How are we to reckon ourselves as being dead to sin?

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
Personally, I believe that to be “dead to sin”, as described in Scriptures, is much like telling someone “You’re dead to me”. Not saying that the person LITERALLY ceases living, but rather that in to you and in your daily life, sin has gone from pleasant to abhorrent - it indicates the Spirit has given you a “change of heart”, and that rather than fixing your eyes on sin, you have been turned to fix your eyes on Christ. Mistakes will certainly be made, as the best of men is still man at best (Spurgeon), but it means that your priorities have shifted from sin to Christ.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I don't hate Muslims....I was just sharing my discernment of that dream. It didn't feel right.

Well I have testimony from people to the contrary who were faithful to seek the Lord about it. You are showing your true colours here.
Did God give you any scripture to go along with it? Did you wait on Him to understand what it meant? When I have a dream or vision, the Lord generally gives me scripture to confirm it or show what it meant.
You dream bible verses? You are way out of your depth here.

Please answer my question. Because that is what I seem to discern with you on your videos, the same thing I have discerned in meeting those who are either Buddhist or are into yoga. There are Christians who do yoga.
You sound to me like you are a new ager at heart. And because you hate yourself for retreat into the "safety" of bible verses...building an impenetrable wall around your "self" with any doctrine that you can claim that can justify you. All self-righteousness. You are motivated by fear...but not the healthy kind.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Personally, I believe that to be “dead to sin”, as described in Scriptures, is much like telling someone “You’re dead to me”. Not saying that the person LITERALLY ceases living, but rather that in to you and in your daily life, sin has gone from pleasant to abhorrent - it indicates the Spirit has given you a “change of heart”, and that rather than fixing your eyes on sin, you have been turned to fix your eyes on Christ. Mistakes will certainly be made, as the best of men is still man at best (Spurgeon), but it means that your priorities have shifted from sin to Christ.
Amen! We can't allow ourselves to read more into any one verse than what a flight of fancy might permit. A solid post.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
I don't hate Muslims....I was just sharing my discernment of that dream. It didn't feel right. Did God give you any scripture to go along with it? Did you wait on Him to understand what it meant? When I have a dream or vision, the Lord generally gives me scripture to confirm it or show what it meant.

Please answer my question. Because that is what I seem to discern with you on your videos, the same thing I have discerned in meeting those who are either Buddhist or are into yoga. There are Christians who do yoga.
If God gave someone a direct dream straight from him (direct revelation), that would be every bit as canonical scripture as any other book in the scriptures. But uh….

Revelation 22:18
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

So how can one receive ANY revelation from God and it not be counted as Scripture? Any God breathed words to men should by all means be considered as valid as any other scriptures and therefore SHOULD be added to the Bible… a Bible which tells us NOT to add to it. Doesn’t…. Really make much sense to me honestly


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
This is what confuses me the most - how can we have a direct revelation from God without it going directly against Revelation 22:18? Because if it was literally God revealing and speaking to a person, would that not give this revelation every valid requirement to make it an addition to Scripture? God’s word is His Word - and if he speaks to a person, that is still the perfect, infallible Word of God every bit as much as Scripture… but Scripture tells us not to add anything to it.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
This is what confuses me the most - how can we have a direct revelation from God without it going directly against Revelation 22:18? Because if it was literally God revealing and speaking to a person, would that not give this revelation every valid requirement to make it an addition to Scripture? God’s word is His Word - and if he speaks to a person, that is still the perfect, infallible Word of God every bit as much as Scripture… but Scripture tells us not to add anything to it.
John says..that if everything that Jesus said and did were to be recorded ALL the books in the world could not contain them. can we limit Jesus to a few examples that were recorded for all to read?

Only an empty and dead religion stops God from acting in real time. We are not to add or subtract from the biblical testimony.

That is akin to taking any book written by any author...and amend it to suit our purposes. What God is saying is that His servants are under "contract" and one is libel before God for adding and subtracting from what they were inspired to write.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You could have asked that rather than say things you know are untrue and garner support among the carnal. When a believer leaves the milk of the basic message of who Jesus is and what He came to do...then the ground becomes very unfamiliar. And that kind of unfamiliarity is very scary to a novice believer. What should be done is to seek the Lord about it.

And just because I don;t use religiously affirming messages to carnal believers doesn't mean that I am not leading people to Christ.

That is something reserved for those who are ACTUALLY born from above. The bible calls this being "enlightened" ....but you would find that new agey....since you have no idea what anything beyond a temporal religious sphere looks like. I purposefully didn't use that terminology for the weakness of faith in the churches of today.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” ..

The light of God is not a philosophical light as you suppose....but an actual true light. You live in the realm of a dead religion.

What awareness? A religious awareness? When I speak of that awareness as a consciousness that extends beyond a basic freak out. Being trapped in a religious box and all.

Good. You need to go to the cross and allow that other part of you to be exposed to the truth.....OUTSIDE the camp you have pitched your religious tent in.

Your discernment leaves a lot to be desired. Your own encounter with false religion at the Toronto fiasco .....has informed you poorly as to what the genuine article is. Just because you left when the barking and clucking were coming out...doesn't mean that all that preceded it was from God. THAT is your new age gospel...that spoiled you seemingly forever from the love of the truth. You spoiled your own soul. Now you are a shell of a person that has as your ultimate purpose to be a "bible lady" warning others to not stray from the confines of a religious box that uplifts the self.
So, what I'm hearing over all, is that you consider Jesus and the gospel to be religious.....ashamed of Him then, and need to package Christianity in a way to make it more socially acceptable, turning it into some kind of new age philosophy where Jesus is conveniently put off to the side and diminished.

Yes, I told you the presence of God departed and how Toronto went off the rails. He led me out of there and out of churches in general. I was so "green" back then, but the Lord taught me a lot from that experience of both what is false and what is true. When deception comes it is the Lord's judgment.....He is sending it....all power belongs to Him. The delusion that is going to come from the Temple in Jerusalem will be much the same spirit as what Toronto turned into. The Hebrew roots movement rose up from the whole Toronto thing as well. It is all leading to the Temple.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Well I have testimony from people to the contrary who were faithful to seek the Lord about it. You are showing your true colours here.

You dream bible verses? You are way out of your depth here.

You sound to me like you are a new ager at heart. And because you hate yourself for retreat into the "safety" of bible verses...building an impenetrable wall around your "self" with any doctrine that you can claim that can justify you. All self-righteousness. You are motivated by fear...but not the healthy kind.
Please answer my you engage in any Hindu or Buddhist practices?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
So, what I'm hearing over all, is that you consider Jesus and the gospel to be religious.....
You can't stop with the religion stuff. Are you saved? Do you know Jesus? Point to the cross. Your Jesus is a comfort food that comes from watching movies. The real Jesus comes with power by His Spirit.

ashamed of Him then, and need to package Christianity in a way to make it more socially acceptable,

Spiritual Christianity will never be popular. The opposite is true. If I was looking to be accepted by men I wouldn't be calling out the outer man....I would be doing what so many ministries are to the flesh to increase numbers.
turning it into some kind of new age philosophy where Jesus is conveniently put off to the side and diminished.

The opposite is true, My call is for individuals to enter INTO Christ. Nothing is more personal and intimate than walking in the light as He is in the light. (the light is not a philosophical term as you said it was)

You should pray that the light of the glorious gospel should shine on you and lead you from the religious dungeon you have built for yourself.
Yes, I told you the presence of God departed and how Toronto went off the rails. He led me out of there and out of churches in general. I was so "green" back then, but the Lord taught me a lot from that experience of both what is false and what is true. When deception comes it is the Lord's judgment.....He is sending it....all power belongs to Him. The delusion that is going to come from the Temple in Jerusalem will be much the same spirit as what Toronto turned into. The Hebrew roots movement rose up from the whole Toronto thing as well. It is all leading to the Temple.
Anybody that drives a cab knows that barking and clucking doesn't come from God. And they also have better discernment than you in regards what is genuine and what is sent from God to deceive those who look away from Him PERSONALLY for their salvation and security.

You are afraid of a personal encounter with the living God precisely because you have been so deceived through being enamoured with the new age movement.

How long did you practice yoga for?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Please answer my you engage in any Hindu or Buddhist practices?
Only after you tell me how big the pentagram is in your basement.

At what time did you leave your pot party last night?? And was that before or after the orgy???

How can we have a half-decent conversation when people are so twisted and bent. You really need the real Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The unbelief that we see here on this thread (and elsewhere) comes from a fear of the unknown. Jesus was called the devil because He was that much further ahead in the truth than they were. We see the same with all the servants of God. They are mistreated, misrepresented and generally scorned. And this is a good thing from an eternal perspective. Those who suffer reproach for the sake of Christ will be rewarded with HIS presence forever. It's all good. :)

What isn't good is what awaits the fearful, the unbelieving, the unloving, and all who believe in the lie.

Rev. 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Please answer my you engage in any Hindu or Buddhist practices?
I know nothing of Buddhist practices...except my brother-in law claims to be a Buddhist sympathizer.

Of Hinduism this is what I know.

I watched the movie "Gandhi" many years ago...a great movie with Ben Kingsley. A great portrayal. That led me to read a book on Gandhi's life. A very interesting man. He was religious and driven...but also very righteous in his way. Very brave. He was actually inspired to be as he was through reading about Jesus. And he was the very opposite of most believers who say but don't do. He was very brave in that he never claimed to be a follower of Christ...but he listened and obeyed Him. It's the classic tale of the two sons.

Oh, and I know a few Gandhi jokes too. ;)
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
My pride is costing me from receiving the gift. If I understand correctly, it has been explained to me like this: you are still saved from the wages of sin regardless of your pride, but you just won't experience the fullness of the Spirit. You shared if there is a wage (something required), then it is not a gift. But the wage of sin is death. Is this a lie? Can I keep my pride and the Gift too? Can I have my cake and eat it too? Sounds like a Win win no brainer. Feel like going to church to tell them the good news. (I am being sarcastic to make a point).
not sure I agree with what you will told

the wage of sin will not be forgiven if your pride keeps you from receiving his give of salvation by being born again and adopted into his family through the redemption of Christ Jesus

If the wage was forgiven and you were adopted. You now have Go in you. And he will work on your pride. And you will feel the fullness of the spirit and all he has to fear you. Including his correction.

Anyone who is Gods cild can walk in the spirit the moment they are saved. It does not take some experience or some higher calling for you to be taken to zion or whatever they call it. You can do that right here and right now. By loving others and serving them. Thats what we are called to do. To be lights in A dark world.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Sure...quote what is meant for the OT..which you claim is obsolete. You claim the words of Jesus are also obsolete...that's the dispensationalist speaking. Then you take away even from what Paul is saying....that being the cessationist in you.

So with all your religious have more scriptures on the cutting room floor than what you esteem as valuable.

Do what you want. Read what you want. It's your bible...cut it up as you wish. But don't come here with your unbelief to pollute these threads.
And there you g falsly accusing again.

And we are to believe you have the spirit of God in your?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You forgot faith. Reading the bible to prop up your religious expectations is not is merely a belief about something. That has no power to save you. Only an actual faith makes your life look like what you read about in the bible. Just reading a bible doesn't justify you. It's not hearers that are justified but doers who are justified.

So you can do your faux virtue signalling all day and for the rest of your life...but the one who is tossing the scriptures aside is you.

I believe God while I read the bible so that He comes to me. Why is that seen as wrong? Do you not have the spirit of Cain?

You should consider your own ways.
Our faith is in God. His word. His son, and His death

You mock those who trust in his word. You mock those who trust in his death (at least you did until a mod called you out) you mock those who rely on the spirit.

You mock anyone who does not agree with you
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
New Age thinking is embedded in the modern gospel that claims everything for the self.

A very popular New Age modern gospel purveyor has this to say...

"We cannot attain the presence of God because we are already totally in the presence of God. What's absent is awareness" ----Richard Rohr, What Mystics Know.

Is this not what many here believe??? especially @Lizbeth our resident bible lady? What better way to throw out the living God than to claim He's already fully in you??? No need to knock, to ask, to seek...or obey Jesus in any way. No need to seek first the kingdom of God ...not need to seek to be covered by His, you have it already!!! Another has said here that the words of Jesus are "obsolete". That the OT is not part of OUR bible.

With all the unbelief and religious deviations...all calling themselves's no wonder that we are in a time just preceding the coming judgment on Babylon.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
All false witness. I see God as greater than the bible. To you...the bible IS God. And your reading yourself into it is just a means of justifying yourself by ranting and raving like a lunatic...using bible sounding terminology to cover up what you are really doing. And the simple here like that...because they do the same thing.
The Bible is God.

God is the bible

In the beginning was the word and the word was God.

its all about God and his love for mankind, it tells us who he is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
This is what confuses me the most - how can we have a direct revelation from God without it going directly against Revelation 22:18? Because if it was literally God revealing and speaking to a person, would that not give this revelation every valid requirement to make it an addition to Scripture? God’s word is His Word - and if he speaks to a person, that is still the perfect, infallible Word of God every bit as much as Scripture… but Scripture tells us not to add anything to it.
they can't don't listen to these false prophets touting their dreams , vision, interpretations etc....... charlatans, deceivers, deceiving spirits at work.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
More verbal diarrhea. Go elsewhere. Who cares what you think? You have already shown where you are at? Why repeat the same thing over and aver? Go to the sycophant threads...
More arrogance. Of course you don;t care what he thinks, or anyone thinks for that matter, as long as they agree with you.
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