My Journey through the Lens of Paranormal and Charismatic Experiences

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
@Berserk I just read through your beautiful testimony. Praise God! I always am blessed and encouraged by the testimony of others!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(10) My next experience of "the word of knowledge" happened when I was a Theology professor at a Catholic university in New York state. I had just finished my 4-course teaching load and was exhausted. So I began to think about a much needed vacation. But that Friday night I became obsessed with the thought that someone was about to die and that death would affect my life and change my plans. I tried hard to put this depressing thought out of my mind, but the more I tried, the stronger it got! By Saturday I began to fear that someone in my immediate family would die. On Monday morning I decided to ignore this premonition by going out for breakfast to contemplate my vacation plans. But as I walked to my front door, an inner voice shouted, "Sit down! You are about to hear about the death!"

The moment I sat down, the phone rang and it was Dr. Whelan, the chair of our summer graduate theology program. She told me that visiting Professor Corcoran had failed to show up for his summer class on Pauline Theology. Thinking he had slept in, someone knocked on his campus apartment door, but there was no answer. Alarmed, they opened the door and found him in bed, having died from diabetic shock! Dr. Whelan said the grad students were waiting in the lecture hall and that I was the only one around trained to teach that course with no notice. Would I teach it? I complied because the Lord had been preparing my heart for this news all weekend and I was richly blessed by my contact with those grad students.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States

No church in Winnipeg would host Rev. Hart. That forced him to hold his meetings in Lighthouse Mission, a place of worship that homeless men and alcoholics had to attend to get a free meal across the street. At age 16 I preached my first sermon there. I was inspired by the huge crowd of about 200 men. But God has a sense of humor. What they didn't tell me is that the men were required to stay only for the songs and prayers to get their meal. They could skip the sermon! So I included a rousing song service and prayed. But as I got up to read my text and preach, all but about 10 men walked out. I was crushed!

When my parents and younger brother attended Rev. Hart's meeting there years later, I (age 23) was now a student at Princeton Seminary in New Jersey. After preaching, Rev. Hart began using "the word of knowledge" to minister healing. He picked my mother out of the crowd and said, "Sister, you are suffering from calcium deposits in your shoulder." This was true. He then said, "The Lord has healed your calcium deposits and removed your pain!" This proved to be correct! Then he picked my brother out of the crowd and said, "Son, you have a kidney problem." My brother was in med school at the time and was about to deny this when Rev. Hart added, "The symptom of your problem is a stabling pain in the small of your back!" This was true. Then he added, "The Lord has just healed you!" My brother's back pain instantly vanished!

Then Rev. Hart said something fascinating that I still ponder decades later: "This is my last meeting. I have to spend so many hours in prayer to keep my gift active, but those prayer vigils take too much out of me; so I need to discontinue them." This comment raised several questions for me: Could I exercise my "word of knowledge" gift in combination with healing, if I spent hours a day in prayer? Rev. Hart's ministry seemed more impressive than that of big-name faith healers whose meetings I attended. Was his greater effectiveness due to his long prayer vigils, vigils these other healers were unwilling to undertake? Why didn't Rev. Hart receive invitations from local larger Pentecostal churches? Why didn't his effectiveness give him a widespread reputation that drew large crowed like the big-name faith healers? In my experience, the most impressive supernatural manifestations I have witnessed have happened in the least impressive venues.

My mother told me about our family's encounter with Rev. Hart when I came home to Canada for Christmas. But she added a detail that made me feel very uneasy. After Rev. Hart's meeting, she followed him to his car. He turned and said to her: "You're worried about your son back in the USA, aren't you? You think he's getting too liberal!" I gulped as I feared what my Mom would say next! Rev. Hart paused as if listening for the Holy Spirit's word about me. Then he smiled and said, "Well, he's not; he'll be OK; so don't worry about him." I breathed a sigh of relief! But later during my Christmas visit, I said something insignificant that prompted Mom to say, "See, I told you that you were getting too liberal!" I replied, "But Mom, you just received a prophetic word from Rev. Hart that I was not too liberal and that I was OK!" An impish look crossed Mom's face as if I had nailed her. Her following comment is so dear to me that I highlighted it at her funeral over which I presided about 6 years ago. She smiled and snapped back, "Oh, what does he know?" I have shared my own experiences with the word of knowledge on this thread , but Rev. Hart's gift is the most impressive I've ever encountered. He had never met me or any of my family. p
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States

At age 11 I went out Trick or Treating for the last time. I arrived at one house where the living room was full of lit candles. The woman came to the door and told me she was Bill's Mom. I knew Bill only as a fellow 6th grader, but when I left that door, I strangely felt that I should remember that encounter because it would be important for me later in life. Bill and I were never friends from grade to grade. He was a great high school basketball player and I played soccer. When I was a senior in college, Bill suddenly approached me to tell me the wonderful news that he'd recently become a Christian. He had flunked out of high school and gained probationary admittance to college in a "mature student program.' But now he was flunking out of college; so he swallowed his pride and asked if I'd tutor him. I was glad to do so and equipped him with a 500 word critical thinking vocabulary to be used in all future papers. He thought my word list was stupid, but used them anyway and, to his great dismay, he got his first A.

Bill was the most successful guy with women I'd ever met. While I was tutoring him, gorgeous female strangers would approach him and ask him out! I couldn't help but notice that this never happened to me. Sigh! When he broke up with his latest sexy girlfriend, I invited him to our church young adult group in the hope he might find a Christian girlfriend. He pointed out Karen, a sharp Christian girl whom I didn't think would meet his physical standards. So I introduced them, they fell in love, and had 4 children. We lost touch when I left Winnipeg for seminary in the USA.

What happened next displays God's spectacular guiding hand in both of our lives. One day, the admissions director at Princeton Seminary inexplicably asked me to tutor him in Greek, even though he didn't even know me and he could have audited a course in Greek or asked a doctoral student instead of an MDiv student like me. After a few sessions, he brought up the question of payment and I was about to say, "No charge" when the Holy Spirit took over my tongue. I found myself asking him to repay me by admitting Bill to the MDiv program. I explained that his grades were often poor, but that I had tutored him and seen his academic potential. Stunningly, he agreed and Bill was awarded a huge scholarship. He proceeded to win Princeton's thousand dollar senior thesis prize and Karen became a successful Wall Street lawyer.

Bill went to get his doctorate in New Testament from St. Andrews in Scotland, write 2 books on the NT, and 3 novels, one of which was later to serve as the proposed script for a Hollywood movie, and Bill was voted top teaching professor at his prominent evangelical seminary. How's that for a guy whose high school teachers told him he had too low an IQ to even think of college?

After decades without contact, Bill recently tracked me down, so he could mail me his 3 novels. But now he's mad at me for my delaying my reading of them. Sigh! I guess I should stop posting so much here and read them just to get Bill off my back. The memory of that Halloween, when I visited Bill's house and was alerted to our future relationship still haunts and blesses me.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
This is unfortunate. But unfortunate experiences help to make us who we are...they form character.

As to the subject of spiritual experiences...of course there are real and deep things happening all over the world. But the mistake is to look for outward things. Outward miracles affect the outward man. Inward miracle affect the inward man. The purpose of the Christian walk is to edify the inward man...not the outward. So then outward miracles are for a sign to unbelievers mainly.

When I speak of very normal biblical miracles...of the inner kind...the kind that allows us to walk in the Spirit, or have a visitation of God....many are incredulous to these. THAT is true poverty and blindness. The things that pertain to life are inward and spiritual. The eternal kind of life is inward and spiritual.

Without a miraculous grace that takes us from being as weak as any other walking in resurrection life by the Spirit...we cannot fulfill the task of being witnesses for Christ. The church today is based on theory...not experience. And the seeking of experience in the outward forms are instead of seeking God and His life in the inward man.

In Berserk's story I wasn't aware that he was looking for outward things. He had no control over what happened because it was a work of the spirit.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I have to agree with Dave L on this one.

Jesus does not appear to people anymore than Mary appears to Catholics.

When I was healed after prayer I was just healed. No appearance.

When God feels the need for people to see something he shall assume a vision of what they see or sends an Angel to appear to them.

This is a pattern associated with Pentecostalism, which is founded on supernatural happenings that do not exist in the Bible.

Am I saying there are no saved Pentecostals? Absolutely not. I am saying that this is a distraction that impedes sanctification.

Remember, Satan can appear as an angel of light, so can demons. They can do miracles, give visions, etc, even heal.

So I'm saying be careful what you assume comes from God. If it cannot pass a biblical test it is not from God.

You will have to forgive me but I think that is it funny that everyone has to judge their walk with the Lord by yours. Perhaps you did not realize what you said. Nothing appeared at your healing so it's not necessary. Can I let you into a secret? God will do what he wants to do regardless of whether you want him to do it or not.

I would appreciate a brief summary of the founding of pentecostalism from you to see if, in fact, you know what it was founded on.

And can you tell me what the biblical test is other than what you think should happen?

Are you saying the fact that Satan can do miracles we or God shouldn't?

I am asking all these questions because you have made several claims without giving any evidence.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
It's been my experience that God does what He wants to do. During a time of personal worship, I saw what I only know how to describe as a porthole that opened up in front of me. Through it, I saw Jesus on horseback riding down the last part of a show-covered mountain. When He got ground-level and started riding towards me, the portal closed and the Holy Spirit entered my room. I felt Him pressing down on me and the rest is in another post. I saw that in another realm He was Jesus and in my realm, He was Holy Spirit. That's the facts, Jack.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
The only time you see a counterfeit is when it is copying something real. You don't see a 23 dollar bill because there are no real 23 dollar bills.
There will be those on this site who will ignore me because of my time with the Vineyard church. That's nothing new. I've learned that whenever a new move of God comes along, there will be those in the body who will oppose it. Basically cursing what God is doing. I spent 3 1/2 years there and I left in January 1998.
Most of my stories about God come from a time during March 2000. To those who say the Vineyard movement is not of God, I haven't been there for 22 years. But while I was there, God moved powerfully in and through me. So when someone tells me either God doesn't do that anymore or that was the devil, I say we can agree to disagree or I can ask you what your damage is. Either way, the joy of the Lord is my strength. Shalom.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The only time you see a counterfeit is when it is copying something real. You don't see a 23 dollar bill because there are no real 23 dollar bills.
There will be those on this site who will ignore me because of my time with the Vineyard church. That's nothing new. I've learned that whenever a new move of God comes along, there will be those in the body who will oppose it. Basically cursing what God is doing. I spent 3 1/2 years there and I left in January 1998.
Most of my stories about God come from a time during March 2000. To those who say the Vineyard movement is not of God, I haven't been there for 22 years. But while I was there, God moved powerfully in and through me. So when someone tells me either God doesn't do that anymore or that was the devil, I say we can agree to disagree or I can ask you what your damage is. Either way, the joy of the Lord is my strength. Shalom.
Excellent example! You are so right!
Love your Godly wisdom!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(13) Today I had lunch with my friend Mike, a retired Boeing engineer. He shared this testimony experienced by a leader in his church. This man was driving in the country with 2 other people when he lost control of his large car and it overturned on its side. Thankfully, none of the 3 was seriously injured. The 3 of them pushed as hard as they could to turn the car rightside up, but to no avail. As they rested in great frustration, a man suddenly showed up and asked, "Do you need some help?" Mike's friend explained that the 3 of them just weren't strong enough to push their car back to its upright position. The visitor replied, "Well, let's see what the 4 of us can do." Just as the 4 of them began to push, Mike's friend exclaimed, "The car just flew back into an upright position with no appreciable help from us! When he turned to thank the stranger, the stranger had suddenly dematerialized. That's when Mike's friend knew he had just been visited by "an angel in disguise (Hebrews 13:1)."


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
(13) Today I had lunch with my friend Mike, a retired Boeing engineer. He shared this testimony experienced by a leader in his church. This man was driving in the country with 2 other people when he lost control of his large car and it overturned on its side. Thankfully, none of the 3 was seriously injured. The 3 of them pushed as hard as they could to turn the car rightside up, but to no avail. As they rested in great frustration, a man suddenly showed up and asked, "Do you need some help?" Mike's friend explained that the 3 of them just weren't strong enough to push their car back to its upright position. The visitor replied, "Well, let's see what the 4 of us can do." Just as the 4 of them began to push, Mike's friend exclaimed, "The car just flew back into an upright position with no appreciable help from us! When he turned to thank the stranger, the stranger had suddenly dematerialized. That's when Mike's friend knew he had just been visited by "an angel in disguise (Hebrews 13:1)."
Wow! I love it!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States

(14) Roger B. is a retired top federal executive at HUD (Housing and Urban Development). We became friendly through our interactions on a New Age website and I eventually visited him from Buffalo, NY at his summer cottage along Lake Ontario. Roger shared this incident that happened to him when he was 8 years-old. He and another young boy were looking for pollywogs in a ditch in nearby woods along a seldom traveled dirt road. Roger even took me to the scene when I once visited him and his wife there. A man drove up, got out of his car, and approached the 2 boys. He pulled Roger down, got him in a choke hold, and was slowly dragging him further into the woods, while Roger's buddy looked on helplessly. Apparently the man intended to choke Roger to death--or at least sexually molest him.

There was very little traffic along that dirt road. Roger hadn't noticed the lady in a red dress who drove up in her sports car. She calmly walked the 25 yards to the unfolding drama and asked, "Is there a problem here?" Her question spooked the assailant and he ran to his car and drove away rapidly, saving Roger's life. Roger turned to thank her, but she had dematerialized! Roger is an agnostic, but admitted to me that the woman in red had no time to return to her sports car before he turned to look at her. He concluded that she must have been a guardian angel--an admission, he confesses, that doesn't fit well with his agnosticism. I pointed out to him that a real woman would be unlikely to get out of her car, and calmly approach the crime in progress; she would more likely shout from the safety of her car. Roger agreed. It's frustrating to me that Roger still clings to his agnosticism, despite his angelic encounter.
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Oct 16, 2020
United States
Hi @Berserk,
I've enjoyed reading your story accounts of guardian angelic interventions. While I've never seen angels, there have been numerous occasions over the years when the certainty of their presence was made known to me. They were precise in offering protection and it was very apparent. Without a doubt in my mind, angels are at times commissioned to come to our aid. Sometimes we are unaware of how miraculous these occurrences transpire. I have every assurance in knowing they exist and assist. Are they not ministering spirits? Yes, they most certainly are. And according to many theologians, we also know there were accounts in the Old Testament when the angel of the Lord was actually Jesus. Thanks for sharing and God bless!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States

Now I'll share the most spectacularly supernatural experience I've ever encountered. Leonard, a member of my UMC church, was a wealth retired real estate baron. As his pastor, I got to know him very well and visited his sick brother in a hospital. Leonard was very anxious about sick family member, especially his cousin across the highway, a non-Christian who was dying of cancer and refused all offers of visitation. Leonard invited me over to discuss strategy for visiting this cousin, but wasn't home when I arrived. When his wife Helen answered the door, I was struck by an apparent incongruity: Leonard was very anxious about sick family members, but didn't seem to grieve at all over the death of his son Jeff and Jeff's family in a small plane crash. I casually made that observation to Helen and her cryptic reply made me curious. She replied, "O Leonard was contacted by his deceased son, but he doesn't like to talk about that." Overcome by curiosity, I asked Leonard about this the next time I saw him.

Leonard said that, after the funeral, he started to drive his son Jeff's pick-up truck to do some errands. Suddenly, Leonard saw a figure looming from the ditch at the end of his driveway. It was his son Jeff! Jeff asked if he could drive his old pick-up for old times sake. Stunned, Leonard moved over and his son started driving down route 36 to Rochester, NY. Jeff told his Dad that he, his wife Karen, and their 2 children were OK and were together. Jeff then revealed his investments, so that his Dad could tie up loose financial ends. After a few miles, Jeff turned right on a less traveled road, but stopped next to a clump of trees. He turned to Leonard and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm not permitted to drive any further." Who ordered the drive to stop? Then Jeff got out of the pick-up, walked towards the clump of trees, and dematerialized!

Shell-shocked, Leonard drove the truck to do his planned errands. When he got home, this whole adventure seemed so much like a dream that he was not very comforted. The next day, his grief prompted him to go for a walk in the forest trail behind his house. Quickly overcome by grief, he sat down on a log and began to sob. Just then, he heard a branch crack and saw a young woman approaching. It was Jeff's deceased wife Karen! She chided him: "Didn't we just tell you that we were all together and OK? Why are you weeping? You get back in the house and comfort Mom!" Leonard said that it was this 2nd visitation that killed his grief.

Leonard was upset by the skeptical expression on my face. I apologized because it was me who had pressed him to share this experience. I was just having a hard time processing what I had just heard. I asked him if he had shared these experiences with his daughter. He replied, "No, because I don't want her to think I'm crazy!" A few years later, Leonard passed away and I was told that his daughter shared this awesome experience at his funeral. I took comfort in the fact that my prodding had apparently encouraged him to share the experience with his daughter. Leonard's experience seems as evidential of postmortem survival as Jesus' resurrection appearances.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States

Now I'll share the most spectacularly supernatural experience I've ever encountered. Leonard, a member of my UMC church, was a wealth retired real estate baron. As his pastor, I got to know him very well and visited his sick brother in a hospital. Leonard was very anxious about sick family member, especially his cousin across the highway, a non-Christian who was dying of cancer and refused all offers of visitation. Leonard invited me over to discuss strategy for visiting this cousin, but wasn't home when I arrived. When his wife Helen answered the door, I was struck by an apparent incongruity: Leonard was very anxious about sick family members, but didn't seem to grieve at all over the death of his son Jeff and Jeff's family in a small plane crash. I casually made that observation to Helen and her cryptic reply made me curious. She replied, "O Leonard was contacted by his deceased son, but he doesn't like to talk about that." Overcome by curiosity, I asked Leonard about this the next time I saw him.

Leonard said that, after the funeral, he started to drive his son Jeff's pick-up truck to do some errands. Suddenly, Leonard saw a figure looming from the ditch at the end of his driveway. It was his son Jeff! Jeff asked if he could drive his old pick-up for old times sake. Stunned, Leonard moved over and his son started driving down route 36 to Rochester, NY. Jeff told his Dad that he, his wife Karen, and their 2 children were OK and were together. Jeff then revealed his investments, so that his Dad could tie up loose financial ends. After a few miles, Jeff turned right on a less traveled road, but stopped next to a clump of trees. He turned to Leonard and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm not permitted to drive any further." Who ordered the drive to stop? Then Jeff got out of the pick-up, walked towards the clump of trees, and dematerialized!

Shell-shocked, Leonard drove the truck to do his planned errands. When he got home, this whole adventure seemed so much like a dream that he was not very comforted. The next day, his grief prompted him to go for a walk in the forest trail behind his house. Quickly overcome by grief, he sat down on a log and began to sob. Just then, he heard a branch crack and saw a young woman approaching. It was Jeff's deceased wife Karen! She chided him: "Didn't we just tell you that we were all together and OK? Why are you weeping? You get back in the house and comfort Mom!" Leonard said that it was this 2nd visitation that killed his grief.

Leonard was upset by the skeptical expression on my face. I apologized because it was me who had pressed him to share this experience. I was just having a hard time processing what I had just heard. I asked him if he had shared these experiences with his daughter. He replied, "No, because I don't want her to think I'm crazy!" A few years later, Leonard passed away and I was told that his daughter shared this awesome experience at his funeral. I took comfort in the fact that my prodding had apparently encouraged him to share the experience with his daughter. Leonard's experience seems as evidential of postmortem survival as Jesus' resurrection appearances.
I have one to share but this is your thread and I would rather read yours.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(16) One night 2 years ago, I felt an impulse to do something I would never otherwise do--walk a couple of blocks down 2nd Street and back. When I arrived at the intersection of 2nd and Main St., I ran into Clint, a new Christian I knew. Clint was extremely distraught. He had just found his 38-year-old son lying his kitchen floor, dead from a drug overdose. Clint just needed a caring fellow Christian to listen as he poured out his grief. The Lord sent me out that evening to serve that purpose.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Let no one disqualify you, insisting on ascetic practices and the worship of angels, claiming access to a visionary realm and inflated without cause by his unspiritual mind.” (Colossians 2:18)
That verse is NOT saying that all visions are false. Careful of reading things into scripture which aren't there. Yes, there are showmen and charlatans around, but that doesn't nullify that there are true visions and gifts of God. There is good reason why we are told to test all things. Some things are from God and some are not.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada

At age 16 I was so nagged by doubts about the reliability of Scripture and the authenticity of charismatic manifestations in church that my faith crisis prompted me to spend a week at Manhattan Beach Camp near Ninette, Manitoba with the hope that God would meet me in the Pentecostal camp meetings in the huge outdoor amphitheater there. I responded to the encouragement to seek God at the altar after the services. But my heart felt like stone when I did because I felt tempted to succumb to wishful thinking and just speak gibberish in the flesh. So on Tuesday, I went on a long 7 mile country prayer walk, pleading with God to resolve my crippling doubts and pledging my willingness to die in His service, if He would only make Himself real to me. When I returned from my walk, I was famished and went to the camp dining hall to buy dinner. But then it occurred to me that I should instead fast and put the money I would have spent on dinner into the evening offering plate. So I did and then attended the evening camp meeting.

At the end of the service, as I had done previously in vain, I walked to the altar up front and knelt in prayer. My heart again felt like stone and I was determined not to succumb to the power of suggestion and wishful thinking by stepping out in faith and speaking in tongues. Soon everyone had left and I lingered in my depressing prayer vigil in the mostly darkened amphitheater. Suddenly I felt a warm breeze, which I assumed had blown in off of the adjacent Pelican Lake. I was shocked when I realized that this breeze was in fact the wind of the Holy Spirit! The Spirit immediately overpowered my resistance and I found myself speaking in tongues at the top of my voice. I was engulfed by wave after wave of liquid love, each wave more intense than the last, until I felt like I might die! At one point, my ego seemed on the verge of collapse into the divine mind. I can only describe this outpouring of divine love as a hundred times more intense and sweeter than I have experienced before or since. This proved to be unquestionably the highlight of my life and, decades later, I continue to draw emotional nourishment from the memory of that epic day.

After several minutes, I noticed a few spectators sitting reverently nearby. I asked one lady why she was staring at me and she replied, "Don't you know? Your face is glowing in the dark!" I returned to my knees to continue feasting on God's presence. Then I was interrupted by a Lutheran minister, who tapped me on the shoulder and said he was there only as an interested spectator of other religious traditions and didn't believe in speaking in tongues. But he could sense that God was doing a special work in my spirit and he asked me to pray for him. I didn't argue wit him, but just touched him gently on the forehead and he exploded in other tongues!

When I returned to my cabin, I realized that God had spoken to me, though not in an audible voice or a message printed on the neon screen of my mind. God told me, "You desperately need answers to your vexing questions. But right now answers are not good for you because answers would lead you to live too much in your head rather than from your heart. I'm calling you to live the big questions until they lead you to the center of my heart." That calling led me to get an MDiv from Princeton and a doctorate in New Testament, Judaism, and Greco-Roman religion from Harvard.

Like many others, I believe that speaking in tongues is like a gateway drug that leads to other gifts of the Spirit. Shortly after the experience, I had my first of many experiences of "the word of knowledge (see 1 Corinthians 12:8-10)." I suddenly knew that I would obtain the highest high school GPA in the province as a gift from God to signify my academic calling. At a funeral a few years ago, my cousin reminded me that I had informed him of this divine message before it was fulfilled. Previously, my academic performance had been nothing special. So I believe that my Baptism in the Holy Spirit had "renewed my mind (as per Romans 12:1-2). Duff Roblin, the Premier of the province, awarded my a scholarship in recognition of this achievement. I believe this recognition supported my earlier attempts to witness to classmates, which had seemed to give me a reputation as a religious fanatic. To God be the glory!

Quite apart from the teaching of Paul and the Book of Acts on this matter, I'm convinced that if any of you had experienced what I did that fateful night, it would by BY FAR the spiritual highlight of your life. It is the reason why I never drifted off into agnosticism.
Wonderful testimony, God is good!

I wonder if it would be more accurate to think in terms that the baptism of the Holy Spirit in general is the gateway to the spiritual gifts.