Of only looking to Jesus…..

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Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
Hebrews 12:2 (NASB20)
looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Looking only at the Originator and the Perfecter of the faith, being the Perfecter by causing one to be willing to do the only… For this is what the essence of what the Christian faith is; a only looking to Jesus… As simple as this might sound, the distractions to not look are everywhere, the mind itself being a torrent of distractions…. With the desire to this, the longing after that, the never ending need to be and to do….

But when the one only thing that is necessary is discovered, the only thing necessary comes in and takes its proper place and the heart rests in the only place there is to rest, that place being the only place that puts all of life’s distractions in their place and that place being; one being dead on the cross with Christ…. For a dead man has no more worries of this world, has no more desires after the this or the that of this world, for the freedom and universality of a spirit is the freedom and universality of a dead man in Christ… For one’s life is gone, Christ’s life has come, this life of one only looking to Christ so that He might do with, and in one what He might please…. For it is this faith that has been brought to life in one, this faith being accessed by the will of the heart desiring it to be so, backed by the truth and reality that Jesus did indeed die for one so He might make the believing one into a new creation….

It sounds so simple yet impossible to do, until, one knows one truly has been taken to death by Christ with Him when He died on the cross so He might do exactly that….. Then does this only looking to Jesus become the greatest and most natural action the heart has ever done and can ever do, that being, believing into one’s death on the cross with Christ….

The joy of one’s death on that cross will be discovered to be one’s greatest cause of rejoicing….. For through one’s death on the cross of Christ all things are overcome by the simple yet profound faith of only looking to Jesus….

For Jesus did die and the believing soul with Him, the faith that will grab unto this truth is a faith that will free one from all things…

Be blessed in growing in the faith that frees one from all things…..

A fellow grower in this faith, Not me