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Do you think it is valid for Christians to consider leaving the United States?

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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
No I have no intentions of leaving America the Beautiful, there is going to be a Civil war two coming soon to a neighborhood near you against those that try to take our religious freedom and choices away, such as not taking the vaccine, and I want to be here and ready to fight for my brethren, against thos that are in League with Satan.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
No I have no intentions of leaving America the Beautiful, there is going to be a Civil war two coming soon to a neighborhood near you against those that try to take our religious freedom and choices away, such as not taking the vaccine, and I want to be here and ready to fight for my brethren

Well, there are decent Christians among Democrats also, and independents also. I myself am not affiliated with any political party (at the moment), and I am just somewhat tired of all the political bickering, the hatred between everyone is so overwhelming.

I don't want a war. I just want peace - real peace in America. But that seems less and less likely with every passing day.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2021
I understand not everyone here is from the United States. But for those who do live there, such as myself, American society has become ever more secular, materialistic and increasingly hostile to Christianity and its associated family values - there are rising divorce rates, increasing amount of vulgarity and violence in popular culture such as Hollywood, mental illnesses, our broken health care system and student debt problems, the systemic failures in our education system, a drastic rise in violent crime in recent years, mass shootings, substance abuse and drug addiction problems, joblessness, and of course, faith and spirituality both seem to be in very heavy decline.

And if you've been on social media or some "mainstream" online forums recently...the people are SO hateful and dismissive of Christianity that even some atheists would be frankly somewhat shocked at their intensity. Like, there was a feminist who argued that Christianity's attitude of encouraging modesty regarding women helped promoted a culture of assault against them or something. And that is far from the most extreme view I have encountered.

There is a definite sense of lack of real purpose and deeper meaning in life and existence for so many Americans today, a kind of nihilistic and jaded self-absorption - there is no real deeper moral compass to anchor them as they travel through the myriad complexities of an ever increasingly complicated and fragmented society. And of course, the ongoing political problems, amidst all this recent chaos and confusion - both parties seem to hate each other more than ever, so much that I must wonder whether the two-party system itself is somehow outdated or becoming flawed.

Is it not telling that most Americans despise each other more than they do any other country nowadays? Is ANY other society quite this deeply divided and polarized as we are now? Add that to that entire complicated mess in Afghanistan (even Democrats are no longer as supportive of Joe Biden after recent developments) - and we have a very sad situation, objectively speaking. All of this has, quite honestly, disillusioned me for quite a while now, not just one or two different issues or problems, but all of them piled on top of each other.

I do believe that change is necessary for any society - but what most people forget is that it is possible for a society to "regress" as well as "progress" - or that not all change is necessarily for the better in the long run. And sometimes, seeing so much darkness and mutual hatred almost everywhere I look, I cannot help but wonder whether America is a fallen nation already.
In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace

My brothers and sisters in Christ, what do you think? Do you think these concerns are valid? Do you think it is legitimate to consider leaving the United States, for another country?

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24)

Yes I totally get your point of view. A few comments if I may. Unless Yahweh has called you out or away. Who will be the light? who will be the testimony? who will share the gospel?

NKJ Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

Believers are the salt of the earth. Yahweh speaks of these times we are in and repeatedly He tells us not to fear!

With the way society is now this is a direct ramification and the fruits of being lawless. By being lawless I mean from a Biblical perspective which means being without law. When most of Christianity and church keeps peddling the abolishing of the law and that is done away with well you throw out the moral compass, you through out Yahweh's righteous standards and you rely on your own compass and your own standards and everything you described in your post comes to pass.

The heart of man is desperately wicked! We are edging closer to as it was in the days of Noah and Lot. I think we have a little way to go yet. This is what happens when you throw out the 1st two thirds of the Bible and become lawless. We now live in countries that prided themselves on being founded in the Bible and have Christian foundations well sad to say those days are gone. We live in wicked, lawless and abominable societies. Everything that Yahweh warned and proclaimed to happen is coming to pass.

There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it and here is why! It is the word of Yahweh and it has gone out and will not return void, it will accomplish what it was set forth to do!
All you can do is be that light in dark places, have a message of love and hope. And do not be LAWLESS!

Do not be afraid fear not for greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. Yahweh promises to protect those who are called by His name.



Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
North America
United States
Well, there are decent Christians among Democrats also, and independents also. I myself am not affiliated with any political party (at the moment), and I am just somewhat tired of all the political bickering, the hatred between everyone is so overwhelming.

I don't want a war. I just want peace - real peace in America. But that seems less and less likely with every passing day.
"...tired of all the political bickering.."
- I agree.
I became an Independent..30 years ago.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Well, there are decent Christians among Democrats also, and independents also. I myself am not affiliated with any political party (at the moment), and I am just somewhat tired of all the political bickering, the hatred between everyone is so overwhelming.

I don't want a war. I just want peace - real peace in America. But that seems less and less likely with every passing day.
I stopped getting involved in politics altogether after this last debacle with the mail in ballots, I just got the ballots in the mail for this coming election to go vote at the elementary school down the street from me, now I'm allowed to go in person and vote whereas before I wasn't allowed I had to mail my ballot in, yet the Covid is still around.

You mean to tell me now it's safe to go in person and vote? It's obvious the Trump Presidential election was concocted that way where you had to mail in your ballots so they could basically rig the election and toss out the Trump nominations.

I will never again vote, because after this last election it's obvious they rigged it and tossed out all the Trump ballots to get this communist administration elected so we have no say so in who gets elected, the powers that be already have who they want in place.

I don't want war either, but what they are doing, things like taking down statues, I heard yesterday from a coworker that they took down a statue of President Thomas Jefferson I think New York, I forget the State now, and they replaced it with a statue of George Floyd or whatever his name is.

Can you believe that, they took down a former President's statue and replaced it with a criminal's statue?

They did the same thing in Newark New Jersey in front of City Hall, what does he have to do with Newark, they had the riots back in 67' where my family survived them because the National Guard was there to protect the White communities, why not erect a statue of a Newark native that lost his life during those riots?

Down South they are removing all the Confederate Statues, the latest one was one of General Robert E. Lee, and the Southerners are just standing by and letting this happen? Yeah they were Rebels and traitors, I agree, but after the war they were allowed to have their Flags and monuments, and now because some criminal who really overdosed and died because his system was full of Fentanyl and Meth and if you watch the video he kept fighting off the cop after being asked repeatedly to get into the Police unit, and he kept fighting off the cop who used common tactics to subdue criminals who retaliate and fight off cops, yet they locked up the cop to appease BLM and the rioters.

No one wants war, but the way things are going here in the States, it's inevitable and it's going to turn ugly.

Honest hard working Blacks know this BLM is a load of crock, they just want to erase history and take our rights away.

Sometimes we must do things we don't want to do, even as Christians, we must do the right thing and that's not just standing by while they take down our statues of our forefathers and rights and freedoms.

So yes I believe their will be a Civil War II, just get ready.
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Oct 16, 2021
United States
United States
Well, there are decent Christians among Democrats also, and independents also. I myself am not affiliated with any political party (at the moment), and I am just somewhat tired of all the political bickering, the hatred between everyone is so overwhelming.

I don't want a war. I just want peace - real peace in America. But that seems less and less likely with every passing day.

I wasn't involved in politics or political debate before the former president emerged in the Republican Party because I didn't feel like I had to defend the party like I did after he came along. However, I managed to remain in the party for two years after he was elected, but then I decided I had had enough. I left the party shortly before the 2018 midterms. I was a lifelong conservative and a registered Republican for 26 years (1992-2018).


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I wasn't involved in politics or political debate before the former president emerged in the Republican Party because I didn't feel like I had to defend the party like I did after he came along. However, I managed to remain in the party for two years after he was elected, but then I decided I had had enough. I left the party shortly before the 2018 midterms. I was a lifelong conservative and a registered Republican for 26 years (1992-2018).

Have you considered a third party perhaps? Perhaps the Libertarians or the Green Party? I think the two-party system itself is almost obsolete at this point. Most Americans dislike both parties to some extent.
Support for Third U.S. Political Party at High Point
Oct 16, 2021
United States
United States
Have you considered a third party perhaps? Perhaps the Libertarians or the Green Party? I think the two-party system itself is almost obsolete at this point. Most Americans dislike both parties to some extent.
Support for Third U.S. Political Party at High Point

Actually, I voted third party in the 2016 presidential election, and I spent the next four years regretting it. Likewise, I was without a party affiliation for a couple of years after I left the Republican Party. I considered registering as an Independent, but I decided against it. I finally decided to register with the Democratic Party as an expression of my willingness to support Joe Biden during his presidential campaign. Honestly, I voted for him with eagerness, and I welcomed the prospect that he would be the next President of the United States. I was filled with joy and relief while I watched his presidential inauguration. I know I'm not the only person who rejoiced that day, either. It was like breathing in fresh air after breathing nothing but toxic fumes for the last five years. Admittedly, I don't completely agree with the Democratic platform, such as full access to abortion. However, I'm done with the Republican Party as long as the former president, and his sycophantic supporters, have a tight grip around the party's throat. I simply can't stand Trumpism. It's the main reason why I support the Democratic Party now. President Biden is the first Democratic candidate that I've ever voted for in an election. I'll continue to vote Democratic in the 2022 midterms and in the 2024 presidential election, and I'll vote for the Democrats in local elections. I won't politically support the Republican Party as long as the former president, and Trumpism, remains a dominate force within it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
AMEN! @liafailrock

The Spirit is our only safe place …sad thing is , not many pastors teach their flock how to do that …
I can so relate to this, sister.

Colossians 3:3
[3]For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Acts 17:28
[28]For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

Psalms 91:1-2
[1]He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
[2]I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I posted the following on Facebook 5 years ago but it didn't elicit much response...I don't think anyone really understood where I was coming from and just say dumbfounded.

If you Want a Powerful Strong Spirit-filled Church... Vote for Biden.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Please, before you come, straighten out your mess there, as you will never be able to straighten it out here, if you leave the USA and come here to this country. We really don't need more mixed up people as we have enough already.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Actually, I voted third party in the 2016 presidential election, and I spent the next four years regretting it. Likewise, I was without a party affiliation for a couple of years after I left the Republican Party. I considered registering as an Independent, but I decided against it. I finally decided to register with the Democratic Party as an expression of my willingness to support Joe Biden during his presidential campaign. Honestly, I voted for him with eagerness, and I welcomed the prospect that he would be the next President of the United States. I was filled with joy and relief while I watched his presidential inauguration. I know I'm not the only person who rejoiced that day, either. It was like breathing in fresh air after breathing nothing but toxic fumes for the last five years. Admittedly, I don't completely agree with the Democratic platform, such as full access to abortion. However, I'm done with the Republican Party as long as the former president, and his sycophantic supporters, have a tight grip around the party's throat. I simply can't stand Trumpism. It's the main reason why I support the Democratic Party now. President Biden is the first Democratic candidate that I've ever voted for in an election. I'll continue to vote Democratic in the 2022 midterms and in the 2024 presidential election, and I'll vote for the Democrats in local elections. I won't politically support the Republican Party as long as the former president, and Trumpism, remains a dominate force within it.

Why regret voting for third party? Some of them fairly morally sound principles and values - and they also strive to improve society and push for positive change. Sometimes, the mainstream parties are not the ideal answer to politics.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I stopped getting involved in politics altogether after this last debacle withe the mail in ballots, I just got the ballots in the mail for this coming election to go vote at the elementary school down the street from me, now I'm allowed to go in person and vote whereas before I wasn't allowed I had to mail my ballot in, yet the Covid is still around.

You mean to tell me now it's safe to go in person and vote? It's obvious the Trump Presidential election was concocted that way where you had to mail in your ballots so they could basically rig the election and toss out the Trump nominations.

I will never again vote, because after this last election it's obvious they rigged it and tossed out all the Trump ballots to get this communist administration elected so we have no say so in who gets elected, the powers that be already have who they want in place.

I don't want war either, but what they are doing, things like taking down statues, I heard yesterday from a coworker that they took down a statue of President Thomas Jefferson I think New York, I forget the State now, and they replaced it with a statue of George Floyd or whatever his name is.

Can you believe that, they took down a former President's statue and replaced it with a criminal's statue?

They did the same thing in Newark New Jersey in front of City Hall, what does he have to do with Newark, they had the riots back in 67' where my family survived them because the National Guard was there to protect the White communities, why not erect a statue of a Newark native that lost his life during those riots?

Down South they are removing all the Confederate Statues, the latest one was one of General Robert E. Lee, and the Southerners are just standing by and letting this happen? Yeah they were Rebels and traitors, I agree, but after the war they were allowed to have their Flags and monuments, and now because some criminal who really overdosed and died because his system was full of Fentanyl and Meth and if you watch the video he kept fighting off the cop after being asked repeatedly to get into the Police unit, and he kept fighting off the cop who used common tactics to subdue criminals who retaliate and fight off cops, yet they locked up the cop to appease BLM and the rioters.

No one wants war, but the way things are going here in the States, it's inevitable and it's going to turn ugly.

Honest hard working Blacks know this BLM is a load of crock, they just want to erase history and take our rights away.

Sometimes we must do things we don't want to do, even as Christians, we must do the right thing and that's not just standing by while they take down our statues of our forefathers and rights and freedoms.

So yes I believe their will be a Civil War II, just get ready.

You have got to be kidding me. That video was horrible. I cried my eyes out. Cop dude had no business. I sat there astonished at the officer and then I saw the body fluid release. It was awful. How you can condone that is way beyond me. I think the last administration hardened a lot of people's hearts. I see a lot of hate from the "Christian" right.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
You have got to be kidding me. That video was horrible. I cried my eyes out. Cop dude had no business. I sat there astonished at the officer and then I saw the body fluid release. It was awful. How you can condone that is way beyond me. I think the last administration hardened a lot of people's hearts. I see a lot of hate from the "Christian" right.

What you saw was a criminal resisting arrest had he followed the Police Officers orders and got in the police car he'd still be alive, the guy Floyd was a known criminal with a record two miles long.

How can you condone what happened afterwards because of this criminal, the toxicological showed all the drugs in his system enough to kill a normal person dead of an overdose, Floyd created havoc and a division in this country and they are erecting his statues allover the country, it's not about condoning anything, it's about following the law and what the officer tells you to do.

If you watch the video closely the officers knee wasn't even crushing his neck it was closer to his shoulder area, the guy died of an overdose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
I’m not planning to leave because USA is still the best place in the world to have a decent life for you and your family.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
What you saw was a criminal resisting arrest had he followed the Police Officers orders and got in the police car he'd still be alive, the guy Floyd was a known criminal with a record two miles long.

How can you condone what happened afterwards because of this criminal, the toxicological showed all the drugs in his system enough to kill a normal person dead of an overdose,and they are erecting his statues allover the country, it's not about condoning anything, it's about following the law and what the officer tells you to do.

If you watch the video closely the officers knee wasn't even crushing his neck it was closer to his shoulder area, the guy died of an overdose.
No. That's not true.


'Floyd created havoc and a division in this country"

Not his fault.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
No. That's not true.


'Floyd created havoc and a division in this country"

Not his fault.
Yes, inclined to agree Cassandra……….he was also not in control of what happened after his death, that was down to a whole bunch of other people !
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Oct 16, 2021
United States
United States
Why regret voting for third party? Some of them fairly morally sound principles and values - and they also strive to improve society and push for positive change. Sometimes, the mainstream parties are not the ideal answer to politics.

I regretted voting third party in the 2016 election because of the man who ended up in the White House for the next four years. It was surprising to me just how easily he hoodwinked other conservatives into supporting him with unwavering devotion. I thought it resembled cult-like behavior.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
No. That's not true.


'Floyd created havoc and a division in this country"

Not his fault.
That’s your opinion and your right, I support law and order and the blue line, you side with the criminals, you probably voted for the current communist administration too, who are for this kind of lawlessness and chaos, you probably like antifa also.

And yes it was his fault, had he followed orders he’d still be smoking his crack and shooting his fentanyl and committing more crimes.