Here is why, as an Adventist, I believe America is in Trouble.

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That was the question on THE point, you agree.

If you could only stop being so disagreeable. The Bible does not say love your neighbor IF AND ONLY IF their beliefs are 100% aligned with your own. You are hateful and that is why you agree to agree disagreeably. :oops:
heck my friend . my dear friend , hater is and hateful is one of the kinder words i have been called .
Now know this and know it well .
IF this lamb is prepared to lose all , to suffer the loss of all , to be hated to point of being killed
BELIEVE you me , words aint gonna slow me down or cause me to worry .
FOR my strength is not of me , BUT OF THE LORD . words are but words
heck even actions will be but actions against me . IF THE LORD has prepared me
to have a heart and a mind that dont even care if i do go to prison or die for HIS SAKE
well words sure aint gonna cause me to be moved . Now armor up , BIBLE UP cause
these times are about to get far worse against true lambs . and the way i see it
better place than this hole . THANKS BE TO GOD FOR THAT TOO .
cause WERE IT NOT FOR HIS GRACE , MY END WAS AND WOULD HAVE BEEN far worse than anything man can do to me .
THE LAKE OF FIERCE FIRE was all i ever earned .
and remember this too all other reliogoins serve satan NOT GOD . OH YEAH MY MIND WONT BE MOVED
into this fairy tale false love stuff . GOD has this lamb as HE has every lamb .
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
@ Wrangler Why pick on @amigo de christo about agreeing with the SDA Adventists on this matter of America being in trouble, as that is also God's view on this matter, and this was prophetically told to us in the scriptures, around 2,500 years ago, through/by Jeremiah, that America would be in trouble, and I am sure that God is not SDA.

America is not the only country that is in trouble in this regard because of their actions over the past 35 years or so.

The trouble is that the churches, including the SDA does not have spiritual eyes and ears at the moment to see and hear God's warning nor the desire to admit that they are in just as much trouble as the rest of the secular people within the countries that joined together to sin against God.

Where are the "prophets" today to enlighten us all about our sins and what we should be doing to bring healing to the land.

I too agreed with the Adventists' expressed sediments about America being in trouble as well.

There are too many blind and deaf people around at the moment so that God's words and warnings remain hidden from us.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
This is why i do all to get believers back into the bible for themselves .
to learn that pattern . that pattern that both CHRIST and later the apostels would leave us in letters
When you take the Bible and make that your food, and your meat, and your drink, and make that the elements of your character, when you can do that you will know better how to receive some counsel from God.
EG White
only with the POINT but not their points
The more you speak, the more you agree with Adventists.
In the vision given me June 12, 1868, I was shown the danger of the people of God in looking to Brother and Sister White and thinking that they must come to them with their burdens and seek counsel of them. This ought not so to be.

They are invited by their compassionate, loving Saviour to come unto Him, when weary and heavy-laden, and He will relieve them. In Him they will find rest. In taking their perplexities and trials to Jesus, they will find the promise in regard to them fulfilled. When in their distress they feel the relief which is found alone in Jesus they obtain an experience which is of the highest value to them.

Brother and Sister White are striving for purity of life, striving to bring forth fruit unto holiness; yet they are only erring mortals.

Many come to us with the inquiry: Shall I do this? Shall I engage in that enterprise? Or, in regard to dress, Shall I wear this or that article?

I answer them: You profess to be disciples of Christ. Study your Bibles. Read carefully and prayerfully the life of our dear Saviour when He dwelt among men upon the earth. Imitate His life, and you will not be found straying from the narrow path.

We UTTERLY REFUSE to be conscience for you.

If we tell you just what to do, YOU WILL LOOK TO US to guide you, instead of going directly to Jesus for yourselves. Your experience will be founded IN US. You must have an experience for yourselves, which shall be founded in God. Then can you stand amid the perils of the last days and be purified and not consumed by the fire of affliction through which all the saints must pass in order to have the impurities removed from their character preparatory to receiving the finishing touch of immortality. 2T 118.3
i just refuse to sip of the cup of the harlot .
and her unity . and her just overlook differences , overlook doctrines crap .
Yep, I think you would be horrified in how much you agree with us...
"The word of God is the great detector of error; to it we believe EVERYTHING MUST BE BROUGHT.

The Bible must be our standard for EVERY DOCTRINE and PREACHING. We must study it reverentially.

"We are to receive no one’s opinion without comparing it with the Scriptures.

"Here is divine authority which is SUPREME in matters of faith.

"It is the word of the living God that is to DECIDE ALL CONTROVERSIES."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
In fact Amigo, I think there would be very few principles of Adventism you would disagree with.
Like the LOVE OF JESUS...
Christ has not a casual interest in us but an interest stronger than a mother for her child. . . . Our Saviour has purchased us by human suffering and sorrow, by insult, reproach, abuse, mockery, rejection and death. He is watching over you, trembling child of God. He will make you secure under His protection. . . . Our weakness in human nature will not bar our access to the heavenly Father, for He [Christ] died to make intercession for us.”—Ellen G. White, Sons and Daughters of God, p. 77.

“What is justification by faith? It is the work of God in laying the glory of man in the dust, and doing for man that which it is not in his power to do for himself. When men see their own nothingness, they are prepared to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ.”—The Faith I Live By, p. 109.

The proud heart strives to earn salvation; but both our title to heaven and our fitness for it are found in the righteousness of Christ. The Lord can do nothing toward the recovery of man until, convinced of his own weakness, and stripped of all self-sufficiency, he yields himself to the control of God. Then he can receive the gift that God is waiting to bestow. From the soul that feels his need, nothing is withheld. He has unrestricted access to Him in whom all fullness dwells. “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” Isaiah 57:15.—The Desire of Ages, p. 300.

"God never forces the will or the conscience; but Satan's constant resort—to gain control of those whom he cannot otherwise seduce—is compulsion by cruelty. Through fear or force he endeavors to rule the conscience and to secure homage to himself. To accomplish this, he works through both religious and secular authorities, moving them to the enforcement of human laws in defiance of the law of God."
Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 591

In the experience of the apostle John under persecution, there is a lesson of wonderful strength and comfort for the Christian. God does not prevent the plottings of wicked men, but He causes their devices to work for good to those who in trial and conflict maintain their faith and loyalty. Often the gospel laborer carries on his work amid storms of persecution, bitter opposition, and unjust reproach. At such times let him remember that the experience to be gained in the furnace of trial and affliction is worth all the pain it costs. Thus God brings His children near to Him, that He may show them their weakness and His strength. He teaches them to lean on Him. Thus He prepares them to meet emergencies, to fill positions of trust, and to accomplish the great purpose for which their powers were given them. AA 574.2


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Here's a fine example. EGW is saying precisely what you are saying, except that for a girl with nothing more than a third grade education, I think she says it better. Notice, she has no pretensions regarding any unity with Rome. She doesn't ignore or overlook doctrine. Just like you claim to do.

The Romish Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christ-like garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of popery that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The popery that Protestants are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty, and slew the saints of the Most High.
Popery is just what prophecy declared that she would be, the apostasy of the latter times. [2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.] It is a part of her policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose; but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent. "We are not bound to keep faith and promises to heretics," she declares. Shall this power, whose record for a thousand years is written in the blood of the saints, be now acknowledged as a part of the church of Christ?
It is not without reason that the claim has been put forth in Protestant countries, that Catholicism differs less widely from Protestantism than in former times. There has been a change; but the change is not in the papacy. Catholicism indeed resembles much of the Protestantism that now exists, because Protestantism has so greatly degenerated since the days of the reformers.
As the Protestant churches have been seeking the favor of the world, false charity has blinded their eyes. They do not see but that it is right to believe good of all evil; and as the inevitable result, they will finally believe evil of all good. Instead of standing in defense of the faith once delivered to the saints, they are now, as it were, apologizing to Rome for their uncharitable opinion of her, begging pardon for their bigotry.
A large class, even of those who look upon Romanism with no favor, apprehend little danger from her power and influence. Many urge that the intellectual and moral darkness prevailing during the Middle Ages favored the spread of her dogmas, superstitions, and oppression, and that the greater intelligence of modern times, the general diffusion of knowledge, and the increasing liberality in matters of religion, forbid a revival of intolerance and tyranny. The very thought that such a state of things will exist in this enlightened age is ridiculed. It is true that great light, intellectual, moral, and religious, is shining upon this generation. In the open pages of God's holy Word, light from Heaven has been shed upon the world. But it should be remembered that the greater the light bestowed, the greater the darkness of those who pervert or reject it. (I think this applies to us all don't you?)
A prayerful study of the Bible would show Protestants the real character of the papacy, and would cause them to abhor and to shun it; but many are so wise in their own conceit that they feel no need of humbly seeking God that they may be led into the truth. Although priding themselves on their enlightenment, they are ignorant both of the Scriptures and of the power of God. They must have some means of quieting their consciences; and they seek that which is least spiritual and humiliating. What they desire is a method of forgetting God which shall pass as a method of remembering him. (I sincerely hope this isn't what you are doing in your long essays that repeat, and you use as a subtle form of accusation against me and other Adventists, but fail to engage in actual conversation).The papacy is well adapted to meet the wants of all these. (Now the following is truly inspired...)
It is prepared for two classes of mankind, embracing nearly the whole world,—those who would be saved by their merits, and those who would be saved in their sins. Here is the secret of its power. GC88 570.3 - GC88 572.2


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
So, then, you are an Adventist?
No but I seem to share their commitment to the Sabbath.

There are over 30,000 denominations. I don't know what they are all about. However, on these boards certain denominations get castigated by the very people who are supposed to love them.

We don't have to be a member of a denomination to agree with them on things. :Bestest:
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
the churches whose prophets prophesy of diversity and inclusivity
for none repenteth of their evil ways . for they promise them life and none do repent of his wickedness .
beware the delusion of the love inclusion . For about the only thing they do attack
is BIBLICAL DOCTRINE that does expose the error and sins of the peoples . and that aint a good sign at all .


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Now , i really would like to ask you two questions .
the first . what is your view about the abraham peace accords .
two . what is your view bout this religious tolerance act .
I've been re-reading through this thread. Something occurred to me a page or two back, and your post here clinched what I was thinking.
Counterfeiting is a massive business. It's one of the prime reasons governments and bankers are working to do away with cash using CBDCs. So while counterfeiting is bad, and damages true currency in much the same way false religion damages Christianity, the means by which the gasket is detected of also common to both. Some here however have got the process wrong.

The FBI experts in detecting and identifying counterfeit notes, do not study and focus their attention on the false. They first study the true notes, and do so to such a detailed extent, when a counterfeit crosses their view, they can identify it immediately because they are so familiar with the true. Some people consider themselves experts in heresy, and false religion. Yet this claim is made without any careful intensive study on what is Truth, and what is biblical. How can they possibly think that they can accurately identify deceptive counterfeits and discern the true from the false when they aren't familiar with the true, and the false is so close to the truth?
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I've been re-reading through this thread. Something occurred to me a page or two back, and your post here clinched what I was thinking.
Counterfeiting is a massive business. It's one of the prime reasons governments and bankers are working to do away with cash using CBDCs. So while counterfeiting is bad, and damages true currency in much the same way false religion damages Christianity, the means by which the gasket is detected of also common to both. Some here however have got the process wrong.

The FBI experts in detecting and identifying counterfeit notes, do not study and focus their attention on the false. They first study the true notes, and do so to such a detailed extent, when a counterfeit crosses their view, they can identify it immediately because they are so familiar with the true. Some people consider themselves experts in heresy, and false religion. Yet this claim is made without any careful intensive study on what is Truth, and what is biblical. How can they possibly think that they can accurately identify deceptive counterfeits and discern the true from the false when they aren't familiar with the true, and the false is so close to the truth?
exactly . This is why i so often remind folks to get in the bible for themselves . Learn it well for themselves .
Many who teach it often omit a lot and twist stuff . We need to be reading it for ourselves .