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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was managing two construction projects. One site was a little farther along than the other in that the foundation was already complete and framers had begun work on the sub-floor sheeting on one job, while the other was still at the earth-working stage, preparing the lot for the house pad. The two sites were in close proximity and when I arrived at the one where the framing had begun I noted that there had been a big load of material delivered including the roof trusses however all of this was for the home yet to be built on the new lot.

I would have to transport all of this from one site to the other, which was going to be a little burdensome. One of the framers said that I could use his Hyster -a forklift to transfer everything at a cost. I could 'rent' the unit at a daily rate. With this agreed to, the construction would press on at both sites.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
An uncomfortable recurring dream I sometimes have is where I'm in an unknown city but I don't know what I'm doing there and I don't know how to get home, and I don't even know where my home is.
Perhaps there's some kind of "message" in the dream, I just don't know.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
An uncomfortable recurring dream I sometimes have is where I'm in an unknown city but I don't know what I'm doing there and I don't know how to get home, and I don't even know where my home is.
Perhaps there's some kind of "message" in the dream, I just don't know.
Home is where the heart is.

Matthew 6

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

My interpretation - based on very little mind you, I have no idea of your character - is that you are unsure where your heart lies. Is there something you treasure most? God? Family? Friends? Something else? Maybe you are conflicted between serving one or the other or you are losing heart in something you once valued?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
I had an odd dream last night. I am (in real life) playing piano at an intermediate level, my wife has never played piano at all. In my dream, my wife was playing masterfully, improvising a beautiful piece on par with Beethoven or Chopin. I asked her how she suddenly learnt to play so beautifully with no education or practice, hoping that I could apply the same technique, myself. She just shrugged and told me it was simple, and kept playing. I got annoyed and started demanding that she tell me how she learnt how to play like that, but she was utterly unable to express how, and just continued playing effortlessly as I got more and more frustrated seeking to discover the secret of her brilliance.

I am (in real life) not jealous of my wife in any way. I certainly don't believe she has any secrets, nor am I frustrated with anything she does. Neither am I frustrated by my piano skills. I don't understand the dream.

Edit: I contemplated the dream quite a bit and realized that I could not enjoy the music because I was too busy demanding answers. In other words - seeking explanations of things like God's justice, grace, eternal love, etc. through philosophy and sectarian religious writings. I was just becoming frustrated with the lack of conclusive answers, and should instead just let the universe unfold and reveal itself to me.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
For the past two years I've been having prophetic dreams of the future. It ain't purty. I've seen cities destroyed, empty streets with houses intact. A city in the mountains will be destroyed. I saw a truck bomb blow up in a street( and it was the Russian bridge to Crimea).
I've seen Melting rocks(nuke bombs), But I have also cruised over towns just empty. Pestilences galore. Covid and the flu will be killers in 2023. There is one coming that causes boils all over a person. I have 23 pages of dreams and what I just wrote are abbreviated, leaving a lot out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
It was a very specific and unfamiliar term... A Caruso suit- which in the dream I intuitively understood to be Italian.

I was on holiday with family, a cruise ship and the schedule was so packed that our short time together seemed rushed instead of relaxing. My brothers and sisters were along, with their spouses and I was dividing my time between family obligations, my own wife and as well trying to pay attention to a very beautiful woman who had made the trip specifically hoping to spend time with me. She was attending to her own children and their needs, but had come just wanting for us to spend time together. I was drawn to her, but just could not give her the time she needed or deserved. My heart was torn.

There was such as a formal occasion requiring us to dress up and so I went to a tailor and bought a very expensive suit using my credit card. I wore it for something that seemed like a graduation of sorts, but then there was to be another celebratory event and I was told that for this occasion I would need a "Caruso suit." (I'd never heard of such a thing). I returned to this same tailor and asked to see the Caruso suits and he smiled a big smile, knowing he was going to benefit from an expensive sale. But then he pulled up my account sheet containing all my particulars and measurements and such and looking at it he frowned and sadly said--- You still owe three thousand dollars on your last suit.

I thought perhaps I could trade it in for some sort of credit toward the Caruso, but he directed me to the elevator and said that I would have to first go down to settle accounts before I could return for the Caruso.

You are on a cruise and having adulterous thoughts? Can't afford a nice suit? Going down the elevator to settle accounts? I think I have heard something like this before...

Matthew 22
11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:

12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was called up for service. Invited into a lounge area of sorts, which I knew to be a placed reserved for the SEALs where there is all sorts of memorabilia on the walls, photos of past missions, past teams, tridents and such-- knickknacks collected over many years from various missions, displayed so as to honor those who have gone before. In this place there was one special chair, which appeared as a sort of throne, upholstered in red, it was reserved for the Command Master Chief. I looked at it, but passed it over and sat on a regular folding chair beside it.

From there I was led out to the Grinder, where there were many candidates in training-- conducting rigorous physical conditioning of the sort seen in a typical BUD/s class, each of them (men and women alike) with shaven heads, white t-shirts and khaki BDU fatigue style pants. I watched as a line of them lay prone on the sand and suddenly- as if an invisible force had taken hold of them by their legs from behind- these on the sand were each propelled forward across the beach, gliding along their chests, driven along like ploughs by this unseen power.

The whole scene pleased me. I knew intuitively that all was as it should be and that the trainees were moved and motivated by their Instructors who were at once urging them along to perform while essentially berating them in an effort to see them perform better and better. It's a special balance and special training only for special forces.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
On December 21, 2022; I dreamt I was in a large, tall room, with old furniture all over. It was only lit by candle light, lots of candles. As I walked along the wall, I came upon a large chair with big arms. There were candles on both sides on tables. The was a black sheet covering the chair. I got the feeling of dread that someone would die, maybe me. But the Holy Spirit said " The church is dead".

On December 24, 2022; I received an email from my church, which read; all services are cancelled. A pipe burst and destroyed two floors.
On December 26, 2022; Church email says the Church is a construction zone and trying to fix before 1/15/2023
On December 27, 2022; Church email says it will be 6 months now. There are trying to find a temporary church space.

God's word is true.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was in a long-ship, like one of those Viking boats, with an open deck and I had with me friends and family. And it's not as though the seas were rough, rather all was dark and shrouded in a dense fog, mist all around us as we sailed along with no bearings to steer by. We were carried only by the current of the sea, to a fate unknown.

Then, the stern of the ship began taking on water. Everyone in the back I told to move forward to the bow and I traded places with them. I had a small bucket with which I started bailing out the sea water that had by this time come over the top of the gunwale, threatening to swamp us entirely and the boat listed steeply with the stern under water. Still I bailed with this little bucket and little by little the boat righted itself and I had removed almost all of the sea water.

Dawn's first light had broken and in the water around us I could see a massive shape, like an enormous blue whale, just beneath the surface directly beside the boat and I wondered if this giant beast would breach and capsize us. With the limited amount of light all I could see was it's shape and size, and sense its presence. Then as the mist was slowly misting I could see many shapes in the water, all around us. Many, many friendly, smiling dolphins were raising their heads above the surface of the sea -- affirming us the way only dolphins can, encircling and protecting.

Right then as I acknowledge this host, someone called out-- 'Land ho!' and I looked up to see the silhouetted shape of a large land mass in the distance over the bow of the boat-- our aim was true and our course had been guided all along.

Then, upon waking-- I had this song in my head...



Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
I had to pick a family member up from their new job at this fancy corporate skyscraper that stretched all the way into the sky. I was supposed to meet them on the 33rd floor but when I got there, I was looking around and couldn't find them. So I called them on my cellphone and they told me that their company worked on a lot of secret things, and all their high security projects were worked on underground, and that beneath the skyscraper, was an inverted tower, which stretched as far down into the earth as it did into the sky, and that I needed to meet them at the 33rd floor below ground. I went to the elevator but found out it only went as low as "floor 0" and no lower. I texted them and asked how to get to B33 and they texted me back some sort of satanic ritual instructions. I figured, there was no way I was going to follow that ritual, so I would just go down to floor 0 and ask them to meet me there. Floor 0 was incredibly foggy and I stumbled around until I found a locked door with a security guard nearby. The security guard told me he would let me in but warned me that demons sometimes wander this floor, coming up from the lower levels, and that the more spiritual power I had, the easier it would be for them to see me. However, he said that because I had no spiritual power, it would be easy to hide from them if I kept myself down. At this point a frightening-looking creature looking like something out of Deadspace burst through the locked door and started hunting for me, and I crawled away from it on my hands and knees, trying to find a place to hide.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
I was a heavily armed action hero in a video game and fighting against two zombie-like creatures. Because they were slow-moving, I decided they were no threat, and I should keep my distance from them and aim shots at their head with my pistol to conserve ammo. However, every time I shot them, they regenerated their wounds. They cast a curse on me so that I would be slowly pulled towards them. In panic, I unloaded every weapon I had on them, and I was able to damage them quicker than they could regenerate. I was able to destroy one of them and badly damage the other, but because of the curse, it reached me and killed me. However, because I had a rare healing item, I came back to life, free of the curse, and was able to finish it off.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was buying bread.... Coffee and a Bagel, actually- at Einstein's. There was a kind man who had brought in someone who appeared to be homeless in all likelihood, and the man was buying him coffee and a cookie and being considerate. The homeless guy was appreciate and very talkative. I couldn't hear what they were talking about as they were some distance away, but as I stepped outside to make a phone call, the two men came out and the one who had treated the homeless guy said-- "Nice talking to you, but I have to go" and he left.

The homeless man turned directly toward me as I completed my call, and he said- "Do you know what day it is?

This was yesterday (Monday) but I didn't answer him directly. I took the bait he offered and asked-- "What day is it?"

He pointed up at the sky above and behind himself-- directly at the sun, and said- "It's SUN day."

We conversed for awhile and he spoke at length about how the world has been deceived, primarily through the Education system, where they teach you not only what to think and how to think, but mostly what and how NOT to think. It's no longer a place for inquiry, only indoctrination--- and I agreed with him on all of this.

I asked his name- and he told me that he doesn't go by any man-given name. Parents are told that they must give their children names so that they can be written on a birth certificate, but that is not a person's identity. Your real name, is God-given and only He knows your true identity.

I asked him then--- 'What is your God-given name?' (thinking there would be some significance here)-- He said? "I told you-- only God knows... -and He didn't tell me."
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I was in a crowd of people at what seemed like a shopping mall. Everyone was moving in the same direction along an elevated level which was like an aisle with stores on one side and a balcony/mezzanine on the other where you could look down from. I was pulling a long cart and was pressed tight against the wall making progress slow and difficult from the sheer mass of people all heading toward the stairs. I eventually had to leave the cart behind by the wall as there was no way to take it down the spiral staircase with me. There were twin sets of stairs winding down, in a tight spiral-- like a single strand of DNA that went from this upper level to the ground floor. It was packed with people and I noticed a small child who was on the outside edge of the stairway, which had no railing to prevent people from falling. I came alongside to ensure the boy's safety as they descended on step at a time, guarding the edge.

When we reached the bottom, my two daughters were waiting for me there at the base of the other spiral stairs and I sat and chatted awhile with one of them about the new house she was moving into. Her grandfather had set it all up for her and moved her all in before she had even seen it herself.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
@Nought -- the dream of Ratatouille....

There once was a French Chef, very accomplished and well-thought of, but he passed-- and the restaurant floundered without him. The other cooks tried their best to replicate those things that the Master had done so well, but they could never quite get it right. Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup, as the saying goes... and such was the case, with everyone having their own ideas of how things should be, how dishes should be prepared, and what food would be served. A young apprentice was scolded for a particularly poor result and when he went into the back alley to throw the dish away he encountered a rat, named Remy -- Remigius, if you want to be proper.

Remy was himself an aspiring chef, and he told the young apprentice how to improve each dish. Of course, no proper kitchen could have a rat included, so the boy kept the rat hidden under his hat, and Remy the rat would pull the boys hair, like a puppet master might pull the strings of a marionette to compel, to guide and direct the proper actions-- and in this manner, the results were better than expected.

..... ultimately, the secret under the hat was found out.

The pièce de résistance of course was French Stew.... ratatouille. The boy made it, and the rat stirred the pot.

The dish itself was as many stews-- a mish-mash of ingredients all thrown together in a single pot..... but there was no meat.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
in a secret chamber
@Nought -- the dream of Ratatouille....

There once was a French Chef, very accomplished and well-thought of, but he passed-- and the restaurant floundered without him. The other cooks tried their best to replicate those things that the Master had done so well, but they could never quite get it right. Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup, as the saying goes... and such was the case, with everyone having their own ideas of how things should be, how dishes should be prepared, and what food would be served. A young apprentice was scolded for a particularly poor result and when he went into the back alley to throw the dish away he encountered a rat, named Remy -- Remigius, if you want to be proper.

Remy was himself an aspiring chef, and he told the young apprentice how to improve each dish. Of course, no proper kitchen could have a rat included, so the boy kept the rat hidden under his hat, and Remy the rat would pull the boys hair, like a puppet master might pull the strings of a marionette to compel, to guide and direct the proper actions-- and in this manner, the results were better than expected.

..... ultimately, the secret under the hat was found out.

The pièce de résistance of course was French Stew.... ratatouille. The boy made it, and the rat stirred the pot.

The dish itself was as many stews-- a mish-mash of ingredients all thrown together in a single pot..... but there was no meat.

View attachment 28399
oh actually no such involvement about food just 3 gray rats falling from the ceiling while I was lying down on a bed it is my room but not my bed that's how I saw the other rat gets closer to my face standing in two feet then it wave at me like I was it's food smiling sharp teeth mouth widely open the face looks like this but the body looks realistic they are huge smaller than a puppy

but why am I mentioned here OwO
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
oh actually no such involvement about food just 3 gray rats falling from the ceiling while I was lying down on a bed it is my room but not my bed that's how I saw the other rat gets closer to my face standing in two feet then it wave at me like I was it's food smiling sharp teeth mouth widely open the face looks like this but the body looks realistic they are huge smaller than a puppy

but why am I mentioned here OwO

I was just telling a story. You mentioned your dream elsewhere, without saying anything beyond the mention of ratatouille. I shared that story— the association that exists. Maybe you didn’t make the connection, it exists nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
I had a dream only last night in which I got chatting to a nice woman and we were getting on great, but then she lit a cigarette and started smoking so I made some excuse to slip away.
Call me picky but i prefer women who don't smell like hairy truckers..:)
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I had a dream only last night in which I got chatting to a nice woman and we were getting on great, but then she lit a cigarette and started smoking so I made some excuse to slip away.
Call me picky but i prefer women who don't smell like hairy truckers..:)

What was her name? Harriet?