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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You want God to use you.?


Ok, here is how to get that going, asap.

A.) Always Make what is important to God, your life's work, your main motivation, = your "ministry.

That's it.
Final answer.

Do that all the time, and He'll use you all the time.

(see the 1st Commandment) to get started.

So, what is God's main motivation today? Right now?

What Proves God's main motivation, so that you can SEE IT?
Obviously He wants you to know.

What is it?

Its the Cross of Christ.
Why is that EVERYTHING to God?
Because that is the Way to get everyone back in His Family.
That is why He sacrificed Jesus on The Cross.
So, as that is God's main motivation, it has to be important to you also.
If you put your heart there, then what is most important to God, has become important to you.

So, that is : SOUL WINNING.

Reader, Soul Winning is the Fruit of the Cross of Christ.
Nothing else you can do, even comes close to comparing.
Thats a fact.
See.....God is a SOUL WINNER.
So, The more you are like God the more you will think that way.
The more you don't, then ..... you know the rest of the sentence.

Now, let me take you off the wrong hook, and put you on the right Hook.
You are not to dress in a sack cloth, and paint a sign that says.. "Turn or Burn"..."Repent Ye, or ye shall likewise Perish".

That's not soul winning.
A Soul winner, simply has that heart., and that is God's heart.
Get that heart, and always let that heart be in you, and God will use you.

You've heard the term.... the phrase..."keep the main thing...the main thing?
Thats the main thing with God.

"Harvesting Souls into the Kingdom".

= Job 1.

See the Cross of Christ for the update.

Get that Heart. Keep that heart.. always.
As God's heart is just like that.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
You want God to use you.?


Ok, here is how to get that going, asap.

A.) Always Make what is important to God, your life's work, your main motivation, = your "ministry.

That's it.
Final answer.

Do that all the time, and He'll use you all the time.

(see the 1st Commandment) to get started.

So, what is God's main motivation today? Right now?

What Proves God's main motivation, so that you can SEE IT?
Obviously He wants you to know.

What is it?

Its the Cross of Christ.
Why is that EVERYTHING to God?
Because that is the Way to get everyone back in His Family.
That is why He sacrificed Jesus on The Cross.
So, as that is God's main motivation, it has to be important to you also.
If you put your heart there, then what is most important to God, has become important to you.

So, that is : SOUL WINNING.

Reader, Soul Winning is the Fruit of the Cross of Christ.
Nothing else you can do, even comes close to comparing.
Thats a fact.
See.....God is a SOUL WINNER.
So, The more you are like God the more you will think that way.
The more you don't, then ..... you know the rest of the sentence.

Now, let me take you off the wrong hook, and put you on the right Hook.
You are not to dress in a sack cloth, and paint a sign that says.. "Turn or Burn"..."Repent Ye, or ye shall likewise Perish".

That's not soul winning.
A Soul winner, simply has that heart., and that is God's heart.
Get that heart, and always let that heart be in you, and God will use you.

You've heard the term.... the phrase..."keep the main thing...the main thing?
Thats the main thing with God.

"Harvesting Souls into the Kingdom".

= Job 1.

See the Cross of Christ for the update.

Get that Heart. Keep that heart.. always.
As God's heart is just like that.
Is that what Cyrus did? or what about the Donkey who spoke to Balaam?

Attempting to twist God's arm by employing our logic/ rationale only speaks of our shortsightedness.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
You want God to use you.?

Get involved, be regular in attending your local church, be involved in activities of any sort.
Learn what and why you believe and seek to talk about it.

Any church with a desire to reach others will welcome an extra helper and will quickly see that this person is more than just a mover of chairs and will try him/her out.
At work be different. be always on time, hard working, accurate, dependable, not someone taking advantage.
If its possible have a Christian book on your place of work, read it before starting work or durring a lunch break. It will generate questions and conversations.

You want God to use you? Live as a visible Christian, he will use you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Get involved, be regular in attending your local church, be involved in activities of any sort.

Never do that.

You always first have to find out if your Local Church is a cult.
As if dont understand how to do that, then you'll give your life to NOTHING.

So, not a good idea to tell people to just run to the nearest Church.

It could be Mormon.
it could be a JW
It could be "cult of mary"
It could be a Hyper Calvinist""
It could be a CULT, like those.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
Never do that.

You always first have to find out if your Local Church is a cult.
As if dont understand how to do that, then you'll give your life to NOTHING.

So, not a good idea to tell people to just run to the nearest Church.

It could be Mormon.
it could be a JW
It could be "cult of mary"
It could be a Hyper Calvinist""
It could be a CULT, like those.
A new Christian wants to serve his saviour. Just where do you imagine this new Christian is?
Either he is already attending a church, or is meeting with other Christians who were instrumental in his coming to faith.

Those same Christians who helped this new be.iever find faith will also advise him about where to go.

The biblical pattern is for believers to meet together regularly, it is were they learn, to serve, encourage one another and are challenged.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
To get the Lord to use you, you just have to listen to His instructions!

If you want Him to use you more, you just ask Him to use you more, and then listen to His instructions!

However, it might be better to just listen to His instructions. In the Lord's prayer we see the request that His will be done!!! Therefore when you start asking based on your desire, even your desire to be used more by Him, you start desiring that your will be done and not His will be done. Of course, if you feel like asking for more, then you might have something to learn and He is willing to teach you. He will teach you how His will for you is better than you will for yourself! Never-the-less, ask and it shall be given to you! Both the extra work and then education about how His understanding is better than yours!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
A new Christian wants to serve his saviour. Just where do you imagine this new Christian is?
Either he is already attending a church, or is meeting with other Christians who were instrumental in his coming to faith.

Those same Christians who helped this new be.iever find faith will also advise him about where to go.

The biblical pattern is for believers to meet together regularly, it is were they learn, to serve, encourage one another and are challenged.

I want to point out that there are some assumptions that can go with the attitude above. I think you were responding to someone who wrote "You always first have to find out if your Local Church is a cult."

That is probably overstated and is certainly not complete. The first thing we have to do is seek the Kingdom of God!! Have we not read to seek first the Kingdom of God?????

The Kingdom of God is lead by the King - even the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS - so seeking first the Kingdom of God means seeking first the KIng who is over the Kingdom of God - meaning we start by seeking the Lord our God, Jesus Christ!! Who has been placed over the Kingdom of God by His Father. And Jesus Christ has a name which is called "THE WORD OF GOD" because He speaks to everyone in His Kingdom, and gives them instructions! Which explains why He is LORD OF LORDS!

Therefore the answer to what to do and where to go - is always obtained my seeking Him!!!

I mean He also could ask you to go to a church - even a cult - because He might even have a purpose for that if you make it a habbit of listening to Him??? So both you and the person who wrote ""You always first have to find out if your Local Church is a cult." have both decided to lean on your own understanding instead of actually seeking His voice and making Him Lord or your life!!

Now from talking to Him, meaning conversations back and forth, I did not ever have Him talk me to a church that could be considered a cult. And the worst Christian church for me, that I went to was the first Christian church I went to. And that was because after I first heard from Him telling me to "Read Your Bible", I also decided on my own to go to a Christian church I knew about. I did not yet understand that I could and should ask Him about everything in my life - which would of course include what church to go to.

I got smarter and He then took me to a Christian church I really liked! Now in that twenty years He has had me in many Christian churches. Some Christians would think by their own understanding that He would not take a person to many Christian churches, but rather establish them in a particular Christian church. Well, that might be true for most people, but He had asked me to open up a Christian Bookstore in town for Him, and there were 137 Christian churches is the town. I know, because He asked me to get a map of the town and put a flag pinned into the place where each Christian church in town was. Many of them were even operating out of houses - in fact there had to be more than 137 Christian churches, thought that was all that I could find using the phone books, newpapers, and internet.

So with all those possibilities and by leaning on your own understanding, are going to decide for yourself where you need to go and when??

Have we not read in the Bible that He wants to guide our steps???

Now, while I seem to have been set down in a particular Christian church for a good ten years now, there have still been seasons where He takes me a bit in and out of even that church. It's not that He doesn't have me doing something there. For the last five years of so, He had had me working in a prayer room, checking people in and out. But even that closed down during covid, and the Lord did not have me doing anything else at that church - though He often has me posting - but not always!! He gives me breaks from that too.

We need to stop assuming what He wants and start listening to Him guide us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And saying I have to go to church, is an assumption. From my experience with Him, I would say it is one of the better assumptions, but even saying that means you are going back to leaning on your own understanding!! Jesus took time and spent is with the Father. He sometimes sent the group on ahead of Him, then a some point later He showed up - and He was guided by the Holy Spirit, doing and saying only what the Father told Him via the Holy Spirit!

So many times I have seen people refer to 'WWJD' - what would Jesus Do? He did and said only what the Father told Him, including where and when He was to go!!

So if you want to get used by God, LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!

Luke 9:35 Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!”

Do that, and if He takes you down into hell to preach, then so be it!!

Mat 28: 18-20And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

What if He asks you to go to a place where there is not a church, are you not going to go because there is no church to go to? He is always with you always!! So make it about listening to Him, not about your good works and your understanding!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
We need to stop assuming what He wants and start listening to Him guide us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What God wants of the ordinary Christian, and of the extra ordinary Christian is found in the bible.
Hebrews 10:25 about meeting together.
John14:21 loving Jesus means obeying him.

It is in the company of other Christians that we can grow, be tested, put to use and helped to serve God in many ways.