I Believe In Miracles

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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi everyone!
I posted some of my personal stories on another forum a while back because I wanted to encourage certain members there, who were going through some struggles at that time They may not have been aware of my reasons for doing this but It really did not matter because my whole purpose was to raise their level of faith in God. In the last couple of day's, I have felt the same prompting to post some here also. I hope that these true stories will bless and encourage you and raise your level of faith and trust in God also... :)

PS: If anyone wishes to add their own personal miracles or stories they want to share...please feel free to do so - Blessings!

A while back., I was asked to help a new believer through a rough patch...she was having some spiritual problems and needed some counseling and support. At that time, I was taking her through a course on "Knowing your authority in Christ." We would study together regularly and on this particular occasion, she came over only to find me unable to move. I was totally paralyzed. I couldn't even move my head without searing pain rushing through my body and causing blinding pain. She was ready to call an ambulance due to the extent of my condition but I would not have it...she then suggested that we postpone our study for another time...my Lord! that really made me mad and I got angry with the devil...and I told her that I will not allow the enemy to hinder me from teaching you how to be free in Christ"... with that, I rolled off the bed [in absolute pain] and began to crawl down the passage into the study. My poor student/friend looked terrified but followed behind anyway...half way down the passageway, an anointing fell from the ceiling and I stood up without any pain...We carried on in our study and after awhile she said, " I have never in my life seen anything like that...I mean, you looked like you were going to die and here you are...like nothing ever happened." Well that lovely young lady is still full on in the Lord and she has led many to the cross since then. God has a plan for our lives and he will fulfill it....btw...never had pain like that again!

Glory to God!


My friends husband was well known in my area for helping young people get into work and has a vocational progamme that runs through the school and other work agencies. His main training area, centered on forestry and he was out one time with a group of students teaching them how to fell a tree with a chainsaw. For some unknown reason, the tree that he was felling went into the opposite direction of the cut and he was hit by it. An ambulance was called and he was diagnosed as being dead from the impact. His wife, my friend, was called and she arrived just before they were going to take him away to the local hospital morgue. She asked them to move aside and they did....She then began to speak in tongues and lift her hands before the Lord...no-one dared move as they allowed her to continue...with tears streaming down her face my friend continued to speak in tongues...suddenly her husband began to stir and then cough and his eyes opened. It was a miracle! my friend said to her husband..."and where do you think you were going? we have work to do." Lol!
My friends husband was checked out and had no injuries to be seen. It wasn't long before he was back at work, doing what he did best...The amazing thing about the story was the impact it had on the emergency staff. Some have now joined the body of believers and yes God still does miracles today!



My father is in heaven and I praise God for that...

A few years ago my mother came to see me and tell me that Dad was needing an urgent operation and because of his age [he was much older than my mom] the chances of recuperating [from the operation] was minimal. However, if he did not have this operation, he would die. Both my parents were unbelievers at the time and I knew that my mom was relying on my faith in God for a miracle...I went into prayer and talked to the Lord about Isaiah 38 and said "Lord, you added another 15 years onto Hezekiahs life, you can also do this for my father because he is not saved and if he dies right now, I will never see him again" I wrestled with the Lord the whole night until dawn on this matter...in the midst of it all I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to relent [cease resistance] but I could not because I knew what the price would be...so I continued. Finally I relented and said that whatever happens Lord, let your will be done. I pray that when the doctors [specialists] check up on him the following day, that they will find nothing and Lord I pray that you will let him come home from the hospital because he hates being there. To make a long story short...my father, who was in hospital at the time, was checked over by specialists [prepped before possible surgery]and they could not find a thing wrong with him...All they said was " whatever was there before, is not there now" and that was it. He was sent home that day. My mom got saved through it and my dad got saved later on. BTW...God added another 7 years to my dads life and he has now gone to be with the Lord. My mom is still following the Lord I am believing for the rest of my family [brothers and sisters]...

Praise the Lord!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
All Praise and Glory to God! Thanks you Guys....Y'all such a blessing! ^_^

One time, a friend of mine came over to ask me to see a young woman who was scared that she may have lost her baby [still in the womb] and wanted me to come and pray for her. I went to see her and found out that she was going out with this satanist guy who put a curse on the baby [his baby]. He had just come out of jail and was being pursued by the police for something. This young woman was terrified of him and hoped that the police would eventually catch him. In the mean time, I asked her a few questions about the baby. She had not had any movement from the baby since he put a curse on it, a few days back [almost a week]. Well I just layed hands on that womb and prayed for Gods divine power to come down and break that curse and bring that baby back to life...Suddenly there was an almighty kick as a response from that little one...Lol!

The father was eventually caught by police later on. This woman went home and found him asleep in bed. She was very afraid and called a friend who could not wake him either. They finally called the police and he awoke as they entered the room to cuff him.

My warrior friend and I were asked to join others in a little township to pray for the people there. Apparently the town had only a few Christians in it.

I did not know why, but felt led to go with my friend and pray for it. We stayed at a christian guys place along with two others.

Unbeknown to us...this little town was a gang stronghold...lol! [meaning: the whole town was related to each other and it was controlled by a particular gang]. We were wondering why we were the center of attention while we were there...however, we checked the town out and got a little information about the place. Our host...who told us nothing until we turned up there, told us that the people in this town disappear at about 1am and return later on...they were going out raiding and coming back with the spoils of their raids and sharing it with each other.

That night we settled in and began to pray for this town according to God's will [binding and loosing]. During the prayer session, we noticed that people were beginning to gather outside the house but thought nothing of it [we were kind of an enigma anyway, because we were strangers in their town]. Then we left the following day.

Our host contacted us later on to tell us that some of the folks there had gotten saved. Apparently, people were telling him what they experienced that night. They said that the whole house that we were in, was glowing and they were wandering why, others said they saw angels with swords right around the house. We did nothing, we just prayed and the power of God came down and he revealed himself to these people...People who live in darkness, who saw a great light...I heard that some got saved through that experience..Amen!


After leaving my house from a "Youth Home group meeting " a couple of girls [who should know better] decided to take a walk into town.

They told me later that as they were walking through town and they got harassed by a group of guys following them in a car. The car began to slow down and these girls were getting worried...as the car stopped next to them, the oldest of the two, prayed that the Lord hide them from these guys. Well..the guys drove off in a wild frenzy and spun across the other side of the road to the local tavern, screaming at the top of their lungs..."Ghosts! the girls are ghosts!" [probably because they disappeared before there very eyes...Lol!]

Anyway the girls came back to my place and I was not very happy with them... no no but "Praise God that they were kept safe" amen

Hidden under the shadow of his wings!

A retired missionary and good friend of mine from Church was a missionary in Papua New Guinea many years ago. He, his wife and children were one of the first white folk to live amongst a particular hill-tribe, and he told me this story. Many years back his wife and family had a house in the valley in a particular part of New Guinea. They were missionaries at the time and ran a bible study and Church service in their home. The good thing about these hilltribe/headhunter people was...that when they were going kill you, they told you first. My friend had a group of tribesmen knock on his door one day to tell him that they were going to come that night and kill him, his wife and children. My friend gathered his family together and they began to pray. That evening they heard the sound of their horn [indicating that they were going to attack them] and movement outside their house and they continued to pray for Gods protection and his mercy towards them and nothing happened.

The next morning my friend saw the chief of that tribe and asked him why they did not kill them. He said that they came down from the hills but could not get near the house because of the big men who carried big weapons...he said that they were everywhere, so the tribe left.

He is our refuge in times of trouble!


A friend of mine who lives in another town told me this amazing testimony. She is a very giving and caring person and during a time of personal financial difficulty for her and her family, she gave the last of their money, to someone who really needed it at the time.

Her husband was not very happy when he found out about it as they also had two children to support and no other income till the following week. So they decided to pray about it and wrote out a grocery list of all the things that they needed to get them by, till their next pay. After praying about all the things that they needed, there was a knock at the door. My friend answered it and a woman appeared asking if they were [their names] and they said that they were...she then said that she had a gift for them and turned toward her car [which my friend noted - was a green Jaguar] When she came back, she was holding bags of groceries which they helped to bring inside.

After the bags were place in the house, they turned to thank her...only to find that she and her car had disappeared. They live in a street where they could see cars from a distant coming and going and they said that there was no-way that, that car could go down their drive and into the street without them seeing it.
They came back inside and decided to check the groceries and found everything they prayed for on the list, was there, including extras!

They never saw that person or that car again..."Praise the Lord"

For our God really does supplies all our needs according to his riches in glory!


A few years back, a friend and I were taking a group of young people to the movies in the city. While we were there, we thought we'd do some site seeing and pick them up afterward. On our way home, we came across a young man who had broken down on the side of the road. My friend felt sorry for him so we stopped and offered our help. His car would not start and we tried everything that we could think of including jumper leads but nothing seemed to work...

so I got this brilliant idea! and said to the young man that I'll pray for his car so I did...Now Iv'e prayed for mechanical and electrical things like this before and they have always come back to life....but his car still did not start. After praying a second time, I asked him to crank the engine up again...and still nothing...

Finally he asked if he could get a lift to his friends place who lived in the direction that we were going so we did. He noticed the young people in the van and asked a few questions and I was telling him how awesome our God is....and he said " Well if your God is so great, then why didn't he heal my car?
I said [because I could feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit by this time] " well perhaps God did not want to heal your car. Maybe he wanted you in this van right now so that I could ask you a question" he remarked, " and what question is that?" I said to him..."If you died tonight, where would you go to?"

Well this young man was shocked [and a little scared I think] and he replied, " I don't know, maybe Hell?" and I said to him that he did not need to go to hell. "The bible says that those who call upon the Lord, shall be saved." We talked a little more and as we dropped him at his friends place I said to him as we left "remember what I have said." Now I was acutely aware of the young people in the back and we were silent as we traveled home....I never thought about this incident again.

Two weeks later, I was feeling a little down so another friend of mine suggested that we go to another church perhaps in the city, just for a change. So we did. When we got there the place was packed out and we realized that a well known evangelist/healer was speaking there that night. We went down the back and listened to his awesome preaching....he did something unusual that night and asked for anyone who had not publically confessed their salvation to come up and form a line at the front of the service...as I sat with my friend, I noticed a young man walking towards the front and recognized him as the one we tried to help who had broken down on the side of the road...so I jumped out of my seat and pursued him. Finally managing to stand next to him at the front. He glanced my way but did not recognize me, so I tapped him on the shoulder and said "Hi, do you remember me?" I watched as his face changed from looking at a complete stranger to full on recognition and he replied rather loudly "You!...It's you!" Then we both started hugging and jumping up and down with joy. I asked him what had happened after we left him at his friends house and he later told me this story...After you left me at my friends place, everything went wrong...[looking at me accusingly]

I am a student making my way through university. I was kicked out of my flat and had to live in my car...then I broke up with my girlfriend... during all this time, I could not get your voice out of my head [if you died tonight, where would you go to] and my life was completely destroyed, thanks!. I remembered what you had said so I got on my knees one day and said "Lord, if you are real, then come into my life and help me." From there he had joined a Church and made some great friends and life was looking good. He introduced me to them as "The one that I told you all about in my testimony!" They looked at me and said "Wow" and I looked at them and said "Wow" because he had led them to Jesus through that testimony. All this in two weeks...thank you Jesus!

Yes God can divinely heal mechanical and electrical things but sometimes he does not because he has a greater plan! Awesomeness!
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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
My intercessor friend and I were at home one day just praying and hanging out when a new Christian believer, came to see me asking for prayer for his back. He mentioned that a couple of discs in his spine was causing him a lot of pain.
He was around 23 at that time and his back problems were getting worse. As far as I understood, he had always had this problem and as a newly wed, was concerned about his families future.

I asked him a few questions and after some discussion, my friend and I began to pray. His back was still very much the same...so we continued to ask him questions and prayed again.

My friend is a very discerning intercessor and we made a great team because we have different ministries in relation to prayer. She told me that something had a grip on his spine, which I duly noted.
This entity continued to move around his body.

Under a powerful anointing, I finally located it and cast it out in Jesus name....during the whole time...this young believer was shaking and in agonizing pain. Suddenly all that pain had disappeared and he was finally set free. He looked completely stunned because he had always lived with it and now it was gone....I have heard that he now works for well known Gold company and has never had back problems like that again....Hallelujah!

When the Son of God sets us free, we are free indeed!


Another friend, who was a nurse living in Australia, had a kidney removed a few years before and was having a lot of problems with her remaining one.

One day she decided to go up the front and get prayed for at her Church. As they laid hands on her, she told me that a powerful anointing came down and she found herself on the ground for some time. When she finally got up, she felt different. She did not have pain any more but still felt a little strange, so she made an appointment with her doctor. He was completely blown away because he found that she now had two perfectly healthy kidneys and could in no-way account for it...My friend is so much healthier and happier now..."Praise God for he is the Lord who heals!"


One night while at the Radio Station, a Pastor's wife rang me and asked if I could pray for one of the listeners who was terminally ill in Hospital. I prayed for her immediately, while "Live to Air". She is now home and as far as I understand, no-longer terminal. This woman was not a Christian believer and I heard [from a pastors wife] that since then, she has gotten saved.

Miracles were normal occurrences during the days of Acts when the Holy Spirit came down upon the apostles and all who believed by faith....God has not changed his mind...He is still the same today as he had been then and will continue to be, until he comes again..."Glory!"


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mark s

New Member
Nov 12, 2010
A man I worked for, a Christian man, had a pocket on the side of his esophagus. It became abcessed, and he was operated on. During the surgery, the doctor cut the opposite side of his esophagus, never noticing it. Shortly after the surgery, the pocket, which had not actually been fixed, became abcessed again, except now, his chest cavity began to fill with the infection.

He was in very serious trouble.

He had another surgery to try to deal with this, but he was such a mess inside they could only save his life, but he could only eat through a tube which protruded from the side of his neck for months. He finally healed sufficient to eat, and the tube was removed, but his esophagus was still messed up. Another surgery was needed, but it was by this point not only unwanted, but more dangerous. But it couldn't be put off forever.

So he finally scheduled, as we all continue to pray.

There he was in pre-op, and he asked his docter, check one more time, something feel different. He was perfectly well. No one could understand, they had done the same exam the day before, and he had to have the surgery. But on that day, 30 minutes before they were to start cutting, they cancelled.

God tried his faith, and performed His works, and when He was done, it ended.

Love in Christ,


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
"Praise the Lord Mark!" An awesome testimony of God's divine intervention according to his will, his healing power and the uplifting prayers of his Saints.



New Member
Apr 7, 2011
About 15 or so years ago we used to have a real nice cat his name was Garfield and he was orange and actually ate lasagna. He ran away when I was 12 and I prayed every night that he would come back. Everybody figured he was dead but I never gave up hope or stopped praying over 3 months later he came back on christmas eve. He had a chunk of fur missing over his head and was really fat and gassy like someone had been feeding him hamburgers. He ended living about 10 more great lovable years until he got in a fight with a raccoon and had to be put down.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Amen CommA!

What a blessing to have your cat back, albeit for an extra ten years...he can make what seems impossible, possible by faith. God is so good! ^_^

Miss Hepburn

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
United States
I thought I'd bring this thread back up...
I'm so sorry, but I have so many ''miracles'' that happen in my life most don't believe them.
Please, continue...


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
I thought I'd share this testimony I heard in church today by a girl I just met when I first walked in the door. Today had been the first time I have been to church for a very long time because of my work position but this has finally changed. Now I will be joining in and enjoying the fellowship of believers once again. God does that sometimes and I am grateful that, that season has ended and behold, a new season has begun... :)

I actually decided to go to the Baptist Church this morning but God decided otherwise and led me to the AOG. I know the Pastor and his wife there but did not really feel like joining them as I have found them to be lovely people but very conservative in nature, whereas I am kind of an extrovert when it comes to the things of God. I wrestled with God about that but ended up at the AOG anyway.

I met this girl when I first entered the AOG church this morning. We were both a little early so I sat down and chatted with her in the foyer for awhile. Her name was "Angel" and she told me that she was from another area and was dropped off there by some christian people, so she came in.
Like myself, I guess that God sent us both there this day... ^_^

She told me that she use to be a christian who had one foot in the world and one in Christ. She once lived in Australia with her female partner. Her partner was a drug user and described her arms as being covered in needle marks. One day after she had finished work, her partner asked her to get her some drugs. She did not want to and told her to do it herself and went off to bed.
Later that evening, her partner smashed her over the head with a chair while she was sleeping, so she grabbed a knife and stabbed her...

She ended going before a judge who gave her 24 years imprisonment. When she was in jail, she got down on her knees and cried out to the Lord asking him to get her out of there because she did not want to go to jail. About an hour or so later, the judge called her back in again and he had changed his verdict. 1 year imprisonment and 1 year community service...

She was truly amazed and praised God for his mercy! ^_^ She then began to go back to church [Hillsong in Sydney] and the Lord told her to invite her old partner along, which she did. Angel did not tell her friend where they were going, she just said that she was going to give her a surprise and she sure did...Her friend got saved that very day and is doing awesome things for God.
God told her to take her friend to church. When she obeyed, he opened the doors to the ministry for her and she has not looked back since.

She told me that she ministers as an evangelist and God has led her all over Fiji and other Islands. She has seen legs restored, body parts being renewed and all sorts of miracles when she is asked to pray or when she is prompted to pray by the Holy Spirit.

She is now preparing to travel to Alaska. I asked her how she was able to pay for these trips because she said that she has nothing in the physical accept her home which God has filled with everything that she needed. She told me that she just hears God tell her where she is going next, then he provides in a miraculous way. ^_^ Isn't he just awesome!

After that divine meeting, I looked for her in the congregation but that little Angel had disappeared. A friend of mine turned up and I asked her if she had seen the girl and she had not... :huh:

After the service, I spoke to the Pastor's wife who was happy to see me there and then proceeded to tell me that they prayed that I would come to their service two weeks ago... :huh: Glory!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Just watched this video on FB today :)

Woman Drowning in her SUV is Miraculously Saved
No one at this scene can explain how this woman was able to be rescued. It defies everything we know, and it can only be seen as a miracle of God.
Category: Miracles
Date: 04/03/2012

Just awesome! Praise the Lord!


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
San Antonio
Miracles happen everyday. The sad thing about that is that non-believers will always find a way to dismiss them. I have seen miracles after miracles happen in my life. I strongly believe that God was behind all those miracles. Thank you for starting this post and for sharing that video of the lady being saved from drowning, amazing!!! A miracle in the works caught on tape. I wonder what reasoning the non-believers came up with. God bless!!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
I have had a painful elbow, arm and fingers for the past couple of days...could have been something like RSI. I finally decided to pray for a healing this morning...and just realized right now, that it is completely gone... :huh:

Glory to God!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
April 22nd, 2015. Reverend Lee Stoneking addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York City, and he gave his testimony how Jesus raise him from the dead.