How the Geological Column Affirms The Genesis Account

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Contrary to the teachings of the Atheistic Scientific Community, the Geological Column - which we've all seen in junior high and high school textbooks showing the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic eras stacked up with data and pictures of dinosaurs and creatures supposedly indicative of these various time frames - is not the "settled science" proof for the evolutionary timetable that it is claimed to be, as the following will demonstrate:

There is no place on Earth where the entire Geological Column, which supposedly took hundreds of millions of years of "sedimentary deposition" to form, is found completely intact - no matter where you go on the planet, there are various layers missing, depending on where you are. These missing layers are at the heart of the controversy: were these "millions of years old" missing layers actually there at one time but were swept away by "epigene attack" aka "erosion" forces of wind, rain, and tectonic activity that prevailed in the areas they supposedly went missing --- or --- were the rock layers the result of rapidly deposited soft mud "turbidite" flows during the Genesis Flood (which later hardened into solid rock) but varying degrees of geological forces governing turbidite activity caused uneven distribution of material so that what appears to be "missing" layers in certain areas are actually instances where material was simply never deposited in the first place? While it can be shown that the latter is the case, one thing is certain: every single layer of the geological column is missing in either one part of the world or the other...except one: the Cretaceous. And its universal presence proves the Genesis account of a universal Flood. God always leaves His fingerprints behind for those who are willing to put on their detective hat and grab their magnifying glass and "search for Me with all your heart".

The Cretaceous layer, known as the "chalk layer" is comprised mainly of calcium carbonate shells of microscopic creatures like Radiolarians and Foraminifera. It ranges in size from very small to the massive formations of the White Cliffs of Dover which are 350 feet high. What the Atheistic Scientific Community doesn't want you to know is that the habitat of these creatures is water. They are "marine sessile life". What is the only explanation for how it is that this layer is found universally all over the planet? Our planet at some point in the past was once entirely underwater - a universal Flood.

The Atheistic Scientific Community is only now willing to admit to "localized flooding" but can never admit to a universal Flood -- because that would mean our planet not only picked the winning numbers in the "lottery of life" once, but twice, after everything was wiped out in the Flood the first time - which for them is simply not possible. They write books like "The Blind Watchmaker" to convince us that it doesn't matter how mathematically impossible the theory of evolution is because, essentially, "we're here, therefore it happened." But, how do you convince someone to believe it didn't only happen once, but twice after everything in the first go around drowned in a Flood? You can't. But, you, friend, can trust the Bible like you were there when they wrote it. There is a mountain of accurate scientific evidence against the popular but erroneous ideas of the Atheistic Scientific, don't let arrogance or ridicule dissuade you from believing and accepting the truth: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth". Amen.
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Active Member
Jul 2, 2020
New Zealand
Good point about missing layers in places (since they supposedly took so long to deposit). But I think creationists err in lumping everything into one great Flood. I think there were some other catastrophes during world history.

I agree that the Cretaceous seems to match the Flood. "No seasons" in Jurassic (just before Cretaceous) & "seasons" in Oligocene (just after Cretaceous) is also evidence for this because Genesis first mentions "summer & winter" at the end of the flood chapter which implies that there was a axis tilt during the flood and that seasons first appear after the flood.

see this analysis of the geological time scale/column I posted in another forum some time ago:


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Good point about missing layers in places (since they supposedly took so long to deposit). But I think creationists err in lumping everything into one great Flood. I think there were some other catastrophes during world history.

I agree that the Cretaceous seems to match the Flood. "No seasons" in Jurassic (just before Cretaceous) & "seasons" in Oligocene (just after Cretaceous) is also evidence for this because Genesis first mentions "summer & winter" at the end of the flood chapter which implies that there was a axis tilt during the flood and that seasons first appear after the flood.

see this analysis of the geological time scale/column I posted in another forum some time ago:
Yes, there was definitely more going on than what happened at the Flood, however, the rock layers for the most part as we see them today were formed rapidly during the deluge. Post-Flood, there is evidence of massive, simultaneous volcanic activity - maybe that played a part to separate "Pangaea". Perhaps there was something along the lines of earthquake "aftershocks" but with much more intensity not seen today. How frightful it must have been for Noah's posterity living on a newly destroyed planet with everything still settling into place.

Have you heard of Paleocurrents? Imaging equipment was used to look into the Earth and view how water flowed across each layer by evaluating the ripple marks, etc. Amazing how data in each layer matches perfectly what a Biblical Flood prediction model would suggest: normal measurements which match what we see today at the PreCambrian and Cambrian, while as we move up through the column, chaos ensues - entire continents being washed over from one direction, no normal basin activity whatsover, continents washed over from the other direction, etc. As we approach the top, a return to modern day normalcy is achieved. Too many questions arise for evolutionists and their "Uniformitarian Principle" as to what in the flip could explain such activity in the past that is so "different" than today, a cardinal sin for their Principle.