Catholic League For Religious And Civil Rights 2023 Year in Review

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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
There is nothing Catholic about GLAAD, but there is something anti-Catholic about it. That’s what makes its release of a papal guidebook for journalists so perverse. It has a history of applauding anti-Catholic plays and movies, and it loves to condemn Catholics who defend the Church. That GLAAD officials never forget to name me speaks well for both of us. They have even sought to ban me from TV. But that hasn’t worked out too well for them.

GLAAD is not a liberal homosexual group: it is left-wing activist one. What disqualifies it as a liberal entity is its commitment to mind control. To be explicit, it is a member of the language police.

The papal guidebook instructs journalists who will cover the pope’s visit next month not to use terms such as “the Church”; “homosexual”; “gay lifestyle”; and “homosexual lifestyle.” It doesn’t like “the Church” because that puts the bishops above the laity (they are). It doesn’t like the word “homosexual,” which explains why I like it. It doesn’t like the term “gay lifestyle.” I agree: ACT-UP founder Larry Kramer said it would be more accurate to call it a “deathstyle.”

GLAAD officials are also offended by words such as “deviant” and “disordered.” Too bad they never took Introduction to Sociology: the study of deviant behavior is a long-standing area of research. “Disordered” is the word used by the Catholic Catechism to describe the homosexual condition; it makes sense once we understand that men and women are naturally ordered toward each other (otherwise the human race would cease to exist). For reasons that are self-evident, GLAAD also objects to words such as “immoral” and “sinful.”

The papal guidebook lists eight lay Catholics who the media should beware of. As I said, it speaks well for both of us that they never forget me. Good work, boys.
I asked for examples of GLAAD engaging in anti-catholic bigotry not examples of the Catholic League engaging in bigotry.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States


Bill Donohue went on NBC’s “Today” show in mid-October to discuss the sexual-abuse scandal in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and the next day he was attacked by the president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). Donohue then challenged the president, Neil Giuliano, to a debate on TV, but the gay leader declined. So here is what Donohue told the media on October 28:
“Two weeks ago today, GLAAD president Neil Giuliano issued an alert asking his members to contact NBC’s ‘Today’ show protesting its decision to invite me on the program on October 13. Giuliano accused me of defaming gays and using ‘malicious smear tactics.’ My ‘malicious smear tactics’ included saying that ’79 percent of the victims [of priestly sexual abuse] in Los Angeles are male,’ and that ’81 percent, according to the John Jay study a few years ago [of victims nationwide since 1950] were male.’ I also said that, according to the study, ‘almost 80 percent are post-pubescent.’ My conclusion? ‘It’s homosexuals.’ I added, ‘I’m not saying homosexuality causes someone to be a predator, that would be malicious. But I am saying this: We have a problem within the Catholic Church of some homosexual men who are putting their hands on the kids. They’ve got to be thrown out.’​
Again we have seen more than enough bigotry from the Catholic League.
“There is nothing defamatory or malicious about anything I said, but there is something malicious about Giuliano’s attempt to defame me. So when I was called by a CBS producer to appear on Viacom’s gay cable network, Logo, I told him on October 24 that I would go on providing he could arrange a debate between Giuliano and me. GLAAD has been called by CBS several times this week asking for Giuliano to debate me, but he refuses to do so.​
What is really interesting here is that at the time of this CBS and Viacom were not in any way associated so a CBS producer wouldn't be doing anything on behalf of Viacom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Nobody is born a racist,
nobody is born anti-Catholic
they get there by a process called "socialization" with striking similarities. Racists are socialized with the same dynamic as the socialized anti-Catholic. Maybe I could say racism and anti-Catholicism are cousins.


Bill Donohue
At a funeral service on February 15 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, men dressed as women and women dressed as men turned out to honor Cecilia Gentili. Gentili is a man who falsely claimed to be a woman. He was an illegal alien, a drug addict, prostitute, trans activist and atheist.

At the service, many of those in attendance dressed as hookers, danced in the aisles, sang “Ave Cecilia” when “Ave Maria” was sung, and shouted, “St. Cecilia, Mother Of All Whores.”

The presiding priest, Fr. Edward Dougherty, falsely declared Gentili to be a woman, referring to him as “our sister.” Fr. James Martin, an LGBT advocate, was delighted with the event, saying the trans activists are “as much a part of the church as anyone else.”

Many are wondering how this profane service could have happened. It happened because it was held under false pretenses. The person who made the arrangements, who goes by the name Ceyeye Doroshow, said, “I kept it under wraps.”
The Pastor of St. Patrick’s, the Very Reverend Enrique Salvo, said, “The Cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way.”

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, has authorized a Mass of Reparation in the wake of this vile event.
Radio and TV coverage in New York has been scant on what actually happened, focusing more on comments from the family of the man. They accuse the Catholic Church of hypocrisy. It would be more accurate to say that those who support defiling St. Patrick’s Cathedral are rank anti-Catholic bigots who look, talk, and act like deranged men and women.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020


We recently released a report (see our website) on the problems associated with males and females who “transition” to the opposite sex. Here are some of our findings.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
Nobody is born a racist,
nobody is born anti-Catholic
they get there by a process called "socialization" with striking similarities. Racists are socialized with the same dynamic as the socialized anti-Catholic. Maybe I could say racism and anti-Catholicism are cousins.
Nobody is born transphobic.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
For 50 years the Catholic League has led the charge in every major cultural battle, and in 2023, we continued this tradition.

I thought it was pretty clear. You said my reply was "defamation or discrimination against Catholics" so I am asking was my pointing out of the false claims made by the Catholic league defamation or was it discrimination.

Which the Catholic league blatantly lied about in its 2023 summary.
This is a Debate forum but its not the debate I suspect @Illuminator expected in starting the OP. It would be nice if Christians could be united and not tear each other down all the time. Here is how I propose some reconcilliation.

Further, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom” won critical acclaim earning recognitions at major film festivals.
The biggest sign of our success was the troubles that plagued Disney.
Disney had a rough year, and “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom” helped contribute to their woes.
I agree @Illuminator, Disney had a bad year.
"The Walt Disney Company announced a revenue of 88.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, up from 82.7 billion U.S. dollars a year earlier – an annual growth of over seven percent." Disney Shareholder's report December 18 2023
Money is not the sole measure of moral value. Disney got a ton of Bad PR. I'm a little said that you could not find a way to unite with @Illuminator's main point, which seems to be the cultural battle away from Christianity.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
This is a Debate forum but its not the debate I suspect @Illuminator expected in starting the OP. It would be nice if Christians could be united and not tear each other down all the time. Here is how I propose some reconcilliation.
It would be nice if Christian organizations didn't lie.

Chains Broken

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2023
United States
United States
We followed up this success with a major fight with the L.A. Dodgers. In mid-May, the Dodgers announced they intended to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of virulent anti-Catholic men who dress up as nuns, at the team’s Pride Night.

We sent a letter to the head of Major League Baseball (MLB) about this outrage, and on the following day, the Dodgers disinvited the “Sisters.” But then gay and trans activists, along with local government officials, besieged the Dodgers. Soon after, the Dodgers reinvited the “Sisters,” offering them an apology, thus endorsing anti-Catholic bigotry.

We anticipated that the “Sisters” could be reinvited, and Bill Donohue personally prepared a report documenting their bigotry. We called on Catholics in the Los Angeles area to boycott the game to send a message to the Dodgers, and MLB, that anti-Catholicism cannot be tolerated.
My profile picture is Blake Treinen, one of the two Dodgers players who spoke out against the Dodger's invitation to the openly bigoted hate group and their vulgar actions.

They can go ahead with their little scheme to defer 680 million dollars in Ohtani's contract and buy as many World Series Championships as they want, frankly they're overdue for one as their last "real" one was 1988 unless you actually want to count the joke of an MLB season that 2020 was.