Evangelizing with Universal Salvation

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jeff saunders

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Spring City, Tennessee
United States
Besides God being a loving Father, He is also Just, Jealous, NEVER changing, does what He say's and say's what He means. All powerful, all knowing, present in all places. He does, has and will again, expend His wrath on the un Godly, the wicked, the evil. And, God was not kidding when He said He would do this.
You only see one of His attributes-Love, to your own detriment, IMHO
The big difference between what most UR people understand is God is not a God who loves, He is love his essence is love and he can do nothing that is not loving. His wrath ,justice and all things God does is love. there are only 4 things that scripture says God is , love, light, life ,and he is spirit meaning he has no body. ( God the Father) his wrath, justice are things he does out of his love. most people from the western tradition handed down from Augustine see God more like the old Greek gods, they see him as the biggest God that loves ,hates, gets jealous, can change his mind ,is wrathful and if you don't do what he says he will burn you forever. The Jews thought that and what did Jesus say " you don't know the Father" , he didn't say they didn't know scripture ,he said they did not know the Fathers heart and I fear that western tradition Christians are doing the same thing. Most western tradition Christians don't even understand the simplest concept that scripture is so clear about 1 TIM 2:3-6 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior , who will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. scripture says in plain wording what Gods will is and because ECT is the foundation on which most have built their faith on they have to explain it away. And by the way if God is infinite love how can you add to or over emphasize Gods love if it has no limit. As soon as you put a limit on Gods love, which is his nature he ceases to be God.

jeff saunders

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Spring City, Tennessee
United States
" Jesus doesn't give up till he has all his sheep. "

No, He doesn't. And who do you say are the "goats" in Rev. 21 and 22?

Yes, we are to be good to those who persecute us, and love them and, nobody can love someone more than God Himself. He chastises those He loves, because He IS love. But He is just, He does not change, He is faithful to keep His promises both good and bad.

Look at 1 Samuel 15:2-3 2

"This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘I witnessed what the Amalekites did to the Israelites when they ambushed them on their way up from Egypt. 3Now go and attack the Amalekites and devote to destruction all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, but put to death men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”

God can and does do what He deems "right" no matter how men see it. He has His perfect reasons for everything He does.

…30For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge His people.” 31It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

I tremble before Him! I don't believe you will come around to what I believe and most surely, I will not be convinced of what you teach.
Did you know that all over in the catacombs icons of Jesus are shown with Jesus leading the sheep with a goat on his shoulders, that is what the early church say in Jesus.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Did you know that all over in the catacombs icons of Jesus are shown with Jesus leading the sheep with a goat on his shoulders, that is what the early church say in Jesus.

So, you see no difference between sheep and goats...not even in Rev. 20 and 21??
You can follow catacomb icons all you like, I'd rather the scriptures. And, below shows that MANY will walk to their own destruction, and few will enter. Count the cost of truly following Him, and you will find that it costs us everything we have.
In your world, people can live like the devil and still be saved. It is not Gods will that any should perish but His word tells us MANY will not receive His words, His commands.

13" Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…"
Matthew 7:13-14

jeff saunders

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Spring City, Tennessee
United States
So, you see no difference between sheep and goats...not even in Rev. 20 and 21??
You can follow catacomb icons all you like, I'd rather the scriptures. And, below shows that MANY will walk to their own destruction, and few will enter. Count the cost of truly following Him, and you will find that it costs us everything we have.
In your world, people can live like the devil and still be saved. It is not Gods will that any should perish but His word tells us MANY will not receive His words, His commands.

13" Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…"
Matthew 7:13-14
There is a big difference between the sheep and the goats, The sheep are part of Gods family they will reign and rule with Jesus on his throne, the goats are the subjects of that kingdom and will go to the Lake of Fire which will burn all that is not of God away ( its going to be painful weeping and gnashing of the teeth ) but it is not unending, so no those who did not follow Jesus don't get away with anything just like Jesus said they will be thrown into prison till every penny is paid. I can find no scripture that says you can only bend the knee if your mortal body is alive. Have you ever asked yourself why God would create people who he knew would reject him and he would have to torcher them forever and death and sin would never be destroyed and the screams and agony of the creation, he says he loves , he has to listen to for all the rest of time. when if he is truly all powerful would he not make a way to save his whole creation as he has said his will is and that is his desire is? maybe we in the western tradition have made the same mistake the Jews did and we don't know Gods good news Jesus really is the savior of the world maybe his death and resurrection really was more powerful than mans will, maybe when he said its my will that none parish he really was telling the truth, and we in the western tradition believe satan and sin and mans will is more powerful than Jesus death on the cross. I for one can not believe that when scripture says," were sin abounds Gods grace abounds more " that God did not tell the truth. If you can live with that thats ok but I can no longer believe the western tradition.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
There is a big difference between the sheep and the goats, The sheep are part of Gods family they will reign and rule with Jesus on his throne, the goats are the subjects of that kingdom and will go to the Lake of Fire which will burn all that is not of God away ( its going to be painful weeping and gnashing of the teeth ) but it is not unending, so no those who did not follow Jesus don't get away with anything just like Jesus said they will be thrown into prison till every penny is paid. I can find no scripture that says you can only bend the knee if your mortal body is alive. Have you ever asked yourself why God would create people who he knew would reject him and he would have to torcher them forever and death and sin would never be destroyed and the screams and agony of the creation, he says he loves , he has to listen to for all the rest of time. when if he is truly all powerful would he not make a way to save his whole creation as he has said his will is and that is his desire is? maybe we in the western tradition have made the same mistake the Jews did and we don't know Gods good news Jesus really is the savior of the world maybe his death and resurrection really was more powerful than mans will, maybe when he said its my will that none parish he really was telling the truth, and we in the western tradition believe satan and sin and mans will is more powerful than Jesus death on the cross. I for one can not believe that when scripture says," were sin abounds Gods grace abounds more " that God did not tell the truth. If you can live with that thats ok but I can no longer believe the western tradition.
Just because it is God's will that none should perish, does not mean that many will. Do you think it is His will that people murder, rape, torture, abuse others? Of course not, but it still happens. We have free will to "choose this day whom you will serve". As far as eternal suffering goes, the word eternal can also mean an age, a generation or an era. I do not see God enjoying any to literally burn forever for Him and those in Paradice to enjoy watching.
Perish means just that, perish per·ish:
  1. suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way:
    "a great part of his army perished of hunger and disease"
    lose one's life
    be killed
    meet one's death
    • suffer complete ruin or destruction:
      "the old regime had to perish"
      come to an end
      die (away)
      be destroyed
      cease to exist
    • (of rubber, a foodstuff, or other organic substance) lose its normal qualities; rot or decay:
      "most domestic building was in wood and has perished"

    But then, that is a whole other thread...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States

How Are We Ultimately Saved?​

Especially as it pertains to final salvation, so many of us live in a fog of confusion. James saw in his day those who were treating “faith alone” as a doctrine that claimed you could be justified by faith which produced no good works. And he vehemently said No to such faith.

So, he says, “I will show you my faith by my works” (2:18). The works will come from faith.

“Faith alone doesn’t mean the same thing when applied to justification, sanctification, and final salvation.”
Paul would affirm all of this because he said in Galatians 5:6, “In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.” The only kind of faith that counts for justification is the kind that produces love — the kind that bears the fruit of love. The faith which alone justifies is never alone, but always bearing transforming fruit. So, when James says these controversial words, “A person is justified by works and not by faith alone” (James 2:24), I take him to mean not by faith which is alone, but which shows itself by works.

Paul calls this effect or fruit or evidence of faith the “work of faith” (1 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11) and the “obedience of faith” (Romans 1:5; 16:26). These works of faith, and this obedience of faith, these fruits of the Spirit that come by faith, are necessary for our final salvation. No holiness, no heaven (Hebrews 12:14). So, we should not speak of getting to heaven by faith alone in the same way we are justified by faith alone.

Essential to the Christian life and necessary for final salvation is the killing of sin (Romans 8:13) and the pursuit of holiness (Hebrews 12:14). Mortification of sin, sanctification in holiness. But what makes that possible and pleasing to God? We put sin to death and we pursue holiness from a justified position where God is one hundred percent for us — already — by faith alone.

Love, Walter
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jeff saunders

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Spring City, Tennessee
United States
Just because it is God's will that none should perish, does not mean that many will. Do you think it is His will that people murder, rape, torture, abuse others? Of course not, but it still happens. We have free will to "choose this day whom you will serve". As far as eternal suffering goes, the word eternal can also mean an age, a generation or an era. I do not see God enjoying any to literally burn forever for Him and those in Paradice to enjoy watching.
Perish means just that, perish per·ish:
  1. suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way:
    "a great part of his army perished of hunger and disease"
    lose one's life
    be killed
    meet one's death

    • suffer complete ruin or destruction:
      "the old regime had to perish"
      come to an end
      die (away)
      be destroyed
      cease to exist
    • (of rubber, a foodstuff, or other organic substance) lose its normal qualities; rot or decay:
      "most domestic building was in wood and has perished"

    But then, that is a whole other thread...
Yes the word translated eternal Aionios does refer to an age not eternal that is true and that is why I believe that when scripture says things like , its Gods will that none parish it is a true statement or that Jesus is the savior of the world he meant it. or when scripture says every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord he meant it, or when Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me and there are even more that say the same thing. Yes rape ,murder , torture ect do happen we live in a fallen world but that is why Jesus came to give us life here and now not just in the age to come, could you imagine what this world would look like if everyone followed Jesus on this earth now , yes the curse would still be in play but most of mans problem comes from people not following Jesus now, unfortunately most people will have the sickness of sin keeping them blind to the love of Jesus and will have to learn in the next age after the things that are keeping them from seeing Jesus are burned away so they can see Jesus for who he is and then they will bend the knee and confess with the tongue that Jesus is Lord but at that point they have sold their inheritance for a bowl of soup, they lose their reward but they don't stay in the Lake of Fire for ever and at some point the last enemy that is concord is death and after death is no more and sin is no more God will be all in all 1Cor 15 Jesus 100% satan 0%
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
Can someone explain to me the "second death" in Revelation and how that fits with universal salvation? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022

Website Reaction​

[When I arrive at the center, the people discuss amongst themselves and say to avoid me and stay away from me at the center.]

[They say that they have seen me around 10 times already. Which is a blessing to hear, more people to understand the Gospel of Christ Jesus. I am a mere humble human messenger, the truth of Jesus Christ, is what I say]

[A person comes and says they visited my website www.jesus-saves-all.com]

[And then they say in the next message an insult about my website, saying they do not like the design, which I consider as a blessing! Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.]

[In terms of site design, I purposely created it with barebones HTML, as simple as possible so it can load quickly and efficiently on pages. The truth is Christ saves all through faith alone. I want to tell that truth straightforward, direct of the point, nothing super fancy and extra.]

@Simulator Nice, thanks for the visit my friend. I serve Christ and He blesses you :D

[Romans 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.]

@IAmAlso Christ commands us to spread the Gospel everywhere, and the truth is love <3

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

@sunny It's people's personal choice what they believe, I'm only here to show them the truth <3

Psalm 96:3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.

@Migle The Lord loves you :)

@sunny I respect people's free will to choose. Eventually, all people will be convinced of their own free will to believe in Christ and be saved, it's only a matter of time :)

James 2:13 "Mercy triumphs over judgment"

@Daisys My favourite animal? Hmm… all animals are the creation of God and each serves their own purpose, so it’s hard to pick just one

@sunny People can still choose their beliefs my friend. I only declare what the Lord decalres, and He is truth, He weaves the beginning to the end.

@Daisys I agree. It's wonderful how God created all these types of animals on Earth. It shows the love Christ has for all creation :D

@sunny People can choose whether to believe the truth or not, that's the choice. If a scientist discovers a fact, then they declare it as fact, that's what I do. But people are free to have faith.

John 14:6 Jxsus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

[And a person asks my age so I say]

@Simulator. For personal reasons and privacy, I cannot say. I recommend people in general avoid giving away their age online, as that's personal information.

[And a person mentions that there are kids in the community so I say]

@Simulator Christ commands us to preach to all people, that includes children.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

@Solo The Bible is the true word of God. And I'm just an ordinary person, a messenger of this truth my friend :D

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

@Ruffles Because I am saved by faith alone in Christ permanently, I am more than just okay, I am washed of all sins, and all people will be made clean and go to Heaven <3

@Ruffles @sunny The Lord tells us that He will train all children. His word, scripture, is truth, and useful for training in righteousness

Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.

@Guys Oh, lol, I normally type like this, but people can type in the style they prefer, as long as it's understandable

@Simulator I follow the original Hebrew, Greek, Aramic texts, as followed by the Early Christian Church. The Aionian Bible is a good version too.

Version in particular doesn't matter that much, they all essentially have the same message, no matter what Bible. KJV, NIV, ERV, etc. Some are more accurate translations than others though

@Simulator There's a difference between the Laws of Moses, which were traditions specifically for the Israelite people, and general laws for all people, like the Ten Commandments

@sunny I'm sorry I bother you my friend. However, I am currently answering people's questions in that chat, so I must continue typing

@Simulator It's true there are many many versions, translations of the Bible. So to get the closest truth, it's good to crossreference them, look at the etymology of the original word roots.

[And a person asks about gay people and their fate so I say]

@Simulator All gay people will go to Heaven. That is, faith alone is the only thing that matters for salvation. Everyone will eventually be saved and go to Heaven, regardless of orientation, or cultur

1 John 4:8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

@sunny God has created us all uniquely and with love.

@sunny I just answered your question my friend. The most important commandment from Christ is to love.

@Simulator The greatest lie ever told is that people who don't believe in God burn in hell forever. This is false. No loving God would torture people forever.

@Simulator. Many many mainstream churches have false beliefs, because they bend scripture to fit their opinions. ECT is false

[Ephesians 1:10 As a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.]

[Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,]


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
@cherry Christ blesses you with love and kindness my friend :) Trust in Him
Christ, the name above all names

@Elolabo Christ commands us to spread the Gospel everywhere my friend :D I will never be quiet :)
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
@Elolabo Christ blesses you my friend, it's your personal choice whether to believe or not, I'm just showing you an option to choose <3

@Fever I am against Jehovah's Witnesses, they believe in works salvation and only a few people going to Heaven, which is false.
It doesn't matter what denomination someone is, or random specific title they have. It's just faith alone in Christ that you need to be saved :D
@cherry Christ our Lord tells us to spread the truth of Jesus saving all everywhere. And God is always Good, no matter what, all of His commandments are good.

Luke 9:6 Departing, they began going throughout the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.
[And @Elolabo asks me if I believe the Earth is flat]
@Elolabo The earth is a sphere as written in the Bible
Isaiah 40:22 It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;

@rouge I spread the Gospel out of love and kindness to you all, to show the world that Christ will save everyone from sins. Believe in Jesus and be saved my friends! :D
Mark 13:10 The gospel must first be preached to all the nations.

@Elolabo Even all the children will come to Christ, the Lord cares for the little ones

Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
@cherry For privacy reasons, you shouldn't reveal your age online. That's personal information

@cherry I spread the Gospel out of love, because Christ first loved us, that's why we love.

And they asked about veganism so I say
1 Corinthians 8:8 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do

Being vegan or not doesn't matter, it's only faith alone in Jxsus that saves us
If someone wants to be vegan, then they can do that. If someone does not want to be vegan, that's also their choice.
@cherry The Lord is against violence towards humans, murder, killing, those are evil and sin

Psalm 11:5 The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.
@Fever Hell has no tiers, Hell is just Sheol, the realm of the dead, which is just where dead people go
No loving God would torture people forever. The concept of "Hell" being physical conscious torture is taken from Greek mythology and is false.
@cherry The Devils bread with the humans and created Nephilim offspring that's why God had to make the flood in Genesis
@Fever The Roman Catholic Church believes in works salvation, which is false, and they believe in a torturous Hell, also false.

@cherry God will not destroy the devil He will save the devil, by convincing even the devil to believe in Christ with faith alone and be saved.
Assuming the devil is a physical being and not a metaphorical concept like sin.

@Elolabo. All gay people will go to Heaven, because all people will become believers in Christ, the whole world will be saved by Christ because He loves everyone.
@Father I love God because He first loved me through Christ
Psalm 17:7 Show me how marvelous thy true love can be.

@Fever That's fine my friend. Please don't let anyone hate you or threaten you, the Lord has told us the most important commandment is to love each other and to be kind :)
@cherry God can easily appear to us and prove that He exists. Yet, He does not because His plan is to subdue death and defeat the Devil's plan

@cherry Satan already knows God exists, but the Devil chooses to not believe in Christ. Thus, everything on Earth, is the Lord's plan to turn the Devil into a follower of Christ and the rest of us too
@Elolabo The only holy thing that washes away our sins is the blood of Christ, that He shed on the cross.

@Elolabo Nobody should force you into a religion. For me, I'm just here to show people on option you have.
@cherry Blood as in, the blood from the cross. A metaphor for Christ paying the wages of sin, which is death, and then resurrecting.

@Elolabo. There are many evil churches like the Russian Orthodox Church by Putin, very rich and very evil.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.
@Fever Putin says he's a "Christ and" yet he kidnaps, commits warcrimes and tortures the people of Ukraine. He is evil
@cherry I do not follow the Pope because the Roman Catholic Church teaches works salvation which is false.

@cherry Works Salvation = doing good works like charity, volunteering, helping the poor to be saved.
Those are good works, sure, but they don't save us from sin. Because we're all born with sin and only belief in Christ washes it away, making us pure and clean to enter Heaven

And someone asks about self defence so I say
@Fever There are many instances in the Old Testament where someone tried to kill one of God's holy prophets or people and they were allowed to fight back and defend themselves because God told them to

Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
However, self defence is only a last resort, such as when your family is about to be killed and you have to prevent them from being killed.

@Elolabo The Lord is against the abuse of children
Mark 9:42 Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

There are many evil people who claim to be Christ and yet do horrible crimes against people. Do not trust any man, trust the Lord only.
@CherryLobster says “Ohh yeah, do you believe innevolution?”
@ferver says “do u think we evolved from neanderthals”
@cherry In terms of evolution, we know from the scriptures that God created everything. Yet by what specific means? It is not said
We could have been created through a scientific process or something more simple, the Bible does not say specifically beyond "breathing the breath of life through our nostrils"
@CherryLobster says “Tbf i evolved from a crab”
@Elolabo Christ gives us life. My friend, I hope you have a wonderful day today :D

@Fever I do not know where the dinosaurs are, I only saw bones
@cherry I know the Bible is true because of all the prophecies that have come true from it.

@cherry The exact exponential decay from the genology of Christ, the carbon atom being 6 protons 6 neutrons (or 1 neutron) and 6 electrons.
@CherryLobster says “I just hope, you never have to face anyone harsher” [Editor note: I have lol, but no worries, Christ is my strength and my strong :) ]
@CherryLobster says “Idk how you can live like that, only taking information from one point”
@CherryLobster says “Its hard, so, like, hey, i respect you”
@cherry No worries my friend. Everyone has the personal choice on what they believe :)
Eventually, I can promise you that, maybe months or years from now, you will be convinced that Christ exist, through some means that's convincing to you.
@CherryLobster says “Im used to the internet so i make a lot of jokes but i appreciate that you are respectful as well”
@CherryLobster says “Ok, sure, guess we’ll see whos right at the end, thank you, it was very interesting”
@cherry I'm glad I could have this respectful conversation with you as well my friend. It's not often people come and talk with me like this
@CherryLobster says “Just be careful lol, a lot of people are gonna be mean, and uhh, yeah as long as youre not harmful i find that respectful lol”
@CherryLobster says “Take care”
@cherry Yep, we'll just have to wait and see. But don't worry, there's no physically torturous Hell or anything. When you die, it's just Sheol, the realm of the dead, like blackness.
@cherry But yep, please have a great day as well! <3
@CherryLobster says “I just had like an oof moment of ‘ahh i don’t wanna be mean cause i do have friends with different believes’ so like take care oo”
@cherry Lobster says “If it makes you a better person and it makes you be happy and full, thats perfect for you”
Lol, well, not a problem. Everyone's on their own journey through life after all.
@CherryLobster says “Fair enough. Genuinely, the only good ending conversation ive had with a religious person fr. (skull emoji) No insults involved (mind_blown emoji).

@cherry Wow... you have my condolences.
Bye! :D

[Editor Note: Thanks for reading. The date was January 22nd 2023 8:32 PM today when this conversation happened. This was a live chat so everything went really quick, like this chat was only about maybe a maximum of an hour long I think approximately. These evangelism moments can come out of nowhere so it’s always good to be prepared. And when you speak, always look at the Bible verse first and then base your response after that. Because the Bible is always true! Not everything is featured, due to the chat scrolling too fast, and I cut out all the insults in between. But you can imagine based on my responses what I was replying to.]
[It’s interesting how at the end, Cherry mentions that this was the nicest conversation they had with a religious person. That’s a great shame. Christ commands us to love each other and to present the Gospel with kindness and gentleness! Eventually, all the people in this conservation will become believers in Christ Jesus, that is guaranteed, which is good and true :) ]


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
We must always show kindness. As God loves us, we love Him. Everyone will be saved by this kindness, all people will therefore go to Heaven, these words are true. I have kindness for all members of my family, and I protect them from danger.
Proverbs 11:17 A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

My sister, who is a minor, who I love as the Lord loves us, was tempted to hang out with those friends again, one who talks about doing drugs like weed and cocaine, multiple others who were drinking alcohol and getting drunk even though she is under the drinking age. This bad crowd invited her to a party at 10:00 PM to go to by herself, and these are dangerous people. She told them no, but then they said “Why not?” and it made her feel this temptation to go with them.
Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

So she wanted to go, like a child who wants to play in traffic because it’s fun, these people can cause destruction. What if they sexually assault her while they’re drunk at night? What if they drug her food or drinks, tempt her to drink alcohol when it’s illegal, or taking illegal drugs like cocaine? These are clear dangerous that destroy people’s lives. And we do not want it to destroy our family.
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Yesterday, on 3:16, I won over a friend of mine to Christ, they believed in Jesus and were permanently saved. Today, the forces of evil try to take away my beloved sister.
Colossians 3:14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

We told her she should not go, and in a fit of anger, my sister said to my mother “You don’t have a speck of kindness in your heart”. That is a cruel thing to say, though we forgive her and still love her. My mother started to cry and I started to cry, many tears from both of us. And I tell to my sister to look at the house she lives in supported by her family. The food that is cooked for her, out of kindness. All the time my mother spends working overtime, all the late nights that I spend working and helping her with her assignments.
Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

We don’t have a lot of money in the bank. A sudden medical expense from an injury can financially ruin us. We live in a bad area, where there’s the police parking their car, I think I saw a drug deal when running one day, and another day I saw the police checking a nearby house, I think I remember it being about a homicide, a murderer on the loose. I saw two people suddenly start to violently attack each other in front of their house, in front of many children, who had to be evacuated. All in our neighborhood. This area is extremely dangerous, and this bad crowd causes this type of destruction.
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

A parent who disciplines their child with love in this way, to warn them about these dangerous, to stop them from hurting themselves, that’s true kindness. A parent who lets their child harm themselves, and take dangerous drugs willingly, and drink alcohol when they are a minor, that is a parent who does not love their child, that is not kindness. We show her kindness by rebuking these evils, illegal criminal drugs, drinking alcohol under the drinking age that’s against the law. What if these evil people try to get my sister who I care for drunk? What sort of horrible things could they try to do with her? We love her so we protect her from these things.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

No matter what, we always love her, we always forgive her. My mother is bountiful with kindness and love. And even if my sister were to hate us, her own family, we will always love her and support her my friends. Therefore, all people will be saved by the love that the Lord has for the world and all people will go to Heaven. Amen.
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Therefore, my friends, I use this entry as a warning to be careful with what you say with your mouth. There are times in the past where I also have said more than my mouth can think and it has lead me into trouble. Thus, to have a long life, be slow to speak and quick to listen. And above all, always love people, there is nothing wrong with showing kindness to others, even to people that you disagree with. My blessings to you all my friends, in Christ with love <3
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
1 Samuel 20:14 If I am still alive, show me the steadfast love of the Lord, that I may not die;
Psalm 112:5 It is well with the man who deals generously and lends; who conducts his affairs with justice.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
@Mia Amen. Praise the Lord, all His Works in His dominion! <3 1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails

Believe in Christ and be saved Corn my friend. All people will become believers in Christ and go to Heaven.
Good to see you rainbowdountgirl my friend. Christs' blesses you :D

@OddPluff It's your personal choice what you believe my friend, no worries :)

[And Bread tells me to not spread my religion, so I say]
@Bread Christ commands us to spread the Gospel truth my friend :)
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

@Rainbowdount Hi my friend. The Lord blesses you today :D

What is it my friend?
Oh I say Bible verses because I enjoy saying them personally.

@Rainbow If you miss a church sunday, there's no worries my friend, our bodies are our temples. It's not just a physical building, but a spiritual one that exists in each of our hearts

@Rainbow That spiritual temple is the Holy Spirit, and I pray in His name that the Lord forgives you for all you’ve done my friend. Christ always forgives :D

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

[And Shark asks about gay people so I say]
@Shark All gay people will go to Heaven my friend. Christ came to save the whole world, that means everyone.
God has created each of us uniquely and with love <3 Thus, all we need is simple belief in Christ and He saves us

@Krpytex The term Hell does not appear in the original Bible, the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. It's a mistranslation of Sheol and Hades.
Sheol means realm of the dead, it's simply where all the dead people are. It's just seperation from God, but Christ will go to Sheol and save everyone there, convince them all to believe in Him
@Rainbowdount I pray that you grandma sees your note my friend. We will all be in Heaven together, so you will reunited with you grandma, I promise :)
[They click on the Rebuke part of my website and see Reincarnation]
@Shark We only die once, why should people get tortured and die over and over again? No loving God tortures people forever.
That's the problem with reincarnation.

[They click on the Rebuke part of my website and see Bitcoin]
Oh yeah, and the bitcoin thing, I've seen families lose all their savings "investing" in NFTs and crypto so that's a warning I figured I'd put on the site lol
@Shark There are people who die in horrible conditions without having the chance to believe in God. The truth is that in Sheol (realm of the dead) Jesus will come to them and they will believe in Him.
Christ has come to bring all people to Heaven, a paradise with no more suffering.

@smack Here's a Luke verse. Luke 3:6 "All flesh shall see the salvation of God."
[@thebestdisplay name says “free bible study let’s go”]
@thebest Glad I can help spread the Bible my friend :D
[@Rainbow asks “Who is Luke??”]
@Rainbow Luke was the author of the Gospel book "Luke" which describes the life of Jxsus on Earth.
Welcome back Rainbow
@Rainbow what is it my friend?
Rainbowdountgirl says “Ur my best friend that luvs god I’m gonna draw u!”
@Rainbow Wow, I'm honored you would consider me a friend, my friend :)
I would love to see your drawing!
[Rainbow asks me for my eye color, so I managed to avoid answering the question, as I personally do not wish to reveal personal information about myself as much as I can]
[And Rainbow asks me for my skin color in real life, so I say]
Ohhhhh real life
I cannot say, for security reasons to protect my family
[Because if I reveal my skin color, then that narrows down what I look like]
Sorry about that. I've had people in real life try to go after me, so I have to keep my identity hidden when online.
[This is true. I’ve been stalked, hacked and physically assaulted by my some of my close friends when growing up. I forgive them. But I don’t know if they’re still after me, and I don’t want to put my family in danger, I must protect them.]
Rainbow says “So can I pick a skin color then”
I say “Yeah, you can pick one you like! :)
Oh these are Bible verses Pidge
Christ died for our sins, so when we believe in Him, all our sins are washed away and we are made clean to go to Heaven. Thus everyone will be permanently saved and go to Heaven :)
Genesis 15:6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.
@Pidge All gays will go to Heaven my friend. Because Christ came to bring all people to paradise, New Jerusalem <3 [Anyone, even gays aka gay people, can believe in Christ and be saved. Because it’s only simple belief in Christ that we need to be saved permanently]
Pidge says “I like this one”
@Pidge Christ's most important commandment is to love. He tells us to treat others the way we want to be treated :)

I am against hateful discrimination, we are all equal in Christ, regardless of gender, orientation, culture, etc.
pidge says “why cant more people be like you lol”
shark says “fr pidge”
@shark @pidge It's a shame. I have a lot of gripes with mainstream Christianity, like their false teaching of Hell. The word "Hell" doesn't even show up in the Bible at all!
No worries my friend. It was nice talking to you. I wish you a good day, regardless of religion.
@Rainbowdount That's great to hear my friend! I hope going to church continues to bring you joy <3
Wow, the drawing is coming along nicely! You even have the pizzle slice on the shirt! That's good attention to detail
@KV_Whisper All sins will be forgiven, Christ's sacrifice is sufficient. Jxsus came to save the whole world, and to wash away all sins :)

@Rainbowdount Wow, that's such a nice thing to have! Your pastor seems very nice :D
@Rainbowdount 2:13 is a quote, referencing the 2nd chapter of the Book of James, and the 13th line part.
@Shark I add the @ so people know who I'm talking to, for clarity. Since there can be many people talking at once in the chat.
@KV All who murder will suffer the natural consequence of that sin, murder, which is death. But Christ came to give all people life. So even the murderers will believe in Christ and be washed of sin.
Wow I love the "I love God" text on the hat! That's a lot of crossess too!
It's true that I love God, so that's a very accurate text my friend! :D
@KV Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
@KV Each of us has sin in our own way, we have all breached God's Law in one way or another. Thus, everyone will be saved. Everyone will believe in Christ and be saved.
@Rainbow Thanks for the question my friend. God has always existed. Creation involves time. God exists outside of time, no one created Him, He has always been here.
@Bug Oh, I'm just answering my friends question here about the Bible, which is why I'm talking about religion.
@Rainbow Thanks for the halo my friend! It's a nice touch! <3
[File -> Open Append -> To New]
Thank you so much for the drawing my friend! I'm humbled that you chose me to draw :)
This is a newer account that I'm using, but I remember using alt accounts to visit my place to grind tix
[Rainbow tells me that they’ve been bullied online and been called mean things so I tell them]
@Rainbow Yes, unfortunately. One time, I was bullied [online] and I told my mom, and she told me to report them
@Rainbow My mom told me that people call you mean things because they can be jealous of you and your success
So instead of making themselves better, they try to bring you down.
So whenever someone tells you something mean, my mom told me, to think of it as though they're complimenting you, in a way
@KV That's true. I don't think anyone should hate anybody personally really. Each of us is on our own journey through life, we're all at different stages.
Bye Rainbow!
[Honestly, I did enjoy seeing their drawing. Again, I’m humbled and honored that they would choose me to draw. In my eyes, I’m just an ordinary person telling people the truth, to believe in Christ to be permanently saved and thus all people will go to Heaven. I’m just a random person really lol, Jesus is the special one here. So I give Him all the credit. After all, He’s the one who has brought us salvation, I’m just one of many messengers of this truth!]
@Kyptex Lol, glad you don't mind my friend. I like writing out Bible verses, which is why it's there


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved permanently. Therefore all people will become believers in Christ and all people will go to Heaven guaranteed.
Luke 3:6 All flesh shall see the salvation of God

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There we go, no dash but I think it works well
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Island Name and Villager name can just be Jesus_Saves_All too
Email of course [email protected]
Password I’ll have it on another document

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I’ll add a 1-UP mushroom (green) since in the Mario games that represents getting a life, and faith alone in Jesus Christ gives us life!

Oh, it turns out that I can message other people’s profiles. By going on their listings, and then user page, I can click the message button
Request to Start A Chat with alexalennyer
Message (optional)
in a few seconds
1 Corinthians 15:22 "In Christ shall all be made alive"
jesus-saves-all com Everyone will go to Heaven, guaranteed. Have faith alone in Jesus Christ to be saved permanently. Therefore all people will become believers in Christ Jesus and gain permanent salvation.

You have requested to chat the user.
Cancel Request

The site blocks links so instead I’ll just add the com at the end since people can figure out it is a link without it getting blocked.

And then I’ll make some other messages for variety sake here
John 12:32 "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."
jesus-saves-all com All people will go to Heaven. Have faith alone in Christ Jesus to gain permanent salvation. Therefore, everyone will become believers in Jesus Christ and be saved.

Revelation 1:18: "I [Jesus] have the keys of Death and Hades."
jesus-saves-all com Everyone will go to Heaven, this is true. Christ Jesus will save all people permanently. Believe in Him, the Lord, and gain this permanent life!

Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues to all generations.
jesus-saves-all com All people go to Heaven, guaranteed. Have faith alone in Christ and be saved permanently.

ISAIAH 54:7-8 "For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you," says the Lord your Redeemer.
jesus-saves-all com Everyone will go to Heaven, truly. Christ Jesus is the saviour of all, believe in Him and have permanent life my friend! :D

A reply let’s see!

a few seconds ago
Very odd dude

My reply
Christ blesses you Valynn my friend! There's a happy ending for everybody :) 1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails

You got a new message from RizuGalaxy36265
2 minutes ago
You got a new message from RizuGalaxy36265
2 minutes ago
You got a new message from FAIRY2011
4 minutes ago
You got a new message from Valynn_Meriaek

5 minutes ago

Amen, thank you my friend. Christ blesses you today. Hope you have a wonderful day on Nookazon! :D 1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails

a minute ago
Sorry I'm a Wiccan atheist I'm not religious
a minute ago
Shouldn't go around messaging random people though you might offend someone
a few seconds ago
Ah, your religion is your own personal choice. All people have the free will to choose. Though, there is a happy ending for everyone through Christ. :D John 3:16 For God so loved the world [Eventually all the Wiccan atheists will become believers in Christ, and that’s how they will go to Heaven]
in a few seconds
I see. Well, I mean no offence, sorry if my message could be perceived that way. My only intention is to bless people with love, the truth and kindness! :D 1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails

Woah, okay a lot more messages!
You got a new message from KierstinKat
2 minutes ago
You got a new message from ZaneJimenez52833
2 minutes ago
You got a new message from ZaneJimenez52833
3 minutes ago
You got a new message from RizuGalaxy36265
5 minutes ago
RizuGalaxy36265 has opened the chat with you
6 minutes ago
You got a new message from FAIRY2011
8 minutes ago

3 minutes ago
in a few seconds
Christ blesses you KierstinKat my friend! :D Luke 3:6 "All flesh shall see the salvation of God."

8 minutes ago
Um my first name for real means think about orphan of God. So may I ask why you have come to me preaching on the website that is meant for people to find things for a game ?
8 minutes ago
Don't get me wrong it's nice to know but why?
in a few seconds
Hi Rizu oh, , I spread the good news (gospel), a happy ending for everyone, as Christ saves all, as Christ commands us too in the Bible Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

18 minutes ago
you're preaching to a Christian.
in a few seconds
That's good to hear. Christ blesses you my friend. All people will eventually believe in Christ and everyone will go to Heaven. That good news is for all people to hear, Valynn my friend :) Psalm 18:30 The way of God is perfect.

a minute ago
Hello. Though I am flattered by your message, and respect your religion, I regret to inform you that I am an Agnostic Athiest, of which meaning though I do not follow one or more gods, I believe that they do, for the most part, exist.

With that being said, I will have to ask to ask you to exude caution when spreading your religious message. Though it may be with good intention, some people may be very offput by the mentioning of religion- any religion. I am not one of those people,
a few seconds ago
However, it is advise that I feel, in my opinion, you should heed; as some may have been seriously scarred or otherwise by religion, or those with a certain religious beliefs.

I can’t reply to this person unfortunately, as they did not accept the chat request, but I can comment on what they said. All Agnostic Athiests will become believers in Christ Jesus, this is guaranteed!
People being seriously scarred by religion is the exact reason why I spread the good news. Many people have been harmed by evil people in churches, like the Russian Orthodox Church who promotes killings of Ukrainians, which is evil. Many are stuck believing in the false doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment, like I was trapped, and I was saved because someone told me the truth of Christian Universalism, therefore I tell others the truth of Christian Universalism too :)


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
@tae Christ blesses you my friend :) The Gospel is the good news for all people to hear <3

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

@Candi Christ blesses you as well my friend :) @Tae And Christ loves you no matter what <3

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,

@candi The words are true my friend, God has love for all people, @lilman God loves all LGBT people.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

Tae says “you can’t claim something is true or untrue with no evidence, it’s up to interpretation”

@tae We know the Bible is true because God never lies and He has promised to save all people

Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began

@lilman My apologies to those who are not interested, however the reason I chat is to answer the responses in the chat my friends :D

John 16:24 Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

your joy

@tae God tells us that it's true, that's how we can know with absolute certainty that the Bible's true. Jxsus is our blessed hope <3

@John When it comes to believing in God, eventually everyone will become believers in Christ, it's only a matter of time. So if not today, then... later :)

@tae Yes, all scripture is breathed out by God, @valorant spoken through the profits

@lilman Hell does not appear in the Bible it's fake. Sheol means realm of the dead and it's just where all the dead people go. And everyone will be made alive in Christ <3

Psalm 16:10 You will not leave my soul in Sheol.

Luke 1:70 (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),

@tae Because it is the truth. And we know this because God always speaks the truth and He says that it's true.

@tae What you say about whether it's true or not, look, us as humans, we're all sinners, we're all liars, how can we tell what is true or not?

Therefore, we look to the LORD God who always speaks truth, to tell us what is true

Romans 3:4 Let God be true, and every human being a liar.

@valorant We know the Lord is real because He says that He is real Exodus 3:14 I am who I am. YHWH.

Romans 1:19-21 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.

@tae Not everyone. You may be surprised, but I've met people became saved by hearing and believing in the Gospel of Christ :)

@Tae Hell is not real, it doesn't show up in the Bible at all

No loving God would torture people in hell forever, that's evil

1 Corinthians 15:22-28 All will be made alive in Christ, but each in his own turn and ultimately Christ will subdue all His enemies, eliminate death and God will be all in all.

@sane I'm sorry if you find it annoying my friend, I say these as answers to people in chat's questions :)

@tae There are people talking about Hell, which does not exist, so I correct them. Hell is from Greek mythology, it has no place in the Bible

@candi There's been many people who've seen it, they're the ones who recorded it in the book after all :D

We know the Bible is true because all the prophecies have either come true already or will come true.

John 20:29 Jxsus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

@valorant That's true, people are liars. The Bible agrees with you there my friend. Only God tells the truth :D

Psalm 116:11 In my alarm I said, "All men are liars!

@candi I can still say Jxsus and Christ, His names, YHWH and Adonai, the Lord, so there is still room for Holy Figures

@valorant Jxsus gives us a wonderful happy life. Personally, I've become much more joyful when learning about the truth of the Bible. We follow His rule because it's enjoyable and because of love <3

@candi Yes, lying is unfortunately part of people's sinful nature, sin that everyone is born with, from Adam eating the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 1:1

[February 28 2023. When calculating the text above, I saw that the word count reached 777 on Microsoft Word. So I decided to stop, take it out of Add31 and put it here. It can be tricky to know when it’s a good point to stop. Personally, I try to keep going as long as I am able to answer their questions family member has come so good point to stop. Oh and another account just got banned on Roblox, showed the screenshot to WormO from Free Draw, they were even on my server just a while back, so they’ve gotten faster. Anyways, no matter how many times they try to silence me, the Gospel will always succeed. Because love never fails. Because love will always succeed, it will never fail 1 Cor 13:8. Even though there are many those that are against the Gospel, there are also those that are supportive of the Gospel. And eventually everyone will support the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because Christ Jesus our Lord our King will have absolute victory over the entire world, and He will have avsolute victory over all of creation. These words are true. Everyone will go to Heaven by faith alone in Jesus Christ

John 13:3 The Father "has given ALL THINGS into Jesus' hands."

Luke 2:10 [The Gospel is] "good tidings of great joy to ALL people."]


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
I have watched gameplay of Touhou 17. For me, the most fun from the game comes from dodging the danmaku and seeing the beautiful patterns that are created from the light.

For me, I worship the Lord. I do not worship any false idols, or false gods. As God says in the Ten Commandments of course.

Isaiah 41:13 For I am the LORD your God

If someone were to worship Touhou characters as actual real-life gods, then that would be bad. However, for me, I treat them as fictional, as fake. Just like Zeus from Greek Mythology.

Isaiah 27:13 It will come about also in that day that a great trumpet will be blown

Psalm 81:3-4 Blow the trumpet at the new moon,

Joel 2:15 Blow a trumpet in Zion

The trumpet music sounds amazing too. I do not attribute the creation of this trumpet music to fiction Touhou characters, from a pure musical standpoint, Jun'ya Ota is good at stringing together melodies. How did this Japanese composer be able to make such catchy tunes? Definitely not because of the false religions of Shintoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, that are present in Japan. Rather, it is because of the Lord who created him.

Psalm 150:1-6 Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound

In New Jerusalem, Heaven, a perfect world with all people believing in Jesus Christ, there will be trumpet sounds praising the Lord. From a purely musical standpoint, I listen to Touhou songs and they motivate me to evangelize more, to spread the Gospel. Music is music. Why does music sound good, it's because of the Lord! Why does food taste good, it's because of the Lord. Food offered to an idol is nothing, because all false gods are fake. Music offered to an idol is also nothing, because all false gods are fake.

Mark 7:19 For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)

Therefore, let us take all these things, food and music, and transform them into ways to worship the One True God Jesus Christ, amen SailorWriter my friend. In our hearts, let us listen to this music and praise the Only God of Truth Christ Jesus for the beautiful sounds of trumpets. The Lord blesses you with this knowledge :D

Acts 3:21: “[Jesus] must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of ALL things, as God promised long ago through the prophets."


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Hi everyone. To preface, I am a Christian Universalist. Faith alone in Jesus Christ only saves you. God will save everyone; all people will go to Heaven.
You will be held accountable for everyone you lead to Hell fire.

Matthew 25
41 Then He will also say to those on the left hand, 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
Revelation 20
10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
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Reactions: amigo de christo


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
You will be held accountable for everyone you lead to Hell fire.

Matthew 25
41 Then He will also say to those on the left hand, 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
Revelation 20
10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Hello Jack my friend.

I tell people to believe in Christ to be saved, therefore with this truth, I have brought people before Christ to be saved and go to Heaven.

eternal αἰώνιον (aiōnion)
Strong's 166: From aion; perpetual

aionios = pertaining to an age. How long is one age? Certainly not forever. Ages continue, from one to the next, yet if someone were to be punished in a singular age, it would not continue to the next. This verse Matthew 25:41 denoates a punishment with a limited amount of time.

Here's a good study on the topic, I'll take a quote from it
Therefore, “kolasin aionion” (mistranslated “everlasting punishment”) does not have to be the same length as “zoen aionion” (mistranslated “eternal life”). Aionion should not have been translated “everlasting” because aion and its adjective are clearly time words that have beginnings and endings.

Now, looking at the Rev 20:10 verse you provided

εἰς (eis)
Strong's 1519: A primary preposition; to or into, of place, time, or purpose; also in adverbial phrases.

τῶν (tōn)
Article - Genitive Masculine Plural
Strong's 3588: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

αἰώνων (aiōnōn)
Noun - Genitive Masculine Plural
Strong's 165: From the same as aei; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity; by implication, the world; specially a Messianic period

How long is a period, Jack my friend? Certainly not forever. Specifically, to have something by "forever and forever" is a contradiction, because an infinite amount of time cannot continue after an infinite amount of time, because the first initial amount of time would take up all the rooom.

So that part that you bolded, is good to look into. Why does scripture call it "forever and ever" with ever at the end? Because the original translation refers to ages and ages

Again, here's a good quote from the study above on Tentmaker that I will quote here

If aion means eternity, why does this word appear in the plural form? Why does it appear in double constructs such as aion of the aion, aion of the aions, and aions of the aions? Is Greek such a confusing language that one can take several different variations of the same word and simple stick them all under "everlasting" or "forever and ever" or is Greek much more exact than our modern Bible translators make it appear to be?

But here's a specific study on "forever and ever" too Jack my friend

They have translated this Greek phrase "aionas ton aionon":

"for the eons of the eons." Concordant Literal New Testament

"for the ages of the ages." Young's Literal, and others​

"for the aeons of the aeons." The New Covenant by Dr. J.W. Hanson

"unto the ages of the ages.: Rotherham's Emphasized, and others

"through the ages of the ages." The Holy Bible in Modern English

Ages plural, but how many ages will their punishment last? Certainly not for all ages, but rather, a specific, yet plural, amount. Because otherwise, it would have to say "for every age" or "for all ages" not "this specific amount of ages".

It's like if I gave you fruit, like an apple. Here's some apples. How many are there? A specific plural amount. But, if I wanted to give you an infinite amount of apples, I would say "here's an endless amount of apples!". Yet, scripture clearly tells us the duration of punishment is limited to a certain amount of ages, and once those ages have passed, the punishment ends. Why? Because eventually they believe in Christ and are thus permanently saved :D

God bless Jack my friend! Please have a wonderful day :)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Hello Jack my friend.

I tell people to believe in Christ to be saved, therefore with this truth, I have brought people before Christ to be saved and go to Heaven.

eternal αἰώνιον (aiōnion)
Strong's 166: From aion; perpetual

aionios = pertaining to an age. How long is one age? Certainly not forever. Ages continue, from one to the next, yet if someone were to be punished in a singular age, it would not continue to the next. This verse Matthew 25:41 denoates a punishment with a limited amount of time.

Here's a good study on the topic, I'll take a quote from it
Therefore, “kolasin aionion” (mistranslated “everlasting punishment”) does not have to be the same length as “zoen aionion” (mistranslated “eternal life”). Aionion should not have been translated “everlasting” because aion and its adjective are clearly time words that have beginnings and endings.

Now, looking at the Rev 20:10 verse you provided

εἰς (eis)
Strong's 1519: A primary preposition; to or into, of place, time, or purpose; also in adverbial phrases.

τῶν (tōn)
Article - Genitive Masculine Plural
Strong's 3588: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

αἰώνων (aiōnōn)
Noun - Genitive Masculine Plural
Strong's 165: From the same as aei; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity; by implication, the world; specially a Messianic period

How long is a period, Jack my friend? Certainly not forever. Specifically, to have something by "forever and forever" is a contradiction, because an infinite amount of time cannot continue after an infinite amount of time, because the first initial amount of time would take up all the rooom.

So that part that you bolded, is good to look into. Why does scripture call it "forever and ever" with ever at the end? Because the original translation refers to ages and ages

Again, here's a good quote from the study above on Tentmaker that I will quote here

If aion means eternity, why does this word appear in the plural form? Why does it appear in double constructs such as aion of the aion, aion of the aions, and aions of the aions? Is Greek such a confusing language that one can take several different variations of the same word and simple stick them all under "everlasting" or "forever and ever" or is Greek much more exact than our modern Bible translators make it appear to be?

But here's a specific study on "forever and ever" too Jack my friend

They have translated this Greek phrase "aionas ton aionon":

"for the eons of the eons." Concordant Literal New Testament

"for the ages of the ages." Young's Literal, and others​

"for the aeons of the aeons." The New Covenant by Dr. J.W. Hanson

"unto the ages of the ages.: Rotherham's Emphasized, and others

"through the ages of the ages." The Holy Bible in Modern English

Ages plural, but how many ages will their punishment last? Certainly not for all ages, but rather, a specific, yet plural, amount. Because otherwise, it would have to say "for every age" or "for all ages" not "this specific amount of ages".

It's like if I gave you fruit, like an apple. Here's some apples. How many are there? A specific plural amount. But, if I wanted to give you an infinite amount of apples, I would say "here's an endless amount of apples!". Yet, scripture clearly tells us the duration of punishment is limited to a certain amount of ages, and once those ages have passed, the punishment ends. Why? Because eventually they believe in Christ and are thus permanently saved :D

God bless Jack my friend! Please have a wonderful day :)
You don't believe in eternal life?

Matthew 25
46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Same Greek word!
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