Modern day churches= Heresy

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New Member
Dec 17, 2014
A church I pass sometimes has very prideful advertisements encouraging pride.. Which is a major sin that drags people away from God. It's encourages debauchery, many churches are doing this now and are caring more about attracting people in instead of spreading the true messages of G-d. We need to mimic the Muslims... They are doing very well, have large congregations of devout followers and their religion is far more strict! We need to stop promoting consumerism and materialism and start sharing why these things only separate us from G-d. You take no possessions with you into the after life... They are worthless.


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Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
While I heartily agree about countering the consumerism and materialism that has crept into the larger church, I don't think imitating the Muslim community is an admirable thing to do. After all, the point of the religion is God, not Allah, and Allah demands a very different adherence than Jesus Christ. In other words, it's a different end goal in mind, and trying to ram on style into another won't work.

It's the same lesson that comes with Christians who want to imitate the Mormon way of doing missions and gaining converts.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
I do think churches lose many potential members who are looking for discipline, but see none in the churches around them. There is a false understanding that Christians can get away with doing whatever they want. Some churches allow their members to get away with all sorts of evil behavior, people see their hypocrisy and blaspheme God. God is calling all sinners to repentance.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
United States
lforrest said:
I do think churches lose many potential members who are looking for discipline, but see none in the churches around them. There is a false understanding that Christians can get away with doing whatever they want. Some churches allow their members to get away with all sorts of evil behavior, people see their hypocrisy and blaspheme God. God is calling all sinners to repentance.
That's a good point. As for how to bring others to Christ, being an example of His love is the best way. I heard of man who always carried a red fork in his back pocket. When asked the point of the red fork he said it was how he got people to talk to Him so he could tell them about Christ.. We shouldn't have to make huge offers to bring others to Christ. We should simply be an example of His love and show the same mercy and compassion as He does. That is one of the best ways to do it..... Go and tell others. Spread the Word, with Love, Peace, Compassion, and Mercy. I'm sorry but mimicking Muslims is not bringing Glory to God.....


New Member
Dec 6, 2014
Whole of christendom went the wrong way when they returned to the order of Levi.

But that's the old wine and they are loathe to stop having it.


New Member
Dec 6, 2014
The order of priests during Jesus' time were the Levites. They were replaced by Jesus with the order of Melchizedek. Which was the original order of priests before Aaron..

We are under that order with Jesus as the high priest.

Sadly Christendom stayed with the levitical order continuing to ordain by the ordinances of men, teach ritual and tradition over holy spirit led worship and adherence to the old way of priests that have it as a job, not a calling.

This propagates leading the faith in the same ways the rabbis did in the time of Jesus. With people continuing to repeat the same sins over and over without cease and teaching and twisting scripture to fit their own agendas.

We've seen this most vividly in The Crusades and the many purges of what they deemed unrighteous. Mainly to kill or marginslise people so they control and delude the faithful.

Abuse of power and worship of mammon is widespread and ignoring the commands of the King of full on rebellion.

This why there are Schisms in the faith and why we are weakened as a whole.


Active Member
Mar 31, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
pom2014 said:
The order of priests during Jesus' time were the Levites. They were replaced by Jesus with the order of Melchizedek. Which was the original order of priests before Aaron..

We are under that order with Jesus as the high priest.

Sadly Christendom stayed with the levitical order continuing to ordain by the ordinances of men, teach ritual and tradition over holy spirit led worship and adherence to the old way of priests that have it as a job, not a calling.

This propagates leading the faith in the same ways the rabbis did in the time of Jesus. With people continuing to repeat the same sins over and over without cease and teaching and twisting scripture to fit their own agendas.

We've seen this most vividly in The Crusades and the many purges of what they deemed unrighteous. Mainly to kill or marginslise people so they control and delude the faithful.

Abuse of power and worship of mammon is widespread and ignoring the commands of the King of full on rebellion.

This why there are Schisms in the faith and why we are weakened as a whole.
Where did you acquire that nonsense?

Can you return it and get your money back?

All it will provide you is a bag full of religious pride by encouraging you to believe that you know better than the church has known for the past 2000 years.

You don't.


New Member
Dec 6, 2014
Which church?

That's the problem. What did the King say about division?

Please state which church has been around for two thousand years.


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
The problem is satan has cleverly factured the christian movement into thousands of denominations..obviously a divide and conquer mechanism....unfortunately the vast majority of denominations are following the pagan roman religious system, which came in around 323 AD..they think they have broken free from Rome but they still carry forward many pagan traditions of Rome, ie sunday, dec 25th and easter worship...and they continue this idolatry to this day...they have place everything and everyone ahead of God and Revelation 17 God refers to the pagan Roman religious system as "mother of harlots"...the daughters being all the Roman based religions/denominations that think they have broken free from Rome, but actually still follow the Roman religion!


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
JackC said:
A church I pass sometimes has very prideful advertisements encouraging pride.. Which is a major sin that drags people away from God. It's encourages debauchery, many churches are doing this now and are caring more about attracting people in instead of spreading the true messages of G-d. We need to mimic the Muslims... They are doing very well, have large congregations of devout followers and their religion is far more strict! We need to stop promoting consumerism and materialism and start sharing why these things only separate us from G-d. You take no possessions with you into the after life... They are worthless.
I couldn't agree more with your title.

Christianity has become a game of faith and positive thinking.

Whenever you hear the words ''promises, super Jew, unwavering faith'' the warning bells should go off :D.

They can't understand that God had to give promises to the Jews. The Jews were brought up in a harsh religion. Imagine your kid coming home and telling you ''daddy today at Sunday school I learnt that naughty boys were excommunicated and some put to death'' or '' daddy, I learnt today that if you cheat on mom, mom and I can stone you to death''. We just can't imagine what Jews endured. For them God had to dangle promises in front of them. ''Israel the land of milk and honey''. They would not listen to God and follow Moses if it was the land of sand and mud. They needed a promise on a return on their tithe or else they would not tithe :ph34r:.

As Christians we should move on from this covenant / manner in relating to God. We should follow Moses even if it is the land of sand and mud. We should tithe even if we are told God will give nothing in return but a smile and pat on the back.

When anyone says ''they have more faith then you or I''...the reality is that I doubt God even hears their prayers. It is clearly Matt 7:22 Christians vs James 1:27 Christians.

The whole faith debacle is a pure twisting of scripture. I wonder if they would all serve God if God lost His power to the devil and was not ''successful and rich''. The only requirement 'anyone' needs to get God's ear is in John 9:31.


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
They teach that we must have '''unwavering faith and claim the promises'''. In my house the bold and learned child does not get preference over the illiterate and nervous one. They both have my ear and them having my ear is all that matters. As I meet their needs and I reward them Heb 11:6 according to my will.


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
pom2014 said:
The order of priests during Jesus' time were the Levites. They were replaced by Jesus with the order of Melchizedek. Which was the original order of priests before Aaron..

We are under that order with Jesus as the high priest.

Sadly Christendom stayed with the levitical order continuing to ordain by the ordinances of men, teach ritual and tradition over holy spirit led worship and adherence to the old way of priests that have it as a job, not a calling.

This propagates leading the faith in the same ways the rabbis did in the time of Jesus. With people continuing to repeat the same sins over and over without cease and teaching and twisting scripture to fit their own agendas.

We've seen this most vividly in The Crusades and the many purges of what they deemed unrighteous. Mainly to kill or marginslise people so they control and delude the faithful.

Abuse of power and worship of mammon is widespread and ignoring the commands of the King of full on rebellion.

This why there are Schisms in the faith and why we are weakened as a whole.
I was agreeing with you until you took that shot at the Catholic church. You need to do proper research on the crusades and the inquisition my friend.

The inquisition was intoduced by the Catholic church at the time of a mad king. The church wanted to give people / pagans a fair trial over cold blooded murder and anarchy. The inquisition ironically saved many lives. The Crusades was a military campaign over 200 years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012

Published Oct. 13, 2015
Sacrilege! United Methodist and Episcopalian Churches Join in Prayer to “Bless” an Ohio Abortion Clinic
Read morehttp://http//

I get so weary of people who call themselves “Christians” looking to back pro-Choice people for public office. Do you really believe in God? Do you really believe that Jesus succeeded in providing redemption to all souls? Do you really believe that God creates all souls? After souls are created, we find ourselves in an environment of issues. Life precedes issues. One must have life to have an issue. Issues are created by human beings. When one puts issues above life, one cancels out the Creator of that life as merely consequential. When one votes for a pro-choice candidate, one becomes part of the machinery that kills lives. God’s command is “Thou shalt not kill!”

If I put my Social Security, Union, or any other issue before the existence of life, I contradict God who creates it. I am capable of helping some lives in existence to have a better life. I don’t need a government to do it. In fact, if all who call themselves Christians participated in their Church organizations properly, many issues would be relieved.. Once we reduce existence or life to a number, we become a number that can be subtracted and we cannot complain. And when that life is over, we cannot complain of Hell as a consequence because we willfully destroyed what God created.

One might say, “What about the death penalty?” Christians are against the death penalty too. But remember, those who find themselves on death row knew the consequences of their action and participated willfully. An unborn child has no participation. It is helpless. It is our duty to protec the helpless... even at the expense of our “issues.” Our issues can be fought for tomorrow.
Is God your Lord? Being Lord means that one follows His design even at the expense of self loss. Many people “call” Him “Lord,” but have no intention of following through with following His commands.

Let’s look at the women who have abortions. How did they get pregnant in the first place? They didn’t use the power that they alone have to say “No!” No means just that... No! If a woman really wants control of her body, she says “No!” What kind of women say yes so easily. Many of them have had numerous abortions. What kind of woman abandons her control to a man for the man’s momentary pleasure. It’s one who has no self respect... one who sees herself as a sex object... a “thing.” What a reduction in value as a person.
The bottom line is that women are whoring themselves. They wanted to be equal to men but only became equal to males... about early adolescence who have only discovered masturbation, often masturbation with another person’s body.

Why have I not spoken of men in this case? Because, if a women really wanted control of their bodies, they would know how to say “No!” They know that a penis in a vagina means that conception can take place. If they don’t want a child, they say “No!” Women who said yes for money, property, business, are called prostitutes. They say “Yes” without counting the cost.
So, conception is not a “health issue” except for the growing child. Abortion is the killing of human life. It is barbaric. It is selfish. In most cases when a woman wants an abortion it is because she became an object for a man who just wanted to masturbate with her body and she said yes. It is not the baby’s fault. Don’t kill it.

If we don’t respect ourselves, at least we can respect the lives of others. There are many people who cannot have children waiting around. All that is needed is nine months.

Christian people can help in these situations. They can help childless couples. They can also vote pro life. If every person who calls himself or herself a “Christian” would put what God creates in His own image and likeness first, this would not be an issue. But there are many who will pay the ultimate price for such selfishness in the voting booth when they put their own issues and comforts before God given life. Hell is a terrible place to spend eternity. And those who call God “Lord” and make decisions against Him show their own agendas, which is a direct insult and contradiction to “Thou shalt not kill,” which is a command, not a suggestion. You want to be saved? Then, save lives with your vote. Vote for God. Vote for life. Show every person how valuable he or she is! A relationship with God is no fairy tale. Either one lives Him and his or her neighbor or one doesn’t. We choose Heave or Hell.

by Fr. Amaro Saumell (found on facebook)