Islamic preacher explains how they will take over the West

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes they are doing just that for years here in this State, i was pointed this out by a dude that i was working on his house maybe 20 years ago, he was telling me of all of the Buisness people who have to pay a percentage to the Islamic Mob ? plenty of people who he had to deal with in is work.

Now non of this gets attention from the MSM at all ! why well they are with or owned by the Mob ?
Not to mention political Governments are infested with the same Mob in fact !

So when you go from the major two Partys ? The same Mob has them both in a hold ? For they totaly fear this Mob !

I talk to many people and i have had some old dudes crow about how much power the police have ? The Police will sort them bikes out ! o_O:rolleyes: what dipsticks ! they know nothing other than what the MSM is peddling to them and that all that they truly know !
I on the other hand know police who know the reality ? many police are fools and know nothing much at all sadly. for they have never had to deal with such type of real outright criminals regarding such a Mob ?

The Mob is powering up and the Police poweres have been watered down year by year in fact, now who is behind all of this watering down of Laws to deal with such people ? It's a fact ! and police are walking out in droves because of the Political Party has undermined the police in fact ! they are so depresed ! and the Media only work so as to hide the reality of the truth that the police are fed up ! so the State Government have lowered the age to become police :oops::rolleyes: and are seeking out people from other countrys to fill the numbers ! what Idiots ! morons the Gov are ! they have no real regard for the police who have ran away !
Not to mention the police who have had years experiance and understand reality do not want to become Nazis ! like the Government has been pushing on them to become only robotic morons and money collecting machine !
As the real criminals like drug dealing are let run loose and empowered !

The Police fear such people because the Law does not protect the police !

Now if a outright criminal threatens police that what he is going to do X Y Z to his loved ones, what happens ? Nothing at all !

I said on a forum, that if such made such threats to me, that i would deal with such a one directly !
well people did not like that at all, so the public are aiding the worst of criminals in fact ! and the Govenment are as well !
why ? well society has failed ! it has become a cancer ! and Islam will win easy ! because it has the will to do so and our society is weak as they come and accept anything at all in fact !
Sexual depravity is the norm nowadays and if i look down on such as trash that they peddle, they get in a rage !

The Islamic Mob took over the bike thug Gangs and they run the show now, much smarter and cunning that the old days biker gangs.

The MSM peddled that the police were coming down on the bike gangs, taking their Patches from them and such ? but that has got nothing to do with the reality of criminal power at all, it just deverts attention to idiots who know nothing at all, that think oh little bad boy is coping it tough ? the average joe blow swallows such total BS ! as the feel all puffed up ! their eyes have been directed away from the reality in fact ! The most stupid pathetic people ! and when i inform people of this in the flesh, what do i get back ? the old head in the sand rejection of it all ! why ? well they can not handle the truth in fact ! little tiny boy of 60yo + can not face up to reality ! to hard for them to fathom.

Lets make some more new BS Laws ? to feel safe !

Now they are pushing more Laws for Women rights regarding Boys who bash or kill women. but will such truly work ? or is it all just another load of half baked nonsense that has not been worked out with the brain power of dealing with reality ? so the 5yo solution thaks affect. another bandaid solution to cover up the puss infection. it all looks good to fools ! so we will go with that !

Then we have people knife people that they do not even know nowadays !

Kids steeling cars and driving about like a total moron, hey even others with no regard for the Law at all ! so what does the Govinment do about such Nothing regarding reality that will help in fact, they only make such worse !

Haha what a nut case world we live in nowadays !


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Revelation 20:4
4 Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.

Sounds like World Islam to me! God is gonna clean His FILTHY house!
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
This should tell you something:
But they have it all sown up !

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize !

JFK said, For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies on covert means for expanding it's sphere of influence.

Pato explained how democracy drunk with liberty, invariably degenerates into Tyranny.

We are taught morals by Gays.
Human rights by abortionist.
Biology by transexuals.
Economics by Socialist.
Tolerance by Muslims.

Esaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, they put darkness for light, and light for darkness.

NWO is all about destroy Connstitutional Government, State Sovereignty, Church, and create a Slave State Organizations desguised infiltrate National State and local Councles. They bully elected leaders and make threats and blackmail them into complying to their agenda.

Trump and Putin, who have put their Nations people best intrest first are targeted by the Satanic Mob !

J Edgar Hover, Director FBI quoted 'elks' 8/1956 The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he can not believe it exists; the peoples minds simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst, such will ultimately destroy all that is good and decent !