People that fall for conspiracy theories are often the less educated

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
That's right. Satan has been conspiring against humanity ever since his fall. But since we are approaching the reign of the Antichrist, God is allowing Satan and his evil angels to conspire intensely at this time.

The COVID Scamdemic was the tool which would allow Satan's minions to destroy lives and destroy nations through bogus vaccines. We are seeing this all around us. But Fauci got his comeuppance.

Fauci says he got sicker after taking Pfizer drug for COVID (

There is a small elite cabal of Jewish billionaire Satanists who have one goal -- prepare the world for the Antichrist. Therefore the WEF, UN, EU, WHO, all Western governments, and the media are working day and night to enslave humanity. The shortages we are seeing have been deliberately projected and created. The sabotage of food plants and farms at this time is no accident. That is deliberate sabotage to cause a worldwide shortage, panic, and more destruction. Bill Gates buying up millions of acres of farmland to PREVENT crop production is no accident.

In the meantime monkey pox has been let loose to create more panic. And illegitimate president Biden just announced that another plandemic is on its way (since there is a whole array of bioweapons waiting to be unleashed). At the same time every evil effort is being made by the Democrats to block Trump from running again, since he would reverse all the damage done by Biden and the globalists.

The sham "January 6 Committee" is all about blocking Trump. But they have nothing, therefore they are using lies and murder to intimidate people. They have just murdered a key witness who would have exposed the false flag operation of January 6. In the meantime their "star" witness is being exposed as a liar by the Secret Service and others. The real issue is (a) how did Mark Meadows hire one of Trump's enemies and (b) how did Trump allow this liar into his inner sanctum?

I need to be more patient and wiser who I engage. I know that Satan's aiders are no used talking to. I don't know why I even care what they think.
Fine. I'm a conspiracy theorist. Its better than reducing myself to an immoral animal like these minions of Satan

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
They have conducted studies that show that people who fall for conspiracy theories often have less education. And I think that is what I am seeing. The lack of ability to consider the vast concepts that leads to true fact finding and the actual truth regarding issues.

Further more the organizations that push these conspiracy theories prey on these less educated to make money off of them. It's perhaps a business model.

"One of the main differences between conspiracy believers and nonbelievers that’s cropped up in multiple studies is that nonbelievers tend to be more highly educated. For a new study in Applied Cognitive Psychology, Jan-Willem Van Prooijen at VU Amsterdam has conducted two large surveys to try to dig into just what it is about being more educated that seems to inoculate against belief in conspiracy." Why more highly educated people are less into conspiracy theories

Wow did this one take off. Nine pages in a single day. :eek:

Not gonna give you a hard time over it, Devin, but I actually think the exact opposite is true. The smartest members on this forum are the ones most often discussing what many would call "conspiracy theories," and doing so with a great deal of seriousness. I think the reason is because one has to be able to think for himself to even consider anything besides the typical newspeak. Those incapable of questioning collective thought are usually the ones who are least educated, and therefore unable to trust in their ability to figure things out for themselves, so they simply accept what is being told to them by the media, the government, and the eduction system.

Keep in mind, these same institutions almost invariably question the veracity of the gospel, which should tell you something about the trustworthiness of modern "group think," and the need to think differently than the masses often do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Wow did this one take off. Nine pages in a single day. :eek:

Not gonna give you a hard time over it, Devin, but I actually think the exact opposite is true. The smartest members on this forum are the ones most often discussing what many would call "conspiracy theories," and doing so with a great deal of seriousness. I think the reason is because one has to be able to think for himself to even consider anything besides the typical newspeak. Those incapable of questioning collective thought are usually the ones who are least educated, and therefore unable to trust in their ability to figure things out for themselves, so they simply accept what is being told to them by the media, the government, and the eduction system.

Keep in mind, these same institutions almost invariably question the veracity of the gospel, which should tell you something about the trustworthiness of modern "group think," and the need to think differently than the masses often do.
Thanks for not giving me a hard time. It was a rough day for this thread:eek:. One can have against the grain thinking. I do regarding Biden, the democrats, and liberal anti-Christianity. But I also don't believe many of the conspiracy ideas floating around. Although I think there is some truth to many of them.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Thanks for not giving me a hard time. It was a rough day for this thread:eek:. One can have against the grain thinking. I do regarding Biden, the democrats, and liberal anti-Christianity. But I also don't believe many of the conspiracy ideas floating around.

Like I said, common sense. Can you spot a conspiracy? Can you get away from them? Are they common? Are they rare? No, they are not rare. Conspiracies come in many forms. In application and in the majority what we see are people wanting to take Christianity down and move this country to in a particular direction. How do they do that? Is it just recently? No it is not recent? Take a look at the founders of the American Education systems. They have had a smart plan going for a long time, started with the children...This country's future...look this up yourself....easy enough...look these guys up....most came from communist countries and use mind control and behavior control technics....on school....starting over a century and a half ago.
Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov
B.F. Skinner
Benjamin Bloom
John Dewey
Edward Thorndike
And there is a host of programs they started and are still trying to mold our children....Christianity is dump....atheism is smart. Only backward and dumb people are against homosexualality. Abortion is just a medial procedure. Sex education in the schools....It is ok to have under age sex but if you do not want to get in trouble use contraceptives. Drugs are an evitability, a social thing, the "in" thing. Children and young adults have been getting this for decades. Keep your eyes out for the subtle movement to lower the age of consent....for the benefit of the children ... it is coming.

Conspiracies are not just aimed at the guys that wear aluminum foil on their heads and think that electrical plugins are listening devises and part of the population is reptilian. As I said before conspiracies are the norm at several levels...."They" have a plan for our country....part of that plan is to get you to think a certain accept communism...lawlessness...drugs...atheism... all forms and the whole BLM movement. Politically they are trying to move this country that way.

They try to disgrace Christianity, suggesting it is backwards and dumb and if you are a white Christian that believes in morals and patriotism and law and are a white supremacist. That is the "in" way to think. How do they do that?....every form of communication there is, is used for propaganda. on TV. Homosexualality is presented as a norm and that they are part of honorable relationships. They use every type of media. Commercials and programs have homosexuals, Hallmark and Disney and cartoons and video games are not even safe to let your kids watch anymore. TV programs and sitcoms are full of homosexuals. Sexual promiscuities are normal and the in thing. Heterosexual relationships are too difficult and have too many liabilities. You do not hear about sexual harassments between homosexuals.

We live in an age of conspiracies and unless you live in the woods with no media, you cannot hardly get away from it. Conspiracies as a plot and a plan to influence everywhere. Conspiracies in politics is a general rule....everyone has an agenda, a lot of it is hidden and most of it is not good and some of it has to do with profit. Watch how the electric car thing turns out. LOL Again common sense.

As Christian we are serous about our beliefs....but so are they. And it is kind of a political / social religion....the whole mother earth thing. AOC's vegan agenda...promoting fear of cow farts and patties and the campaign against meat. Fossil fuels are destroying our planet! The truth is, one good volcano can do more damage than a thousand years of cars. We are causing climate change and global warming and the oceans are rising! The one thing we know about that, is that the climate on earth changes, always has and the climate is warming and the oceans are rising because we are still coming out of the last ice age.

Everything is about trying to make you think a certain way. When it comes to conspiracies look for their agenda and follow the money. For Christians look for the evil that it causes. They are going to present it as smart and fair.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
And so it continues:

So 5:49 this morning I asked the question above...
At 7:24 PM this is what I got for an answer.

Just sayin..

Here’s Why The Government Can’t Set Up Abortion Clinics On Federal Land
June 29, 20227:24 PM ET
Despite demands from several prominent Democrats, the federal government is prohibited from using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.
The Hyde Amendment, first included in federal appropriations bills in 1976, prohibits the federal government from funding abortions unless “the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” Activists estimate that the Hyde Amendment prevents at least 60,000 abortions every year.

The amendment is named for Republican Illinois Rep. Henry Hyde, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who championed it.

Although support for the amendment was initially bipartisan, Democrats in recent years have attempted to pass federal budgets that do not include the provision. President Joe Biden flip-flopped on support for the amendment during his 2020 presidential campaign, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi attempted to jettison the provision for an early COVID-19 relief package. Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s demand that the Hyde Amendment be included in a social spending package was a key factor in the breakdown in Build Back Better negotiations.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, several Republican-controlled states instituted trigger laws limiting abortion. In response, prominent left-wing Democrats urged the Biden administration to take actions to protect abortion access in those states.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren both called on the federal government to make abortions available on federal lands like national parks, where state governments could not regulate the procedure.

Warren and Minnesota Sen. Tina Smith claimed in a New York Times op-ed that Biden could provide “federal resources for individuals seeking abortion care in other states” and use “federal property and resources to protect people seeking abortion services locally.” Warren also claimed that the administration could designate “federal lands as a place where abortions can occur.”

Ocasio-Cortez added that providing abortion services on federal lands is the “the babiest of the babiest of the baby steps” that the federal government can take.

Neither Warren nor Ocasio-Cortez responded to the Daily Caller’s request for comment on whether or not they believe that such actions would violate the Hyde Amendment.
Here’s Why The Government Can’t Set Up Abortion Clinics On Federal Land

This should be in either the Global mandate thread in current events, or the conspiracy theory thread.
I'm following a theory I have on Federal Lands and the People of the US taking back control of them and out of the Federal Governments hands.
I seem to have 3 threads that I'm currently posting on, as it relates to a certain topic.
How this ended up in the right to have guns, I don't remember.
So if you see this duplicated in another thread, please bear with me, I'm trying to consolidate.
Thank You
"" prohibits the federal government from funding abortions unless “the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” "

Depends on how they define the 'life of the mother'
If killing the developing infant will ensure the emotional life , the continued well being of the mother, her pursuit of happiness. all that the mother and a consulting doctor will say is endangered. Her way of life being endangered. We both know life of the mother means physical life, but they do twist the words to mean other than the framer's intent, they do this with our laws and constitution too. Or mother and doctor says carrying to term will cause the woman to suicide herself and ruin her life.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
"" prohibits the federal government from funding abortions unless “the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” "

Depends on how they define the 'life of the mother'
If killing the developing infant will ensure the emotional life , the continued well being of the mother, her pursuit of happiness. all that the mother and a consulting doctor will say is endangered. Her way of life being endangered. We both know life of the mother means physical life, but they do twist the words to mean other than the framer's intent, they do this with our laws and constitution too. Or mother and doctor says carrying to term will cause the woman to suicide herself and ruin her life.
Also depends on how they define "mother" .
That's for federal funding, could that include land.
You see AOC said it out loud though, where the State has no jurisdiction.
Just yesterday the Supreme Court ruled in favor of States rights vs. Federal rights in Oklahoma.
If you remember not too long ago Oklahoma broke into two. One is State of OK and the other half was given back to the Native American tribes living in those counties and reservations.
When OK stopped having jurisdiction, the power to prosecute criminals was handed over to the federal government. FBI, DOJ, ICE, etc.
Crimes were happening and the Feds were'nt showing up to arrest, investigate, prosecute. A lot of crimes were being swept under the rug.
So the State of OK petitioned the Supreme Court to return jurisdiction to the state.
Oklahoma won a big victory yesterday.

Now compare that with setting up facilities for abortion clinics. There would be no State oversight. No local policing, no limitation clauses,
everything would be in the hands of the Federal Government.
If something medically happened and you want compensation, who you going to sue? the Federal Gvt.
This one decision here, could tie up the federal court system for years and years, with claims, whether fact or fraudulent.
There would be no limitations other than what the congress legislated for that jurisdiction.
Meaning, depending on who get the majority, today it could be abortions for all, and tomorrow it could be banned for all.
Problem with the Democrat leadership is they don't look beyond their own instant gratification.
They figure they will get as much funding as possible and everything will just kickback eventually.
Look at all the money spent on covid. A lot of that that was allocated still hasn't been spent. Where is it? Who has oversight of it?
What agency (ies) will be responsible for managing these facilitie? Building Land Management/ Health and Human Services.
Now you will need to hire more people, because this is a new situation. Always expanding the government.

Now let's say they want to build a clinic that provides operations for gender modification.
I don't know what that's called (sorry)
But there would be no state rights on little boys or girls having their physical bodies mutilated.
I can see this going in a VERY BAD direction.

All Hail Moloch.. and the state would have no say.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Not for us Brother, not for us.
Judgement is coming for them.
For us we must endure whatever this world is gonna bring against us . But the lambs shall not go under the WRATH OF ALL MIGHTY GOD
the ungodly go under that . As for us we will be hated only more and more in this world . But we count the cost
and see and know that all things that come against the lambs GOD works for the good of them .
Now march on in the glorious Lord . cause this we are one unified religion has declared war upon the saints and the lamb .
Did you know that a near and dear sister simply brought scripture to a church
and was told we are no different than ISIS extremists . IAMGINE That , since when is bringing SCRIPTURE , TO A CHURCH MIND YA
being like ISIS . BUT THIS IS THE DELUSION and this is where it has led the AI WE ARE ONE LOVEY UNITY CHURCHES .
TO MAKE WAR against CHRIST and the lambs and all the while they think THEY DO GODS WILL FOR WORLD PEACE AND UNITY.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States

I did read your post and I know you was coming from the other side of the argument.
Like the reporter standing in front of a burning city saying mostly peaceful protest...

I guess I got offended at the term conspiracy theorist itself. Because I tend to fall in that catagory a lot.
Conspiracy Watchers, more like!

Those "mostly peaceful protestors" were often paid by the hour, and bussed in.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
People who can't think for themselves, outside of the mainstream propaganda, have no ability to see Truth whatsoever.
I appreciate your post, sister. I know why the OP made this thread. He doesn't like that I expose the evils that are going on (SRA/MK). The truth is, most of these so-called "studies" are done to purposefully try to discredit whistleblowers and those who speak out as I and many other victims/survivors do.

What's sad is most people who think this way can't even take a multivitamin on their own bc their doctor didn't approve it. They can't think for themselves even to that extent. It's disgusting.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
You give yourself too much credit. I actually created the thread in an attempt to educate people who fall for the more preposterous conspiracy theories. There are many of this type of conspiracy theories that are created during times of social distress such as the pandemic, war, inflation and oil crisis. They form in an attempt to make money off of the population by con artists.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
I appreciate your post, sister. I know why the OP made this thread. He doesn't like that I expose the evils that are going on (SRA/MK). The truth is, most of these so-called "studies" are done to purposefully try to discredit whistleblowers and those who speak out as I and many other victims/survivors do.

What's sad is most people who think this way can't even take a multivitamin on their own bc their doctor didn't approve it. They can't think for themselves even to that extent. It's disgusting.
Yes, it's awful.

Did you come to terms with your evolution hang-up yet or are you still struggling to reconcile that with Scripture? I know that's been a big uncertainty for you for a while. Just wondered where you're at with it all now.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes, it's awful.

Did you come to terms with your evolution hang-up yet or are you still struggling to reconcile that with Scripture? I know that's been a big uncertainty for you for a while. Just wondered where you're at with it all now.
Here let allow me to correctly spell evolution . EVILUTION . DONT buy it even once . Just stick to the scriptures .


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
You give yourself too much credit. I actually created the thread in an attempt to educate people who fall for the more preposterous conspiracy theories. There are many of this type of conspiracy theories that are created during times of social distress such as the pandemic, war, inflation and oil crisis. They form in an attempt to make money off of the population by con artists.
Making up Conspiracy Theories is a lucrative endeavor!!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Making up Conspiracy Theories is a lucrative endeavor!!!

Did you see what @Ziggy brought to my attention. An electromagnetic cancer cure, full with conspiracy to hide it from the public. I think it was a con, and the guy was trying to sell it to everyone as a cure all for cancer. I noticed when I researched it that a few people were in prison for pushing the device themselves. So yes it was a money making con and preys on the less fortunate cancer patients. Truly discouraging really.

And these sites that push conspiracy make money also from viewers thru adds etc.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
And @GEN2REV there are the con artists that are just making money off of the people that will fall for their false conspiracy theories. And some conspiracy theories are true yes. But let's not forget about the mentally ill people that push conspiracy theories of their own and post them all over the internet in a desperate attempt to raise awareness. There are plenty of mentally ill people that come up with plenty of conspiracy ideas.

And it's our moral responsibility to point them to a professional help system that can provide relief for their paranoia. Supporting their false beliefs only enables them to continue in their mental illness without relief.

[Are conspiracy theorists psychotic? A comparison between conspiracy theories and paranoid delusions] - PubMed
Background: Conspiracy theories are popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conspiratorial thinking is characterised by the strong conviction that a certain situation that one sees as unjust is the result of a deliberate conspiracy of a group of people with bad intentions. Conspiratorial thinking appears to have many similarities with paranoid delusions.

Aim: To explore the nature, consequences, and social-psychological dimensions of conspiratorial thinking, and describe similarities and differences with paranoid delusions.

Method: Critically assessing relevant literature about conspiratorial thinking and paranoid delusions.

Results: Conspiratorial thinking meets epistemic, existential, and social needs. It provides clarity in uncertain times and connection with an in-group of like-minded people. Both conspiratorial thinking and paranoid delusions involve an unjust, persistent, and sometimes bizarre conviction. Unlike conspiracy theorists, people with a paranoid delusion are almost always the only target of the presumed conspiracy, and they usually stand alone in their conviction. Furthermore, conspiracy theories are not based as much on unusual experiences of their inner self, reality, or interpersonal contacts. CONCLUSIONS Conspirational thinking is common in uncertain circumstances. It gives grip, certainty, moral superiority and social support. Extreme conspirational thinking seems to fit current psychiatric definitions of paranoid delusions, but there are also important differences. To make a distinction with regard to conspiratorial thinking, deepening of conventional definitions of delusions is required. Instead of the strong focus on the erroneous content of delusions, more attention should be given to the underlying idiosyncratic, changed way of experiencing reality.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Did you see what @Ziggy brought to my attention. An electromagnetic cancer cure, full with conspiracy to hide it from the public. I think it was a con, and the guy was trying to sell it to everyone as a cure all for cancer. I noticed when I researched it that a few people were in prison for pushing the device themselves. So yes it was a money making con and preys on the less fortunate cancer patients. Truly discouraging really.

And these sites that push conspiracy make money also from viewers thru adds etc.
Is there any possibility in the world that YOU live in (mentally) that people could ever be punished for exposing secrets that would cost certain parties millions, or even billions, of dollars?

Is that possible or just another kooky Conspiracy Theory?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Is there any possibility in the world that YOU live in (mentally) that people could ever be punished for exposing secrets that would cost certain parties millions, or even billions, of dollars?

Is that possible or just another kooky Conspiracy Theory?
You would have to show me an actual example. So we can examine it. Let's not conjecture on nothing.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
And @GEN2REV there are the con artists that are just making money off of the people that will fall for their false conspiracy theories. And some conspiracy theories are true yes. But let's not forget about the mentally ill people that push conspiracy theories of their own and post them all over the internet in a desperate attempt to raise awareness. There are plenty of mentally ill people that come up with plenty of conspiracy ideas.

And it's our moral responsibility to point them to a professional help system that can provide relief for their paranoia. Supporting their false beliefs only enables them to continue in their mental illness without relief.

[Are conspiracy theorists psychotic? A comparison between conspiracy theories and paranoid delusions] - PubMed
Background: Conspiracy theories are popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conspiratorial thinking is characterised by the strong conviction that a certain situation that one sees as unjust is the result of a deliberate conspiracy of a group of people with bad intentions. Conspiratorial thinking appears to have many similarities with paranoid delusions.

Aim: To explore the nature, consequences, and social-psychological dimensions of conspiratorial thinking, and describe similarities and differences with paranoid delusions.

Method: Critically assessing relevant literature about conspiratorial thinking and paranoid delusions.

Results: Conspiratorial thinking meets epistemic, existential, and social needs. It provides clarity in uncertain times and connection with an in-group of like-minded people. Both conspiratorial thinking and paranoid delusions involve an unjust, persistent, and sometimes bizarre conviction. Unlike conspiracy theorists, people with a paranoid delusion are almost always the only target of the presumed conspiracy, and they usually stand alone in their conviction. Furthermore, conspiracy theories are not based as much on unusual experiences of their inner self, reality, or interpersonal contacts. CONCLUSIONS Conspirational thinking is common in uncertain circumstances. It gives grip, certainty, moral superiority and social support. Extreme conspirational thinking seems to fit current psychiatric definitions of paranoid delusions, but there are also important differences. To make a distinction with regard to conspiratorial thinking, deepening of conventional definitions of delusions is required. Instead of the strong focus on the erroneous content of delusions, more attention should be given to the underlying idiosyncratic, changed way of experiencing reality.
Yeah, ok.


You're not the kind of person who's ever going to listen to any real sound reason on any matter.

Enjoy your charade.
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