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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Let me show you : 2 times that God caused Light to shine = "out of darkness".

1.) was when there was not any Sun or Stars. There was just the earth.

God as the incarnate word said...as Colossians 1:16......."Let there be LIGHT".....and it became so.
Go outside tonight and look at some sky light twinkling down upon you, and see it for yourself in the heaven above.
(There are 3 Heavens).
And tomorrow get up with the SUNLIGHT and later watch it "set" as it sets the sky on fire with colorful light.

2.) 2nd Corinthians 4:6 .... "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."""

Notice in this verse, that the LIGHT, is : John 14:6. It is TRUTH as Light., and this is Jesus who is the "LIGHT OF THE WORLD".... John 8:12.
Jesus said so.

And here is the spiritual application..

Jesus is the LIGHT of Holiness and TRUTH, who shines as LIGHT..= out of this evil world of unbelief, sin, and spiritual darkness.

Jesus is more then a Lighthouse sitting on a Port that is shining you home......Jesus is the "Light of the World" who invites you to come and be born again as a "child OF The Light"

God wants you to be "Translated from Darkness....TO Light" and "God exist in Light" and once you become "One with God".. so do you, reader.

And, the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God, the Redeemer, the Blood Atonement, and the Bread of Heaven, ... this revelation of TRUTH when believed, is the Light shining as the knowledge of this Truth in the heart of all believers.
This is when a heart of darkness, so deceived by the Devil, is illuminated by the Light of The World = who is Christ the Lord, the living LIGHT.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
“And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel…” (Colossians 1:21-23, KJV)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Reader let me show you a way to understand "where you go when you die".


The Real YOU< is not your body, and its not your mind.. its your spirit.

See, when you're born again, thats a spiritual birth. And by "Spiritual birth", it means that all your sin is forgiven and your spirit becomes birthed by the Holy Spirit as = born again as a "new Creation in Christ ....."having now become "one with God",= just like Adam had this spiritual union with God before He rebelled and lost it for all of us.

Now for those of you who can see this... Read carefully.

= 1st Adam caused the fall of us all, and 2nd Adam restored us from the Fall.

So, when you hear the word SALVATION. .. all that really is... is.. that Jesus has come down from Heaven so that He can deal with all your sin, as its your SIN that (separates you) = prevents you from being spiritually rejoined to God as 1st Adam had it before he sinned and lost spiritual union with God regarding us ALL.

"By one man, ... SIN entered into the world"... and by another Man, The 2nd Adam....= Jesus, all your sin is taken care of on The Cross so that you can re-enter eternal spiritual union with God........ and this time, it can't be broken ever again because the Union between You and God IS eternally restored by the Sinless Son of God's Blood and Death.
Christ's literal resurrection proves this is the TRUTH.

Here is a wonder of Salvation.... Jesus lived a sinless and perfect life, and when you go to God, and give Him your Faith in Christ, .. God takes that sinless life that Christ has provided 2ooo yrs ago, and God applies it to you forever, as if you lived it...

See that? ??? The "theological" term for that is the "imputed righteousness of Christ".

What does that mean?
It means that when you go to the Cross, understanding that you are a sinner needing to be forgiven, then God takes your Faith, and accepts it and takes your sin and Christ dies for them all.. And now you are sinless.. And THEN, God takes that LIFE that Christ lived, and God gives it to you, and it becomes YOU as a "new Creation" IN CHRIST"....
See that?
That is every born again Believer..

This is the GREAT EXCHANGE and is the GRACE OF GOD,... and may God give you eyes to see it..... if you've never understood what it means to become : A CHRISTian. "in Christ".. as "ONE with God".

Do you SEE IT Now?



1st Adam caused the spiritual fall of us all, and 2nd Adam who is Jesus, restores us from this Fall back into eternal = spiritual union with God, that 1st Adam lost for us all.

See that?
That is why The Lord Jesus THE Christ, was nailed to the Cross and died for ALL YOUR SIN... As by this Sacrifice of God's Blood = ALL your sin is removed from you, as well as the dominion of The LAW....that was defining you as a sinner,.... and now that you are made clean and forgiven by the Blood of Jesus, and you become "not under the law but under Grace"... Then.....God births your Spirit into His, as "born... again".

And THERE is your "eternal life" found.

See Reader.. "God is A Spirit" who has no beginning and no ending, and once you are Spiritually Joined to God's Spirit, you are now OF HIS LIFE, and His LIFE is both Abundant and Eternal.

Now, if your spirit is not born again, then you are not a part of God or His Spiritual Family, and so, you can't go where God exists, after you die, unless you have been REBORN,, = "born again", Spiritually.. as a "new Creation in Christ".
So, in that case.... there is another place you will be going that is waiting for all who died a Christ Rejector, never born again ...= never forgiven and rejoined to God, Spiritually.

So do you see the choice?

Listen reader, if you have never gone to Jesus in FAITH.... and let Him die for your sin, then you still have them ALL.
And if you die today, you "died in your sins" and you will not go to Heaven.
See, there is no SIN found in Heaven, and that means there is no unforgiven SINNER ever going to be found there.


So, ive good news for you...
God loves you so much that He sent His Son here just for you, just to forgive ALL your sin... as the truth is... Reader..
= Had you been the only person on earth, . just YOU and you alone....then God would have still sent Jesus down here for you, ... just for you.
That is how much God loves you, because that is how much God loves us all.
He wants us ALL to come Home to God, as God is our Home and Heaven is our Home, and its waiting for us all to choose Christ by Faith, so that we can belong there.

Will you?

Will you....Receive Jesus into your heart by faith, today.. now.???
Reader...... God is waiting right now, just for you.
If you take Jesus right now into your Heart.., God will take you FOREVER into His Heart and into His Family., And HEAVEN becomes your eternal Home, the moment you do.

There is no need to wait..
You know its true.
Feel that? Feel that urge inside you? That is God calling you HOME To His Heart, and to His Love.

Trust in Christ, today... right now.
And may God bless you to believe.

I’m just posting a scripture.

Is that a problem now?

I haven’t said anything to you directly.

Why can’t people see scripture providing context to the OP’s claim?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” - 1 John 1:5 ESV



Way more mysterious and profound than anything the great pontificator has to say.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” - 1 John 1:5 ESV



Way more mysterious and profound than anything the great pontificator has to say.

Here is the thing.... @O'Darby

You are new to this Forum and im not, and you have no idea what i do here., but you are finding out.

You posted that your read so many religious writings, books, ect, ect, for a long time.
Well, i didnt.... tho i read some.. I studied... not just the Bible, as that is required in Seminary, and that is required when you write sermons and write lessons for students..
I studied and read the BIBLE for a long time, (and still do daily)... and that is why we are so different as people, and also regarding understanding the word of God as revealed by the Apostle Paul.

See, when you were reading someone's book, i was teaching Students the NT,= "Pauline Theology".

You can google """Pauline Theology"""., and read that, so that you know how a secular online platform would try to define it.

One other thing you can know, is that ive never once stated a sentence on a Forum or in a Church, (regarding both sides of this world where i have places that i live).... that tried to project the Holy Word of God, as anything but THE God Breathed Light of Holy Spirit Revelation.

I'll never have to face God or Christ in eternity and explain why i was casting my doubts on their Holy Book...in public. (such is a Forum).
You on the other hand, might want to get ready., as they read what you wrote... when it was being formed in your mind before it hit your keyboard.....And they Both have long memories.
God knows your Thoughts @O'Darby ... (like the ones you're having right now).
See, the Bema seat is not a myth., and all your works will be revealed for them, while your "fruit" is being revealed for all of us on the Forum to witness.
Believe it.

And so... did you want to post more of your false statement on my Thread also, regarding "agendas of Translators".. and that was the KJV you were testifying about? Yes?
Or maybe you wanted to reconsider that one, for a little while?

Also, you dont have time to go back and try to edit all your attacks on the word of God, that you've posted.
The best you can do considering what you've posted..., is try to deny it, (damage control)... and then chase me around on my Threads, hoping to make yourself feel better.
Many have tried that one, and you wont be the last, if that is what you need to do.
You're just the latest.

Now listen up, ...

The Depths and unsearchable riches of Christ, are far deeper and more profound then any down here, can even imagine.

"in Christ are hidden all the Treasures of Wisdom and knowledge" And only He has all of those....

As for me, i teach what ive been taught by the Holy Spirt thought Paul's Epistles, as my core Theology/Doctrine, and i dont pretend to know more then i know, just to post.
Im not that one., as God knows there is enough of that "type" on Forums and in Pulpits, and on TV and writing commentaries and posting VIDEOS.

However, that does not mean that what can be known, isn't known by a real student of the bible, BECAUSE Christ has revealed much to them.

Now, you've revealed to the members here, by Posts and A Thread, that your idea of the Bible is not related to putting your absolute trust in the Bible. (word of God).
But you do admit that there are some core doctrines that you are able to stand, and im sure God appreciates your profound effort in this regard.
As, how could He not ???

See you there.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The Bible is a Holy and Spiritual "word".
It is literally "Light for Life".
It can save your life.
It can lead you to the Life Saver so that He gives you His Eternal life.

People who are not of the Light, do not understand the Light.
People who are of the Light, Love the Light, want more of It.

The Holy Bible is Light.
You open it, and you see words. However seeing words is not seeing the Light.

Why not?
Because the words are there to reveal the Light that is the revelation that is the Bible, that is of the Bible.

Who has the "foreknowledge of God" at all times?

1.) God
2.) Jesus
3.) The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is a Book of Light that reveals the Righteousness of God, and How God offers it to you.

Most of all, the Holy Bible is a revelation regarding RIGHTEOUSNESS, and what that is, and who that is...

Do you want the Holy Bible's Light?

Here is how you get it..

"God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM".

"Study the BIBLE to show yourself approved unto God"..

Listen carefully to a good Teacher.