Glory Be To God!

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Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
After being saved, it then is all about growth in the Lord Jesus (Eph 4:15), and the greater this growth the more we are used of God. One of the most significant aspects of faith is that it will be used solely in this life, for then we shall walk by sight, but now it is our walk of faith and what it produces that glorifies God! I also believe that how we walk in our faith will determine our “reward” (1Co 3:8, 14), which I believe will be in the form of authority (e.g. Mat 25:21). Of course, our constant motive in all things is to be God’s love in us to others, and the more active we are in this way, the deeper we learn the aspects of His love.

It can be determined that the more patient one is during a trial, the more can be seen of God being glorified; and the more difficult the trial, the more faith is learned. Even though all trials seem to carry the sense of being at the border of our limit, we can know that this is for producing optimum results! How we endure a trial does not affect the Father’s foreknown purpose, which for us will always be for the good of our faith as we, through it, continue to grow in the image of the Lord Jesus.

Glory Be To God!

When God was about to create man, He said “Let us make man in Our image (look like—NC), after Our likeness (live like—NC.” (Gen 1:26). The image in which man was to be made, the Son of Man, is the Father’s ideal; and from this ideal He has never turned away. In Revelation 19 we see it realized. There a great multitude is seen standing by the side of the Lamb as His Bride, in appearance like unto Himself (specifically verses 8, 9—NC).

We have often stopped at justification, but the Father does not stop at that point. Those “whom He called, them He also justified; and whom He justified, them He also glorified” (Rom 8:30). How glorious is our Father’s thought for us, that we are to be “conformed to the image of His Son” (v 29). How do we obtain this? We are given the answer in the same chapter: “and we know that to them that love God all things work together for good” (v 28).

They know that the Father’s hand guides their way and that He leads them only in paths that are necessary for their discipline and growth. They know that only those shall stand by the side of the Lamb who dare to follow Him. Therefore they walk in His way, even if it should be said concerning them, “We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” (Rom 8:36). They do not seek gifts and blessedness (though they come—NC); they seek only Him. They exclaim, “Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And there is none upon the earth that I desire beside Thee” (Psa 73:25).

Has your Father led you out into the desert? Has He plucked from under your feet all that you depended upon? Then a glorious advance is to be yours! See if this is not the way whereby your Father will be glorified in you! Do not complain about what you have lost (related to the old life—NC), and do not yearn to have it given back again, for then you are like Israel who wished to turn back to Egypt and its leeks and garlic. The Father will lead you on further. Instead of the flesh-pots (Exo 16:3) He gives you bread from heaven, and instead of water from the Nile, water from the Rock (1Co 10:4). But you must put your trust in Him also in the desert, and through days of darkness and difficulty (we learn faith is exercised most from the trials—NC). This is possible however, only for those who have lost their self-assurance in the desert whereto the Father beckons His dear children.

Out upon these ways the Father does not force His children—He rather allures them. “Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her” (Hosea 2:14). What did Israel find upon this way of the wilderness? She found greater riches, living hope, an undisturbed joy, a deeper understanding, a more inclusive peace, an unbroken security and the most intimate fellowship with her God. Can this be called a desert? Not by those who, like Moses, see beyond reproach, the reward (Heb 11:25, 26); who like David, see beyond suffering, the Savior (Mar 12:35-37); who like the Lord Jesus, see beyond the Cross, the Crown (Rev 19:12). These are sacred experiences! Be very careful therefore, with yourself and others. Run not away from the heavenly Jeweler’s work, for in just such hours the diamond’s facet attains a new brilliance that I may shine yet more clearly thereafter. Thus the Father is glorified—glory for himself the believer does not desire.

—G Steinberger (1865-1904)

Excerpt from MJS devotional for 10/28:

“A believer may know that he is positionally free, and yet have to mourn the fact that his experience is that of a wretched captive. The freedom is so entirely in Christ Jesus, and the maintenance of the living union with Him is so distinctly and entirely the work of divine power, that it is only as we see that the Spirit dwells within us for this very purpose, and know how to accept and yield to His working it, that we can really stand in the liberty with which Christ has made us free.” -A.M.
None But The Hungry Heart

2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
It can be determined that the more patient one is during a trial, the more can be seen of God being glorified; and the more difficult the trial, the more faith is learned. Even though all trials seem to carry the sense of being at the border of our limit, we can know that this is for producing optimum results! How we endure a trial does not affect the Father’s foreknown purpose, which for us will always be for the good of our faith as we, through it, continue to grow in the image of the Lord Jesus.

This is absolutely beautiful and incredibly encouraging to those who are suffering and struggling. Keep writing, NC. Keep writing.

Where I find encouragement amidst the most challenging moment of my life . . . right now, is in understanding the Power of God. Not only does Knowing and having experienced the Almighty Power of the Lord become most helpful in my Walk with the Lord, but it is recognizing His Total Power and Control over all things He has Created. But as for the Power that all people can witness and understand without having to actually experience His Presence, is through His Holy Word and the Belief [in it].

Isaiah 34:15-17 NIV - "The owl will nest there and lay eggs, she will hatch them, and care for her young under the shadow of her wings; there also the falcons will gather, each with its mate. 16 Look in the scroll of the LORD and read: None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate. For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together. 17 He allots their portions; his hand distributes them by measure. They will possess it forever and dwell there from generation to generation."

Those of us who submit to God, in that He controls all things (which is evident all throughout the Old Testament), these are the Ones who will have Holy and Proper Fear of the Lord. This is not an evil, Satanic fear, but the Kind of Fear that causes us to say aloud, "Abba, Father." The Fear that comes from Recognizing the Lord's dominance and control over all things, is the kind of Fear that grants comfort and peace, for we do not Fear of being harmed by God, but Fear Him simply because we realize that we are alive because He is fulfilling His Plan through our very existence.

Exodus 9:16 NLT - "But I have spared you for a purpose--to show you my power and to spread my fame throughout the earth."
Romans 9:17 NLT - "For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, "I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth."

For Paul to quote Exodus [9:16] as Romans [9:17], somehow doesn't seem like an accident. Nonetheless, recognizing this Power is the single most important thing that we can Know about the Word of God, for if we do not Know this Power, we cannot see the Truth behind His entire Body of Written and Holy Work . . . the Purifying Work of Christ as clearly described in Colossians 2:9-15. It is this Purifying Work of Christ that demonstrates God Power and Control, for it is through the Circumcised Heart that total Transformation takes place, and without the Operative Hands of Christ, Transformation is impossible.

God Bless you, NC. You are very, very important and very needed. Even though your posts generate few replies, in your case, it is because you are speaking the Truth. Therefore, I encourage you to keep on sharing. Keep on writing. Your Words are beautiful, and that is because they are not of your own, but of the Lord.