Remembering 9/11

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Jun 6, 2019
United States
(The Human body is an "energy center", and an "instrument" ............ minorities in colleges and universities have succeeded in one specific area of the devaluation of human life .............. there's nothing special about people versus animals, no, "unified field effect", no "fringe science", no possible special reaction, charge building or releasing .............. and that is exactly what happened between those genetic lines, and the events of 9/11/2001)

(The events of 9/11/2001 a massive amount of population, people themselves serving as the charge and detonator for a series of earth energy grid relative events, incorrectly understood as terrorism, is what happens. When the human experience is reduced to "flesh and blood" only, "materials like the voynich manuscript remain discredited", and jewish people have won the war in colleges and universities)

(the USA does inces*/rap*/suicid* for pleasure with me specifically, watches itself die, and rejoices in that, and inbetween that, serial killings and school shootings by minorities in the public service, and is not even the full story ............ however ............. this is a global trend in the natural state of mankind to enjoy and seek, "suicide pleasure only") (9/11/2001 Falling Man Moses, is the less correct answer, but, humanity is going to die in a few decades only, it has another reason for its "suicide pleasure", an then it dies, doesn't impact the people being saved, however, humanity itself is lower, and they are somewhat higher as a whole............also following the martyrdom of many individuals)

(society itself is not mentally capable of a correct scientific answer to the events of 9/11/2001, but I suppose, a slightly less correct answer is also acceptable, let me take a guess)

(Many people will die in New York State, and perhaps in Jerusalem also, those unclean bodies build a charge and that is released like a bomb, this will begin the north korean war)

(the multiples of daniel is the relevancy to these discharges...............for example:::::::: ) (144 Year Length)

77 Years of Luke's Genealogy from Fatima 1917, to 1994, and 2300 days of Daniel to 9/11/2001

41 Years of Matthew's Genealogy from Halley's Comet 2061, to 12/21/2020, and 1290 + 1335 of Days of Daniel before that to Flight 370

both.....9/11/2001 and 12/21/2020, are explosions in the jewish populations centers and perhaps only New York City and State, the largest cluster of jewish persons, this time there will be a North Korean War, this will be attributed to Korea.

(Humanity is dead in a very short amount of time, Moses whoever he is, will do absolutely nothing, and God appears to do absolutely nothing, you may have his corpse in your suicide pleasure, then humanity continues to die doesn't learn anything more, the faithful get to see more of this human suicide pleasure and then humanity dies, its not important ............... I believe this is valid, or a likelyhood, this will be resolved soon, this year)

(Humanity dies on a foolish, blind and dumb way, willfully seeking suicide pleasure, this is an OFFERING FOR GOD. Humanity does not have a will to live, or the capacity for faith only suicide. God is blessed in saving a few individuals out of that suicide, for how many over histories past towards the new universe or real universe)

(dumb jews, minorities, false witnesses, it may not be profitable to formerly defeat them, humanity is dead in only a few years, so not important .............. it has reasons to pleasure itself with suicide with me, but that really doesn't mean anything, that is the part that feeds back to god and his salvation mercies)

(will say one good thing, we did discuss and provide real information, about the serial killings the police department, in several counties has enjoyed with in hurting me, now, a good deal of this becomes the pleasure of the minorities and that is feed back to the populace .............. think about that, there is greater degrees to that as humanity dies off .............. next, is the North Korean War) (the delay with mass suicide, in suicide with the son of man, is quick compared to different institutions or peoples, its been a few months since maximum cycling, that is really quick, but it has been a few dozen years already at maximum suicide pleasures with jews and me, to the next level of recurring euthanasia, soon)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Yes, I know of her. As well as Cisco Wheeler, Susan Ford/Brice Taylor, Svali, Fiona Barnett, Arizona Wilder, etc ....among many others.
I guess you have a good handle on their views as they reveal truths about people behind the curtain... impacting political, social and religious life in the US and the West..APAK


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I am an engineer, and have a "complimentary" experience to "yours". I calculate the over-pressure generated by explosives necessary to impinge on a structure. And what we've seen in the Murrah Building, the Twin Towers, Building 7, and the Pentagon are NOT what the Government and Media AND YOU are asserting.

And these are NOT isolated events, -- but include the additional most obvious: the Boston Marathon; the Orlando Gay Bar; Sandy Hook; the San Bernardino Christmas Party; and the Las Vegas Casino.

But you can turn a blind eye and make excuses why there's NOTHING TO SEE, -- MOVE ALONG ...
Bobby Jo

These tall buildings can withstand a lot...
They even sway. I don't like to go above 70 floors because the buildings all start to sway too much. If you lean on the walls (bad southern habit) you get motion sickness. For whatever reason I'm fine when in boom lifts trying to change lightbulbs on 150' soon I get them both in sync with each other...but inside of the buildings... uggghhhh.


Jun 6, 2019
United States


Kim's regime under his father, drew these lines to New York Cities, Twin Towers and Building Seven ............ the 4th Line was pointed at the Twin Towers, that is the location of the "One World Trade Center Tower, the media immediately edited the claim.
Kim the current leader, made a video, echoing this claim, you can see, the media has not completely filtered the internet. Anyway, the video claims North Korea will launch a nuclear missile at New York City.

When it comes to war......

Nobody cares about whatever theory, based on science, we've created to explain the events of 9/11/2001...............the usa and most capitalistic countries, will simply not make statements like that, because, they are ignorant, and also because they like sin from the jewish and minority reality North Korea has not only presented a continual threat to the usa, but, many countries, this is a natural course of action, the circumstances behind the North Korean War, does not seem to take priority.

The North Korean War will begin from 12/21/2020 to 5/21/2021, after that window closes it seems less likely there will be a war, but we have to see, The only way to win this war is to have a permanent usa base setup in north korea, claiming territory and abandoning it like the middle east, doesn't seem to be effective.
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