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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine

I wrote a Thread, that said that the Devil's owned, his ministers will come to Forums, and to Pulpits and try to deceive real believers out of their Faith, and into the Satanic LIE that is....>"you can lose your Salvation".

Here you are.
The very one that does this constantly on THIS FORUM.
That's not a lie, as here you are.......the very one the Thread is talking about.

Its you., Michiah-Imla

Keep right on proving it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions

I wrote a Thread, that said that the Devil's owned, his ministers will come to Forums, and to Pulpits and try to deceive real believers out of their Faith, and into the Satanic LIE that is....>"you can lose your Salvation".

Here you are.
The very one that does this constantly on THIS FORUM.
That's not a lie, as here you are.......the very one the Thread is talking about.

Its you., Michiah-Imla

Keep right on proving it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I always found that the outer man ego is always the elephant in the room in religious circles.

Ive always noticed that people who are trying to work their way into heaven, by trying to achieve righteousness, by works, self effort, water baptism, commandment keeping or Law.... are not actually connected to the Grace of God through the Cross of Christ yet......or, they are, but they are "fallen from Grace"....."bewitched" and "In. the flesh"., as Paul teaches.

Which of those is John Calvin, .... we'll find out when we die, (or are Raptured) as that devil, was a special Trophy of Satan.

Its the FLESH that talks about "self doing it". (Righteousness) . in some fashion., regarding becoming more like God, or righteous.

The Flesh, the mind of the Flesh, believes in SELF righteousness, .......whereas God's Righteousness, is His to Give, and can't be earned.

A sinner can't become righteous, .. a sinner has to be "made righteous" based only on The Cross of Christ.

Also... @Enoch111

Didnt you want to come to This particular Thread and try to prove that your Salvation can be lost, as usual?

You're invited.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
people who are trying to work their way into heaven, by trying to achieve righteousness, by works, self effort

“Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:7-8)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.


To "doeth' righteouness" as HE IS RIGHTEOUS>...""

Not as YOU TRY TO BE ...

This is John explaining 'HIS Righteousness"....= GOD'S= ...this is to be "In CHRIST"..... "born again", so from THAT Righteousness, that is "The Gift of Righteousness", we then "present our body a living sacrifice" because we are "made righteous" already. = "In Christ'.

We can't "DO" righteousness, as righteousness, is not what you DO>.......its what you BECOME, that is the SAME as GOD's Righteousness. = Born again.

Here is how to see it.

Before you are saved..... you can be a good person........Honest., but that is not "righteousness", that is just self will, self effort to be good.
After you are born again, that same effort to be good, is same as it was, before you were born again.
See, Being Born again, does not make your efforts to be good, any good. They are still just your works....They are not righteous.

Its God's Righteousness that makes you Righteous....... having become as born again.."The righteousness of GOD, IN Christ".

"Imputed Righteousness"......Is "HIS Righteousness", given to us as "The GIFT of Righteousness".

You can't "DO"That........ and that is why God has to give you .. "The GIFT of Righteousness", as it can't be DONE, it has to be RECEIVED, as its a GIFT.

And by becoming born again, you have RECEIVE the GIFT of Righteousness, that is :

"HIS Righteousness".........that you see in the VERSE.

that is not you doing it.
That's you receiving "HIS"....

This is to be 'MADE Righteous".......as "all have sinned" and have none of our own.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Ive always noticed that people who are trying to work their way into heaven, by trying to achieve righteousness, by works, self effort, water baptism, commandment keeping or Law.... are not actually connected to the Grace of God through the Cross of Christ yet......or, they are, but they are "fallen from Grace"....."bewitched" and "In. the flesh"., as Paul teaches.

You are so far out of balance. Paul warned new believers to refrain from becoming Jews...committing to the law of Moses with "works" like circumcision. Kosher eating etc. THOSE are the works of the law. The law of Moses.

But you are so hell bent on destroying any effort whatsoever that bible reading could be seen as works. Same goes for fasting, prayer, seeking God.

When I suggest seeking God at the throne of grace ...as it says to do in the bible....in order to get MORE grace...you say that's works.

So you are way out in right field (that where the religiously indoctrinated congregate).

Your way is religious and unreasonable...and unbiblical. I have seen no one here advocating following the law of Moses. Yet you keep ranting about works. You should consider that perhaps you know nothing of God's ways...and realize you are simply reacting in the flesh about what you read...or refuse to read...in the bible.
Which of those is John Calvin, .... we'll find out when we die, (or are Raptured) as that devil, was a special Trophy of Satan.
Be not quick to judge. People are usually not balanced. Calvin did what he thought was right..just like you're doing.

What he lacked was balance and proper understanding...just like you are demonstrating.

Its the FLESH that talks about "self doing it". (Righteousness) . in some fashion., regarding becoming more like God, or righteous.

Everybody does works...it just depends on what kind they are. The very thing you hate so much...you do. I think there's some self-loathing buries deep inside all your rantings.
The Flesh, the mind of the Flesh, believes in SELF righteousness, .......whereas God's Righteousness, is His to Give, and can't be earned.

God's righteousness is NOT what you say it is. The only righteousness you have comes from your self...and is based on a religious bent. You sound like a conservative that is hard on others but goes easy on himself. That is the worst kind of religious person possible...and under a tremendous judgment. While you are looking for Calvin...you might find yourself locked up with him.
A sinner can't become righteous, .. a sinner has to be "made righteous" based only on The Cross of Christ.

You are confusing righteousness and holiness...just like Calvin did. We can be instructed in righteousness. Not in holiness. Paul disagrees with you...

You have only a very shallow grasp of spiritual things.
Also... @Enoch111

Didnt you want to come to This particular Thread and try to prove that your Salvation can be lost, as usual?

You're invited.
This is not about losing ones' salvation. I never advocated that. What I teach, as the bible teaches, is that we reap what we sow. You deny that.

The question is what KIND of salvation will we inherit. Will we be a saint? Among the saved of the nation? Or cast into outer darkness?

Only the wicked are cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You are so far out of balance. Paul warned new believers to refrain from becoming Jews...committing to the law of Moses with "works" like circumcision. Kosher eating etc. THOSE are the works of the law. The law of Moses.

What you said, makes no sense, regarding, how you tried to apply me teaching Paul's Gospel, as "becoming Jews"..

Can you at least try to make sense, next time?

But you are so hell bent on destroying any effort whatsoever that bible reading could be seen as works. Same goes for fasting, prayer, seeking God.

Not at all.
What Paul did was deny THE self effort "Gospel".
See, Salvation is not what we Do......Salvation is JESUS HIMSELF< whom we RECEIVE. and we become "IN Christ". born again.

And once we have HIM, (Spiritual Union we have "God's Salvation". = born again.

And having "Christ in us".....and by being "in Christ", as born again......we are "made righteous", as you can't be in Christ and Have Christ in you, unless God has dealt with all your sin, (The Cross)..... and given you "the Gift of Righteousness.""".

So, now that you have it..(Born again)....you then from that position of "Son of God"...."made righteous"....= You go and "present your body as a living sacrifice to God".. (works) . because you are already become "the righteousness of God in Christ" when you are born again.

When I suggest seeking God at the throne of grace ...as it says to do in the bible....in order to get MORE grace...you say that's works.


""""""Getting Help in time of need..."come boldly to the Throne of Grace".........is that verse.
So, that is not related to Salvation, as The Blood Atonement is Salvation, and that was performed 2000 yrs ago on the Cross, on EARTH... and is offered to : "as many as believe".

"faith is counted as righteousness"

"Justification BY faith", without works or the deeds of the law"

So you are way out in right field (that where the religiously indoctrinated congregate).

Meaningless statement. Unrelated to Paul's Theology, that i teach.
This is one of your phrases that you throw at others on your Threads.
You have quite a few "repeats", like that phrase.

Your way is religious and unreasonable...and unbiblical. I have seen no one here advocating following the law of Moses.

Trying to be accepted by God, by self effort = is based on commandments, law, and self effort.
Many here will tell you...>"if you dont keep Christ's commandments"..."if you dont endure to the end"... "if you dont try to be righteous"....

See all that?

Its the same SELF SAVING....."Gospel of Works"..s
Its Cross denying because its the person trying to replace the Cross with DEEDS, works, SELF, LAW, Commandments.

Be not quick to judge. People are usually not balanced. Calvin did what he thought was right..just like you're doing.

Calvin was a Cross denying Heretic.

Im the one that you abused on your Thread, regarding your "whipping boy" as my Savior, hateful comment.
I'm the one that was talking to you about God's amazing Grace, and you spit on it, as "free stuff", you told me.
I have a long memory...regarding people like you, Episkopos.
You're going to wear those Cross abusing statements as long as im here having to listen to your gospel of self effort., and that is every Thread you post., or if you come to my Threads.

What he lacked was balance and proper understanding...just like you are demonstrating.

Your opinions, are your God.
They are meaningless to God, and to Me.

Everybody does works...

= Not to stay saved, and not be saved.
That is what separates the Legalist from Paul's Doctrine and the Cross of Christ.
Works are very important, but they are not to be done, to try to stay saved or be redeemed.

God's righteousness is NOT what you say it is.

God's Righteousness is the Blood, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus Himself is "God's Righteousness".

You are confusing righteousness and holiness...just like Calvin did. We can be instructed in righteousness. Not in holiness. Paul disagrees with you...

Paul teaches that to be righteous, is not of the law.= or of works.
Paul's Gospel teaches that Christ is God's Righteousness, because REDEMPTION is Through Christ, alone.
In other words, Christ is Salvation.
He is the Blood Atonement.

You have only a very shallow grasp of spiritual things.

Episkopos....You can say the word "Paul" and you can write the word Paul, but you can't understand Paul's Doctrine, and you certainly can't teach it.
I do.

This is not about losing ones' salvation. I never advocated that. What I teach, as the bible teaches, is that we reap what we sow. You deny that.

On your "born again Thread", i asked you about 5 Times if you believe you can lose your Salvation..
However, with you, the answer is not what a Christian would mean.
As, your idea of Salvation, is not Paul's. Its not "The Cross of Christ". Its not "Jesus is Salvation" without works.

So, if you said "no, i dont believe i can lose it"......and your idea of Salvation is """ outer layers and working righteousness"""....then you have no understanding of Salvation to begin with........so, how can you lose what you dont even understand, yet?

The question is what KIND of salvation will we inherit. Will we be a saint?

The born again are already "Saints"

Take it from Paul

Romans 1:7

"to all who are beloved of God in Rome, called as SAINTs.

1 Corinthians 1:2. To the Church of God which is at Corineth... to those who have been SANCTIFIED IN CHRIST JESUS........ SAINTS by Calling"......

2 Corinthians 2:11. Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, and Timothy our Brother, The The Church of God which is at Corinth, with all the SAINTS who are throughout Achaia


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“Little children, let no man deceive you: he that does righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.” (1 John 3:7)

Your works are not "righteousness'.
See, If you give to the poor as an unbeliever, this is not you doing "righteousness".
Its just a WORK.

If you are born again and give to the poor, its the same thing.
Its just a work.
Its not a work of righteousness.....as Righteousness is not a WORK.

Righteousness is GOD Himself. And Christ Himself.
The born again are given "the Gift of Righteousness".
You cant earn that or do that... you have to receive it from God and Christ., so that you are "Made Righteous".


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States

To "doeth' righteouness" as HE IS RIGHTEOUS>...""

Not as YOU TRY TO BE ...

This is John explaining 'HIS Righteousness"....= GOD'S= ...this is to be "In CHRIST"..... "born again", so from THAT Righteousness, that is "The Gift of Righteousness", we then "present our body a living sacrifice" because we are "made righteous" already. = "In Christ'.

We can't "DO" righteousness, as righteousness, is not what you DO>.......its what you BECOME, that is the SAME as GOD's Righteousness. = Born again.

Here is how to see it.

Before you are saved..... you can be a good person........Honest., but that is not "righteousness", that is just self will, self effort to be good.
After you are born again, that same effort to be good, is same as it was, before you were born again.
See, Being Born again, does not make your efforts to be good, any good. They are still just your works....They are not righteous.

Its God's Righteousness that makes you Righteous....... having become as born again.."The righteousness of GOD, IN Christ".

"Imputed Righteousness"......Is "HIS Righteousness", given to us as "The GIFT of Righteousness".

You can't "DO"That........ and that is why God has to give you .. "The GIFT of Righteousness", as it can't be DONE, it has to be RECEIVED, as its a GIFT.

And by becoming born again, you have RECEIVE the GIFT of Righteousness, that is :

"HIS Righteousness".........that you see in the VERSE.

that is not you doing it.
That's you receiving "HIS"....

This is to be 'MADE Righteous".......as "all have sinned" and have none of our own.



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Righteousness is GOD Himself. And Christ Himself.

“If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.” (1 John 2:29)

“In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.” (1 John 3:10)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
The born again are given "the Gift of Righteousness".


If they sin willfully AFTERWARDS, they are no longer doing righteousness. They are no longer “righteous”.

“…God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil…” (Romans 2:5-9)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If they sin willfully AFTERWARDS,

They are already 'Made Righteous".

They are already "in Christ".

They are already BORN AGAIN....>"one with God".

They are already "seated in Heavenly Places" "In Christ".

God has ALREADY dealt with all their sin...

"God hath Made Jesus to be sin". (not some... not only the earlier".

"Jesus is the ONE TIME.......ETERNAL......Sacrifice for sin".

"Eternal" sacrifice means.......the FOREVER and EVER. and EVER Sacrifice for sin.