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Scott Free

New Member
Sep 28, 2018
United States
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

"Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12

"Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!" I Corinthians 13:9

"And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know." 1 Corinthians 8:2

"Let no one deceive himself. If any of you thinks he is wise in this age, he should become foolish, so that he may become wise." 1 Corinthians 3:18

(2 Thess. 2:4) The Antichrist or Counterfeit Christ that will achieve global ruler status is (Maitreya .org). On web page go to: Literature/The Plan/Master Plan for Planet Earth(MAP).

(Rev. 13:11) The Pope fits the position of the False Prophet.Lamb(Christian) that speaks like a dragon(Rome). The word Prophet comes from the Greek word for “spokesman,” or someone who speaks on behalf of God.
Also, the two horns mirror the division of the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox, they have not officially separated. See: "Catholic-Orthodox Reunification"

(Rev. 17-18) N.Y.C. fits the Great Whore:
United Nations, Dominates the Dragons system.

(Rev. 17:10) 5 were, 1 is and 1 is yet to come. This scripture is from the point of view of the Whore and is putting her in historical context. The use of the term kings is a reference to kingdoms. The same term usage is found in Daniel 11, Kings of the North and South.
Nebuchadnezzar's Statue (Daniel 2), the Seven Hills of the Whore and the Seven Headed Dragon are alternate versions of the same entity.
1) Babylonia
2) Medo-Persia
3) Hellenistic Greece
4) Roman Empire
5) Two divisions of Rome: The Holy Roman Empire who was destroyed by Napoleon and the Byzantine Empire who's governing body relocated to Russia in the 1400's. In other words, Moscow is now the seat of government in Eastern Rome having absorbed the fleeing Constantinople rulers escaping the Muslim conquest of Asia Minor. Tsar literally means Caesar. See: "Moscow is the Third Rome", "Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire"
6) Iron and clay: This is post WWI&II in Europe and Middle East. The defeat of emperors and the establishment of statehood. The U.S.A. assumes hegemony over Rome's historic borders. Thus the Dragons near fatal wound that will not recover until the rise of the Antichrist. See: "Liberal World Order"
7) 10 member group, with 3 to have undisputed global military dominance. The only group to be in a position for such power is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (S.C.O.), made in part to counteract NATO members military deployments and power projection. The S.C.O. represents 50% of the worlds population, the E.U. represents less than 10%. France, Italy and Germany's potential is relatively weak. It is too far of a stretch to say the E.U. will have the military and industrial personnel for world domination. Logically, the three nations are Russia, China and India. Prophecy is on a global scale at this stage and no longer confined to Rome's historic borders. See: "PwrIndx", "Russia and China in Prophecy", "Illusions of Autonomy: Why Europe Cannot Provide for Its Security If the United States Pulls Back"

Moscow, Istanbul and Rome are each located on seven hills. Notwithstanding, these cities are ineligible as candidates for the Great Whore. Because, they don't meet the qualifications listed in Revelation 17-18. Also, topography is a red haring, sense the prophecy of the Seven Hills is specifically stated to be allegorical.

(Rev. 17:18) End Time city of the Whore compared to Mystery Babylon revealed in her seal (Revelation 17:5, Jeremiah 51:49) is the same as the relationship between the city of Jerusalem to the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16). The two are interchangeable and inseparable but still very distinct types of entities unto themselves.

(Rev. 18:18-19) The US attack on Iran will lead to direct Russian engagement and an imminent global nuclear exchange. To stop this event, Osama Bin Laden and Russian officials with the help of MS-13 have planted miniaturized thermonuclear (2-23 kiloton) bombs in proximity to major US cities. They are meant to be thermal, igniting large areas to create fire storms. The destructive shock wave and fallout are of secondary importance. For details see: "Iran and Russia sign classified military agreement-Iranintl", "Iran and China draft 25-year military agreement", "Nuclear Terrorism Fact Sheet", "Al-Qaeda nukes already in U.S.", "Al Qaeda has Nuclear Weapons-CIA", "Iran joins China, Russia in Shanghai Cooperation Organization - Al-Monitor" and "The Iranian Nuclear Issue: Beware of Plan B - The National Interest"

(Rev. 18:8) New York, Miami, Las Vegas and Los Angeles will be nuked when we attack Iran.
(Rev 17:16) The balkanization of the U.S.A.. This is based on classified information from (FAPSI). Said events will happen within months. The states will not have time to react with any significant effort. Survivalist are delusional(John 18:36). A starving and chaotic population will not be a match for the hardened militia and military grade weapons that are flooding across the border. The real national defense of the U.S. would be stable localized food supplies. Guns will not protect a nation against regional famine for long. By comparison, 80% of the Russian's vegetable supply is grown on residential lots.
1.Russia with the military of China will take Alaska and Europe(Germany, France and Vatican are already in bed with Russia).
2.Mexico will have the Gulf of Mexico coastline, Texas to Florida.
3.China will have California and East Coast.
4.Islam will rule over New England.
5.Wisconsin and Midwest will not be a problem for Canada, whose occupation will be welcome.
See: "1984 Prophecy-Dumitru Duduman-Warning America", "Igor Panarin", "Is France a Trojan horse within NATO? - TRTWorld", "Putin Tells Pope They Can Jointly ‘Protect Christians'-TheMoscowTimes", "German president Steinmeier's visit to Kyiv 'not wanted'" and "Russian-German Chamber of Commerce"

40 days after the nukes the Day of Declaration will be announced to the world by Maitreya(M). The broadcast will unite world media in the process. There is an international effort to conceal M until the Day of Declaration. Over 200 network executives and world leaders met with him and agreed upon this course of action. See: Occultation (Islam), Iranian Commander Ghaani: ‘Our Goal is to Establish the Hidden Imam’s Global Rule’ - The Algemeiner,

"Maitreya on False Prophets, End Times, New World Order, Koran, Jewish High Priests 10-13-2001"

Knowledge of M is hidden by the international media. See: "Healing hand of Maitreya", this is not what you think. "Maitreya’s miraculous appearance in Nairobi". The Nairobi appearance was not M himself, but a demonstration of how he turned Jesus into Christ. For M claims to be Father God (Let my personal feelings be known with sounds of physical disgust). Also, it has a tie to a young Obama, who would go on to push for implementing M's globalist policies only to suffer defeat by the election of Trump.
"Maitreya's TV interviews and the Day of Declaration"
"Maitreya's emergence"
"Three of Maitreya's Miracles"
"Maitreya's worldwide appearances"
"Miracles: Healing wells - Share International"

(Dan. 12:11, Rev. 17:10, Rev. 17:17) After the destruction of N.Y.C. the S.C.O. nations will elect M as world leader. The U.N. headquarters will reestablish in Jerusalem. The Temple will be built. Then an image of a Buddha will be erected there 10 to 20 years later. He appears to establish a social, religious and political order first. For an undisclosed amount of time he rules a united world of peace, before the Abomination That Makes Desolate is erected by the Second Beast(False Prophet) in the built Temple with ongoing established sacrifices.

The purpose of the False Prophet is to raise the masses to meet M and then deify him after after his martyrdom.
(Rev. 16:13) M associates with the elite and will establish the ruling class, the separated capstone on top of the pyramid that displays the eye of the sublime minded. (Rev 13:15) An A.I. of his person will be created for personal intercourse with the masses below.

(Is. 47:7-8, Rev. 17:16) The cup of the saints blood. The Whore is drunk off the saints not because of her own doing, but of events happening within her boarders. Maiterya's mother is named Sekhmet. She waits in New Mexico to receive her kingdom, because, of a dream she had. She will gather the Hispanic populations as the Mother of God. Her children will devour the Bible Belt(Texas to Florida). The cup will runneth over (Rev. 17:6). Forgive the pagan reference it is necessary to understand this. sekhmet is the oldest god in Egypt. She is a lion goddess her titles include Annihilator of the Rebellious and Our Lady of the Bloodbath. When ra sent her to destroy his enemies she went overboard and started to kill everyone indiscriminately. ra was fearful all mankind would perish. So, ra turned the Nile into fake blood by mixing beer and red clay for her to drink instead (Exodus 7:20). When she had her fill of this mixture she got drunk and fell asleep having her blood lust satisfied. Afterward awakening renewed transformed into a goddess of love, motherhood and joy. In sekhmet temple worship they had what was called the porch of drunkenness were they drank this red alcoholic mixture(beer and pomegranate juice). mother sekhmet is a good candidate for in the terrible loss revealed in the Whores cup. See: "Aztlán Chicano Movement"
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