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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Maybe this will help. And of course I shall pray for you.

A personal journey.

I found that if I follow what other people describe as "the" way to God, what I'm doing is following them by their instruction based upon their journey.

I began to read the New Testament as someone's journal, as impersonal literature. Meaning it wasn't laying a blue print for my footsteps to fit. Rather, it was telling me the journey to God is real.

I've met a lot of people who tell me they're fundamentalists, evangelical, devout, etc...

Then I watch as they behave in a way that tells me they've made God in their image. He hates all the same people they do. In fact some are absolutely convinced God is male! Others are sure He is flesh and blood and lives in Heaven.

There's more. However, the point being, they all arrive at these understandings from reading scripture.

There's a passage that tells us, God cannot be found in structures created by human hands.

Therefore, it makes sense that all that God, creator, immeasurable universal power, is, cannot be limited to a book written by over 40 mortal humans and translated and rewritten by immeasurable numbers of translators and scribes.

The Bible tells you God is real. Your reflection, that you see yet is not precisely what others witness, is evidence God is there.

Every fiber of your being is God.

Maybe the anger you feel will dissipate if you stop looking for God to appear as what you've been told "he" is, and grow to know, not hope, God is you.

All things are of and from God. No thing that exists is from anything else.

Be ye holy as I am holy.

The kingdom of God is within!

Your life is a communication and relationship with the power that is within every cell of your being.

We are the temple, indwellt, by Holy Spirit God.

That's what that means.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
I probably shouldn't feel this way. That is why I'm asking for prayer. Maybe God needs to fix my heart or my feelings or something else.

I hate it when people on the internet imply that if I obey God more then I will get blessings. I try to do the best I can to walk with the lord, and when people act like this they make me feel like I'm never good enough. Then I get angry and feel like I want to do something bad to them. So if I wasn't sinning before I read that sort of thing, I'm sure sinning afterwards. Another thing that also comes to my mind which makes me even angrier at them, is that they never take the time to get to know me. In other words these people who say this sort of thing to me, haven't even earned a friendship. So they probably feel like God told them to say it, or they feel like because the bible seems to imply that to them, that they need to pass it on. I have a learning disability and I have trouble with reading. So I use an audio bible, and I have been through that audio bible probably 5 times now. It takes me about a year to get through it one time. I don't know why but I never get the feeling that obedience = automatic blessings. I get the feeling that often times the wicked prospers, but in the end, the Christian gets rewarded while the wicked gets what they just deserve. I am not saying that you will never get blessed for being obedient. I'm just saying that you won't always get blessed for being obedient. That is the impression I get. Since I don't hear God, ever! I never know exactly what He wants me to do. So I base what I do on the scriptures that happen to stick in my brain. I figure that the ones that stick in my brain, are in there because those are the ones that God wants in there. Or they might be the one's that Satan wishes to twist to make me feel bad. But who knows. i don't!

I am hoping that by writing this, it will cause people to think twice about implying this stuff to me. I also hope that people will pray and that God will help me deal with this. I want to stop getting angry.
Just keep remembering that you are a child of God through Christ....what Christ did for you. And that God loves you.

Sometimes people can be hurtful especially on forums where they really don't know us. So then we must remember who we are in Jesus, instead of what they say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I probably shouldn't feel this way. That is why I'm asking for prayer. Maybe God needs to fix my heart or my feelings or something else.

I hate it when people on the internet imply that if I obey God more then I will get blessings. I try to do the best I can to walk with the lord, and when people act like this they make me feel like I'm never good enough. Then I get angry and feel like I want to do something bad to them. So if I wasn't sinning before I read that sort of thing, I'm sure sinning afterwards. Another thing that also comes to my mind which makes me even angrier at them, is that they never take the time to get to know me. In other words these people who say this sort of thing to me, haven't even earned a friendship. So they probably feel like God told them to say it, or they feel like because the bible seems to imply that to them, that they need to pass it on. I have a learning disability and I have trouble with reading. So I use an audio bible, and I have been through that audio bible probably 5 times now. It takes me about a year to get through it one time. I don't know why but I never get the feeling that obedience = automatic blessings. I get the feeling that often times the wicked prospers, but in the end, the Christian gets rewarded while the wicked gets what they just deserve. I am not saying that you will never get blessed for being obedient. I'm just saying that you won't always get blessed for being obedient. That is the impression I get. Since I don't hear God, ever! I never know exactly what He wants me to do. So I base what I do on the scriptures that happen to stick in my brain. I figure that the ones that stick in my brain, are in there because those are the ones that God wants in there. Or they might be the one's that Satan wishes to twist to make me feel bad. But who knows. i don't!

I am hoping that by writing this, it will cause people to think twice about implying this stuff to me. I also hope that people will pray and that God will help me deal with this. I want to stop getting angry.
Praying for you!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
While I'm not 100 percent sure I agree with everything I just read, I DO appreciate that you took the time and effort to encourage me.

I'm sure you guys have heard of the saying. "It was the straw that broke the camels back". In other words someone loaded a camel with all kinds of goods and it got heavier and heavier until the camel could no longer hold the weight. In life sometimes things get so hard that we finally give up.

I read the rules to this website, and I understand that we are not to debate the ____. I need to mention the ____ but I'm not going to discuss it. I just want you all to hear out my story. Because I have a point that I NEED to make.

I was at work talking to the Kitchen Administrator, about some Christian stuff, and out of no where she tells me that she doesn't believe in the ____ because it is not in the bible. I scratched my head, and said just a couple of things. About a month or year later, time flies, the subject came up again. This time I said nothing. Then about another year later, the subject came up a third time! So I thought to myself, maybe I better study this. So I bought a book about and for the ____, and someone else gave me a book giving me the opposite view about the ____. Both books had a lot of scripture supporting the views they were trying to get across. I got to wondering "What exactly makes a Christian a Christian?" What if I was raised in a Church that didn't believe in the ___, But they still believed Jesus is God, and that you had to give your life over to Jesus to be saved. Would I still be saved, just because I didn't affirm the ___?

I came across a thread about The Chosen. Some people think The Chosen is a well done Bible based show, while other people feel that The Chosen is dangerous because they don't have everything perfect to scripture. I saw all three seasons of The Chosen, once, and felt blessed by it. I tried to be somewhat critical of it, and yet I found enough good stuff in it. That I think the good outweighed what they got wrong with me. Then I got to thinking about other shows that were done based that were based on books. I can't think if any show based on a book that got everything right! I realize that the Bible is a lot more important, and yet we don't all interpret it the same. If I don't interpret a passage in the same way you do, does that mean I'm still saved? The point I am trying to make is, it feels like we are riding some kind of "Merry go round".

Last night I felt really upset, and I was trying to read an article about how God always blesses those who are obedient, and I was reading an article about "14 reasons why I won't watch the Chosen". Then I went to bed, and woke up thinking "I don't want to ride the Merry go round." Only God is perfect! Everything else in our lives has pros and cons. Cause we are not perfect we don't create things that are perfect.

I say all of this to tell you this: Today I was seriously tempted to delete my account, and leave! But where would I go? Yeah I've been here before. I guess getting off the Merry go round is not an option until Jesus takes me home.
Please do not delete your account and leave. God can and will work with you even here and not everyone will oppose you at every turn. Many will, but that is likely to be so wherever you might go. Trust Him and when and where you can discuss Him and His Word from your heart. The Holy Spirit has a purpose. Ask God to show you that purpose and ask Him to help you use that purpose in the best Way according to Him...

Give God the glory!

Praying for you!
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
While I'm not 100 percent sure I agree with everything I just read, I DO appreciate that you took the time and effort to encourage me.

I'm sure you guys have heard of the saying. "It was the straw that broke the camels back". In other words someone loaded a camel with all kinds of goods and it got heavier and heavier until the camel could no longer hold the weight. In life sometimes things get so hard that we finally give up.

I read the rules to this website, and I understand that we are not to debate the ____. I need to mention the ____ but I'm not going to discuss it. I just want you all to hear out my story. Because I have a point that I NEED to make.

I was at work talking to the Kitchen Administrator, about some Christian stuff, and out of no where she tells me that she doesn't believe in the ____ because it is not in the bible. I scratched my head, and said just a couple of things. About a month or year later, time flies, the subject came up again. This time I said nothing. Then about another year later, the subject came up a third time! So I thought to myself, maybe I better study this. So I bought a book about and for the ____, and someone else gave me a book giving me the opposite view about the ____. Both books had a lot of scripture supporting the views they were trying to get across. I got to wondering "What exactly makes a Christian a Christian?" What if I was raised in a Church that didn't believe in the ___, But they still believed Jesus is God, and that you had to give your life over to Jesus to be saved. Would I still be saved, just because I didn't affirm the ___?

I came across a thread about The Chosen. Some people think The Chosen is a well done Bible based show, while other people feel that The Chosen is dangerous because they don't have everything perfect to scripture. I saw all three seasons of The Chosen, once, and felt blessed by it. I tried to be somewhat critical of it, and yet I found enough good stuff in it. That I think the good outweighed what they got wrong with me. Then I got to thinking about other shows that were done based that were based on books. I can't think if any show based on a book that got everything right! I realize that the Bible is a lot more important, and yet we don't all interpret it the same. If I don't interpret a passage in the same way you do, does that mean I'm still saved? The point I am trying to make is, it feels like we are riding some kind of "Merry go round".

Last night I felt really upset, and I was trying to read an article about how God always blesses those who are obedient, and I was reading an article about "14 reasons why I won't watch the Chosen". Then I went to bed, and woke up thinking "I don't want to ride the Merry go round." Only God is perfect! Everything else in our lives has pros and cons. Cause we are not perfect we don't create things that are perfect.

I say all of this to tell you this: Today I was seriously tempted to delete my account, and leave! But where would I go? Yeah I've been here before. I guess getting off the Merry go round is not an option until Jesus takes me home.
Do not leave - you were/are a great blessing to me when i was in the hospital.

Just REST in Christ and His Love and Protection in your life.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to be your Guide as you read the scriptures.

Took me years of study and prayer to fight thru all the confusion in christianity today - it was worth it!
Now i am firmly grounded in the scriptures and can face any doctrinal dispute knowing that God's words are perfect - Prov 30:5-6

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Being angry at a person only means that you have not truly forgiven that person for their "trespasses" against you.

Really the issue lies with you. You first need to forgive the person. Then after truly forgiving the person their trespass against you, your anger towards that person will fade away.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
While I'm not 100 percent sure I agree with everything I just read, I DO appreciate that you took the time and effort to encourage me.

I'm sure you guys have heard of the saying. "It was the straw that broke the camels back". In other words someone loaded a camel with all kinds of goods and it got heavier and heavier until the camel could no longer hold the weight. In life sometimes things get so hard that we finally give up.

I read the rules to this website, and I understand that we are not to debate the ____. I need to mention the ____ but I'm not going to discuss it. I just want you all to hear out my story. Because I have a point that I NEED to make.

I was at work talking to the Kitchen Administrator, about some Christian stuff, and out of no where she tells me that she doesn't believe in the ____ because it is not in the bible. I scratched my head, and said just a couple of things. About a month or year later, time flies, the subject came up again. This time I said nothing. Then about another year later, the subject came up a third time! So I thought to myself, maybe I better study this. So I bought a book about and for the ____, and someone else gave me a book giving me the opposite view about the ____. Both books had a lot of scripture supporting the views they were trying to get across. I got to wondering "What exactly makes a Christian a Christian?" What if I was raised in a Church that didn't believe in the ___, But they still believed Jesus is God, and that you had to give your life over to Jesus to be saved. Would I still be saved, just because I didn't affirm the ___?

I came across a thread about The Chosen. Some people think The Chosen is a well done Bible based show, while other people feel that The Chosen is dangerous because they don't have everything perfect to scripture. I saw all three seasons of The Chosen, once, and felt blessed by it. I tried to be somewhat critical of it, and yet I found enough good stuff in it. That I think the good outweighed what they got wrong with me. Then I got to thinking about other shows that were done based that were based on books. I can't think if any show based on a book that got everything right! I realize that the Bible is a lot more important, and yet we don't all interpret it the same. If I don't interpret a passage in the same way you do, does that mean I'm still saved? The point I am trying to make is, it feels like we are riding some kind of "Merry go round".

Last night I felt really upset, and I was trying to read an article about how God always blesses those who are obedient, and I was reading an article about "14 reasons why I won't watch the Chosen". Then I went to bed, and woke up thinking "I don't want to ride the Merry go round." Only God is perfect! Everything else in our lives has pros and cons. Cause we are not perfect we don't create things that are perfect.

I say all of this to tell you this: Today I was seriously tempted to delete my account, and leave! But where would I go? Yeah I've been here before. I guess getting off the Merry go round is not an option until Jesus takes me home.
i also find it very unfortunate that this forum actually bans discussion on the FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT

It is a scandal and hopefully they re-examine their position and set new boundaries that include ELOHIM of Genesis and the Gospel.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
i also find it very unfortunate that this forum actually bans discussion on the FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT

It is a scandal and hopefully they re-examine their position and set new bouhas banned this discussionndaries that include ELOHIM of Genesis and the Gospel.
Hello David!
The Admin. had very good reason to ban this subject. It is not a permanent ban and when the Admin. decides it is time to re-open this very important subject we need to just be patient. The Admin. and mods. want to bring it back, but if it gets out of hand, and arguments and reports that the mods cannot handle as the were way more reports than Mods. It got out of hand. There is in boxing where you may discuss these things for now.
God bless you brother


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Just to clarify, I never meant to imply that I thought the ban on the ___ verses ___ was a bad thing. I felt that I had to bring up the topic due to what I got into at work, and how it helped me make the point I was going for.
I knew that brother. Just wanted David to know the ban was not going to be forever.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Hello David!
The Admin. had very good reason to ban this subject. It is not a permanent ban and when the Admin. decides it is time to re-open this very important subject we need to just be patient. The Admin. and mods. want to bring it back, but if it gets out of hand, and arguments and reports that the mods cannot handle as the were way more reports than Mods. It got out of hand. There is in boxing where you may discuss these things for now.
God bless you brother
Adminstration needs to contact me so that they have sound biblical parameters for those seeking the Truth and for those who seek to oppose the Truth(baseless arguments can be corralled).
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Adminstration needs to contact me so that they have sound biblical parameters for those seeking the Truth and for those who seek to oppose the Truth(baseless arguments can be corralled).
Okay. Perhaps they can explain it better although, it is in the rule book for you to peruse at your leisure.
@lforrest @Angelina @doughty


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
@David in NJ we are not looking for sound biblical parameters for those seeking the truth, we are giving members the opportunity to realise that if they want to participate in this forum, they need to treat others who have a different perspective re: ------- with respect. The policy was created to stop members from arguing, name calling and breaching forum rules.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Adminstration needs to contact me so that they have sound biblical parameters for those seeking the Truth and for those who seek to oppose the Truth(baseless arguments can be corralled).

And so does every other person who thinks like you. They too think that they should be contacted by the administration so that the administrators have the sound biblical parameters of the collected body of believers.

Is this not the problem that the administrators face? Everybody thinks that they have the answers and that they should be listened to.

Who would you put on the list of members to be consulted by the Administrators so that they receive the right counsel.

I would trust that the administrators have been carefully selected to provide a balanced perspective on what is actually posted so that they can act appropriately in all the issues that they face.

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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
@David in NJ we are not looking for sound biblical parameters for those seeking the truth, we are giving members the opportunity to realise that if they want to participate in this forum, they need to treat others who have a different perspectivr re: ------- with respect. The policy was created to stop members from arguing, name calling and breaching forum rules.
That is a very good Godly policy and it's called "sound biblical parameters".


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
@AlwaysOnAJourney You said: "What exactly makes a Christian a Christian?" What if I was raised in a Church that didn't believe in the ___, But they still believed Jesus is God, and that you had to give your life over to Jesus to be saved. Would I still be saved, just because I didn't affirm the ___?

A Christian is a follower of Christ. A new creation, who believes Christ's testimony about himself and recieves him (Jesus) as their personal Lord and savior.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Well I'm glad @AlwaysOnAJourney that you have found various ways to help you learn through your disability. I personally, do not invest my time in what others believe unless their sowing into my life has bought about divine revelation in a way that draws me closer to God. Trusted long time friends who are members of Christ and who have added value and insight in my walk with God.

In regards to this topic - it's a no brainer. If you have Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you have it all. Ie: No-one can come to the Father accept by him. He is the door to salvation and eternal life. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in all believers in (Christ). Salvation can only come by Jesus Christ....and I can go on
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