I Quenched The Holy Spirit - Will He Come Back?

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New Member
Jan 10, 2019
Eagle River
United States
Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil. 2 Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few. 3 For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words.
after it talks about paying what you vow if you do vow.


New Member
Jan 10, 2019
Eagle River
United States
I thought of the verses about not paying the sacrifice of fools when I sat down. and then it is like I thought I heard God tell me to surrender food to me when we went up to the front to have an encounter with God, and I said yes Lord, I surrender food to you, Your will be done, not mine, in Jesus's name. and I realized that I had said in Jesus's name, and I was thinking about doing something that would push my limits. then I allowed fear to come upon me. so I set myself up to fail, but the fail may have been more in a lack of trust than my telling God that His will be done. It could have been a test of my faith. later my grandpa told me I was free from oaths in Jesus's name, and he may have said in the power of Christ in him. so that brings me to what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, and what is loosed on earth is loosed in Heaven. so he told me after that that the only oath I was required to keep was that I would follow Christ to the best of my ability as He makes His will known to me. In that case, it might be Jesus's will for me to fulfill the oath that I made, even though it was sin for me to make it an oath, simply because my reason for getting out of it was my realizing that it was foolishness, and maybe fear, and I messed up, and my heart was in the wrong place. so that verse comes up, above all my brothers, make no oaths, lest you fall under condemnation.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2018
Pompano Beach
United States
This is my first post on this board. I was just wondering if other believers in Christ have had this same thing happen to them that I have. I have been a Christian for 33 years and I love the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit the comforter and also being lead by the Holy Spirit even in the smallest details of life. But, I have also had this horrible sexual sin in my life for probably 35 years. I am a 53-year-old male. And let me tell you right now, it goes way beyond just looking at internet porn which is bad enough. But for the longest time, here has been what a 2-week cycle in my life is like. I succumb to the temptation on the internet. Then I can feel the demonic powers coming into my mind. I usually go "act" on it by having sex with a prostitute. I get to feeling physically sick and sometime I caught a lot. I get the flem in my throat from being sick. I get a severe headache that probably last 8 hours, but it is intense. I become pretty demonized, and I will explode in a demonic fit on somebody because the Holy Spirit is quenched and demonic spirits are prevelant. But, the Lord begins to heal and restore my soul. The heavy demonic presence begins to leave. I stop coughing for a while or not as much. The sweet comfort of the Holy Spirit comes back, and I know the Lord Jesus is close again. The Lord begins to speak to me by His spirit. I am back to my normal self for a while and enjoy fellowship with other Christians. I love to cook and bake and usually do this a lot of home group meetings. But, here is the thing. Probably no more than 1 or 2 days after I am back to normal, the cycle repeats in my life. And over a 25 year span it has repeated about 450 times. Now, about 3 months ago, guess what happened? After a binge, THE HOLY SPIRIT DID NOT COME BACK! I do not have that wonderful comfort of the Holy Spirit when I wake up in the morning anymore. The Lord does not lead me by His spirit whatsoever. Also demonic spirits of fear torment me--it is usually most intense in the mornings. The headaches that usually would only last 8 hours now are a recurring thing, but not nearly as intense. In the past 2 years I've also gotten some physical problems from my sin such as chronic fatigue and bowel problems. My question is, will the Lord ever come back? I know He has not forsaken me. I believe He still listens to my prayer, but He just doesn't communicate with me any more. I hate this man, I really hate this. I want the fellowship with Jesus back. I know I have to give up this sin. So many times the Lord has told me that I am NOT going to hell, but I still fear God now and I don't want to spend the rest of my days with seperation. Has anyone ever had habitual sin in your life like this? Does anyone have any thoughts?

Craig in Ft. Worth, TX

You never had the anointing, because that is not how it works. You don't go back and forth between having the anointing and not having the anointing. You must completely stop sinning, from everything that is sin defined by the Torah, not just sexual sin, before you can receive the anointing. And once you receive the anointing, then you become freed from sin. And even if you did choose to sin after receiving the anointing, then you can never be forgiven, because you have trampled the blood of the new covenant, but that is rare or has never happened, because the anointing frees a man from sin.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Again, explain how there was misapplication of (Num. 30:6-8). You made the accusation.

look at the context of Num. 30:6-8 then consider how you've used it. I don't want to spoon feed you.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This is my first post on this board. I was just wondering if other believers in Christ have had this same thing happen to them that I have. I have been a Christian for 33 years and I love the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit the comforter and also being lead by the Holy Spirit even in the smallest details of life. But, I have also had this horrible sexual sin in my life for probably 35 years. I am a 53-year-old male. And let me tell you right now, it goes way beyond just looking at internet porn which is bad enough. But for the longest time, here has been what a 2-week cycle in my life is like. I succumb to the temptation on the internet. Then I can feel the demonic powers coming into my mind. I usually go "act" on it by having sex with a prostitute. I get to feeling physically sick and sometime I caught a lot. I get the flem in my throat from being sick. I get a severe headache that probably last 8 hours, but it is intense. I become pretty demonized, and I will explode in a demonic fit on somebody because the Holy Spirit is quenched and demonic spirits are prevelant. But, the Lord begins to heal and restore my soul. The heavy demonic presence begins to leave. I stop coughing for a while or not as much. The sweet comfort of the Holy Spirit comes back, and I know the Lord Jesus is close again. The Lord begins to speak to me by His spirit. I am back to my normal self for a while and enjoy fellowship with other Christians. I love to cook and bake and usually do this a lot of home group meetings. But, here is the thing. Probably no more than 1 or 2 days after I am back to normal, the cycle repeats in my life. And over a 25 year span it has repeated about 450 times. Now, about 3 months ago, guess what happened? After a binge, THE HOLY SPIRIT DID NOT COME BACK! I do not have that wonderful comfort of the Holy Spirit when I wake up in the morning anymore. The Lord does not lead me by His spirit whatsoever. Also demonic spirits of fear torment me--it is usually most intense in the mornings. The headaches that usually would only last 8 hours now are a recurring thing, but not nearly as intense. In the past 2 years I've also gotten some physical problems from my sin such as chronic fatigue and bowel problems. My question is, will the Lord ever come back? I know He has not forsaken me. I believe He still listens to my prayer, but He just doesn't communicate with me any more. I hate this man, I really hate this. I want the fellowship with Jesus back. I know I have to give up this sin. So many times the Lord has told me that I am NOT going to hell, but I still fear God now and I don't want to spend the rest of my days with seperation. Has anyone ever had habitual sin in your life like this? Does anyone have any thoughts?

Craig in Ft. Worth, TX

I became a believer about 40 years ago and I've been attacked on and off throughout all those years. Some attacks were violent - we had a neighbor addicted to drugs who came after my husband & I with a torque wrench. I was a new believer and didn't know what hit. A Christian with a modicum of discernment would be able to see that she was demonized. She wandered around outside her house looking spooky. Neighbors on either side of us were using drugs and the one was dealing them because cars would drive there and stay for 10 minutes and then leave. I felt very unsafe. I didn't know anything about spiritual warfare but I remember feeling a heavy sense of oppression. I got a library book out by Billy Graham and he explained the sense of depression/ oppression I was experiencing. So you're doing a good thing getting others' opinions. I learned the reality of the evil one. It was made even worse because we lived on a dead end road which made the experience worse. I didn't know any other believers - it was hard.

I don't know if this will help, but in my experience, the evil one keeps coming back with one attack after another, sometimes with a breather in-between. His methods are many and varied and can come through other people - even those you wouldn't expect. I've read various books throughout the years but one of the better ones was "The Adversary" and "Overcoming the Adversary." Another good one is "Pigs in the Parlor." In Scripture Jesus said "this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" so there are apparently some demonic entities that seem to gain more of a foothold. Have you considered a day of fasting? When I fast - infrequently - I drink "The Master Cleanse" - I either buy the jar or mix my own. It helps keep you filled and helps stop headaches from not eating.

I think that we're in the end times because my parents never dealt with the rough things my husband and I have. They weren't Christians but the attacks we've endured have been bad.

I've been researching Ahab/ Jezebel spirit lately. I urge you to keep claiming your victory even if you slip and fall because Pastor Bubeck wrote in 'The Adversary' said that Satan doesn't like to give ground back and will challenge you.

I'm going through my own time of warfare. You can ask a Deliverance Ministry for help. I just caution you because some allow their own fleshly attitudes and pride to get in the way and can really mislead the suffering. The church needs balanced, humble, people to work in this ministry.

Good luck. You'll prevail.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
you made your first step admitting you have a problem.. the Bible says casting all your cares on him cause he cares for you.. keep praying about it keep trying to over come through him.. main thing is do not GIVE UP


New Member
Nov 4, 2019
I have no idea if Endzone is still keeping up with this thread, I know its been 9 years. What you need my brother-in-Christ is deliverance. I had many issues before I went through deliverance, pornography and masturbation being two of them. I can stand here today and tell you the day I went through deliverance for those two specific issues is the day the desires left. I had a physical manifestation they left and I also had the removal of the desires. It has now been 4 years and nothing has returned. That desire you have to watch porn or even go to a prostitute is pushed by demonic spirits. Don't believe me? Then believe God's Word. I am a testament that spiritual issues must be handled spiritually, no psychologist or therapist will fix your problem. Only by the name of Jesus and in His power can those spirits be cast out and you find the deliverance and freedom you long for. Yes, we must renew our minds and make a decision to follow Jesus and obey God's commands daily but that is just the beginning. We are called to do more.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I have no idea if Endzone is still keeping up with this thread, I know its been 9 years. What you need my brother-in-Christ is deliverance. I had many issues before I went through deliverance, pornography and masturbation being two of them. I can stand here today and tell you the day I went through deliverance for those two specific issues is the day the desires left. I had a physical manifestation they left and I also had the removal of the desires. It has now been 4 years and nothing has returned. That desire you have to watch porn or even go to a prostitute is pushed by demonic spirits. Don't believe me? Then believe God's Word. I am a testament that spiritual issues must be handled spiritually, no psychologist or therapist will fix your problem. Only by the name of Jesus and in His power can those spirits be cast out and you find the deliverance and freedom you long for. Yes, we must renew our minds and make a decision to follow Jesus and obey God's commands daily but that is just the beginning. We are called to do more.

Welcome to the forum Christine!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Hi @Endzone,

What it took for me to give up a habitual sin was, first of all, for me to stop making excuses by saying that it was "just a one-time shot" every time I did it; and therefore not really what is spoken of in 1 John 3:5-9 (habitual sin).

Secondly, I had to come to the realization that "He that committeth sin is of the devil..." (1 John 3:8) and that this meant that if I continued in this sin I could not any more call myself a child of God.

Seeing this verse clearly for the first time woke me up. It showed me that if I continued to walk in the sin in question, I could not continue to call myself a Christian or even believe that I was going to heaven.

It brought repentance to my heart.

I hope and pray that you will also see this verse clearly for the first time; along with any others who may be dealing with habitual sins in their lives.

Act 17:30, And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Hello Christine... a great first post! Please continue to participate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Endzone hasn't been on this site since 2010. What I'm wondering is how this thread was even found?