Jesus in Islam

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Which clearly tells us one thing -- the Quran is a lie of the Devil. So you can post all you want about Jesus in the Quran, but it is full of lies. The Allah of the Quran is not the God of the Bible, nor the one true God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
They are talking about a different Jesus, it's not the Jesus Christ the true Christians follow.
Jesus means Saviour, Christ means Lord, so the fact means that we are talking about our Lord and Saviour.
He Jesus Christ is with us "Emmanuel" He is our God that came for us, so we would have 'Life' abundantly under Grace, this is a Gift ! and one has to pick it up and respect it.
There is no other religion that is under Grace, all they have is the Law and the Law does not cut it and it never did and the Law only convicts, such lacks the saving Grace that Man needs to brake free from terrene of the works of mans madness that he is enslaved under with a Sin Nature to only too be let loose under the Law is a travesty a blight on man, it's a curse ! why would one go back to there own vomit, only a dog does that, such is just like a Swine grovelling in it's own filth.

Carnal man can not see God all he does is wallow in his own mire.

When one gets truly Born Again one can see the Heavenly Angels coming down and going back up, just as Jesus said to Nathaniel that he would see.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
When one gets truly Born Again one can see the Heavenly Angels coming down and going back up, just as Jesus said to Nathaniel that he would see

Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him

John 14:21


Oct 15, 2017
Christians believe that Jesus is alive today, and many denominations believe him to be active. They also believe that he has been resurrected already, and that he will never die again. The Muslim position, however, is that he never died, and therefore is still alive. It says in the Quran, that the Jews claim:

“We killed Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, Messenger of God.”

However, God denies this, as the verse continues:

“But they killed him not, nor crucified him; It was only a likeness shown to them: Most certainly they killed him not. Rather, God lifted him up to Himself.” (Quran 4:157-8)

This action of lifting is literally an upward movement, physically being taken from the earth into heavens, just as he will be physically brought back on the wings of angels from the heavens to the earth when he returns. Christians estimate his age to be 31-33 years of age at ascension, because the synoptic Gospels are considered to describe approximately 1 year of his life. The Gospel of John purportedly describes 3 years of his life from the moment he began preaching, of which Luke says:

“And Jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph … and (he) was led by the spirit into the wilderness.” (Luke 3:23 and 4:1)

Muslim scholars agree. Hasan Basri said, “Jesus was 34, while Sa’eed bin Mussayyib said, “He was 33,” when he was lifted up to heaven.[1]

“And there is none of the People of the Book but will believe in him before his death, and on the Day of Judgment, he will be a witness against them.” (Quran 4:159)

God, here, is talking about the ‘People of the Book’ believing in Jesus before the latter dies well after he was lifted up into the heavens. The implication is that he is not yet dead. In fact, he is securely kept by God until he completes his appointed term. As God says in the Quran:

“It is God Who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and (the souls) of those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed.” (Quran 39:42)


“It is God Who takes away the souls at night, and has knowledge of all that you have done by day, and raises you up again that a term appointed be fulfilled; then will you be returned unto Him. Then He will inform you of all that you used to do.” (Quran 60:60)

‘The term appointed’ denotes the numbered days of our lives, already known and confirmed by God. The word “to take away” is a promise made by God to Jesus which God will do when His messenger is threatened by disbelief. The Quran informs us that He told Jesus:

“Indeed I will take you (away) and lift you up to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve…” (Quran 3:55)

Thus we have a promise of God fulfilled when he saved Jesus from crucifixion, and another that will be fulfilled when He returns Jesus to earth and he completes his life here - a promise confirmed in the revelation given to Mary at the annunciation:

“God gives you tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be Jesus Christ, son of Mary, held in honor in the world and in the hereafter, and one of those who are nearest (to God). He shall speak to the people in infancy and when middle-aged[2], and shall be of the righteous.” (Quran 3:45-46)

Since middle-aged is older than the early thirties, this prophecy concerns his speaking to the people after his return. So this second promise (that everyone will believe in him before he dies) concerns his second mission when he descends to earth again. When he arrives, he will be the same age as he left, and then he will live for another forty years.[3] The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said:

“There is no prophet between me and him (Jesus), and he shall descend. He… will stay in the world for forty years; then he will die and the Muslims will offer the funeral Prayer for him.” (Abu Dawood, Ahmed)

The return of Jesus will be close to the end of time. In fact, his descent will be one of the major signs the final hour is due. The Quran discloses that:

“He (the son of Mary) shall be a known sign of the Hour; so have no doubt concerning it and follow Me.” (Quran 43:61)

His appearance will be followed by only two or three other unmistakable portents. Among these are the appearance of the beast[4], the wafting of the believers from the earth[5], leaving only disbelievers behind, and the rising of the sun from the west.[6]

The ten major signs, among which is the second coming of Jesus, are summarized in one hadeeth:[7]

“The Hour will not come until you see ten signs: the smoke; the False Messiah; the Beast; the sun rising from the West; the descent of Jesus son of Mary; the Gog and Magog; and three tremors - one in the East, one in the West, and one in Arabia, at the end of which fire will burst forth from the direction of Aden and drive people to the place of their final assembly.” (Ahmed)

May God save us from disbelief and preserve us from being among those who witness the final moments


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him

John 14:21
KJV John 14:21 is a lot better put.
I don't know where you are getting that gibberish version, that version can be so misleading.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
?? They say exactly the same thing... And it was supporting your previous post... :D
No they do not. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I suppose you are right, but I don't know it somewhat softer and gay and KJV comes across sharper and more clear to me.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
We in the west should banish all of our criminals to Islam to live for x amount of time and then when if they come back and they play up again then they go back to Islam Nation for good.

Satan has been at work in the west mainly after WW2 when the Jews won their war they created and have been at work cunningly working to undermine our once Christian Nations to become a dumping ground or a haven for just morons who are enslaved under the Law of political correctness.

What has happened is that the laws have been set to let the morons to go beyond the boundary's of common sense and this madness got pushed hard from the 1980's in Australia.

I believe that Islam is good for inferior people, as such people need this type of Law or a nation on the whole will suffer.
I believe that Islam will rule the whole world because the people are to stupid and corrupted by Satan, that such will be the only way to deal with them.

Atheist are the most backward demented people, they have no hope of dealing with there own lives let alone dealing with anything much at all, Islam will wipe the floor with them, it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Jews are not the Jews of the Bible they are just a Satanic Nazi Zionist Atheist mob so they are on the path to fail.

The Christian majority are corrupted by them Zionist Jews totally and do not know Jesus Christ at all, just look at Pope Frances he is a Joke who goes about bagging Jesus and a Sodomite supporter as are all the major religions nowadays are just so corrupted and all the idiots just can't see it.

True Christianity has the Holy Spirit as it's guide and that is Jesus Christ and the people are under Grace, but when a Nation rejects it's Grace it puts the political above all, this is called mans works and it is Slavery to sin and all become Slaves to a man made madness that can't see past their nose.
There works are in vane, Soul less dribble and barbaric leads the way and only might and my right rule the day with noting but thugs lording it over all.

The New age Political Correct type of moron is just a pathetic weakling that is enslaved by Satan and does not have a hope in hell, they will crash badly, they are like a blind man running.


Oct 15, 2017
تجربة تغليف الانجيل بالقرآن في نيويورك - (مترجم)

my dear brother
- Islam is a religion of the utmost ease and compassion
Do not do more of your energy
In anything

The original
Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
See inside them well
Your life will completely upright
Honesty - maintaining secretariats - high morals - help others - away from adultery - murder - drinking alcohol - gambling - treason - honoring one's parents - kinship - the right of the neighbor - and so on .....
This is Islam

Muslim life always
Tied about the Qur'an Quran and Hadith
This constitution for life

Separation between religion and life, something is wrong
This is already happening in other religions

Society is going in the way of deviation
Adultery - murder - robbery - drinking alcohol - international attacks - family disintegration ......

In your point of view

Why is this happening?

This is the result away from the teachings of God and the prophets and messengers

Narrated 'Ubada Ibn-As−Samit: who took part in the battle of Badr and was a Naqib (a person heading a group of six persons), on the night of Al−`Aqaba pledge: Allah's Apostle said while a group of his companions were around him, " Swear allegiance to me for: 1- Not to join anything in worship along with Allah. 2- Not to steal. 3- Not to commit illegal sexual intercourse. 4- Not to kill your children. 5- Not to accuse an innocent person (to spread such an accusation among people). 6- Not to be disobedient (when ordered) to do good deed ." The Prophet added: " Whoever among you fulfills his pledge will be rewarded by Allah. And whoever indulges in any one of them (except the ascription of partners to Allah) and gets the punishment in this world, that punishment will be an expiation for that sin. And if one indulges in any of them, and Allah conceals his sin, it is up to Him to forgive or punish him (in the Hereafter) ." 'Ubada bin As−Samit added: "So we swore allegiance for these." (points to Allah's Apostle

Sahih al-Bukhary, The Book of Faith, Hadith Number:18, Narrated by: Obada Ibnus-Samit


Islam came with mercy for all creation through the beauty of the islamic legislation which establishes justice, fairness and advocate, the grounds for security and stability in communities. Allah The Most High says in the Holy Quran :

" But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land, Allah does not like corrupters." [Al-Qasas: 77].

In this Ayah Allah The Most High, orders His slaves to seek the blessing given from Allah, but do not forget their share of the world, and His also orders to good deed, but forbids to corrupt or do destruction, because it can cause instability in life.

In another Ayah Allah The Most High, says :

" Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded." [An-Nahl: 90].

Immorality includes; every greater sin likes shirk, killing another illegally, sexual act without married, looting, arrogant, humiliate to the others. Bad conduct includes every sin and wickedness related to the rights of Allah. Oppression includes every act oppresses to the life being, to the soul, to the property and their honors.


Those Ayahs tell us that Islam is full of Mercy and far from oppression. Let us take a look on sunnah as a second basic rule after Quran. From Abu Hurairah May Allah pleased him, The Prophet May Peace be upon him said :

"Whomsoever not to love another, thus will not be loved".[reported by Bukhari].
allah guided you

Similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism - Dr. Zakir Naik | Bahrain (Full)

Actually I have heard many lies about Islam

Ignorance and hatred of Islam


Spread and increase the number of converts to Islam


Increase the numbers of adherents of Islam

Of not less

Christians Scientists
And players and famous of Hollywood stars
The world's rich

And Yusuf Estes

Sister's Wife of Tony Blair
converted to Islam?

Kaka (Brazil) - Ribeirah (France)

liam nison\\ Log daughter of US President Bush in Islam

Lawyers -Engineers- sued - an officer of the police and the army - the general public

-So when he discovers that the real Holy Qur'an
And discover the greatness and mercy of Islam
Makes sure that the attempts to distort Islam, a liar and deceiver
calm down and use your mind in the research and understanding
And prepare to convert to Islam constantly increasing


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Sure that's all good as far as man goes, it's a recipe for mans works, but it's an enslavement under the Law and needed for the good of a Nation and it will wipe the floor with the degenerate west and they will be calling out to be helped and this is what they will deserve.

The thing about true Christianity is that it is about being born again of the Holy Spirit but we lost control of the west due to the Satanic Talmud Zionist so called Jew that worked to under mind Christianity and the majority just left the Church.

I know many atheist who want to kill every person who is of Islam, funny why devout atheist hate such people totally but it's funny that total atheist totally love the Jews ? and will stand up for them 100% regardless of what they do, they can never do wrong in there eyes and many so called Christians are the same.
They believe that the Jew is gods people, a 'race' of gods people, I point out that their is no such race at all and never was such a race ever, they believe being anti-Semitic is about the Jews.
I inform them that the Semitic people are manly all the Islam world, as it started from their.
So truly if one was truly claiming to be an Anti-Semitic, one would be talking about the Moslem world in fact. I inform them that truly one can not call a Jew a Semite even thou they came from the same race as the Arabs, but fact is that they are truly only a religious denomination.

History proves that the Semitic race were to be begot of the Jewish religion and Islam, so the whole gibberish of people claiming such as Anti-Semitic is just a foolish joke and a farce to make claims that they do nowadays, Judaism is a religion and Islam is another religion end of story, race has nothing to do with any religion that I know of ever.

Israel ( the servant of God ) was set apart for God but was not due to racial grounds only and only due to God and the Holy Spirit workings, as it was given but only as long as they abided in that formula.

The Zionist like to play the race card trickery con job games but the fact is not one of them can prove they are in anyway at all related to Israel 100% even by race but it can be proven that they are not in line with Holy Moses at all and that they have their Whore the Talmud and that filthy six pointed Star that represents 666 etc etc such is a mans works foundation and sadly most so called Christians do not even know that the Bible points out this star is the work of Satan, Jesus said so ! and all who look up to it are under a curse ! it attacks the Kingdom of God directly and is of Sodom and that's why the west is being lead astray, by promoting such madness and now follow Political Correctness gods and that's the west new god they idolise with the total ferocity of being possessed by it totally and if you offend it then we see only total malice in there actions as if this is there letter of the Law.
They have no Grace at all in them but just short sighted narrow minded Ego driven mania of a utopian weak feeble minded spoilt brat at large.

And the fact is that the Zionist are rolling on the ground pissing themselves laughing at the West, saying look at the niggers ! they truly are just f ing stupid Goyim (cattle) they are just pathetic good for nothings, not worth 2 pebbles of goat droppings.

All the Satan lead morons helped create the Zionist State and these devils are kicking people off the land that has been a peoples for over a 1000 years, they came back and said f off !
I remember that 6 million people were sent to die for land that was the Germans land only 20 so years before, but that's the way it goes when Satanic people can fool the simple minded people.
It's like most people do not have the brain power to understand jack and can be led to swallow anything, because all they do is look around them and if most follow along with something they just tag along, stupid is stupid does.

I am all for the true Jews who just wanted a place so as not to be persecuted by idiots because of there religion and they are not a problem to anyone, but that's not what the Zionist wanted at all and God does not give the Land back to a un repented devils, why would God do such a thing, if such were true then sending his Son Jesus was in vain.
Pope Frances claims that Jesus was a failure on the cross and Pope Frances kissed the ring hand of the richest man in the world Rothschild as he sat in a chair, just like they do when they kiss the ring of the Pope. It's for all to see and hear on u tube.
Pope Frances is bowing down to Rothschild as his servant !
The Rothschild's created the Zionist State and gave it the name Israel, and true Jews know that it is not truly Israel at all.
Let alone all the stupid so called Christians that reject that Jesus Christ is in fact the King of Israel and the fact is that if you are truly born again, then you are in fact Israel (Servant of God).
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Spread and increase the number of converts to Islam
Why are you trying to promote Islam on a Christian forum? Islam was designed by Muhammad to subvert the Gospel, so what you are doing is subverting Christianity on a Christian forum! But if the shoe were on the other foot, Muslims would never allow Christians to subvert Islam on a Muslim forum. Indeed the building of churches is forbidden on Islamic lands, and the persecution of Christians is unbelievable.

What you should be doing is promoting sanity and rationality among your own Radical Islamists, who hate the West, Christians, and Jews. Yet they pour into the West in order to establish Muslim domination, Sharia law, and eventually the Caliphate. Erdogan of Turkey has just recently sent out another message of hatred against Christians, calling upon Muslim to intensify Jihad.

I am not sure why the moderators allow you to post lengthy articles praising Islam on a Christian forum, but tolerance has its limits.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
but we lost control of the west due to the Satanic Talmud Zionist so called Jew that worked to under mind Christianity and the majority just left the Church.
And now we have Muslims working to undermine Christianity (as this poster) and Western values while waging Jihad, and deceptively calling Islam "the religion of peace". So let's not forget the Muslim attack on Christianity which is presently ongoing worldwide.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
And now we have Muslims working to undermine Christianity (as this poster) and Western values while waging Jihad, and deceptively calling Islam "the religion of peace". So let's not forget the Muslim attack on Christianity which is presently ongoing worldwide.
I don't think it's the fault of Islam it's self to promote themselves.

The fact of the matter is that they will win, or control the world be it if we like it or not.

Maybe the Zionist will kill them all, after all they did cerate all the wars from WW1 on and got away with it all.

The problem is that we in the West are blighted simple fools, but we have been duped to be simple minded followers of the Media and cunning governments who play the people and we see this ramped up year by year and now it's an epidemic.

I don't like Islam myself and I don't want it here but in the middle East I think it's a fine religion that works very well.
Our modern day so called Christianity would fail their, just as it has in the west now.

Went one knows and truly understands others cultures well, then one can appreciate them for what they truly are.

The Modern day West are way up themselves generally and look down on other cultures and the ignorance is beyond belief and the younger Politically Correct generation are the biggest hypocrites ever, because they think they are so smart and so advance and all they are is total bigots with not one foundation to stand on that is reality, but Islam does have foundations that are solid that have worked for over a thousand years in that harsh lands.
But Political Correctness has always failed, firstly with the Nazis it was a disaster and also with the Marxist Communist who created Political Correctness in the first place.

Look at the African negroes, the west is off with the pixies, they don't understand them at all and sadly nor do they care to bother to truly understand them, they will survived without us in the west just as they did before, they don't need the west.

Look at the Australian Aboriginals, I don't know one city person who has any true idea or understanding of them, ( I grew up and lived with them for years ) but to city people they will reject everything I have to say in just total blissful ignorance, because they are just so far removed from the reality of such a people and this mob of political Correct charming bigots claim to know what's best for them people, but do they listen to them real blacks, not on your life ! they do everything but, they even claim people who are white with like only 5% black in them to be just as worthy as a full blood to all who will swallow it, but will drop the full blood abos in the lurch once the farce is orchestrated for the TV and media just so the dolts in the city swallow it all full on, but if one was to confront one of these PC bastards and point out that the 5% part abo is not a real abo, then they will come at you with everything they can, trying to undermine this fact for their bigoted cunning bag of tricks, like making one out to be the racist or what ever they can toss and try make it stick for the PC dolts to swallow.

Christian Churches have been preaching just a social gospel for years and that's the problem of why it has failed, they are lukewarm and do not have Jesus Christ in their lives, Johnny Cash sang this in a song, (they want the Kingdom but they do not want God in it) how true Johnny Cash was, he seen it even back then.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I don't think it's the fault of Islam it's self to promote themselves.
You don't think so? Have you read the Quran and what it has to say about Jesus, about the Trinity, about Christians and Jews? And how it perverts Old Testament truth in order to present Islam as THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION and Muhammad as the FINAL PROPHET?

The Quran -- supposedly given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel (more likely Satan pretending to be Gabriel) -- is designed to pervert the Gospel and presents Jihad as a means of attaining Islamic supremacy. And Islam has been in the Jihadist mode for a very long time. Only Islam justifies the butchering of innocent women and children as ISIS has claimed.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You don't think so? Have you read the Quran and what it has to say about Jesus, about the Trinity, about Christians and Jews? And how it perverts Old Testament truth in order to present Islam as THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION and Muhammad as the FINAL PROPHET?

The Quran -- supposedly given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel (more likely Satan pretending to be Gabriel) -- is designed to pervert the Gospel and presents Jihad as a means of attaining Islamic supremacy. And Islam has been in the Jihadist mode for a very long time. Only Islam justifies the butchering of innocent women and children as ISIS has claimed.
I don't believe in Islam my self, but just saying or trying to point out that in harsh places that Islam has some value or that other religions like the Australian aboriginals way of life did have values that seen them through and without such they would not of survived and the fact is the tribes that did not follow faded away and died, strict rules where totally in forced and you better believe it was so, I am not joking and they sure as hell were not.

The problem is that the west is totally ignorant of the reality's of such and are dreaming or just off with the pixies on such, these Islamic people are not going to pick up Christianity any more then the Jews will pick it up, the Jews hate Jesus Christ more than any other religion and Islam has a Jesus but it's not Jesus Christ the Son of God.

What the Pope and west protestant Christians do not understand is that by watering down Christianity in the hope that Islam and the Jews will come to Christianity, such just will not work, in fact this will only work to destroy Christianity and the proof of this is in the west for all to see, such is a failure, so why try it, the people in the middle east do not think like the west do and that's a fact, they look down on the west as a foolish people and a shit culture of morons and they are convinced of this. the Jew is much the same as they despise the West and look down on you, they do not look up to the culture of the West at all, in fact they roll on the ground pissing them selves laughing at just how stupid and gullible we are.

Most of the West is owned by Jews and the Islamic world owns a lot as well.
If the Islamic world was to pull out all of it's money the west would crash.
If the Jews were to pull out all of there money, well they can't but they can build up a lot of hot air to build a false system so as to crash it when they see fit and the West are so gullible that they can not see it, such people are of blind faith in man and all, a degenerate society full of morons and that's why Jews call you all Goyim because you are just like cattle to them, simple minded dolts and they despise you, they do not look up to you at all.

I am a seen as a Jew (but I am a Christian) I know many Jews my whole life and talk to them, so I know how they think and I have worked with many Islamic people and talk freely to them, most Australians do not talk to Moslems on the depth that I do, they would not come close to talking freely with them, because they are to ignorant to have a in depth conversation with them because they will get highly offended by the Moslem and walk off in a huff.

All 3 religions can get on and they have proven this in history, but it's the political games that are at play that are the problem over all.

ISIS is just a Satanic mob created and controlled by the Jews and all payed for by the west tax payers.

Satanist are trying to control the world, they are Government powers manipulating people for their own ends, True Christianity in Jesus is not about Government powers controlling the people, it warns about such powers being the problem.

The Satanist are Politically Correct letter of the Law type of nonsense and that's it end of story ruled by mans works madness.

Judaism is a Letter of the Law and Political Correct people and that's why they can not see Jesus for who he truly is, they think he is just a man, they are blinded by being PC and only follow mans works religion and that's the power that PC has over them poor miserable dupes who are totally lost to God and treat people like shit and it only enslaves people.

Islam is a Letter of the Law and Political Correct mob following in mans works, it's a man made religion to mans works and it only enslaves people.

Do people need to be enslaved ? well some do for there own good as a backward society and that's why the Jews had to go all them years under the Law till the Coming of Jesus Christ the Light of the World came, so that people can have life abundantly under the Grace of God and not slaves to the power of Sin.

Christians should understand what Sin is and how to deal with such in a mature way, so to be able to pick it out for what it truly is, Jesus was not led by Satan's temptations and he exposed Satan for what he truly is for us.

When a truly Born Again Christian is in the company of others, they can comprehend and can talk to anyone regardless of who it is and can deal with all without getting offended.
People who are easy offended are always shallow people as we see with people who idolise Political Correctness, they can't see past their own nose.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
View attachment 2768I did read that, Belafonte. Wow!
One can find some good in all people, the point is to deal with such in a practical way and hope they progress, if you see people who you know they will not progress then, you could walk away from them or try to understand what it is that you are truly dealing with and go from there, don't just dismiss them.
The Christian Church came to Australia and treated the Aboriginals with disregard to their culture, they said that the Abos were atheist but the Abos tried to inform them they were not atheist, they believed in a god or gods they truly served for thousands of years that seen them through.

I believe that some people will never get the point or understand the truth of Jesus Christ because they are just too primitive and it's the same with people who are just too well off, you know that you have Buckley's chance of them even bothering to bother trying to understand, it's like trying to push a 44 gallon of molasses up a hill with such people.

I know Moslems that I do trust at work more than your average Aussie atheist moronic fool. but I understand Islam and not ignorant like most people.
I understand the Jews totally.

Christianity has failed just like Israel and Judah did and for the same reason, it's on it's death bed but still there is the remnant.

The Zionist Jews are in bed with Islam working to undermine Christianity and the dupes swallow it all because they look to the TV media to inform them and never bother to look into anything in depth, the brainwashing of Christians in the last 20 years is just amazing, they look up to the Jews and idolise them, how pathetic ! and such is a out right rejection of Jesus Christ in fact, but they can't see that.
How many times do I hear satanic possessed Christians who are just pissing into the wind with end of times crap and they are the ones working towards it all so as to try and bring Jesus back down, it's all a mans works game play created by Satanic people.
The State they blasphemy call Israel is just a setup for the Satanic NWO, they are Satanist Sodomites Moloch worshipers who work to undermine people to become enslaved in all perverted filth, they make people proud of killing unborn children even, and our children are next on the list Idolising Political Correctness like the Nazis and communist did with such madness, they did the same trick worked on millions of people before and it's working a treat now.
What f heads ! don't you all know that all you need is to follow in Jesus Christ regardless, the rest is just temptations.
What do you think will happen when Jesus comes back ? well he did all that he needed to do back then and he would say just the same again ? nothing will ever top Jesus Christ and he said and did all he needed to do and if anyone is asking for more they are a fool, they have another Jesus.

All one need do is pick up the gift that Jesus gave and cherish it.
The Jew has nothing to offer and never did and never will. Biblically speaking it's like a dog that goes back to it's own vomit.