notice, or care.
A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions. Jenkins shines a light on
anti-Catholic sentiment in American society and illuminates its causes, looking closely at gay and feminist anti-Catholicism, anti-Catholic rhetoric and imagery in the media, and the anti-Catholicism of the academic world. For newspapers and newsmagazines, for television news and in movies, for major book publishers, the Catholic Church has come to provide a grossly stereotyped public villain. Catholic opinions, doctrines, and individual leaders are frequently the butt of harsh satire. Indeed, the notion that the church is a deadly enemy of women--the idea of Catholic misogyny--is commonly accepted in the news media and in popular culture, says Jenkins...
It was said that with the election of John F. Kennedy, anti-Catholicism in America was dead. This provocative new book corrects that illusion, drawing attention to this important issue.


I am quite astonished that a few humble non-Catholic participants in an online forum who choose to be a little outspoken against what they perceive as unbiblical doctrine and faith in an organisation that claims the opposite, can excite such opposition. For 1200 years until toward the end of the reformation period any such opposition was brought to an immediate and often violent end. And I mean in both directions. Intolerance by both Catholic and Protestant in history was viewed as par for the course...justified...and set as church policy.
Today, none of those differences have been settled. There are still debates and arguments. There are still profound differences in the way both Protestant and Catholic view salvation. Eschatology. Church-state relations. As suggested in another thread, the history between the two sides is written in the blood of those who dared to speak aloud of their these differences. Not just in the past 500 years, but also for the previous 1200 years, starting with the issue of Arianism and with Sabbath keepers, and any others who thought, taught, or practiced different to the Vatican party line.
So I am quite perplexed at why the profuse objection by such as yourself to our outspokenness as if its something new. I must assume that it can only stem from the same spirit of intolerance that marked the Papal and Protestant churches of ages past.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
AZ, Quartzsite
United States
I am quite astonished that a few humble non-Catholic participants in an online forum who choose to be a little outspoken against what they perceive as unbiblical doctrine and faith in an organisation that claims the opposite, can excite such opposition. For 1200 years until toward the end of the reformation period any such opposition was brought to an immediate and often violent end. And I mean in both directions. Intolerance by both Catholic and Protestant in history was viewed as par for the course...justified...and set as church policy.
Today, none of those differences have been settled. There are still debates and arguments. There are still profound differences in the way both Protestant and Catholic view salvation. Eschatology. Church-state relations. As suggested in another thread, the history between the two sides is written in the blood of those who dared to speak aloud of their these differences. Not just in the past 500 years, but also for the previous 1200 years, starting with the issue of Arianism and with Sabbath keepers, and any others who thought, taught, or practiced different to the Vatican party line.
So I am quite perplexed at why the profuse objection by such as yourself to our outspokenness as if its something new. I must assume that it can only stem from the same spirit of intolerance that marked the Papal and Protestant churches of ages past.

Well Said!


A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions. Jenkins shines a light on
anti-Catholic sentiment in American society and illuminates its causes, looking closely at gay and feminist anti-Catholicism, anti-Catholic rhetoric and imagery in the media, and the anti-Catholicism of the academic world. For newspapers and newsmagazines, for television news and in movies, for major book publishers, the Catholic Church has come to provide a grossly stereotyped public villain. Catholic opinions, doctrines, and individual leaders are frequently the butt of harsh satire. Indeed, the notion that the church is a deadly enemy of women--the idea of Catholic misogyny--is commonly accepted in the news media and in popular culture, says Jenkins...
It was said that with the election of John F. Kennedy, anti-Catholicism in America was dead. This provocative new book corrects that illusion, drawing attention to this important issue.
That all may be true, but has nothing to do with the debates that are ongoing within these forums. No-one here is criticising Catholicism because of any inherent misogyny. Nor is Catholicism the butt of harsh satire in these forums. Nor is anyone claiming that the church is the deadly enemy to women. No-one is arguing against Rome's long held stand against abortion...nor her many generous charities and good works.
No, most of the debate here centers on soteriology and eschatology. Matters that the secular world and Hollywood have no connection with. Anti-Catholicism in the world is not our concern. If the world sees your church as a stereotypical bully or arch-conservative or whatever, that is not our business. Our own churches receive no fact far more for some of us. Stop whining. Some depictions of the Catholic church from Hollywood are actually quite favourable. I have often said, if a Christian is to be criticised at all, let it be for righteousness sake, then don't moan. Let it not be because you are an idiot. IN that case, stop being an idiot.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
United States
Well, by creating this thread, you yourself created a springboard openly inviting criticism. It appears you are out looking for a fight. So if there were a rule on springboard thread titles, this thread would get locked or deleted. Come on, man.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Well, by creating this thread, you yourself created a springboard openly inviting criticism. It appears you are out looking for a fight. So if there were a rule on springboard thread titles, this thread would get locked or deleted. Come on, man.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
It's been short while since thread titles have been used as a springboard for anti-Catholic bigotry. I think it will get worse before it gets better. There seems to be no rules for appropriate thread titles. It's open season on Catholics.

The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice is a book written by Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History and Religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, dealing with contemporary anti-Catholic bigotry, particularly in the United States.

Jenkins, a former Catholic who converted to the Episcopal Church in 1980,[1] argues that bigotry and hatred toward Catholics is not a thing of the past, but rather is still thriving in the U.S.[2] In Jenkins's view it is a form of bigotry that is ignored or even accepted or encouraged in quarters (mainly politically and culturally liberal ones) that would not tolerate most other forms of bigotry.[2]

A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions.
The New Anti-Catholicism - Wikipedia

Anti-Catholicism has a long history in America. And as Philip Jenkins argues in The New Anti-Catholicism, this virulent strain of hatred--once thought dead--is alive and well in our nation, but few people seem to notice, or care.
A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions. Jenkins shines a light on
anti-Catholic sentiment in American society and illuminates its causes, looking closely at gay and feminist anti-Catholicism, anti-Catholic rhetoric and imagery in the media, and the anti-Catholicism of the academic world. For newspapers and newsmagazines, for television news and in movies, for major book publishers, the Catholic Church has come to provide a grossly stereotyped public villain. Catholic opinions, doctrines, and individual leaders are frequently the butt of harsh satire. Indeed, the notion that the church is a deadly enemy of women--the idea of Catholic misogyny--is commonly accepted in the news media and in popular culture, says Jenkins...
It was said that with the election of John F. Kennedy, anti-Catholicism in America was dead. This provocative new book corrects that illusion, drawing attention to this important issue.
Let me first say I agree that Catholic bashing and an anti-Catholic position, is wrong.

But to be fair, you apparently are well versed in the history of such things - because there is a history - and the target has been on your own backs. However, for those of us who did not learn any prejudice from that history, but simply opened the word of God as a new creation and being dead to such past dealings, found a fork in the road that Catholics took that should not have been taken, and we simply see it as comparable to Israel rightly wandering in the desert. Yes, it is a history that Catholics are the focus of - but being honest about the errors of God's people down through history, is not hatred - we love Catholics, but must be honest not to appease or be peaceable with you, but with God. Should the generation that crossed over into the promised land have stood with that previous generation that God saw fit to have die in the desert? Certainly not! Nor should we now being of the generations to follow the errors of early Christendom, stand by such errors.

But do not make the further mistake of bashing us who are of that new and reborn generation, who have been sent across without you. Did that next generation of Israel not love their forefathers? Yes - just as we also love you! So do not return hate for hate - we are not born of the hate that followed the path of your own making, but are born of God, and would rather participate in His love while showing respect for a history that we were spared of.

As for anti-Catholic activity now, do not mistake our honest rejection of the errors of the past with those who return hate for hate to you - we are not them, nor are they us. They have been sent to torment you, but we have not. Nonetheless, we have crossed that Jordan. Do not hate us for having done so.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
As for anti-Catholic activity now, do not mistake our honest rejection of the errors of the past with those who return hate for hate to you - we are not them, nor are they us. They have been sent to torment you, but we have not. Nonetheless, we have crossed that Jordan. Do not hate us for having done so.
Simple rejection of the truth of Catholic teaching is not "anti-Catholicism."
It is when a person resorts to lying about what the Church teaches and practices or invents a new version of history to make their point - THAT is when it becomes Catholic-bashing.

I have absolutely NO problem with a person who simply disagrees with Catholic doctrine. This, however, is extremely RARE on this forum - and if you were honest about it, you would agree.

I have NO tolerance for lies aimed at the Catholic Church and will continue to expose them whenever I see them on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Well, by creating this thread, you yourself created a springboard openly inviting criticism. It appears you are out looking for a fight. So if there were a rule on springboard thread titles, this thread would get locked or deleted. Come on, man.
No, it needs to be explained to certain people that disagreement and persecution are not one and the same. There are varying degrees anti-Catholicism, I am talking about the extreme end of the spectrum. I have drawn a parallel with certain brainwashed "Bible Christians" with the pro-abort feminists in post #2. The anti-Catholic bigotry is similar. It needs to be pointed out how ugly it is. Post #1 is a review for a book written by a sociologist who is not even Catholic. Anti-Catholicism doesn't apply to anybody who disagrees with Catholicism, the point is it's deeply ingrained in our culture.

Let me first I agree that Catholic bashing and an anti-Catholic position, is wrong.

But to be fair, you apparently are well versed in the history of such things - because there is a history - and the target has been on your own backs. However, for those of us who did not learn any prejudice from that history, but simply opened the word of God as a new creation and being dead to such past dealings, found a fork in the road that Catholics took that should not have been taken, and we simply see it as comparable to Israel rightly wandering in the desert. Yes, it is a history that Catholics are the focus of - but being honest about the errors of God's people down through history, is not hatred - we love Catholics, but must be honest not to appease or be peaceable with you, but with God. Should the generation that crossed over into the promised land have stood with that previous generation that God saw fit to have die in the desert? Certainly not! Nor should we now being of the generations to follow the errors of early Christendom, stand by such errors.


But do not make the further mistake of bashing us who are of that new and reborn generation, who have been sent across without you. Did that next generation of Israel not love their forefathers? Yes - just as we also love you! So do not return hate for hate - we are not born of the hate that followed the path of your own making, but are born of God, and would rather participate in His love while showing respect for a history that we were spared of.

As for anti-Catholic activity now, do not mistake our honest rejection of the errors of the past with those who return hate for hate to you - we are not them, nor are they us. They have been sent to torment you, but we have not. Nonetheless, we have crossed that Jordan. Do not hate us for having done so.
Hating or bashing Protestants is a sin. Find one Catholic web site (loyal to the Magisterium) that misrepresents Protestant distinctives. Catholic distinctives are misrepresented in about a billion places. See my point?

Jesus promised His protection from doctrinal contamination. He did not promise administrative perfection. He did not promise that no Christian would sin. He did not promise there would be no more controversies after the Council of Jerusalem. Confusing sin with doctrines has been the main issue since the Protestant revolt. Yes, there have been errors, but that was sin, not doctrine.

Who is the Catholic equivalent of Matt Slick? James White? Dave Hunt? Whole ministries! They are legion, full time anti-Catholic bigots. People get duped reading their crap, then they run for a discussion board thinking they have something over Catholics.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Hating or bashing Protestants is a sin. Find one Catholic web site (loyal to the Magisterium) that misrepresents Protestant distinctives. Catholic distinctives are misrepresented in about a billion places. See my point?

Jesus promised His protection from doctrinal contamination. He did not promise administrative perfection. He did not promise that no Christian would sin. He did not promise there would be no more controversies after the Council of Jerusalem. Confusing sin with doctrines has been the main issue since the Protestant revolt. Yes, there have been errors, but that was sin, not doctrine.

Who is the Catholic equivalent of Matt Slick? James White? Dave Hunt? Whole ministries! They are legion, full time anti-Catholic bigots. People get duped reading their crap, then they run for a discussion board thinking they have something over Catholics.
Yes, sin is sin.

But you should be asking yourselves: "Did the generation that crossed over the Jordan into the promised land 'have something over' the previous generation?"...and then allow for that same respect that they had, to exist in your own hearts. For we also left you but some have maintained the love of Christ toward you. If you do not show the same love for those who have hated you, that is understandable. But, you should know and have a place for those who have also loved you. After all, those who hate are our enemy in common, and we are not your enemy as they are. On the contrary - we are your own children in the faith.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Simple rejection of the truth of Catholic teaching is not "anti-Catholicism."
It is when a person resorts to lying about what the Church teaches and practices or invents a new version of history to make their point - THAT is when it becomes Catholic-bashing.

I have absolutely NO problem with a person who simply disagrees with Catholic doctrine. This, however, is extremely RARE on this forum - and if you were honest about it, you would agree.

I have NO tolerance for lies aimed at the Catholic Church and will continue to expose them whenever I see them on this forum. long as you separate the two. Because you have been extremely defensive and accusational to all comers with regard to doctrine, and this, resulting in what appears to be hate on both sides - mostly in your own condescending approach. If you actually accepted the difference in doctrine, and concentrate your own hatred on those who only hate...then we would not be having this conversation. On the contrary, we who have loved the Catholics as our forefathers in the faith, would have come to your aid - and do. But you have been an unjust father.

Even so, there are those of us who have not lost our love and respect for you. But it is on you, just as it is also on us, to keep the two issues of hate and false witness, and doctrine separate. "Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God."


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States long as you separate the two. Because you have been extremely defensive and accusational to all comers with regard to doctrine, and this, resulting in what appears to be hate on both sides - mostly in your own condescending approach. If you actually accepted the difference in doctrine, and concentrate your own hatred on those who only hate...then we would not be having this conversation. On the contrary, we who have loved the Catholics as our forefathers in the faith, would have come to your aid - and do. But you have been an unjust father.

Even so, there are those of us who have not lost our love and respect for you. But it is on you, just as it is also on us, to keep the two issues of hate and false witness, and doctrine separate. "Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God."
Then I would say that yo're not reading what I am responding to.

My ONLY purpose on this forum, as I have explained repeatedly, is to expose lies, myths and fairy tales about the Catholic Church and set the record straight. Those who come here seeking the truth have a right to KNOW the truth about what the Catholic Church believes and teaches without having to hack their way trough the weeds of lies.

This is my ONLY purpose on this forum, so if YOU think I'm being accusatory or "hateful" - it's probably because I caught one of you in another lie . . .
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
United States
No, it needs to be explained to certain people that disagreement and persecution are not one and the same. There are varying degrees anti-Catholicism, I am talking about the extreme end of the spectrum. I have drawn a parallel with certain brainwashed "Bible Christians" with the pro-abort feminists in post #2. The anti-Catholic bigotry is similar. It needs to be pointed out how ugly it is. Post #1 is a review for a book written by a sociologist who is not even Catholic. Anti-Catholicism doesn't apply to anybody who disagrees with Catholicism, the point is it's deeply ingrained in our culture.

Hating or bashing Protestants is a sin. Find one Catholic web site (loyal to the Magisterium) that misrepresents Protestant distinctives. Catholic distinctives are misrepresented in about a billion places. See my point?

Jesus promised His protection from doctrinal contamination. He did not promise administrative perfection. He did not promise that no Christian would sin. He did not promise there would be no more controversies after the Council of Jerusalem. Confusing sin with doctrines has been the main issue since the Protestant revolt. Yes, there have been errors, but that was sin, not doctrine.

Who is the Catholic equivalent of Matt Slick? James White? Dave Hunt? Whole ministries! They are legion, full time anti-Catholic bigots. People get duped reading their crap, then they run for a discussion board thinking they have something over Catholics.
No, it doesn't need to be explained. This forum is no stranger to this.. especially to the OP. And look at this thread now. It's turned into exactly what the thread was speaking out against. The thread is provocative and the OP knows this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Shock video: Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists assaults praying men, tries to burn Cathedral

The difference between these pro-abort feminists and Christianity board's anti Catholics is profound.
And so are the similarities.

I think this is immature, juvenile and disgusting behaviour by any adults .. whatever colour or creed they are. And it is wondered why our youth of today are so left wing, rebellious and a mess! They have it modeled for them all the time by the left wing.

As for your comment- "The difference between these pro-abort feminists and Christianity board's anti Catholics is profound.
And so are the similarities.

I find that very offensive and inflammatory...if you dislike it so much why on earth are you here.... except maybe to cause trouble.
This thread of yours sounds somewhat childish, as if there is not enough attention given to the catholics on this board for you are crying for some attention!

It is very strange really...
It is very very rare to see three of four Catholics having a discussion together about anything. In fact I don't remember a any time that it happens.
Why is that so?
Can you only post if you can argue the points of non-catholic v catholic old, warn out arguments ?

There is at the moment only one catholic here that I see , who posts about the joy of his relationship with God. That is pretty sad. He also joins in and comments on threads about non-catholic things.

This thread just seems like an attention getting thing.
I can't see any edification or glory to the Lord in it. :(
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
No, it doesn't need to be explained. This forum is no stranger to this.. especially to the OP. And look at this thread now. It's turned into exactly what the thread was speaking out against. The thread is provocative and the OP knows this

He is the Opening Poster, he has two accounts. He is "epostle1" and "kepha31" they are both him.
It depends which search engine he uses!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It is when a person resorts to lying about what the Church teaches and practices or invents a new version of history to make their point - THAT is when it becomes Catholic-bashing.
The problem is that anytime a non-Catholic exposes the false doctrines and practices of Catholicism, it is immediately labeled as lies, misrepresentation, misunderstanding, etc. by Roman Catholics. Thus it is termed "Catholic bashing" when in fact it is the truth. Not about the adherents of that belief system but about the System itself

Rarely -- if ever -- will a Catholic admit that there are false teachings within that religious system. Take the example of Purgatory and Indulgences. I have yet to see a Catholic who has studied the Bible frankly admit that these concepts are PURE NONSENSE.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Then I would say that yo're not reading what I am responding to.

My ONLY purpose on this forum, as I have explained repeatedly, is to expose lies, myths and fairy tales about the Catholic Church and set the record straight. Those who come here seeking the truth have a right to KNOW the truth about what the Catholic Church believes and teaches without having to hack their way trough the weeds of lies.

This is my ONLY purpose on this forum, so if YOU think I'm being accusatory or "hateful" - it's probably because I caught one of you in another lie . . .'s your general demeanor. Right or wrong, you are not here showing the love of Christ, in spite of our trying to show it to you.

And just to be clear, it was you who made the point that doctrine was not your point of contention. I let you off on that one, but perhaps should not have, as you are here daily disputing doctrine without any showing of love whatsoever. I mean, look at your above as much as admit that you are trying to catch one of us in a lie just as the Pharisees did with Jesus. And this you do with any and all who do not agree with you on any point, doctrine or otherwise, knowing that among those who may be spreading lies, there are many here who are in Christ - and you do it to Him as well.

If you want to have the respect of one who comes to defend the truth - you must do it in love - or it is void, not of Christ. If you want to turn over the tables now and then - go for it. But where is the love of Christ? You have shown none.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
The problem is that anytime a non-Catholic exposes the false doctrines and practices of Catholicism, it is immediately labeled as lies, misrepresentation, misunderstanding, etc. by Roman Catholics. Thus it is termed "Catholic bashing" when in fact it is the truth. Not about the adherents of that belief system but about the System itself

Rarely -- if ever -- will a Catholic admit that there are false teachings within that religious system. Take the example of Purgatory and Indulgences. I have yet to see a Catholic who has studied the Bible frankly admit that these concepts are PURE NONSENSE.
First of all - I've never seen anybody on this forum "expose as "false" Catholic teaching.
When you resort to making up falsehoods about Catholic beliefs - then your credibility goes right out the window.

for example - I can't tell you HOW many times I've had to debunk the idea that the Church teaches us to "worship" Mary. This is patently FALSE, as this kind of behavior is absolutely condemned by the Church - yet it is accepted by MANY of you as "truth".

Another anti-Catholic whopper that seems to be readily-accepted by most of you is the idea that we are "idolators" who worship statues. No matter HOW many times these things are proven wrong - the accusations are repeated over and over.

As for Purgatory - this is a Biblical teaching (2 Macc. 42-46, Matt. 5:25-26, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, Matt. 12:32, Matt. 18:32-35, Luke 12:58-59).

If you want to reject it - that's fine. Just don't misrepresent the Catholic position.
I've read all kinds of stuff about what we supposedly believe regarding Purgatory - and MOST of it is pure fiction.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States's your general demeanor. Right or wrong, you are not here showing the love of Christ, in spite of our trying to show it to you.

And just to be clear, it was you who made the point that doctrine was not your point of contention. I let you off on that one, but perhaps should not have, as you are here daily disputing doctrine without any showing of love whatsoever. I mean, look at your above as much as admit that you are trying to catch one of us in a lie just as the Pharisees did with Jesus. And this you do with any and all who do not agree with you on any point, doctrine or otherwise, knowing that among those who may be spreading lies, there are many here who are in Christ - and you do it to Him as well.

If you want to have the respect of one who comes to defend the truth - you must do it in love - or it is void, not of Christ. If you want to turn over the tables now and then - go for it. But where is the love of Christ? You have shown none.
I had to read that line in RED a few times before I stopped laughing.

The anti-Catholics on this forum - and there are MANY - show anything BUT love towards me or any other Catholic here so you need to stop lying about that one. You honestly expect me to believe that calling us "idolators". "Mary worshippers", "cannibals", "pagans", Satanists", etc. is showing the "love" of Christ"?? What planet are YOU from?

No - what makes YOU angry with me is that I expose people like you.
It's humiliating to be called out in front of everybody - that, I give you. So, if you want it to stop - I suggest you stop lying . . .