Good read on the ascendancy of China, Russia, India and the descendancy of the US and western Europe

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Ukraine: Transfer of Power Balance from West to East

Seems the NWO led by USA and Europe may be a mirage like paper tiger.
The US has abundant natural resources but is fighting a culture war that wants to prevent their use. Have to include Canada and Europe in that also, but Europe does not have the energy resources having cut their own selves from nuclear power, except for France.
The western powers in the name of climate change, wokeism, sustainability and the NWO agendas are cutting off their own feet, causing a lot of hardship to their people. Dont you feel it, I know I do.

About all the US has going for it in the NWO is information technology, like computer tech, the 'internet of bodies' of the WEF which seeks to reduce humans to programable machines which to me does not sound very good or attractive.

Did you know the US has frozen Russian reserve money? Maybe 300 billion dollars worth is being kept from Russians, and it is Russia's not the US's. De-dollarization is going to be the result worldwide as you can not trust the US to not steal your funds, the US is not a safe haven.

Russia's finance minister has admitted the country can't use nearly half its $640 billion foreign currency war chest because of Western sanctions.
The net effect of the sanctions policy for Europe in particular is likely to be structurally higher prices for raw materials (energy, base minerals, fertilizers, etc.) and precarious supply chains for the foreseeable future. Standards of living will drop and the nascent cost of living protests that are emerging across Europe will likely turn into major domestic political crises.


The sanctions, including the unprecedented freezing of a central banks assets, are also undermining trust in the Western financial system. The trend towards de-dollarization will rapidly accelerate from here on as countries seek to minimize the risk of trading with the U.S. dollar.

The influence of Western powers is dwindling around the world. The leaders of the UAE and Saudi Arabia have refused to accept calls from President Joe Biden — unthinkable even a few years ago. The recent cancellation of a U.K. delegation to India and both India and China’s unwillingness to “toe” the Western line towards Russia being other key indicators.

It seems clear that the Western powers have overestimated the impact that the sanctions would have on Russia, had not fully thought through the implications, were unprepared for the consequences and have no feasible way of reversing their actions. Meanwhile the majority of the world’s countries will continue to trade and maintain their relationship with Russia for the simple reason that it is in their interests to do so.

Kishore Mahbubani predicted that it will be an Asian 21st century. Prior to Feb. 24, the progress of the transition of the balance-of-power from West to East was progressing as a drawn-out process occurring over a decadal timeframe. However, the Western response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is rapidly accelerating this process – an own goal.

There is a good chance that 2022 will in hindsight be viewed as the decisive tipping point. Unfortunately, the penny has not yet dropped with Western governments and their compliant media of what their actions have triggered. Enlightened self-interest suggests that a major change in direction is required in the West, Australia included, to make the best of a bad situation.