How Long Has CB enabled Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists, a platform?

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Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
As scripture reveals…we know NOT the true thoughts of a mans natural spirit (ie Truth in his heart)….which is only known by that individual man and God…

Thus we are told, we shall know men BY their “works”.

Men who have LIED, CHEATED to assume a “governmental power seat”…and observing the things they advocate and promote AS a positioned “governmental power sitter” IN CONTRAST to Gods Word….
Doesn’t much matter, IF they attend a church, receive hokey cleric blessings, or wave a Bible as implication they are operating under the guise of Gods goodness.

Obama was Never Constitutionally LEGAL to sit as a US President…Harris IS NOT Constitutionally a LEGAL VP…Biden amounts to the likes of a 50+ years long welfare recipient on the citizens dime, involved in dirty deals to to be seated.
All round disgusting…and while bystanders, and God loving people watch the US 24-7 promoting immorality and being the pseudo world police…it definitely looks Bleak…
and going to soon get much worse.

What to do? Keep speaking Gods Word and Pray for our Nation.

Glory to God,
Well said.
Question. Many a Christian refers to our country as a Christian nation.

If that is true,if we accept what we're told God says of himself and his power,that all is according to the plans of God and for his glory, if we plan our way but God sets all our steps, each and every one of us, Christian or otherwise, what then would we be praying for?

When,as an example,and fine writing it is,all that you said and is true and more darkness is coming in and for this world where God continues to allow Satan to work as its lord, because the whole world lay in the power of that evil one, why pray?

How does an Omnipresent Sovereign creator test humans he predestined for this? He tests? To what end? When he knows all eternally.

Maybe it is what was said in that line in the film, Constantine. God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything.

Because it's all predestined. And we are following the steps God has laid out for each and every one,every thing, in his Sovereign domain before he created anything at all.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States

FBI Creates New Extremism Category for MAGA Supporters​

Article Source: Newsweek​

  • The federal government has quietly created a new category of extremists it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s MAGA followers, whom it views as a potential threat in the lead-up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
  • While the FBI’s publicly stated focus is on preventing domestic terrorism without reference to political affiliations, its internal data reportedly shows that the majority of its “anti-government” investigations are centered around Trump supporters.
  • Critics argue that labeling Trump and his supporters as domestic terrorists could provoke further anti-government activism and that the challenge lies in striking a balance between countering potential threats and preserving Americans’ constitutional rights
The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers.

The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current "anti-government" investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.

What the FBI Data Shows

From the president down, the Biden administration has presented Trump and MAGA as an existential threat to American democracy and talked up the risk of domestic terrorism and violence associated with the 2024 election campaign.

"Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country," President Biden tweeted last September, the first time that he explicitly singled out the former president. "MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future," Biden said.

Biden's Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall said: "The use of violence to pursue political ends is a profound threat to our public safety and national is a threat to our national identity, our values, our norms, our rule of law—our democracy."

For Attorney General Merrick Garland: "Attacks by domestic terrorists are attacks on all of us collectively, aimed at rending the fabric of our democratic society and driving us apart."

Though the FBI's data shows a dip in the number of investigations since the slew of January 6 cases ended, FBI Director Christopher Wray still says that the breach of the Capitol building was "not an isolated event" and the threat is "not going away anytime soon." In a joint report to Congress this June, the Bureau and the Department of Homeland Security say that "Threats from...DVEs [domestic violent extremists] have increased in the last two years, and any further increases in threats likely will correspond to potential flashpoints, such as high-profile elections and campaigns or contentious current events."

The FBI and DHS report concludes: "Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence."

The threats listed in that paragraph are all clearly associated with America's right and in particular with Trump's MAGA supporters. Right after January 6, the FBI co-authored a restricted report ("Domestic Violent Extremists Emboldened in Aftermath of Capitol Breach, Elevated Domestic Terrorism Threat of Violence Likely Amid Political Transitions and Beyond") in which it shifted the definition of AGAAVE ("anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism") from "furtherance of ideological agendas" to "furtherance of political and/or social agendas." For the first time, such groups could be so labeled because of their politics.

It was a subtle change, little noticed, but a gigantic departure for the Bureau. Trump and his army of supporters were acknowledged as a distinct category of domestic violent extremists, even as the FBI was saying publicly that political views were never part of its criteria to investigate or prevent domestic terrorism. Where the FBI sees threats is also plain from the way it categorizes them—a system which on the surface is designed to appear nonpartisan. This shifted subtly days after the events of January 6 when it comes to what the Bureau calls AGAAVE.

"We cannot and do not investigate ideology," a senior FBI official reassured the press after January 6. "We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence or criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security."

BLM, ok.. Antifa, not a problem... Real terrorists coming over the southern border, C'mon man...
Trump supporters, ABSOLUTELY!

Come and get me.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The problem with even many christain places is they have rather fallen to support that which man supports
and to drive off those who support and call good what GOD calls good .
They unknowing have silenced the voices of truth under a banner of what man , govt have called love and tolerance .
Well , after years of doing so let us examine well just what has become the enemy , what has become the target
GODS own words in the bible are now viewed as hate speech . Under guise of what most see as loving and tolerant
The voice of truth is being silenced , evil now grows very quickly , and hearts are fast being hardened
against the words and truth of GOD which does expose the sin .
And in time the hate for truth and love for this other love has greatly increased .
And the folks cheer every time a voice that they see as non loving , non tolerant is silenced .
You do realize that on the path we are on , this world wont stop at just silencing the voices of truth .
No , in time it will come full force as one to rid the earth of not only truth but those who do speak and live by the truth .
Folks , i invite us to see what occured in the years building up to HILTER and then During His short reign .
Cause we about to see this on a global scale . Propoganda for an agenda is not new , nor its tactics new .
They first transform from within , they then change more and more laws , and lastly under guise of this is what is best for
the nation , IT COMES FULL force against any and all who conformed not , any and all IT VIEWED as a threat .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
As inquity increased even in the times of the jews , God had sent prophets to warn .
They were largely rejected . If however they did repent GOD would stay the evil that was coming .
But the time came when the leaders prophesied for reward
the evil did not repent of their wickedness , cause the leaders would promise them life as is
the prophets prophesied falsely and had visions of PEACE
the prophets prophesied falsey against the true ones who said REPENT and that peace was not coming
without repentance .
Eventually , without repentance , GOD had even HIS own people destroyed .
CHRISTENDOM , LET THAT BE A WAKEUP CALL . ITS TIME to bible up again , its time to make biblical correction great again
Its time to repent before DESTRUCTION COMETH . Repent and ye shall be spared . Repent not
and prepare to meet THY GOD , and who can stand in the day of the wrath of GOD .
ITS GOSPEL preaching time , its time to preach repent and beleive. cause TIME be running out .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well said.
Question. Many a Christian refers to our country as a Christian nation.

When a Nation is typically described as a “whatever religion ” Nation…the “whatever religion” is DECREED by the “RULER”…ie. King, Monarch, whatever power title they hold.

And while the “king, monarch” whatever RULES the political standpoint, there is a “side-kick” religious Leader with great influence over/with whom the “king” councils.

In the US, their was Never an Appointed “RULER”, nor a “side-kick” religious “Leader”.
The US is a Constitutional Republic (not a Democracy, (majority rule), not a Dictator-ship, King Dictates, (Rules by his declarations)….
The US was designed for “ EXPRESSLY PARTICULAR” Citizens to TAKE TURNS as “SERVANTS” “of” “ALL”the Nations ‘Citizens’, Limited by the powers and authority OF the Constitution.
It was up to the CITIZENS to legally VOTE for a legally Eligible Candidate to Sit as a Servant FOR ALL the Citizens OF the US.

THAT ^^ has been subverted, twisted, corrupted for EONS.
Schools began IN Homes, expanded to the teaching IN locally standing Buildings that could accommodate a class room for children, Meeting halls, a Hotel lobby, a saloon, a Church building, a construction of a school house (as the locals could raise the funds and gander volunteers to erect the building) The locals decided the curriculum, (typically based on Scriptural Principles and Standards) raised the funds for the books, and paying a teacher.)

Like “EVERYTHING” that “BEGINS” with the PEOPLE exercising their Authority “with Local governance”….AND a higher established “governance” (ie state, fed), decides “THEY” want to “Be the Dictator “OVER” the Local “districts”….it always begins with a BRIBE of “OFFERING “funds” FOR a trade off “they have authority to CONTOL.

Local Schools FOR EONS, were “Independent Districts”…they funded, they decided for their own children.

To date, VERY FEW “Independent School districts remain”….
To date, the States under the States Authority, have, by a stroke of a pen (laws), authorized themselves, to TAKE OVER, “remaining Independent Schools Districts, AS THEY had “given themselves” authority TO DO SO.

It’s the “corruption” of Government operations methods….offer by bribery, squeeze their foot in the door, and before you know it, they have established themselves as dictators to do as they please…to diminish individuals Liberty to choose for themselves.

What has FOLLOWED…is the emphasis on SPORTS, hundreds of thousands of dollars invested and continues for upkeep, FUN, socializing, SEX, counseling sexual relationships and individual Identity and has superseded the BASIC Principles of the purpose of SCHOOLS, teaching, learning, according to Biblical standards and principles….and Discouraging even the Mention of God, and or Scripture.

And the MORE Children that ARE “RAISE, REARED UP” in that atmosphere, 8 hours a day, day after day, year after year….
Well … open ears, open eyes….and hear and see the corrupt, indoctrinated culture of citizenry it churns out.

And from that same “pool” of ignorants are “long seated” government servants … mob ruler dictators repetitively seated, making up LAWS, that are routinely Out-side, above and beyond the Limiting scope of the Constitution.

If that is true,if we accept what we're told God says of himself and his power,that all is according to the plans of God and for his glory, if we plan our way but God sets all our steps, each and every one of us, Christian or otherwise, what then would we be praying for?

When,as an example,and fine writing it is,all that you said and is true and more darkness is coming in and for this world where God continues to allow Satan to work as its lord, because the whole world lay in the power of that evil one, why pray?

How does an Omnipresent Sovereign creator test humans he predestined for this? He tests? To what end? When he knows all eternally.

Maybe it is what was said in that line in the film, Constantine. God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything.

Because it's all predestined. And we are following the steps God has laid out for each and every one,every thing, in his Sovereign domain before he created anything at all.




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
If that is true,if we accept what we're told God says of himself and his power,that all is according to the plans of God and for his glory, if we plan our way but God sets all our steps, each and every one of us, Christian or otherwise, what then would we be praying for?

Foremost…God Provided ManKIND with FREEWILL (ie angels too).

God Provided the KNOWLEDGE
Of His WAY…and the consequence for an individual to FREELY choose His Way.

The VERY BASIC consequence IS…
God would BE “with” that individual.

God Provided the KNOWLEDGE Of….the consequence for an individual to FREELY choose TO BE AGAINST Him (His Way).

The VERY BASIC consequence IS…
God would NOT BE “with’ that individual.

In either case…bribery OF Wealth, Riches, was NOT a bargaining chip.

In either case….Liberty TO choose, was NOT a bargaining chip.

In either case….those WITH and WITHOUT God…ALL receive BLESSINGS from God.

Granted…Those “with” God are FRIENDS OF God…and AS FRIENDS…they ARE “OFFERED” Gifts from God….they “CAN TAKE”….or “REFUSE”….
(Same concept as behaviors among men).

God Is the Creator….ALL that He Created, (including humans), He did so FOR His Pleasure…
(Same concept as what humans do.)

God is the Maker….OF His Creations…
The Maker holds the Title of (Gods Word, Gods Power).
Gods Word holds the Name JESUS.
Gods Power hold the title CHRIST.

The CREATED (manKIND) has free-WILL to choose.

The MAKER (Christ Jesus), has Authority to OFFER, (gifts), Authority to set the WAY an OFFERED Gift can be received (by a mans Free-will to receive An offered Gift); An ear to hear a mans desire to receive an offered Gift, and the Makers Authority to Dispense and Give to that man, an offered Gift.

The Misconception of PRE-DESTINATION IS that God Himself “created mankind” AND HE, picking and choosing FOR mankind, what “THEY” would choose.

That is FALSE.
* God KNEW each an every “manKIND of thing”….BEFORE they were Created or Made.
* God KNEW “WHAT” each and every “manKIND” of Created thing “WOULD” freely Choose.

God Did not Choose “FOR THEM”….but He DID KNOW “WHAT during the course of their LIFE, what “THEY” would choose……(Long before the individual themselves Knew what they would choose).
(Similar somewhat to parents, knowing much about their offspring BEFORE they ARE Born, and Parents Preparing a Place for their offspring, Before they are Born, and Parents Knowing many choices their offspring will choose, before the offspring knows. And BTW, the parents ALSO have consequences (positive and negative for the offspring) according to the Choices the offspring freely chooses.)

Bottom line…
The Consequence for an individual to Choose God…is a guarantee of eternal life of peace and comfort and Forever with God.

The Consequence for an individual to Reject God….is a guarantee of eternal Separation FROM God, From His Peace and From His Comfort.

WHY bother Praying TO God?
It is the Express means FOR a man WITH God to COMMUNICATE TO God.

Why ASK anything OF God? Because He OFFERED that option to ASK Him.
(Why do children ASK anything of their Parents? Because Little children’s FIRST TRUST is vested IN their parents to give to them that which is GOOD FOR THEM.)

Same Concept when a man in a relationship WITH God, TRUSTS, He will provide that which BEST for that individual.

Glory to God,
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

Maybe it is what was said in that line in the film, Constantine. God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything.

Because it's all predestined. And we are following the steps God has laid out for each and every one,every thing, in his Sovereign domain before he created anything at all.

God does not choose FOR us.
Yet the ALL - KNOWING God KNOWS what we shall choose, and has PREPARED accordingly.

Not to be disillusioned by a famed speaker…
Gods design and plan is not flippant. Every thing created HAS a specific purpose it can fulfill or reject.
(We can observe that in animals, in humans effecting their own freewill…even choosing to keep and care for their offspring or eat them or throw them away in a trash heap.)

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
How does an Omnipresent Sovereign creator test humans he predestined for this? He tests? To what end? When he knows all eternally.

TESTING, is by and large another misconception that TESTING is somehow for the benefit of the TESTER.

TESTING, be it in the most elementary form a a “school test”…. IS for the benefit of the Student….to recognize his own Downfalls and CHOOSE to do something about it….or whine, complain, ( concoct a deceptive plan to hide results from their parents)…rather than FIX his own downfalls ACCORDING to his own choices and efforts.

Same concept with God. You didn’t know, You knew and tripped up…FIX IT, according to the Option God has given men TO FIX the results they do not like of their downfalls….

And not to over-look….what is a trip, downfall with God….is not a consideration for those without God to consider. Many a men GAIN, wealth, possessions, satisfy their greed, through lies, cheating, theft….and OFTEN the loudest whiners and blame everyone but themselves (including God), when their GAIN is taken from them.
(Even a thief will complain (unfairness) when his stolen gain is stolen from him) :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
When,as an example,and fine writing it is,all that you said and is true and more darkness is coming in and for this world where God continues to allow Satan to work as its lord, because the whole world lay in the power of that evil one, why pray?

More Darkness…
Pay close attention. The “overturning” of Roe vs Wade at the Federal level…..WILL BECOME a WIDELY campaigned (several STATES) issue on the Ballots OF the several States and their citizens.

Abortions, abortions, abortions….Yeah, Yeah, whoop, whoop, me, me, me, the Chooser, the Decider of LIFE and DEATH (of an innocent, never having been accused of a crime, (wrong -doing); convicted of a crime, (wrong -doing); yet whimsically JUDGED to a DEATH sentence, BY the very one appointed TO PROTECT THEIR LIFE!!!…..and with the Authority of a Political Government’s Blessing!

Now….Turn to WHAT God “HATES”.
Now….Wonder, Ponder IF God Himself BLESSES those things WHICH HE HATES.

Proverbs 6:
[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

1) a proud look…
(Have you taken notice of the displays of parades expressly FOR PRIDE?)

2) a lying tongue…
(Have you taken notice of people WHO speak LIES and account their LIES to others?)

3) Hands that shed innocent blood.
(Do you know the life of a human IS it’s blood?
Do you know God Knows a human BEFORE it is naturally born?
Do you know the developing fetus has Blood, and has committed no crime? Innocent.

4) A heart (which IS a mans natural spirit, ie his truth)…which devises Wicked things. (Perhaps like the tools, instruments, expressly for killing an innocent?)

5) Swiftly running toward mischief. (Does the last Presidential under cover ballot handling or the secret counseling of children in schools come to mind?)

6) A False LYING witness. Do you know, Government Officials have devised Laws/Rules FOR the citizens at Large, which “THEY” have EXCEPTED themselves from the SAME “laws/Rules” ?
Swear to TELL the Truth….pfff…
No, THEY CAN LIE because “they said so”.
(A teaching directly from scripture….regarding the Pharisees…called Vipers and Hypocrites. )

7) Promote discord among the whole.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7….ARE Hated By and an abomination unto God…

Scripture says:
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What is the Nation Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Protection of it’s own Citizenry’s LIBERTIES.

What is A family Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Necessities, love. shelter, food, health care, clothing, guidance, counseling.

(Computers, phones, transportation, toys, blah, blah, blah…no requirement….and definitely NOT by a government to confiscate the People’s wealth to dole out to WHOM they select and deem qualified to receive.)

So, observing WHAT American Governance AND world governance has BECOME, ‘loved by foreigners and the ignorant”….but also HATED by those WHO HATE that which God HATES…should not Prevent Lovers of God to CONTINUE their relationship WITH God, and TRUST, He shall provide that which SHALL be a favorable Benefit unto them.

And NOT to overlook…regardless of what any man Believes or Trusts….the whole world is going to fall into Despair and Destruction and God Has ALREADY established an ESCAPE PLAN For those WHOM Gods SPIRIT “IS” with and “IN” them.

What is mans PLAN? Satans PLAN? ZIP.
Not overlooking the Deep in the earth bunkers FOR the elitists, pseudo royals… .humm…more like a shorter trip to pass into hell?

God is Just…ask and He will provide.

Trump SAID in his own words…this Nations Greatness WAS on its own merits of Providing for its own…
Trump SAID America First.
Trump SAID Americans First.

Listen closely to Biden’s Anti- MAKING American restored to it’s greatness and Biden’s (supposedly the head chief of a REPUBLIC Government) repetitively preaching A Democracy (mob rule majority and to hell with the rest).

Glory to God,
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
More Darkness…
Pay close attention. The “overturning” of Roe vs Wade at the Federal level…..WILL BECOME a WIDELY campaigned (several STATES) issue on the Ballots OF the several States and their citizens.

Abortions, abortions, abortions….Yeah, Yeah, whoop, whoop, me, me, me, the Chooser, the Decider of LIFE and DEATH (of an innocent, never having been accused of a crime, (wrong -doing); convicted of a crime, (wrong -doing); yet whimsically JUDGED to a DEATH sentence, BY the very one appointed TO PROTECT THEIR LIFE!!!…..and with the Authority of a Political Government’s Blessing!

Now….Turn to WHAT God “HATES”.
Now….Wonder, Ponder IF God Himself BLESSES those things WHICH HE HATES.

Proverbs 6:
[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

1) a proud look…
(Have you taken notice of the displays of parades expressly FOR PRIDE?)

2) a lying tongue…
(Have you taken notice of people WHO speak LIES and account their LIES to others?)

3) Hands that shed innocent blood.
(Do you know the life of a human IS it’s blood?
Do you know God Knows a human BEFORE it is naturally born?
Do you know the developing fetus has Blood, and has committed no crime? Innocent.

4) A heart (which IS a mans natural spirit, ie his truth)…which devises Wicked things. (Perhaps like the tools, instruments, expressly for killing an innocent?)

5) Swiftly running toward mischief. (Does the last Presidential under cover ballot handling or the secret counseling of children in schools come to mind?)

6) A False LYING witness. Do you know, Government Officials have devised Laws/Rules FOR the citizens at Large, which “THEY” have EXCEPTED themselves from the SAME “laws/Rules” ?
Swear to TELL the Truth….pfff…
No, THEY CAN LIE because “they said so”.
(A teaching directly from scripture….regarding the Pharisees…called Vipers and Hypocrites. )

7) Promote discord among the whole.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7….ARE Hated By and an abomination unto God…

Scripture says:
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What is the Nation Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Protection of it’s own Citizenry’s LIBERTIES.

What is A family Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Necessities, love. shelter, food, health care, clothing, guidance, counseling.

(Computers, phones, transportation, toys, blah, blah, blah…no requirement….and definitely NOT by a government to confiscate the People’s wealth to dole out to WHOM they select and deem qualified to receive.)

So, observing WHAT American Governance AND world governance has BECOME, ‘loved by foreigners and the ignorant”….but also HATED by those WHO HATE that which God HATES…should not Prevent Lovers of God to CONTINUE their relationship WITH God, and TRUST, He shall provide that which SHALL be a favorable Benefit unto them.

And NOT to overlook…regardless of what any man Believes or Trusts….the whole world is going to fall into Despair and Destruction and God Has ALREADY established an ESCAPE PLAN For those WHOM Gods SPIRIT “IS” with and “IN” them.

What is mans PLAN? Satans PLAN? ZIP.
Not overlooking the Deep in the earth bunkers FOR the elitists, pseudo royals… .humm…more like a shorter trip to pass into hell?

God is Just…ask and He will provide.

Trump SAID in his own words…this Nations Greatness WAS on its own merits of Providing for its own…
Trump SAID America First.
Trump SAID Americans First.

Listen closely to Biden’s Anti- MAKING American restored to it’s greatness and Biden’s (supposedly the head chief of a REPUBLIC Government) repetitively preaching A Democracy (mob rule majority and to hell with the rest).

Glory to God,
Lets remember that in all cases . GOD aint ever gonna bless the unholy rainbow either
NOR is he gonna bless this anti christ relgioin which has come in the name of and under the guise that it is love
and has made the ROAD TO GOD VERY ANTI CHRIST . the road todays love has made to GOD
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
More Darkness…
Pay close attention. The “overturning” of Roe vs Wade at the Federal level…..WILL BECOME a WIDELY campaigned (several STATES) issue on the Ballots OF the several States and their citizens.

Abortions, abortions, abortions….Yeah, Yeah, whoop, whoop, me, me, me, the Chooser, the Decider of LIFE and DEATH (of an innocent, never having been accused of a crime, (wrong -doing); convicted of a crime, (wrong -doing); yet whimsically JUDGED to a DEATH sentence, BY the very one appointed TO PROTECT THEIR LIFE!!!…..and with the Authority of a Political Government’s Blessing!

Now….Turn to WHAT God “HATES”.
Now….Wonder, Ponder IF God Himself BLESSES those things WHICH HE HATES.

Proverbs 6:
[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

1) a proud look…
(Have you taken notice of the displays of parades expressly FOR PRIDE?)

2) a lying tongue…
(Have you taken notice of people WHO speak LIES and account their LIES to others?)

3) Hands that shed innocent blood.
(Do you know the life of a human IS it’s blood?
Do you know God Knows a human BEFORE it is naturally born?
Do you know the developing fetus has Blood, and has committed no crime? Innocent.

4) A heart (which IS a mans natural spirit, ie his truth)…which devises Wicked things. (Perhaps like the tools, instruments, expressly for killing an innocent?)

5) Swiftly running toward mischief. (Does the last Presidential under cover ballot handling or the secret counseling of children in schools come to mind?)

6) A False LYING witness. Do you know, Government Officials have devised Laws/Rules FOR the citizens at Large, which “THEY” have EXCEPTED themselves from the SAME “laws/Rules” ?
Swear to TELL the Truth….pfff…
No, THEY CAN LIE because “they said so”.
(A teaching directly from scripture….regarding the Pharisees…called Vipers and Hypocrites. )

7) Promote discord among the whole.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7….ARE Hated By and an abomination unto God…

Scripture says:
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What is the Nation Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Protection of it’s own Citizenry’s LIBERTIES.

What is A family Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Necessities, love. shelter, food, health care, clothing, guidance, counseling.

(Computers, phones, transportation, toys, blah, blah, blah…no requirement….and definitely NOT by a government to confiscate the People’s wealth to dole out to WHOM they select and deem qualified to receive.)

So, observing WHAT American Governance AND world governance has BECOME, ‘loved by foreigners and the ignorant”….but also HATED by those WHO HATE that which God HATES…should not Prevent Lovers of God to CONTINUE their relationship WITH God, and TRUST, He shall provide that which SHALL be a favorable Benefit unto them.

And NOT to overlook…regardless of what any man Believes or Trusts….the whole world is going to fall into Despair and Destruction and God Has ALREADY established an ESCAPE PLAN For those WHOM Gods SPIRIT “IS” with and “IN” them.

What is mans PLAN? Satans PLAN? ZIP.
Not overlooking the Deep in the earth bunkers FOR the elitists, pseudo royals… .humm…more like a shorter trip to pass into hell?

God is Just…ask and He will provide.

Trump SAID in his own words…this Nations Greatness WAS on its own merits of Providing for its own…
Trump SAID America First.
Trump SAID Americans First.

Listen closely to Biden’s Anti- MAKING American restored to it’s greatness and Biden’s (supposedly the head chief of a REPUBLIC Government) repetitively preaching A Democracy (mob rule majority and to hell with the rest).

Glory to God,
AS YOU read what i wrote to you above just know its tough when one finds out what pipe they been smoking of
under the unity common ground bridge builders pipe of death . BUT IT DONT MEAN its too late to get back in the bible
and get dug again in that knowledge . DO be encouraged . But YOU would be amazed
if everyone who has smoked from that deadly pipe were to suddenly turn pink . ITS ALL OVER the place .
And though some are farther along and have taken deeper inhalations for longer peroids of time from that pipe
Make NO MISTAKE , Once those lips have hit that pipe , IF ONE DONT put it down , THEY DONE .
What is the matter , taken . I BET YOU have heard those phrases , the common ground , bridge builders
the cry of JUDGE NOT , lets get along , lets have unity . ITS INFILTRATED MASSIVE amounts of so called houses of GOD .
And if one dont take their lips off that pipe , THEY DOOMED TO THE WORST OF HELLS FIERY DAMNATION . Just thought
i would make mention of that too . THE END OF IT ALL IS PERIDTION and TOTAL DESTRUCTION .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Prayer removed from Schools WAS a hoax in the WAY news reported, giving the impression Prayer was Banned from schools, it wasn’t.

Teachers were no longer permitted to LEAD or REQUIRE students to participate in Prayer.
It never prevented STUDENTS from praying or leading prayers or teachers from participating in student lead prayers.

Even the US Congress opens its session with A Prayer.
That is exactly what I said. And I am very aware that the Congress opens with prayer.
I am also aware that it didn't keep students from praying. I dont remember any student led prayers in the classroom.I did that (privately pray) as well and posted about it.
Call if what you want, but it was Madelyn Murray OHair who "stopped" mandatory prayer in school. I remember when she did it and what my teacher said.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
More Darkness…
Pay close attention. The “overturning” of Roe vs Wade at the Federal level…..WILL BECOME a WIDELY campaigned (several STATES) issue on the Ballots OF the several States and their citizens.

Abortions, abortions, abortions….Yeah, Yeah, whoop, whoop, me, me, me, the Chooser, the Decider of LIFE and DEATH (of an innocent, never having been accused of a crime, (wrong -doing); convicted of a crime, (wrong -doing); yet whimsically JUDGED to a DEATH sentence, BY the very one appointed TO PROTECT THEIR LIFE!!!…..and with the Authority of a Political Government’s Blessing!

Now….Turn to WHAT God “HATES”.
Now….Wonder, Ponder IF God Himself BLESSES those things WHICH HE HATES.

Proverbs 6:
[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

1) a proud look…
(Have you taken notice of the displays of parades expressly FOR PRIDE?)

2) a lying tongue…
(Have you taken notice of people WHO speak LIES and account their LIES to others?)

3) Hands that shed innocent blood.
(Do you know the life of a human IS it’s blood?
Do you know God Knows a human BEFORE it is naturally born?
Do you know the developing fetus has Blood, and has committed no crime? Innocent.

4) A heart (which IS a mans natural spirit, ie his truth)…which devises Wicked things. (Perhaps like the tools, instruments, expressly for killing an innocent?)

5) Swiftly running toward mischief. (Does the last Presidential under cover ballot handling or the secret counseling of children in schools come to mind?)

6) A False LYING witness. Do you know, Government Officials have devised Laws/Rules FOR the citizens at Large, which “THEY” have EXCEPTED themselves from the SAME “laws/Rules” ?
Swear to TELL the Truth….pfff…
No, THEY CAN LIE because “they said so”.
(A teaching directly from scripture….regarding the Pharisees…called Vipers and Hypocrites. )

7) Promote discord among the whole.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7….ARE Hated By and an abomination unto God…

Scripture says:
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What is the Nation Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Protection of it’s own Citizenry’s LIBERTIES.

What is A family Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Necessities, love. shelter, food, health care, clothing, guidance, counseling.

(Computers, phones, transportation, toys, blah, blah, blah…no requirement….and definitely NOT by a government to confiscate the People’s wealth to dole out to WHOM they select and deem qualified to receive.)

So, observing WHAT American Governance AND world governance has BECOME, ‘loved by foreigners and the ignorant”….but also HATED by those WHO HATE that which God HATES…should not Prevent Lovers of God to CONTINUE their relationship WITH God, and TRUST, He shall provide that which SHALL be a favorable Benefit unto them.

And NOT to overlook…regardless of what any man Believes or Trusts….the whole world is going to fall into Despair and Destruction and God Has ALREADY established an ESCAPE PLAN For those WHOM Gods SPIRIT “IS” with and “IN” them.

What is mans PLAN? Satans PLAN? ZIP.
Not overlooking the Deep in the earth bunkers FOR the elitists, pseudo royals… .humm…more like a shorter trip to pass into hell?

God is Just…ask and He will provide.

Trump SAID in his own words…this Nations Greatness WAS on its own merits of Providing for its own…
Trump SAID America First.
Trump SAID Americans First.

Listen closely to Biden’s Anti- MAKING American restored to it’s greatness and Biden’s (supposedly the head chief of a REPUBLIC Government) repetitively preaching A Democracy (mob rule majority and to hell with the rest).

Glory to God,
trump was supposed to MAGA the first time and didn't do it. If he runs again, as Christie says, it will be retributive.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
OH congress does open with prayer , but according to their fruits one has to ask what version of what god are they praying too .
LOOK OUT delusoin is everywhere .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
trump was supposed to MAGA the first time and didn't do it. If he runs again, as Christie says, it will be retributive.
The politcians nor can any man save this nation or this world from the wrath that will soon come upon it .
Now this might seem harsh but it is true . HOWEVER i do have wonderful news .
JESUS saves and all who are HIS will not endure the WRATH of GOD .
and the reminder should have been , REPENT and BELIEVE . NOTHING gonna stop the delusion
that is running wild under guise it is love . ALL things are coming to pass . TOTAL reprobation of minds will only increase .
BUT AS I SAID , LET all CLING TO CHRIST JESUS , HOPE IN HE ALONE , cause men aint saving ANYTHING , in fact
they are all part of the deception . Just a friendly reminder with lots of love for all . ITS BIBLE TIME FOLKS .
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Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
More Darkness…
Actually it was a question.
Don't talk down to people thinking that tactic makes your point appear credible. It doesn't, when you can't answer a simple question.

Pay close attention. The “overturning” of Roe vs Wade at the Federal level…..WILL BECOME a WIDELY campaigned (several STATES) issue on the Ballots OF the several States and their citizens.

Abortions, abortions, abortions….Yeah, Yeah, whoop, whoop, me, me, me, the Chooser, the Decider of LIFE and DEATH (of an innocent, never having been accused of a crime, (wrong -doing); convicted of a crime, (wrong -doing); yet whimsically JUDGED to a DEATH sentence, BY the very one appointed TO PROTECT THEIR LIFE!!!…..and with the Authority of a Political Government’s Blessing!

Now….Turn to WHAT God “HATES”.
Now….Wonder, Ponder IF God Himself BLESSES those things WHICH HE HATES.

Proverbs 6:
[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

1) a proud look…
(Have you taken notice of the displays of parades expressly FOR PRIDE?)

2) a lying tongue…
(Have you taken notice of people WHO speak LIES and account their LIES to others?)

3) Hands that shed innocent blood.
(Do you know the life of a human IS it’s blood?
Do you know God Knows a human BEFORE it is naturally born?
Do you know the developing fetus has Blood, and has committed no crime? Innocent.

4) A heart (which IS a mans natural spirit, ie his truth)…which devises Wicked things. (Perhaps like the tools, instruments, expressly for killing an innocent?)

5) Swiftly running toward mischief. (Does the last Presidential under cover ballot handling or the secret counseling of children in schools come to mind?)

6) A False LYING witness. Do you know, Government Officials have devised Laws/Rules FOR the citizens at Large, which “THEY” have EXCEPTED themselves from the SAME “laws/Rules” ?
Swear to TELL the Truth….pfff…
No, THEY CAN LIE because “they said so”.
(A teaching directly from scripture….regarding the Pharisees…called Vipers and Hypocrites. )

7) Promote discord among the whole.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7….ARE Hated By and an abomination unto God…

Scripture says:
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What is the Nation Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Protection of it’s own Citizenry’s LIBERTIES.

What is A family Required to Provide for it’s OWN….? Necessities, love. shelter, food, health care, clothing, guidance, counseling.

(Computers, phones, transportation, toys, blah, blah, blah…no requirement….and definitely NOT by a government to confiscate the People’s wealth to dole out to WHOM they select and deem qualified to receive.)

So, observing WHAT American Governance AND world governance has BECOME, ‘loved by foreigners and the ignorant”….but also HATED by those WHO HATE that which God HATES…should not Prevent Lovers of God to CONTINUE their relationship WITH God, and TRUST, He shall provide that which SHALL be a favorable Benefit unto them.

And NOT to overlook…regardless of what any man Believes or Trusts….the whole world is going to fall into Despair and Destruction and God Has ALREADY established an ESCAPE PLAN For those WHOM Gods SPIRIT “IS” with and “IN” them.

What is mans PLAN? Satans PLAN? ZIP.
Not overlooking the Deep in the earth bunkers FOR the elitists, pseudo royals… .humm…more like a shorter trip to pass into hell?

God is Just…ask and He will provide.

Trump SAID in his own words…this Nations Greatness WAS on its own merits of Providing for its own…
Trump SAID America First.
Trump SAID Americans First.

Listen closely to Biden’s Anti- MAKING American restored to it’s greatness and Biden’s (supposedly the head chief of a REPUBLIC Government) repetitively preaching A Democracy (mob rule majority and to hell with the rest).

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
trump was supposed to MAGA the first time and didn't do it. If he runs again, as Christie says, it will be retributive.

Trump stated flat out…No to the Economic Forums (Klaus Schwab’s promoted agenda)…

Trump stated flat out…No to the UN’s (promoted agenda).

Trump stated flat out…for the American People to unite, and He would take the brunt of accusations and hate.

Trump spent daily trying to accomplish betterments FOR Americans Secure Liberty with a DAGGER stuck in his back during his entire Presidency….and continuing to this day.

Fact is the lowdown backstabbing, is what a lowdown person resorts to when “BUSINESS as USUAL” of bribery fails.

The naysayers had NOTHING to Bribe Trump with…

Trumps downfall was not BEING an “insider Politician” to upfront KNOW WHOM to sweep out the door of People’s Office, on DAY ONE that he assumed Office.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Actually it was a question.
Don't talk down to people thinking that tactic makes your point appear credible. It doesn't, when you can't answer a simple question.

Several of your “questions” were about Prayer…I answered.

I stated my beliefs, be they the same as yours makes no difference to my beliefs.

Sorry, didn’t know you required kid gloves when being giving a reminder of Gods WAY and warning of the leaning intent the Several States are planning to put on the ballot and Reminder of Gods Negative Consequences for a People WHO PROMOTE WHAT GOD HATES.

I don’t know you…If you require no reminders or warnings….scroll on by.

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Several of your “questions” were about Prayer…I answered.

I stated my beliefs, be they the same as yours makes no difference to my beliefs.

Sorry, didn’t know you required kid gloves when being giving a reminder of Gods WAY and warning of the leaning intent the Several States are planning to put on the ballot and Reminder of Gods Negative Consequences for a People WHO PROMOTE WHAT GOD HATES.

I don’t know you…If you require no reminders or warnings….scroll on by
Your method of talking down to people is pathetic.

You've no right to think you can talk to anyone about God's way when you comport yourself as one who doesn't know it.

Kid gloves? No. Decency? Yes. You have none.

Happily scrolling on by.