MAGA and 4years - serious question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
His "senility" is a programmed front. I've seen this in programmed people very often ...their front persona will appear to be very dysfunctional or backwards, or "senile" while their cult alters are fully functional ....
I submitted that too soon.
What I strongly believe, based on what I know and have seen, and experienced that Biden is a pawn. They have broken him down severely through mind control programming till he is not functional and easily controlled. He is not innocent of some very evil things .... but he is not the top of the totem pole where the elites are concerned (as Trump, who is very protected). Biden and his family are throwaways, put out there for all to see how incompetent he is .....which is the plan. He is a pawn. Trump's cult following is growing and growing and that is and has been the plan ....through all the "stolen election" and the court trials, etc, etc. So when he gets back into the WH his cult following will be even more empowered and the divide will be even greater than it ever was.

I do believe Trump will be back in the WH. But it isn't the votes that will put him there. It has been the plan of the elites to do it this way. We'll see .....if they have a different plan, it'll be just as evil. But this is what I've suspected would happen for a long time. I could be wrong about their plan .....they always have a few backups in case their main plan backfires. But regardless ..... Trump is not the great god-man people think he is. He sees himself as God ....whatever he does is strictly for himself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
So I hear a lot about MAGA and just wonder , was it great at the end of Trumps last four years. How would you define being great again, what does that even mean and also I understand that Trump can only do another four years and then he cannot stand again- so what happens then ?
Honestly these are serious questions, not trying to provoke anything other than some honest answers.
How can one person actually turn things around in a four year time period and also the emphasis has always been on the man rather than the political group, so who could follow him ?
It's sad that we have only these two choices for President now. However, given that the Democrats have been totally taken over by atheistic Marxism, and seem hell bent on destroying our country, the choice is easy. Trump's first four years would have been far better had he had any sort of significant support from either side of the aisles in Congress. He is a master negotiator, and unlike Congress, or our current President, he is not totally corrupt and just looking to get rich off of his service. Prices were far better at the end of Trump's term than now, as were interest rates, military preparedness, etc. We were oil independent, and had our national oil reserves, which we need for war, full. Now, they're depleated probably on purpose in order to weaken our military.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
So I hear a lot about MAGA and just wonder , was it great at the end of Trumps last four years.

His last year was dominated by Covid, so it wasn't a great time for anyone.

How would you define being great again, what does that even mean

I can only answer what it would mean for me personally:

*A return to a limited government that is grounded in the Constitution.
*The abolishment of the Federal Reserve, IRS, CIA, the Department of Education, and other three letter agencies.
*A return to the gold standard, and the adoption of decentralized crypto.
*A return to prayer\God in school with decentralized education.
*A secured border, mass deportations of illegals, and tighter immigration requirements.
*Secured elections: paper ballots, same-day voting, ID required.
*An end to the two-tiered justice system.
*A return to a media grounded in journalism, not propoganda.
*A return to law and order
*Bringing jobs back to the U.S.
*The end of the Deep State

Just to name a few.

I understand that Trump can only do another four years and then he cannot stand again- so what happens then ?

We go on. The movement he created will continue. And hopefully, we will have a clear successor when the time comes.

How can one person actually turn things around in a four year time period and also the emphasis has always been on the man rather than the political group, so who could follow him ?

You're right that one man can only do so much. It will take something more than just another election to truly change things around, and I believe that something is coming. If I told you what I thought was really going on you probably wouldn't beleive me, but that is a topic for another time.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
It is not our monarch who makes our laws and it isn't our PM it is our government and parliament who vote new laws in or out after discussions in both houses.
So the answer is no, He will not improve life.
The Antichrist will seek to change the laws...
"He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time". Daniel 7:25

All the leaders of the world will be puppets to this guy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
He achieved those four years ago and from what many of you relay things are hopeless in the USA under Biden, so have those achievements been lost, still in place ? ( it’s difficult to tell from what members say here )
An easy example, under Trump's policies we are bringing in new oil and gas projects, and had ready energy independance, producing more than we were using, and exporting our surplus. Biden shut down the oil and gas projects, and put us back as an energy importer. Trump has promised beginning on Day 1, "Drill, baby, drill!!" Which will bring us back to energy independance and a full strategic stockpile in a matter of time.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Many thanks for answering my questions everyone, much appreciated. It’s been helpful Xxxxx
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