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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Lots of confusion about the elect and the "predestined elect", and on and on..

The reason this simple doctrine seems to be so confusing.... is because of the way the scriptures are worded.
Its really simple tho... but it sounds complex because of the terminology.. But its not complex.

So, When trying to understand what it means to be "elect" or those who are "predestined" to be "conformed into the image of Christ".... is just a few questions needing to be addressed.

How does "elect" happen?....What is the START, what is the part that gets the ball rolling, and what is the end result?


So let me give you a simple analogy.
Let say you are at the Fair. And you want to ride the Roller Coster.
So, you have a Ticket. And what does that ticket get you? What is the end result of that Ticket. = You get to RIDE.

So, lets insert this simple idea into...... 'predestined elect".........

The RIDE, is what you are predestined to do, or to become, its the end result.

The Elect is the person who is going to ride = what is predetermined to be a RIDE.

The Ticket is your FAITH that elects you to RIDE.


So, lets look at it.


So what is the process ?

We are "predestined",..this means that there is an end result that is to be finished in the FUTURE.....that occurs through Salvation... which is...to be fully conformed into the image of Christ, ....that God foreknew would happen, because He knew before all are born who would ""by faith" be elected by their faith..
So....To be fully conformed into the image of Christ is what the "predestination" DOES or Completes.

How does that all sound if you simplify it?
It means that there is an end result to being born again.....And the end result has a name...."predestined".... And what is that as an end result? We, the born again are conformed into the image of Christ. We the ELECT, elected by FAITH. are Predetermined by God to reach a final conforming that starts by the FATH that elects us to be conformed.
In other words, FAITH that God's accepts to Save you, will take to to a final destination, and that is "predestined to be conformed".
With the final conforming as the Elect's being conformed into the "image of Christ".

God does not elect...>He forgives. Faith Elects.
God does not predestine you to be forgiven, but He.... according to foreknowledge, knows before we are born, who will be saved .

Salvation is a forgiveness and conforming GIFT. It exists as a 2000 yr old LIVING Redemption that begins and completes its purpose after the Blood Atonement is applied as a Gift = "Grace through Faith"... and this is how it ITSELF predestines you to be completed as fully conformed into the Image of Christ.

Faith ELECTS you to be conformed into the image of Christ, ... See that?
The born again are Predestined by Faith to be completed as "conformed INTO" the Image of Christ.
So, Salvation predestined to you END UP as THAT , which is the Election.....as that is what Salvation is predestined to do for everyone who is elected by FAITH.= Born Again.

Faith allows you to have access to the blood atonement that sets in motion what is pre-destined to occur to all who are born again in the END, which is the conforming of us into the image of Christ.

Salvation sets into motion for each born again person.... something that is "predestined" to occur once you are born again.....and that is , to be conformed into the Image of Christ. And God foreknew this will happen to all who are born again, as its only the born again who are conformed as this eternal destiny..

Where the confusion comes in is when a bad theology teaches that.: God Knowing a thing before it happens is the same as God causing it to happen., which is to teach that "foreknowing, is = to cause".

However the truth is......God does not cause you to be elected...(born again)...., Yet He absolutely knows ALL who will be Elected by FAITH, before you are born.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
There is a faith that does not predestinate towards election (Luke 8:13)....a nominal, lukewarm, or shallow faith. Such a faith does not endure to the end but is offended and falls away in a time of temptation or trial.

There is a faith that does predestinate towards election; that is a heart faith that is unto righteousness (Romans 10:10) and enduring to the end (Matthew 10:22, Hebrews 3:6, Hebrews 3:14). Such a faith is unto everlasting life (John 6:47)...which is life that can never come to an end...otherwise it would have been referred to as temporal.

We ought to heed the following.

Jde 1:4, For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jde 1:5, I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Jde 1:6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jde 1:7, Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

We need to consider that the Lord destroyed those who didn't believe, even after they had been recipients of the blessing of the Passover.

There is a walk in Christ that we need to walk.

Rom 8:12, Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
Rom 8:13, For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
Rom 8:14, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

It is important that we do the following.

Phl 2:12, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Phl 2:13, For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

which means:

2Pe 1:10, Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Lots of confusion about the elect and the "predestined elect", and on and on..

The reason this simple doctrine seems to be so confusing.... is because of the way the scriptures are worded.
Its really simple tho... but it sounds complex because of the terminology.. But its not complex.

So, When trying to understand what it means to be "elect" or those who are "predestined" to be "conformed into the image of Christ".... is just a few questions needing to be addressed.

How does "elect" happen?....What is the START, what is the part that gets the ball rolling, and what is the end result?


So let me give you a simple analogy.
Let say you are at the Fair. And you want to ride the Roller Coster.
So, you have a Ticket. And what does that ticket get you? What is the end result of that Ticket. = You get to RIDE.

So, lets insert this simple idea into...... 'predestined elect".........

The RIDE, is what you are predestined to do, or to become, its the end result.

The Elect is the person who is going to ride = what is predetermined to be a RIDE.

The Ticket is your FAITH that elects you to RIDE.


So, lets look at it.


So what is the process ?

We are "predestined",..this means that there is an end result that is to be finished in the FUTURE.....that occurs through Salvation... which is...to be fully conformed into the image of Christ, ....that God foreknew would happen, because He knew before all are born who would ""by faith" be elected by their faith..
So....To be fully conformed into the image of Christ is what the "predestination" DOES or Completes.

How does that all sound if you simplify it?
It means that there is an end result to being born again.....And the end result has a name...."predestined".... And what is that as an end result? We, the born again are conformed into the image of Christ. We the ELECT, elected by FAITH. are Predetermined by God to reach a final conforming that starts by the FATH that elects us to be conformed.
In other words, FAITH that God's accepts to Save you, will take to to a final destination, and that is "predestined to be conformed".
With the final conforming as the Elect's being conformed into the "image of Christ".

God does not elect...>He forgives. Faith Elects.
God does not predestine you to be forgiven, but He.... according to foreknowledge, knows before we are born, who will be saved .

Salvation is a forgiveness and conforming GIFT. It exists as a 2000 yr old LIVING Redemption that begins and completes its purpose after the Blood Atonement is applied as a Gift = "Grace through Faith"... and this is how it ITSELF predestines you to be completed as fully conformed into the Image of Christ.

Faith ELECTS you to be conformed into the image of Christ, ... See that?
The born again are Predestined by Faith to be completed as "conformed INTO" the Image of Christ.
So, Salvation predestined to you END UP as THAT , which is the Election.....as that is what Salvation is predestined to do for everyone who is elected by FAITH.= Born Again.

Faith allows you to have access to the blood atonement that sets in motion what is pre-destined to occur to all who are born again in the END, which is the conforming of us into the image of Christ.

Salvation sets into motion for each born again person.... something that is "predestined" to occur once you are born again.....and that is , to be conformed into the Image of Christ. And God foreknew this will happen to all who are born again, as its only the born again who are conformed as this eternal destiny..

Where the confusion comes in is when a bad theology teaches that.: God Knowing a thing before it happens is the same as God causing it to happen., which is to teach that "foreknowing, is = to cause".

However the truth is......God does not cause you to be elected...(born again)...., Yet He absolutely knows ALL who will be Elected by FAITH, before you are born.

Well Behold, Predestination is a slippery slop to evil. The beliefs vary from God has the power to predestine and predestines somethings to all of reality is predestined. That God predestines some to Heaven and some to Hell before the creation of all things....
A mind control religion that believes their minds are controlled and reality is nothing more than predetermined play…irony or hilarity? When you put predestinationism in motion, it is horrid! As a movie it would be one of the scariest sci-fi horror flicks made. In stead of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, it would be Invasion of the Mind Snatcher. I sometimes consider that it maybe away of getting attention or a persecution complex. But that cannot be true either, because they hide it. They hide it because they know, that if people really knew what predestinationists believe, they would not want to have anything to do with it. That is why they very carefully hide their beliefs from their congregations.

It makes people wonder what kind of heart they have? Just like the abortion doctor that gets up in the morning, cleans up, has breakfast and goes to work each day to murder a few babies. What kind of heart could do that? But predestinationism is a million times worse than that, because when you put it in motion, you describe and worship a god that does that to millions of men, women, and children. Babies damned to hell before they are born. Damning them to hell by no fault of their own, no hope, no mercy, no escape! It is like Satan has given himself a guaranteed quota. What kind of heart could bend a knee to that god? What kind of people think this is good? Is it all about feeling special? The elect, is that worth it? To believe this is right is hideous! Look in history, those that thought they were the elect were the worst of people. And it is not just the Nazis! Thinking that they are above somebody, warps your mind.

If Satan had a Bible in his lap, what scriptures would he quote? Condemnation, judgment, negativity, hate? If Satan had a Bible in his lap, what Christian denomination would he form? Schemer that he is, he would search the scriptures for scriptures that he could use against God… Predestination, let us make it a constant reality! God is a horrific puppet master that enslaves all humanity with no hope of escape! Damns them to Hell before they born!

He would push judgment before creation and predestine the innocent to hell, while laughing at those that are not damned because no good they did was of their own merit, but rather forced by him. In this church of Satan, no good would matter, only evil. Faith, love, compassion, prayer, grace, forgiveness, kindness, church attendance and good deeds would not matter or show character or true faith because they are all puppets on strings, every movement and thought being forced upon them, dummies of the satanic puppet master.

The scheme to explanation that God used the power of clairvoyance to know who would be faithful and who would not and then set it in stone does not work out....if He knew how it was all going to end, He would not need to use the power of Predestination, just leave it alone and it would turn out that way. Predestination is about changing something for the good. He is God, not an enslaver.

From the outside it seems this religion replaces God with Satan, but of course that is not true. Predestinationists have hijacked our God to demonize Him much like the Moslems. No heresy can come close to equaling this. It slanders God in the worst way! Portraying him with the character of Satan!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The whole concept of predestination makes me think of the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24-30, Matthew 13;36-43).


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
Where the confusion comes in is when a bad theology teaches that.: God Knowing a thing before it happens is the same as God causing it to happen., which is to teach that "foreknowing, is = to cause".
Exactly. This is so simple, I don't understand the confusion. Knowledge isn't causation.