Kiwiana, Americana, Australiana etc. Items or Icons from your Countries Heritage/nationhood - especi

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Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
I had several pairs of these
They were CHOICE!!!
And my mullet was ACE!!

Holiday Makers​
Dave Dobbyn!!!​
Netherworld Dancing Toys​
When The Cat's Away​

The list could go on!!!



Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Teehee! with the NZ stubbies [L&P] advert!... :D :D :D Love that one! and the Haka!

Love Dave Dobbyn. He just got on stage on the last night of the [open-air] Parachute festival 2 years ago. I was looking forward to his performance but unfortunately the heavens opened up at that very moment and everyone got totally drenched! People ran for their cars parked in a paddock, which quickly turned to mud. We just about made it but my mate and I ended up slipping and landing in the mud in torrential rain Lol!
and that's just part of that story....

Here's a kiwiana icon for ya!


Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
Angelina said:
Teehee! with the NZ stubbies [L&P] advert!... :D :D :D Love that one! and the Haka!

Love Dave Dobbyn. He just got on stage on the last night of the [open-air] Parachute festival 2 years ago. I was looking forward to his performance but unfortunately the heavens opened up at that very moment and everyone got totally drenched! People ran for their cars parked in a paddock, which quickly turned to mud. We just about made it but my mate and I ended up slipping and landing in the mud in torrential rain Lol!
and that's just part of that story....

Here's a kiwiana icon for ya!
Lol I can just picture you going bum over turkey, man I cant count how many times Ive been bogged down in a paddock or on a black sand beach somewhere. there's always a farmer with a tractor somewhere willing to haul you out for a box of steinys.

I had a buzzy bee when I was a kid, i think we all did. I remember they made a big deal about princess Di giving one to her kids.

This used to be one of my favorite programs

This guy is the best, tremendous skill with these dogs.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
We ended up ditching our gear, wearing only our underwear with the heater at full blast. We only had an hours drive home and didn't plan on stopping. Unfortunately we ran out of gas just outside of Hamilton..After a quick game of paper, scissors, rock - she ended up having to get out to use the only self-service gas pump for miles. The little town seemed to be deserted at the time, then suddenly other stragglers from the 3 day Christian festival started turning up while she was still pumping gas.. I was in hysterics by then!
and hiding!

Bonny Prince William had one :)

My dad loved watching "A dogs show."


Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
You must be roughly the same age as me, maybe a bit younger.
I loved the 80's as a kid in New Zealand there wasnt much you couldnt do, Dad would chuck the boat in the water on the weekends and we would head over to places like Mototapu island for a swim and a bbq, Dad had one of those old round charcoal burning ones. We used to have a batch we shared with another family on Waiheke island and we used to go out on the water at night and pull in some nice snapper. I remember as a little boy sitting out the back yard one night and I herd a rustle in the bush, and next thing you know a Kiwi with two small Kiwi's came out on to the little path and went back in to the bush across the grass. I told everyone when I went back inside, but I dont think anyone beleived me. I guess that ones between me and God.
Dad used to listen to all the old western singers, mum was more in to ol' Dolly and Kenny Rodgers, man all I can remember of one year is hot sunday drives crammed in to the back seat with 3 other brothers getting car sick and having to listen to Islands in the bloody stream over and over. I could sing that song word for word even now.
I remember stopping of at the dairy for an ice block and we would all get a cardboard Darth vader mask. Everytime Dad drove over a patch of loose gravel it would kick up on to the car, he would say "Hey you kids, stop throwing stones at the car!" one of those lame dad jokes I carried on with my own son.
I remember the summers lasted forever and we had tons of adventures playing around the side of the house in Mt Albert, we used to play "cops and robbers" I had a "Chips" uniform from the TV show, so I was always the cop because my little brother was to fat to fit it. I think about those days often, I think about mums old washing ringer out in the back yard, cranking the handle and pulling the cloths through the rollers. Dad would get the saw horses out and chuck an old door on them for a table, mum would cook a slap up kai and we would all be sitting in the back yard in the cool of the evening all my brothers and sisters having a mean feed. afterwards we were allowed to run around the yard in the dark which was a pretty big deal for me and my brothers, we would play spot light and tiggy. My sisters were much older then us, they were busy getting ready to go out with their dumb gothy boy friends.
I miss those days.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Sounds like you had a large family just like mine :) We had a batch at Lake Rotoma when I was a kid. Oh those sunny summer days with picnics on the beach, spot lighting and building huts in the bush. Family gatherings, hangi's, barbies and potlucks. Guitars and ukes gently playing in the background...I think every member of my family knew how to sing "The Bluey" Bluest heartache by Kenny Dale. One of my dads favorite songs.

I'm a bit of a cheese lover so I have always liked this classic advert
Ohhh....forgot the marmite. Nothing says Kiwi more than marmite ;)


Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
I love marmite I buy it here.

You must be part of a Maori family, very musical. I love staying at my mates places when they had partys and someone would pull out a guitar. the music would get turned off and everyone would sing.
My wife is Maori and every year we would go to her nana's house in Otaki and have massive hungi's at Christmas, the best feeds ever!!