Ending Racism Against The Indigenous People Of Canada

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Dec 28, 2020
Despite the attempts made to remedy the historical mistakes from Canada’s past, racism against Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Aboriginals, Metis) still exists. The bible teaches us how this systemic racism can be broken and the solution lies within each of us, individually.

James 2:1 & 9, 12-13 – “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?… 9 If you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.”

The reason why systemic racism against Indigenous peoples still exists is because we haven’t changed our own perspective. We continue to adopt the same perspective as our forefathers. The term ‘forefathers’ includes but is not limited to explorers, pioneers; even ancestors such as our grandparents and parents. The 'name' of our forefathers lives on in preceding generations when we follow their ways, views, philosophies and teachings. Society has handed us down a set of racist beliefs and we are condoning them by believing them and in turn, living by them.

Matthew 15:3 & 6 – He replied to them, And why also do you transgress and violate the commandment of God for the sake of the rules handed down to you by your forefathers? 6 So for the sake of your tradition (the rules handed down by your forefathers), you have set aside the Word of God [depriving it of force and authority and making it of no effect].

The traditions and cultures handed down to us by our forefathers nullifies the word of God. This means their teachings are filled with iniquity and therefore, are contrary to the word of God. Thus nullifying the power of the word of God in our lives.

If we continue to subscribe to our forefathers, grandparents, countries and founders’ way of thinking, we will be guilty of the same judgment from God that awaits them. People today didn’t participate in the physical taking of this land. However, we are guilty of upholding their actions of racism and oppression when we continue to agree with what they did and the way they treated the Indigenous people. This in turn causes us to treat Indigenous peoples with the same contempt.

Racism and hate is taught. We have learned to hate from society, media, family, friends and even the Church. Our actions are based on our perspective. The pioneers and explorers of Canada had a negative perspective of Aboriginals as being inferior and savages. This perspective gave them the justification they needed to carry out horrendous crimes against the First Nations peoples. In the same way today, a dangerous perspective of Indigenous peoples as being ‘inferior’ and ‘burdens on society’, can also justify actions of racism and oppression against them.

Luke 11:48 – But in fact, you stand as witnesses who agree with what your ancestors did. They killed the prophets, and you join in their crime by building the monuments!

We also join in the crime of abusing and oppressing the First Nations peoples when we glorify the pioneers and explorers of Canada, who oppresses, tricked and swindled the First Nations peoples out of their land.

Galatians 5:20-21 – idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Acts 17:26 – From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

This means that God sets the boundaries of each tribe and ethnicities’ land, and no one should move that marker to extend their own boundaries.

Deuteronomy 19:14 – Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.

The early settlers, pioneers and explorers falsely claimed this land as the new Israel in order to justify their horrendous acts. We must not believe the same distortions and manipulations of scripture as we will be punished just the same for doing so. The North American continent is not the nation of Israel. Only the nation of Israel was promised such land. But even the Israelites could not extend their borders.

The establishment of Israel was a specific promise from God. It is not a free for all for any nation to extend their borders. Paul understood this concept since he preached to different Gentile nations, and never preached to extend a nations’ borders.

Paul preached about God to the Gentiles but he did not try to conquer them and take their land. This is the example the pioneers and explorers should have followed. They should have come to new lands, preached the gospel and returned home, being content with their own land.

King Hezekiah is an excellent example of what all followers of Christ should be doing, when he tells the people of Judah in:

2 Chronicles 29:6-7 – Our parents were unfaithful; they did evil in the eyes of the Lord our God and forsook him. They turned their faces away from the Lord’s dwelling place and turned their backs on him. 7 They also shut the doors of the portico and put out the lamps. They did not burn incense or present any burnt offerings at the sanctuary to the God of Israel.”

King Hezekiah had no problem admitting the truth about how his parents, forefathers/ancestors acted wrongly. He refused to think the same way they did and by doing so, he did not commit their same wrong actions. He changed his way of thinking so as not to receive the same punishment.

Again, Hezekiah says in:

2 Chronicles 30:7 & 8 – Do not be like your parents and your fellow Israelites, who were unfaithful to the Lord, the God of their ancestors, so that he made them an object of horror, as you see. 8 Do not be stiff-necked, as your ancestors were; submit to the Lord. Come to his sanctuary, which he has consecrated forever. Serve the Lord your God, so that his fierce anger will turn away from you.”

We must undo the hate and indifference our society has taught us by changing our perspective on Indigenous peoples. Each person has to see Indigenous people as equal within themselves. Canada’s forefathers had an evil perspective on Indigenous people. Their intentions were covetous in nature and so they labelled the Indigenous people as inhuman, so that they could justify their oppression and take advantage of them.

First Nations communities are rife with poverty, depression, drug addiction, alcoholism, abuse and crime. If we were put into the same circumstances as the Indigenous people, we would be no different than they are today. Indigenous people are humans just like us. If any one of us experienced being forced off our land and into a desolate reservation, stripped of our culture and way of life and separated from our children or parents; if we were starved, abused, abandoned, oppressed and unemployed, our outcome would be the exact same. Their brokenness is a direct result and reflection of the circumstances that society has put them in.

The only way we can make sure that we are not included in the punishment that awaits those in the past who have oppressed the Indigenous people of Canada, is to admit that what was done to the Indigenous peoples was wrong and to change our perspective going forward. In God’s eyes, we will be equally as guilty as the founders and pioneers of Canada if we don’t change the way we think about our ancestors’ philosophies and in turn, the way we think about Indigenous people.

We must also change the way we look at the explorers and pioneers of Canada. Imagine if someone came into your home and took it over by force. Would you call that person a great explorer or pioneer? Would you build a road or statue in their name? Would you tell great stories about them to your children?

We shouldn’t be glorifying the actions of our forefathers. We hail them as great explorers and pioneers, but they were really thieves and murderers. They roamed the Earth to see what they could steal, plunder and conquer for selfish ambition and greed. It is no different than a thief roaming a neighborhood to see if there is anything of value to take/steal.

As our perspective on Indigenous peoples change, so will our actions. Once we have achieved a balanced perspective, our decisions and actions towards others will also become balanced.

The Jewish people were never taught to respect or glorify their forefathers and their history. They were meant to be realistic about their ancestors and their history and to recognize past mistakes and flaws so that future generations do not repeat it. They were not taught to only remember the good (which is what society teaches us; to respect and honor the dead. This concept is not a Biblical concept). Doing so will cause us to walk in our forefathers’ flawed ways instead of imitating Jesus’ ways.

Our hearts should reflect that of Jeremiah 3:25 “Let us lie down in our shame, and let our disgrace cover us. We have sinned against the LORD our God, both we and our ancestors; from our youth till this day we have not obeyed the LORD our God.”


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Despite the attempts made to remedy the historical mistakes from Canada’s past, racism against Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Aboriginals, Metis) still exists.
Give us a break. Every ethnic group is racist. And the Indian tribes (which were distinct cultural groups) also hated each other with a passion, depending on their past histories.

"The Iroquois attacked their traditional enemies the Algonquins, Mahicans, Montagnais, and Hurons, and the alliance of these tribes with the French quickly brought the Iroquois into conflict directly with them."

"The Ojibwa-Iroquois War: The War the Five Nations Did Not Win".
Here the Iroquois failed to overcome the Ojibwas.

There is no question that in the beginning the Europeans believed they were superior to the indigenous people of Canada. However in some cases they made alliances with each other. What should have happened from the beginning was FAIR AND FINAL land and economic settlements, with the Indians when the treaties were made. Since that did not happen, there has always been a problem with the Natives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Why is it so hard to admit ghat racism exists? I've seen it and it is a hideous evil. Just because "every ethnic group is racist" doesn't mean it's good and right. And a blanket statement like that is over the top. Not every white person ...not every black person, or Native American (etc) is a racist.

Anyway ....who among us is 100% anything (but human)? My skin may be of a fair complexion, but my paternal grandmother was half Cherokee Indian. My maternal grandmother was about 1/4 Blackfoot. Just love your neighbor .... that's what God commands of us. If you see someone being oppressed, or treated unjustly, speak up for them.... do something. Don't just pretend it doesn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
This is one of society's most difficult problems. Dealing with first nation peoples. The people of Canaan were first Nations people who needed to be destroyed in order for God's purposes to be fulfilled in protecting Israel and the faith of Israel in the midst of rank idolatry and evil... Child sacrifice etc etc. That Israel didn't destroy them as instructed was to their own detriment.
The OP is correct that in later times, much of the influx of European peoples into new lands such as North America, South africa, new Zealand, and Australia to make just a few, was for greed... Gold, diamonds, land. Later came oil as even today the US is currently occupying the oil rich areas of Syria to control it.
And the indigenous suffered terribly in most of those places... Particularly in the US and Australia. How to deal with all the ongoing issues today? Again, I agree with the OP. Personal attitude change. Everything to do with how we treat others is on an individual basis. We can't compensate people for all they lost. Not even Governments can do that. But we can love them and respect them for who they are. And governments at the very least should be giving them a share in the resources of the land. Perhaps even a majority share. But that doesn't go down well with the international corporations that grew from those first exploitative and explorative pioneers. Not at all.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Despite the attempts made to remedy the historical mistakes from Canada’s past, racism against Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Aboriginals, Metis) still exists. The bible teaches us how this systemic racism can be broken and the solution lies within each of us, individually...

Hello and welcome here @Amos Ministries ,
I so relate to what you said in your post. Here in the U.S., I'm ashamed of how the indigenous ORIGINAL American Indians were treated when Europe took over. I respect them and know a good Christian Indian man.

We are ALL made in His image and everyone's blood is red. Just don't understand racism. SMH.
Hope you like CB :)
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
We are ALL made in His image and everyone's blood is red. Just don't understand racism. SMH.
Me neither Nancy. I thing this is something they should teach the children about in school. They are oh so keen to teach other social subjects but seem to miss out on educating the kids about the nastiness of racism.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
They are oh so keen to teach other social subjects but seem to miss out on educating the kids about the nastiness of racism.
Who is going to teach anyone the nastiness of Black Racism which has now become the norm? Non-blacks are simply afraid to speak out against all the black racist nonsense that has taken hold of Western society, with the rise of BLM and other anarchist groups. Cancel culture is a part of this racism, which is being promoted by the Leftists around the world. More people should be outraged at this nastiness, and all talk about reparations etc. Now Columbia University is having racist graduations because of all this nonsense.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I see there are some things that have not changed... LOL ... We still have people who are posting here without the desire for real conversation... they are SELF-APPOINTED experts on ALL topics it seems... but in all reality all they seem to do is BARK a lot... and they have no credibility.

Sadly... in Canada... we indeed have REAL issues of RACISM. For years we have gotten away with blaming the United States... but it does exist.

There has been so much damage done... and it is heart breaking.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Here is another article stating the same thing in a different context:
Op-Ed: The Media Is Psychologically Abusing Black People and Racially Discriminating Against White People

"The idea that black people cannot leave their homes or walk down the street has been proven false on many occasions. But because the truth doesn’t fit the narrative that drives ratings for these giant media corporations, they refuse to tell Americans the truth."

"We now live in a society in which the skin color of the victim determines whether a tragedy will be reported on or not."

"It is reported that the Black Lives Matter organization has raised $90 million in 2020 and it appears that virtually none of that money has made its way to the communities it claims to help."

"It is interesting and unsettling that for all the racism and hatred that the Obamas, Al Sharpton, the BLM organizers and other race hustlers of that ilk believe to be so prevalent in America today, they somehow have managed to overcome it and become a part of the American elite, but the rest of us can’t and are perpetually oppressed."

Op-Ed: The Media Is Psychologically Abusing Black People and Racially Discriminating Against White People

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Sadly... in Canada... we indeed have REAL issues of RACISM. For years we have gotten away with blaming the United States... but it does exist.
Well here is something that should bring truth to the subject:

"In 1991, the Angus Reid polling organization asked Canadians to what extent they favoured diversity. A majority said they favoured a federal policy that promotes and ensures equality, eliminates racial discrimination in education, health care and the justice system, helps police improve services and helps new immigrants acquire the skills to integrate into the economy and society.

The Ethnic Diversity Survey (2003), conducted by Statistics Canada, studied the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of people in Canada. It reported that 93 per cent of Canadians had never, or rarely, experienced discrimination or unfair treatment because of their ethno-cultural characteristics. However, of those who did report discrimination, the respondents were more likely to be visible minorities, and were more likely to be recent immigrants rather than second and third generation Canadians."

Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Well here is something that should bring truth to the subject:

LOL @Enoch111 ... You would be so much better off writing BLOGS... they allow you to say whatever you desire to say... and they
also allow you to have the final word... You are able to be the KING of your thoughts... and no one can argue. Over these last months...
you have presented "facts" ( as you call them according to your research )... in such a way... that you REFUSE to have decent and open conversations with others... You are ALWAYS CORRECT... ALWAYS the BEST INFORMED... and if someone does not agree with you... you mock them and accuse them of being wrong.... Sadly... you are not the only one with this "attitude"... but you are one of the LOUDEST voices.

Your first words on this post were Give us a break. Every ethnic group is racist. That statement disqualifies absolutely everything the OP stated... This seems to be your style... you find something you don't like and go for the jugular without taking the time to reflect on what the other has said.

I have just returned after a 2 month break. I have reflected much... and learned a few things as well. Just thought I would CLEAR the air with you. I am not interested in communicating with you... but neither am I going to let your comments keep me from a conversation I am interested in partaking in. Whether you agree or NOT.... RACISM is a huge problem in Canada.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Racism is sadly a huge problem around the world. Racism towards Asians is huge in the western world also, to the point that I sadly did not want to tell people that I was part Chinese.



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Racism is sadly a huge problem around the world. Racism towards Asians is huge in the western world also, to the point that I sadly did not want to tell people that I was part Chinese.

It really is a HUGE problem... and as you say... it is all around the world.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
@Josho ... I am guilty of missing it all... I honestly had no idea of the degree of racism actually happening... I remember growing up... not being
able to understand the holocaust... or the issue of slavery in the United States... I was horrified by it all... Up until a few years ago... I would even have stated that I believed Canada was one of the innocent nations regarding this topic... SADLY... I was so wrong.

I truly hope that we can FINALLY start discussing these issues with HONESTY and the heart to CHANGE. The OP states that until we are willing to change our perspectives and mind-sets... things will not change... I would like to think that AWARENESS is the beginning of CHANGE.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Racism is sadly a huge problem around the world. Racism towards Asians is huge in the western world also, to the point that I sadly did not want to tell people that I was part Chinese.

Don't feel bad Josho....I am half OX.
Racism and prejudice is an insurmountable problem because you cannot address the truth. You cannot address the truth intellectually, you cannot addresses the truth politically. Addressing it religiously amounts to something between lip service and praying for world peace. The issues are multilevel...some of them are part of our mental processes....the desire to mate within your own race....the natural tendency to mistrust anything different. And then there is past history that you cannot reverse and social issues.

The solution is just to rough and tough for society to implement. So you can look at the countries of the world that have to deal with a lot of this racial divide....instead of addressing the issue they perpetuate it. They usually make minorities wards of the state...and coddle them to try to keep them from revolting. Which makes the reasons that people reject them even worse.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Don't feel bad Josho....I am half OX.
Racism and prejudice is an insurmountable problem because you cannot address the truth. You cannot address the truth intellectually, you cannot addresses the truth politically. Addressing it religiously amounts to something between lip service and praying for world peace. The issues are multilevel...some of them are part of our mental processes....the desire to mate within your own race....the natural tendency to mistrust anything different. And then there is past history that you cannot reverse and social issues.

The solution is just to rough and tough for society to implement. So you can look at the countries of the world that have to deal with a lot of this racial divide....instead of addressing the issue they perpetuate it. They usually make minorities wards of the state...and coddle them to try to keep them from revolting. Which makes the reasons that people reject them even worse.

You have said a mouthful here... I think added to this needs to be forgiveness and reconciliation for any hope to be had... however... it's kind of hard to forgive the past when the present is no different... The wounds and damage ( as you have expressed ) run deep. The answers are complex... and the solutions... as you have also stated may NEVER hope to be realized.

How's that for making up ?? LOL


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You have said a mouthful here... I think added to this needs to be forgiveness and reconciliation for any hope to be had... however... it's kind of hard to forgive the past when the present is no different... The wounds and damage ( as you have expressed ) run deep. The answers are complex... and the solutions... as you have also stated may NEVER hope to be realized.

How's that for making up ?? LOL

I am good with Addy. No worries!

Do not be too concerned about prejudice, it will resolve itself eventually.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Why is it so hard to admit ghat racism exists? I've seen it and it is a hideous evil. Just because "every ethnic group is racist" doesn't mean it's good and right. And a blanket statement like that is over the top. Not every white person ...not every black person, or Native American (etc) is a racist.

Anyway ....who among us is 100% anything (but human)? My skin may be of a fair complexion, but my paternal grandmother was half Cherokee Indian. My maternal grandmother was about 1/4 Blackfoot. Just love your neighbor .... that's what God commands of us. If you see someone being oppressed, or treated unjustly, speak up for them.... do something. Don't just pretend it doesn't happen.
Racial prejudice is what is at hand here ? that one is prejudging another, well that happens regardless of race anyway and such is never been more so with the younger generations now and all that they have done is rearranged their prejudices to suit a cultural Marxist Socialist order.

First Nations people ? what the hell is that, part Indian ? we have this so called First Nations peoples, nonsense in Australia now being peddled, they have come up with this banner in the last few years and it's growing to be the biggest issue and the true Aboriginals have been cast aside under it all as the cunning of this movement is full of lies and promotes white people as being black, hell I could make a claim myself.
I despise the organisation as a work of Satanist.
My wife's dad is part spook and others never knew they were part spook and then when they did they all jumped on the gravy train for the benefits. Oh the pain :rolleyes: guess what I am a Aboriginal, I just found out ? and now such is claiming to be a Tribal elder :confused: I have never seen such a insulting display of blatant prejudice played out, I am a Aboriginal ! :rolleyes:. yes one maybe part, but what of the other races is such a one ? so they peddle that they are 100% and reject the English or Irish etc etc out of hand for this childish display that truly does injury to the full blood Aboriginals.
When looking into all this fast I could by the same token run about making claims that I am Danish, so I will run over their and demand my land rights and all I can get and then I will run over to Ireland and do the same their and every other European Nation as well. but hang on they are discriminating against me ? :rolleyes: where is my money and land and all, not to mention the prestige of such for me, well nothing ! :oops:
I could carry on about the Irish being miss treated playing on that card and so on oh me oh my. but I would not because it's stupid to hold a grudge that does not exist anymore.

Sure I know better than most the problems of the Aboriginals, I do not call half cast etc Aboriginals at all because they are not in fact as
the definition of the word is full blood. It is a travesty to make such claims as they do nowadays.
Sure the Aboriginals and Half cast needed help to come into the 1st world and such had to be. it was not an easy task and in todays world were we are blessed with such wealth that people nowadays are so ignorant that such people loose site of that the past was not a easy one at all for most people in Australia.

The biggest problem with first nations people nowadays is themselves, as they have a chip on their shoulder and that the world owes them a living.

I have seen NZ full blood people come to Australia and directly despise our Aboriginals full on in the NT, they have no time for them at all. as they claim that they are much more advanced and so do the Negroes who come here openly point out, because even they are shocked.
But I try to let then understand the culture and the difference between a Aboriginal and a 1st nations people is a huge difference.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It's so childish what the MSM and Governments peddle, such is because they do not understand them people at all. they just peddle the ignorance that the majority perceive. they never grew up with such people at all. not to mention that the fact is that they do not listen to them at all, never have and never will. it's all about the 1st nations people now, most would not know that their was a difference. or they will go into the old routine claiming you racist to be pointing out a fact. My people ! they claim and our Mob they claim ?
Our Mob ? a Mob !
The Bible talks about a Mob and what that truly is, such is a disgrace.
They have bigots and rat bags demanding and peddling nonsense. they are promoting stupidity that will only fail and lead may people astray and into poverty and I have see such of an old routine played out many a time, with white trash as well. milking all around them to advance themselves only in the building trade, like a pole cat. all of the Spots have not changed and it's makings are of the same cards being played out in the Game. but the Devil is in the detail. but if you come up against them, it's just like Jesus came up against such rattle snakes that were playing the Jews for fools.