Colossians 3:1-17 [With Word Studies]

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Apr 21, 2021
United States
Colossians 3: 1-7 (NKJV)

Thank you all for who has been reading these, hope God and Jesus Christ are teaching you many great things and important lessons.

1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.

verse 1: Paul goes on after talking about how to be watchful of people who place you under bondage rather than leading you to Christ, if you were raised with Christ after being buried with him through baptism; Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.

you have been risen up:4891. sunegeiró Usage: I raise along with.

above: 507. anó Usage: up, above, up to the top, up to the brim, things above, heaven, the heavenly region.

seek: 2212 zētéō – properly, to seek by inquiring; to investigate to reach a binding (terminal) resolution; to search, "getting to the bottom of a matter."

right hand: 1188. dexios the right hand or side

sitting: 2521. kathémai Usage: I sit, am seated, enthroned; I dwell, reside. from kata and hémai (to sit)

2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Verse 2: Paul tells them to set their mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Set your minds on: 5426 phronéō (from 5424 /phrḗn, "the midriff or diaphragm; the parts around the heart," J. Thayer) – properly, regulate (moderate) from within, as inner-perspective (insight) shows itself in corresponding, outward behavior. 5426 (phronéō) essentially equates to personal opinion fleshing itself out in action (see J. Thayer). This idea is difficult to translate into English because it combines the visceral and cognitive aspects of thinking. (a) I think, (b) I think, judge, (c) I direct the mind to, seek for, (d) I observe, (e) I care for.

earth: 1093 gḗ – properly, the physical earth; (figuratively) the "arena" we live in which operates in space and time which God uses to prepare us for eternity.

The physical earth (1093 /gḗ) is the temporary, probationary place to live out moral preferences "through the body," i.e. as free moral agents (cf. 2 Cor 5:1-10). In this way, God makes an eternal record of everything we do on the earth. Through faith, each scene of life becomes equally, eternally significant (cf. Mt 13:31,32,17:20; cf. also Lk 16:10; Lk 17:6; 2 Pet 1:1).

[The OT Hebrew term, 776 /asitía ("earth"), also refers to the physical earth as "God's arena" – "the physical theater" in which our eternal destiny freely plays out.]

3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Verse: 3 Paul says for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God

you have died:
599 apothnḗskō (from 575 /apó, "away from," which intensifies 2348 /thnḗskō, "to die") – properly, die off (away from), focusing on the separation that goes with the "dying off (away from)."

599 /apothnḗskō ("die off, from") occurs 111 times in the NT. It stresses the significance of the separation that always comes with divine closure. 599 (apothnḗskō) stresses the ending of what is "former" – to bring what (naturally) follows.

Life: 2222 zōḗ – life (physical and spiritual). All life (2222 /zōḗ), throughout the universe, is derived – i.e. it always (only) comes from and is sustained by God's self-existent life. The Lord intimately shares His gift of life with people, creating each in His image which gives all the capacity to know His eternal life.

Has been hidden: 2928. kruptó concealed (1), hid (7), hidden (8), hide (1), secret (1), things hidden (1).

4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Paul explains when Christ who is our life appears, then you will also appear with Him in Glory.

who is our life appears or revealed :
5319 phaneróō (from 5457 /phṓs, "light") – properly, illumine, make manifest (visible); (figuratively) make plain, in open view; to become apparent ("graspable").

5319 /phaneróō ("become manifest") in 1 Jn 3:2

1 Jn 3:2: "Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that if (Gk ean) He becomes manifest (5319 /phaneróō), we will be like Him, because (hoti) we will see Him just as (Gk kathōs) He is."

you will appear: same as above

1391 dóksa (from dokeō, "exercising personal opinion which determines value") – glory. 1391 /dóksa ("glory") corresponds to the OT word, kabo (OT 3519, "to be heavy"). Both terms convey God's infinite, intrinsic worth (substance, essence).

[1391 (dóksa) literally means "what evokes good opinion, i.e. that something has inherent, intrinsic worth" (J. Thayer).]

5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Paul is expressing since being raised with Christ - Put to death your members on earth;

Fornication: 4202 porneía (the root of the English terms "pornography, pornographic"; cf. 4205 /pórnos) which is derived from pernaō, "to sell off") – properly, a selling off (surrendering) of sexual purity; promiscuity of any (every) type.

Cognate: 167 akatharsía (from 1 /A "not" and 2513 /katharós, "clean because unmixed, pure") – ritual impurity, caused by leprosy, open infection, child birth, touching a corpse, etc. See 169 (akathartos).

Passion: 3806 páthos (from 3958 /pásxō, "having strong feelings") – properly, raw, strong feelings (emotions) which are not guided by God (like consuming lust).

Desire: Cognate: 1939 epithymía (from 1909 /epí, "focused on" and 2372 /thymós, "passionate desire") – properly, passion built on strong feelings (urges). These can be positive or negative, depending on whether the desire is inspired by faith (God's inbirthed persuasion). See 1937 (epithymeō).

[This use of 167 /akatharsía occurs in the LXX (see Lev 9:6, 12:5, 13:11, etc.).]

Evil : 2556 kakós (an adjective, and the root of 2549 /kakía, "inner malice") – properly, inwardly foul, rotten (poisoned); (figuratively) inner malice flowing out of a morally-rotten character (= the "rot is already in the wood").

[2556 /kakós is often a pronominal adjective (i.e. used as a substantive) meaning, "wickedness, inner evil."]

4124 pleoneksía (a feminine noun derived from 4119 /pleíōn, "numerically more" and 2192 /éxō, "have") – properly, the desire for more (things), i.e. lusting for a greater number of temporal things that go beyond what God determines is eternally best (beyond His preferred-will, cf. 2307 /thélēma); covetousness (coveting).

4124 /pleoneksía (a feminine noun) points to a brand of covetousness, defined by the context.

idoltry: 1495. eidólolatria Usage: service (worship) of an image (an idol).
image worship
NASB Translation
idolatries (1), idolatry (3).

6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,

Paul here is explaining because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience (Nation of Israel?)

wrath: (36 occ. ) -
3709 orgḗ (from orgáō, "to teem, swelling up to constitutionally oppose") – properly, settled anger (opposition), i.e. rising up from an ongoing (fixed) opposition.

3709 /orgḗ ("settled anger") proceeds from an internal disposition which steadfastly opposes someone or something based on extended personal exposure, i.e. solidifying what the beholder considers wrong (unjust, evil).

["Orgē comes from the verb oragō meaning, 'to teem, to swell'; and thus implies that it is not a sudden outburst, but rather (referring to God's) fixed, controlled, passionate feeling against sin . . . a settled indignation (so Hendriksen)" (D. E. Hiebert, at 1 Thes 1:10).]

Son - Descendent :
3709 orgḗ (from orgáō, "to teem, swelling up to constitutionally oppose") – properly, settled anger (opposition), i.e. rising up from an ongoing (fixed) opposition.

3709 /orgḗ ("settled anger") proceeds from an internal disposition which steadfastly opposes someone or something based on extended personal exposure, i.e. solidifying what the beholder considers wrong (unjust, evil).

["Orgē comes from the verb oragō meaning, 'to teem, to swell'; and thus implies that it is not a sudden outburst, but rather (referring to God's) fixed, controlled, passionate feeling against sin . . . a settled indignation (so Hendriksen)" (D. E. Hiebert, at 1 Thes 1:10).]

disobedience: 543 apeítheia(from 1 /A "not" and 3982 /peíthō, "persuaded") – properly, someone not persuaded, referring to their willful unbelief, i.e. the refusal to be convinced by God's voice. This is the core-meaning of the entire word-family: 543 (apeítheia), 544 (apeithéō), 545 (apeithḗs). All these cognates focus on man's decision to reject God's offers of faith, i.e. refusal to be persuaded in their heart concerning obeying His will (Word).

7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.

Verse 7: Paul writes to the Colossians: In which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.

walked: 4043 peripatéō (from 4012 /perí, "comprehensively around," which intensifies 3961 /patéō, "walk") – properly, walk around, i.e. in a complete circuit (going "full circle").


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.

Verse 8: Paul goes on to explain to the Colossians: from putting off the death of their members which are here on earth, he also tells them to put off all of these:

Anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.

3709 orgḗ (from orgáō, "to teem, swelling up to constitutionally oppose") – properly, settled anger (opposition), i.e. rising up from an ongoing (fixed) opposition.

3709 /orgḗ ("settled anger") proceeds from an internal disposition which steadfastly opposes someone or something based on extended personal exposure, i.e. solidifying what the beholder considers wrong (unjust, evil).

2372 thymós (from thyō, "rush along, getting heated up, breathing violently," cf. J. Thayer) – properly, passion-driven behavior, i.e. actions emerging out of strong impulses (intense emotion).

When 2372 /thymós ("expressed passion") is used of people it indicates rage (personal venting of anger, worth). This flaw is completely absent of the Lord expressing (inspiring) intense anger. Accordingly, 2372 (thymós) is used of God's perfect, holy wrath in Revelation (Rev 14:10,19,15:1, etc.). This anger is directed against sin with intense opposition and without sin.

[Only the Lord exercises righteous wrath, so we must depend solely on Him as we experience (express) anger.]

Cognate: 2549 kakía (from 2554 /kakopoiéō, "a wicked disposition") – properly, the underlying principle of evil (inherent evil) which is present, even if not outwardly expressed.

[2549 /kakía ("malice") shares the same essential meaning as 2556 /kakós ("wretched evil," its adjectival cognate).

Cognate: 988 blasphēmía (from blax, "sluggish/slow," and 5345 /phḗmē, "reputation, fame") – blasphemy – literally, slow (sluggish) to call something good (that really is good) – and slow to identify what is truly bad (that really is evil).

Blasphemy (988 /blasphēmía) "switches" right for wrong (wrong for right), i.e. calls what God disapproves, "right" which "exchanges the truth of God for a lie" (Ro 1:25). See 987 (blasphēmeō).

Foul Language: 148. aischrologia: Definition: abusive language
Usage: filthy speech, foul language.

9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds,

verse 9 Paul expresses not to lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds being raised again with Christ.

Lie: 5574 pseúdomai (from pseudō, "to falsify, lie") – properly, lie (falsify), willfully misrepresent (mislead).

having put off :
554 apekdýomai(from 575 /apó, "away from," which intensifies 1562 /ekdýō "go down and completely away from") – "completely strip off," thoroughly renounce. The double prefixes (apo, ek) strongly emphasize the depth of the renouncing. This "renunciation (stripping right off) is very emphatic" (Nigel Turner, Christian Words, 366).

554 /apekdýomai ("stripping completely off") was "probably coined by Paul meaning, 'I put off' (as a garment), 'from myself, I throw off' " (Souter; note the prefix, apo).

10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,

verse 10: Paul expresses that you have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Christ who created the new man inside of you by the holy spirit.

11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

verse 11: All are the same in Christ Jesus -> Who is all and in all who are renewed in knowledge and have a new man created in them being conformed into the image of Christ.

12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;

verse 12: Paul is making an select word here for the Colossians who are the elect of God, holy and beloved -> though we too can do the same thing-> put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;

Elect : Cognate: 1588 eklektós (an adjective, derived from 1586 /eklégomai, "to select, choose," also used as a substantive/noun) – properly, selected (chosen from, out of), especially as a deeply personal choice – literally "chosen, out of a personal preference (intention)." See 1586 (eklegomai).

Typically, 1588 /eklektós ("select, chosen") describes people who choose to follow the Lord, i.e. become God's choice by freely receiving faith (4102 /pístis) from Him. Accordingly, these two terms are directly connected (see Tit 1:1; Lk 18:7,8).

13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

verse 13: Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

Verse 14: But above all of these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection

Love: 26 agápē – properly, love which centers in moral preference. So too in secular ancient Greek, 26 (agápē) focuses on preference; likewise the verb form (25 /agapáō) in antiquity meant "to prefer" (TDNT, 7). In the NT, 26 (agápē) typically refers to divine love (= what God prefers).

4886 sýndesmos (from 4862 /sýn, "closely identity with" and 1210 /déō, "to bind") – properly, a bond (close union); a close (inner) identity which produces close harmony between members joined closely together (WP).

[Note the "close, firm bond conveyed by syn (together," WS, 242).]

Perfection :
Cognate: 5047 teleiótēs (a feminine noun) – completion (consummation), in its cumulative sense, i.e. built on what has to precede and also supports the stage that must come next. See 5056 (telos).

5047 /teleiótēs ("consummation") particularly then suggests the combination of truths (stages of spiritual growth), the culmination of which also supports future consummation.

[The other feminine noun from the same root, 5050 (teleíōsis), focuses on the end-stage (fulfillment).]

15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Verse 15: And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

peace: 1515 eirḗnē (from eirō, "to join, tie together into a whole") – properly, wholeness, i.e. when all essential parts are joined together; peace (God's gift of wholeness). peace, peace of mind; invocation of peace a common Jewish farewell, in the Hebraistic sense of the health (welfare) of an individual.

2588 kardía – heart; "the affective center of our being" and the capacity of moral preference (volitional desire, choice; see P. Hughs, 2 Cor, 354); "desire-producer that makes us tick" (G. Archer), i.e our "desire-decisions" that establish who we really are.

[Heart (2588 /kardía) is mentioned over 800 times in Scripture, but never referring to the literal physical pump that drives the blood. That is, "heart" is only used figuratively (both in the OT and NT.] Usage: lit: the heart; mind, character, inner self, will, intention, center.

Thankful: Cognate: 2170 euxáristos (from 2095 /eú, "well" and 5483/xarízomai, "grant freely") – properly, thankful for God's grace working out what is (eternally) good; grateful, which literally means "grace-ful (thankful) for God's grace" (what brings His eternal favor). 2170/euxáristos only occurs in Col 3:15. See 2168 (euxaristeō).


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Apr 21, 2021
United States
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Dwell: 1774 enoikéō (from 1722 /en "in," intensifying 3611 /oikéō, "dwell" at home, in one's personal residence) – properly, dwelling in a state (condition), i.e. at home; to inhabit ("in-habit") as one's personal residence (abiding indwelling).

Richly: Cognate: 4146 plousíōs (an adverb, apparently derived from 4183 /polýs, "much in quantity") – richly, abundantly. See 4145 (plousios).

Wisdom :
4678 sophía (cf. saphēs, "clear") – wisdom (properly, "clarity").

[4678 (sophía) is the root of the English terms, "sophistication" and "philosophy" – literally (respectively), "the art of using wisdom," "affection for wisdom."]

1321 didáskō (from daō, "learn") – to teach (literally, "cause to learn"); instruct, impart knowledge (disseminate information).

In the NT, 1321 /didáskō ("teach") nearly always refers to teaching the Scriptures (the written Word of God). The key role of teaching Scripture is shown by its great frequency in the NT, and the variety of word-forms (cognates).

[This includes three noun-forms, two adjectival forms, and one verb, totaling about 220 occurrences in the NT).]

3560 nouthetéō (from 3563 /noús, "mind" and 5087 /títhēmi, "to place") – properly, to place the mind, i.e. reasoning with someone by warning (admonishing) them.

3560 /nouthetéō ("admonish through instruction") especially appeals to the mind, supplying doctrinal and spiritual substance (content). This "exerts positive pressure" on someone's logic (reasoning), i.e. urging them to choose (turn to) God's best.

[This root (nouthe-) does not strictly mean "chastise," though this can be involved – i.e. with needed admonishing, correcting, exhortation, etc.]

Spiritual : 4152 pneumatikós (an adjective, derived from 4151 /pneúma, "spirit") – spiritual; relating to the realm of spirit, i.e. the invisible sphere in which the Holy Spirit imparts faith, reveals Christ, etc.

Cognate: 5485 xáris (another feminine noun from xar-, "favor, disposed to, inclined, favorable towards, leaning towards to share benefit") – properly, grace. 5485 (xáris) is preeminently used of the Lord's favor – freely extended to give Himself away to people (because He is "always leaning toward them").

5485 /xáris ("grace") answers directly to the Hebrew (OT) term 2580 /Kaná ("grace, extension-toward"). Both refer to God freely extending Himself (His favor, grace), reaching (inclining) to people because He is disposed to bless (be near) them.

17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

3056 lógos (from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying. 3056 /lógos ("word") is preeminently used of Christ (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.

[3056 (lógos) is a common term (used 330 times in the NT) with regards to a person sharing a message (discourse, "communication-speech"). 3056 (lógos) is a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."]

deed: 2041 érgon (from ergō, "to work, accomplish") – a work or worker who accomplishes something. 2041 /érgon ("work") is a deed (action) that carries out (completes) an inner desire (intension, purpose).

Colossians 3: 18-25 Most the scriptures are self explaining. If you read them slow and take them in. Thank you all for who has been reading these, hope God and Jesus Christ are teaching you many great things and important lessons.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Verse 2: Paul tells them to set their mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Set your minds on: 5426 phronéō (from 5424 /phrḗn, "the midriff or diaphragm; the parts around the heart," J. Thayer) – properly, regulate (moderate) from within, as inner-perspective (insight) shows itself in corresponding, outward behavior. 5426 (phronéō) essentially equates to personal opinion fleshing itself out in action (see J. Thayer). This idea is difficult to translate into English because it combines the visceral and cognitive aspects of thinking. (a) I think, (b) I think, judge, (c) I direct the mind to, seek for, (d) I observe, (e) I care for.

Young's Literal Translation YLT puts this as, "The things above mind ye". I think the idea is like you "mind your elders", "mind your manners", that is, set your mind towards the things above, that you will be setting yourself to think and do things that are harmonious with the above, the heavenly, where Christ is.

Since we've been raised with Christ, let's put our minds there, where He is.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
you have been risen up:4891. sunegeiró Usage: I raise along with.

Has been hidden: 2928. kruptó concealed (1), hid (7), hidden (8), hide (1), secret (1), things hidden (1).

4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Each of these, the Greek word "sun" together with.

You have been raised together with Christ.
You are hid together with Christ.
You will appear in glory with Christ.

We can add to this Galatians 2, we have been crucified together with Christ.

Baptized into Christ, we share with Him.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
verse 1: Paul goes on after talking about how to be watchful of people who place you under bondage rather than leading you to Christ, if you were raised with Christ after being buried with him through baptism; Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.

Colossians 2:8 KJV
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


Colossians 2:20-23 KJV
20) Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,
21) (Touch not; taste not; handle not;
22) Which all are to perish with the using) after the commandments and doctrines of men?
23) Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Jeremiah 6:16 Brenton LXX
Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths of the Lord; and see what is the good way, and walk in it, and ye shall find purification for your souls. But they said, We will not walk in them.

1 John 3:2-3 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

Much love!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Thank you so much for sharing.

If you have more go ahead, I don’t have much more to contribute here on this thread.

Take care.
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