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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Salvation is not what you do for God, but rather, its what God did for you, as a GIFT.
And what is that?

Its this.
You live here, down here, where sinners live, and all around you is a "world system" that is a secularized Christ rejecting, "secular" ideology.
God does not.. He lives where sin does not exist, and Holiness is Life, and Truth is Light.

A.) In Heaven
B.) In the Kingdom of God
C.) In all the Born again who are the sinless "Temple of the Holy Spirit".

Let me show you some things , for the benefit of those who think you are a sinner, yet born again, and for the benefit of those who are not Christians and found this Thread.

Remember that Lucifer was "cast out of heaven"? ????
Because iniquity (sin) was found IN Him.
And iniquity was found in other Angelic beings who bowed to Him and were cast out with Him.
Jesus said He saw this take place, literally.
So, this is "sin" found in the devil, and sin can't co-exist where God is found.
= So, Out goes the sinner, the Devil.

Now, If you are born again, God is IN you, and God does not exist where sin is found.
See that?
So, you consider that when you consider your situation, if you are born again and think you are a sinner..., and correct your wrong believing.
If you are born again, you are "IN Christ" and there is no Sin found there.

So, what is salvation? What is "Being Saved"? What is : 'Jesus SAVES"?

Its this:

Its Jesus Saving you....by taking the punishment for your sin, and giving you eternal life in place of your sin.
ITs that simple.
Its God , The Word, coming down here to personally resolve your sin issue, your unrighteousness issue, by making you Righteous ... = born again.
God made you righteous "while you were yet a sinner".... God "justifies the ungodly"....so, that is in ALL cases......at all times.... if you are born again.
You were a sinner, based on what you are, and God made you Born Again, based on what Christ did for you, 2000 yrs ago.
See it?
God made you holy, if you are born again......you are the "righteousness of God in Christ", and you will remain so for as long as God is in you, and that will only be for as long as God lives.
That is called ETERNAL LIFE, and eternal life is not temporary, and its not affected by your misbehavior or your carnal "works of the flesh".

Sinners down here......are ALL offered by God a WAY to become a part of God's family up there.
And you can become a part of it down here. And how?
Jesus said....>"You MUST be born again", and that is how you do it.
And if you are not born again, if you are just water baptized....then that is what is keeping you out of "up there"..... currently out of God's Family.
John 3:36

If you not a part of God's family, right now, Its because of your SIN.
Unforgiven Sin keeps you out of God's family, until your sin is resolved by being forgiven and forgotten, = Born again.
You can't resolve it, as you have commited it.... you've sinned.
You're a sinner, until the day that God makes you "the righteousness of GOD, in Christ., = Born again.

Listen... God has resolved your sin, 2000 yrs ago, and offers this eternal resolution as a GIFT to you. Its a A Love Gift.
John 3:16 is a Love Gift.
Salvation is a love gift.
Eternal life is a love gift.
If you take God's Gift, if you turn to the Cross and in faith receive God's resolution of your sin, then your sin is resolved as if you've never sinned, and you are kept this way, 'in Christ". REDEEEMED.... BY God's eternal solution, which is the Blood of Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

What is that solution?
Philippians 1:6
Its the CROSS, its the Death of God on the Cross and its the resurrection of God as proof He has resolved your unrighteousness.

The Cross is the bridge that God Built between you and Himself, ONLY using Jesus's Blood, Death, and that Cross, and resurrection.
Its literally an eternal bridge that reconnects you to GOD, if you will go there and get on it.
How do you get it?
By Trusting in Christ to save you.
By taking Jesus into your heart, by FAITH,....... by receiving Jesus.
The NT speaks of "repenting"....and this is specific type...Its to turn from unbelief TO Belief in Christ.

If you take Jesus by faith, God takes you by promise. = Born again, AS "the righteousness of God in Christ.
You are then made righteous and kept so by the same EVENT (Born Again)....Supplied by God's Blood as "the Gift of Righteousness".... "The Gift of Salvation"..


So, did you notice that all that = is God doing something for you?
Its all OF GOD, given, given, given, as THE GIFT of Love. = The GIFT of Salvation.
Its a GIFT.

Christ on the Cross is God's Love Gift to this world........to you.
Do you have this Gift?


you have to see the GIFT of Salvation, that its a GIFT.... to see what is wrong with any self righteousness ideas that lead you away from the saving Grace of God and into trying to work to keep yourself saved, as to come into this wrong believing is to "fall from Grace".
In other words, you have to know what is right, to see what is wrong, and that is how you protect yourself from deceivers and also from self righteousness.
You have to understand that you, as the born again... "present your body a living sacrifice" because God has made you RIGHTEOUS, already.
You have to understand that Discipleship is your existing in the Righteousness of God, because you already have it at all times, or you would not be born again.

So, do you have God's Righteousness?
Yes you do, if you are born again.


Now, how do you become an "enemy of the Cross" while being born again?

= This happens to a believer when their subverted faith has replaced God's Love GIFT... with self effort.. (self righteousness).
Those who teach this false theology, are trying to put the Christian on the Cross, as an obedience type of self effort (self saving) that has replaced Truth and God's Grace, with self righteousness.
Listen....If you contradict God's Salvation with a belief or teaching that flips Salvation into a "do this to keep yourself saved".... self effort situation, = then you become an enemy of the Cross, if you teach that theology.

Something to remember....>Jesus is LORD....>He is Lord of All.
He is always THE LORD, of all, no matter if a person trusts Him or hates Him.
Jesus becomes our personal savior when we Trust Him, but his Lordship, is universal, and its eternal.
""""""All power is given to Jesus in Heaven and on Earth. """"
This world does not see Jesus as The Lord, Yet Christ is already Lord of All, and every Christ Rejecting knee will one day bow and by tongue confess Him as Lord.
Believe it.

The Cross is a GIFT from God to the World, to everyone. "to as many as will come" "to ALL who will believe". "For God so loved the WORLD that He GAVE"..... and that offer of the Blood of JESUS is to all of us, everywhere, at all times.
That Cross is God saying......"COME HOME", = Everyone.
Jesus is the door who is the only Way to God.
John 14:6

There are many false teachings that try to take God's Gift of Salvation away , by replacing it with self effort.
Christian Forums are infected with this blasphemy.
Pulpits around the world have ripped Jesus off the nails with their self saving theology of : "do-ism to be saved and STAY saved".

Saint.... there are many subverted and twisted teaching's... that pretend to be "christian", but they are really a complete rejection of God's love and mercy and Grace.
They all try to replace God's Salavtion that HE Supplies... with self effort to get God to take you OR to keep you after all of this is already resolved, once and for all, by being born again.
Note those who teach "self effort" as salvation, and mark these dark lights well.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Rust Belt
United States
God doesn't coexist with Satan, neither will He dwell where sin dwells because sin is of Satan.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
C.) In all the Born again who are the sinless "Temple of the Holy Spirit".

1Jo 1:8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

The scripture directly above tells us that we all have indwelling sin; and in this sense we are sinners.

1Ti 1:15, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

However, we are righteous and not sinners in that in the practical sense, we do not have to commit sins.

This is because the element of sin, dwelling within us, can be rendered dead (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8) so that it no longer has any say over our behaviour (Romans 6:14).

If anyone tries to teach you that you are without sin, run away from them as fast as you can. They are false teachers who have already deceived themselves, and the truth is not in them. Therefore all that they can impart to you is a deception.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1Jo 1:8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.The scripture directly above tells us that we all have indwelling sin; and in this sense we are sinners.

If you really believed that, then you would not tell the members here recently, that if they want to sin, (indwelling sin) then that is proof they are not really born again.
So, you fake a lot, and what else have you got, justbyfaith. ?

Now, that verse you are misusing again and again..., is not talking to the Born again.
This is a shock isn't it? You're shocked. You're shocked to discover that not every verse in the NT is directed specifically towards the CHURCH.

Here is an update for you... Those Apostles sometimes preached to unbelievers.
And when they do that, they talk to them about "indwelling sin" and "if we say we have no sin"..
See, when you deal with SINNERS, you talk about SIN.
Thats the reality.
Im not surprised that you dont know anything about this, at all.
See, that is how i would talk to any group of unbelievers.
Example? Hebrews 10:26, Paul is the Apostle and these unbelieving Hebrews are the audience of CHRIST REJECTORS.. (Sinners).

Sometimes you deal with a type that wants to argue that they have no sin, or that sin does not exist.
Someone who is a Scientologist, or a disciple of Mary Baker Eddy, for example.
In their case Paul would say...."listen son, if we say we have no sin then the truth is not in us".


See it?
To see it, you have to realize that Paul is not stating that he has sin..
He doesn't , but they do..
So, when you deal with this, you say .."we".
This is what a Preacher does.
Listen to a few who are dealing with defiant, lost, hell bound sinners.
You'll see.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If you really believed that, then you would not tell the members here recently, that if they want to sin, (indwelling sin) then that is proof they are not really born again.

I think you misunderstand me.

A man who has indwelling sin does not necessarily desire to sin. For the element of sin can be rendered dead within him (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8).

That means that the desire for sin has been put to death; it no longer has any sway over the person's life (see Romans 6:14).

Sometimes you deal with a type that wants to argue that they have no sin, or that sin does not exist.
Someone who is a Scientologist, or a disciple of Mary Baker Eddy, for example.
In their case Paul would say...."listen son, if we say we have no sin then the truth is not in us".

So, I am dealing with you as you are this type.

1Jo 1:8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I think you misunderstand me.

A man who has indwelling sin does not necessarily desire to sin.

No, ive never missunderstood you.
Your self saving theology rings like a broken bell, every time you write a sentence.

So, do you have a lust issue, or do you have a indwelling sin issue, as the reason you sin and confess, as you have described to us that you do.?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
No, ive never missunderstood you.
Your self saving theology rings like a broken bell, every time you write a sentence.

So, do you have a lust issue, or do you have a indwelling sin issue, as the reason you sin and confess, as you have described to us that you do.?
I used to have a lust issue; but that indwelling sin has been rendered dead within me (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8).

There is nothing in my theology that teaches that I have saved myself.

I think that you are confused; because I preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ (Galatians 3:24), you seem to think that I am preaching salvation through law-keeping.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There is nothing in my theology that teaches that I have saved myself.


I have no idea what your sinning issue is all about.
I only know that you say you sin and confess, etc.
So, im here for 6+months now, trying to help you out of the wrong believing, that keeps you sinning and confessing, into the future.

Also, i didnt save you "SAVED, yourself"....i said you are a self SAVER.
You are lost within the self righteous theological process of trying to keep yourself saved, by "abiding" or "enduring" or "confessing sin"..
Did i get all the "do's to keep myself saved", = LIST.... that you keep, that is your Savior?
Im sure you can mention a few more on your list that you are trying to DO... to try to stay saved.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I only know that you say you sin and confess,

You think you don't have to confess your sins because you think that you are without sin.

But if anyone is honest with themselves, and walking in the light, they will, from time to time, come into contact with the Holy Spirit as He is pinpointing some sin in their life.

This is God's way of sanctifying us. When we place our sins up to the scrutiny of the light, He is able to apply His blood to them and to cleanse us from those sins (1 John 1:7).

How else does a man place his sins in front of the light than to confess them before God?

Also, I do not keep myself saved by confessing my sins. However, through that, koinoneia fellowship is restored with God any time that I might falter or faint.

My salvation is secure in that God has instilled within me an everlasting faith (because He has given me everlasting life (John 5:24 (kjv)).

This faith is in His blood; which does not only justify (as per Romans 5:9)...it also sanctifies (Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 10:29) and continually cleanses me from all sin (1 John 1:7).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You think you don't have to confess your sins because you think that you are without sin.

What i know, is that Jesus has all my sin and i have "the Righteousness of Christ".

Jesus has my sin, and died for it, and i have "the gift of Righteousness", as my " born again new Creation".
Im a child of the LIGHT< not a child of the dark.
Thats who i am, as defined by GOD.
God said im "made Righteous", and I agree.
You dont.
So, that your problem, isnt it.

So, that you can't understand any of this, is not my fault, as ive taught this basic fundamental Christianity, here, for over 6 months.
You were too busy pretending to be the Forum Pastor, when you should have been paying attention, so that you could get your mind renewed and come out of that spiritual darkness that is the Gospel of self saving.

Listen carefully, im born again, and that means im "made righteous", and there is no sin found "in Christ", where i EXIST as "ONE with God".

This is simple Pauline Theology.......
You should learn some, one day.

Ive posted at least 50 Threads here, that teach the "simplicity that is IN Christ" that show you why you sin, and how to stop.
You only found the time to dispute this truth, and teach your gospel of self saving.

So, that's all on you.
You chose it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
1Jo 1:8, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

You say that you have no sin; therefore you deceive yourself, and the truth is not in you.

I agree with God that I am made righteous; I just don't define my righteousness as being sinless.

Again, we all have indwelling sin; but that sin does not have to have any reign over our behaviour (Romans 6:14) because it can be rendered dead (Romans 6:6, Galatians 5:24, Romans 7:8).

So then, I can be righteous even though there is a principle of truth, that sin dwells in every man.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Salvation is not what you do for God, but rather, its what God did for you, as a GIFT.
And what is that?

Its this.
You live here, down here, where sinners live, and all around you is a "world system" that is a secularized Christ rejecting, "secular" ideology.
God does not.. He lives where sin does not exist, and Holiness is Life, and Truth is Light.

A.) In Heaven
B.) In the Kingdom of God
C.) In all the Born again who are the sinless "Temple of the Holy Spirit".

Let me show you some things , for the benefit of those who think you are a sinner, yet born again, and for the benefit of those who are not Christians and found this Thread.

Remember that Lucifer was "cast out of heaven"? ???? ...

Spiritually speaking, we are cleansed, white as snow, but we still have our flesh where sin dwells and we need to keep that in check, not backsliding into our old habits and ways. We really need to look in the mirror and it takes years to discover or admit to our own sins. Yep, initially we are willingly to give up most of the junk, but try to justify and rationalize a few things we just can't. "You can have this part of my Life Lord, but I still need this in my life!" And he will bring us through experiences, because some of us have to learn the hard way. We're saved, but the lust of the flesh pulls us off the track sometimes. And don't get me wrong, faith is a gift, but you have to take care of it, nurture it, like a seed that you plant, it needs water and sun light.
Sure unbelievers can go to a Harvest Crusade, walk down to the alter and receive Christ and really believe. "Hallelujah, I'm saved, praise the Lord ..." And if they truly believe, they are. But what do they believe? How much do they really know about Jesus? They must walk with God from that day forward, start studying, attending a good Bible based Church ( which will be their primary education) so they can learn how to die to themselves. People like the idea at first, but don't readily get on board with all the rest ... as you put it, being a living sacrifice, or to be more giving and less unselfish.
I learned a lot from my Pastor, a very knowledgeable man. He explained lots of things that we just don't get by ourselves just reading alone. I realize we don't need a teacher, we have the Holy Spirit, but in the beginning, your Pastor is more filled with the Spirit than you are. God will speak directly through him into your life. Very often, I would receive a message as if the sermon was orchestrated that way. New believers are infants and so they really don't know what it means to be a Christian and it takes a while for us to be obedient and surrender _ fully. We must learn, otherwise we will have weak faith.
I mean the Bible would be pretty short without all the teachings about spiritual growth, increasing your knowledge in Christ, practicing the principles, such as how to love God and our neighbor.

A couple of things I would caution you about saying. Telling someone, "You must be born again" and for them to do it is impossible. God transforms the believer, we don't do it. He calls, we answer, He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit - that is is being Born Again.
Also discipleship means to be a student of Jesus teachings, it is a long process of learning, growing in the knowledge of Christ. Righteousness is imputed to us, but that doesn't excuse us from learning as if we get saved and all of a sudden know it all. Sure the Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us, but we are called to grow, feed our spirit with the Word. Study, go to church, pray.

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 peter 1:5-8
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You say that you have no sin; therefore you deceive yourself, and the truth is not in you.


I have no sin, that is Correct.
Why, because Jesus has it.
If He didn't, i would not be born again.
If Christ didn't have ALL my sin.... God would not live in me, and i would not be His Temple of the Holy Spirit.

See, you dont understand any of this and that is why you exist as a dark light on a Christian forum, endlessly ranting your 3 verses over and over to try to contradict the Grace of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Spiritually speaking, we are cleansed, white as snow, but we still have our flesh where sin dwells and we need to keep that in check,


you can't keep your "sin in check".
This is why you have continued to confess your sin since you were born again, if you are actually born again, and not deceived into thinking you are because you were at some point water baptized and told that this is "salvation".

Listen, the reality of every believer who is by, self effort, trying to be good, do right, strive against sin, = is that they are sinning and confessing and can't stop.

If you want to stop sinning, you have to exist in the correct mind of faith.
And that isn't, "im trying to stop sinning"., as that is the mind of the flesh.
See, the mind of the flesh is....> "i do it, me me me, i stop, i strive, i work,"., and all that is a spiritual failure.

So, to live the holy life, and exist in perfected discipleship, or as Paul defines is...'"as many as BE PERFECT", you
have to renew your mind into right believing, which ia found first in this verse.... Hebrews 13:9.

Ronald, the right mind, is to walk in the Spirit.
To do that, you have to exist in your faith, as the Grace of God.
You have to bring your mind into alignment with God's perspective of who you are, "in Christ"...and stay there.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States

you can't keep your "sin in check".
This is why you have continued to confess your sin since you were born again, if you are actually born again, and not deceived into thinking you are because you were at some point water baptized and told that this is "salvation".

Listen, the reality of every believer who is by, self effort, trying to be good, do right, strive against sin, = is that they are sinning and confessing and can't stop.

If you want to stop sinning, you have to exist in the correct mind of faith.
And that isn't, "im trying to stop sinning"., as that is the mind of the flesh.
See, the mind of the flesh is....> "i do it, me me me, i stop, i strive, i work,"., and all that is a spiritual failure.

So, to live the holy life, and exist in perfected discipleship, or as Paul defines is...'"as many as BE PERFECT", you
have to renew your mind into right believing, which ia found first in this verse.... Hebrews 13:9.

Ronald, the right mind, is to walk in the Spirit.
To do that, you have to exist in your faith, as the Grace of God.
You have to bring your mind into alignment with God's perspective of who you are, "in Christ"...and stay there.
I'm saved, I walk in the Spirit, ha r dies to my old self, but as you may not be aware of, Paul was though and I am aware that sin dwells in the members of our flesh. So sometimes I do things that I do not want to do. " If I do what I do not want to do, I admit that the law is good. In that case, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is my flesh, for I have the desire to do what is good, but I can't carry it out. ... For in my inner being I delight in God's law. But I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells in me. What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin." Romans. 7:16-18, 22-25
We must say no to our fleshly desires daily. And that is keeping sin in check. Spiritually we are cleansed, born again but still have this flesh. When we physically die, we will be separated from it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You say that you have no sin; therefore you deceive yourself, and the truth is not in you.


I have no sin, that is Correct.
Why, because Jesus has it.
If He didn't, i would not be born again.
If Christ didn't have ALL my sin.... God would not live in me, and i would not be His Temple of the Holy Spirit.

See, you dont understand any of this and that is why you exist as a dark light on a Christian forum, endlessly ranting your 3 verses over and over to try to contradict the Grace of God.

The reality is that you don't understand any of this and this is why you deny the "three verses" that I keep quoting to you.

Do you really think that I only know three verses in the Bible?

But I always quote the same "three verses" to you because they are the things that you need to hear in order to be able to get your head on straight.

And the "three verses" that I quote, also do not contradict the grace of God. If that were the case, then you have something in the Bible that contradicts the grace of God. But the Bible is all about grace and it does not contradict itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I'm saved, I walk in the Spirit, ha r dies to my old self, but as you may not be aware of, Paul was though and I am aware that sin dwells in the members of our flesh. So sometimes I do things that I do not want to do.

you didnt read the rest of what Paul teaches, and neither did the person that mislead you, Ronald.

See, had you kept reading, or had the person who deceived you kept reading, you , they, both...would find Paul completing what He is teaching.
For some reason, Legalists never get to the rest of what Paul taught.
Which is this...."But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

See that?
That is the end of what is Paul teaching.
He didnt stop with " that which i dont want to do"........He actually completes His teaching with "ALWAYS". "VICTORY">.

See that part?
Thats the part you and your teacher missed.
Its the part where Paul teaches that we ALWAYS have the VICTORY< over our flesh, the world, and the devil, if we learn how to exist in the right mind, that is right believing.
If not, you'll keep sinning and confessing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
It is very true that we have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is also true that we don't get there by not confessing our sins when we do sin.

Notice that in 1 John 1:9, when we confess our sins, we are not only forgiven but we are cleansed from all unrighteousness.

So then, those who would discourage you from confessing your sins are people who do not want you to be forgiven and cleansed.

There is a sanctification process that comes about when we walk in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7).

We do this "walking in the light" by confessing our sins when the Holy Spirit brings them to the forefront.

It is like when silver is refined in fire...

As the heat is applied, the impurities rise to the top.

The Lord scrapes those impurities off the top when we confess our sins.

'nuff said.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
See that?

you didnt read the rest of what Paul teaches, and neither did the person that mislead you, Ronald.

See, had you kept reading, or had the person who deceived you kept reading, you , they, both...would find Paul completing what He is teaching.
For some reason, Legalists never get to the rest of what Paul taught.
Which is this...."But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

See that?
That is the end of what is Paul teaching.
He didnt stop with " that which i dont want to do"........He actually completes His teaching with "ALWAYS". "VICTORY">.

See that part?
Thats the part you and your teacher missed.
Its the part where Paul teaches that we ALWAYS have the VICTORY< over our flesh, the world, and the devil, if we learn how to exist in the right mind, that is right believing.
If not, you'll keep sinning and confessing.

Evidently you didn't read my entire post. I quoted Romans 7:16-18, 22-25.
This is a very deep teaching concerning our dual natures that the verse states wars against each other. I guess you never got the meat of the teaching.
Thanks to Jesus who has saved us, spiritually - But we still have to deal with our flesh! But you seem to believe that once a Christian is forgiven, washed of their sins, born again, he doesn't do anything wrong from that point on.
Since you've been a Christian, can you claim that you have never done, said or thought anything wrong that would be considered a sin? So none of the sins you committed before you were a Christian against people you do now, and thus you are perfectly holy?
He who says he no sin, the truth is not in him.
Look up the definition of Sarx, our mortal flesh, the fallen human nature that focuses primarily on desires, worldly pleasures and selfishness. It is mortal and it will die. The Spirit guides our spirit to live in Christ, focusing on all that He has taught ( which take a quite awhile to learn), the eternal things above, that pass on
We are to live in the light of our future resurrection, when we will receive spiritually immortal bodies (soma) to live and reign with Christ in His Coming Kingdom. So notify our fleshly desires and to die to our old self daily - keep it in check.
Consider the fruit of the Spirit. You know the list. Do we all fully possess those qualities when we are born again? No. God grows them gradually and it takes years if not a lifetime. God is still working on my patience and so far I am doing well with you. When we fail to love others, isn't that unrighteous behavior? It is not sin unto death, but every time we do that, it is our sarx in action.
As a Christian matures, they learn to walk in the Spirit more freely without falling back into our old ways. But still, we fail to be perfect. We do exhibit moments of perfection, Christ-likeness, but not always. You would be surprised to find that Mother Teresa or Billy Graham would tell you how many times they failed in their walk.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
The truth is, obedience to God does requires diligence.

2 Peter 1:5
King James Version

5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;

Also, we are to actively resist sin.

Hebrews 12:3-4
King James Version

3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

I used to believe that we gain righteousness only by "resting in grace". But when I simply read the Bible instead of trusting in those popular doctrines, I realize that we are to put actual effort into resisting sin. This is not legalism. It is simply obedience.

True faith works itself out with the fruit of obedience.

It may be against some people's doctrine to put effort into resisting sin. But I encourage people to read the Bible simply for themselves to get a better perspective on how to deal with sin. It does not just get rid of itself through applying fairy grace dust.
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