On January 20th Super Wolf Blood Moon - Any Spiritual Significance?

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Luke 21:25-28

25 “There will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men fainting from fear and expectation of what is coming on the inhabited earth. For the powers of heaven will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.”

I just read this on The Cutting Edge. I think we're living in the End Times and I keep watching everything closely the way Christ advised. Does anyone think there is any significance to the blood moons? Here are the Headlines to The Cutting Edge in case anyone is interested.

On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.

Critical News Headlines -- End of the Age

1. Is the Democrat Party ensuring its demise by this nonsensical stand against everything Trump advocates?

In the current Southern Border Wall controversy, 79% of the electorate agree with President Trump!

Remember, in the Dialectic Struggle formula, the Anti-thesis party must be abolished so the new Synthesis can be established.

2. The Democrat Party seems to have an open death wish! Consider their recent actions which will add up to death and defeat at the polls:

3. What is the human cost of an "Open Border"?

Angel Moms and Dads airing their grief will become more and more public, as well it should.

4. Jesus shouted "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites" at the Pharisees

We, the people, have every right to shout "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites", at the Democrats who not only have supported border wall in the past, but whose homes lie behind walls!

5. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a bill that, if passed, would force all whites who have never owned slaves to pay significant reparations to blacks who have never been slaves!

6. On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.

NEWS SNIPPETS -- Below Headline News Analysis

Critical News Analysis -- End of the Age

1. Is the Democrat Party ensuring its demise by this nonsensical stand against everything Trump advocates?

In the current Southern Border Wall controversy, 79% of the electorate agree with President Trump!

NEWS BRIEF: "New Poll: Vast Majority (79 percent) of Voters Believe There is "Crisis" or "Problem" at U.S. Border", The Dan Bongino Show, January 9, 2019

"Anew Politico and Morning Consult poll finds that 79 percent of voters believe there is either a 'crisis' or 'problem' at the southern border."

The Daily Caller sheds more light on the issue of voter sentiment on this border security issue.

"While less than half of those surveyed (42 percent) agree with President Donald Trump's assertion that the border is in 'crisis', another 37 percent concede that there is a 'problem' meaning 79 percent of voters believe the situation at the border is a serious issue. Only 12 percent of voters polled said that the situation at the border is neither a crisis nor a problem."

The Democrats are in serious trouble if they continue to strongly defend the indefensible!

If the Conservatives are skillful in taking this message of life-and-death to the American voter, the Democrats are slowly slitting their throats. They are committing a great many political mistakes which could destroy their political appeal for a generation!

Remember, in the Dialectic Struggle formula, the Anti-thesis party must be abolished so the new Synthesis can be established.

2. The Democrat Party seems to have an open death wish! Consider their recent actions which will add up to death and defeat at the polls:

NEWS BRIEF: "2 Illegal Alien Killers, 1 Sanctuary State, 200 Miles of Terror", Sultan, Knish Blog, January 08, 2019

"Less than 200 miles separate Tulare County and Stanislaus County. And a little over a week separates the two reigns of terror in these two California counties by Gustavo Garcia and Gustavo Perez Arriaga."

"Both Gustavos were dangerous and violent illegal aliens. On Monday, December 17, Gustavo Garcia went on a murderous rampage that killed at least two people and put seven more in the hospital. On Wednesday, December 26, Gustavo Perez Arriaga murdered a law enforcement officer at a traffic stop. "

Both murderous men were out on the street because of the insane Leftist / Democrat "Sanctuary State" law. Both murderers were known to law enforcement and should have been in jail.

"Sanctuary state defenders claim that these illegal alien criminals are exceptions to the rule. But when Gustavo Perez Arriaga went on the run, after murdering a law enforcement officer, a network of illegal aliens stepped out of the shadows to help him flee justice and return to Mexico. 7 men and women were arrested for aiding the cop-killer. Every one of them is an illegal alien."

NEWS BRIEF: "Raising the Jolly Roger, Democrats Aim to Raise Taxes", The New American News, 08 January 2019

"If the "power to tax is the power to destroy," as Daniel Webster and John Marshall warned, the new Democrat Congress is bent on destruction. Not only has upstart socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) recently proposed a 70-percent top federal income tax rate, but her socialist colleagues (avowed and closeted) are set to call for a 33-percent corporate income tax rate increase. Just call them the Monkey (Money?) Wrench Party."

One of the major reasons Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 was that he promised major tax cuts to all American taxpayers. His promise sounded sweet to the ears of a tax burdened weary people.

One of the major reasons President Trump so successfully and so quickly released the American economy is that he carried out his tax cut promises. Several million news jobs were created within these two years and the American taxpayer responded gratefully.

But, the Democrats refuse to watch and take note. They are now embracing trillions of dollars of new taxes as a path toward winning in 2020 and beyond. Even though Democrats recaptured the House of Representatives in the 2018 election, Republicans lost significantly less seats than the party who controls the White House loses in the first off-year election.

This next Democrat action is even more puzzling, because history has proven that Socialism always lead to the death of the nation and the collapse of the country.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gallup: Socialism Becoming Normalized Among Democrats", Breitbart News, 6 Jan 2019

"Socialism is becoming more normalized among Americans who identify as Democrats, according to a recent poll, as their approval of capitalism falls at the same time ... A recent Gallup poll showed that 57 percent of Democrats view socialism positively, while 47 percent of Democrats view capitalism positively. Across the aisle, only 16 percent of Republicans view socialism in a positive light, a number still frighteningly high among those who identify as conservative."

"The Gallup poll adds that the youth are more likely to favor socialism than those who are older. 'Evidence for this is found in the strong support younger voters gave Bernie Sanders during his 2016 presidential campaign', says Gallup, 'and in the candidacy of Ocasio-Cortez'."

"Socialists running for office as democrats are indeed getting elected, as they promise to provide young Americans with free services, in which they will make other generations pay for."

You cannot point to a nation in history that was both Socialist and successful. Socialism always fails while Capitalism and Fascism always succeed!

NEWS BRIEF: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes 70% Taxation to Pay for Green New Deal'," Breitbart News, 4 Jan 2019

"Newly-installed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is calling for 70% taxation on the wealthy as a way to pay for her 'Green New Deal', which proposes to use government to create new jobs by investing in renewable energy."

Everyone who advocates that Government can create more prosperity by heavily taxing productive workers so they can give money and free programs to the unproductive is ignoring the reality offered by history.

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Socialism always fails while Capitalism and Fascism always succeed!

NEWS BRIEF: "Beto O'Rourke Supports Concept' of Green New Deal'," Breitbart News, 4 Jan 2019

"Beto O'Rourke supports the 'concept' of a Green New Deal, a proposed economic stimulus program designed to transition the U.S. from fossil fuels to 100 percent renewable energy within a decade, joining other potential 2020 presidential candidates in backing the initiative."

The fact that such an Establishment Democrat is joining with Ocasio-Cortez in pushing the "Green Deal" means that the entire Democrat Party is jumping on board with this failed Socialist concept. If President Trump continues to grow the economy with his Capitalist program and if he skillfully campaigns on his success in 2020, AND if the Republicans can prevent widespread voter fraud, Trump should virtually annihilate the Democrat Party.

NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats Introduce Bill To Eliminate Electoral College", The Daily Wire, 3 Jan 2019

"Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced two bills on Thursday, one to eliminate the electoral college and the other to prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members ... "In two presidential elections since 2000, including the most recent one in which Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College," Cohen said."

The fact is that Hillary received 2.8 million more popular votes because she received a huge percentage of the illegal aliens living in this country and because of massive voter fraud. The major reason Democrats are going to the mat to allow illegal immigration to continue is because they know they will get 98% of that vote.

NEWS BRIEF: "Former Canada PM Calls Trump a "Motherf***er", Independent Sentinel, January 6, 2019

"Former Canadian prime minister Kim Campbell said on Saturday that President Trump is a 'motherf***er'. Then the classless Canadian said she sort of didn't, but she did ... Campbell, who was the first female Prime Minister of Canada for about four months in 1993, used the same expletive as a newly sworn-in Democratic congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, who said she wants to "impeach the motherf***er!"

"It's a way of silencing opponents."

Yes, as are the words, "racist", "homophobe", and "misogynist"! All these horrible words are leveled against anyone who dares to disagree with the Leftist Democrat agenda. No evidence to prove the meaning of these words is necessary; a desire to diminish your opponent is all that is needed to level one or more of these terrible words.

You can appreciate the depths into rhetorical hell into which our country has fallen. I remember well how shocked I was during the 1960-1970's by the sex, drugs, rock-n-roll and the bold, cursing which was mainstreamed by Rock-n-Roll bands and their literature.

Now, filthy cursing is sounded in the Halls of Congress, on TV and by the former prime minister of Canada. Remember the basic indecency of these type of people when you pull that lever or push that button in the voting booth.

NEWS BRIEF: "Golden Globes: Anti-Gun Hollywood Surrounded By Security Walls and Armed Guards", Breitbart News, 6 January 2019

"Anti-gun Hollywood celebrities enjoyed presidential-level protection by barricades, bomb-sniffing dogs, armed guards, LAPD officers, and numerous security checkpoints as they arrived for the 2019 Golden Globes ... 'The recent attacks in Europe only reinforce that nothing can be left to chance tactically and strategically', a Los Angeles law enforcement official told Deadline.

" 'Our plan is to have eyes everywhere and shut down any possible disturbance that could arise long before it gets anywhere near the venue or the event'."

"After the good guys with guns keep Hollywood's upper crust safe at the Beverly Hilton, the celebrities can go back home, and wake up Monday to start pushing more gun control for commoners."

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
3. What is the human cost of an "Open Border"?

NEWS BRIEF: "President Trump, Oval Office Address", by President Trump, Jan 8, 2019

"In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don't act right now. This is a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul."

Let us reiterate the cost in human lives by allowing an uncontrolled open Southern border:

" 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records

* 100,000 assaults

* 30,000 sex crimes

* 4,000 violent killings (murders)

At what level of crime and death of American citizens would make the Democrats admit that we have a humanitarian crisis at our Southern Border?

Yet, the Democrats are shouting that Trump is manufacturing this border crisis in order to get his wall built.

Angel Moms and Dads airing their grief will become more and more public, as well it should.

NEWS BRIEF: "Angel Wife Ruth Martin: Democrats Want to Sweep the Loss of American Lives Under the Rug'," Breitbart News, 9 Jan 2019

"Angel Wife Ruth Martin said Democrats are "trying to sweep the loss of American lives under the rug" by opposing President Donald Trump's border wall proposals ... Martin recalled meeting with Trump with other Angel Families."

" 'I just wanted to go back to how [Donald Trump] referred to as as remembering us, remembering holding our hands, [and] remembering talking to us', recounted Martin. 'President Trump, we remember you. He sat across from us. He listened to our stories. He heard our cries. He watched our tears roll down our faces. This man truly cares. He's trying to do everything in his power to secure our borders, but we have a Democratic Party who's more concerned and focused on impeaching this great president'."

Enough said!

4. Jesus shouted "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites" at the Pharisees

We, the people, have every right to shout "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites", at the Democrats who not only have supported border wall in the past, but whose homes lie behind walls!

NEWS BRIEF: "s There A 10-Foot Wall Outside Obama's House? "Obama does not have one wall. He has many", The Daily Caller, Jan 4, 2019

"President Trump has often criticized former President Barack Obama for having a '10-foot wall' around his house in Washington, D.C. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!"

Does former President Obama have a 10-Foot wall surrounding this mansion in Washington, D.C.?

"Obama purchased a mansion in the D.C. neighborhood of Kalorama for $8.1 million in 2017. Beefed up security features have certainly been added to the home, including a tall pilloried wall around the front of the home and a high-tech guard tower for Secret Service to control entry to the home."

But, there is more security!

"Obama does not have one wall. He has many. He has barricades. He has armed guards entirely blocking the suburban road where he lives. Multiple cement and iron barricades block the road leading up to the Obama mansion. A Secret Service car and agent keep people from entering the stretch of road on both ends approximately 1,000 feet in both directions. "

The Daily Caller asked the Secret Service agent if we could walk to the Obama house on the sidewalk. The officer told us he would be forced to stop us if we tried."

They could not even get to the 10-foot wall because they were stopped short by other barricades and walls. If Obama feels he needs this kind of security wall, why is his Democrat brethren ardently opposing a less imposing wall on our Southern border?

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
NEWS BRIEF: "Nancy Pelosi's Wall Around Her House- She Even Locks the Doors", The Rumor Mill News Reading Room, 9 January 2019

"Socialist Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi does not want you to have a wall around your country to protect you. But she has a huge wall around her house. I bet she even locks her doors."

Take a good, hard look at Nancy Pelosi's home so you can see how hypocritical she is in acting to keep the average voter so highly taxed that we simply cannot get ahead. She wants to immediately raise your taxes by over $1 trillion, so she can continue enjoying her $200 million lifestyle!

NEWS BRIEF: "FLASHBACK: Seven (7) Democrats Who Once Endorsed Border Fence, Tougher Border Security", Brietbart News, 8 Jan 2019

"Prominent leaders of the Democratic Party once fiercely endorsed border security, and had even voted to secure a border fence along the nation's southern border ... In 2006, Senate Democrats including then-senators Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden voted to secure a fence along the United States southern border. Check out the instances in which prominent leaders of the Democratic Party championed the border fence and stronger border security overall."

1. Barack Obama

2. Hillary Clinton

3. Bill Clinton

4. Chuck Schumer

5. Dianne Feinstein

6. Nancy Pelosi

7. Vice President Joe Biden

As we stated above, "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites"


5. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a bill that, if passed, would force all whites who have never owned slaves to pay significant reparations to blacks who have never been slaves!

NEWS BRIEF: "Sheila Jackson Lee's Plan To Take Your Money To Make Up For Slavery", Tea Party News, January 5, 2019

Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a new bill "which sets up the framework for Americans to pay other Americans reparations for slavery despite no one alive today having anything to do with the abolished godless institution."

"House Resolution 40 was introduced, which seeks '(t)o address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes'."

Sheila Jackson Lee is worth $3.5 million, far more than the vast majority of black voters in America.

During the time that President Lyndon B. Johnson was pushing his "Great Society" debacle, I was in high school and in college. I well remember being told that white America's national guilt for slavery was so high that we need to temporarily give them an advantage in their access to higher education, training in market place skills, and in entering armed forces.

President Johnson's Great Society was designed to be just such a " national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery".

Passed in 1964, Great Society is now 55 years old. How much reparations for slavery has Johnson's program raised?

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
NEWS BRIEF: " "EDITORIAL: The not-so-Great Society turns a rickety 50", The Washington Times, May 21, 2014

"Graduates at the University of Michigan were the first to hear Johnson publicly outline his grandiose scheme for federal intervention that would end poverty, feed the hungry, provide care for the elderly, knock down racial barriers, improve education and promote civic culture."

After 55 years Johnson's Great Society is an abject failure, It did not " end poverty, feed the hungry, provide care for the elderly, knock down racial barriers, improve education and promote civic culture".

In fact, all of these problems are even greater and more troubling than ever before!

How much has Johnson's boondoggle cost?

"Most of the Great Society was designed to fight LBJ's War on Poverty, the total cost of which has been the sum of $22 trillion in current dollars, as reckoned by the Heritage Foundation. The tally rises by about $1 trillion a year ..."

Since this article was written five years ago, the total cost to America as of 2019 is $27 trillion!

How much is the National Debt?

NEWS BRIEF: "The US Debt and How It Got So Big", The Balance, Updated January 05, 2019

"The U.S. debt is the sum of all outstanding debt owed by the federal government. It exceeded $21 trillion on March 15, 2018. "

In other words, America has already spent $27 trillion on slavery reparations, thus triggering our National Debt crisis! America might not have any national debt if we had not launched his infamous "Great Society" program.

But, Sheila Jackson Lee wants MORE, much more!

View the Full News Alert online here

6. On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.

NEWS BRIEF: "A Super Blood Wolf Moon' Will be Visible All Across the U.S. on the Second Anniversary of Trump's Inauguration", True Conservative Pundit, Jan 9, 2019

"On the evening of the 20th of January, a very strange phenomenon will happen. A total lunar eclipse that has been dubbed a 'super blood wolf moon' will appear in the sky above America. The entire eclipse from beginning to end will be visible from every single location in the continental United States, but much of the rest of the world will miss out on this experience completely."

What is a Super Blood Wolf Moon?

"A 'super moon' happens when a full moon coincides with the moon's orbit being within 90 percent of its closest approach to Earth, and that can make the moon look much bigger and brighter than normal& up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a full moon at its farthest point from Earth, known as the apogee..."


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.
Christians should not get too involved with blood moons. As we know from Scripture, all the cataclysmic cosmic events (including the moon being turned into blood or darkened) will come AFTER the Great Tribulation (which is in the future).
1. Is the Democrat Party ensuring its demise by this nonsensical stand against everything Trump advocates?
Let's hope the electorate wakes up and reject the Democrats 100%. They wish to destroy America and help the enemies of the USA.
In the current Southern Border Wall controversy, 79% of the electorate agree with President Trump!
Mr. Trump's BIGGEST MISTAKE was failure to begin building that wall the day after he took office. He had all the resources at his disposal, and he did not even need to talk to Congress or anyone else. Now he is paying a huge price for dithering on this important national security issue.
5. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a bill that, if passed, would force all whites who have never owned slaves to pay significant reparations to blacks who have never been slaves!
This is just more nonsense from the Black Racists. Unfortunately, the so-called Republicans are RINOs and treasonous, and that is why more and ore nonsense is coming to the forefront.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Christians should not get too involved with blood moons. As we know from Scripture, all the cataclysmic cosmic events (including the moon being turned into blood or darkened) will come AFTER the Great Tribulation (which is in the future).

Let's hope the electorate wakes up and reject the Democrats 100%. They wish to destroy America and help the enemies of the USA.

Mr. Trump's BIGGEST MISTAKE was failure to begin building that wall the day after he took office. He had all the resources at his disposal, and he did not even need to talk to Congress or anyone else. Now he is paying a huge price for dithering on this important national security issue.

This is just more nonsense from the Black Racists. Unfortunately, the so-called Republicans are RINOs and treasonous, and that is why more and ore nonsense is coming to the forefront.

So you don't see a spiritual significance? I read about two pastors who wrote about them. You're in an area I haven't studied - the Great Tribulation. I had ordered a resource that I've had sitting here for a few years, that talks all about it. I looked it up and found the following:

The great tribulation will bring the greatest time of trouble ever to come upon mankind. According to Bible prophecy, it will occur during “the last days,” or “the end time.” (2 Timothy 3:1; Daniel 12:4, New American Bible) It will be “a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time, and will not occur again.”—Mark 13:19; Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21, 22.

Events during the great tribulation
  • Destruction of false religion. With surprising speed, false religion will be destroyed. (Revelation 17:1, 5; 18:9, 10, 21) The political powers represented by the United Nations will carry out God’s will in taking this action.—Revelation 17:3, 15-18. *

  • Attack on true religion. A coalition of nations, referred to in Ezekiel’s vision as “Gog of the land of Magog,” will try to annihilate those who practice true religion. However, God will protect his worshippers from destruction.—Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 9-12, 18-23.

  • Judgment of earth’s inhabitants. Jesus will judge all mankind and “will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:31-33) The basis for his judgment will be the support, or lack of support, that each person gave to Jesus’ “brothers,” those who will rule with him in heaven.—Matthew 25:34-46.

  • Gathering of Kingdom rulers. Faithful ones who have been chosen to rule with Christ will finish their earthly course and be resurrected to life in heaven.—Matthew 24:31; 1 Corinthians 15:50-53;1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.

  • Armageddon. This “war of the great day of God the Almighty” is also called “the day of Jehovah.” (Revelation 16:14, 16; Isaiah 13:9;2 Peter 3:12) Those judged adversely by Christ will be destroyed. (Zephaniah 1:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) This will include the destruction of the worldwide political system, pictured in the Bible by a seven-headed wild beast.—Revelation 19:19-21.

    You don't see these things as happening now?

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Are we supposed to get out our beads and dance naked around a campfire at midnight, while swinging a dead black cat around our heads by its tail?

As you asked for in another thread, "Yes", I will be praying for your family.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
What do you see as being the issue with Democrats? Do you think they're the godless? It seems to me that the lines are being clearly drawn.

You just stated the reason why I doubt Trump, and why I think he may be a NWO shill: he had the opportunity - repeatedly - to secure the border, and he didn't. He can call a National Emergency right now and secure the border. How can these people who can't even read English, read traffic signs on the road? We have all these people on drugs flooding in from Mexico, and all these foreigners who can't read English. Our roads have become very unsafe. I'm shocked that more people aren't doing anything about it. We belong to a grassroots organization and I'm trying to urge local people to contact their representatives - maybe you can start it in your area. Grassroots is where it has to happen. Then, hopefully it will spread nationally until Americans no longer go on with business as usual, but they stand up like our forbears did and demanded that the border be sealed. Every single person has to do their part. The time for inertia is past.


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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Are we supposed to get out our beads and dance naked around a campfire at midnight, while swinging a dead black cat around our heads by its tail?

As you asked for in another thread, "Yes", I will be praying for your family.

Not unless that's what you think God wants you to do Willie:)

Thanks for your prayers. I sincerely appreciate it - I will pray for others on here as needed. This is the 2nd time that things had turned around when I was prayed for.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
United States
Luke 21:25-28

25 “There will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men fainting from fear and expectation of what is coming on the inhabited earth. For the powers of heaven will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.”

I just read this on The Cutting Edge. I think we're living in the End Times and I keep watching everything closely the way Christ advised. Does anyone think there is any significance to the blood moons? Here are the Headlines to The Cutting Edge in case anyone is interested.

On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.

Critical News Headlines -- End of the Age

1. Is the Democrat Party ensuring its demise by this nonsensical stand against everything Trump advocates?

In the current Southern Border Wall controversy, 79% of the electorate agree with President Trump!

Remember, in the Dialectic Struggle formula, the Anti-thesis party must be abolished so the new Synthesis can be established.

2. The Democrat Party seems to have an open death wish! Consider their recent actions which will add up to death and defeat at the polls:

3. What is the human cost of an "Open Border"?

Angel Moms and Dads airing their grief will become more and more public, as well it should.

4. Jesus shouted "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites" at the Pharisees

We, the people, have every right to shout "Hypocrites, Hypocrites, Hypocrites", at the Democrats who not only have supported border wall in the past, but whose homes lie behind walls!

5. Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a bill that, if passed, would force all whites who have never owned slaves to pay significant reparations to blacks who have never been slaves!

6. On January 20, the Second Anniversary of President Trump's Inauguration, a "Super Wolf Blood Moon" will be visible in the United States.

NEWS SNIPPETS -- Below Headline News Analysis

Critical News Analysis -- End of the Age

1. Is the Democrat Party ensuring its demise by this nonsensical stand against everything Trump advocates?

In the current Southern Border Wall controversy, 79% of the electorate agree with President Trump!

NEWS BRIEF: "New Poll: Vast Majority (79 percent) of Voters Believe There is "Crisis" or "Problem" at U.S. Border", The Dan Bongino Show, January 9, 2019

"Anew Politico and Morning Consult poll finds that 79 percent of voters believe there is either a 'crisis' or 'problem' at the southern border."

The Daily Caller sheds more light on the issue of voter sentiment on this border security issue.

"While less than half of those surveyed (42 percent) agree with President Donald Trump's assertion that the border is in 'crisis', another 37 percent concede that there is a 'problem' meaning 79 percent of voters believe the situation at the border is a serious issue. Only 12 percent of voters polled said that the situation at the border is neither a crisis nor a problem."

The Democrats are in serious trouble if they continue to strongly defend the indefensible!

If the Conservatives are skillful in taking this message of life-and-death to the American voter, the Democrats are slowly slitting their throats. They are committing a great many political mistakes which could destroy their political appeal for a generation!

Remember, in the Dialectic Struggle formula, the Anti-thesis party must be abolished so the new Synthesis can be established.

2. The Democrat Party seems to have an open death wish! Consider their recent actions which will add up to death and defeat at the polls:

NEWS BRIEF: "2 Illegal Alien Killers, 1 Sanctuary State, 200 Miles of Terror", Sultan, Knish Blog, January 08, 2019

"Less than 200 miles separate Tulare County and Stanislaus County. And a little over a week separates the two reigns of terror in these two California counties by Gustavo Garcia and Gustavo Perez Arriaga."

"Both Gustavos were dangerous and violent illegal aliens. On Monday, December 17, Gustavo Garcia went on a murderous rampage that killed at least two people and put seven more in the hospital. On Wednesday, December 26, Gustavo Perez Arriaga murdered a law enforcement officer at a traffic stop. "

Both murderous men were out on the street because of the insane Leftist / Democrat "Sanctuary State" law. Both murderers were known to law enforcement and should have been in jail.

"Sanctuary state defenders claim that these illegal alien criminals are exceptions to the rule. But when Gustavo Perez Arriaga went on the run, after murdering a law enforcement officer, a network of illegal aliens stepped out of the shadows to help him flee justice and return to Mexico. 7 men and women were arrested for aiding the cop-killer. Every one of them is an illegal alien."

NEWS BRIEF: "Raising the Jolly Roger, Democrats Aim to Raise Taxes", The New American News, 08 January 2019

"If the "power to tax is the power to destroy," as Daniel Webster and John Marshall warned, the new Democrat Congress is bent on destruction. Not only has upstart socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) recently proposed a 70-percent top federal income tax rate, but her socialist colleagues (avowed and closeted) are set to call for a 33-percent corporate income tax rate increase. Just call them the Monkey (Money?) Wrench Party."

One of the major reasons Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 was that he promised major tax cuts to all American taxpayers. His promise sounded sweet to the ears of a tax burdened weary people.

One of the major reasons President Trump so successfully and so quickly released the American economy is that he carried out his tax cut promises. Several million news jobs were created within these two years and the American taxpayer responded gratefully.

But, the Democrats refuse to watch and take note. They are now embracing trillions of dollars of new taxes as a path toward winning in 2020 and beyond. Even though Democrats recaptured the House of Representatives in the 2018 election, Republicans lost significantly less seats than the party who controls the White House loses in the first off-year election.

This next Democrat action is even more puzzling, because history has proven that Socialism always lead to the death of the nation and the collapse of the country.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gallup: Socialism Becoming Normalized Among Democrats", Breitbart News, 6 Jan 2019

"Socialism is becoming more normalized among Americans who identify as Democrats, according to a recent poll, as their approval of capitalism falls at the same time ... A recent Gallup poll showed that 57 percent of Democrats view socialism positively, while 47 percent of Democrats view capitalism positively. Across the aisle, only 16 percent of Republicans view socialism in a positive light, a number still frighteningly high among those who identify as conservative."

"The Gallup poll adds that the youth are more likely to favor socialism than those who are older. 'Evidence for this is found in the strong support younger voters gave Bernie Sanders during his 2016 presidential campaign', says Gallup, 'and in the candidacy of Ocasio-Cortez'."

"Socialists running for office as democrats are indeed getting elected, as they promise to provide young Americans with free services, in which they will make other generations pay for."

You cannot point to a nation in history that was both Socialist and successful. Socialism always fails while Capitalism and Fascism always succeed!

NEWS BRIEF: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes 70% Taxation to Pay for Green New Deal'," Breitbart News, 4 Jan 2019

"Newly-installed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is calling for 70% taxation on the wealthy as a way to pay for her 'Green New Deal', which proposes to use government to create new jobs by investing in renewable energy."

Everyone who advocates that Government can create more prosperity by heavily taxing productive workers so they can give money and free programs to the unproductive is ignoring the reality offered by history.

The only significance it really has, is as another opportunity for John Hagee to capitalize on the inane.
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