How did Paganism get into the church?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
God's Word mandates Tradition. Your problem is changing the meaning of "Tradition" into a dirty word. The Bible doesn't do that. Tradition, properly understood, (which it never is with Hislopites like you), comes from the same divine wellspring as Scripture, it's not an add on. God is not limited to ONE means of transmitting His Word. It's all the same WORD.

Many Protestants (especially anti-Catholic ones) hold, by and large, the view that Scripture and sacred, apostolic tradition are somehow unalterably opposed to each other and, for all practical purposes, mutually exclusive. This is yet another example of a false dichotomy which Protestantism often (unfortunately) tends to create (e.g., faith vs. works, matter vs. spirit). The Bible, however, presupposes tradition as an entity prior to and larger than itself, from which it is derived, not as some sort of “dirty word.”

It is one thing to wrongly assert that Catholic tradition (the beliefs and dogmas which the Church claims to have preserved intact passed down from Christ and the apostles) is corrupt, excessive and unbiblical. It is quite another to think that the very concept of tradition is contrary to the outlook of the Bible and pure, essential Christianity. This is, broadly speaking, a popular and widespread variant of the distinctive Protestant viewpoint of sola Scriptura, or “Scripture Alone,” which was one of the rallying cries of the Protestant Revolt in the 16th century. It remains the supreme principle of authority, or “rule of faith” for evangelical Protestants today. Sola Scriptura by its very nature tends to pit tradition against the Bible.

First of all, one might also loosely define tradition as the authoritative and authentic Christian history of theological doctrines and devotional practices. Christianity, like Judaism before it, is fundamentally grounded in history: in the earth-shattering historical events in the life of Jesus Christ (the incarnation, miracles, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, etc.). Eyewitnesses (Lk 1:1-2, Acts 1:1-3, 2 Pet 1:16-18) communicated these true stories to the first Christians, who in turn passed them on to other Christians (under the guidance of the Church’s authority) down through the ages. Therefore, Christian tradition, defined as authentic Church history, is unavoidable.

Many Protestants read the accounts of Jesus’ conflicts with the Pharisees and get the idea that He was utterly opposed to all tradition whatsoever. This is false. A close reading of passages such as Matthew 15:3-9 and Mark 7: 8-13 will reveal that He only condemned corrupt traditions of men, not tradition per se. He uses qualifying phrases like “your tradition,” “commandments of men,” “tradition of men,” as opposed to “the commandment of God.” St. Paul draws precisely the same contrast in Colossians 2:8: “See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.”

The New Testament explicitly teaches that traditions can be either good (from God) or bad (from men, when against God’s true traditions). Corrupt pharisaic teachings were a bad tradition (but many of their legitimate teachings were recognized by Jesus; see, e.g., Matthew 23:3). The spoken gospel and the apostolic writings which eventually were formulated as Holy Scripture (authoritatively recognized by the Church in 397 A. D. at the council of Carthage) were altogether good: the authentic Christian tradition as revealed by the incarnate God to the apostles.

The Greek word for “tradition” in the New Testament is paradosis. It occurs in Colossians 2:8, and in the following three passages:

Note that St. Paul draws no qualitative distinction between written and oral tradition. He doesn’t regard oral Christian tradition as bad and undesirable. Rather, this false belief is, ironically, itself an unbiblical “tradition of men.”
Not 'tradition' that is from other sources or pagan origin, and we all know what Christ said on this subject..


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
The book

'Pagan Christianity?' by Frank Viola and George Barna explorers the roots of our church practices and is quite an eye opener. Somebody on here recommended it.

It's no eye opener, it's stupid and insulting to all of Christianity. @The Learner exposes the book in post #72, 78, and 79 as a pack of lies that you vainly try to bury.
An honest and solid critique of this book:
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
It's no eye opener, it's stupid and insulting to all of Christianity. @The Learner exposes the book in post #72, 78, and 79 as a pack of lies that you vainly try to bury.
An honest and solid critique of this book:
I found it very interesting but obviously not everyone will.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
It's no eye opener, it's stupid and insulting to all of Christianity. @The Learner exposes the book in post #72, 78, and 79 as a pack of lies that you vainly try to bury.
An honest and solid critique of this book:
Well, if it shows the truth of the matter, its not really 'stupid and insulting', need to see what it says..

Bob Carabbio

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
United States
depends which pagan religion you're talking about I guess. But the Roman pagan religions died out more than 1000 years ago...

Pax et Bonum
They "died out" when they were incorporated into the heretical Roman Catholic religious system as part of their "Holy (Lying) Tradition". Roman Catholic "Theology" is a web of heresies and LIES.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
They "died out" when they were incorporated into the heretical Roman Catholic religious system as part of their "Holy (Lying) Tradition". Roman Catholic "Theology" is a web of heresies and LIES.
Yes they are these-2Thess 2:3--none of her branches fixed much. They use the altered translations, altered by satans will to mislead.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
They "died out" when they were incorporated into the heretical Roman Catholic religious system as part of their "Holy (Lying) Tradition". Roman Catholic "Theology" is a web of heresies and LIES.

Bob, repeating lies taught to you by others about the Catholic Church is unbecoming..


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Here is the deal….
Keeping things in perspective and the real.
First off….the term Pagan as a person that worships other gods and or have heathen Pagan rituals is actually a more modern term.

Its connections are to the Latin period derived from the Latin word paganus, meaning villager, rustic, civilian, and itself comes from a pāgus which refers to a small unit of land in a rural district. It was a demeaning Latin term (like the word hick), that originally lacked a religious significance.

Pagan as a word defining people that worships other gods or have heathen rituals comes in to use during the witch-hunts around the 13th century.

But I am going to use the word Pagan as in people that that worships other gods or have heathen rituals. And the word Gentile for Pagans that had converted to Christianity.

To set the stage….
The Jews made up around 2% of the populous in the Middle East and during the New Testament the Christians made up a fraction of that….The rest of the known world were Pagans. Paganism was the culture of the Middle East and at that time Christianity was a small religion that was seen as a threat to Paganism because it seeked to convert Pagans to Christianity. Ergo the Christian persecutions. Jews not so much because they really had no interest in converting Pagans.

Paganism was not an organized religion as we know it. Different regions in all directions worshiped a pantheon of gods and goddesses, with different rituals and holy days.

Then Paul’s ministry to the Pagans happens. Why was Christianity appealing to the Pagans?
Mainly a close relationship to God.
The Pagans were use to a religion with more than one God…ie Yahweh, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit so this was familiar to them
In their religions they were familiar with a god impregnating a woman and she delivering a god.
And they liked the idea of the soul having eternal life and going to Heaven.
Morality was seen as path to a more kinder and fairer society.

So the Apostle Paul’s ministry was about converting the Pagans to Christianity. And the process changed their religious beliefs in so as they did not worship Pagans gods and began worshipping Yahweh and Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. BUT they did not stop all their customs and holy days which was mostly seasonal and in some cases they Christianized their holy days and celebrations. We see a lot of this in how Christians celebrate the winter solstice around Christmas in different countries today. So Christianity had Gentile-Christians that had Pagan “like” customs. Long before Emperor Constantine and the Ecumenical councils Christianity had Pagan aspects.

So eventually the Jewish-Christian sect dies out or has no appearance in history….No Jewish-Christian writings after the 1st century and the Gentiles-Christians take the helm of the Church.

All of the Christians that met with Emperor Constantine in Nicaea were Gentile-Christians. And when Christianity merged with Rome …..becoming the state religion…..and established the Roman Catholic Church….the Romans had customs and holidays and not all Romans were Christians so Constantine schedule these holidays to occur on the same day so that the empire was not being shutdown so often for religious holidays.

And some of the Roman customs made it into Christian customs, the best known was the wedding ceremony as a voluntary ceremony. Christianity would not make a wedding ceremony a requirement until the middle of the 16th century and that was done by the Protestants. The Catholic Church done away with polygamy and concubinage and arranged marriages where the wife was purchased around the 13th century. Because the custom of wedding ceremonies originated from the Pagans, most modern Christian wedding ceremonies have Pagan rituals and customs embedded in them.

Today some Christians will object to certain Pagan aspects in Christianity but that is the evolution of Christianity and we are Gentile-Christians.

What is the alternative? You can be a Jehovah’s Witness and consider Yeshua just a man and go back to worshipping just one God and get rid of the Christian holidays as they do. And get rid of the wedding ceremonies. Most are not going to do that…..Gentile Christianity is the Church that survived.
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Marianism, Purgatory, Being Born again by bapism, Sacraments, Works salvation - ALL PAGAN GARBAGE.

None of these have anything to do with the worship of pagan no-gods. Why then do you list them?

Baptism and the Sacraments have been the lived life of the Church for 2000 years, who are YOU to besmirch them with such calumny..

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
^^^^ Title

Answer: - Through the front door as usually the back door is locked to stop people leaving that way when they are not heard after they point out the errors in what is being taught.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
The book

'Pagan Christianity?' by Frank Viola and George Barna explorers the roots of our church practices and is quite an eye opener. Somebody on here recommended it.

Well, I came across some comparisons some time ago that are eye opening to say the least.
Here is what I came across...
'Lets compare some of the pagan sun god beliefs of Baal with what has been picked up and 'christianized' by the Catholic church and some pagan beliefs and doctrines even allowed into Protestant churches.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The nativity of Jesus, Christmas Dec 25

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Midsummer festival held Jun 24
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Nativity of St. John held June 24

PAGAN BELIEFS- The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God

PAGAN BELIEFS- The mother goddess was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Virgin Mary worshipped as the Queen of Heaven.

PAGAN BELIEFS-Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19 CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Hot cross buns

PAGAN BELIEFS- 40 days fasting for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

PAGAN BELIEFS- Pagan festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of Easter

PAGAN BELIEFS- The resurrection of Tammuz at Easter and the procession of graven images during holy week
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The procession of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints

PAGAN BELIEFS- Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Veneration of graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The doctrine of purgatory
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The doctrine of purgatory

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of the dead visiting the living, feast held for all in November, (All souls day)
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 (All souls day)

PAGAN BELIEFS- Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The burning of incense and candles

PAGAN BELIEFS- Chants and repetative prayers. Beaded prayer chains.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Gregorian chants and the Rosary

PAGAN BELIEFS- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Pagan high priest king believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Pope proclaims to be Christ's Vicar (replacement) here on Earth. It is also recorded in numerous documents that the pope believes he is god on earth.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Phallic symbol of the male sex organ placed on roofs as a sign of allegiance with Baal
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Largest phallic symbol in center of St. Peter's square.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Solar wheel as symbol for Baal worship can be found carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples,, carved into ancient ornament representing Osiris. Stone carvings showing a whell to represent and Assyrio Babylonian altar.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- St Peter's square has largest solar wheel on planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it's face. There is a great one in ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more "solar wheels" depicted upon them.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Alternating rays of the sun burst used to represent unity of "man and woman" common in all aspects of Paganism. (Curved ray = female "yonic" Straight ray = male "phallic")

CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Monstrance of Catholicism as well as many paintings and sculptures all depict same rays of both the "phallic and yonic" symbolism can be found literally all over the Roman Catholic church

PAGAN BELIEFS- Statues of a "Madonna" found in all Pagan cults as well as Egyptian Madonna Isis with her son Horus, or Hindu cults with Divaki and her son Krishna.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Statues of Mary can be found in all Catholic churches holding baby Jesus.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Dagon, which was the God of Babylon and Philistia and is mentioned several times in scripture in Judges 16:23, 1 Samuel 5:2-7, and 1 Chronicles 1:10. Babylonian fish-god (half man half fish) was depicted by Pagan high priests by wearing a fish head mitre (head dress) upon a mans head to symbolize man and fish joining when "sun god" set into the ocean. (Neptune = case in point. Half man half fish) One particular Biblical diety = "Dagon" Dag=fish On=sun. In Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, this is the definition for Dagon: 1712. Dagown, daw-gohn'; from H1709; the fish-god; Dagon, a Philistine deity: - According to Ugaritic and other documents link Baal as the son of El, or Dagon.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Mitres are worn by all Popes of Catholcism

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Roman sun-god with the alternating yonic and phallic symbols surrounding his head was found carved in excavated Roman bath houses in England. It is alos found as "Apollo" on the facade of the Pergamum Museum in East Berlin.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Almost all Catholic churches have the exact same carving above their pulpits, pillars, on statues, as well as carved into ceilings above altars. Some Catholic churches actually have it carved into the Eucharist itself.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Persian sun-god Mithra is also depicted with the globe in hand as a sign ruler of the Universe.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Vatican has a solid gold statues of Jesus with the globe in hand, plus a black marble statue called "the black virgin of Montserrat" and a statue of a "child Jesus" with globe in hand.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the Persian sun god Mithra. "SUN"day
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The admitted change of 7th day Sabbath to "SUN"day......The harlot of Babylon
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Well, I came across some comparisons some time ago that are eye opening to say the least.
Here is what I came across...
'Lets compare some of the pagan sun god beliefs of Baal with what has been picked up and 'christianized' by the Catholic church and some pagan beliefs and doctrines even allowed into Protestant churches.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The nativity of Jesus, Christmas Dec 25

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Midsummer festival held Jun 24
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Nativity of St. John held June 24

PAGAN BELIEFS- The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God

PAGAN BELIEFS- The mother goddess was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Virgin Mary worshipped as the Queen of Heaven.

PAGAN BELIEFS-Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19 CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Hot cross buns

PAGAN BELIEFS- 40 days fasting for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

PAGAN BELIEFS- Pagan festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of Easter

PAGAN BELIEFS- The resurrection of Tammuz at Easter and the procession of graven images during holy week
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The procession of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints

PAGAN BELIEFS- Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Veneration of graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The doctrine of purgatory
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The doctrine of purgatory

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of the dead visiting the living, feast held for all in November, (All souls day)
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 (All souls day)

PAGAN BELIEFS- Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The burning of incense and candles

PAGAN BELIEFS- Chants and repetative prayers. Beaded prayer chains.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Gregorian chants and the Rosary

PAGAN BELIEFS- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Pagan high priest king believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Pope proclaims to be Christ's Vicar (replacement) here on Earth. It is also recorded in numerous documents that the pope believes he is god on earth.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Phallic symbol of the male sex organ placed on roofs as a sign of allegiance with Baal
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Largest phallic symbol in center of St. Peter's square.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Solar wheel as symbol for Baal worship can be found carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples,, carved into ancient ornament representing Osiris. Stone carvings showing a whell to represent and Assyrio Babylonian altar.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- St Peter's square has largest solar wheel on planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it's face. There is a great one in ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more "solar wheels" depicted upon them.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Alternating rays of the sun burst used to represent unity of "man and woman" common in all aspects of Paganism. (Curved ray = female "yonic" Straight ray = male "phallic")

CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Monstrance of Catholicism as well as many paintings and sculptures all depict same rays of both the "phallic and yonic" symbolism can be found literally all over the Roman Catholic church

PAGAN BELIEFS- Statues of a "Madonna" found in all Pagan cults as well as Egyptian Madonna Isis with her son Horus, or Hindu cults with Divaki and her son Krishna.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Statues of Mary can be found in all Catholic churches holding baby Jesus.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Dagon, which was the God of Babylon and Philistia and is mentioned several times in scripture in Judges 16:23, 1 Samuel 5:2-7, and 1 Chronicles 1:10. Babylonian fish-god (half man half fish) was depicted by Pagan high priests by wearing a fish head mitre (head dress) upon a mans head to symbolize man and fish joining when "sun god" set into the ocean. (Neptune = case in point. Half man half fish) One particular Biblical diety = "Dagon" Dag=fish On=sun. In Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, this is the definition for Dagon: 1712. Dagown, daw-gohn'; from H1709; the fish-god; Dagon, a Philistine deity: - According to Ugaritic and other documents link Baal as the son of El, or Dagon.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Mitres are worn by all Popes of Catholcism

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Roman sun-god with the alternating yonic and phallic symbols surrounding his head was found carved in excavated Roman bath houses in England. It is alos found as "Apollo" on the facade of the Pergamum Museum in East Berlin.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Almost all Catholic churches have the exact same carving above their pulpits, pillars, on statues, as well as carved into ceilings above altars. Some Catholic churches actually have it carved into the Eucharist itself.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Persian sun-god Mithra is also depicted with the globe in hand as a sign ruler of the Universe.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Vatican has a solid gold statues of Jesus with the globe in hand, plus a black marble statue called "the black virgin of Montserrat" and a statue of a "child Jesus" with globe in hand.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the Persian sun god Mithra. "SUN"day
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The admitted change of 7th day Sabbath to "SUN"day......The harlot of Babylon
In the Chaldean-pagan rites of spring festival, the false God named BELTIS queen of heaven-in other languages= Astarte, Ishtar on the assyrian monuments-Ishtar = h is silent pronounced eastar--Astarte-2nd t is silent-pronounced eastar--Catholicisn named that holiday after the false god.

The protestants fixed little of what Catholicism did.

The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Well, I came across some comparisons some time ago that are eye opening to say the least.
Here is what I came across...
'Lets compare some of the pagan sun god beliefs of Baal with what has been picked up and 'christianized' by the Catholic church and some pagan beliefs and doctrines even allowed into Protestant churches.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The nativity of the Sun, the birth of Tammuz Dec. 25
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The nativity of Jesus, Christmas Dec 25

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Midsummer festival held Jun 24
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Nativity of St. John held June 24

PAGAN BELIEFS- The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The assumption of Mary, who became the mother of God

PAGAN BELIEFS- The mother goddess was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Virgin Mary worshipped as the Queen of Heaven.

PAGAN BELIEFS-Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19 CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Hot cross buns

PAGAN BELIEFS- 40 days fasting for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14

PAGAN BELIEFS- Pagan festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of Easter

PAGAN BELIEFS- The resurrection of Tammuz at Easter and the procession of graven images during holy week
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The procession of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints

PAGAN BELIEFS- Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Veneration of graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The belief of immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The doctrine of purgatory
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The doctrine of purgatory

PAGAN BELIEFS- The belief of the dead visiting the living, feast held for all in November, (All souls day)
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The festival of all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 (All souls day)

PAGAN BELIEFS- Burning incense and candles Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The burning of incense and candles

PAGAN BELIEFS- Chants and repetative prayers. Beaded prayer chains.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Gregorian chants and the Rosary

PAGAN BELIEFS- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Infant baptism, and sprinkling of holy water

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Pagan high priest king believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Pope proclaims to be Christ's Vicar (replacement) here on Earth. It is also recorded in numerous documents that the pope believes he is god on earth.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Phallic symbol of the male sex organ placed on roofs as a sign of allegiance with Baal
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Largest phallic symbol in center of St. Peter's square.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Solar wheel as symbol for Baal worship can be found carved into ancient as well as modern Buddhist temples,, carved into ancient ornament representing Osiris. Stone carvings showing a whell to represent and Assyrio Babylonian altar.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- St Peter's square has largest solar wheel on planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it's face. There is a great one in ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more "solar wheels" depicted upon them.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Alternating rays of the sun burst used to represent unity of "man and woman" common in all aspects of Paganism. (Curved ray = female "yonic" Straight ray = male "phallic")

CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Monstrance of Catholicism as well as many paintings and sculptures all depict same rays of both the "phallic and yonic" symbolism can be found literally all over the Roman Catholic church

PAGAN BELIEFS- Statues of a "Madonna" found in all Pagan cults as well as Egyptian Madonna Isis with her son Horus, or Hindu cults with Divaki and her son Krishna.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Statues of Mary can be found in all Catholic churches holding baby Jesus.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Dagon, which was the God of Babylon and Philistia and is mentioned several times in scripture in Judges 16:23, 1 Samuel 5:2-7, and 1 Chronicles 1:10. Babylonian fish-god (half man half fish) was depicted by Pagan high priests by wearing a fish head mitre (head dress) upon a mans head to symbolize man and fish joining when "sun god" set into the ocean. (Neptune = case in point. Half man half fish) One particular Biblical diety = "Dagon" Dag=fish On=sun. In Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, this is the definition for Dagon: 1712. Dagown, daw-gohn'; from H1709; the fish-god; Dagon, a Philistine deity: - According to Ugaritic and other documents link Baal as the son of El, or Dagon.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Mitres are worn by all Popes of Catholcism

PAGAN BELIEFS- The Roman sun-god with the alternating yonic and phallic symbols surrounding his head was found carved in excavated Roman bath houses in England. It is alos found as "Apollo" on the facade of the Pergamum Museum in East Berlin.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- Almost all Catholic churches have the exact same carving above their pulpits, pillars, on statues, as well as carved into ceilings above altars. Some Catholic churches actually have it carved into the Eucharist itself.

PAGAN BELIEFS- Persian sun-god Mithra is also depicted with the globe in hand as a sign ruler of the Universe.
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The Vatican has a solid gold statues of Jesus with the globe in hand, plus a black marble statue called "the black virgin of Montserrat" and a statue of a "child Jesus" with globe in hand.

PAGAN BELIEFS- The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the Persian sun god Mithra. "SUN"day
CATHOLIC DOCTRINES- The admitted change of 7th day Sabbath to "SUN"day......The harlot of Babylon
boring the old copy cat thesis that athests use to discreated the Bible.

The Babylon Connection? Paperback – March 1, 1997​

by Ralph Woodrow (Author)
