Increasing depravity...a sign?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I've said multiple times that we're some 28 months into the Tribulation with some 14 months to go, and people are just now saying: Why are thing's getting so bad?!?

They REFUSED to hear what Scripture says, so they imagined that everything is fine UNTIL SUDDEN DESTRUCTION, -- just like in the days of Noah. So because they refuse to hear what GOD has for the church, they join the World in that punishment:

Rev. 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,
“Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;

Bobby Jo
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?

Oh absolutely. Years ago I went to Europe and saw the blatant pornography in the stores in Frankfurt. Not too many years later the same thing here in the US. It has been snowballing--the perversion, the homosexuality, the witchcraft, the murder. What we have now in the US is a political party--the Democrats, that represents crazy things--defund the police, let the criminals go free, take the taxpayers' money and give it to illegal immigrants. Praise religious liberty for Muslims, but condemn conservative Christians as backwards and bigoted. I could go on.

All this was predicted in the Bible. God gave the world, before international Christianity, a model in the nation of Israel. They were called to be a people of God. And over time, when they apostacized, they experienced horrendous judgments.

This was a warning for Christian nations, who themselves became peoples of God, and now in turning away from God will experience increasing judgments from God. We have had AIDs, and we have had Covid 19. Here in the US we have blazing wildfires out of control in liberal California. We have had major hurricanes in the SE of the US. Unless we turn back to God we will have worse. 911 should've been a wakeup call for us. But politicians went to church one night, and back to the devil the next night. Now we have Democratic politicians openly supporting race riots, whether openly or by their silence.

It's the same in all of the traditional Christian countries. They will be judged for apostasy. Islamic countries will be judged for their hatred and support of terrorism. Pagan countries, like China, will be judged for their complete lack of moral standards. It's no surprise that the latest pandemic started in Communist China!

To answer your question, yes--Christian apostasy is a major sign of the end of the age. It is a replay of ancient Israel, only now on the world stage. The world is filled with people, and Christianity has not subdued it. The Kingdom of God is soon to come to accomplish that! :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Oh absolutely. Years ago I went to Europe and saw the blatant pornography in the stores in Frankfurt. Not too many years later the same thing here in the US. It has been snowballing--the perversion, the homosexuality, the witchcraft, the murder. What we have now in the US is a political party--the Democrats, that represents crazy things--defund the police, let the criminals go free, take the taxpayers' money and give it to illegal immigrants. Praise religious liberty for Muslims, but condemn conservative Christians as backwards and bigoted. I could go on.

All this was predicted in the Bible. God gave the world, before international Christianity, a model in the nation of Israel. They were called to be a people of God. And over time, when they apostacized, they experienced horrendous judgments.

This was a warning for Christian nations, who themselves became peoples of God, and now in turning away from God will experience increasing judgments from God. We have had AIDs, and we have had Covid 19. Here in the US we have blazing wildfires out of control in liberal California. We have had major hurricanes in the SE of the US. Unless we turn back to God we will have worse. 911 should've been a wakeup call for us. But politicians went to church one night, and back to the devil the next night. Now we have Democratic politicians openly supporting race riots, whether openly or by their silence.

It's the same in all of the traditional Christian countries. They will be judged for apostasy. Islamic countries will be judged for their hatred and support of terrorism. Pagan countries, like China, will be judged for their complete lack of moral standards. It's no surprise that the latest pandemic started in Communist China!

To answer your question, yes--Christian apostasy is a major sign of the end of the age. It is a replay of ancient Israel, only now on the world stage. The world is filled with people, and Christianity has not subdued it. The Kingdom of God is soon to come to accomplish that! :)

Christian's often get mocked for warning of "the slippery slope", but I honestly think that's what has happened in the last several increasing speed. In the same way abortion has 'de-humanized' those we wished gone, people are now extending that wish to the disabled and elderly; people only have 'people-hood' if deemed worthy. I worry 'cancel culture' is only really warming up to something infinitely more terrifying.
Same sex marriage opened the flood gates to the approval of all manner of sexual deviancy. How soon after the LGBTQI movement managed to trample on the biblically held notion of what a marriage meant, did we start seeing 'drag-Queen story hours' for toddlers, gender transition affirming practices pushed upon children and legislation against those who cautioned restraint and care? Now "education" and just plain "entertainment" are pushing blatant sexuality in the face of everyone, expecting us to like it and want more. They think, I believe, that it will numb us, the more they vomit it. And our kids will accept it as normal.
It truly worries me, in the terms of thinking where our nations are headed...and yet at the same time I actually WANT God to judge the wickedness. How much lower can we get? I suppose to sink as low as Rome we'd have to gather to watch mass executions as sport. Not quite there yet....but Rome does teach us that nations that sink into moral depravity tend to implode. Spectacularly.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... How much lower can we get? I suppose to sink as low as Rome we'd have to gather to watch mass executions as sport. ...

Rev. 6:9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne; 10 they cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?” 11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

Rev. 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!”

And if a person doesn't have a "lifeboat" in the "mountains", they'll have a pretty good chance of joining the martryed, -- or more likely -- rejecting Jesus out of fear just as Peter did in the courtyard (i.e., the GREAT FALLING AWAY). So take heed and speed to your preparations:

Lke 22:35 And he said to them, “When I sent you out with no purse or bag or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.” 36 He said to them, “But now, let him who has a purse take it, and likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.

And a wise person should give pause that our cloak/mantle is ESSENTIAL to keep us warm, and yet something MORE IMPORTANT THAN A CLOAK is REQUIRED.

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?
Yes, of course....but why are we shocked?..... this is to be expected and more. Like the days of Sodom it tells us.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Christian's often get mocked for warning of "the slippery slope", but I honestly think that's what has happened in the last several increasing speed. In the same way abortion has 'de-humanized' those we wished gone, people are now extending that wish to the disabled and elderly; people only have 'people-hood' if deemed worthy. I worry 'cancel culture' is only really warming up to something infinitely more terrifying.
Same sex marriage opened the flood gates to the approval of all manner of sexual deviancy. How soon after the LGBTQI movement managed to trample on the biblically held notion of what a marriage meant, did we start seeing 'drag-Queen story hours' for toddlers, gender transition affirming practices pushed upon children and legislation against those who cautioned restraint and care? Now "education" and just plain "entertainment" are pushing blatant sexuality in the face of everyone, expecting us to like it and want more. They think, I believe, that it will numb us, the more they vomit it. And our kids will accept it as normal.
It truly worries me, in the terms of thinking where our nations are headed...and yet at the same time I actually WANT God to judge the wickedness. How much lower can we get? I suppose to sink as low as Rome we'd have to gather to watch mass executions as sport. Not quite there yet....but Rome does teach us that nations that sink into moral depravity tend to implode. Spectacularly.
It's called Human rights ? that's the banner ! but such a tittle how can anyone bag such a tittle ? well it is a great front in fact. the cunning of Satanist use such things as a fronts all the time. the simpletons swallow such all the time because they are shallow and to lazy to bother to think past the front and if you do point out such for what it truly is the majority will think your a idiot. it's like, How dare you think critically of such a notion ? but the truth is hidden in the detail, sure such comes across as a worthy plight but so does every form of skulduggery on the surface.

What are humans ? well Bible says depraved in there nature due to the stain of original Sin.
So the Human rights operation feeds that beast, they are Satanist in fact masquerading as Holy social Marxist, peddling Political Correctness gods of theirs, just like they did to create the Communism power over the people and the same bag of tricks was used to create the Nazis.

Why were we not informed and educated about such powers ? well because the real powers that be don't want us to be educated on such things, the WW2 war is over so lets just forget all about such ay. don't try to work it out, as they will not help you to do such as that, but you can be indoctrinated on the subject and that's fine with them.
Wars are created for reasons years in advance by only a handful of people who set the course. they set up Communism and they set up the Nazi game play as well. they have set up all the depraved things that you have just talked about. a weak depraved people are like putty in their hands they can use tricks to undermine the strong as well, they are truly masters at manipulating people like cattle, in fact they call such Goyim that means their cattle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Rev. 6:9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne; 10 they cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?” 11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

Rev. 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!”

And if a person doesn't have a "lifeboat" in the "mountains", they'll have a pretty good chance of joining the martryed, -- or more likely -- rejecting Jesus out of fear just as Peter did in the courtyard (i.e., the GREAT FALLING AWAY). So take heed and speed to your preparations:

Lke 22:35 And he said to them, “When I sent you out with no purse or bag or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.” 36 He said to them, “But now, let him who has a purse take it, and likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.

And a wise person should give pause that our cloak/mantle is ESSENTIAL to keep us warm, and yet something MORE IMPORTANT THAN A CLOAK is REQUIRED.

Bobby Jo
Well, I think we should all be prepared to become martyrs...even if our end times theology doesn't expect we shall. We can never really know how things will progress in our respective Countries, and it may happen that we are called to give our lives for our faith.
That passage where Christ calls for his disciples to buy a sword...its fairly contentious, in that, there seem to be many different understandings on what Christ actually meant by it. I don't think active violence is condoned by Christ, do you? Defense of oneself in the duties of protecting ones family or in standing firm for Christ, perhaps, but certainly not the sort of "proactive" violence we are seeing by the crowds today in their efforts to make their voices heard in certain matters. How do you see it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Yes, of course....but why are we shocked?..... this is to be expected and more. Like the days of Sodom it tells us.
Well...not shocked. Saddened. a biblical way. Surprised by the acceleration of the decent. It seems almost exponential.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?

Yes, it sure is a sign to me. The full monty thing is bad enough but what got me recently was when my niece was watching "Family" Feud. I was shocked at the questions asked! Most have sexual connotations and, they don't even try to hide it.
He is coming soon. These things will not slow down as they are as the "birth pangs of a women in labor" closer and closer together and each time, more intense. If ever there was a time for Christians to be on their knees, it is now. Amen.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
I've said multiple times that we're some 28 months into the Tribulation with some 14 months to go, and people are just now saying: Why are thing's getting so bad?!?

They REFUSED to hear what Scripture says, so they imagined that everything is fine UNTIL SUDDEN DESTRUCTION, -- just like in the days of Noah. So because they refuse to hear what GOD has for the church, they join the World in that punishment:

Rev. 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,
“Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;

Bobby Jo

This year has been a big manufactured catastrophe, mainly by humans acting at the behest of demons for their agendas. If this were God's doing you can be sure it would be worse. The number of deaths hasn't really changed much, but if a third of the world died... Then you can know it is the tribulation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?
Hi Naomi,

The way I see it . . .

There's an expression I heard once, Hurt people hurt people. I think that's too often true. Parents who were screwed up as children raise screwed up kids. And the devil is there to feed the flames.

The Greatest Generation came out of war and depression, privation and suffering. The Millennial Generation is the product of ease and comfort and affirmation.

And then there are screens.

My wife pointed out to me the other day, Siri is as prominent a voice in many children's lives as is Mom. They're being raised by their smart phones.

I look at the Canaanites, and their depraved practices, and I realize that's how these kids grew up, generation after generation. Trauma reactions in their brains would be forming throughout their development. And when it became their turn to raise kids, that's the way the culture was, that's how their brains were wired, and God ordered the extermination of them all.

Addicted brains seems to always want a little more.

A little more drug, a little more depravity, a little more power, whatever it is.

I think that generation by generation people become worse and worse, depravity deeper and deeper, until God does something amazing to reset the people.

And maybe Covid-19 is part of a reset, to cause people to lose that comfort and ease and feeling that nothing can touch them, and bring people to a dependance on God. I hope so!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This year has been a big manufactured catastrophe, mainly by humans acting at the behest of demons for their agendas. If this were God's doing you can be sure it would be worse. The number of deaths hasn't really changed much, but if a third of the world died... Then you can know it is the tribulation.
I don't know, I look at the psychological effect on people, I'm thinking there is much good being worked through this.

The recent examples of empty shelves and shuttered factories and riots and other insanities, what happens when everyone is so worn out by all this, that when the sudden destruction does come, will everyone just fall into the arms of the beast?

Much love!

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
This year has been a big manufactured catastrophe, mainly by humans acting at the behest of demons for their agendas. If this were God's doing you can be sure it would be worse. The number of deaths hasn't really changed much, but if a third of the world died... Then you can know it is the tribulation.

Ummmmmmm, it would seem that the "tribulation" is an exponential function, where the severity starts low and then accelerates toward the end. And where it appears we still have some 14 months to go, we'll have to see how events transpire.

But having said this, let's not make the same mistake as Wisenant who focused primarily on events. Our FOUNDATION must be based on Scripture, and then allow the events to confirm, -- which I've done and am confirming.

So to be clear, do you know:
  • The SHORTEST Chapter in ALL Scripture
  • The MIDDLE Chapter in ALL Scripture
  • The Chapter exactly 70 years after the International Recognition of the State of Israel
  • The YEAR which the U.S. Recognized JERUSALEM as the Capital of Israel
  • The LONGEST Chapter in ALL Scripture
If you knew these, you could employ the concept proposed by J.R. Church in his book "Hidden Prophecies In The Psalms" to discern when we crossed the threshold into the Tribulation.

Or we could simply GUESS. And it didn't work for Wisenant, but maybe it will for YOU! :)

And just to say, -- GOD seldom performs supernatural INTERVENTIONS. HE didn't at Midway, or D-Day, or any other number of historical events, but HIS HAND controlled the actions of men!
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I am personally a proponent of shutting off the TV/Cable/Dish/whatever they use now . . .

10 years ago we pulled the plug. Within 2 weeks I had become noticeably happier. In 2 months I began to recognize how my worldview was changing.

Instead of becoming constantly destracted by things happening "out there somewhere" that I had no control over, I began to see more those around me.

And of course the images they put into the mind tend to remain there.

I've read studies where they've come to the conclusion that the brain stores fabricated images like pictures and video just like it stores real memories. What we watch affects us.

Much love!
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Christian's often get mocked for warning of "the slippery slope", but I honestly think that's what has happened in the last several increasing speed. In the same way abortion has 'de-humanized' those we wished gone, people are now extending that wish to the disabled and elderly; people only have 'people-hood' if deemed worthy. I worry 'cancel culture' is only really warming up to something infinitely more terrifying.
Same sex marriage opened the flood gates to the approval of all manner of sexual deviancy. How soon after the LGBTQI movement managed to trample on the biblically held notion of what a marriage meant, did we start seeing 'drag-Queen story hours' for toddlers, gender transition affirming practices pushed upon children and legislation against those who cautioned restraint and care? Now "education" and just plain "entertainment" are pushing blatant sexuality in the face of everyone, expecting us to like it and want more. They think, I believe, that it will numb us, the more they vomit it. And our kids will accept it as normal.
It truly worries me, in the terms of thinking where our nations are headed...and yet at the same time I actually WANT God to judge the wickedness. How much lower can we get? I suppose to sink as low as Rome we'd have to gather to watch mass executions as sport. Not quite there yet....but Rome does teach us that nations that sink into moral depravity tend to implode. Spectacularly.

That was so eloquently put Naomi. In my eschatology we (Christian Civilization) are the Roman Kingdom of Dan 2. We've gone back to pre-Christian, pagan Rome, with violent sports, immorality, and hate for true religion. We've gone down the path of Israel, our model, who was called to be a nation for God, and then fell into apostasy. Now, the Christian world is going down the same path, from Christian nations to apostate nations.

For sure, God will judge us, and already is judging us to a measure. But there is still work going on, extracting portions of each nation for Eternal Salvation, to set precedent for the next age. God is tolerating this full swing towards paganism because there are many still open to the Gospel. Grace extends to the very end of this corrupt age, no matter how bad it gets. God's grace is boundless, as we can see Jesus displayed on the cross.

We can't completely stop this march towards insanity and self-destruction. It is leading to the Antichrist. However, as long as there are good people, we can, as Christians, offer a Gospel of Salvation, and bring temporary reprieves in our nations.

I was telling my wife this earlier. We are spiritual creatures, and our influence is much deeper than our physical bodies. We, as spirits, are like small buckets of paint thrown into the ocean. Who we are, and the confession we make, affects the entire ocean--not just our own little world.

This also is how Satan affects the whole world, because he is not like God--omnipresent. It's just that his poisonous spirit affects the whole world. We can, by contrast, affect the whole world for good simply by obeying God's word and by exhibiting the love of Christ in this fallen world. Thanks for your comments! :) They are a form of prayer for our world, agreeing with God's judgments and calling for a new world, which is sure to come soon.

Here is one of my favorite songs, based on this Psalm:

Psalm 96.11 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
12 Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
13 Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in his faithfulness.
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2 Chr. 34:19

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Chester ish
United Kingdom
So, 2020 has been a hum-dinger of a year, no question about it. To the point where you can't "swing a cat" without hitting some sort of disaster.
But as much as many people think these are perhaps a sign of 'the end' looming closer, I'm wondering at this point, if there's another one, a 'smaller' one, that does the same.
Here in Australia, the TV stations have been advertising some pretty horrendous know the sort; reality shows where young adults gather in places for...well...orgies, or very nearly that. I've not watched...can barely bring myself to watch the advertisements for them. But as bad as they were, I think they've just sunk to a new low. They've now began teasing a new, upcoming show where 'celebrities' (anonymous at this point), are going to do the full monty for the audience...that would be us.
You know...I'm not that old, and I never really thought of myself as a 'prude', despite the fact that as a Christian I do have morals. But far out...? Really? Tell me I'm not alone here in being absolutely disgusted...not only that they'd make a show like this, but also that people would actually want to tune in.
Does anyone else think that the...speed, at which depravity is corroding our a sign that either Christ draws near, or that the end of Western civilization as we know it, draws near?
It’s just as bad in the uk. I would get rid of tv, if it was up to me. I hate it! We never watch reality shows, but do watch/buy a movie each night, and end up switching off because of blaspheming. We sit with remote mute button ready and f/forward past graphic scenes. Violence/gore seems to be all that’s left :(
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2 Chr. 34:19

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Chester ish
United Kingdom
I am personally a proponent of shutting off the TV/Cable/Dish/whatever they use now . . .

10 years ago we pulled the plug. Within 2 weeks I had become noticeably happier. In 2 months I began to recognize how my worldview was changing.

Instead of becoming constantly destracted by things happening "out there somewhere" that I had no control over, I began to see more those around me.

And of course the images they put into the mind tend to remain there.

I've read studies where they've come to the conclusion that the brain stores fabricated images like pictures and video just like it stores real memories. What we watch affects us.

Much love!
Agree. We’ve noticed food ads more since lockdown. It’s like brainwashing
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Yes, it sure is a sign to me. The full monty thing is bad enough but what got me recently was when my niece was watching "Family" Feud. I was shocked at the questions asked! Most have sexual connotations and, they don't even try to hide it.
He is coming soon I think. These things will not slow down as they are as the "birth pangs of a women in labor" closer and closer together and each time, more intense. If ever there was a time for Christians to be on their knees, it is now. Amen.
@Nancy We need to keep 'looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith' (Hebrews 12.2) and not let the media and the world dictate our thinking.
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