Most Everyone Has Now Received the Mark of the Beast, Because it is Paper Money and Fiat Currency

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
Most people in the world do not perceive that paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation.
When a post starts out: "Most people don't perceive"; or, "Most Christians don't understand," I'm a little skeptical right off the bat.
  • Haha
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Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
The mark of the beast is paper money, that's a first, we're all doomed!
Revelation 13 says only the people whose names have NOT been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. You'll be OK.
I need to get rid of my American paper currency as fast as I can, where should I send it? Burn it?
Don't burn it! You could shoot me a portion of it. My pickup's on it's last legs. Even a good used one would do. The American should convert nicely to the Canadian dollar where I am residing now. I can also accept crypto. Open source P2P money? Bitcoin? Should i be so bold as to open a Go Fund Me account? Or just try an E-Transfer? Lol.

I wonder what the Christian is thinking at this time?

I think that the prophetic time periods are still painting us into a corner.

So I agree partially with the title of the thread:

"Most Everyone Has Now Received the Mark of the Beast,

But paper money, fiat currency, is not the mark of the beast.

But the understanding of it calls for a mind with wisdom, and only He gives the wisdom to the wise. A bunch of other things need to be addressed as well. The state of the earth during the millennium, some people think that babies will still be born during that time. Some people think that there will still be a chance to be saved during the millennium. We're also going to need to know who the Antichrist is, and how or why his name adds up to destruction.

The son of perdition, in two languages his name means destruction. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. The son of destruction. He was a murderer from the beginning. The majority, 2/3s, 666, the number of his name, are going with him to their destruction. The wide gate, and many will find it.

"For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.​

The main thing I think Christian has correct here is that it has to be happening now, we are already in the last heptad. So whatever it is, it has to be happening now. I believe it has just concluded. Right now everyone either has the mark of the beast, or is a sealed Servant of God. It has to be finished before Jesus comes. We're just waiting for a certain number of our brothers, and our fellow servants to be born.

The only other variable I can think of is Revelation 18, come out of her my people.

“Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues.​

But this still has to have occurred before Christ appears, for when He appears we will be like Him.

It would have began around 2018, and then been completed around early 2021. By the time Friday, June 24, 2022 came, the Two Witnesses would have already been made war on, and the composite beast's 42 months would have already been expired. Roe vs. Wade was one of it's crowning achievements. That could never have been overturned during the time of authority given to it. (Even the agnostics on a news forum at that time were asking: "why is this happening now."

The image of the beast, is just a copy, (image), of the beast from the middle ages which was wounded by the sword. Church and State. Our version has the crowns moved from the heads, (Church or religious authority), to the horns, (the Governmental authority). Who can make war with that? This is how the many nations and peoples and tongues can vote a thing in that could be given a voice to speak out laws in violation of what God said to do in this domain, and thereby blaspheming the name of God and those who dwell in Heaven.

"And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.​

Partial-Birth Abortion

Partial-birth abortion is used in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy and sometimes later. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist reaches into the uterus, grabs the unborn baby’s leg with forceps and pulls the baby into the birth canal, deliberately keeping the baby’s head just inside the womb (at this point in the abortion, the baby is alive). Then the abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a long surgical scissors or another instrument. He enlarges the wound and inserts a catheter (tube), which is connected to a powerful suction machine that sucks the baby’s brains out. The abortionist then withdraws the now-collapsed skull from the uterus.[7]

So I would tend to think a bunch of things are happening now, and have just taken place, which are happening behind the scenes, difficult or even impossible to spot at all. Like in the days of Ezekiel. (And on the wing of multiple abominations)

"The LORD said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, throughout all of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh [in distress] and grieve over all the repulsive acts which are being committed in it.”​


JUST IN - Approved by Pope Francis, the Vatican now permits transgender baptisms.

Peaceful Sabbath.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Most people in the world do not perceive that paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. The prophecy regarding the mark of the beast in Revelation was not talking about literal implants that would be received on the right hand or forehead, but it was figuratively talking about a forbidden form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell with, which today comes in the form of paper money and fiat currency.
The reason is simple. currency is not the mark of the beast. If you have ever used fiat currency, then you are damned forever according to your made up theology.


Active Member
May 1, 2023
Somewhere west of Mississippi River
United States
Tammuz 24, 5996 YB / Tammuz 24, 5783 AM / July 12, 2023 AD

Most people in the world do not perceive that paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation. The prophecy regarding the mark of the beast in Revelation was not talking about literal implants that would be received on the right hand or forehead, but it was figuratively talking about a forbidden form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell with, which today comes in the form of paper money and fiat currency. Which is a new form of money, around the last 100 years. Before this time money was gold and silver, for thousands of years, since the beginning of the nations. The value of gold and silver was based on weight, where 10 ozt of gold is greater than 1 ozt of gold. So its value is true, because it is the measure of a tangible commodity. Each nation previously had their own name of a weight, such as "pounds" or "pesos" or even "dollars", by which gold was measured, to buy and sell. Whereas the value of paper money and fiat currency is merely imaginary, where intrinsically a bill imprinted with the number 10 is no different than a bill imprinted with the number 1. Only the number is different, but the measure of the paper itself is the same. So its value is false, because its value measures nothing and represents nothing. When paper money was introduced into the world around 100 years, it was redeemable in gold, because people then knew that the paper was not the money itself, but the gold it represented. And in the USA an executive order was issued by the President commanding all citizens to trade their gold to the Federal Reserve Bank for paper money, or they would be thrown in jail. So most people, if not everyone, gave in, and traded their gold for paper money. They were all deceived and forced into participating in this fraud. Paper money was first exchanged for $21 USD per 1 ozt of gold, and also $21 COP per 1 ozt of gold. And as the years and decades passed by, the governments and banks devalued the paper money, and then eventually took away the backing of gold from the paper money, which is when it also became fiat currency, which is a form of money without any intrinsic value nor backing whatsoever. The banks erased the "redeemable in gold" writing from the paper monies. And all humanity was left with mere paper and numbers to buy and sell with. And today on July 12, 2023, 1 ozt of gold costs around $1,953 USD or $8,120,747 COP. Gold has not gone up in value, because 1 ozt is the same 1 ozt, but rather, paper money has been devalued astronomically over time, and has left the world impoverished and in debt. And all humanity has forgotten that gold and silver was money, and has been deceived into believing that the paper is the money itself. And the former names of weights that were called "pounds" or "pesos" or "dollars" no longer mean weight nor any value in gold, so these became false weights. Which is forbidden by the Torah, which commands, "you shall have righteous weights". Paper money and fiat currency is a more elaborate and deceptive form of a false weight than the false weights thieves used to use on a balance to steal more of something. They would make a shekel weigh more than its standard weight so that they could take more of something on the balance, so it was a false weight. And as the governments and banks continue devaluing fiat currency, the savings and incomes of all humanity are worth less and less day by day, which then causes prices to inflate, which then causes everyone to need to borrow to live. So eventually the banks become the owners of everything through debt, not just the gold they stole from all humanity, that they have locked away in the great vaults of the world. And all humanity becomes poorer and poorer, through debt, because of fiat currency. It is the greatest scheme of thievery the world has ever seen. What an Egyptian earns in one day in their fiat currency is enough to buy food for one day in the USA. And in Venezuela people are eating out of garbages because of the hyperinflation of their fiat currency. God forbids paper money and fiat currency, as he commanded in the Torah of Moses, and the sin of false weights will be one of the reasons God will destroy the world at the return of Yeshua, for it is the mark of the beast. As it is written, "hear this, you who devour the poor and bring an end to the humble and afflicted, using an ephah that is too small, a shekel that is too big, and tilting a false balance, shall not the earth tremble on this account and everyone mourn who dwells in it?". Amos 8:4-10. And even the US Constitution also forbids paper money, for only gold and silver can be money, as it is written, "no state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts". United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1. The founding fathers of the USA were also completely against paper money, as they wrote, "paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice". George Washington. 1732-1799, Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country' In letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787. And also, "the Constitution of the United States unquestionably intended to secure to the people a circulating medium of gold and silver. But the establishment of a national bank by Congress, with the privilege of issuing paper money receivable in the payment of the public dues, and the unfortunate course of legislation in the several States upon the same subject, drove from general circulation the constitutional currency and substituted one of paper in its place". Andrew Jackson. 1837, Farewell Address. And also, "we are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people". Daniel Webster. 1782-1852, US Senator Speech in the Senate, 1833. And also, "of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money". Daniel Webster. 1782-1852, US Senator. And so everyone in the world is caused to sin by there mere acceptance and possession of paper money and fiat currency. And it is the mere acceptance of fiat currency by everyone in the world that causes it to continue circulating, which is why anyone who accepts it as money is worthy of the lake of fire. Accepting paper money and fiat currency is the equivalent of figuratively receiving the mark of the beast. And the only way to remove the mark of the beast figuratively is by renouncing and getting rid of all money once and for all, which is a true test of belief and obedience in our time. And until someone renounces money and gets rid of it all once and for all he will continue having the mark of the beast, until destruction. The right hand symbolizes possessing fiat currency, which then gives someone authority to buy and sell. And the forehead symbolizes debt of fiat currency, which also gives someone the ability to buy and sell, using credit cards and auto loans and mortgages.

Tammuz 24, 5996 YB / Tammuz 24, 5783 AM / July 12, 2023 AD – Wisdom of God



Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
United States
They've already stolen the real money* (which is gold, silver and sometimes platinum), flooded the place with fake money with which they are currently buying up everything of true value, after which they will crash said fake money and go digital, giving themselves absolute control over all buying and selling.

*In its strict technical sense, "money" means coined metal, usually gold or silver, upon which the government stamp has been impressed to indicate its value. - Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, page 1157


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Most Everyone Has Now Received the Mark of the Beast, Because it is Paper Money and Fiat Currency​

Well, at least it's the love of it, but I s'pose the Italian auto manufacturer must be happy about that!